Running a business: from developing a plan to choosing software. Scheme of doing business Scheme of doing business for a bank

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From this article you will learn:

  • What are the basics of running any business?
  • What are the rules for doing business?
  • Why do you need a business plan?
  • What to look for when developing a business plan
  • How Russian reality influences the choice of model
  • What business models are used in practice?
  • What are the features of running a small business in Russia?
  • What business methods are most effective?
  • Which CRM programs to use to make doing business easier
  • Does the internal and external environment affect the conduct of business?

In fact, a beginning businessman needs very little: a promising idea, the makings of an entrepreneur and a small amount of money for a good start. But even those who do not have all of the above have every chance of starting a profitable business. The main thing is to choose the right direction. From this article you will learn what proper business management is.

Business Basics

To understand the basics of entrepreneurship, you first need to clearly understand what a business is, in principle. At first glance, everything is clear. However, the usual understanding of business is superficial and therefore needs to be supplemented.

First of all, we note that business is one of the urgent needs of people. But not for everyone, but only for special individuals. Who are they? These are individuals who have very strong energy. Therefore, people with powerful potential want to start their own business most of all. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this. But in order for the powerful energy flow not to harm anyone, it must be spent. That is why such individuals open their own business. Running a business for them is a way to direct their energy in a productive direction.

Of course, there are other ways to release energy. But running a business is the most exciting and optimal because it allows you to earn money. That is, it converts energy into money. It turns out that running a business means monetizing the entrepreneur’s internal resources. As for its basics, it is knowledge about the efficient conversion of energy into money.

Let's go even deeper and find out where the source of a person's energy is, in principle, the one that gives him strength and motivates him to create a business, turning him into an entrepreneur. It's simple - energy is formed by an incipient idea. A person wants to realize it, and therefore starts a business.

Many people start their own business only because they really want to do business, without having practical knowledge and skills. Essentially, they are doing the right thing. Where do they teach how to promote new ideas that no one has previously promoted? Nowhere! An entrepreneur gains knowledge and experience in the process of work, learns own mistakes. But at the same time, a businessman can learn to work with ideas - both in general and with some specific ones.

Knowing how to work with ideas means understanding the basics of running a business. This knowledge can be obtained by absolutely anyone, in contrast to the knowledge of working with specific ideas. It happens that entrepreneurs manage to develop their product or service without an appropriate theoretical basis, and very strong internal motivation helps them in this. It is she who gives strength to cope with difficulties and run a successful business. But mistakes and failures still happen and often.

So, a person draws all the basic knowledge about business, the basics of running it, from his idea. It is she who intuitively tells you what to do and how to do it. Accordingly, good entrepreneurs have a business sense, and therefore are not interested in business training. The main thing for them is to tune in to the idea in order to develop it competently.

It is the business idea, and not the start-up capital, as many believe, that is the fundamental factor for the development of a business. Those for whom money is at the forefront are not inherently entrepreneurs. Let's say more - thoughts exclusively about making money interfere with the competent promotion of a business, since they motivate to work solely for the sake of money, accumulation of capital, and not the development of an idea.

Business rules that work in any situation

There are many examples of famous millionaires in the United States going bankrupt, only to rise again and reach new heights. What's the secret? The fact is that when building a business, they followed two rules - simple and unpretentious, but extremely difficult to implement.

Rule one. Tell yourself that you will implement your idea until you reach your intended goal and create successful business. Let this turn into a life credo. And when you come to the first results, non-standard ideas for managing and improving your project will immediately appear. Thanks to new knowledge, experience, skills and expanded horizons, you will see new opportunities and prospects.

Rule two. Don't be afraid to miss. Learn from them, turn another failure into an event that brings you closer to your desired goal. How many failures can you handle? How much is needed? Just enough to reach your goal!

But this is not all, this is just the start. When developing your business, be sure to take into account other rules for building and running an effective business, and there are many of them. Otherwise you won't succeed.

Of course, we do not mean those well-known legal norms that all businessmen must follow - this is an indisputable fact. We are talking about unwritten rules, following which any entrepreneur can achieve success.

So, rule one. When making decisions about a business, consider its prospects. That is, if you are faced with a dilemma - big earnings right away, but an uncertain future, or relatively small profits, but with serious prospects for growth - choose the second path. This is the only way you will achieve real success and your business will flourish.

Second rule: You need to know what is happening in your business industry all the time. A company owner who has no idea about the trends in the development of his niche can be confidently called incompetent and unprofessional. If you are interested in business, you can prevent potential problems.

