Demonstration of a catamaran made of composites at the Sredne-Nevsky shipyard: photo report. Marinek supplied automation and communication equipment for the Grifon catamaran

Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, USC) on October 19, 2017, within the framework of the III International Passenger Forum SmartTransport in St. Petersburg, presented the first passenger catamaran "Griffin" of project 23290 with access to the Neva water area, IAA PortNews correspondent reported. .

A demonstration of the catamaran, the hull of which is made of composite materials, took place as part of a round table on the topic: "Development of interregional water transport routes", the event was organized by the State Institution "External Transport Agency" (Committee for Transport of St. Petersburg).

At the event, the issues of the state and prospects for the development of passenger transportation routes by inland water transport and related infrastructure were considered.

SNSZ was engaged in the development and design of the passenger catamaran of project 23290.

The vessel was designed and built to the class of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, which makes it possible to transport passengers not only along rivers, but also in the coastal sea zone. The vessel is designed to transport 150 passengers. Vessel length - 25.7 m, beam - 9.03 m, draft - 1.5 m.

The design of the vessel was developed taking into account the peculiarities of operation in the water area of ​​the river. Neva and the Gulf of Finland, including taking into account the need to comply with the requirement for free clearance, which is 5.5 m and ensures the passage of the vessel under the bridges.

The cruising range of the vessel is 1000 km. Maximum speed - 29.5 knots. The catamaran can be operated at a wave height of 2 m (seaworthiness 4 points). In view of the lack of experience in certifying ships of similar classes, SNSZ, together with the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, developed requirements for materials and ships made from them. At the same time, during the design, composite materials and methods of their testing, rules for designing and calculating strength, the procedure for certification in the RS has been worked out.

Catamarans have good maneuverability, stay on course both forward and astern, are well controlled and well resist rolling on a calm or rough water surface.

Competitive advantages of the vessel in comparison with operated vessels of the "Meteor" type are: high seaworthiness, small (up to 1.5 m) draft, lower operating and maintenance costs, high speed, large passenger capacity, low noise level, maintainability, convenience, speed and safety of embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, comfortable accommodation of passengers in the cabin, modern finishing standards, the possibility of placing a bar-kiosk on board, which provides additional income for the vessel operator.

JSC Sredne-Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant is the leader of composite shipbuilding in Russia and the only enterprise in the country that has mastered the construction of ships and vessels from 4 types of materials: composite materials, shipbuilding, low-magnetic steel, aluminum-magnesium alloys. The company has mastered modern technology fabrication of structures from composite materials by vacuum infusion. For more than 100 years of work, the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard has built more than 500 ships and vessels, of which more than 200 units. these are sea and road minesweepers of various projects, including those exported to 13 countries of the world. Since 1937, the plant has essentially been a monopoly in the construction of domestic mine defense ships.

JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation is the largest shipbuilding company in Russia. Created in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2007 with 100% of the shares in federal ownership. The holding includes about 40 enterprises and organizations of the industry (the main shipbuilding and ship repair yards, leading design bureaus). Currently, most of the domestic shipbuilding complex is consolidated on the basis of USC. Russian market- the main one for the state corporation, which also exports its products to 20 countries of the world.

Marinek supplied automation and communication equipment for the Grifon catamaran

Passenger catamaran "Griffin" project 23290

Company Marinek proudly announces that the catamaran "Griffin" project 23290 was launched and made its first passenger flight. The development and construction of Griffin-type vessels is a step towards the gradual replacement of obsolete vessels in the Neva water area. Project 23290 was implemented by the Sredne-Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant, as well as a serious number of highly specialized contractors. Company Marinek took a direct part in the preparation of the catamaran for launching, providing the ship with modern radio communication equipment, signaling and identification means.

Especially for project 23290, a vessel automation system based on equipment was designed. The onboard computer has become the heart of the catamaran, which allows you to collect information from all ship systems and sensors thanks to the installed devices for collecting and processing information, both analog and discrete. Company Marinek not only developed the project, but also carried out the installation and commissioning of the equipment.

In addition to automation equipment, the Grifon catamaran was equipped with A1 area equipment, a system, identification signals of various types, as well as with aircraft and GDP. Communication devices and other related equipment installed on the catamaran are produced by well-known Russian and foreign companies: , Zenitel,

Composite passenger catamaran "Griffin" / Photo:

The first Russian passenger catamaran made of carbon fiber turned out to be 30% cheaper than foreign analogues. He claims to replace the "Meteor" on the routes to Peterhof, and even enter the line from St. Petersburg to Helsinki and Tallinn.

Petersburg shipbuilders on Thursday, October 19, rolled along the Neva a large delegation of shipowners and officials. For the first time, the public was shown a joint development with Rosnano - the only Russian passenger catamaran made of composite materials. Alcohol flowed like water, but none of the Russians have yet decided to buy an inexpensive, economical and fast ship. But the Cubans and Indians already want to buy the technology with might and main.

