Increasing the level of customer loyalty. Loyalty programs as a modern tool for increasing sales. Attachment to the company

Oksana Butorina, managing director of a recruiting company Pride Consulting Group:

Recently, especially during the crisis, it has become fashionable to talk about building employee loyalty to the company. This is motivated by the fact that, according to managers, which they borrowed from trainings and books, loyal employees work more efficiently and more easily make unpopular decisions aimed at stabilizing and preserving the business. And indeed it is. However, no matter how actively loyalty programs are developed and implemented, according to ongoing surveys, employee loyalty and productivity have been steadily declining over the past year.

Why is this happening? St O It is important to pay attention to the fact that the formation of loyalty begins not with the development of a special program, but with the consistent construction of the company’s policy in relation to its employees, clients, and partners.

First of all, it is important to honestly adhere to the accepted mission and principles. If a company openly declares democratic management principles, but in fact implements authoritarian style management, if a company talks about customer focus and at the same time customer service managers are rude on the phone, then new employee will very quickly catch this tendency of “insincerity”, in which all attempts to form loyalty will come to naught.

In fact, building loyalty- this is not so much a consequence of the implementation of a specific program, but the result of a well-thought-out company policy, a mirror reflection of the attitude of the company management towards its employees.

To form real and effective loyalty already in basic principles Any business must be based on genuine respect and concern for the needs of people. What do people need?

  • Firstly, clear and transparent management system. Understanding the hierarchy, delimitation of powers, areas of responsibility and decision-making give employees a sense of stability and confidence. In addition, a system of two-way communication within the company is important, which allows you to create an atmosphere of trust and, as a result, responsibility for business development.
  • Secondly, all people want to be proud of what they do, so business competitiveness will definitely affect the increase in employee loyalty towards the employer.
  • Thirdly, sincere respect from the leader And friendly relations with colleagues and who will quickly form a desire to work for the benefit of this particular company.
  • Fourthly, opportunity to be heard. Loyalty will be formed if the company provides any employee with the opportunity to develop personally and professionally, and will notice and appreciate the contribution of each employee to the overall success of the company.
  • Fifthly, decent reward. If an employee receives wages below the market wage, then he will always consider himself undervalued. In this case, loyalty and, as a consequence, labor costs and efficiency decrease very quickly.
  • At sixth, confidence, which is especially appreciated by mature, qualified specialists. This can be expressed, for example, in self-management, the ability to choose a work schedule, ABOUT greater independence when making decisions, personal responsibility for the results of the project, etc.

In addition, the loyalty of employees depends on the loyalty of the leader (the example of a leader is very important), his attitude towards work and the disloyalty of subordinates.

One can also say about such an aspect as decent working conditions, extended compensation package etc. The latter, of course, requires considerable expenses, which, however, according to experts who practice such motivation, are paid off precisely by loyalty and high labor efficiency.

Yulia Gubanova, Head of the HR Department of the Representative Office in Russia and the CIS of the company BBK Electronics Corp., LTD.:

IN Copenhagen School of Marketing calculated that if loyalty workers increases by 1, then customer loyalty increases by 1.25. And if loyalty client grew by 1% , then profit will increase in the next quarter by 0.885%. IN Russian companies Today, more and more people are paying attention to employee loyalty and implementing various programs to increase the level of staff loyalty.

The main thing in the process of increasing employee loyalty is to constantly diagnose the state of affairs in the work team, conduct surveys, and write blogs in which employees can express their opinions. Having an active intranet portal helps a lot with this.

The company has an interesting project to increase loyalty Intel which invites former employees to special quarterly meetings (optional), where the company's top management is scheduled to speak. These employees are a real reserve for Intel, which can help the company in case of unforeseen circumstances. Even after employees leave the company, they maintain constant contact with it. Our company also has a similar micro-project: we periodically invite our former employees to internal events.

The most well-known tools for increasing staff loyalty are:

  • Communicating the company’s corporate mission to employees;
  • Internal corporate media (newspaper, newsletter, portal);
  • Corporate team building training;
  • Collaboration on projects;
  • Competitions and competitions in companies;
  • Activities that allow employees to feel proud of their company.

Pavel Tsypin, independent consultant in the field of human resources management:

As you know, employee loyalty can be external And internal.

  • External loyalty is characterized by compliance with all rules and procedures established in the organization, as well as acceptance corporate culture at the level of behavior within the company.
  • Internal loyalty is associated with the employee’s way of thinking, with how close his personal values ​​are to the company’s philosophy.

Based on this, it is clear that achieving external loyalty is quite simple. As a rule, it is achieved by introducing procedures for monitoring the activities of employees: from “entry-exit” control to multi-stage control over the completion of tasks related to the company’s business. In any case, the increase external loyalty mainly carried out through large-scale programs affecting either the entire company or its individual services.

