Hh Job Responsibilities of a Driver Mechanic abs. Job description of the driver-mechanic of a snowplow. Tactical - technical characteristics of cars

A driver is a person who repairs, maintains, and also manages off-road vehicles. Such equipment can be operated both under normal conditions (in agriculture, fleets), and in paramilitary structures (all units of the Russian army, as well as in departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

Where required

This position has become widespread. In order for the car to be in good working order throughout the journey, as well as in order to save space in the crew, the functions of the driver and the repairman are combined by one person.

The driver repairs and manages the following types of transport:

  • airborne combat vehicle;
  • tank;
  • infantry fighting vehicle;
  • SAM vehicle (anti-aircraft missile system);
  • combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicle;
  • wheeled armored personnel carriers;
  • all-terrain vehicles;
  • TMM (heavy mechanized bridge);
  • multi-axle diesel vehicles (MAZ, BAZ, MZKT, KZKT);
  • snow and swamp vehicles;
  • amphibious vehicles GT-T, GT-SM (GAZ-71), MT-LB, DT-30, DT-10.

In civilian life, the position is often found in companies that have their own fleet of vehicles. To combine the position of an employee with work experience as a mechanic, they are hired for a position that involves simultaneously driving a vehicle, as well as servicing it.

In the army, the mechanic combines the driver often. Such positions are staffed by military personnel who have been trained in a military unit. During the period of work or service, a mechanic can improve his professional qualifications.

Related professions are: bulldozer driver, all-terrain vehicle driver, excavator driver, scraper driver, agricultural tractor driver.

What does

The driver is obliged to know the rules for the maintenance and operation of special vehicles, signals and established rules for the movement of vehicles.

The specialist manages the assigned vehicle, carries out Maintenance, engine adjustment, repair, adjustment of auxiliary and special technical equipment.

The duties of a driver involve knowledge of the vehicle at such a level that it is possible to carry out repairs in off-road conditions, difficult weather conditions, extreme conditions or inability to get service maintenance.

Job description

The driver-mechanic should perform only those duties that are prescribed in the job description. Since the position is most often found in paramilitary structures and in the army, there are practically no additional tasks.

The job description should indicate the duties, rights, responsibilities that are assigned to the employee.

Interaction with other departments can also be spelled out in the document.

Required Knowledge

In order to do a good job, a mechanic must have a lot of baggage. professional knowledge. The driver-mechanic manual contains a list of required knowledge:

  • device, purpose and principle of operation of units, mechanisms, as well as devices of a motor vehicle that is being serviced;
  • And traffic for cars;
  • methods of detection, causes, elimination of malfunctions that arose during the operation of the vehicle;
  • rules for the maintenance of vehicles;
  • rules according to which the operation of batteries and car tires is carried out;
  • rules according to which transport is stored in open parking lots and garages;
  • maintenance rules;
  • ways to prevent accidents on the roads;
  • methods of providing first aid in case of accidents;
  • the order in which the emergency evacuation of passengers is carried out in case of an accident;
  • internal regulations and safety regulations.


So that there is no misunderstanding on the part of the employee, as well as claims from the higher management, the duties in the instructions are prescribed in as much detail as possible. There can be no ambiguity or other interpretations - all formulations are as simple and clear as possible.

Driver's responsibilities include:

  • ensuring reliable and trouble-free operation of all types of equipment;
  • ensuring the correct operation of the equipment;
  • timely and high-quality repair and maintenance of the vehicle;
  • monitoring the condition of the vehicle and its repair;
  • participation in the acceptance and installation of new equipment;
  • organization of accounting for the implementation of repair work;
  • compliance with labor protection and safety standards;
  • driving the entrusted vehicle in any conditions;
  • filling out waybills;
  • checking the technical condition of the vehicle before leaving;
  • acceptance of goods;
  • verification of accompanying documentation for the cargo;
  • checking the integrity of the packaging of goods transported on the vehicle;
  • ensuring the integrity of the cargo during transportation;
  • preparation of documentation for unloading.

The work of a driver includes:

  • elimination of minor malfunctions during the operation of transport;
  • keeping the vehicle clean;
  • execution of instructions from management.