Third rule: Do not produce more products than necessary to avoid overproduction. If there is no buyer for the product, you will work “for the warehouse” and, of course, will not make money from it.

Fourth rule prescribes stopping production if the product is not of sufficient quality. If the product does not meet established standards, it is better to suspend manufacturing process, find out why this is happening and try to correct the situation. Don't risk the company's name.

Fifth rule connected with the ethical side of the matter. Build relationships with partners, suppliers and employees only on the basis of mutual respect. Only if the relationship is modeled according to this scheme will the project bear good fruit.

Sixth rule quality work - competently selected staff. Without it, modern business will not be successful. The team should consist of people interested in the development of the company. Make sure that employees are personally interested in achieving goals - thanks to this, work will become much more effective and efficient.

Rule seven: Don’t be afraid to trust your organization’s staff with responsible tasks. After all, it often happens that an ordinary employee knows some issues better than a leader. If your employees can make decisions, let them do it. When people understand their own importance, they begin to work more productively.

The above rules are key for an entrepreneur interested in growth and profit. By following them, you can build a profitable business.

Business scheme

A business plan is somewhat similar to a business plan. It also shows all the important elements of successful activity and the path to high positions in the market. It is better to draw it up before registering as an entrepreneur. Key points will depend on the area of ​​business - Agriculture, production, trade, etc. But there is also general provisions. It is in accordance with them that a business strategy should be formed:

After registration, the business plan looks like a list of priority tasks that an entrepreneur must complete:

  • select and rent suitable premises, taking into account the focus of the business;
  • hire qualified specialists to make the activity successful;
  • establish contacts with potential customers and clients;
  • if necessary, form a client base;
  • organize the production or sale of goods - open retail outlets, take care of the availability of production capacity.

All these actions must be coordinated with the developed business plan or work scheme, and then inconsistencies must be eliminated. Business planning is fundamentally important for both small and large businesses. Even if an entrepreneur works alone, it is still useful for him to analyze his work in a timely manner and formulate a plan for a certain period, be it a month or a year. If there is no such plan, the project may become less effective and profitable, since even with large earnings, the businessman risks not noticing significant financial losses and conducting unprofitable activities. It is important to constantly study offers on the rental market. That is, you can save significantly on renting an office or industrial premises. The main thing is to find a cheaper, but good option.

It is also necessary to evaluate the market conditions for the goods that the businessman produces or sells. Due to inflated prices, demand may fall. Very low prices, on the contrary, can lead to unprofitable activities.

The project management scheme is developed by the entrepreneur himself. But you can entrust this to a specialist. All that a businessman will subsequently have to do is just follow it in his work.

Why then do you need a business plan?

A business plan is a document that answers all questions about the project and gives a complete picture of the enterprise’s performance for the near and long term. Adjustments can be made to the plan if current plans and strategies change.

Business practice is rich in countless force majeure events that can affect the outcome of business. There are so many of them that we would hardly be able to talk about them in the article. In addition, taking into account all the circumstances in one document and forming tactics of behavior when they arise is an almost impossible task. A logical question arises: is a business strategy necessary, or are there enough basic techniques that can be used as needed? Experience shows that having a plan is still useful.

This document solves two problems:

1. Business plan for “internal use”:

  • As you know, 10 minutes spent on planning saves an hour of intensive work. If a small business segment company has a clearly developed plan, management processes become more streamlined. This is especially true when working in a team. This plan eliminates discrepancies. In addition, it indicates how each team member should act in a given situation.
  • Control over performance efficiency. IN quality business plan the main indicator points to which the company must reach after a certain period are indicated. By how clearly you go through them, you can judge how effective your business processes are and improve them if necessary. Also, you have no doubt that employees strive to for the right purposes, if management is temporarily absent.
  • Risk reduction. As already mentioned, force majeure in business is impossible to predict. But a generalized pattern of behavior in a critical situation is a useful thing. Typically, such measures are universal and reduce risks. Information about who will undertake them, when and in what situation should be included in the business plan.

2. Business plan for investors.

A master business plan is needed not only for internal use. In some cases, it can be provided to outsiders. Often, a business plan is analyzed by potential investors in order to draw conclusions about the feasibility of the investment. The investor’s decision to cooperate with you depends on how well all the nuances are worked out in it. A business plan acts as a conditional “IOU” and must be followed.

A competent business plan makes doing business easier.

