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Teacher's methodical piggy bank in English Kuruleva N.S.

"Interactive teaching methods in English lessons"

I. Roots - the class is divided into 3 or 4 groups with the same number of students. Each group discusses the issue and makes notes on their "tree" (on a sheet), then the groups change places and make notes on the neighbors' trees - their ideas.

III. GEP-pair form of work; students are offered the same text with missing sentences, phrases and words. Each option has its own sentences. When interacting with each other, using synonyms, definitions and other methods of semantization, students reproduce the text in full.

IV. Pyramid - pair / group forms of work. Students receive a list of new words at the beginning of a topic. First, each student individually marks the words he/she knows. Then the students work in pairs, learning from each other the meanings of unfamiliar words. After that, they do the same in mini-groups, groups, and learn the meanings of the remaining words from the teacher.

V. Mystical object - each student receives a card with a new word and must complete the table within 2 minutes by answering the questions: “What is this object? "," Why is it used? ", "What does he look like?". The students then walk around and collect ideas from their classmates by asking them the same questions. After the students have talked to everyone, they present their subject, naming those ideas that, in their opinion, are closest to the truth. The teacher explains the word or clarifies its meaning if the student was wrong.

VI. Practice and presentation - The teacher distributes a table with questions in the grammatical design of which there is a new grammatical phenomenon. Students work in pairs, asking each other questions and answering them. Then the teacher asks the students to determine the meaning of the new grammatical phenomenon and then gives an explanation.

VII. Information gap is a paired form of work. One of the speech partners has access to certain information that the other does not have. The task of the second participant in the communication is to obtain the missing information in order to successfully complete the task.

VIII. What will I do with the gift? - for this game, a “bag of gifts” and thick mittens are prepared in advance. The student receives mittens, which he puts on, and only then puts his hands into the bag. His task is to determine by touch what he came across

(you can put symbolic things in the bag: candy, tangerine, pen, postcard) and then say what he will do with the gift next year.

Interactive teaching methods and techniques

Brainstorm, " brain attack”(Delphi method) is a method in which any student answer to a given question is accepted. It is important not to evaluate the expressed points of view at once, but to accept everything and write down everyone's opinion on a board or piece of paper. Participants should be aware that they are not required to justify or explain their answers.

Brainstorming is used when it is necessary to find out the awareness and / or attitude of participants to a particular issue. You can use this form of work to get feedback. Carrying out algorithm:

1. ask the participants a specific topic or question for discussion;

2. offer to express their thoughts on this matter;

3. write down all statements made (accept them all without objection). Clarifications of statements are allowed if they seem unclear to you (in any case, write down the idea as it sounded from the participant's lips);

4. when all ideas and judgments are expressed, you need to repeat what task was given and list everything that you wrote down from the words of the participants;

5. Finish by asking the participants what they think can be learned from the results.

The method of associations is the first and main method of memory development, which must be mastered without fail, since it is functional not only in itself, but is also integral part most methods of effective memorization. Associations should be unusual, non-standard, incredible. The association method is especially convenient for remembering logically unrelated information.

Blitz-The first student asks a short question to the second, the second-third, etc. to the last student. The response time is a few seconds, the teacher has the right to remove a question that does not correspond to the topic or is not correct enough. As an option, you can arrange competitions between the rows for a while (which group, without interrupting the chain, will answer the questions correctly and faster than others.) In this case, you need to choose a referee who controls the correctness of the answers and the time for which the students will complete the task.

Apple tree of expectations:

Purpose: students independently formulate their own expectations from the lesson, learn about the expectations of other students. Throughout the lesson, they see their progress forward.

The structure of the work: the teacher hangs a drawing paper with a picture of a tree on the board, students are given patterns of apples. On apples, students write their expectations for the lesson and take turns placing them on the tree. There may be several expectations.

As the wishes begin to be fulfilled, that is, the apples begin to “ripen”, they need to be collected and put into a common basket. This method clearly demonstrates to each student his progress.

I don't see one of the students being blindfolded. The student sits in the corner of the class. Then the arrangement of furniture in the classroom changes (the classroom becomes like a maze). A prize (candy, coin, etc.) is placed in the other corner of the class. The student must reach the prize without touching the items in the class. The rest of the students must guide the blindfolded student around the class. (The student has "3 lives", i.e. he/she can touch the furniture 3 times)
Language: direction, imperative
This task builds trust among group members.