The driver, like any employee of the organization, has rights, the protection of which is within the jurisdiction legislative framework RF.

The mechanic has the right to:

  • submitting proposals to management on issues related to its competencies;
  • use approved orders, instructions, orders, documents, rules that govern its work;
  • inform the management about any malfunctions found during the operation or testing of the entrusted equipment;
  • request and receive information necessary for work;
  • providing overalls;
  • improving their qualifications;
  • assistance from management in matters of compliance with its rights;
  • envisaged current legislation guarantees;
  • rights under the current labor law.


The driver is responsible for:

  • improper performance or non-performance of their direct functional duties, which are provided for by the approved job description;
  • causing material damage to the organization;
  • rude treatment of employees and colleagues, violation of internal rules;
  • commission of offenses that occurred during the performance of direct duties.

Responsibilities for each item are assigned exactly to the extent that they are provided for by the current criminal, administrative, civil, labor laws Russian Federation.

Mechanic, regardless of whether he is in the army, in private organization or in a public company, is responsible for disclosing trade secret, the route of movement of transport and rolling stock.

For service in the army of the Russian Federation, full responsibility is assumed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Driver mechanics are trained by providing additional education to those people who have tractor driver (or tractor driver) certificates. Training can be completed both at the expense of the organization and own will. At the end of the training, they must receive a document confirming their education - a driver's license. It is issued to people who have completed the full course.

Training of mechanics-drivers for civilian positions is carried out in vocational schools, as well as in courses.

According to the law, specialists holding this position must undergo mandatory recertification. Depending on where the employee works, recertification can be carried out every three years or every five years. For special categories working with transportation a large number people, recertification and confirmation of skills are possible more often.


The workplace of the driver is allocated for an employee who has a certain set of personal qualities and professional knowledge. In order to get a job for this position, an employee must possess important qualities:

  • resourcefulness;
  • the ability to remember and reproduce various manipulations;
  • the ability to maintain sobriety of thinking and clarity of reaction under the influence of fear or sudden influences;
  • ability to keep high performance in emergency conditions, a state of lack of time, in stressful situations and during exposure to external stimuli;
  • the ability to clearly coordinate movements while working with arms and legs;
  • an accurate eye and the ability to assess the magnitude of the distance;
  • accurate and fast motor response to an object that is moving;
  • endurance;
  • adaptability.

In order to master a specialty, you must at least complete general education, as well as the initial professional education or average.


Modern society can no longer do without all sorts of technology. Most of the processes have been automated for a long time, which allows you to quickly and efficiently produce products of any quality. However, as you know, there is no equipment that does not wear out and does not require replacement. This is where mechanics come in.

Mechanic - a specialist who is engaged in the maintenance of any type of equipment. He can repair both cars, aircraft, electronics and other equipment.

Today, the profession of a mechanic is in great demand in enterprises where there is technical equipment. The duties of a mechanic in an enterprise depend directly on the position he occupies. Let's consider each type of activity in more detail.

The responsibilities of a mechanic include:

  • Monitor the operation of devices and equipment, maintain them in working order.
  • Ensure the correct operation of equipment in the enterprise.
  • Develop schedules for inspections, testing and preventive replacement of equipment in case of failure.
  • Making purchase requisitions various materials and spare parts.
  • Determining the degree of deterioration of equipment and mechanisms that require major repairs and setting the procedure for their replacement with newer ones.
  • Management of the development of various measures to replace equipment that has become inefficient with a more efficient one.
  • When identifying unused equipment, taking measures to improve its performance, improving the organization of work of workers in repair services.
  • Detailed responsibilities of a production mechanic can be found in the job description for production.

Responsibilities of a driver-mechanic

A driver-mechanic is a specialist who manages, repairs and maintains specialized tracked or wheeled off-road vehicles.

The driver-mechanic is obliged to know the material part, technical capabilities and rules of operation of the equipment. He is also obliged to keep his managed facility in constant readiness for work.