The village of Ponton in the Kolpinsky district, where the Sredne-Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant (SNSZ) is based, is a place seemingly far from innovation - not Silicon Valley at all. There are stalls along the road, a dull railway platform, from which a broken road goes to the checkpoint, where a woman of an unremarkable appearance sells honey right on the territory of the plant. Behind the fence are old workshops, broken lawns, battered warships languish at the quay wall, over which hang the same experienced Soviet cranes. And a snow-white catamaran 26 by 9 meters sways on the waves. The body is pure composite, no metal. Today he has his first flight with passengers - potential buyers.

While waiting for the departure, the Fontanka correspondent discussed the sudden technological breakthrough with one of the creators of the catamaran project (he asked not to be named). According to him, composites are actively used at the plant to create warships, and a civilian ship might never have been born, but the circumstances were fortunate: the government decided to write off the Meteors and Comets, which have been discontinued since the 1990s last century. In total, in Russia, according to the river register, there are almost 150 Meteors and Voskhods, of which 34 are assigned to St. Petersburg. They mainly work on the lines to Peterhof and Valaam. Their replacement is a promising market.

“A few years ago, a discussion began that the Comets and Meteors had worked out their service lives and infinitely extending their work is a road to nowhere. Therefore, it was decided to create an alternative,” the source explained.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade created the Preemption target program, and in 2012 SNSZ won a tender to build a 150-seat passenger catamaran with a composite hull. And in September 2017, the plant also received 150 million rubles from the St. Petersburg Industrial Development Fund to launch its production. Thus, it was possible to create the lead ship, which was called the Griffin.

Materials for the carbon fiber body were developed and supplied by Muscovites - the portfolio company of Rusnano - Prepreg-SKM. Anatoly Chubais came to see the results of cooperation at SNSZ. They say that they were satisfied: the carbon fiber body is not inferior in strength to metal counterparts, but it is better resistant to fatigue, resistant to action marine environment and much easier to repair and operate. The weight of the ship, in comparison with analogues made of metal, decreased by 10-30% and its strength increased by almost the same amount.

Due to this, the catamaran built at the SNSZ is distinguished by a small draft (up to 1.5 meters), while afloat at the Meteors it is 2.35 meters. The capacity of the vessel is also larger (150-200 people, depending on the modification) versus 116-128 passengers of the Meteor. The cruising range is also significantly higher: 1000 km compared to 600 km for the Meteors. The catamaran can be operated at sea waves up to 4 points without reducing the speed characteristics. In such weather conditions, it is simply dangerous for Meteora to rise on wings.

At the same time, unlike the Meteors, catamarans are easier to manage: two engines, spaced apart in two hulls, allow you to turn around almost on the spot. Such vessels have high stability and comfort for passengers due to less pitching.

But the speed of the Meteor is still higher - they accelerate to a maximum of 75-77 km per hour, and on average they are operated at speeds of 60-65 km per hour. The SNSZ catamaran, which is being created as a replacement, can stably maintain 50-60 km per hour. The plant assures that this is not a problem - when the Meteor approaches the pier, it slows down and becomes an ordinary ship:

“Meteor is faster at maximum speed, but this is not necessary for short distances - winning 3-4 minutes does not give anything,” he replied to the remark CEO SNSZ Vladimir Seredokho. - Just think, he will come not in 30, but in 33 minutes. But the cost and savings are completely different!

Another painful issue is buyers. A small catamaran costs, of course, not like a destroyer, but almost 300 million rubles. At the same time, the price of upgrading the Meteor, during which more economical engines are installed on it, ranges from 10 to 20 million rubles. After that, the service life of the hydrofoil is formally extended by 10-15 years. But if we talk about new catamarans, then the situation is more rosy:

“Abroad, similar catamarans are produced in Europe, Australia, Scandinavian countries,” said the director of the Fontanka plant. “But in this category, a similar European catamaran will cost 5-6 million euros, plus import duty, that is, 20-30% more expensive ".

In addition, there is a potential for price reduction, the main thing is to enter the series. If the ships start to be produced one after another, then the second in the series will cost at least 1.5 times cheaper, and the fourth and subsequent ones will cost twice as much to customers, they promise at the plant. One ship, taking into account the production and testing of the SNSZ, is built in 18 months. In parallel, work can be carried out on four similar projects.

As a representative of the Sredne-Nevsky Plant, who attended meetings with potential customers, told Fontanka, the city became interested in the development - Vice Governor Movchan offered to rent the Griffin for the duration of the World Cup. The option of using it in the Crimea and on the Tallinn-Helsinki line is being worked out, which the ship could cover on a par with the bus service. But foreigners have shown the greatest interest so far.

"The Cubans would potentially like to make four hulls for 250 passengers using our technology, which they want to purchase. They need ships to communicate with the islands. The Indian delegation also came with a similar interest," Fontanka's interlocutor explained. - You can learn technology quickly enough.

Russian buyers from the regions that Fontanka approached during the catamaran trip, on the contrary, could not say anything concrete about the plans of their organizations. Someone expressed hopes for leasing and preferential financing schemes, but so far only in words.

“Everyone is only interested so far,” the director admitted honestly. “People come to touch and see. Now a lot of things are painted beautifully, and buyers prefer to see the goods live first. Therefore, we will be holding presentations on the lead ship for the time being.

MOSCOW, edition, Ilya Kazakov