Hassp norms. Requirements for HACCP systems in Russia: documents. Keeping logs and charts

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Application of HACCP requirements in enterprises Catering

possibility of cleaning and
Activities for
fight against

GOST R 56746-2015/ISO/TS 22002-2:2013
Prerequisite Programs
on food safety.
Part 2. Catering
4. General Prerequisite Programs
4.1 Layout of the premises
4.2 Water supply
4.3 Equipment and production inventory
4.4 Personal hygiene
4.5 Purchasing management
4.6 Storage and transport
4.7 Cleaning and disinfection
4.8 Waste management
4.9 Pest and animal control
4.10 Command and control
4.11 Documentation and record keeping
4.12 Product recall procedure
5. Special Prerequisite Programs
5.1 Defrost
5.2 Preparation
5.3 Culinary processing.
5.4 Portioning
5.5 Cooling and storage
5.6 Freezing, storage and defrosting
5.7 Transport
5.8 Reheating food
5.9 Vacation ready meals
5.10 Identification and hygiene control system

As a result of the implementation of the MRP, a
a work environment in which
hazards are minimized.
These programs follow:
carefully develop,
control the progress of implementation
maintain relevant documentation
check their effectiveness and
constantly improve.
Internal audit checklists can be developed.




The air temperature in the production halls does not correspond to
requirements of SP, namely the temperature +160С - in
areas where portioning of prepared dishes is carried out,
cold appetizers and temperature +22-230С in other shops.
There is no special separate room or place (closet) for
storage of disinfectants and detergents, place undefined
preparation of des. solutions.
Placement of detergents and des. hand sanitizers for
work surface or near work surfaces.
There are no extracts from the instructions for the preparation of des. solutions
different concentrations and which ones are used where.
There is no identification of prepared solutions.
There is no closet for storage of inventory for cleaning the toilet,
installed in the pre-toilet room (or next to the toilet).
Cleaning equipment label missing.

Refrigeration chambers are overloaded, which leads to a violation
cold air circulation and uneven distribution
chamber temperature
Lack of required amount of refrigeration and
technological equipment.
Use of obsolete equipment: refrigeration
equipment requiring periodic defrosting, stoves
with high heat dissipation, desktops without cooled
surfaces, etc. Refrigerators without locks or other
devices that prevent temperature rise during
camera use (blinds, air curtains, etc.)
Warning labels on equipment are not translated into
Russian language.

Frequent violations
The absence of the necessary set of premises in accordance
with the range of products and technology of its
Washing baths in meat-fish and vegetable shops
used in food production, have
connection to the sewer not through an air gap.
Faucets on sinks and bathtubs do not preclude repeated
dirty hands after washing.
Not dismantled unused at the enterprise
technological equipment from the territory
technological process.
Bactericidal lamps are not installed.

Personnel are allowed to independent work With
foodstuffs without appropriate
training in technology, hygiene.
There is no technology training schedule,
No hygiene training schedule
There is no schedule for medical examinations,
including employees of the enterprise who have contact with
food products during their production,
storage, sale, as well as persons having
direct contact with food products
its transportation.
There is no distribution of workers according to sanitary
processing utensils, inventory, equipment,
rooms, ventilation hoods, radiators,
windows, lamps, door handles, etc.

There is no control of visits to production
premises by unauthorized persons (to strangers
must be subject to the same requirements
personal hygiene, as well as
permanent production staff).
Workers who maintain systems
water supply, sewerage, ventilation,
power supply must be sanitary clothing.
Missing in job descriptions requirement
on the hygienic competence of workers in
recruitment and transfer to other areas

There are no disinfectants in
hand sanitizer dispensers.
Production Area Managers and
administration does not respect personal hygiene
(and they should first of all set an example
There are no instructions for washing and disinfection.
Workers' hair is not tucked away under a headscarf, on
hands rings, nails are varnished.
The employees of the enterprise go beyond
production in sanitary clothing for smoking.

Does the packaging provide protection against contamination and growth?
microorganisms (permeability, integrity,
protection against intrusion)?
When using disposable packaging, it is necessary to observe
conditions stipulated by regulatory and technical documents
manufacturer regarding storage temperature range and type
ready meal.
In case of improper use of disposable packaging
possible migration into the finished dish of substances hazardous to
Are there simple and clear instructions on the packaging
safe handling of the product and according to the rules
Does each package have the correct label?
Are all potential allergens included in the list?
ingredients on the label?