The main duties of the driver-mechanic are:

  • Ability to drive a vehicle day and night in all weather conditions.
  • Know and follow the rules of traffic on and off roads, do not leave or transfer control of the vehicle to third parties without a direct order.
  • Follow and follow the commands of your boss quickly and efficiently.
  • Avoid accidents and car breakdowns. If you find any, report them to your supervisor immediately.
  • Ensure the safety and correct stowage of transported spare parts and equipment.
  • Carry a driving license with you.
  • Accurately and accurately draw up travel documents.
  • Carry out a control inspection of the car before leaving the park, on the road and before starting to move.

All instructions on the duties of a driver-mechanic can be found at the enterprise when applying for a job.

Responsibilities of a Mechanical Engineer

A mechanical engineer is a specialist with knowledge in the design, operation and manufacture of technical equipment.

The main requirements for admission to this position are knowledge of descriptive geometry, drafting, theory of machines and mechanisms, strength of materials, industry economics.

The main responsibilities of a mechanical engineer include:

  • Preparation of lists for the overhaul of equipment.
  • The study of the operating conditions of individual components and parts.
  • Monitoring compliance with the rules on labor protection and safety in the performance of work
  • Filling out applications for the purchase of spare parts necessary for the equipment to work.
  • Participation in inventory production assets, identification of equipment requiring major repairs.
  • Quality control of equipment installation, correct storage in warehouses and rational expenditure of funds.
  • Participation in the preparation of proposals for upgrading equipment, the introduction of mechanization and automation of processes, the development of plans to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.
  • Detailed instructions for the work and duties of a mechanical engineer are provided when applying for a job.

Responsibilities of a Line Mechanic

The main responsibilities of a line mechanic are to:

  • Organizes accounting of all types of equipment, and also prepares documents for decommissioning obsolete equipment.
  • Engaged in preparation for the presentation of state supervision of documents for mechanisms.
  • Monitors the implementation of safety regulations during the performance of work at the enterprise.
  • Makes a schedule for checking and upgrading low-performance equipment in the enterprise, with the aim of repairing or replacing them.
  • Monitors the health of equipment in the company. Does not allow emergency situations at the enterprise.
  • Performs duties assigned by his immediate supervisor.

Universal job description driver impossible to compose. After all official duties the bus driver and the "office" driver are strikingly different. This sample The driver's job description is suitable for an organization in which the driver is engaged in the "transportation" of the first person of the company and other employees.

Job description driver

Surname I.O. ________________
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1.1. The driver belongs to the category of technical performers.
1.2. The driver is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order CEO companies.
1.3. The driver reports directly to the CEO / Head structural unit companies.
1.4. During the absence of the driver, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of driver: category B rights, driving experience of 2 years.
1.6. The driver must know:
— Rules of the road, penalties for their violation;
— basic specifications and the general device of the car, purpose, device, principle of operation, operation and maintenance of units, mechanisms and devices of the car;
- rules for maintaining the car, caring for the body and interior, keeping them clean and in a condition favorable for long-term operation;
- signs, causes and dangerous consequences of malfunctions that occur during the operation of the car, ways to detect and eliminate them;
- Car maintenance procedure.
1.7. The driver is guided in his activities:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
— Charter of the company, Rules of internal work schedule, other regulations of the company;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.


The driver performs the following duties:
2.1. Provides timely delivery of the car.
2.2. Ensures the technically sound condition of the car assigned to the driver.
2.3. Takes measures for the safety of the car and the property in it: does not leave the car unattended, without fail puts the car on an alarm in any case of leaving the passenger compartment, blocks all car doors during movement and parking.
2.4. Carries out driving a car, ensuring the maximum safety of life and health of passengers and the technically sound condition of the car itself.
2.5. Follows technical condition car, performs independently necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions).
2.6. Performing maintenance in a timely manner service center and technical inspection.
2.7. Keeps the engine, body and interior of the car clean, protects them with appropriate care products for certain surfaces.
2.8. Do not use alcohol before or during work, psychotropic, sleeping pills and other drugs that reduce the attention, reaction and performance of the human body.
2.9. Before leaving, he clearly works out the route, coordinates it with the senior of the group and the immediate supervisor.
2.10. Maintains waybills, noting routes, distance traveled, fuel consumption.
2.11. At the end of the working day, he leaves the car entrusted to him in a guarded parking lot / garage.
2.12. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.