Increased internal loyalty is achieved significantly O greater effort on the part of the company than achieving external. The main factors for increasing internal loyalty it could be considered:

  1. Honesty from management. Whatever the difficulties the company is experiencing, truthful and timely information about it creates a positive impression among employees and, as a rule, wins them over to the side of management. Trust is the most important factor in growing loyalty.
  2. Control of employee activities. Lack of control corrupts even the most disciplined employee. The understanding that his activities will be checked forces him to be more demanding of himself and try to perform his duties better. But here it is very important to ensure the inevitability of checks.
  3. Fair reward. Although fairness is a rather subjective concept, there are still some generally accepted concepts. If a significant number of employees believe that the payment policy towards them is unfair, then their loyalty will gradually decrease - even to the point of “leaking” information to competitors.
  4. Adequate tasks. The clarity and adequacy of work assignments to the capabilities and qualifications of the employee increases his satisfaction with his own work and respect for the company and its management (regardless of the employee’s status in the company’s hierarchy).
  5. Properly organized work time . Excessive and unreasonable workloads, as well as constant overtime, quickly kill the loyalty of even the most motivated employees.
  6. Productive team relationships, mentoring. Companionship and friendly relations can compensate for many shortcomings of work and contribute to the growth of internal loyalty of employees.

Dmitry Monaenko, HR Director of an Internet hypermarket

Question " How to increase employee loyalty?" - this is from the series "to be or not to be." The problem is urgent at any time of the year, in any organization and in any situation in the team. No matter how good it is, as they say, “there is no limit to perfection.” There are many options for measures and actions, the secret of their correct use lies in the consistency, timeliness and complexity of the projects being implemented.

However, the most important thing is why O Let's start with this - this is a “healthy climate” in the work team. After all, very often it is for the sake of a good team that people are ready to endure poor working conditions, meekly wait for the salary for the month before last, work overtime and believe, for the twentieth time, that now they will certainly not be deceived... now everything will be fine!

    • So, the first step to unwavering loyalty is friendly staff, good attitude towards people And "healthy climate"
    • This is followed by such banal “little things” as timely payment of wages, registration according to Labor Code and payment of all due compensation, payment of sick leave and vacations. You will say - but this is guaranteed by law! Is it true? Ask your friends which of them receives “money for children” (tax deduction), or better yet, start with which of them has a “white” salary...
    • And now we come to real loyalty programs. Who is stopping you from feeding your dear and beloved employee? Expensive? There is no need to pay for dinner for two in a French restaurant - find a canteen on site and agree on tasty and healthy food “for an inexpensive price.” Taking into account the mass scale (if you have more than 5 people in the company), I believe that significant discounts are possible. Still expensive? Give people compensation for lunch, even 50 rubles!
    • Is everyone full? And we still have travel and communications! And also options from unlimited to 50 rubles for compensation (from each according to their capabilities).
    • All? Have the listed “delicacies” become the norm and have already become familiar? This means it’s time to look for a sports complex/swimming pool/solarium/kindergarten/sculpting club nearby (depending on the team, depending on what is closer to your spirit). And the fact that out of 100 applicants usually only 25-40% use the offered “benefits” will allow you to save significantly! Whether they use it or not, the main thing is that you have such a benefit! (The principle of any insurance company).
    • Tired of wasting time on trifles? This means it’s time to move on to large-scale programs. If you can’t afford to take all your employees to a spa hotel on the seashore right now... BUT going with the whole team for a picnic (economy option)/for horseback riding/skeet shooting/to the nearby Romashka sanatorium - here there is already somewhere to roam!

To summarize, I would like to note that the main thing is How the benefits offered will be accepted by the team. As practice shows, sometimes 50 rubles compensation for lunch brings more joy than taking your families to the sea. Therefore, in each specific case, it is necessary to take into account and correlate the specifics of the work team and your financial capabilities, because you are unlikely to be able to take back the offered bonuses peacefully. And by using a combined mixture of several inexpensive projects, you can not spend much money and sincerely please the entire friendly team! For the good common goal and His Majesty's result!

Evgenia Lyubimova, company HR manager VKS:

It’s no longer a secret that personnel decides everything! Especially during a crisis. Many companies have undergone and are still undergoing various changes as the number of employees has decreased and the volume of work has increased, tasks have become more complex, etc. Therefore, now more than ever, loyal employees can help companies survive and grow further without requiring salary increases or other additional benefits.

