What are the principles of hascp haccp. Implementation of the HACCP system in a food enterprise: a sample plan. What is hasp

Main goals and principles of HACCP

The main goal of the HACCP Food Safety System is to prevent the release of potentially hazardous products.

For public catering enterprises in Russia, mandatory HACCP system came recently - since February 2015, all restaurants, cafes, canteens and other points Catering are required to implement and maintain a food safety system based on principles of HACCP (HACCP).

Our specialists have been trained in certified centers and are ready to assist in the development and implementation of the System at your enterprise. We have experience in implementing the System at enterprises in various regions. Also, we have a unique package for self-implementation "TURNKEY HACCP", with which you can easily develop and implement HACCP at your enterprise ().

Most of the managers of catering enterprises in Russia are not familiar with the HACCP system, and the information on the Internet on this topic is very often not up-to-date and simply rewritten from other sources, so let's try to deal with the main issues of HACCP implementation.

In principle, such a system is now in every self-respecting catering enterprise. The manager (director, technologist, chef) monitors the quality of incoming products (raw materials), controls the output dishes ( appearance, organoleptic), the storekeeper monitors the storage conditions and expiration dates. Also, there should be a production control program, according to which finished products are examined, various sanitary parameters are controlled ...

HACCP is, in fact, the same system, only ordered, designed in accordance with GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements” or ISO 22000-2007 “Food safety management systems. Requirements for any organizations in the food chain".

The documents of the HACCP System, which are developed by the catering company, clearly spell out all possible hazards (Checkpoints and Critical Control Points) that must be controlled at all stages of food production - from the acceptance of raw materials, to the issuance or packaging of dishes or food. For example, receiving products from a supplier is a Critical Control Point (CCP). At this stage, the appearance, condition of the package, transportation conditions, organoleptic properties, availability of documentation from the supplier, expiration dates are controlled. For each CCP, a HACCP worksheet is drawn up, which specifies what is specifically controlled, who controls what parameters, what the employee does, in case of a discrepancy ...

Basic concepts and provisions of HACCP (ISO 22000)

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points): the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system and the measures for the application of this system developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Food safety (food safety): The concept that food will not cause harm to the consumer if it is prepared and/or eaten according to its intended purpose.

Food chain: The sequence of stages and operations used in the production, processing, distribution, storage and handling of food and its ingredients, from primary production to consumption.

Food safety hazard: A biological, chemical or physical substance contained in a food, or the condition of a food, that has the potential to cause an adverse human health effect.

Food safety policy: The general intentions and direction of an organization that are relevant to food safety (see 3.1) formally declared by top management.

End product (end product): Products that will not undergo any further processing or transformation by the organization.

Technological scheme (flow diagram): Schematic system representation of the sequence and interaction of stages.

Control measure: Any food safety action or activity that can be performed to prevent, eliminate, or reduce to an acceptable level a food safety hazard

Prerequisite program (PRP): basic conditions and activities to ensure food safety, which are necessary to maintain hygienic conditions at all stages of the food production chain

Critical control point: The food safety phase in which it is important to implement a control measure to prevent, eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level a food safety hazard (see 3.3).

Critical limit: A criterion to distinguish between acceptability and unacceptability.

Validation: Obtaining a food safety certificate confirming that the control measures are capable of being effective.

Verification: Confirmation of compliance with specified requirements through the provision of objective evidence

Updating (updating): Action taken immediately and/or planned to ensure that the most up-to-date information is used.

Question-answer on the Food Safety System

QUESTION: What is the HACCP Food Safety System?
ANSWER: Translated from English (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) - risk analysis and critical control points, i.e. a concept that provides for the systematic identification, assessment and management of hazards that significantly affect product safety. In other words, this is a system of documents, enterprise standards, instructions, rules, orders, etc., as well as a monitoring and control system aimed at reducing the risks of safe products.