The temperature and humidity regime is not observed,
no hygrometers or thermometers.
In places for storing suitable products, stored
inappropriate products.
The staff eats, smokes in the warehouse.
No place designated for nonconforming

- product safety policy;
- an order on the creation and composition of the HACCP group;
- product information;
- information about production;
- reports of the HACCP group with the rationale for the choice of potentially hazardous factors,
results of risk analysis and selection of critical control points and determination
critical limits;
- HACCP worksheets;
- monitoring procedures;
- procedures for taking corrective actions;
- the program of internal check of the HACCP system;
- list of registration and accounting documentation.





The procedure and terms for the storage of documentation should be
determined by the enterprise independently and developed
so that the records accurately reflect
internal production control in
within a certain time interval.
Measures for internal production
controls should be developed, implemented and
document individually for each
specific enterprise in accordance with its

Assess the severity of the incident and decide
Is a product recall required?
Assemble a feedback management team
Notify the competent authorities
Identify all products subject to recall

Detain and segregate all recalled products,
currently under the control of your enterprise
Prepare Press release(if necessary)
Prepare a list of businesses
where the products are shipped
Prepare and send notification
about the product recall

Check Product Recall Effectiveness
Decide what to do
with recalled product(s)
Eliminate the cause if there is a problem
at your enterprise

procedures for checking the effectiveness of the functioning of the HACCP system confirmation based on the presentation of objective
evidence that the specified requirements were
Verification procedures include:
internal audit of the HACCP system and related records;
analysis of the HACCP system;
validation of critical limits (performance for safety
food products);
analysis of cases of deviations.
Verification can be carried out by the following methods:
verification of the correctness of record keeping and analysis of deviations;
verification of the specialists who carried out the observations;
verification of the process being monitored;
Verification (verification) of equipment for monitoring and measurement. 110

Today came wide
the realization that
food safety
products is a common goal.

Productive work for you!!!
Sincerely, Catering Services Certification Expert
FBU "Orenburg CSM"
Kovalenko Svetlana Vasilievna

Catering enterprises act as an integral component of the food industry, which, among other things, involves the introduction of the HACCP system. Such organizations include buffets, cafes, pizzerias, restaurants, eateries and so on. Consider in the article the features of the application of the HACCP program in a food enterprise: what it is and why it is needed.

General information

Not everyone knows why the program is needed. What is it? Let's start with the issue of food safety. This problem is currently quite relevant in the industry. The fact is that, for example, in a restaurant, the entire chain of the technological process goes through. It begins with the delivery of semi-finished products and ends with the preparation and consumption by customers. To ensure food safety, the HACCP system is introduced at food enterprises.

Relevance of the issue

Regular prerequisites that determine the need for the application of the HACCP program at the enterprise Food Industry, perform:

  1. Specificity of storage and use of products.
  2. The results of epidemiological statistics, which indicate that most of the poisoning is the result of eating dishes prepared at catering establishments.
  3. Massive cases of consumption of low-quality products.


In connection with the above reasons, there should be no question whether the implementation of HACCP principles in a food enterprise is necessary. The inattention of the heads of institutions to solving the problems of ensuring good quality products and compliance with sanitary standards leads to serious consequences. According to statistics, more than half of the reported cases of poisoning were the result of eating improperly prepared meat dishes. In 35% of cases, the products were expired. Among the main causes of poisoning is non-observance of hygiene rules by the employees of the establishments. It becomes more than obvious the need to apply HACCP requirements in a food enterprise.

Program specifics

Since 2014, more and more establishments have begun to develop and apply measures aimed at ensuring product safety. This work was carried out on a voluntary basis. Currently, many managers of establishments are interested in whether they should apply the HACCP program in a food enterprise, is it mandatory to introduce it?

Industry expansion prospects

From February 15, 2015, the HACCP program is mandatory for all food enterprises. The implementation of measures to ensure the safety of products in establishments is a manifestation of concern and concern for the health of visitors, and helps to maintain competitiveness. However, this is not a complete list of the benefits of the HACCP program in a food enterprise. What does it mean for the industry as a whole? When using the activities within the framework of the program under consideration, the following goals are achieved:

HACCP principles in food enterprises

Before the introduction of the program, the development of basic sanitary measures is carried out. They are also referred to as prerequisite programs. Their development is carried out in accordance with the current legislation in Russia, which may differ from the standards provided for in other countries. Before you learn the functioning of HACCP in a food enterprise (what it is and how it works in practice), a hazard analysis is carried out with the selection of control and managerial methods for significant critical control points. As practice shows, this stage is not yet the most responsible in the course of the introduction of the program. The most difficult and responsible is the work associated with the description of ready-made dishes, the raw materials used in them, and the ingredients. WITH special attention should be taken to recipes and Do not forget about those ingredients that are not included in the composition, but during the technological process may come into contact with the dish being prepared. You should also remember about the material and cleanliness of the packaging.