Loyalty is usually understood as loyalty and dedication of employees to the goals and values ​​of the organization. In other words, these are employees who understand and accept the company’s corporate culture. How can we ensure that there are as many such workers in the company as possible? First of all, even at the personnel selection stage, it is necessary to pay attention to how well the applicant meets the requirements of the corporate culture, as well as what the candidate’s expectations are from working in this organization. After all, if expectations and needs are not met, then you cannot expect a good attitude towards the company either. O it.

To increase staff loyalty, it is necessary (at a minimum) to comply with the following conditions:

  • fair remuneration for work,
  • satisfaction of personal needs of employees in professional and personal growth and development,
  • honest and open employer-employee relationships, fulfillment of all contract terms,
  • a comfortable environment in the workplace and a favorable atmosphere in the work team.

Observing all these conditions, we try to pay great attention to the psychological microclimate in the company, to maintain a warm, friendly atmosphere in the work team, since it is good relationships that greatly influence the loyalty of staff. The VKS company was initially created by a team of like-minded people for people who want to study foreign languages. We were able to achieve the results that we have at the moment thanks to our close-knit team. Of course, over time the company grew, the internal structure became more diverse and complex, but the overall corporate spirit - the spirit unified team- we manage, it seems to me, to support so far. This happens primarily due to the fact that each employee can always offer some new ideas and see the results, that is, really feel their involvement in the common cause. To achieve this, we regularly conduct brainstorming", where everyone can express their ideas, as well as take a direct part in their subsequent implementation. As a result, in addition to the fact that the employee sees that his opinion is listened to, he also receives a nice prize from the company management for his contribution to business development. The developed system of internal training and career growth in company. We can say that such work with personnel allows us to avoid at least two problems: protest to any changes (in any form), as well as staff turnover.

Employee loyalty and engagement

According to a labor market study conducted by an international recruitment agency Kelly Services at the end of 2009-beginning of 2010, the economic recession increased loyalty Russian workers in relation to their employers, however, at the same time, the level of people’s involvement in the work process in Russia is the lowest in the world.

Research results:

  • 21% Russians surveyed said that due to economic crisis they became more loyal to their employer;
  • 64% have not changed their attitude;
  • 15% They believe that the crisis has only worsened their relationship with their employer.

It is noteworthy that on average among European countries, also 21% respondents noted an increase in loyalty to their employer. However, globally, this is the lowest figure: in the Asia-Pacific region, 30% , and in the North America region 36% respondents.

The main reasons for increasing employee loyalty in Russia were:

  • Good morale in the team (48%),
  • Good leadership/management (47%),
  • Unchanged salary level (47%),
  • Opportunities for training and development (44%).

Main difference Russian employees from the rest of the world - role of managers for our compatriots is several times less significant than in other countries of the world. For example, in Europe and North America, the role of managers for employees turned out to be 2 times more important, and in the Asia-Pacific region - 3 times more important than in Russia!

Perhaps the main question of the study was “ How committed are you to your current employer?”, reflecting how people are involved in the work process and are ready to “put their soul into their work.” In Russia these were only 16% of workers surveyed, while in Europe their average number is 39% , in the Asia-Pacific region 47% , and in North America almost 51% .

Interesting results were demonstrated by the question “ What is the most compelling reason for you to leave the company?? In Russia the situation is very different from the rest of the world:

  • Lack of opportunities for development (37%),
  • Low pay/benefits (23%) are much more important, while
  • Weak management is a good reason for changing jobs for only 8% of Russian workers.

Main conclusions of the study:

  • As a result of the crisis, employee loyalty has increased across the board.
  • Russian workers are least involved in the work process.
  • Russian workers are more motivated than others by salary and career opportunities.
  • The Leadership factor in Russia has a much lower value than anywhere else in the world.

Ekaterina Gorokhova, Vice President, CEO Kelly Services:

“People are primarily motivated by interesting tasks and the content of their work. If the work is interesting and projects change periodically, then specialists will work in one company for quite a long time. In second place in Russia, ahead of other countries, is high wage: “Give us interesting tasks, but pay us well.” Most likely, this is due to our constant expectation of change, when no one particularly counts on an abstract pension, and everyone wants to gain material wealth as soon as possible.”

  • Motivation, Incentives and Remuneration


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The topic of increasing customer loyalty worries many businessmen. For anyone interested in this issue, we offer an article by John Fraser-Robinson, which contains useful tips and interesting thoughts on how to conquer and increase customer loyalty.

Participants in the modern business space attach great importance to building relationships with clients. The entire field of marketing, sales and service puts the task of increasing customer loyalty at the forefront. It’s no wonder that experts from these areas assign such an important role to customer loyalty. But do not forget that the commitment and trust of customers will bring success to the entire enterprise, the company as a whole. Therefore, all employees without exception should worry about this indicator.