Before compiling it, it is necessary to assess the current situation in advance and analyze the information. One of the most popular tools for preliminary assessment of the situation, especially in small businesses, is SWOT analysis, which structures all data.

What is SWOT analysis? It is needed to assess the organization’s internal and external resources and draw up an objective picture for the business plan. It includes elements such as:

  • Strengths- weaknesses of a product or service. Here we can note the low cost of the product, the high professional level of the employees, an innovative component in the product, beautiful packaging design or high-quality service, etc.
  • Weakness- weak sides. For example, the company does not have its own retail space, the brand is not very recognizable among potential target audience etc.
  • Opportunities- business opportunities, for example, the use of new materials and technological solutions in work, additional financing, etc.
  • Threats- threats to business. Here we can talk about unstable economic situation or the political situation in the state or region, the characteristics of the mentality of buyers, the level of technology development in the territory where the project is being implemented, etc.

Before moving on detailed filling sections of the plan, prepare the maximum amount of additional data for the future project. Analyze the industry, determine what methods can be used to promote the product, study competitors. Also evaluate the extent to which your company will make tax deductions, what resources it has future project, for example, financial, intellectual, temporary, personnel, etc.

Based on this information, you will understand how to develop an effective plan without having to search for information for its sections in parallel. You will save time and achieve good results.

What is the basis for choosing a business model in Russia?

The place of doing business is very important parameter. Management, as a system for managing activities, takes into account the mentality of citizens of the state in whose territory the company operates. There is still no developed and established culture of doing business in Russia. It can be said that there are no own development models, since companies from the very beginning are set the goal of getting closer to European standards.

Mentality is a very strong element, which cannot be said about the unstable market conditions. Therefore, if an entrepreneur does not take it into account, then he dooms himself in advance to incorrectly organized business processes.

When establishing a business in Russia, he should take into account two main features of the mentality:

  1. Family ties that are still strong today. They do not allow you to organize a business based solely on professional level and qualifications of counterparties
  2. A Russian businessman first calculates the competitor’s income and tries to do everything possible to beat him. If there is no such prospect, he simply does not start a business.

Due to these two factors Russian business develops slowly. As a rule, the behavior of modern Russian enterprises It is not an internal mission, but a desire to create a certain image. In principle, this is also a rather positive trend, despite the presence of pragmatic goals.

Taking into account the specifics of the mentality in management, different types thinking. Now in Russia there are the following:

  • Industrial: it is based on the product, methods, tools and production volumes. On concepts external environment, the needs of the target audience and the target audience themselves are not focused on.
  • Marketing and financial: The main goal of doing business with this approach is to achieve the desired level of sales and operating profit. The result of actions within the framework of this business system can be a formed brand. However, it will not have a value component.
  • Communication: is formed on the basis of forecasting and modeling the development of business processes. Entrepreneurial activity is a system of interaction between groups of people influencing the existence of an enterprise (we are talking about founders, managers, employees, clients, contractors, government agencies, the media, competitors, public institutions).

The term “business model” is often confused with strategy, resulting in a substitution of concepts, or it is considered one of the elements of strategy. This confusion is explained by the fact that the concepts are similar to each other, but not the same. They differ in the following points:

  1. The factor of creating values ​​and their transformation into income. The purpose of a business model is to describe the method by which a business makes money from a product or service. The strategy is more exciting long-term prospects and creates a sustainable competitive advantage.
  2. Price commercial activities or owner's income. Converting the cost of commercial activity into income for the owner is not the primary goal of the project’s business model. And in this way it differs significantly from strategy. That is, it does not focus on ways to make a profit, but at the same time significantly influences the income of the company's owners.
  3. Level of qualifications in the field of commercial activity. To form a business model for an enterprise, no special knowledge is needed. At the same time, in order to develop a strategy, a more in-depth analysis is needed, for which you need to have certain knowledge in the area where the company is developing.

To visualize the relationship between the business model and strategy, pay attention to the formula presented by M. Levy:

V=MS, Where

V - value, M - business model, S - strategy.

It shows that a company wishing to implement its chosen strategy should choose the most optimal business models for itself, on the basis of which it will subsequently develop and create value for consumers.

