Improving the qualifications of nutrition specialists in schools. Organization of nutrition in kindergarten in modern conditions (72 hours)

The Moscow Government and the Moscow Education Committee are carrying out targeted work to form, preserve and strengthen the health of Moscow students.

To raise a healthy child, it is necessary to create all the conditions for his upbringing and development. Therefore, one of the main areas that determines a child’s health, his physical and mental development is the organization of high-quality nutrition for the younger generation.

The first thing that the Deputy Director for Social Protection creates is a commission for organizing catering. It includes:

  1. Representatives of the school administration.
  2. Parents.
  3. Members of the public.
  4. School students.
  5. Medical worker.

The commission has its own tasks:

1. Determination of the contingent of students who are entitled to free meals.

All decisions are made on the basis of submitted documents (application from parents, income certificates, pension certificate, certificate from the labor exchange, family examination report by the class teacher, etc.).

Children from large families, social services receive preferential free meals. Vulnerable families based on family income:

1. single mothers,
2. refugees and internally displaced persons,
3. disabled parents,
4. disabled children,
5. unemployed people registered at the labor exchange,
6. those who have lost their breadwinner,
7. divorced
8. guardians,
9. parents-full-time students,
10. retired parents,
11. military personnel,
12. exposed to radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant,
13. parents who are wanted or imprisoned.

2. Monitoring the organization of the children’s nutrition process and the quality of products (dietary regime, compliance with sanitary standards and rules.)

3. Public control over the implementation of the provisions of the contract concluded with the catering establishment for service.

4. Conducting educational work among students and parents.

5. Analysis of consumer demand among students.

6. Creation of a work plan for the commission, which is agreed upon with the administration of the educational institution. The results of all inspections are recorded in a journal and accompanied by acts, and commission meetings by protocols.

Documentation you must have.

  1. Orders and instructions, methodological recommendations of the Moscow Department of Education.
  2. Orders, instructions of the district education department.
  3. SANPiNs.
  4. Estimated food costs (from the Central Bank).
  5. Orders of the head of the school regarding catering:
    A) order on catering for the first half of the year;
    B) order on catering for the second half of the year;
    C) an order appointing someone responsible for organizing catering at the school;
    G) functional responsibilities person responsible for nutrition (approved by the director of the educational institution);
    D) additional orders when the student population changes during the academic year (departure, transfer from another school, etc.)
  6. A tripartite agreement concluded between the education department, the school and the food factory.
  7. Regulations on the commission for monitoring the organization and quality of meals for students (approved by the pedagogical council).
  8. Work plan of the commission for monitoring the organization and quality of food.
  9. Production control program.
  10. Reports of inspections of the school catering unit by the commission for control over catering (Control Journal).
  11. Minutes of meetings of the commission for control over catering.
  12. Lists of beneficiaries of the reserve personnel (+ documents).
  13. Lists of students from large and socially vulnerable families who belong to the preferential category.
  14. Availability of a system for determining lists of students receiving free meals (parental applications, family survey reports, certificates, certificates, etc.)
  15. Documents on studying the consumer demand of students, their parents and employees of an educational institution (surveys, questionnaires).
  16. Documents on working with the parent community.
  17. Organization of educational work among students and their parents on the basics of rational nutrition and improving nutritional culture.
  18. Documents on conducting screening examinations of the physical condition of students who use and do not use organized meals.

Documents at the catering unit.

  1. Copies of an approximate 20-day menu.
  2. Assortment list buffet products sold for cash, invoices, price list, price tags.
  3. Product delivery schedule.
  4. Rejection journal finished and raw products.
  5. Medical records of catering workers and drivers.
  6. Technological maps.
  7. Instructions for observing sanitary and hygienic rules when processing and preparing food.
  8. “Health” magazine (admission of catering department employees to work).
  9. Invoices for incoming products (production and sales dates).
  10. Audit log (records of food department inspectors).
  11. Visual information (canteen operating schedule, information about the enterprise that serves the school, a copy of the food establishment’s license, daily menu, price list for canteen products, etc.)

To complete the attendance sheet at the end of the month, a visit log is kept every day.