The driver has the right:
3.1. Require passengers to comply with the Rules of the Road (fasten their seat belts, get on and off at places allowed for this, etc.).
3.2. Receive information in the amount necessary to solve the tasks.
3.3. Submit proposals to management for improving their work, as well as those aimed at improving the safety and trouble-free operation of the vehicle.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for execution official duties and safety of all documents generated as a result of the company's activities.
3.5. Make decisions within your competence.


4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Job description of the driver of a passenger car


1.1. This Instruction defines the duties and rights of the Driver working on a company car.

1.2. The driver is hired and fired from her by order of the head of the enterprise in in due course.

1.3. The driver reports organizationally to the Chief Mechanic and directly to the official who has the official car at his disposal.


2.1. A person who has the right to drive a single passenger car and truck of all types and brands classified in one or both categories of vehicles "B" or "C" is appointed to the position of Class III Driver.

2.2. The qualification of a Class II Driver can be awarded with continuous work experience as a Class III Vehicle Driver for at least 2 years, who has a driver's license with a mark that gives the right to drive cars of all types and brands, classified into categories of vehicles "B", " C", "E".

2.3. The qualification of a Class I Driver can be awarded with continuous work experience as a Class II Car Driver for at least 1 year, who has been trained and received an appropriate certificate, and also has a driver’s license with a mark giving the right to drive cars of all types and brands, classified to categories of vehicles "B", "C", "D" and "E".E

2.3. The qualification of a Class I Driver can be awarded with continuous work experience as a Class II Car Driver for at least 1 year, who has been trained and received an appropriate certificate, and also has a driver’s license with a mark giving the right to drive cars of all types and brands, classified to vehicle categories


3.1. Rules of the road, penalties for their violation.

3.2. The main technical characteristics and general arrangement of the car, instrument and counter readings, controls (purpose of keys, buttons, handles, etc.).

3.3. The order of installation and removal of alarm systems, the nature and conditions of their operation.

3.4. Rules for maintaining a car, caring for the body and interior, keeping them clean and in a condition favorable for long-term operation (do not wash the body in direct sunlight, with hot water in winter).

3.5. The timing of the next maintenance, technical inspection, checking tire pressure, tire wear, steering wheel free play angle, etc. according to the vehicle's operating instructions.

3.6. Rules for filling out primary documents for accounting for the operation of serviced vehicles.

3.7. Causes, methods for detecting and eliminating malfunctions that occurred during the operation of the vehicle.


The driver must:

4.1. To ensure the correct smooth professional driving of the car, ensuring the maximum safety of the life and health of passengers and the technically sound condition of the car itself. Do not use sound signals and sudden overtaking of vehicles in front unless absolutely necessary. The driver is obliged and able to foresee any traffic situation; choose the speed of movement and distance, excluding the occurrence of an emergency.

4.2. Do not leave the vehicle unattended out of sight for any minimum period of time that gives the chance of theft of the vehicle or theft of any items from the passenger compartment. Park your car only in guarded parking lots.

4.3. It is mandatory to put the car on the alarm in any case of exit from the passenger compartment. While driving and parking, all vehicle doors must be locked. When leaving the car (landing), you must make sure that there is no potential danger.

4.4. Monitor the technical condition of the vehicle, perform independently the necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions), timely undergo maintenance at the service center and technical inspection.

4.6. Strictly follow all orders of the head of the enterprise and his immediate supervisor. Ensure timely delivery of the vehicle.

4.7. Communicate truthful information about your health to your immediate supervisor.

4.8. Do not use alcohol before or during work, psychotropic, sleeping pills, antidepressants and other drugs that reduce the attention, reaction and performance of the human body.

4.9. Categorically not allow cases of transportation of any passengers or cargo at your own discretion, as well as any kind of use of the car for personal purposes without the permission of the management. Always be at the workplace in the car or in close proximity to it.

4.10. Keep daily waybills, noting routes, kilometers traveled, fuel consumption.

4.11. Pay close attention to the surrounding road conditions. Report to the immediate supervisor all your suspicions regarding security issues, make suggestions for improving it.

