Features of procurement of services in procurement logistics. §6 Legal basis of procurement. Analysis of planning results

Purchasing logistics implies the satisfaction of production with materials and, as a result, achieving maximum economic efficiency, high quality in as soon as possible. Purchasing logistics consists in searching and selecting alternative manufacturing suppliers. There are two main methods of procurement logistics: traditional and operational methods. The traditional method is to supply the required quantity of goods at a time, and the operational method is to supply goods as the goods are needed. The most important part of purchasing logistics is planning the supply of goods based on inventory management.

Any enterprise, both commercial and industrial, in which material flows rotate and are processed, includes a service that purchases, delivers and temporarily stores various items of labor - the supply service. Objects of labor can be: raw materials, semi-finished products, consumer goods.

It was revealed that the supply chain - production - sales should ideally be built on the basis modern concept marketing, that is, first a sales strategy is developed, then, based on it, a production development strategy and only then a production supply strategy. In this plan purchasing logistics plays a huge role, it develops a marketing approach to entrepreneurial activity, namely, it develops methods that make it possible to implement the marketing concept, significantly expands and complements the concept itself. If the supply service itself is systematically organized, then it will function quickly and smoothly.

Also, at any enterprise there is a procurement service. Purchasing logistics provides that at any enterprise, in the process of providing it with objects of labor, measures must take place to implement systematic approach to the management of material flows within the supply service itself.

To provide any enterprise with objects of labor, as procurement logistics suggests, it is necessary to solve the following problems: what needs to be purchased, in what quantity to purchase, from whom it is necessary to purchase and on what terms it is necessary to purchase. In this case, it is necessary to conclude an agreement, monitor the execution of the agreement on time, organize fast delivery of goods and organize warehousing and storage.

Purchasing logistics tasks

Sooner or later, the question arises at an enterprise: whether to make a component product yourself (if this is possible in principle) or buy from another manufacturer (the “make or buy” problem), the solution to this problem depends on the conditions at the enterprise as well as on a number of important factors:

The presence or absence of a need for a component product;

The presence or absence of the necessary components for production;

Availability or absence of qualified personnel;

Presence or absence necessary equipment etc.

Therefore, purchasing logistics comes to the rescue. The higher the degree of development of logistics in society, the more “calmly” the enterprise refuses own production components and transfers this task to a specialized manufacturer. Any type of logistics, including transport logistics benefits the enterprise.

After the “make or buy” problem has been solved and the enterprise has determined which raw materials and materials need to be purchased, they solve the problem of choosing a supplier, for example, a company that carries out cargo transportation .

As a result, we can say that purchasing logistics essentially pursues the following goal - this is such an organization of input resource flows that would make it possible to most fully satisfy the needs of an enterprise or firm at optimal costs, therefore, when resources enter logistics system the logistics rule must be observed: ensuring the availability of the right resource in the right quantity of the right quality in the right place in right time for the right consumer with the best (optimal) purchase costs.

Purchasing logistics: problems

Currently, the main problem of purchasing logistics is ensuring uninterrupted supply of the company with minimal reserves of resources. To solve this problem, our specialists are developing and implementing logistics technologies two types: “Just in Time” and “Lean Production”.

Purchasing logistics allows you to maximally synchronize the processes of delivery of goods and materials by suppliers and their consumption by production. Achieving reliability of the purchasing system of a company or enterprise is ensured by establishing relationships with suppliers as partners who solve common problems, as well as by computerizing information exchange in the procurement process.

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The object of logistics management is end-to-end logistics, but in certain areas its management has its own specifics. In accordance with this specificity, 5 functional areas of logistics are distinguished: purchasing (or supply logistics), production logistics, distribution, transport and warehouse. Information logistics is highlighted separately.

Purchasing logistics– this is the management of MP in the process of providing the enterprise with material resources.

Any enterprise has a division that carries out the purchase, delivery and temporary storage of raw materials. material resources, which are then, during the production process, converted into finished products. This is the logistics department.

The logistics service is at the same time an element that ensures communications and the implementation of the goals of the macro-logistics system, an element of the micro-logistics system (one of the divisions of the enterprise) and an independent subsystem that has elements, structure and independent goals.