Carousel is a method whose purpose is:

Training students in the use of vocabulary in situations close to the natural environment;

Activation of speech-cogitative activity of students;

The development of students' speech reaction.

Students form two rings: inner and outer. The inner ring is the students sitting motionless, and the outer one is the students who change every 30 seconds. Thus, they manage to talk several topics in a few minutes and try to convince the interlocutor of their rightness.

Snowball. The method of educational cooperation is based on joint activities, the search for various types of interaction: work in pairs, small groups, teams. Through such assistance, children are encouraged to engage in collective problem solving and active dialogue. Classroom work is organized to stimulate and encourage interaction between students.

The purpose of this method is to organize joint educational work of students; at the same time, the teacher receives additional motivational means for involving children in the content of education; the opportunity to combine teaching and upbringing in the classroom; build human and business relationship with kids.

This method is often used in English lessons. Using it, you can learn words or even texts.

The essence of the game is as follows:

Student 1 says a word. Student 2 repeats the word of student 1 and says his word. Student 3 repeats the words of students 1 and 2 and says his word. Student 4 repeats the words of students 1, 2, 3 and says a word to the layer, etc. It is better to ask students randomly so as not to relax. It is important that they remember the sequence of words.

This exercise is very effective - it allows you to learn enough in a short time a large number of words.

An aquarium is a role-playing game in which 2-3 people take part, and the rest act as observers, which allows one to "live" the situation, while others analyze the situation from the outside and "empathize" with it.

Advantages of the method:

  • effective when it is necessary to demonstrate a skill, ability, emotion, state with a lack of time; (compensatory competence)
  • students can act as experts and analysts;
  • encourages participants to practice.

Role-playing game- this is the acting out by group members of a scene with pre-assigned roles in the interests of mastering a certain behavioral or emotional side life situations. Role play is carried out in small groups (3-5 participants). Participants receive a task on cards (on a board, sheets of paper, etc.), distribute roles, play out the situation and present (show) to the whole group. The teacher can distribute the roles himself, taking into account the characters of the children.

The advantage of this method is that each of the participants can imagine themselves in the proposed situation, feel certain states more realistically, feel the consequences of certain actions and make a decision.

This form of work is used to model the behavior and emotional reactions of people in certain situations by constructing a game situation in which such behavior is predetermined by given conditions.

Challenge - two students are called to the board, and the teacher offers them a topic, for example, "Youareatschool", it is necessary to spontaneously act out the dialogue.

Debate. To conduct the debate, it is necessary to form two teams, three people each. One team, the so-called Team A, argues in favor of the controversial issue, and Team B is its opponent, and its arguments are against the controversial issue. The rest of the students are the judges of the debate. Their task is to listen carefully and evaluate the success of each team according to the following criteria:

  1. presentation of the situation and argumentation;
  2. persuasiveness and persuasiveness of arguments;
  3. organization of team work;
  4. speaker's speech: clear, easy to understand

One student is also needed to keep track of time, as one of the conditions is a limited time for performances. Usually, one or two minutes are taken for each team member to speak and one minute for discussion of subsequent arguments and arguments.

Discussion is a special form of collective cooperation that promotes active, intense mental activity.

The discussion presupposes, first of all, a good moral atmosphere of understanding, which in the lessons of a foreign language can be achieved through the development and careful observance of the following rules applicable to the statement of students in English:

1. any thought can be expressed without fear (students are not afraid that their statement will be criticized, considered insufficiently deep, and most importantly, they will make mistakes in English speech);

2. the number of proposed ideas should be as large as possible;

3. the expressed ideas are allowed to be combined as you like, as well as modified, i.e. improve ideas put forward by other group members or other students.

Turntable communication - this technique allows students to communicate and listen to several students in a short period of time. Students are given specific passages on the proposed topic. The teacher forms two circles: internal (static) and external (dynamic). Students communicate at the same time and after the teacher's clap, the outer circle begins to move to the right.

Bingo - one student goes out to tell the proposed situation, at this time the rest of the students must enter 6 or 9 words in the table, which, in their opinion, the student at the blackboard will use in speech, anticipate LU. Whoever fills the table with words first, he shouts "Bingo".

