Functions of a sales assistant. Job description of assistant to the head of the sales department. Job Description for Assistant Manager

Significant assistance in the work of the manager is provided by assistants, or assistants, who, in addition to their main responsibilities, have two main tasks:

Ensuring control over the progress of the order;

- “unloading” of the manager (which allows him to switch to solving more important tasks).

Assistants can not only independently conduct a separate stage of the sale, but also duplicate some of the functions of sales managers. In any case, they are also required to be professional and have the same amount of knowledge that managers have.

In view of the above, sales personnel or manufacturing enterprises, involved in sales, must have a number of special qualities, the so-called indicators of trading suitability, namely: communication skills, enthusiasm, the ability to express one’s thoughts both orally and in writing, rationality, the ability to persuade, the ability to self-organize, determination, skill work both in a team and independently.


I. General provisions

1. An assistant (assistant) to a sales manager belongs to the category of technical performers.

2. A person who has

professional (economic) education,

(higher; secondary)

management training,

management training,

work experience in the specialty for at least 1 year; 3 years; 5 years, etc.)

3. An assistant (assistant) sales manager should know:

3.1. Laws and regulations legal documents regulating the implementation of entrepreneurial and commercial activities.

3.2. Market economy, entrepreneurship and the basics of doing business.

3.3. Market conditions.

3.4. Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of goods.

3.5. Pricing procedure, wholesale and retail prices for goods.

3.6. Fundamentals of management theory, macro- and microeconomics, business administration.

3.7. The procedure for commercial terms of agreements, contracts, contracts.

3.8. Psychology and principles of sales.

3.9. Ethics of business communication.

3.10. Rules for establishing business contacts.

3.11. Fundamentals of sociology, psychology and labor motivation.

3.12. Methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers.

3.13. Foreign language.

5. The assistant (assistant) sales manager reports directly to the sales manager.

6. During the absence of the assistant (assistant) sales manager (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by the person appointed to in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Assistant (assistant) sales manager:

1. Under the guidance of a sales manager, performs work on organizing and creating a network for selling goods.

2. Collects information about the demand for goods, the reasons for its change (increase, decrease).

3. Searches for buyers (wholesale and retail trade enterprises, other intermediaries, etc.) and establishes business contacts.

4. Establishes contacts with clients (group of clients) on behalf of the sales manager.

5. Negotiates with clients on the terms of sale of goods and provision of related services.

6. Develops pre-contractual documentation.

7. Concludes contracts (purchase and sale, supplies, etc.) on behalf of the enterprise.

8. Organizes the delivery or shipment of goods to customers under concluded contracts.

9. Controls payment by buyers for goods under concluded contracts.

10. Monitors compliance with deadlines for fulfilling the terms of contracts.

11. Collects information from buyers:

On the requirements for the quality characteristics of goods (service life, rules of use, packaging, etc.);

On the requirements for after-sales service of goods;

On the volume and pace of sales of goods to end consumers.

12. Keeps records of buyers’ claims regarding the execution of concluded contracts.

13. Identifies the causes of violations of the terms of contracts, takes measures to eliminate and prevent them.

14. Participates in events to create demand for goods (advertising campaigns, presentations, fairs, exhibitions, etc.).

15. Collects information about customers and ensures its entry into electronic databases data.

16. Prepares reports on the work done, as well as analytical reports, certificates on behalf of the sales manager.

17. Carry out official assignments of the sales manager in functional areas.

III. Rights

An assistant (assistant) sales manager has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

2. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.

3. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

4. Demand from management trading enterprise ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility

The assistant (assistant) sales manager is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to a trading enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.


assistant sales manager

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the assistant sales manager of the “New Technologies” division (hereinafter referred to as the Assistant Sales Manager) of the All-Russian Association of Employers “Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs” (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.2. A person who meets the following education and training requirements is appointed to the position of assistant sales manager:

  • Average professional education- training programs for mid-level specialists;
  • 1.3. An assistant sales manager should know:

  • Methods for systematizing information about new arrivals and terms of sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Basic specifications, advantages and disadvantages of products from global and Russian manufacturers of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Rules for working with modern means informing clients (telephone, fax, cellular, Email);
  • Purpose and rules for using computer and office equipment;
  • Industry and local regulations, operating in the organization;
  • Basic knowledge of accounting;
  • Basics of office work;
  • Rules for working in computer programs and databases of standard offers for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Purpose and rules for using computer and office equipment;
  • Main technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of products from leading global and Russian manufacturers of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Programs for working with tables and rules for their use;
  • Rules for working with a database of standard offers for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Organizational structure of the organization;
  • Rules for using programs for preparing presentations;
  • Basics information technologies in relation to sold infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Purpose and rules for using computer and office equipment;
  • Methods of information systematization;
  • Instructions for the preparation, processing and storage of reporting materials;
  • Methods for searching information about modern infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Methods of analysis and processing of received information;
  • Rules for working in relevant computer programs and databases, their purpose;
  • 1.4. An assistant sales manager must be able to:

  • Process information about new arrivals and terms of sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Consult clients and partners, conduct a presentation of sold infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Prepare commercial offers for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Maintain accounting activities to inform customers about new arrivals and terms of sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Apply a customer relationship management system;
  • Process information on transactions for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Prepare commercial documents for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Keep records of transactions for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Advise clients and partners on the acquisition and maintenance of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Prepare accompanying documents for sold infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Operate computer and office equipment;
  • Operate computer and office equipment;
  • Process information on commercial offers for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Conduct business negotiations;
  • Work with a database of standard offers for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Conduct business correspondence;
  • Present solutions based on sold infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Advise clients and partners on the acquisition and use (operation) of information and communication systems and/or their components;
  • Prepare commercial offers for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Keep records commercial offers for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Operate computer and office equipment;
  • Apply business process automation tools in relationships with clients;
  • Maintain a register of customer details;
  • Work with the organization's reporting systems;
  • 1.5. The Assistant Sales Manager is appointed and dismissed by order of the Executive Vice President of the Institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. The Assistant Sales Manager reports to the Executive Vice President of the Establishment and the Head of the New Technologies Division.

    2. Labor functions

  • 2.1. Informing customers about new arrivals and terms of sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 2.2. Documentary support of transactions for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 2.3. Drawing up commercial proposals for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components based on standard commercial proposals.
  • 2.4. Working with a customer relationship management system when searching for clients, preparing and selling infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3. Job responsibilities

  • 3.1. Informing clients about the organization's marketing activities.
  • 3.2. Informing customers about new products.
  • 3.3. Informing clients about the terms of sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.4. Maintaining a customer database.
  • 3.5. Preparation of information materials about new arrivals and terms of sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components for distribution to customers.
  • 3.6. Checking payment for infocommunication systems sold and/or their components.
  • 3.7. Informing clients about the terms of sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.8. Informing clients about the conditions of warranty and post-warranty service of infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.9. Drawing up accompanying documents for sold infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.10. Preparation of commercial proposals for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components based on a database of standard proposals.
  • 3.11. Coordination of the terms of sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components with senior management.
  • 3.12. Maintaining a database of standard offers for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.13. Informing clients about the terms of sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.14. Generating reports on clients when searching for clients, preparing and selling infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.15. Entering client information into the client database.
  • 3.16. Distribution of price lists and information about sold infocommunication systems and/or their components to the customer database.
  • 4. Rights

    The Assistant Sales Manager has the right to:

    4.1. Request and receive the necessary information, as well as materials and documents related to the activities of the assistant sales manager.

    4.2. Improve your qualifications, undergo retraining (retraining).

    4.3. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve issues within the competence of the assistant sales manager.

    4.4. Take part in the discussion of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

    4.5. Make suggestions and comments on how to improve activities in the assigned area of ​​work.

    4.6. Contact the relevant local government bodies or the court to resolve disputes arising during the performance of functional duties.

    4.7. Use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform your job duties.

    4.8. Pass certification in the prescribed manner.

    5. Responsibility

    The Assistant Sales Manager is responsible for:

    5.1. Failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s functional duties.

    5.2. Failure to comply with the orders and instructions of the Executive Vice President of the Institution.

    5.3. Inaccurate information about the status of fulfillment of assigned tasks and instructions, violation of deadlines for their execution.

    5.4. Violation of internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety rules established in the Institution.

    5.5. Causing material damage within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.6. Disclosure of information that has become known in connection with the performance of official duties.

    For the above violations, the assistant sales manager may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative, civil and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

    This job description has been developed in accordance with the provisions (requirements) Labor Code Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197 Federal Law (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (as amended and supplemented), professional standard“Sales Manager of Information and Communication Systems” approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated October 5, 2015 No. 687n and other regulations governing labor relations.

    You can download the Assistant Sales Manager job description for free. Job responsibilities of the assistant sales manager I approve (Last name, initials) (name of the organization, its organizational - legal form) (director; other person authorized to approve the job description) 00.00.201_g. m.p. (name of institution) 00.00.201_g. No. 00 1. General provisions 1.1. This job description establishes the rights, responsibilities and job responsibilities of an assistant sales manager (hereinafter referred to as the “enterprise”). Name of the institution 1.2. A person with a professional (economic) education (higher; secondary), training in management, and work experience in the specialty of at least 1 year is accepted for the position of assistant sales manager; 3 years; 5 years, etc.

    Job Description for Assistant Sales Manager

    Rules for establishing business contacts. 3.11. Fundamentals of sociology, psychology and labor motivation. 3.12. Methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers. 3.13. Foreign language. 3.14. . 4. Appointment to the position of assistant (assistant) sales manager and dismissal from the position is made by order of the head of the enterprise upon recommendation (sales manager; other official) 5.


