Rolling work schedule. Advantages and disadvantages of a staggered work schedule Comparison with a flexible schedule

« Physics - Grade 10 "

What is the difference between uniform motion and uniformly accelerated motion?
What is the difference between a path graph for uniformly accelerated motion and a path graph for uniform motion?
What is called the projection of a vector on any axis?

In the case of uniform rectilinear motion, you can determine the speed according to the graph of coordinates versus time.

The velocity projection is numerically equal to the tangent of the slope of the straight line x(t) to the x-axis. In this case, the greater the speed, the greater the angle of inclination.

Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.

Figure 1.33 shows graphs of the projection of acceleration versus time for three different values ​​of acceleration in a rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion of a point. They are straight lines parallel to the x-axis: a x = const. Graphs 1 and 2 correspond to movement when the acceleration vector is directed along the OX axis, graph 3 - when the acceleration vector is directed in the direction opposite to the OX axis.

With uniformly accelerated motion, the velocity projection depends linearly on time: υ x = υ 0x + a x t. Figure 1.34 shows the graphs of this dependence for these three cases. In this case, the initial speed of the point is the same. Let's analyze this chart.

Acceleration projection It can be seen from the graph that the greater the acceleration of the point, the greater the angle of inclination of the straight line to the t axis and, accordingly, the greater the tangent of the angle of inclination, which determines the value of acceleration.

For the same period of time at different accelerations, the speed changes by different values.

With a positive value of the acceleration projection for the same time interval, the velocity projection in case 2 increases 2 times faster than in case 1. With a negative value of the acceleration projection on the OX axis, the velocity projection modulo changes by the same value as in case 1, but the speed is decreasing.

For cases 1 and 3, the graphs of the dependence of the velocity modulus on time will coincide (Fig. 1.35).

Using the speed versus time graph (Figure 1.36), we find the change in the coordinate of the point. This change is numerically equal to the area of ​​the shaded trapezoid, in this case, the change in coordinate for 4 with Δx = 16 m.

We found a change in coordinates. If you need to find the coordinate of a point, then you need to add its initial value to the found number. Let at the initial moment of time x 0 = 2 m, then the value of the coordinate of the point at a given moment of time, equal to 4 s, is 18 m. In this case, the displacement module is equal to the path traveled by the point, or the change in its coordinates, i.e. 16 m .

If the movement is uniformly slowed down, then the point during the selected time interval can stop and start moving in the opposite direction to the initial one. Figure 1.37 shows the projection of velocity versus time for such a motion. We see that at the moment of time equal to 2 s, the direction of the velocity changes. The change in coordinate will be numerically equal to the algebraic sum of the areas of the shaded triangles.

Calculating these areas, we see that the change in coordinate is -6 m, which means that in the direction opposite to the OX axis, the point has traveled a greater distance than in the direction of this axis.

Square above we take the t axis with the plus sign, and the area under axis t, where the velocity projection is negative, with a minus sign.

If at the initial moment of time the speed of a certain point was equal to 2 m / s, then its coordinate at the moment of time equal to 6 s is equal to -4 m. The modulus of moving a point in this case is also equal to 6 m - the modulus of changing the coordinate. However, the path traveled by this point is 10 m, the sum of the areas of the shaded triangles shown in Figure 1.38.

Let's plot the dependence of the x-coordinate of a point on time. According to one of the formulas (1.14), the time dependence curve - x(t) - is a parabola.

If the point moves at a speed, the time dependence of which is shown in Figure 1.36, then the branches of the parabola are directed upwards, since a x\u003e 0 (Figure 1.39). From this graph, we can determine the coordinate of the point, as well as the speed at any given time. So, at the moment of time equal to 4 s, the coordinate of the point is 18 m.

For the initial moment of time, drawing a tangent to the curve at point A, we determine the tangent of the slope α 1, which is numerically equal to the initial speed, i.e. 2 m / s.

To determine the speed at point B, we draw a tangent to the parabola at this point and determine the tangent of the angle α 2 . It is equal to 6, therefore, the speed is 6 m/s.

The path versus time graph is the same parabola, but drawn from the origin (Fig. 1.40). We see that the path is continuously increasing with time, the movement is in one direction.

If the point moves at a speed whose projection versus time graph is shown in Figure 1.37, then the branches of the parabola are directed downwards, since a x< 0 (рис. 1.41). При этом моменту времени, равному 2 с, соответствует вершина параболы. Касательная в точке В параллельна оси t, угол наклона касательной к этой оси равен нулю, и скорость также равна нулю. До этого момента времени тангенс угла наклона касательной уменьшался, но был положителен, движение точки происходило в направлении оси ОХ.