4.12. Do not allow cases of engaging in extraneous affairs in work time. Get creative with your immediate responsibilities, try to be useful to the enterprise in its current economic activity.


The driver has the right:

5.1. Require passengers to comply with the rules of conduct, cleanliness, wear a seat belt.

5.2. Make suggestions to the management aimed at improving the safety and trouble-free operation of the vehicle, as well as on any other issues related to the implementation of this Instruction.

5.3. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.


The driver is responsible:

6.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the current labor legislation.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation.


7.1. The driver must know and comply with the provisions of the Law "On Labor Protection", other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, as well as the requirements of the orders, instructions, and regulations in force at the enterprise that regulate labor protection issues.

Job description of a forwarding driver


1.1. This Instruction defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibility of the forwarding driver LLC "Trigona" (Enterprise).

1.2. The term "Forwarding Driver" means a full-time employee of the Enterprise operating in official purposes on a permanent or temporary basis, a car owned by the Company or a car at its disposal.

1.3. The forwarding driver reports directly to the General Director of the Enterprise.

1.4. The delivery driver must know:

1.4.1. Rules of the road, penalties for their violation.

1.4.2. Specifications and the general structure of the car, instrument and counter readings, controls (purpose of keys, buttons, handles, etc.).

1.4.3. The order of installation and removal of alarm systems, the nature and conditions of their operation.

1.4.4. Rules for maintaining the car, caring for the body and interior, keeping them clean and in a condition favorable for long-term operation (do not wash the body in direct sunlight, hot water in winter, apply protective lotions, washing liquids, etc. in a timely manner).

1.4.5. The timing of the next maintenance inspection, checking tire pressure, tire wear, steering wheel free play angle, etc. according to the vehicle's operating instructions.

1.5. In his activities, the forwarding driver is guided by the Charter of the Enterprise, the internal labor schedule, this instruction, orders and orders of the head of the enterprise.


2.1. Efficient and safe vehicle operation.

2.2. Ensuring the proper technical condition of the car.

2.3. Ensuring the safety of entrusted property, including a car.

2.4. Ensuring forwarding and courier functions for the delivery and maintenance of materials, as well as accounting and other documents.


To perform the functions assigned to him, the driver-forwarding agent must:

3.1. To ensure the correct smooth professional driving of the car, ensuring the maximum safety of the life and health of passengers and the technically sound condition of the car itself. Do not use sound signals and sudden overtaking of vehicles in front unless absolutely necessary. Anticipate any traffic situation; choose the speed of movement and distance, excluding the occurrence of an emergency.

3.2. Do not leave the vehicle unattended out of sight for any minimum period of time that gives the chance of theft of the vehicle or theft of any items from the passenger compartment. If possible, park your car only in guarded parking lots.

3.3. It is mandatory to put the car on the alarm in any case of exit from the passenger compartment. While driving and parking, all vehicle doors must be locked. When leaving the car (landing), you must make sure that there is no potential danger.

3.4. Ensure that the car is parked in a garage / guarded parking lot to ensure the safety of the car.

3.5. Monitor the technical condition of the vehicle, perform independently the necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions), timely undergo maintenance at the service center and technical inspection. Timely submit applications necessary to ensure the proper technical condition of the car (regulated by the reference and technical literature for this car).

3.6. Ensure timely submission of fuel requests.

3.8. Ensure timely delivery of the vehicle.

3.9. Strictly comply with all requirements of the Regulations on the division, orders of the head of the Enterprise.

3.10. Report reliable information about your health to the manager.

3.11. Do not use alcohol, psychotropic, sleeping pills, and other drugs that affect the attention, reaction and performance of the human body before or during work.

3.12. Do not allow cases of transportation of any passengers or cargo at your own discretion, as well as any kind of use of the car for personal purposes without the permission of the management.

3.13. Maintain daily waybills, noting the routes, distance traveled, speedometer readings before departure and upon return, the amount of time worked. Require the person who used the car to mark the waybill.

3.14. Fulfill the instructions of the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant for the transportation of goods, execution and delivery of documents to the destination.


The forwarding driver has the right to:

4.1. Make suggestions to the management aimed at improving the safety and trouble-free operation of the vehicle, as well as on any other issues related to the implementation of this Instruction.