In the modern business world, one method of increasing competitiveness is replaced by another, and often such fashion trends pass without a trace, both for the company and for the business market as a whole (for example, the philosophy of total quality management - TQM). But such an indicator as customer loyalty is a measure of stability and reliability. Experience has shown that the pursuit of end-customer satisfaction did not bring the expected results; it only created unnecessary troubles for the buyer in the form of huge amount questionnaires to fill out, and policies aimed at building customer loyalty have stood the test of time.

In reality, being overly concerned with customer satisfaction metrics is like trying to measure the temperature of the water with your pinky finger before jumping into the pool. Customer loyalty and satisfaction are of different natures. When it comes to loyalty, we mean the actions of customers, and not their verbal assessment of a particular product. For example, if a customer repeatedly buys the same product, this is a specific action that allows us to talk about loyalty.

What factors can influence customer loyalty?

First of all, customer loyalty is influenced by:

Each of the above indicators plays an important role in the formation of a loyalty system. Loyalty management strategy developed taking into account logic and emotions. What does it mean? For example, the cost of a product and its quality can be logically justified. And factors such as quality of service and the client’s attitude towards the company lie strictly in the emotional plane. For effective management With loyalty, marketers should balance the use of the logical element and the customer's emotions, as they mutually influence each other. Achieving a high level of business elements based on emotions will allow you to focus all your efforts on building relationships with clients.

The combination of these factors represents an integral system, but for a clearer picture, it is necessary to consider each of them separately.

The price of the product

Businessmen often attach too much importance to price. Of course this is important factor, but don't go overboard in trying to influence customer priorities with price. Companies use a loyalty management strategy to minimize the impact of price on customer attitudes. When you earn the client's trust, price will no longer be the determining factor for him when choosing your product, the buyer will appreciate your product or services. This does not mean that price cannot be used to influence loyalty, but when setting the price one should not forget about the benefits and prospects further development companies.

Product quality

A customer will not repurchase your product if it does not meet the stated quality level. For example, if a device breaks down before the end of its service life, this will affect not only the client’s attitude towards a specific product, but also his attitude towards the manufacturer as a whole. Actions aimed at increasing customer loyalty will be crowned with success when the proposed products meet or even exceed consumer expectations.

Fulfillment of delivery conditions

Fulfilling delivery conditions is not just about delivering the goods to the specified address. Delivery is a way to create corporate reputation and identification, this is a kind of promise that you made to the client. There is a significant difference between supply and technical distribution. Distribution of goods is a chain of logically meaningful operations that occur at a stage far from the final consumer, that is, it is the process of distributing material flow between various wholesale buyers.

When it comes to delivery, it means direct, uninterrupted contact with the client. A policy aimed at increasing customer loyalty presupposes the uninterrupted functioning of the communication channel with the consumer and the readiness to respond to his request at any time of the day.

Quality of service

Experience shows that customer-focused businesses focus on Special attention service. It's hard to do large corporations and holding companies, whose “sluggishness” and deep-rooted connections often prevent them from delivering to the consumer. This cannot be said about representatives of small businesses, who have greater freedom of action in this area, since they are not burdened with various “protocols” and traditional structures. For example, it will not be difficult for a small company to satisfy a non-standard, unusual desire of a client, since it is free and dynamic in its decisions and actions.

The above does not mean that large companies do not have the opportunity to become as customer-centric as possible. They just need more effort and time to do this: create a competent management culture, properly organize the HR department, change organizational structure and so on. To increase customer loyalty large companies you need to be more mobile and energetic.

Client's attitude

Any company wants to earn the recognition and respect of customers. And it doesn’t matter which clients we are talking about: individual consumers or other organizations. The approaches to loyalty management are the same in any case. In order for the client to prioritize in your favor, give each employee his own separate client base, this will make it easier for him to build a trusting relationship with them. The employee will be able to identify the individual needs of each client, which will have a beneficial effect on his loyalty to the company.

So, to influence customer loyalty and earn their respect, attention and trust, you need to systematically and diligently work on the five indicators mentioned above. Only an integrated approach to ways to increase customer loyalty will lead to the intended goal. We should not forget about the need to combine experience based on logic (issues of price, product quality, delivery) with experience based on customer emotions (service, subjective attitude of the client).

On the issue of emotions. How does the client feel when he deals with your company, how does he feel about it? The answer to this question should concern any company. The emotional aspect should not be ignored. Many methods of building customer loyalty are ineffective only because they pay insufficient attention to factors based on emotions and feelings.

How to measure loyalty?