Financial reports on nutrition (attendance sheets, acts, summary statements) are prepared monthly, copies of which must also be kept by the person responsible for nutrition.

APPENDIX No. 1 provides you with samples of completed timesheet forms, acts and summary statements, which can be filled out electronically.

In APPENDIX No. 2 you will find blank forms ready to be filled out. Detailed instructions for filling out are on the first page of the Appendix. If you only need blank forms that you will fill out by hand, then in the acts, remove the formulas in the selected cells, and also remove the fill color. But remember, by deleting a formula, you will no longer be able to count on automatic data calculation.

Of course, our work can be improved, protection can be added to the forms, etc.

2. Regulatory and methodological support for the activities of school catering enterprises. Regulation of product production through specialized technical documentation.

3. Civil issues of organizing school meals. Basic business contracts. Personnel policy and regulation labor relations. Occupational Safety and Health. Protecting the interests of school catering enterprises in conflicts with tax services, Rospotrebnadzor and other regulatory authorities. Legitimate ways to optimize purchasing activities and reduce production costs. Comments on Federal law No. 94-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs” and its latest amendments. Rules for participation in auctions, tenders.

4. Requirements for the quality of food for schoolchildren: balance, energy intensity, taste. Recommended menu. Organization of dietary nutrition for children, including for medical reasons. Providing a balanced diet for children. A new generation of school food products. The role of vitamins and micronutrients. Dietary supplements, probiotics and prebiotics: the possibility of their use in the nutrition of schoolchildren. Genetically modified food sources.

5. Providing effective system quality control and product safety. Medical and hygienic approaches to nutrition of schoolchildren. Current sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic requirements for nutrition of schoolchildren. Epidemiological safety of the school canteen. Environmental aspects and food safety of students. Introduction of a centralized production control system, including the use of laboratory and instrumental control methods.

6. Food safety management system based on HACCP (HACCP) and group of standards 22000. Comments on ISO 22000:2005 “Food safety management systems. Requirements for an organization participating in the food chain" and GOST R ISO 22000-2007 "Food safety management systems. Requirements for organizations participating in the food production chain”; recommendations for the implementation of ISO 22000/HACPP standards.

7. Centralized production of school food products as a guarantee of full production, financial control and quality control at all stages of production.

8. Comprehensive equipment of school catering enterprises: food plant - school catering unit - school canteen. Implementation experience innovative technologies and implementation of an industrial approach to organizing school meals.

9. Modern technologies organizing meals for students in educational institutions: experience of St. Petersburg.

  • Optimization of technological processes.
  • Automation and software planning, accounting and control of nutrition in an educational institution.
  • Optimal logistics schemes for the delivery of semi-finished products and finished products to school canteens.

10. Material and technical base modern enterprise school meals.

  • Exploitation production lines for the formation of semi-finished products and automated lines for their production; multifunctional cutting units; combinations like “Cook and Chill” and “Cook and Freeze”; multifunctional thermal chambers for the production of ready meals; automated lines for preparing and aseptically filling soups; packaging equipment, etc.
  • Use of highly efficient equipment technologies (low-temperature boiling, vacuum digestion, defrosting, pasteurization, autoclaving, vacuum carbonation, fortification of products).
  1. Basic principles of organization...

More about the program

  1. Regulatory and legal support for the organization of school meals. Parents' rights to control catering arrangements.
  2. Conclusion of a state contract for the provision of catering services for students and pupils in public organizations. Interaction with the food processing plant: monitoring the quality of services provided.
  3. Organization of the work of the School Nutrition Council, operating according to the principles of HACCP.
  4. Sanitary requirements to the organization of catering facilities in educational and preschool organizations. Organization of the buffet. The main violations recorded by supervisory authorities.
  5. Features of the requirements of SanPiN and
  6. The procedure for financing, estimates, reconciliation reports and reports on the expenditure of funds.
  7. Organization of catering unit repairs. Request for quotes. Purchasing documentation for the repair of the school catering unit.
  8. Selection of catering equipment. Selection, preparation, use and storage of disinfectants.
  9. Basic principles of catering in preschool educational institutions.
  10. Sanitary requirements for summer camps. Catering in summer health institutions.
  11. Responsibilities of medical personnel. Requirements for canteen workers (compliance with the professional standard “Cook”).