Debate on hot-air balloon- Each student chooses a celebrity for himself. All participants travel in a hot air balloon. Suddenly, the balloon starts to lose height. Someone has to jump down to get the ball up. Each student has 2 minutes to explain why he/she is important to the world.
Variation: instead of famous people, you can choose professions.

Speed ​​of thinking - the class is divided into mini-groups. Each group receives two sets of cards: questions and active words. Students take turns answering questions using active words.

Explain your action - students receive cards with a situation (preferably extraordinary). Their task is to come up with a plausible explanation using as many active words as possible.

A story for special listeners - students make monologues on the same topic, with the same new vocabulary, but with different communicative targeting (for children, for the deaf, etc.)

Smart secretary - students are divided into two teams. In each team, a secretary is selected - a person who writes quickly and correctly. There is a text for each team on the chairs in front of the board. At the signal of the teacher, the first student runs to the chair, tries to remember as much information as possible from the text, returns to his team and dictates to the secretary what he could remember. The next student runs to the board ... and so on until the text is completed to the end. At the end of the dictation, both content and spelling are evaluated.

  1. Line - the teacher divides students into 2 groups (a group of teachers and a group of students), equal in number of people, but different in level. The students line up in two lines opposite the teachers. On a signal, teachers should teach students as many new words as possible within 1-2 minutes. At the signal of the teacher, the students move one person, and the latter goes to the first teacher. The exercise continues until the students have visited all the students.
  2. Words on the wall - The teacher sticks new lexical items on various objects in the class. Students walk around the class, making sentences using the new word and the name of the item on which it is pasted. Then the teacher removes the words from the objects, and the students remember the sentences they made.
  3. Grammar marathon - The teacher lays out cards with grammatical phenomena (verbs with prepositions, adverbs, verbs in a certain tense) around the class. Students go along the route, making up a story using a grammatical phenomenon.
  4. Fruitbasket - students sit in a circle. The teacher stands in the center of the circle and gives the instruction: “Swap places if you are wearing jeans.” Students who match the description should switch places. The teacher also tries to take a free place. A student who did not have enough chair becomes in the center of the circle.
    Language: conditional sentences, clothes, colors, looks.
  5. Do not stray - the student goes to the blackboard and begins a monologue statement on the proposed topic. The task of other students is to ask questions not on the topic of the statement. The student must answer the questions without getting lost and continue his story.

PRES (pointofview - point of view, reason - reason, example - example, summary - summary). The goal is to develop in students the skills of competently formulating their point of view, position in the discussion, improving the system of argumentation.

Microphone - an object that plays the role of a microphone is passed to each other. Only the one holding the microphone is allowed to speak, the rest listen attentively. When one student has finished speaking, the microphone passes to another who wants to speak or the teacher passes it on. This simple method cultivates respect for associates and the thoughts they express.

Task: ask a question on your topic for another group, but one that has not yet been raised today.

In someone else's shoes - students choose a famous person with whom they would like to interview. Make questions together. Then a volunteer is chosen who takes a central place in front of the whole group and answers questions. During the interview, several people can change celebrity.

ClassSurvey - students receive a card with a question. Their task is to find out the opinion of all classmates.

Role-plays - pair or group form of work. For example, a visit to a fortuneteller (to work out the future tense), a visit to a travel company (to practice the use of articles with geographical names)

Game teaching methods in English lessons. Theme "Free time. Music" for grade 5.

Dolgikh Marina Sergeevna, English teacher, preschool №62.
Description of work: assignments on the topic “Free time. Music” are designed for 5th grade students and can be used in the classroom or as part of a creative project for the subject week of the English language. Thanks to simple rules and colorful pictures, learning becomes a fun game. The material will be useful to English teachers, as well as parents of pupils.
Target: development of lexical skills on the topic “Free time. Music".
- to activate the vocabulary of students on this topic,
- develop speaking, reading, writing and listening skills,
-to form the ability to work in a group, develop logical thinking, language guessing, memory, attention, imagination,
- Develop a sense of community.
Equipment: handout, tape recorder.
1. Organizational part.
2. The main part.
Task 1. Find the correct word and make a sentence.
Students, working in groups, select the correct word in accordance with the image of a musical instrument, make up sentences.
Sam is playing the drum at the present moment. He likes to take part in music festivals.