QUESTION: Are catering establishments obliged to implement the HACCP Food Safety System?
ANSWER: Yes, HACCP must be introduced from 2015 at all catering establishments. On July 1, 2013, the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR TS 021/2011 "On food safety" came into force, establishing for enterprises Food Industry, including for public catering enterprises, the need to develop, implement and support procedures based on the principles of HACCP (HACCP).
We and our colleagues have repeatedly consulted with Rospotrebnadzor and lawyers on this issue, and the answer has always been unequivocal - TR TS 021/2011 applies, among other things, to catering establishments, regardless of their size, type and other factors.
In addition, if a public catering enterprise provides services without a HACCP System, in accordance with the Code of the Russian Federation “On Administrative Offenses” No. 195-F3 (Article 14.43), an administrative penalty will be imposed on the manager.
Repeated commission of the specified offense during the year entails the imposition of an administrative fine of 700 thousand rubles. up to 1 million with confiscation of objects of an administrative offense, or suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

QUESTION: I have a small cafe where only two chefs work. Do I also need to implement the HACCP system?
ANSWER: Yes, you also need to develop and implement the HACCP System. In your case, the security system may be a little simpler than that of a large enterprise, but the implementation of HACCP for catering is mandatory in any case.

QUESTION: I was told that my food business must obtain a Certificate of Conformity of the HACCP System to GOST. Is it really true?
ANSWER: No, HACCP certification in our country is voluntary. However, in some cases, for example, if you supply products to large retail chains, the presence of the HACCP Certificate is a condition for joining this network.

QUESTION: Do you issue a HACCP certificate?
ANSWER: Certification is carried out by our partners. You can order certification at competitive prices and get expert advice directly on our website.

When is a HACCP certificate required?

HACCP certification in our country is voluntary. In some cases (as a rule, this does not apply to catering establishments), large retail chains require a HACCP certificate if you supply products to them. But, we should not forget that the presence of a certificate can have a positive impact on the inspectors.

Benefits of ISO 22000 certificate holders

As mentioned above, holders of the HACCP certificate according to ISO 22000-2007 will be able to supply their products to federal retail chains. The presence of the HACCP Certificate is not proof that the HACCP System has been implemented and is working at your enterprise.

Unfortunately, there are often times when having a HACCP certificate has brought more problems than benefits to a restaurant. There are many sites on the Internet that offer ISO 22000 HACCP Certificates in 1-3 days and at minimal prices. It is possible that such a certificate will be quite legal, registered in the registry, but in fact, the HACCP System will not be implemented at a catering enterprise. Having received such a "certificate", you will waste your money.

When the company undergoes an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor (scheduled or unscheduled), your company will be checked in many ways. For inspectors, Rospotrebnadzor has even developed special Guidelines (MP 5.1 Methodological approaches to organizing the assessment of production processes). You must have all the necessary documents, magazines with up-to-date dates, checklists, HACCP worksheets ... And, of course, the enterprise must comply with the basic Sanitary Rules and the requirements of the Technical Regulation TR CU 021-2011.

If you simply present the HACCP Certificate to the inspectors, and in fact the HACCP System is not implemented, except for a fine for the lack of HACCP, you risk being held liable for misleading consumers.

What does the implementation of the ISO 22000-2007 HACCP system include

The HACCP food safety system consists of two interrelated stages:

Stage 1 - Scientific and technical documentation. For the enterprise, Enterprise Standards (STP), Instructions, Guidelines, Orders, Regulations, Forms are being developed ... This is a large amount of preliminary work on which the further functioning of the system depends, but this work is performed once, and in the future can only be slightly adjusted if necessary.

Stage 2 - Continuous monitoring, control, filling in various journals, acts, etc. Without this, the HACCP System will not function. The presence of completed documentation (records) + developed NTD is proof of the application of the Food Safety System at your enterprise

You must understand that in order to develop and implement the System, your enterprise must comply with at least the basic norms of the Technical Regulations, or the Sanitary Rules. Separation of technological operations, elimination of the intersection of raw materials and finished products, a sufficient amount of refrigeration equipment and storage facilities for separate storage of ingredients…

At the moment, the requirements for catering establishments are most accurately described in the Sanitary Rules SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover in them of food products and food raw materials.". Generalized wording and requirements - in TR TS 021/2011 "On food safety".

If you do not follow the basic rules, and your enterprise does not comply with the standards in any way, it is pointless to develop and implement the HACCP system.

The procedure for the implementation of the HACCP System (HACCP)

1. If you have decided to implement the Food Safety System, fill out the Questionnaire for an accurate calculation of the cost of work and deadlines.