At the level of the macrologistics system, the main goal functioning of MTS - obtaining additional profit from the coordination of actions of all participants in the logistics chain (suppliers, the enterprise itself and consumers).

Logistics integration with suppliers and consumers is achieved through a set of measures. In Western procurement practice, a number of " general rules" or recommendations that not only significantly facilitate relationships with suppliers and banking sector, but also strengthen the company’s position and create conditions for survival in competition. This unique code characterizes ethical standards partnerships. It can be briefly formulated as follows: basically successful preparation and production of products (other than equal conditions) there are good relations between the entrepreneur, on the one hand, and creditors and suppliers, on the other. Special attention should be given to relationships with creditors, as their trust and willingness to help are especially important.

· treat suppliers in the same way as clients of the company;

· do not forget to demonstrate in practice a commonality of interests;

· familiarize the supplier with your tasks and be aware of its business operations;

· be willing to help if problems arise with the supplier;

· comply with your obligations;

· take into account the interests of the supplier in business practice;

· Maintain as stable business contacts as possible.

At the micrologistics system level The supply service must maintain high consistency in MP management between the supply service and the production and sales services, which is the task of the logistics organization of the enterprise as a whole.

The ability to implement the listed goals of the supply service at the micro and macro level largely depends on the systemic organization of the supply service itself.

So, the main goal procurement logistics is to meet production needs for materials with the highest possible economic efficiency.

Subgoals common goal procurement logistics are:

· improving the quality of purchased raw materials, materials and finished products;

· improving the quality of the supply process;

· search and development of long-term relationships with competent and reliable suppliers;

· increasing the level of standardization of purchased inventory items;

· reduction total costs on the supply process;

· development of coordination, integration and harmonization of relations with other divisions of the company;

However, achieving the goals of purchasing logistics depends on solving a number of problems. In summary, these tasks can be grouped as follows.

1. Maintaining reasonable deadlines for the purchase of raw materials and components (materials purchased earlier than the scheduled date place an additional burden on the working capital of enterprises, and delays in purchases can disrupt production program or lead to its change).

2. Ensuring an exact match between the quantity of supplies and the needs for them (excess or insufficient quantity of supplied inventory resources also negatively affects the balance revolving funds and sustainability of output and, in addition, may cause additional costs when restoring the balance optimum).

3. Compliance with production requirements for the quality of raw materials and components.

In solving these problems, the MR procurement process can be divided into a number of main functions:

· Identification and study of sources of resources and suppliers of products;

· Making a decision on ordering or own production;

· Determining the need and calculating the quantity of ordered products;

· Establishing the quantity and timing of deliveries and monitoring them;

· Inventory Management;

· Accounting and control of the progress of fulfillment of contractual obligations;

Identification and study of resource sources and product suppliers Successful procurement requires extensive information about the markets in which it occurs. As for the tasks of procurement market research, they consist in the regular collection and assessment of detailed information in order to determine market capacity and create prerequisites for optimizing procurement. The management of many enterprises has long realized that planning relations with the supply market has the same important, for successful operation, as well as sales market planning.

Deciding whether to order or produce in-house

The task of making a component product ourselves, if this is possible in principle, or buying a component from another manufacturer is the rationale for deciding the issue of the degree of use in production process own funds production. Decisions are made both on the use of one’s own means of labor (transport, storage facilities, machinery, equipment...) and on the use of one’s own objects of labor, i.e. self-produced blanks, semi-finished products, components...

Independent production of blanks and semi-finished products reduces the dependence of enterprises on fluctuations in market conditions. In the same time high quality and the low cost of these products will be ensured by a manufacturer who specializes in their production. The risk of losses caused by increased dependence will be lower the higher the reliability of supplies and the more developed logistics connections in the economy.

A decision in favor of purchasing blanks and semi-finished products should be made if:

· The need for blanks and semi-finished products is small;

· There are no capacities necessary for production;

· There are no personnel with the necessary qualifications.

A decision in favor of in-house production should be made if:

· The need for components is stable and quite large;

· The component product can be manufactured using existing equipment.

“Make or buy” decisions are made when purchasing commodity resources (from a manufacturer or from an intermediary), when choosing between the services of a carrier and creating your own fleet of vehicles, when deciding to use the services of a hired warehouse.