Implementation of the HACCP system in a food enterprise: a sample plan

In the above descriptions, the most relevant criteria should be used:

The next stage of implementation is accompanied by a flowchart of the preparation technology. A grouping of similar dishes is carried out. For each category from the range, one common flowchart is being developed. For example, there may be such groups:

  • First meal.
  • Salads.
  • Second courses.
  • Dessert.
  • Drinks and so on.

Data on all additional / preparatory operations is also entered into the diagram. For example: frying, slicing, preserving, etc. It should be noted that the flowchart can be developed not only in relation to the selected group. In some cases, it is advisable to apply such a system to individual dishes. This will be especially true for those establishments that specialize in "mono-cuisine". For example, these are pizzerias, sushi bars, etc.

Why is a block diagram needed?

It is quite easy to identify and evaluate the likely hazards that require appropriate control using the foreseen management measures. The flow chart allows you to identify critical points (CCP) - those moments and stages of production in which risks may arise. The classification of CCPs involves the receipt of raw materials, storage, subsequent heat treatment to destroy harmful microorganisms, and serving cooked hot meals to customers. In pizzerias, restaurants, cafes, additionally, such critical points can be:

  • Accounting for the characteristics of frying fats.
  • frozen semi-finished products.

Important point

Approving the regulation on the HACCP group at a food enterprise, the manager must understand that at present this program acts as the main model for managing possible risks and provides control over product safety. Its purpose is not limited to the formal establishment of critical points and permissible limits of the technological process. The HACCP system acts as a powerful protection of operations against physical, microbiological, chemical contamination of products.

Practical points

The head of the enterprise should first of all decide what kind of product he will introduce:

  1. Simple principles of HACCP. They correspond to GOST R 51705.1:2001.
  2. A complete system. It is introduced according to the ISO 22000:2005 standard, which corresponds to GOST R ISO 22000:2007 or FSSC 22000 (a set of ISO 22000:2005 standards and ISO / TS 22002-2:2013 specifications).

As mentioned above, the development of basic sanitary requirements is carried out first of all. They should cover all necessary measures regarding compliance with hygiene rules by personnel, cleaning of premises and equipment, washing and disinfection of tools and systems (including ventilation), kitchen utensils and equipment, pest control, storage of ingredients and raw materials, waste disposal, etc. Further.


After the preparatory stages, the direct development of HACCP sheets begins. During this stage, monitoring and verification procedures are established, and corrective actions are determined when limits are exceeded at critical points. In addition, responsible persons (HACCP group) are appointed. As you can see, in order to introduce the program into the activities of the institution, it is necessary to do quite painstaking and hard work. It requires certain knowledge and skills.

In accordance with the requirements of TR TS 021/2011 "On Food Safety" from February 15, 2015, all companies involved in the production of food products must develop, implement and maintain procedures that are based on the principles of HACCP (HACCP).

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)– Hazard analysis and critical control points. This is a system that, based on the results of risk analysis, allows the enterprise to focus control on critical control points (CCPs). This system is not a zero-risk system, but helps to reduce risks.

The development and implementation of HACCP principles in a company implies the following actions:

7 principles of HACCP:

1. Hazard analysis.

At this stage, the HACCP team must compile a list of all hazards. Risk identification includes an analysis of the raw materials and materials used and the identification of risks that are expected at each stage technological scheme from the acceptance of raw materials to the shipment of the finished product to the consumer. An analysis of the identified hazards should then be carried out. The hazard assessment should take into account the likelihood of occurrence of hazards and the severity of the consequences for the health of consumers.

There is no universal list of hazards for food enterprises, each company must conduct a risk analysis, taking into account its own specifics, its technological process, equipment, incoming raw materials and materials, the degree of implementation of precondition programs.

2. Definition of CCP.

After the hazard analysis, the implementation team should determine critical control points (CCPs).