Task 2. Fill in the table.
Students, working in groups, distribute the words into two columns: musical instruments and styles of music. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Task 3. The game “Guess!”
1st option. Students listen to the sounds of a musical instrument, must guess and name the musical instrument.
2nd option. Game Pantomime. Pupils pretend to play musical instrument using only gestures. The team must guess by asking only general questions.
Pupil 1: Are you playing the flute?
Pupil 2: No, I am not.
Pupil 1: Are you playing the trumpet?
Pupil1: Yes, I am.
3rd option. Students listen to different musical styles, must guess and name the musical style.

Task 4. Discussion.
Students answer questions about the topic and receive points.
group1: We cannot imagine our life without music. A lot of people use music to express feelings. Some music is happy and another is sad. Some music can make people laugh. Another music can make people think. Music plays a great role in our life.
group2: There are different styles of music. We can listen to classical and modern music. We listen to folk songs at our Music lessons every week. Our parents like listening to classical music, jazz. We prefer listening to modern music. What about you?

Task 5. Interview.
Students read, translate interviews, choose roles and act out a skit.

Task 6. Song contest among teams.
The team that does the best on this task wins.

3. Final part. Summarizing.
1. Bagramova N. V. Interactive approach to teaching foreign languages. - St. Petersburg, 1996.
2. Konysheva A.V. English for kids. - St. Petersburg, 2010.

Presentation on the topic: Game teaching methods in English lessons

Coursework on the topic:

"Methods and techniques for teaching vocabulary in an English lesson"

Report to the defense term paper

This course work is devoted to active teaching methods. Their main task is to make learning not only effective, but also interesting, to involve students in the learning process, to make them the main and active participants in it. The effectiveness of these methods is primarily due to an explosion of motivation, an increase in interest in the subject, and this is an important component of the learning process. In this course work, methods and techniques for teaching vocabulary will be considered: a game method, a method using computer programs. method of rhyming and learning songs.

In the first part of the work, the problem of the lack of hours of teaching English lessons is touched upon, only 1-2 lessons per week. This clearly affects the quality of language acquisition. And therefore, in the course work, the object was some methods and techniques for teaching vocabulary in foreign language lessons. Lexical knowledge ensures successful mastery of the basics of all types of speech activity. Lexical knowledge is understood not only as a set of linguistic information about a foreign word, but also knowledge of action programs with a word, i.e. certain strategies for dealing with a foreign word.

Learning objectives are understood as the planned results of learning English by a student. The second part includes the main method of teaching a foreign language, the formation of linguistic competence, i.e. teaching vocabulary in English lessons. Exercises remain the main means of learning at any stage of mastering foreign language. Usually, exercises are distinguished for mastering the material and for its use in oral speech. For each type of speech activity as a means of communication, two categories of exercises are needed: those in which speech skills are formed, or conditional speech exercises, and those in which speech skills are developed, or speech exercises. All lexical exercises fall into two categories aimed at:

1) memorization of the word, its semantics in unity with the pronunciation and grammatical form;

2) the formation of combinations of words of a semantic nature.

Here is a set of exercises of the first category:

Name the items in the picture.

Choose from a number of words one that corresponds to this situation (topic).

Form other sentences with the underlined word.

Here are examples of exercises of the second category - the formation of phrases:

select combinations from "various" words;

build combinations that indicate that these items belong to your family members, your friends, etc.

When teaching, it should be remembered that success largely depends on the correlation of the qualities of the exercise with the content of the intended goal and the conditions for achieving it.

Linguistic competence involves mastering a certain amount of formal knowledge and their corresponding skills related to various aspects of the language: vocabulary, phonetics, grammar. Thus, we can say that the emphasis of teaching is not on language as a system, but on speech.

The specific goals in each type of speech activity are:

in speaking: the ability to inform, announce, inform, tell;

in a letter : the ability to quickly fix their own statements and statements of others;

in listening: the ability to understand speech at a normal pace in live communication;

in translation: ability to act as an interpreter in everyday situations.

Thus, we turn to the consideration of possible methods and techniques for conducting lessons, in addition to the traditional form of work in the classroom.