Let us dwell in more detail on the choice of two alternative solutions:

· Independently form an assortment by purchasing commodity resources directly from the manufacturer;

· Or purchase commodity resources from an intermediary who specializes in disaggregating production batches, forming a wide range and supplying it to consumers in assembled form.

Purchasing from an intermediary may be more profitable than purchasing directly from the manufacturer for a number of reasons:

· By purchasing commodity resources from an intermediary, the company has the opportunity to purchase a wide range of products in relatively small quantities. As a result, the need for inventories and warehouses is reduced, and the volume of contractual work with manufacturers of individual assortment items is reduced.

· The price of the goods from the intermediary may be lower than from the manufacturer, since prices are different for small wholesale and large wholesale buyers, due to the need to disaggregate the batch of goods. And since the intermediary specializes in this, disaggregation costs him less.

· The manufacturer of the goods may be located geographically at a greater distance than the intermediary. In this case, additional transportation costs may be greater than the difference in prices between the manufacturer and the intermediary.

Currently, in industrialized countries, partial or complete transfer of certain business functions and even parts of a business process to third parties or organizations is widely used. This phenomenon is called outsourcing. Translated from English, it literally means receiving something from external sources. Outsourcing has become widespread for the following reasons:

· Increased intensity of competition in all market sectors and the associated need to achieve the highest efficiency of all production and economic operations. It is almost impossible, and sometimes even impractical, to achieve the maximum increase in the effectiveness of all operations on your own. You can perfect the performance of key functions, and entrust the rest of the work to those who do it better than others.

· The desire of enterprises to be “global” , i.e. present your products and services around the world. To do this, first of all, it is necessary that there is no strict “binding” to a specific territory. For example, own production capacity, a delivery service or a chain of stores is not so much a serious hindrance, but rather an unnecessary luxury for a company moving from one country's market to another, at least at the initial stage.

· Increasing the role of small businesses in global business. Outsourcing makes it possible for a company to have a global presence in the markets of many countries without the need for staff growth. A relatively small company can, with the involvement of small businesses, operate around the world from a central office while maintaining control over the implementation of assigned tasks.

In the field of logistics, outsourcing can be carried out, first of all, by enterprises providing warehousing, transportation, customs clearance, information support. However, in Russia, unlike in the West, the market for such logistics operators cannot be called established and stable. Among the largest and most reputable companies are National Customs Broker LLC and Russian Logistics Service (customs, warehouse, transport services), Maersk Sealand, P&O Nedlloyd and MSC (shipping operators). These companies offer logistics services and maintain the quality of service at the world level. Unfortunately, it is precisely because of the need to maintain a high level of service quality that they set high prices for their services.

“I came to the market to do what I can do best. The rest I will buy as a service from local market experts.” This is the essence of outsourcing. The market trend today is an increase in the share of outsourcing in logistics. A service provider in logistics is called PL provider(Party Logistic Provider). It is customary to distinguish several levels of service providers:

· First-level logistics service provider – 1PL provider. This is an enterprise capable of transporting cargo from point A to point B with one type of transport. This is, for example, a telephone operator ordering vehicles (private dispatcher); road freight forwarding company; railway forwarder.

· Second-level logistics service provider – 2PL provider. Carries out multimodal transportation, organizing cargo transshipment from one type of transport to another. The tasks solved by a 2PL supplier are as follows: take the goods from the warehouse, load them into a truck, bring them to the wagon, organize the approach of the wagon and the truck (preferably at the same time) to the loading place, load the goods into the wagon, send them.

· Third level supplier - 3PL provider. Solve the problems of distribution, delivery of goods throughout the country by any means of transport with the possibility of transshipment through transit warehouses and changing the volume of consignments in accordance with the instructions of the cargo owner.

· Fourth level supplier - 4PL provider. This aerobatics logistics. Such providers are rare even in Europe. Their tasks: optimization of commodity flows, selection and application of appropriate software, contract work with service providers.

Accordingly, the longest chain of relationships in logistics outsourcing looks like this: a 4PL provider orders a service from a 3PL provider, a 3PL provider orders a service from a 2PL provider, which, in turn, orders a service from a 1PL provider, and the latter engages a carrier. Of course, this is not always necessary. But when you manage a transnational corporation that produces goods in many countries around the world and your goal is to reduce the “logistics component” in price, using the services of PL suppliers can give tangible results.