The delivery driver is responsible for:

5.1. For non-performance (improper performance) of their official duties provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. This job description is communicated to the forwarding driver for review against signature in the employment contract.

The job description of a car driver regulates working relationships. It determines the order of subordination of an employee, the rules for employment and dismissal of him from his post, the requirements for education, knowledge, and skills. The document contains a list of rights, functional duties, types of responsibility of the driver.

The document is prepared by the head of the department of the organization. Approved by the director of the institution.

The standard form provided below can be used when compiling a job description for a driver of a truck, car, bus, personal, personal driver, freight forwarder, etc. A number of provisions of the document may differ depending on the specialization of the employee.

Sample job description for a car driver

I. General provisions

1. The driver of the car belongs to the category of "technical performers".

2. The driver of the car reports directly to the head of the structural unit / general director.

3. During the absence of the driver of the car, his functional duties, responsibility, rights are assigned to another official, as reported in the order of the institution.

4. A person who has the rights of category "B" / "C" / "D" and a driving experience of at least two years is appointed to the position of a car driver.

5. The appointment and dismissal of the driver of the car is carried out by order of the general director of the institution.

6. The driver of the car is guided in his activities:

  • this job description;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • the charter of the institution;
  • orders of the immediate superior;
  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • methodological materials for conducting activities;
  • orders, orders of management;
  • governing, normative acts of the institution.

7. The driver of the car must know:

  • general arrangement of the car;
  • the main technical characteristics of the units, device, purpose, principle of operation, maintenance of mechanisms, vehicle devices;
  • causes, methods for identifying, eliminating vehicle malfunctions, their consequences;
  • traffic rules, penalties for their violation;
  • rules for the implementation of vehicle maintenance;
  • decrees, legislation, orders, orders, other regulations institutions;
  • car maintenance standards, maintenance of the interior, body, keeping them in a clean, comfortable condition.

II. Responsibilities of a car driver

The driver of the car performs the following duties:

1. Contributes to the technically sound condition of the car entrusted to him.

2. Timely delivers the car to a predetermined place.

3. Drives a car, ensuring maximum safety for the health, life of passengers and other road users.

4. Contributes to the safety of the car, the property located in it.

5. Leaves the car in the parking lot with the alarm on.

6. Blocks all car doors while driving, parking.

7. Monitors the technical condition of the mechanisms, assemblies of the car.

8. Independently performs the necessary work to ensure the safe operation of the car, according to the instructions.

9. Keeps units, mechanisms, car interior clean. Treats them with the intended care products.

10. Regular maintenance and repair of the car in the service center.

11. Do not use substances that reduce attention, reaction speed, performance.

12. Enters information into the transport lists: routes, distances covered, consumption of fuels and lubricants.

13. Studying the features of the route before leaving. Discusses it with your immediate supervisor.

14. Fulfills the instructions of the immediate superior.

15. Leaves the car entrusted to him in a guarded parking lot or garage after the end of the working day.

16. Contributes to the reduction of unproductive costs for the maintenance of the car.

17. Carefully and rationally uses the materials and equipment entrusted to him.

18. Provides established documentation within a specified time frame.

19. Contributes to the reduction of transport downtime, irrational use of motor vehicle resources.

III. Rights

The driver of the car has the right:

1. Propose changes to traffic routes.

2. Independently make decisions within their own competence.

3. Receive information from contractors about the progress of car repairs or maintenance.

4. Get advice from experts on issues that are beyond the competence of the driver of the car.

5. Do not perform functional duties in the event of a danger to health, life.

6. Report to the management about the identified shortcomings in the activities of the institution, send proposals for their elimination.

7. Require management to create normal conditions for safe work the performance of their official duties.

8. Put forward proposals to the management to improve the activities of the institution.

9. Communicate with departments of the institution regarding their activities.

10. Receive information from managers about projects in relation to their activities.

11. Participate in educational events, improve your own skills.

IV. Responsibility

The driver of the vehicle is responsible for:

1. Safety, performance of the car entrusted to him, its components and mechanisms.

2. Violation of the provisions of the governing documents of the institution.

3. Improper performance of their official duties.

4. Causing damage to the institution, its employees, customers, the state, road users.

5. Reliability of information in the documentation sent to management.

6. Violation of the provisions of labor discipline, internal labor regulations, fire protection standards, safety regulations.