Starting from the time t = 2 s, the tangent of the slope angle becomes negative, and its module increases, which means that the point moves in the opposite direction to the initial one, while the module of the movement speed increases.

The displacement modulus is equal to the modulus of the difference between the coordinates of the point at the final and initial moments of time and is equal to 6 m.

The graph of dependence of the path traveled by the point on time, shown in Figure 1.42, differs from the graph of the dependence of displacement on time (see Figure 1.41).

No matter how the speed is directed, the path traveled by the point continuously increases.

Let us derive the dependence of the point coordinate on the velocity projection. Velocity υx = υ 0x + a x t, hence

In the case of x 0 \u003d 0 and x\u003e 0 and υ x\u003e υ 0x, the graph of the dependence of the coordinate on the speed is a parabola (Fig. 1.43).

In this case, the greater the acceleration, the less steep the branch of the parabola will be. This is easy to explain, since the greater the acceleration, the smaller the distance that the point must travel in order for the speed to increase by the same amount as when moving with less acceleration.

In case a x< 0 и υ 0x >0 speed projection will decrease. Let us rewrite equation (1.17) in the form where a = |a x |. The graph of this dependence is a parabola with branches pointing downwards (Fig. 1.44).

Accelerated movement.

According to the graphs of dependence of the projection of velocity on time, it is possible to determine the coordinate and projection of the acceleration of a point at any moment in time for any type of movement.

Let the projection of the speed of a point depend on time as shown in Figure 1.45. It is obvious that in the time interval from 0 to t 3 the movement of the point along the X axis occurred with variable acceleration. Starting from the moment of time equal to t 3 , the motion is uniform with a constant speed υ Dx . From the graph, we see that the acceleration with which the point moved was continuously decreasing (compare the angle of inclination of the tangent at points B and C).

The change in the x coordinate of a point over time t 1 is numerically equal to the area of ​​the curvilinear trapezoid OABt 1, over time t 2 - the area OACt 2, etc. As we can see from the graph of the dependence of the velocity projection on time, you can determine the change in body coordinates for any period of time.

According to the graph of the dependence of the coordinate on time, one can determine the value of the speed at any moment of time by calculating the tangent of the slope of the tangent to the curve at the point corresponding to the given moment of time. From figure 1.46 it follows that at time t 1 the velocity projection is positive. In the time interval from t 2 to t 3 the speed is zero, the body is motionless. At time t 4 the speed is also zero (the tangent to the curve at point D is parallel to the x-axis). Then the projection of the velocity becomes negative, the direction of movement of the point changes to the opposite.

If you know the graph of the dependence of the projection of the velocity on time, you can determine the acceleration of the point, and also, knowing the initial position, determine the coordinate of the body at any time, i.e. solve the main problem of kinematics. According to the graph of the dependence of coordinates on time, one of the most important kinematic characteristics movement is speed. In addition, according to the specified graphs, you can determine the type of movement along the selected axis: uniform, with constant acceleration, or movement with variable acceleration.

The work of employees in various fields economic activity involves absolutely diverse schedules of their involvement in the work process. If office workers work, as a rule, in the conditions of a five- or six-day work week, then, for example, the service sector requires a completely different regime. A schedule is drawn up for each employee, which may include night work, shifts, and “floating” days off. In the meantime, it is impossible to draw up a schedule, guided only by the employer's and employee's own wishes - there are a lot of rules that are enshrined in labor legislation.

What is the mode of work, what elements does it consist of

Hours worked - the basis for remuneration for employees with a time-based payment condition

The labor law obliges the employer to keep a strict record of working time for each employee, because it is for the time (with the exception of rather rare cases of piecework) that the work is paid. The mode of labor is determined primarily by law, and secondly by the employer in agreement with the trade union and the employee, the rules for the distribution of time. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a section on labor time, a separate chapter of which (Chapter 16) regulates the regime.

Working hours according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can be represented by several varieties in terms of their duration: normal, reduced and incomplete. In addition, special varieties are night work, overtime work, work with the possibility of an irregular day. The main difference between part-time and reduced hours is their payment - the first means payment in proportion to the time worked, the second - regardless of the time worked. Night and overtime work are paid at an increased rate, irregular working hours, as a rule, are compensated by additional days of the annual vacation period.