Based on the results of control and supervisory activities in March-April 2016, Rospotrebnadzor identified gross violations to ensure appropriate conditions for learning and organizing meals for children in educational organizations. As before, a larger percentage of violations identified in public organizations were recorded in the organization of children’s meals.

The list of violations includes:

  • detection of coliform bacteria in ready meals;
  • acceptance of products to catering units without accompanying documents confirming their quality and safety;
  • non-fulfillment (underestimation) of nutritional standards;
  • unsatisfactory quality of drinking water supply.
  • non-compliance with temperature conditions for storing products;
  • storage of expired products and use of products homemade;
  • acceptance and storage of food products without documents and information certifying the quality and safety of products;
  • incorrectly composed menu;
  • failure to comply with the requirements for fortification of dishes;
  • faulty ventilation, damp and moldy walls in catering units;
  • unsatisfactory condition of kitchen and table equipment;
  • allowing employees to work in catering units without timely completion of periodic medical examination and information about preventive vaccinations.

The reports of Rospotrebnadzor also note that the sanitary and technical condition of some educational institutions remains unsatisfactory and does not meet the requirements for the institution’s readiness for the start of the new academic year.

These violations are the basis for issuing orders to the heads of PAs by Rospotrebnadzor authorities.

In order to ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being and protect the rights of consumers, ensure the admission of children on time, preserve and strengthen the health of children in summer health institutions, Rospotrebnadzor specialists call on the heads of summer health institutions to take comprehensive measures to intensify work on the preparation of summer health institutions.
At the same time, all responsibility for violations falls on the heads of public organizations and preschool educational institutions, who often cannot independently understand the variety of legal requirements and innovations.

You can find answers to your questions, prepare for a meeting with regulatory authorities, and also get expert advice by taking part in distance course advanced training.

Remember that in accordance with Part 7 of Art. 28 of the Law on Education No. 273-FZ, an educational organization is responsible for established by law Russian Federation order for the life and health of students and workers educational organization! Training order

Training takes place remotely and consists of lectures in PDF format. Lectures are sent to the email address specified in the application. Each lecture is accompanied by self-test questions, the answers to which students receive with the next lecture. At the end of the training, a mandatory final test is conducted. Without successfully passing the test, obtaining an education document is impossible.

During the training, students have the opportunity to ask the expert questions about the lecture materials and situations from their practice.

The application form for training that you send to us is both an application and letter of guarantee. You just need to put the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the organization on it. By sending such an application, you will be able to complete the training before paying for the course. The course of lectures will be sent according to the schedule specified in the form.

We offer you a unique opportunity to gain knowledge on the course you are interested in without urgent prepayment.


In accordance with the requirements of Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, for enrollment in a group studying for advanced training courses under the additional training program vocational education You must provide us with a copy (scan) of your diploma of higher or secondary vocational education.
If you do not have such a diploma, then upon completion of the training you will receive a certificate (certificate) of completion of the course.

  • The program includes: practice of implementing legal requirements, technical regulations TS, HACCP (HACCP) principles in terms of ensuring the quality and food safety of baby food production in accordance with the new version of the ISO 22000:2018 standard. Modern methods organizing nutrition for children and youth and selling baby food products, taking into account the requirements of quality standards and food safety

    For managers of food factories and production managers, technologists, managers and specialists in quality and food safety, organizers of nutrition for children and youth, those responsible for nutrition in educational institutions and the social sphere, internal auditors and members of the HACCP group, managers and specialists of food product testing laboratories and food raw materials, all interested specialists

    Short description

    Key course topics:

    • Modern methods of producing baby food products aimed at reducing production costs, improving the quality and safety of food.
    • Legislation and regulations, establishing requirements for ensuring the quality and safety of food for children and youth.
    • Practice of implementing the requirements of the CU TR for food products, transition to a new version of the ISO 22000:2018 standard “Food Safety Management System (FSMS)”, ISO/22002-1 (PAS 220), HACCP principles. Preparation for certification. Practice of internal audits of production processes.
    • Requirements to technological processes and equipment, raw materials, components and recipes for baby food.
    • Production control in the production of baby food. Control of the sanitary and epidemiological regime. Workshop on developing a sanitation program.
    • Laboratory control. Types of research, organization of the research process, sampling, documentation.
    • Practical recommendations for passing inspections by control and supervisory authorities for compliance with the quality and food safety of enterprises providing food for children, and mandatory for Food Industry food safety management systems.