2. After receiving the Questionnaire, we will calculate the cost and call you to clarify the details and conclude an agreement. If necessary (as agreed with you), a specialist will visit your site

3. After the conclusion of the contract, we begin to develop the necessary preliminary documents (as a rule, this stage is performed remotely), namely:

  • Food Safety System Manual - 80 pages
  • Enterprise Standard - Document Management - 19 pages
  • Enterprise Standard - Records Management - 13 pages
  • Enterprise Standard - Internal Reviews -14 pages
  • Enterprise Standard - Management of nonconforming (potentially hazardous) products -11 pages
  • Enterprise Standard - Seizure of Dangerous Goods and Investigation of Incidents - 8 pages
  • Production Control Program - 9 pages
  • Risk Analysis and HACCP Plan Development Procedure - 60 pages
  • Order on the development and implementation of a food safety management system based on the principles of HACCP - 2 pages
  • Schedule of the project for the implementation of the HACCP system - 2 pages
  • Food Safety Policy - 2 pages
  • Regulations on the establishment of the Working Group - 4 pages
  • Regulations on the Head of the working group on product safety - 4 pages
  • Instruction "Sanitary requirements for personal hygiene of the organization's personnel" - 2 pages
  • Instruction "Requirements for equipment, inventory, utensils and containers" - 3 pages
  • Instruction "Requirements for transportation, acceptance and storage of raw materials, food products" - 3 pages
  • Instruction "Requirements for the processing of raw materials and production of products" - 4 pages
  • Instruction "Requirements for the distribution of dishes and the release of semi-finished products and culinary products" - 3 pages
  • Instruction "Sanitary requirements for the production of confectionery products with cream" - 4 pages
  • Instruction "Conditions and terms of storage of perishable products" - 9 pages
  • Instruction "On the procedures for cleaning, disinfection, disinfestation and deratization" - 2 pages
  • Instruction "On the use of sodium hypochlorite solution for disinfection purposes" - 2 pages
  • Instructions for calibration (verification) of measuring equipment - 2 pages
  • Instructions on the actions of personnel in case of emergency - 2 pages
  • Brakerage magazine - 50 pages
  • Food Inspection Journal - 50 pages
  • Magazine General Cleaning Schedule - 50 pages
  • Journal of Disinfection - 50 pages
  • Frying Fats Journal - 50 pages
  • Journal of receipt and expenditure of disinfectants and disinfection work at the facility - 20 pages
  • Health Journal - 13 pages
  • Refrigeration Temperature Record Book - 13 pages
  • Room temperature and humidity logbook - 13 pages
  • Journal of visual production control - 50 pages
  • Food Sample Record Book - 25 pages
  • Journal of Write-off of finished products with expired shelf life - 50 pages
  • Journal of verification of measuring equipment - 6 pages

Examples of documents contained in the "TURNKEY HACCP" package

This is a fairly large stage of our work, material that takes up more than 300 printed pages in total. Documents are developed for your company, your features, product range, layout and many other factors are taken into account.

In the course of work, we cooperate with you, communicate, ask questions, and create a unique system for monitoring critical control points.
You receive the material in electronic format, in Word format, or rtf. All documents will contain your details, responsible employees, etc. You just have to print the documents, approve, certify with a seal, and keep the necessary control logs, in accordance with our recommendations.

In the process of sending documents, we advise on documentation, systematization and implementation of the HACCP System.

4. When all the documents of the HACCP System have been developed and submitted to you, we conduct training via Skype or send a specialist to you to audit and assist in the implementation of the System.

Implementation of the HACCP Food Safety System - not so technical difficult process as it might seem at first glance. We will do the most complex and large amount of work (development of all preliminary documents). All that remains for you is the function of monitoring and control, i.e. in fact, what every head of a catering enterprise does now, but with the introduction of the HACCP System, this process becomes truly planned, orderly and systemic.

The undoubted benefit from the implementation of the HACCP System is that it disciplines employees, allows you to produce safe products and ensures the loyalty and trust of your customers. Also, the availability of all control logs and the current HACCP System is a big plus for Rospotrebnadzor inspections, both scheduled and (and especially) unscheduled.

The cost of work on the development and implementation of the HACCP System at a public catering enterprise

Full package development required documents, in accordance with GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements", and consultations on the implementation Turnkey systems - from 20 thousand rubles, and a package for self-implementation is much cheaper (). Development times may vary depending on many factors. On average, we prepare documents within 10 days. Urgent development is also possible.