Here are some questions that will help you measure your customer loyalty:

What do customers say about the company? – indicator of customer satisfaction;
How long ago was your last purchase? – an indicator of the relevance of a product or service;
How often are purchases made? – an indicator of how regularly the client uses your services;
How long has the person (or organization) been your client? – indicator of the duration of the relationship with the client;
How much do customers spend? – value indicator in monetary terms;
What reviews do consumers leave about you? – will allow you to consider the advice and suggestions of your clients;
How much of their spending do customers keep with your company and your competitors? – an indicator of the share of the client’s expenses.

Why do you need to know what part of your expenses customers “keep” in your company? It is necessary to analyze your customers’ expenses related to your products in order to build the right marketing policy and assess the level of consumer loyalty. The client is loyal and committed to your company as long as the share of your products in his expenses is 70-80%, when this figure is below 50%, the client will easily accept the offer of your competitors. This indicator requires accuracy, not approximate calculations. This question can be asked directly to the client, and based on accurate data, a strategy for further development can be built.

Another important question every businessman should ask himself is: are customers willing to help your company? Customer help primarily lies in their desire and willingness to spread positive or negative reviews about your company. People are often more willing to answer a question about their willingness to make recommendations than a question about their desire to purchase more of your products. This valuable species information will also help to calculate the steps in creating a loyalty system.


For development effective strategy To increase customer loyalty, you need to constantly study and analyze their needs. In addition, studying the opinions and recommendations of customers will allow us to understand the shortcomings and strengths company, be it a corporation or a small organization. Being sensitive and interested in your customers will help you earn their trust and respect. In addition, you should take into account the costs that the company incurred to acquire a new client and the real value of the existing one. This information will allow

Hello! In this article we will talk about customer loyalty.

Customer loyalty is an important indicator of a company's performance. Many marketers and managers understand that it is easier to build a policy in such a way that the main money comes from a flow of regular, reliable customers than to try to attract new ones accessible ways. In this article we will talk about the definition of loyalty, why do something with it, how to measure it and how to improve indicators.

What is customer loyalty

In general, loyalty is a correct, trustworthy attitude towards someone or something.

Customer loyalty is a positive perception of the company and its products.

A loyal customer is ready to buy your products, recommend them to friends and acquaintances under any circumstances and regardless of the price/quality ratio of the product. There is an objective list of signs of customer loyalty:

  • A person turns to a company for a product/service over and over again.
  • The purchase frequency is higher than that of a buyer from the same company.
  • Such people try to take part in promotions and competitions.
  • Willingness to overpay to buy a product from your favorite brand.

Buyers now have a lot of choice. The same product can be purchased from dozens of different companies. You can compare price, quality, look at many reviews on different sites. Getting someone to buy from you is very difficult. And therefore, large and medium-sized companies (and in some niches, small ones) are concerned not just with, but with making them loyal.

Stages of customer loyalty

Marketers identify 5 stages of developing customer loyalty:

  • First visit.
  • One-time consumption.
  • Repeat visits.
  • Attachment to the company.
  • Loyalty.

Let's look at each of these stages in detail.

First visit

A person who is not yet familiar with your products comes to you. Perhaps he read something on the Internet. Maybe one of his friends told him about what you do. He comes and gets acquainted with the assortment and service. There are three options for the development of events:

  • Don't buy anything.
  • Buy, but later.
  • Buy now.

The first option happens more often, but we are not interested in it. We just lost a client. Perhaps he did not need anything, perhaps he simply did not want to buy here and now, he will compare prices, quality and, if your company turns out to be better, he will return.

The second option is also unreliable. If a customer leaves without purchasing anything, it is likely that he may not return. He will change his mind, buy somewhere else, come to the conclusion that he doesn’t really need the product, etc.

The third option is the most preferable. This already indicates that the client can become loyal. About 25% of people who enter an establishment for the first time and make a purchase become loyal customers.

First consumption

It is at this point that most people decide whether they will buy something from this company or not.

The issue of quality applies not only to the product, but also to the service. A trivial example: I came to the store to buy a laptop for work. I approached three different consultants and stated my requirements. And every time they told me a model more expensive than what I had my eye on. And to my questions “Why is it better than this model?” they could not answer anything intelligible. In the end, I bought what I wanted, I’m happy with the product, but I won’t return to the store.

And this happens every time. A person can buy something from you, but if he is dissatisfied with the work of the employees, he is unlikely to come again. And if he does come, it will be for something specific and without distinguishing you from your competitors.

Repeat visits

If the client is satisfied with the purchase and the work of the staff, he will come to you again: watch promotions, participate in them, if they are interesting to him. Roughly speaking, he will take a closer look at you.

Attachment to the company

This is already pretty close to loyalty. The client already understands that when he comes for a certain product to the company, he will find it there and buy it. Gradually, he stops looking at competitors and their products, giving preference to a specific company. Statistics show that such people make purchases 50% more often than primary buyers.