A critical control point (CCP) is a stage at which control measures can be applied and which is essential to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level (Recommended International technical standards and rules. general principles Food Hygiene CAC/RCP 1-1969, rev. 4 (2003)).

To determine the CCP, it is recommended to use a "decision tree", which is a logical sequence of questions, by answering which you can determine what the CCP is. The most commonly used is the "decision tree" proposed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (version 1997).

Examples of critical control points are temperature processing, product testing for metal contamination, pasteurization, autoclaving, oxidation, and others.

3. Establishment of critical limits.

Once the CCP has been determined, the implementation team must establish critical limits for each identified CCP.

Critical limit - a criterion separating acceptability from unacceptability (Recommended International Code of Practice. General Principles of Food Hygiene CAC/RCP 1-1969, rev. 4 (2003)).

Critical limits are necessary in order to understand whether the CCP is under control or not. For all CCPs, critical limits can be set for one or more parameters. These parameters are: time, temperature, pH, humidity, water activity, acidity, etc.

4. Creation of a monitoring system.

The HACCP team must develop a monitoring system that provides control over each CCP.

Monitoring - the act of carrying out a planned sequence of observations or measurements of control parameters, with the aim of assessing whether this CCP under control (Recommended International Code of Practice, General Principles of Food Hygiene CAC/RCP 1-1969, rev. 4 (2003)).

Monitoring procedures should be such that a loss of control at the CCP can be detected. Monitoring can be carried out on the production line (periodic temperature measurement) or outside (measurement of salt content, water activity, pH). Monitoring data should be tracked by a designated trained person who has the knowledge and authority to take corrective action when necessary. The consequences of violation of critical limits can be the most serious, up to the death of the buyer who consumed this product.

5. Establish corrective actions.

For each CCP, it is necessary to develop corrective actions in case of possible deviations. These actions should ensure the restoration of control over the CCP.

Corrective action is any action to be taken when monitoring results at a critical control point indicate a loss of control.

Corrective actions may be of an operational nature and may be aimed at eliminating the cause of the nonconformity that has occurred.

6. Establish verification procedures.

In order to verify the correct implementation of the HACCP system, it is necessary to develop verification procedures. The frequency of verification should be sufficient to confirm the effectiveness of the HACCP system. The review should be carried out by an independent person, not the one responsible for monitoring and corrective actions. Inspection on behalf of the enterprise can be carried out by third-party experts if it is impossible to carry out verification activities by employees.

Examples of verification activities:

  • analysis of the HACCP system and plan;
  • analysis of cases of liquidation of unsafe products;
  • confirmation that the CCP is under control.

7. Establish procedures for data recording.

Creation of data registration procedures is the most important condition for the application of the HACCP system. HACCP procedures must be documented. Documentation and records should be appropriate to the nature and size of the establishment and be sufficient to verify the existence and maintenance of controls in the HACCP system.

Documentation examples are:

Identification and analysis of hazardous factors;

Definition of CCP;

Definition of critical limits.

Examples of accounting are:

Accounting for CCP monitoring activities;

Accounting for deviations and taking corrective actions;

Accounting checks;

Accounting for changes that are made to the HACCP plan.

An indispensable condition for the successful development, implementation and maintenance of a system based on the principles of HACCP is the constant training and involvement of employees. It is recommended to develop training programs, employee training plans, specific work instructions, which would set the tasks of personnel involved in certain operations.


Risk - probability function negative consequences on health and the severity of that consequence, logically derived from the presence of the hazard(s) in the food (Recommended International Code of Practice, General Principles of Food Hygiene CAC/RCP 1-1969, rev. 4 (2003)).

A system within which hazards relevant to food safety are identified, assessed and controlled (Recommended International Code of Practice, General Principles of Food Hygiene CAC/RCP 1-1969, rev. 4 (2003)).

Critical Control Point (CCP) - the stage at which control measures can be applied and which are essential to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level (Recommended International Code of Practice, General Principles of Food Hygiene CAC/RCP 1 -1969, Rev. 4 (2003)).

Read more about the preliminary steps for implementing HACCP at

Read about HACCP at catering establishments

Currently, restaurateurs have been bombarded with proposals for HACCP certification, which is allegedly mandatory. The decision, of course, is made by everyone.