1. Basic principles of purchasing logistics.

1.1. The place of purchasing logistics in the logistics system of the enterprise.

1.2.Procurement management of a commercial enterprise.

2.Assessment of the purchasing system of the Eurostyle store.

2.1. Characteristics of the Eurostyle store.

2.2.Organization of purchasing logistics at the enterprise.

2.3.Analysis of problems in organizing procurement logistics of an enterprise.

3.Increasing the efficiency of the company's procurement system.

3.1.Optimization of the purchasing system of the Eurostyle store.




Activities in the field of logistics are multifaceted. It includes management of transport, warehousing, inventories, personnel, organization information systems, commercial activities and much more. The fundamental novelty of the logistics approach is the organic mutual connection, the integration of the above areas into a single material-conducting system. The goal of the logistics approach is end-to-end management of material flows.

Experience logistics activities domestic enterprises are very limited. Many enterprises are just starting to operate, and some are organizing logistics services.

Purchasing logistics is the management of material flows in the process of providing an enterprise with material resources. Any enterprise, both manufacturing and trading, includes a service that purchases, delivers and temporarily stores raw materials, semi-finished products and consumer goods. Therefore, coverage of procurement logistics issues is relevant.

The main goal of this work is to study the development of a set of measures to optimize procurement logistics, such as theoretical aspects, and in practice for a specific enterprise.


1.1 The place of purchasing logistics in the enterprise’s logistics system

Managing material flow, like any other object, consists of two parts: decision making; implementation decision taken. In order to make informed decisions on materials management, certain knowledge is required. Activities to develop this knowledge are classified as logistics.

A logistics object can be looked at from different points of view: from the position of a marketer, financier, planning and production management specialist, scientist. This explains the variety of definitions of the concept of logistics.

Analysis of foreign and domestic economic literature shows that today logistics means:

· A new direction in organizing cargo movement.

· The theory of planning various flows in human-machine systems.

· Totality various types activities in order to receive the required amount of cargo in the right place, at the right time, with minimal costs.

· Integration of production and transport processes.

· Management of the movement and storage of goods on the way from production to consumer.

· Economic infrastructure.

· Form of management of physical distribution of product.

· New scientific direction related to the development of rational methods for managing material and information flows.

· Science of rational organization production and distribution.

Logistics systems extend from the place of extraction of raw materials to the sale of goods to customers and the disposal of production waste in specially designated areas, logistics tasks - from the preparation of logistics solutions to the calculation of logistics processes. A meaningful structuring of this vast complex is essential.

The classification of logistics tasks by time formulates:

· preparatory tasks of analysis, planning and design of logistics systems and processes,

· tasks of implementing management and carrying out processes,

· control tasks during the implementation of logistics processes,

· final tasks of calculating logistics work.

Functional division divides the field of logistics into sections individual works in economics.

There are five functional areas of logistics: purchasing, production, distribution, transport and information.

In the process of providing the enterprise with raw materials and materials, the problems of purchasing logistics are solved. At this stage, suppliers are studied and selected, contracts are concluded and their implementation is monitored, and measures are taken in case of violation of delivery conditions. Any manufacturing enterprise has a service that performs the listed functions. The logistics approach to managing material flows requires that the activities of this service, related to the formation of the parameters of end-to-end material flow, should not be isolated, but be subordinate to the strategy of managing end-to-end material flow. At the same time, the tasks solved in the process of bringing the material flow from the warehouses of the supplier's finished products to the workshops of the consumer enterprise have a certain specificity, which was the reason for the identification of a separate section of logistics - purchasing logistics.

Material flows are defined as goods considered in the process of applying various logistics operations to them. In purchasing logistics, input material flows entering the logistics system of an enterprise from the external environment are studied.

A significant element of the micrologistics system is the procurement subsystem, which organizes the entry of material flow into the logistics system. Material flow management at this stage has certain specifics. Logistics operations with input material flow include loading, transportation, unloading, picking, warehousing, packaging and other operations.

There are quite a lot of definitions of logistics. Their essence boils down to the fact that logistics is the activity of organizing the management of material and financial flows. When organizing logistics activities, the “8 rules of logistics” must be followed: the right product, of the required quality, in the required quantity must be delivered at the right time to the right place to the right consumer with minimal costs and an appropriate level of service.