Customer loyalty

If a person is satisfied with the products of a particular company for a long time, he becomes loyal and will buy goods exclusively in this place. But you should understand that as soon as you reduce the quality of products or unreasonably increase prices, your regular customers may go to competitors.

That is why it is necessary not only to create loyal customers, but also to retain them with a price-quality ratio.

Types of customer loyalty

Marketers distinguish 4 types of loyalty, depending on emotional sympathy and frequency of purchases:

  1. True loyalty. When people are emotionally attached to a company, its brand and products. They often make repeat purchases.
  2. Latent loyalty. When people are emotionally attached to a brand and products, but do not make repeat purchases. Most often these are people who do not have money for expensive purchases.
  3. False loyalty. People often make repeat purchases, but are not emotionally attached to your company. That is, they choose your products based on objective criteria, rather than personal sympathy.
  4. Lack of loyalty. The person is not attached to the company and brand, and also does not make repeat purchases. Such a person did not like the company, he will not come again and will not recommend it to his friends.

It turns out to be a kind of square:

How to increase customer loyalty

In order to increase customer loyalty, marketers have come up with loyalty programs.

Loyalty program - this is a set of activities aimed at the client’s emotional and behavioral attachment to a product or company.

There are 3 types of programs:

  • Bonus. For each purchase, the client receives cashback in the form of bonuses, which he can then spend on an actual purchase or service. Examples - “Thank you” from Sberbank, bonus program from the Sportmaster store.
  • Discount. Regular customers receive discount cards. The larger the purchase amount, the greater the discount percentage. An example is L'Etoile.
  • Cumulative. After making a certain number of purchases (or purchases for a certain amount), the buyer becomes entitled to a bonus product or service. Good example: “coffee to go” promotions in coffee shops, when you buy 4 – 6 cups of coffee over a period of time and get 1 free.

Loyalty programs can work differently depending on the company's niche. The bonus comes in when purchasing expensive goods, the change from which can be used to buy other small items. Discount program- more universal. Customers can buy both expensive and cheap goods at a discount thanks to a plastic card. Savings programs are more suitable for small companies with a one-time purchase.

In order to understand what will work in each specific case, you can analyze your own feelings. For example, the conditional “Coffee to go” - it’s much more convenient for me to see another glass of coffee than a discount of 10 - 15 rubles.

It is impossible to increase loyalty through programs alone. You also need to take care of the quality of the product, the qualifications of the staff and the image of the company. A program is just a set of specific actions that can produce results.

How is customer loyalty measured?

A good marketer is also a mathematician. He tries to put each client’s behavioral indicator under his own index, and loyalty is no exception. For calculations, the Customer Loyalty Index or NPS (Net Promoter Score) is used.

The loyalty index shows how many people out of the total number of your customers are committed to your company, product or service, and will also recommend it to friends.

It can only be calculated through a survey. You can do this by calling clients from your database or sending SMS. You should write the following: “How would you rate our company on a scale of 1 to 10.” And the next question will be: “What do we need to do for you to give 10.”

Even those who have already given 10 points are worth asking an additional question. By this you show that you want to develop further and value the assessment of those who are already satisfied with everything.

Based on the results obtained, we group clients into 3 categories:

  1. From 1 to 6 points - dissatisfied customers. They won't recommend you to their friends and will only buy your products if you prove to be much better than your direct competitors.
  2. 7 - 8 points- neutral clients. They are happy with your product and service, but they see what your shortcomings are. Now they won't recommend you to their friends, but if you work with them a little, they will start promoting your company in their circles.
  3. 9 - 10 points- satisfied, loyal customers. They will recommend you to their friends and acquaintances. You should listen to their opinions and value such clients.

The Index value is calculated using the following formula:

NPS = (satisfied + neutral customers / total number of respondents) - (dissatisfied customers / total number of respondents).

The value can range from -100 to 100. Let's take a quick look at the values.

  • From - 100 to 0. Very poor customer loyalty indicator. People are more likely to use the services of competitors and only in rare cases - yours.
  • From 1 to 30. Average customer loyalty. You have both critics and those who like your products.
  • More than 30. This is already a good indicator of loyalty. From 30 to 50 are good average numbers. From 50 to 70 are indicators of a good company that is above its competitors. 70 or more are indicators of market leaders.

But the value of the Index also depends on the niche. When assessing your company’s customer loyalty, use average benchmarks specifically for your niche.

Numbers are cool. When you calculate the indicator and work with it, you can keep your finger on the pulse of your relationships with clients. But you shouldn’t perceive clients solely as numbers. If a person leaves a review, even a negative one, this is already a great opportunity to interact with him.