In large restaurant companies and chains with kitchen factories and complex logistics, the identification of critical control points and the implementation of HACCP principles, I think, are justified. And in this case, quality management certification can be very, very useful. But not for the sake of obtaining a certificate, but voluntarily, consciously, with a clear understanding of what specific result we want to get in terms of safety for the consumer.

There is a conclusion of some lawyers who not only incorrectly interpret the Technical Regulations "On Food Safety", but, I would say, deliberately distort it.

The most acute issue is the speculative reading of Article 10 "Ensuring the safety of food products in the process of its production (manufacturing), storage, transportation (transportation), sale."

Neither the article itself as a whole, nor its individual provisions establish the need for mandatory certification of an enterprise according to the principles of HACCP.

All procedures described in part 3 are integral part both the design stage of the catering enterprise, and the subsequent stage of its operation.

Moreover, practically all the principles specified in part 3 of the Technical Regulations are, in my opinion, an integral part of the current Sanitary Rules, which impose very detailed requirements for production processes and control over them.

The company "Vladivostok without insects" will perform the entire range of works on disinsection (destruction of insects: bugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, etc.), deratization (destruction of rodents: rats, moles, mice), disinfection (destruction of fungus and mold, viruses, microbes , bacteria) and deodorization (elimination of odors).

We work with individuals(disinfection of apartments, cottages), and with organizations (disinfection of catering establishments, hotels, offices, production, change houses, etc.). For organizations provided subscription service. We are also working on open area: lawns, adjoining territories, ponds, green spaces, etc.

An entrepreneur working in the field of catering, guided by the above Sanitary regulations, and so performs the necessary amount of work to ensure product safety. After all, the Sanitary Rules are a document based on critical control points identified during supervision. The temperature of the products in production, the sequence of operations, the requirements for personnel, secondary contamination, the requirements for raw materials and their acceptance, the control of finished products and deep fats - this is all that underlies the principles of both HACCP and the Sanitary Rules.

The most significant difference is that the Sanitary Rules give standard solutions for predetermined points, and within the framework of HACCP it is supposed to determine these points, provide for deviation ranges, work out options for actions in case of discrepancy, etc.

I repeat, the basic critical control points for catering have long been known and worked out. Follow the Sanitary Rules, build the right production control - and all food safety issues will be resolved.

At the same time, we should not forget that at present, the emphasis in the development of public catering, as in business in general, is on stimulating the opening of small, family businesses, as well as on the development of self-employment. On this kind enterprises, the number of personnel is very limited, from three to ten people, and with strict observance of both the Sanitary Rules and the HACCP principles laid down in them, it is incorrect to impose requirements on them similar to large enterprises with laboratories and specialized services.

Moreover, for small and medium-sized businesses, HACCP certification of enterprises is an additional financial burden, and a very serious one, which is unacceptable in the current economic situation.

Instead of working to work, we have those who seek to make money on those who really do this very thing. And these, mind you, are not officials, who are sometimes just feuilleton figures. These are “businessmen”, in our case “businessmen” from HACCP. Without quotes, I'm sorry, I can't, because a new "business" is rising on this fertile ground.

In accordance with the provisions of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 "On Food Safety", from February 15, 2015, the introduction of the HACCP system (HACCP - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, risk analysis and critical control points) became mandatory at food industry enterprises - food safety management systems. The main task of this system is to ensure control at all stages production process, as well as during the storage and sale of products, that is, wherever a dangerous situation may arise related to the safety of the consumer. Catering establishments are part of the food industry.

On January 1, 2016, GOST 30390-2013 “Catering services. Public catering products sold to the population. Are common specifications”, in accordance with which mandatory requirements are established for procedures for ensuring the safety of catering products, based on the principles of HACCP.

Public catering products are a set of culinary products, bakery, flour confectionery products, and belong to perishable products. The food safety management system in catering is based on the identification of critical control points in order to prevent as much as possible. possible risks, determining their limits and constant monitoring. Currently, HACCP in catering is the main tool in ensuring food safety.

The point of implementing the HACCP program is to identify and take under system control all the critical control points of the enterprise, that is, those stages of production at which violations of technological and sanitary standards can lead to fatal or difficult to eliminate consequences for the safety of the manufactured food product. In the process of creating HACCP (HACCP), processes are analyzed along the entire food chain - from the initial raw material segment to the moment it reaches the consumer. There are four sources of hazards - raw materials, personnel, equipment and the environment.

The main principles for the development of the HACCP system are defined by GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements".