Departure of a specialist to your enterprise - (in addition to the cost of developing the HACCP System) - 10,000 rubles / working day + compensation for travel and accommodation. Usually, a specialist is sent to your enterprise for an initial audit (production assessment) for 1-2 business days, and then, after the development of preliminary documents, to assist in the actual implementation of the system (from two to ten business days). Departure of a specialist is not mandatory, but desirable, for better work on the implementation of the System.

To calculate the exact cost and deadlines, please fill in nketu , and click Submit. We will receive your application for email and we will definitely answer you.

If you have the opportunity to independently prepare all the HACCP documents, but you do not know how to do it, we can offer you a Package of documents for the independent development of the HACCP System. In this case, you purchase document templates that you fill out yourself. Working with documents is easy, because. There is detailed instructions by filling. However, this should be done by a person who knows your production well (chef, production manager, technologist ...).

More than 220 organizations have already used our services for the development of the HACCP System. You can read reviews about our work.

If you have any questions, please email us or call us during business hours. Our contacts .

Cost and terms of certification

HACCP certification for catering establishments in Russia and other countries customs union our partners are doing Certification and Standardization Agency (Moscow). The Agency employs more than 70 experienced experts who will help you process more than 60 various kinds documentation (Certificates of conformity, Specifications, HACCP certificate...). For several years of work, there are more than 3,000 clients among the Agency's clients, including Auchan, Magnit, Metro Cash & Carry, Pepsico, Unilever and other well-known companies.

The agency certifies products of any complexity and bears full responsibility for the legitimacy of documents, terms of execution and competence of employees.

Currently, restaurateurs have been bombarded with proposals for HACCP certification, which is allegedly mandatory. The decision, of course, is made by everyone.

In large restaurant companies and chains with kitchen factories and complex logistics, the identification of critical control points and the implementation of HACCP principles, I think, are justified. And in this case, quality management certification can be very, very useful. But not for the sake of obtaining a certificate, but voluntarily, consciously, with a clear understanding of what specific result we want to get in terms of safety for the consumer.

There is a conclusion of some lawyers who not only incorrectly interpret the Technical Regulations "On Food Safety", but, I would say, deliberately distort it.

The most acute issue is the speculative reading of Article 10 "Ensuring the safety of food products in the process of its production (manufacturing), storage, transportation (transportation), sale."

Neither the article itself as a whole, nor its individual provisions establish the need for mandatory certification of an enterprise according to the principles of HACCP.

All procedures described in part 3 are integral part both the design stage of the catering enterprise, and the subsequent stage of its operation.

Moreover, almost all of those mentioned in Part 3 Technical Regulations the principles are, in my opinion, an integral part of the current Sanitary Rules, which impose very detailed requirements for production processes and control over them.

The company "Vladivostok without insects" will perform the entire range of works on disinsection (destruction of insects: bugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, etc.), deratization (destruction of rodents: rats, moles, mice), disinfection (destruction of fungus and mold, viruses, microbes , bacteria) and deodorization (elimination of odors).

We work with individuals(disinfection of apartments, cottages), and with organizations (disinfection of catering establishments, hotels, offices, production, change houses, etc.). For organizations provided subscription service. We are also working on open area: lawns, adjoining territories, ponds, green spaces, etc.

An entrepreneur working in the field of public catering, guided by the above Sanitary Rules, and so performs the necessary amount of work to ensure product safety. After all Sanitary regulations is a document based on the critical control points identified during supervision. Temperature of products in production, sequence of operations, requirements for personnel, secondary contamination, requirements for raw materials and their acceptance, control of finished products and deep-fried - this is everything that underlies the principles of both HACCP and the Sanitary Rules.

The most significant difference is that the Sanitary Rules give standard solutions for predetermined points, and within the framework of HACCP it is supposed to determine these points, provide for deviation ranges, work out options for actions in case of discrepancy, etc.

I repeat, the basic critical control points for catering have long been known and worked out. Follow the Sanitary Rules, build the right production control - and all food safety issues will be resolved.

At the same time, we should not forget that at present, the emphasis in the development of public catering, as in business in general, is on stimulating the opening of small, family businesses, as well as on the development of self-employment. On this kind enterprises, the number of personnel is very limited, from three to ten people, and with strict observance of both the Sanitary Rules and the HACCP principles laid down in them, it is incorrect to impose requirements on them similar to large enterprises with laboratories and specialized services.