    Visit to a food processing plant in St. Petersburg.

  • Organization of production of baby food products

    • Modern technologies for organizing the production of baby food products. Material support. Organization of production and sale of culinary products in catering units of various types. Industrial methods of producing culinary products for feeding children. Modern forms services in organizing baby food.
    • Methods for automating production and trading processes at a children's nutrition enterprise. Organization of service using vending machines. Experience in implementing a non-cash payment system (schoolchildren cards). Electronic account Nutrition Responsible: electronic applications, attendance sheet, accounting of preferential categories, automatic generation of reports based on dining room visit data. Trade control system, nutrition coverage and sales accounting.
    • Basic requirements for the organization of nutrition for children and adolescents, in the context of current requirements of the regulatory framework and modern achievements of nutrition science. Value and regulation of nutrient content. Grocery set for children's nutrition, food groups. Children's diet and diet formation. The concept of nutrition-dependent diseases. Principles of dietary nutrition for children and adolescents, including for medical reasons. Programs for the prevention of diseases associated with poor quality food.
    • Recommendations for implementing the requirements for raw materials, components and formulations of baby food. Raw materials and components permitted and prohibited for use in the production of baby food. Implementation of the requirements of SanPiN, SanPiN, SanPiN, SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for water supply and sewerage for baby food production.

    Modern regulatory and technical documentation of a baby food enterprise

    • Implementation of Federal Law and Regulations requirements Government of the Russian Federation, national and interstate standards, sanitary rules and norms, technological standards. TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products”, TR CU 007/2011 “On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents”. Responsibility of enterprises operating in the field of production and distribution of baby food products to ensure their quality and safety.
    • Transition to a new version of the ISO 22000:2018 standard“Food safety management systems (FSMS). Requirements for organizations participating in the food production chain.”
    • Practice of implementing the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union for food products, production processes (manufacturing). Regulatory and technical documentation and new sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of children's nutrition in educational and social institutions.
    • Implementation international standards food safety and certification schemes. Review of the requirements of ISO 22000 standards as amended, ISO/22002-1 (PAS 220) and technical regulations of the Customs Union for food products. Practice of FSMS implementation.
    • Implementation of the HACCP plan. Workshop on developing a HACCP plan: creation of a working group of auditors, analysis of hazardous factors, determination of control points, documentation of HACCP and FSMS. Conducting internal audits of FSMS based on the requirements of the standards. Preparation for assessment of the production FSMS for compliance with the HACCP principles.
    • Preparation for inspections for compliance with the FSMS of those providing food for children. Procedure for verifying the food safety management system mandatory for the food industry. Sanitary and epidemiological examination. Technical documentation. Practical and guidelines Rospotrebnadzor.

    Control system for the production and sale of baby food products

    • Production control program. Planning, order and frequency. Food safety quality monitoring system.
    • Workshop on developing a sanitation program production and sale of baby food products. Composition of the documentation of the sanitary and hygienic program. Laboratory control.
  • Course presenters:

    The course is taught by expert practitioners in the field of food safety and nutrition, including for children. The course is taught by: an expert in preparing food enterprises for inspections by regulatory authorities; Teachers of the Higher School of Biotechnology and Food Technologies, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of Organizational Programs Catering and on sites social sphere; Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, co-author of books on nutrition for children and adolescents; chemist-technologist, expert in the development of a sanitary and hygienic program for the production and sale of baby food products; technologist, author of books, training manager, public catering expert with extensive experience in organizing public catering enterprises of various types.

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