Examples of customer loyalty

The most striking example of customer loyalty is fans of Apple products. Every time a new iPhone comes out, entire queues form in major cities just to buy the new product a few hours before others. And there is a whole army of such people. They will buy New Product no matter how cool it is made, what new things have been added to it, whether it is convenient, how much it costs, etc.

This year, people started taking their places in line 5 days before the official start of sales. Someone enterprising even started selling places in line for the new iPhone.

Let's take a second example from video games. There, too, you can perfectly track customer loyalty. There is the legendary Call of Duty series of games. The first games were an outright masterpiece and a breakthrough in the genre. They always brought something new and interesting. But now their games are not only disgusting, but they do not reach the old ones in terms of depth and implementation of new ideas.

At the same time, fans buy their games every time, even for the hefty price tag of $60. And this despite numerous criticism and far from the most flattering reviews.

And the third example is more everyday. Let's take banal hairdressers near the house. You went there once, you were more or less satisfied with everything, and you will do it constantly. Even if they cut worse or raise the price. You will still be their client.

This is already an everyday example of conservatism, however, such an example also fits loyalty.

What will you achieve by increasing customer loyalty?

If you properly develop and implement a customer loyalty program, you can get a simple scheme:

  1. A new visitor comes to you.
  2. Buys goods.
  3. He is satisfied and comes again.
  4. He brings you money and recommends you to friends.

The benefit is not only what you get constant flow purchases from one person. Perhaps even more important will be his recommendations to friends and acquaintances. After all, we are in real life We often discuss questions with loved ones like “Where to buy this” or “Where to go for this.”

By developing and implementing a good loyalty program, we increase the number of customers exponentially. The more people become your regular customers, the more they advise and recommend you to their friends.

A good loyalty program is aimed not only at attracting new customers, but also at maintaining the loyalty of existing ones.


Customer loyalty is an important indicator for. Working with a stream regular customers who will buy your products and use your services can bring much more profit than targeting single buyers. That is why it is worth developing a loyalty system that will allow you to turn regular customers into regular customers.

Loyalty is the desire of the consumer to buy a certain product from this particular company, from this particular seller.

Relationships with clients need to be built - people like it when they smile, give gifts, give discounts, congratulate them on their birthday - in general, they stand out from the crowd and are pleasantly pleased.

Loyal customers are financially beneficial for the company; attracting a new customer is four times more expensive than retaining an old one.

In a world of fierce competition, where it is possible to buy the same product in a nearby store and at the same price, and maybe even cheaper, consumer loyalty is of great importance. You must stand out and create the conditions for excellent service. The main components of success are the latest new products, the widest range, attentive and helpful service, that is, the friendliness of the sellers, an individual approach, bonuses, and much more.

A loyalty program makes sense if your customers are occasional (consumers who purchase the product repeatedly, but not regularly) and/or regular (consumers who may purchase the product regularly and for a long time). There is also a category of one-time customers (consumers who bought a product once). The reason for a one-time purchase may be that the buyer came to him by accident, for example, while passing through, or the buyer’s need for your product is rare, which is typical for wedding salons, real estate and legal offices . In the case of one-time customers, apply methods to increase loyalty, i.e. encouraging repeat purchases is pointless. Often a business combines all three categories of customers; in this case, it is necessary to evaluate customers on a “one-time-occasional-regular” scale and use a loyalty program to influence the last two categories.

It should be remembered that a customer loyalty program should be implemented only if the company sells a high-quality product/service that satisfies consumers with its functional properties. If the buyer is not satisfied with the product/service itself, taking measures to retain him (the buyer) is useless!

There are many methods to increase customer loyalty, here are some of them:

1. A high level of service, quick response to customer requests and complaints, and an individual approach allow the client to feel important to the company. Most customers whose complaints have been resolved maintain their relationship with the company and tell an average of five friends about it. While customers who are dissatisfied with the company refuse its services and tell eleven friends about it;

2. Regular reminders about yourself. From time to time it is useful to call the client, send a fax or e-mail. It is important that it is not intrusive, but looks like caring for the client;

4. Discounts. This tool does not always lead to an increase in sales; it happens that a price reduction does not lead to an increase in buyers, but to a decrease in the company’s profit. Therefore, it is better not to throw away discounts once again;

5. Accumulative cards, which can be used to buy goods not only by its owner, but also by his many friends and relatives, which directly affects the increase in sales - the accumulative card brings the company new customers from the owner of this card. Plus, it develops an attachment to the store, because every purchase increases the discount;

6. Gifts. Gifts can be provided for a certain purchase volume, exchanged for a certain number of collected coupons, labels, points, etc. The gift can be presented for a specific holiday;