Moreover, for small and medium-sized businesses, HACCP certification of enterprises is an additional financial burden, and a very serious one, which is unacceptable in the current economic situation.

Instead of working to work, we have those who seek to make money on those who really do this very thing. And these, mind you, are not officials, who are sometimes just feuilleton figures. These are “businessmen”, in our case “businessmen” from HACCP. Without quotes, I'm sorry, I can't, because a new "business" is rising on this fertile ground.

HACSP OR SANPIN? Alexander Ivanov (Vice-President of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers) explains why catering establishments do not require HACCP certification Currently, restaurateurs are bombarded with proposals for HACCP certification, which is supposedly mandatory. The decision, of course, is made by everyone. In large restaurant companies and chains with kitchen factories and complex logistics, the identification of critical control points and the implementation of HACCP principles, I think, are justified. And in this case, quality management certification can be very, very useful. But not for the sake of obtaining a certificate, but voluntarily, consciously, with a clear understanding of what specific result we want to get in terms of safety for the consumer. Food safety, or is there HACCP in Russia There is a conclusion of some lawyers who not only misinterpret the Technical Regulations "On Food Safety", but, I would say, deliberately distort it. The most acute issue is the speculative reading of Article 10 "Ensuring the safety of food products in the process of its production (manufacturing), storage, transportation (transportation), sale." Let's read what is written in the law! All the procedures described in Part 3 are an integral part of both the design stage of the catering establishment and the subsequent stage of its operation. Moreover, practically all the principles specified in part 3 of the Technical Regulations are, in my opinion, an integral part of the current Sanitary Rules, which impose very detailed requirements for production processes and control over them. An entrepreneur working in the field of public catering, guided by the above Sanitary Rules, and so performs the necessary amount of work to ensure product safety. After all, the Sanitary Rules are a document based on critical control points identified during supervision. The temperature of the products in production, the sequence of operations, the requirements for personnel, secondary contamination, the requirements for raw materials and their acceptance, the control of finished products and deep fats - this is all that underlies the principles of both HACCP and the Sanitary Rules. The most significant difference is that the Sanitary Rules provide standard solutions for predetermined points, while HACCP is supposed to determine these points, provide for deviation ranges, work out options for actions in case of non-compliance, etc. I repeat, the basic critical control points for catering have long been known and worked out. Follow the Sanitary Rules, build the right production control - and all food safety issues will be resolved. At the same time, we should not forget that at present, the emphasis in the development of public catering, as in business in general, is on stimulating the opening of small, family businesses, as well as on the development of self-employment. At such enterprises, the number of personnel is very limited, from three to ten people, and with strict observance of both the Sanitary Rules and the HACCP principles laid down in them, it is incorrect to impose requirements on them similar to large enterprises with laboratories and specialized services. Moreover, for small and medium-sized businesses, HACCP certification of enterprises is an additional financial burden, and a very serious one, which is unacceptable in the current economic situation. Instead of working to work, we have those who seek to make money on those who really do this very thing. And these, mind you, are not officials, who are sometimes just feuilleton figures. These are “businessmen”, in our case “businessmen” from HACCP. Without quotes, I'm sorry, I can't, because a new "business" is rising on this fertile ground.

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Application HACCP requirements at catering establishments

possibility of cleaning and
Activities for
fight against

GOST R 56746-2015/ISO/TS 22002-2:2013
Prerequisite Programs
on food safety.
Part 2. Catering
4. General Prerequisite Programs
4.1 Layout of the premises
4.2 Water supply
4.3 Equipment and production inventory
4.4 Personal hygiene
4.5 Purchasing management
4.6 Storage and transport
4.7 Cleaning and disinfection
4.8 Waste management
4.9 Pest and animal control
4.10 Command and control
4.11 Documentation and record keeping
4.12 Product recall procedure
5. Special Prerequisite Programs
5.1 Defrost
5.2 Preparation
5.3 Culinary processing.
5.4 Portioning
5.5 Cooling and storage
5.6 Freezing, storage and defrosting
5.7 Transport
5.8 Reheating food
5.9 Dispensing ready meals
5.10 Identification and hygiene control system

As a result of the implementation of the MRP, a
a work environment in which
hazards are minimized.
These programs follow:
carefully develop,
control the progress of implementation
maintain relevant documentation
check their effectiveness and
constantly improve.
Internal audit checklists can be developed.