    The assistant (assistant) sales manager reports directly to the sales manager. 6. During the absence of the assistant (assistant) sales manager (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.


    Job Descriptions

    Familiarize yourself with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties. 3.3. Request personally or on behalf of his immediate supervisor from the heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists the information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties. 3.4. Require the management of the trading enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties. 4. Responsibility The Assistant Sales Manager is responsible for: 4.1. Improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties provided for by this job description within the framework established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Responsibilities of a sales manager - what should a manager be able to do?

    Performs official assignments of the sales manager in functional areas. III. Rights An assistant (assistant) sales manager has the right to: 1. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of job duties.


    Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary to perform his job duties. 3. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management. 4. Require the management of the trading enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.


    Job description of assistant (assistant) sales manager


    Collects information from buyers: - about the requirements for the quality characteristics of goods (service life, rules of use, packaging, etc.); - on the requirements for after-sales service of goods; - on the volume and pace of sales of goods to end consumers. 4.12. Keeps records of customer claims regarding the execution of concluded contracts. 4.13. Identifies the causes of violations of contract terms and takes measures to eliminate and prevent them.

    4.14. Participates in events to generate demand for goods (advertising campaigns, presentations, fairs, exhibitions, etc.). 4.15. Collects customer information and ensures its entry into electronic databases. 4.16. Prepares reports on the work done, as well as analytical reports, certificates on behalf of the sales manager.
    4.17. Performs official assignments of the sales manager in functional areas.
    What the analysis showed 15 best programs competition "Mentor" Most major industrial enterprises assures that they have a mentoring system. The best practices competition at the Mentor forum received more than 1,000 applications. To the shortlist of programs... We all remember how the famous song begins, “If a friend suddenly turns out to be...” The recipe for testing friendship is simple: in the mountains, where difficulties and dangers are at every step, friendship is tested by action. But what about work? I think you're all familiar with the saying, "I don't bring friends to work and... Rob Cross, Peter Gray If you hope to make a smooth transition to work in a new organization, the first thing you need to do is make allies who will provide you with information, resources and support necessary for success. But a rare adaptation program... Decisions are an integral part of our lives.

    Job Description for Assistant Sales Manager

    Job responsibilities Assistant (assistant) sales manager: 1. Under the guidance of the sales manager, performs work on organizing and creating a network for selling goods. 2. Collects information about the demand for goods, the reasons for its change (increase, decrease).

    Searches for buyers (wholesale and retail trade enterprises, other intermediaries, etc.) and establishes business contacts. 4. Establishes contacts with clients (group of clients) on behalf of the sales manager. 5. Negotiates with clients on the terms of sale of goods and provision of related services.

    Develops pre-contractual documentation. 7. Concludes contracts (purchase and sale, supplies, etc.) on behalf of the enterprise. 8. Organizes the delivery or shipment of goods to customers under concluded contracts. 9. Controls payment by buyers for goods under concluded contracts.

    The sales manager is hired and released from the position by order of the head of the enterprise on the recommendation of the sales manager; another official. 1.5.The assistant sales manager is subordinate to the sales manager. 1.6. During the absence of the assistant sales manager (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are assigned to a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights and responsible for the proper performance of his duties. 2. Job responsibilities The assistant sales manager is required to: 2.1. Develop pre-contractual documentation. 2.2. Conclude contracts (purchase and sale, supplies, etc.) on behalf of the enterprise. 2.3. Organize the delivery or shipment of goods to customers under concluded contracts. 2.4. Monitor payment by buyers for goods under concluded contracts.

    Methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers. 3.13. Foreign language. 4. Appointment to the position of assistant (assistant) sales manager and dismissal from the position 5. Assistant (assistant) sales manager reports directly to the sales manager.

    6. During the absence of the assistant (assistant) sales manager (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him. II. Job responsibilities of Assistant (Assistant) Sales Manager: 1.

    Under the guidance of a sales manager, performs work on organizing and creating a network for selling goods. 2.
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    • Rights of an assistant sales manager
    • The assistant sales manager has the right: 5.1. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties. 5.2. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary to perform his job duties.
      5.3. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management. 5.4. Require the management of the trading enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

    A person with a professional (economic) education, (higher; secondary) management training, management training, and at least 1 year of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of assistant (assistant) sales manager; 3 years; 5 years, etc.) 3. An assistant (assistant) sales manager must know: 3.1. Laws and regulatory legal documents regulating the implementation of entrepreneurial and commercial activities. 3.2.

    Market economy, entrepreneurship and the basics of doing business. 3.3. Market conditions. 3.4. Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of goods. 3.5. Pricing procedure, wholesale and retail prices for goods.

    3.6. Fundamentals of management theory, macro- and microeconomics, business administration. 3.7. The procedure for commercial terms of agreements, contracts, contracts. 3.8. Psychology and principles of sales. 3.9. Ethics of business communication.