7. Competitions, prize draws. Particularly popular are family competitions, for example for the “most original photograph”, and competitions involving children, for example for the best children’s drawing. Of course, competitions should be accompanied by gifts (not necessarily expensive ones, it could be a certificate for the company’s products, but the more valuable the prize, the more people want to take part in the competition), and maybe even a festive show, it all depends on the capabilities and goals of the company;

8. Clubs of “regular/faithful” buyers. Participation in the club gives the client additional discounts and bonuses, to enter the club the buyer must purchase the company’s products for a certain amount, other conditions for membership in the club are possible;

9. Distribution of a “branded newspaper”. This can be your own printed or email newsletter. The newspaper should not consist 100% of advertising, then the buyer will send it squashed into the trash bin, it may contain interesting stories about your product, your customers, useful tips, humor, etc.;

10. Congratulations on your birthday, New Year, professional holidays, the most important thing is that the congratulations are personal, it is possible to write a congratulation by hand, or design it in an unusual way;

11. Gratitude. On the company’s birthday, you can send letters to clients thanking them for their cooperation with your company. And just emphasize gratitude to the client every time;

12. Exit fee. In some cases, a form of agreement is used in which the client undertakes to pay a tangible amount upon termination of the contract with you.

If you know other ways to increase customer loyalty, leave a comment.

Any experienced and adequate leader knows that personnel decides everything. If one employee is dissatisfied with the processes taking place in the company or the lack of necessary benefits, he can express it out loud or silently hate the entire office. It remains to be seen which is worse. Anyone who is dissatisfied with something out loud can be easily fired. It is quite difficult to figure out someone who is silent and interferes.

But this is an example when (read what to do in this case). If dissatisfaction is brewing in the company among the majority of the staff, we can talk about the lack of loyalty of employees to the organization. This indicates that management is doing nothing to solve this problem or is doing something wrong.

Loyalty means a benevolent, respectful, correct attitude towards the company and management, compliance with all established rules and regulations, even in case of internal disagreement with them. In a general sense, this means the commitment of employees to the organization, approval of its mission and goals, and methods of their implementation.

Highlight different types loyalty:

  • external: represents compliance with the rules and mandatory procedures established in the company,
  • internal: This is a deeper relationship that is associated with the thoughts of the employee, with the coincidence of his personal values ​​with the values ​​of the company.

Naturally, it is very easy to improve the external component: you just need to develop ways to monitor compliance with established rules and procedures in the company. The problem of the internal component is not so simple and requires a lot of effort and expense on the part of management. It is about increasing internal loyalty that will be discussed below.

Ways to increase staff loyalty

To form internal loyalty, the operating principles of the organization must include respectful attitude towards people and meeting their needs. If you look at what people need in the workplace, you can identify the following points:

Competent management system with a clear and transparent structure. Employees develop a sense of confidence and stability if there is a clear delineation of areas of responsibility, a clear hierarchy in the team and a division of authority. Another important point is the possibility of direct contact with the manager, which creates responsibility for the final result and creates an atmosphere of trust between subordinates and the manager.

Competitiveness and the prestige of the business and company. Any person wants to be proud not only of his own position, but also of his work in general.

Respectful attitude from management, friendly relations within the team. These features increase employee loyalty and increase their desire to grow and develop in this particular company.

Opportunity to be noticed and heard. If the employee is firmly convinced that for his efforts and quality work he will be provided with opportunities for career growth or own project, his loyalty to the organization will greatly increase. A positive assessment of the quality of work performed by management will certainly lead to a person not wanting to change or lose his job.

Decent salary and bonuses. If an employee receives a salary that does not correspond to the efforts and costs put in, he will consider himself undervalued, which will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of his activities. It will help to avoid this. Confidence and provision of bonuses by management. This applies mainly to leading employees, highly qualified specialists and subordinates who have worked for a long time and effectively. this place. This trust can be expressed in the provision flexible schedule work for an employee (so-called self-management), the ability to make decisions independently, personal responsibility for the result of a certain project, etc.

Important manager's attitude towards disloyal employees, as well as his commitment to the organization (following the same rules, demonstrating a personal attitude and interest in the work).

What tools to use?

The main means of increasing loyalty are:

  • knowledge by all employees of the corporate mission,
  • corporate trainings, team building and team building trainings,
  • collaboration on projects,
  • in-house newspapers, online magazine, etc.,
  • organization of competitions and competitions in the company,
  • events that give employees a sense of pride in the company (sponsorship, large-scale world, all-Russian or city events).

In order for the company to have as many loyal people as possible, it is necessary to consider the current problems of each employee. In some companies, even taking close and distant relatives of employees to Bali will not increase loyalty, while in another organization, compensation of 100 rubles for travel or lunch will bring more joy to employees, and accordingly increase their loyalty.