The elements of the working time regime are those positions that, in accordance with the law, must be determined when forming the regime for each worker. Among these main positions, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation calls:

  • the duration (number of working days) of the week (for example, five-day or six-day, incomplete, indicating the number of days, etc.);
  • the presence of a condition on irregular working hours;
  • duration of daily work - number of hours labor day or shifts with an exact indication of their beginning and end, time frames for breaks;
  • number of shifts per day;
  • rules for alternating working and free days (for example, “two workers in two days off”, etc.).

How and by what documents the labor regime is determined

The work schedule for each individual employee must be negotiated with him in advance - when concluding an employment agreement. In general, according to the organization in the context of structural divisions or positions, the mode of operation is determined in the internal labor regulations.

PVTR is a local NLA of an organization that determines the main points of relations between a team of employees and an employer - the rules for hiring and completing labor relations, powers and obligations of the parties to the labor agreement in the course of work, General terms regarding the regime of working hours, etc. PWTR are approved by the employer in agreement with the trade union organization, each employee must be familiarized with this document in writing when concluding an employment contract.

In the PWTR, the working time regime of an organization can be reflected in the following way:

  • establishing the duration of the work week and specific daily work time frames for certain groups of positions (for example, “For departments: Management, Human Resources, Legal Service, Accounting, Office - a five-day work week, the beginning of the work day is 8:00, the end of the work day - 17:00, break for rest and meals - from 13:00 to 14:00");
  • establishing for certain positions the conditions for an irregular working day, indicating the amount of compensation in the form of additional days (at least three) of leave in accordance with Art. 119 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (for example, “For positions: Director, Deputy Director, driver - an irregular working day is established with compensation in the form of 4 days of an additional vacation period annually”);
  • establishing a work schedule for individual departments and positions (for example, “For the sales department, a work schedule is established in compliance with the labor standard for a five-day 40-hour work week”);
  • establishing a summarized accounting of working hours for individual positions (for example, “For the position“ Seller ”a summarized accounting of working hours is established, the accounting period is a quarter”);
  • establishing a flexible work schedule, a night (equivalent to daytime) work regime, a shift schedule, dividing the working day into parts for certain categories of workers (for example, “For the position of“ Cashier ”it is established shift work work, in which the third shift, which falls at night, is equated to daytime work).

The labor agreement must contain a section on the working regime. For employees whose position involves working on a regular five- or six-day work week, the agreement specifies the exact work schedule. For those who will work according to the schedule, with a summarized account, with an irregular working day, with an incomplete labor time, with the division of the day into parts, etc. these circumstances must be reflected in the said agreement. Cases of establishing an unspecified working time regime are illegal, such a violation may entail liability for the employer under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with all the ensuing consequences (fines and other sanctions).

A section on working hours must be included in the contract

How to establish new regime rules in an organization: order and documents

If an employee gets acquainted with the already existing regime for a separate position when hiring by signing an employment agreement and a mark on reading the PWTR, then changing the current regime is somewhat more complicated.

The decision to change the PVTR can be issued in the form of an order

The order of the procedure is as follows:

  1. To begin with, the manager must make an informed decision about which positions or structural units the new rules are introduced for.
  2. Then, according to all the rules for changing the local regulatory legal acts, the corresponding changes are made to the PWTR (the project must be agreed with the trade union within five days, then signed by the head).
  3. On the basis of the changed PWTR, each employee who is affected by the changes is warned about a change in the essential working conditions (a notice against signature should be given no later than a month before the issuance of the order). In case of refusal to continue the employment relationship under the changed conditions, the employee must be dismissed after the expiration of the notice period.
  4. IN fixed time(one month after notifying employees), an order is issued for the enterprise to change the regime for specific employees (at this stage they must be listed by name). Each worker gets acquainted with the order against signature.
  5. On the day of publication administrative document an additional agreement to the contract is concluded with each employee, changing the conditions for working hours.
  6. From the date specified in the additional agreement and order, the new mode with its new documentary design (for example, with scheduling).

Work schedule as a document that regulates the individual mode of work on a daily basis

Schedule is one of important documents to organize the work of those employees who do not work according to the general (production) calendar. So, the schedule every day regulates the time of coming to work, leaving work, the time of breaks, and even the workplace assigned to the employee.

The schedule is drawn up, as a rule, for one month, however, this period is not regulated by law. Therefore, depending on the circumstances and characteristics production process the document can be drawn up for a week, and for a quarter, and for a year.

A graph, as a document, can be drawn up:

  • simultaneously for all employees of the enterprise;
  • for employees of one structural unit;
  • for a certain group of employees from different structural divisions;
  • separately for one employee.