In order to identify risks, determine the degree of their danger and indicate the limits in the field of catering, a number of analytical actions are necessary. At the same time, 3 factors of potential product contamination are taken into account: physical, chemical and biological.

Chemical hazard. This type of hazard includes substances or molecules that:

IN natural form found in plants or animals (for example, in poisonous mushrooms);

May be deliberately added during growing or processing of foods. Such substances may be safe when the limits are met, but become dangerous when they are exceeded (eg, sodium nitrite, pesticides);

May be inadvertently ingested (for example, after chemical cleaning packaging);

May affect the immune system of individuals (eg, food allergens).

Chemical hazards include: toxic metals, radionuclides, pesticides, antibiotics, GMOs.

Physical danger. This type of hazard includes substances which, in normal conditions should not be in food. Such substances may be harmful to the health of the end user (eg wood chips, glass fragments, metal chips, bones).

The management system in catering is similar in structure to other systems food production but at the same time it has its own nuances. Public catering enterprises are characterized by periodic updating of the product range and, as a result, a change in the variety of raw materials (seasonal dishes), which entails changes in the processes of production technologies and an increase in the diversity of processes. This causes significant difficulties in the control of cross-allergenic contamination, and also requires significant time costs for conducting risk analysis for raw materials and the technological scheme.

The way out can be a grouping of the same type of processes when drawing up a technological scheme, as well as raw materials, provided that the degree of detail remains sufficient for a correct assessment of all possible hazardous factors.

Another challenge that most food service businesses face when it comes to implementation of HACCP, is that, in contrast to manufacturing enterprises, equipped with their own laboratories, as a rule, there are no such laboratories at catering establishments. Monitoring the safety performance of raw materials and finished products in third-party accredited laboratories is carried out only as part of production control.

In view of this, it becomes more difficult to control the safety performance of incoming raw materials, and verification upon acceptance can only take place by checking compliance with the conditions of transportation, accompanying documentation and evaluation of organoleptic indicators. Safety control of finished products is carried out only organoleptically. It should be remembered that if, during the development of the HACCP plan, organoleptic indicators are selected as a hazard control measure, such a control measure must be validated, i.e. verification of the effectiveness of the selected control measures or their combinations before their implementation.

There are seven principles that underlie HACCP:

1. Conducting a complete risk analysis by assessing the significance of hazardous factors at absolutely all stages of the life cycles of food products that are under the control of the manufacturer. It also assesses the likelihood of risks, and develops measures to prevent them, as well as minimize the identified hazards.

2. Identification of critical control points, within which tight control helps to prevent a potential hazard or, with the help of specific measures, to reduce the possibility of risks to zero.

3. Establishment of critical limits for control points. It also defines the criteria that show that the process is fully under control. System developers form limits and tolerances that must be observed so that the situation does not get out of control at critical points.

4. Establish monitoring procedures for all critical control points. For this, surveillance systems should be installed at critical points and various inspections should be established through regular analysis and other different types industrial supervision.

5. Development of corrective actions to be taken when observations and inspections indicate that the situation may get out of control.

6. Establishment of procedures for maintaining and accounting for documentation, in which the necessary parameters are recorded.

7. Establishment of procedures for checking documents, which must always be maintained in working order and reflect absolutely all measures for the implementation, execution of all HACCP items.

Article 10 TR TS 021/2011 "On Food Safety" establishes the obligation of a food manufacturer to develop, implement and maintain procedures based on the principles of HACCP.

At the same time, the technical regulations do not provide for mandatory certification of quality and safety management systems, including those based on the principles of HACCP.

Compliance with these requirements is the responsibility of the manufacturer in accordance with Article 11 TR CU 021/2011.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed and implemented procedures based on the principles of HACCP is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor specialists in the course of federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and supervision of compliance with the requirements technical regulations of the Customs Union by business entities engaged in the production of food products.

At the same time, to ensure the safety of catering products in the process of its production, the following are evaluated:

Correspondence technological processes production;

Ensuring the completeness and reliability of production control;

Ensuring documentation of information on the controlled stages of technological operations and the results of food products control, as well as providing other procedures provided for in part 3 of article 10 of TR CU 021/2011.

For non-compliance by the manufacturer of food products, including catering products with the requirements of TR TS 021/2011 “On Food Safety”, administrative liability is established in accordance with Part. 1-3 articles 14.43 of the Code Russian Federation on administrative offenses in the form of an administrative fine of up to 1 million rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.