7. Consequences of independent actions, own decisions.

8. Reliability of data on the technical condition of the car entrusted to him.

9. Untimely direction of the car for service and repair.

truck driver

Driver truck drives a vehicle that belongs to the relevant category. It tows trailers of the specified weight and dimensions.

Specific duties of a truck driver:

1. Compliance with the rules for submitting vehicles for loading and unloading.

2. Checking the conformity of the stowage, fastening of the cargo on the car with the requirements for ensuring the safety of the cargo and traffic safety of the car.

3. Monitoring compliance with the rules for carrying out loading and unloading operations, transport loading standards.

Bus driver

The bus driver transports passengers, observes their safety while driving, boarding, disembarking from the passenger compartment.

Specific duties of a bus driver:

1. Passing medical examinations in the prescribed manner.

2. Compliance with the timetable and route.

3. Message to passengers about the start and end of boarding.

Forwarding driver

Forwarding driver delivers goods, material values, primary documentation to designated places. It is entrusted with the function of transferring funds.

Specific functional duties of a forwarding driver:

1. Receipt of goods from warehouses in accordance with the content of the accompanying documents.

2. Checking the packaging of goods, monitoring the correctness of the loading and unloading operations, the location, stowage of goods in the car.

3. Ensuring the safety of inventory items during transportation.

4. Registration of documentation on the acceptance, delivery of goods.

The driver-forwarding agent acts as a trustee of the organization in established cases.

Appointment of the position - ensures the correct smooth professional driving of the car, which maximizes the safety of the life and health of passengers, the technically sound condition of the car itself, is responsible for the order in the garage, the observance of labor and production discipline by drivers, the rules and norms of labor protection, the requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene, bears complete liability for ensuring the safety of the material values ​​entrusted to him.

Driver mechanic job description template


1.1. Position - DRIVER - MECHANIC

1.2. Appointment of the position - ensures the correct smooth professional driving of the car, which maximizes the safety of life and health of passengers, the technically sound condition of the car itself, is responsible for the order in the garage, the observance of labor and production discipline by drivers, the rules and norms of labor protection, the requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene, bears full financial responsibility for ensuring the safety of the material values ​​entrusted to him.

1.3. Submission and interaction - driver - mechanic reports to the Head of the Logistics Department on all matters of performance and works under his direct supervision.

1.4. Appointment and release.

Appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the General Director


2.1. Predicts any traffic situation, selects the speed and distance that excludes the occurrence of an emergency, does not use sound signals and sudden overtaking of the vehicles in front unless absolutely necessary.

2.2. Do not leave the car unattended out of sight for any minimum period, giving a chance of stealing the car or stealing any things from the passenger compartment, park the car only in guarded parking lots.

2.3. Blocks all car doors while driving and parking, when leaving the car (landing) it is convinced that there is no potential danger.

2.4. Monitors the technical condition of the vehicle, performs independently the necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions), timely undergoes maintenance at the service center and technical inspection.

2.5. Keeps the engine, body and interior of the car clean, protects them with appropriate care products for certain surfaces.

2.6. Fulfills all orders of the Director and his immediate supervisor, ensures the timely delivery of the car.

2.7. Do not use alcohol before or during work, psychotropic, sleeping pills, antidepressants and other drugs that reduce the attention, reaction and performance of the human body.

2.8. Does not allow any cases of transportation of any passengers or cargo at his own discretion, as well as any type of use of the car for personal purposes without the permission of the management, always stays at the workplace in the car or in close proximity to it.

2.9. Organizes the release of rolling stock on the line in a technically sound condition.

2.10. Carries out control over the provision of fuels and lubricants, timely maintenance and proper storage of rolling stock.

2.12. Maintains daily waybills, noting routes, distance traveled, fuel consumption.

2.13. Signs and endorses documents within its competence.


3.1. Secondary specialized education and work experience in a related specialty for at least 3 years.