The air temperature in the production halls does not correspond to
requirements of SP, namely the temperature +160С - in
areas where portioning of prepared dishes is carried out,
cold appetizers and temperature +22-230С in other shops.
There is no special separate room or place (closet) for
storage of disinfectants and detergents, place undefined
preparation of des. solutions.
Placement of detergents and des. hand sanitizers for
work surface or near work surfaces.
There are no extracts from the instructions for the preparation of des. solutions
different concentrations and which ones are used where.
There is no identification of prepared solutions.
There is no closet for storage of inventory for cleaning the toilet,
installed in the pre-toilet room (or next to the toilet).
Cleaning equipment label missing.

Refrigeration chambers are overloaded, which leads to a violation
cold air circulation and uneven distribution
chamber temperature
Lack of required amount of refrigeration and
technological equipment.
Use of obsolete equipment: refrigeration
equipment requiring periodic defrosting, stoves
with high heat dissipation, desktops without cooled
surfaces, etc. Refrigerators without locks or other
devices that prevent temperature rise during
camera use (blinds, air curtains, etc.)
Warning labels on equipment are not translated into
Russian language.

Frequent violations
The absence of the necessary set of premises in accordance
with the range of products and technology of its
Washing baths in meat-fish and vegetable shops
used in food production, have
connection to the sewer not through an air gap.
Faucets on sinks and bathtubs do not preclude repeated
dirty hands after washing.
Not dismantled unused at the enterprise
technological equipment from the territory
technological process.
Bactericidal lamps are not installed.

Personnel are allowed to independent work With
foodstuffs without appropriate
training in technology, hygiene.
There is no technology training schedule,
No hygiene training schedule
There is no schedule for medical examinations,
including employees of the enterprise who have contact with
food products during their production,
storage, sale, as well as persons having
direct contact with food products
its transportation.
There is no distribution of workers according to sanitary
processing utensils, inventory, equipment,
rooms, ventilation hoods, radiators,
windows, lamps, door handles, etc.

There is no control of visits to production
premises by unauthorized persons (to strangers
must be subject to the same requirements
personal hygiene, as well as
permanent production staff).
Workers who maintain systems
water supply, sewerage, ventilation,
power supply must be sanitary clothing.
Missing in job descriptions requirement
on the hygienic competence of workers in
recruitment and transfer to other areas

There are no disinfectants in
hand sanitizer dispensers.
Production Area Managers and
administration does not respect personal hygiene
(and they should first of all set an example
There are no instructions for washing and disinfection.
Workers' hair is not tucked away under a headscarf, on
hands rings, nails are varnished.
The employees of the enterprise go beyond
production in sanitary clothing for smoking.

Does the packaging provide protection against contamination and growth?
microorganisms (permeability, integrity,
protection against intrusion)?
When using disposable packaging, it is necessary to observe
conditions stipulated by regulatory and technical documents
manufacturer regarding storage temperature range and type
ready meal.
In case of improper use of disposable packaging
possible migration into the finished dish of substances hazardous to
Are there simple and clear instructions on the packaging
safe handling of the product and according to the rules
Does each package have the correct label?
Are all potential allergens included in the list?
ingredients on the label?

The temperature and humidity regime is not observed,
no hygrometers or thermometers.
In places for storing suitable products, stored
inappropriate products.
The staff eats, smokes in the warehouse.
No place designated for nonconforming

- product safety policy;
- an order on the creation and composition of the HACCP group;
- product information;
- information about production;
- reports of the HACCP group with the rationale for the choice of potentially hazardous factors,
results of risk analysis and selection of critical control points and determination
critical limits;
- HACCP worksheets;
- monitoring procedures;
- procedures for taking corrective actions;
- the program of internal check of the HACCP system;
- list of registration and accounting documentation.