An effective way of teaching vocabulary in English lessons is a game method. It is very important, in our opinion, that children do not feel the great burden of the school curriculum, and the game can help this. In the form of gaming activity, you can always easily and quickly explain some new material, work out difficult moments, decorate boring routine daily studies, and most importantly, get children interested in learning English from childhood.

example of the method: in one of the lessons, during the speech exercise, the following game element was used: the teacher takes a small rubber ball and with the words "Let`s play with a ball and answer my questions!" throws it to the student and asks a question, the student, in turn, answering the question, throws the ball back to the teacher.

Sample questions and answers:

The teacher The pupils
What season is it now? It is winter!
What date is it today? Today it's the 27th of February.
Do you like winter? Yes, I like it.

So the teacher quickly and cheerfully conducts the stage of the lesson, at which, very often, the children are bored, and they do not carefully follow the teacher. And in this example, the children were looking forward to their question and were interested in catching the ball and answering the question correctly.

Further, the fourth and fifth parts of the course work can be iced into one: the method of computer technology and Internet technologies. The use of a computer also presents certain conveniences for the teacher, since he does not have the opportunity to bring all the items he needs to school, and their illustrative image requires a lot of time. Using a computer allows you to form a graphic image of a word simultaneously with its sound and motor image. At the display stage, words and corresponding pictures appear on the screen. Simultaneously with the graphic representation of words junior schoolchildren have the opportunity to listen to the word (in this case, the formation of a sound image of words occurs). Written fixation of vocabulary helps to strengthen the connections of words (speech-motor, auditory, visual) and thus contributes to their better memorization.

Mastering communicative and intercultural competence is impossible without the practice of communication, and the use of Internet resources in a foreign language lesson is simply irreplaceable in this sense: the Internet virtual environment allows you to go beyond time and space, providing its users with the opportunity to authentically communicate with real interlocutors on topics relevant to both sides .

And the last two methods of teaching vocabulary can also be combined together - the use of poems, rhymes and song material. As experience shows, teachers often neglect poetry and rhymes in English lessons. Children usually have unstable attention. Therefore, it is imperative that in the lesson plan it is necessary to provide for the types of work that relieve stress, switch the attention of children, and cause a positive emotional mood. And what is experienced emotionally positively remains in the memory for a long time, leaving a trace in the mind of the child. Thanks to rhyme, lexical and grammatical structures are easily activated in oral speech.

At the initial stage of learning, children perceive, memorize and reproduce ready-made lexical constructions well, especially if they rhyme or are introduced to music, rhythm.

Many training courses for elementary school introduce song material as a natural part in the study of certain lexical topics. In the Chatterbox 1 curriculum, children are offered wonderful, easy-to-remember songs in almost every lexical topic. I especially want to pay attention to “The family song”, in which the enumeration of family members goes along with adjectives that describe people - words that are always difficult for children to assimilate at the initial stage of education.

And in conclusion, I would like to add that non-traditional methods and techniques for teaching vocabulary in English lessons make it possible not only to raise students' interest in the subject being studied, but also to develop their creative independence, to teach how to work with various sources of knowledge. Such forms of conducting classes "remove" the traditional nature of the lesson, enliven the thought. However, it should be noted that too frequent recourse to such forms of organization of the educational process is inappropriate, since the non-traditional can quickly become traditional, which, ultimately, will lead to a drop in students' interest in the subject.


1. The specifics of the methodology of teaching a foreign language

1.1 Goals and objectives of teaching English

1.2 Different kinds exercises as the leading means of learning

2. Place of play activity in pedagogical process. The history of the development of gaming activities

2.1 The game method in English lessons in elementary grades

3. Usage computer technology in student learning

3.1 The method and reception of computer programs involving the teaching of vocabulary in English lessons

4. Global network The Internet is one of the new directions in the methodology of teaching foreign languages

4.1 English lesson using Internet technology

5. The role of poems for the assimilation of language material

5.1 Methodology for using poems and rhymes

6. Song material to expand the vocabulary of students

6.1 Learning songs - a method for developing the oral speech of schoolchildren





On present stage development of school education, one of the most urgent problems that require new solutions is the need for a qualitative improvement in the knowledge of the English language with a small number of hours of study load allotted for the study of this subject by the school curriculum. Successful mastery of a foreign language today is a prerequisite for obtaining interesting work at home and abroad, strengthening friendship with representatives of various countries, to continue studying at international higher educational institutions And professional growth in your chosen area of ​​specialization.