There are five functional areas of logistics: purchasing, production, distribution, transport and information.

Purchasing logistics - solves issues related to providing the enterprise with raw materials and materials.

Production logistics solves the problem of creating material goods or providing material services.

Distribution logistics - solves the problems of selling finished products.

Transport logistics - solves the issues of managing material flow in transport areas.

Information logistics - rationalizes the organization of information flows.

A significant element of the micrologistics system is the procurement subsystem, which organizes the entry of material flow into the logistics system. Material flow management at this stage has certain specifics.

1.2 Procurement management for a commercial enterprise

Any enterprise, both manufacturing and trading, in which material flows are processed, includes a service that purchases, delivers and temporarily stores labor items (supply service): raw materials, semi-finished products, consumer goods. The activities of this service can be considered at three levels, since the supply service is simultaneously:

· an element that ensures connections and implementation of the goals of the macro-logistics system to which the enterprise belongs;

· an element of the micrologistics system, that is, one of the divisions of the enterprise that ensures the implementation of the goals of this enterprise;

· an independent system that has elements, structure and independent goals.

Let us consider the objectives of the functioning of the supply service at each of the identified levels.

As an element of the macro-logistics system, the supply service establishes economic relations with suppliers, coordinating technical, technological, economic and methodological issues related to the supply of goods. Working in contact with the supplier's sales teams and transport organizations, the supply service ensures that the enterprise is “tied” into the macro-logistics system. The idea of ​​logistics - obtaining additional profit from the coordination of actions of all participants, requires that supply service personnel achieve the goals of their own enterprise not as an isolated object, but as a link in the entire logistics macrosystem. This means that the supply service, working for its own enterprise, must at the same time pursue the goal of increasing the efficiency of the entire macro-logistics system. With this approach, one’s own enterprise is considered as an element of the entire macrologistics system: the position of the entire system improves - the position of the enterprise as its element improves.

The supply service, being an element of the enterprise that organized it, must organically fit into the micrologistics system that ensures the passage of material flow in the supply-production-sales chain. Ensuring a high degree of coordination of actions to manage material flows between the supply service and the production and sales services is the task of the logistics organization of the enterprise as a whole. Modern systems Organizations of production and logistics (for example, the MRP system) provide the ability to coordinate and quickly adjust the plans and actions of supply, production and sales units on an enterprise scale, taking into account constant changes in real time.

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Moldavian Economic Academy.

Faculty : Business and business administration .

Specialty: Marketing and logistics.

On the topic of:

“Purchasing logistics”


3rd year student, gr. MKL-288

Ignatenko Elena

Checked by: Solomatin A.


The purpose of purchasing logistics is to meet the needs trade organization in products with the greatest possible economic efficiency. This goal can be achieved if the following conditions are met:

Maintaining reasonable deadlines for the purchase of goods and materials

Ensuring an exact match between the quantity of supplies and the demand for them

Compliance with production and trade requirements for the quality of materials and goods.

This essay will examine the essence and objectives of purchasing logistics, of which two main objectives will be discussed in more detail. This is a make-or-buy problem and a supplier selection problem. Since purchasing logistics studies the material flow as a whole, including the transportation of material, it is necessary to consider methods of material delivery - this is the Kanban and Just-in-Time system. An important component or component is legal side procurement, that is, the contract itself. Finally, Appendix 1.2 presents options organizational structure enterprise, which includes the procurement service at the enterprise, and Appendix 3 presents a document flow diagram “supplier-enterprise” based on the general agreement.

Purchasing logistics is the management of material flows in the process of providing an enterprise with material resources.

Significant element micrologistics system is a procurement subsystem that organizes the entry of material flow into the logistics system. Material flow management at this stage has a certain specificity, which explains the need to separate purchasing logistics into a separate section of the discipline being studied.

Any enterprise, both manufacturing and trading, in which material flows are processed, includes a service that carries out the purchase, delivery and temporary storage of objects of labor: raw materials, semi-finished products, etc. The activities of this service can be considered at three levels, since The supply service is at the same time:

An element that ensures connections and implementation of the goals of the macro-logistics system to which the enterprise belongs;

An element of the micrologistics system, i.e. one of the divisions of the enterprise that ensures the implementation of the goals of this enterprise;

An independent system that has elements, structure and independent goals.