Form and conventions

In the shift schedule, it is enough to indicate only the designation of the shift

In case of summarized accounting, the graph must contain columns reflecting the sum of hours per month, per quarter (depending on the accounting period)

Scheduling and Approval Process

The procedure for drawing up and approving a schedule in an organization can be regulated either by a local regulatory legal act or by order of the head. The persons responsible for the maintenance, endorsement and approval of the document are determined by designating them in these documents and entering the corresponding item in the job description.

As a rule, the schedule is drawn up by the person responsible for this in the structural unit (department, service), endorsed by the head of the structural unit, a representative of the personnel department and the trade union, and approved by the head of the enterprise or his deputy in charge of the relevant area of ​​activity.

The schedule can be drawn up both manually (using standard Office tools with output to paper), and in specialized software complexes(for example, "1C: personnel and salary", SAP, etc.).

Schedule Requirements

When scheduling work, the employer is in a situation where it is necessary to comply with a lot of rules, requirements and interests. First of all, these are the requirements labor law protecting the rights, interests and even health of the employee:

  1. The duration of daily work should not exceed the established Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of limits (special boundaries are established for minor employees, disabled people, workers in harmful unsafe conditions).
  2. Number working hours per week should not exceed the norm according to the production calendar (40 hours - according to general rule). For those who have a summarized accounting for the accounting period, it is imperative to comply with the norm of hours of this accounting period (quarter, month, etc.).
  3. Shifts, predominantly at night, should be reduced by 1 hour.
  4. After a shift lasting more than 24 hours, the same or more rest period is provided.
  5. If the condition for dividing the working day into parts is not established for the employee, his lunch break (or the sum of several during the day) should not last more than two hours.
  6. The minimum lunch break is 30 minutes. It is obligatory to establish daily, if the agreement of the parties and the PWTR does not provide for the employee to eat in parallel with work. The lunch break is not paid.
  7. It is forbidden to work during two shifts following one after the other.
  8. Hours falling on the period of illness or vacation of an employee are also taken into account in his monthly (quarterly) rate. In other words, the employee is not required to complete the actually missed hours to the norm.
  9. It is impossible to exceed the limits established by Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for overtime work(no more than four hours in a two-day working period, no more than one hundred and twenty hours a year), etc.

Of course, when forming the schedule, the operating mode of the enterprise, the load standards, and the interests of the employee himself are taken into account.

Familiarization of employees

The employer is obliged to familiarize the employees with the work schedule no later than one month before the day it comes into effect - this is a direct requirement of Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Violation of this deadline threatens with administrative liability.

In order to avoid violating the requirements of the law, it is necessary to start drawing up a schedule no later than one and a half months before the start of the accounting period. For example, the schedule for December should be drawn up before October 15 in order to have time to agree on it, approve and familiarize all employees (after all, some of them may be on vacation or on sick leave at the time of familiarization, but this circumstance is not an excuse in case of violation of the terms of familiarization ).

How to change the established working time schedule

Since the work schedule is established by agreement of both parties to labor relations, then any of them can become the initiator of its change. Changing the regime (as a more general, permanent concept) at the initiative of the employer is described in the section on establishing the labor regime at the enterprise. A change in the schedule, as a one-time event or an event relating to one employee, occurs:

  • or by adjusting an already drawn up schedule (document), if the employee is set to work according to the schedule;
  • or by making changes to contract of employment- if the employee works according to the regime fixed in this document (that is, according to the usual production calendar).

In the first case, the scheduler, at the request of the employee or on his own initiative (due to production needs), draws up a corrective schedule, endorses and approves it according to the usual procedure for preparing this document.

You can change the working hours both for a group of employees and for one of them (for example, at his request due to family circumstances)

In the second case, at the request of the employee, an order is prepared to change the working hours - this is enough if the schedule changes for up to two weeks. If the period of changing the working regime is longer, it is necessary to conclude an additional agreement to the contract.

If the work schedule changes for more than two weeks, it is necessary to conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract

Establishing a work schedule and scheduling for employees is one of the employer's primary tasks in the field of organizing the labor process. And this is no easy matter. The schedule must correspond not only to the production needs of the company, but also to the conditions defined by the legislator. In addition, it is extremely important to familiarize employees with the schedule in time in order to avoid possible sanctions from government agencies exercising control in the field of labor relations.

I have a higher legal education, work experience in court, bank, at an enterprise. Despite the fact that my main specialization is criminal law and procedure, all my professional activity associated with commercial law, from personnel issues and ending with credit problems. For a long time I have been writing reviews of foreign and domestic media on business topics.