The procedure and terms for the storage of documentation should be
determined by the enterprise independently and developed
so that the records accurately reflect
internal production control in
within a certain time interval.
Measures for internal production
controls should be developed, implemented and
document individually for each
specific enterprise in accordance with its

Assess the severity of the incident and decide
Is a product recall required?
Assemble a feedback management team
Notify the competent authorities
Identify all products subject to recall

Detain and segregate all recalled products,
currently under the control of your enterprise
Prepare Press release(if necessary)
Prepare a list of businesses
where the products are shipped
Prepare and send notification
about the product recall

Check Product Recall Effectiveness
Decide what to do
with recalled product(s)
Eliminate the cause if there is a problem
at your enterprise

procedures for checking the effectiveness of the functioning of the HACCP system confirmation based on the presentation of objective
evidence that the specified requirements were
Verification procedures include:
internal audit of the HACCP system and related records;
analysis of the HACCP system;
validation of critical limits (performance for safety
food products);
analysis of cases of deviations.
Verification can be carried out by the following methods:
verification of the correctness of record keeping and analysis of deviations;
verification of the specialists who carried out the observations;
verification of the process being monitored;
Verification (verification) of equipment for monitoring and measurement. 110

Today came wide
the realization that
food safety
products is a common goal.

Productive work for you!!!
Sincerely, Catering Services Certification Expert
FBU "Orenburg CSM"
Kovalenko Svetlana Vasilievna

The HACCP system (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - risk analysis and critical control points) was created to manage the quality and safety of products in food production

After the amendments to Art. 13 of the Federal Law No. 29 from January 23, 2015, Rospotrebnadzor received the right to conduct unscheduled checks on the availability of operating system HACCP at the plant without warning.

Administrative liability for the absence and non-compliance with the principles of HACCP: a fine of up to a million rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

Requirements for HACCP systems in Russia: documents

  • GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements".
  • GOST R ISO 22000-2007 Food safety management systems. Requirements for organizations involved in the food production chain.

Domestic enterprises can choose one of two GOST options for the development of HACCP principles.

HACCP certification: main stages

  • filing an application with a certification body;
  • conclusion of an agreement for certification, inspection control, recertification;
  • consideration and analysis of documents of the management system of the customer organization;
  • finalization of documents of the management system of the customer organization (if necessary);
  • audit;
  • registration of a package of documents based on the results of certification;
  • registration in the register and issuance of a certificate of conformity and permission to use the mark of conformity.

The certificate is issued for three years.

Natalya Kolganova at the Restcon-2018 conference

7 Principles of the HACCP Quality Management System

  • risk analysis and assessment;
  • identification of critical control points;
  • setting critical limits;
  • development of a monitoring system;
  • development of corrective actions;
  • documentation of all stages and procedures;
  • development of verification procedures.

Maintaining documentation confirming the implementation of the HACCP plan at the enterprise is an important part of the work. Documents containing product information, production data and monitoring procedures, and HACCP worksheets allow you to trace the origin of any ingredient, process step or end product. Everything should be written down: from what needs to be indicated on the package with bay leaf, to the rules for working with the product.

Develop instructions and hang them on the walls for employees to see, regularly check the knowledge of the staff. For example, you ask a butcher shop chef what the expiration date is for minced chicken. If you don't know, print out the information and hang it on the refrigerator.

You must ensure safety at all stages: from the receipt of ingredients at the restaurant and their storage to serving the finished dish to the guest.

Participants of the restaurant conference

Validation and verification

After the development of the HACCP system is completed, the food service company begins to check the technological process to make sure that there is no discrepancy between the stages of production and their documentation.

HACCP is developed not only for the main menu, but also for seasonal, banquet and so on. Let's say there's borscht on the menu. It is necessary to analyze: at what stages of its preparation harm can be done and at what points control is needed.

The first audit of work on the implementation of the system at the enterprise is recommended to be carried out after one quarter, and then at least once a year and unscheduled when new unaccounted for hazards and risks are identified.

Sanitary and hygiene requirements for personnel

Before developing HACCP principles, gather employees and assess whether hygiene rules are being followed. Rospotrebnadzor can come to production to check which critical points you have identified, and immediately see that a girl with earrings and no headdress is working in the kitchen. An order will be issued.

In the old manner, they check the availability of sanitary books and the appearance of the restaurant staff. Chiefs who wear beards need to buy beards. Bearded people should not be in the kitchen! Sanitary rules also prohibit the presence of mobile phones in the hall and in the kitchen.

Conduct daily work inspection before shift.

Registration and accounting documentation

A restaurant should keep 10 to 12 magazines. Magazines can be downloaded online, printed and bound. They are filled not by one person, but by all kitchen staff.

After an audit of warehouse and work premises, the task of which is to identify all inconsistencies, and check the knowledge of the staff, draw up acts and put them in a folder - Rospotrebnadzor will check them.

The article was prepared on the basis of the speech of Natalia Kolganova