Let us consider the objectives of the functioning of the supply service at each of the identified levels:

As an element macrologistics systems The supply service establishes economic relations with suppliers, coordinating technical, technological, economic and methodological issues related to the supply of goods. Working in contact with the supplier’s sales services and with transport organizations, the supply service ensures that the enterprise is “involved” in the macro-logistics system. The idea of ​​logistics - obtaining additional profit from the coordination of actions of all participants, requires that supply service personnel achieve the goals of their own enterprise not as an isolated object, but as a link in the entire logistics system.

Logistics integration with suppliers is achieved through a set of measures of an economic, technological, technical and methodological nature. Integration should be based on a focus on good partnerships, a focus on the willingness to take a counter step even when it does not bring any profit. In logistics, relationships with suppliers should be built on the following principles:

Treat suppliers the same as the company's clients

Don’t forget to actually demonstrate common interests

Introduce the supplier to your tasks and stay up to date with its business operations

Be willing to help if problems arise with the supplier

Comply with your obligations

Take into account the interests of the supplier in business practice

The supply service, being an element of the enterprise that organized it, must organically fit into the micrologistics system that ensures the passage of material flow in the chain supply-production-sales. Ensuring a high degree of coordination of actions to manage material flows between the supply service and the production and sales services is the task of the logistics organization of the enterprise as a whole. Modern systems for organizing production and logistics provide the ability to coordinate and promptly adjust the plans and actions of supply, production and sales units on an enterprise scale, taking into account constant changes in real time.

Chain supply-production-sales should be built on the basis of a modern marketing concept, that is, first a sales strategy should be developed, then, based on it, a production development strategy, and only then a production supply strategy. It should be noted that marketing plans this task only conceptually. The scientific marketing tools, aimed at a comprehensive study of the sales market, have not developed methods that allow solving the problems of technical and technological coordination with suppliers, depending on the relevant requirements identified during the study of the sales market. Marketing also does not imply methods for systematic organization of all participants in the process of promoting materials from the primary source of raw materials up to the final consumer. In this regard, logistics develops a marketing approach to business activities, develops methods that make it possible to implement the marketing concept, and significantly expands and complements the concept itself.

The efficiency of the supply service, the possibility of achieving the listed goals, both at the enterprise level and at the macro-logistics level, largely depends on the systemic organization of the supply service itself.

§2. Purchasing logistics tasks And.

The main questions that should be answered in the process of providing an enterprise with objects of labor are traditional and determined by the logic of supply:

what to buy? how much to buy? who to buy from? Under what conditions to purchase?

Logistics adds its own questions to the traditional list:

How to systematically link procurement with production and sales;

How to systematically link the activities of an enterprise with suppliers;

The designated range of procurement logistics issues determines the composition of the tasks to be solved in this functional area and the nature of the work performed.

Let's consider the tasks and work related to purchasing logistics:

Determining the need for material resources. In the process of determining the need for material resources, it is necessary to identify intra-company consumers of material resources. Then the need for material resources is calculated. At the same time, requirements are established for the weight, size and other parameters of deliveries, as well as for delivery service. Next, plans are developed - schedules and specifications for each product item and (or) product groups. For consumable material resources, the “make or buy” problem discussed in paragraph 2.1 can be solved. this paragraph.

Procurement market research. Procurement market research begins with an analysis of the behavior of the supplier market. In this case, it is necessary to identify all possible suppliers in direct markets, substitute markets and new markets. Followed by preliminary estimate all possible sources of purchased material resources, as well as an analysis of the risks associated with entering a specific market.

Selection of suppliers. Includes searching for information about suppliers, searching for the optimal supplier, evaluating the results of working with selected suppliers (the task of selecting a supplier is discussed in more detail in paragraph 2.2 of this paragraph).

Procurement. The implementation of this function begins with negotiations, which must end with the formalization of contractual relations, that is, the conclusion of a contract. Contractual relations form economic relations, the rationalization of which is also the task of logistics. Procurement includes choosing a procurement method, developing delivery and payment terms, as well as organizing the transportation of material resources. At the same time, delivery schedules are drawn up, forwarding is carried out, and possibly organized customs procedures. Procurements are completed by the organization of receiving control.