Estrogen-progesterone deficiency b

If the temperature in the second phase does not rise either on its own, or with prayers, or with the persuasion of girlfriends, if the temperature difference in phases 1 and 2 is no more than 0.2–0.3 °, this may indicate estrogen-progesterone deficiency.

estrogen deficiency

If the basal temperature jumps like a March hare, large fluctuations in temperature are noticeable - which means that a woman may have estrogen deficiency. A qualified gynecologist should simply demand to be tested for hormones, examined by ultrasound, and only after such manipulations prescribe drugs.


The hormone prolactin is known to be responsible for pregnancy. Due to the increase in this hormone (the body seriously thinks that it is pregnant), the basal temperature graph may be similar to that of a pregnant woman. Menstruation, just like during pregnancy, may not be.

Inflammation of the appendages

Another reason for the rise in temperature in the first phase is inflammation of the appendages. Then the temperature rises only for a few days to 37 degrees, after which it falls again. It is difficult in these charts because such an increase masks the ovulatory rise.
In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature from 11 to 15 days is kept at around 37 degrees, the rise occurs sharply and falls sharply. An increase in temperature on the 9th day can be mistaken for an ovulatory rise, but in fact it is more indicative of inflammation. Therefore, it is very important to measure the temperature throughout the cycle in order to exclude such a scenario: the temperature rose as a result of inflammation, then fell again, then rose due to ovulation.


The temperature in the first phase should normally decrease with menstrual bleeding. If a woman's temperature at the end of the menstrual cycle drops to menstruation and rises again to 37 degrees after the onset of menstruation, then this may indicate the presence of endometritis. Characteristic is the drop in temperature before menstruation and increase with the beginning of another cycle. If there is no drop in temperature before menstruation in the first cycle, that is, the temperature is kept at this level, pregnancy can be assumed, despite the onset of bleeding. You should do a pregnancy test, contact a gynecologist who will do an ultrasound to make a diagnosis.

The vacation schedule is a mandatory and necessary thing for both the employer and the employee himself.
Without it, it is difficult to plan production, take into account the number of products produced and, in general, the growth of the enterprise.

Therefore, employers make up their employees. Sometimes vacation falls on an undesirable time for the employee. It happens, and often. The employer explains - production necessity.

There are two sides of the issue for the employee - on the one hand, everything is bad, and on the other, there is nothing accidental, because you can spend a wonderful vacation in winter! This is for those who are unable to shift their schedule. But is it possible for an employee to transfer his to another time, is it possible to provide it to an employee not on schedule.

Unscheduled vacation is possible. You just need to reach an agreement on a new start date for the holiday with your employer. Communication has not yet been canceled.

Is it possible to provide unscheduled leave?

Eat general rule- the next vacation is provided to each employee at any time of the year, according to the vacation schedule agreed and approved by this employer.

There are exceptions:

  • a newly settled person has the right to leave after six months,
  • women in front maternity leave,
  • youth under 18,
  • special cases provided for by federal law.

Granting unscheduled leave to newly employed

In a situation where you got a job, and the vacation schedule has already been drawn up, you can still take a break after six months, write an application for a vacation, get the employer's signature and relax. If you need to rest before this time, just agree on this with your employer and go on vacation!

Other cases of granting unscheduled leave

If you have an “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge, if you are under 18 years old, you cannot be denied leave at the time you need, despite the fact that the schedule has already been drawn up and your name is there.

If you are a part-time worker, then by law you have the right to leave at the same time as the leave at your main place of work. This requires communication with management and a statement explaining the reasons.

They will also provide leave at the same time as the maternity leave of the wife. This is also written into the legislation.

If you do not need a vacation in full, you can divide it into several parts, one of which is at least 14 days. In this case, you also need a statement from the employee and the consent of the manager is required. If there is no agreement, then you will rest completely and according to the schedule.

Thus, the employee must notify the vacation twice: first, when drawing up the main vacation schedule, where he signs opposite his vacation date, and the second time in writing, no later than two weeks before the start date. The purpose of this action is to remind the employer and employee of the start date of the vacation.

Further, the employee acts in a certain way - it is written in the usual way - I ask you to provide, from __ to __, for the next annual paid leave. On an extraordinary, if the vacation is not on schedule, then an application is written asking for a postponement and an explanation of the reason - for example, for family reasons. And then: date of writing, signature. A sample application for the transfer of vacation can be downloaded.

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