Types of business models

  • Franchising. A form of relationship between business entities in which one transfers to the other the right to engage in certain activities according to an already existing and proven business model.
  • Direct sales. Sales of consumer goods and services from person to person outside of stationary retail retail outlets.
  • B2B(Business-to-Business - business-for-business). Form of information and economic cooperation. B2B cooperation is classified according to the type of persons involved - in this case, a legal entity. Businesses supply goods and services to other firms rather than to final customers. Let's say they produce advertising materials for another organization involved in their promotion.
  • B2C(Business-to-Consumer - business-for-consumer). A type of electronic commercial activity whose purpose is direct sales. Effective solution to the problem of territorial remoteness of large and small cities through unification pricing policy and delivery services.
  • B2G(Business-to-Government - business for the government). There are two participants in the system - the state and business. This business technology characterizes e-commerce and is used, for example, in organizing government procurement.
  • G2B(Government-to-Business - government for business). A set of software and government tools for online cooperation between executive authorities and commercial structures(websites of government agencies, government procurement, and so on).

Forms of doing business are classified differently:

1. Manufacturer. In this case, they produce physical goods, intangible products (music, films) or services. Who will act as the target audience - the client or the distributor? The main goal here is to produce an in-demand product and deliver it through an efficient channel.

This business model comes in 3 types:

  1. Direct to consumer marketing, in which a product can be purchased from an online store or a traditional retail outlet owned by a company. This business system has a number of advantages: there are no intermediaries, income grows, and relationships with consumers are built directly (through free support, detailed product presentation, and so on).
  2. Sales to distributors and wholesalers and retailers. The product is sold to special trade specialists who are able to reach end consumers through multiple channels. Most manufacturing companies fall into this category.
  3. Transfer of exclusive rights to distributors. Manufacturing companies enter into a cooperation agreement with one or more intermediaries. This way they form a monopoly on competitive products in a certain territory and make large profits. Representatives of this group of sellers include, for example, auto manufacturers, film producers and writers.

2. Distributor of goods and services. Intermediaries are the main link between the manufacturer and buyers. Their task is to combine products from different companies in order to scale sales. Distributors increase margins and reduce logistics costs. Competition in this market is very tough.

This model distinguishes the following types:

  1. Retail(including e-commerce) for general purposes, where many vertical products are involved. Buyers interact exclusively with distributors for all products, which is the value proposition in this type of business. For example, online platforms Amazon and Walmart operate using this model.
  2. Niche focus(narrow focus). In retail general purpose a wide range of goods is sold, and distributors of product specialization work with a specific group of products. Examples of doing business using this model are Toys ‘R’ Us and Babyoye.
  3. Personal sales club. Here, consumers pay a set fee for membership at set intervals and gain personal access to exclusive discounts on leading brands. For example, Costco, Sam's club, Gilt, Exclusively.
  4. One product per day. Woot operates under this business model. Instead of selling hundreds of products, the company offers just one item every day at a deep discount. Thanks to this, manufacturers are able to as soon as possible get rid of excess in warehouses, and the distributor can sell products in large volumes. Consumers receive information about a particular product every day.

3. Integrated model. It is used by traditional retailers whose goal is to increase the flow of customers at the expense of Internet users. So, buyers choose a product and pay for it on the distributor’s website, and the store or warehouse gives them this product.

4. “Razor and Blade” model. In accordance with it, one product is sold at a reduced price with an eye to the subsequent sale of another. Business examples: Most Gillette razors are inexpensive. But to buy cassettes for them, the buyer needs to spend money. To support this business model, the complementary product must be protected by a patent or tied to a platform so that competitors cannot release it.

5. Brokerage business model- an element that connects buyers and sellers to receive a commission for their services. It generates huge profits by exploiting its monopoly advantage. This business technology differs from others in its scope and network effects. It does not give the desired results without the proper number of sellers and buyers.

In total, this business model can exist in 6 options:

  1. Sale physical goods. Buyers become participants in the auction, and the highest bidder takes the product. The world-famous Ebay platform works effectively according to this model.
  2. Rental of physical goods. Buyers are given access to real estate for sale for a limited period of time (usually during the holidays). This is what does, for example.
  3. Platforms for selling virtual goods. For example, Apple and Android companies offer platform users to buy third-party applications.
  4. Financial products. This category includes all brokerage companies, banks and financial institutions.
  5. Social services. Sites such as oDesk, Elance, 99designs, Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) offer their audience services for certain types of work that are popular with buyers (employers).
  6. Experience. On the Sweemo website, users can experience new sensations and get an unforgettable experience from visiting a vibrant show, backstage, studio, etc.

6. Lessor's business model. The company rents premises or goods for fixed time for a certain price. This group includes hotels and airlines. This business model is applied to physical goods. But in last years it also applies to Internet products, for example, e-books and music.

7. Advertising business model- leader in the work of Internet platforms. The basis of their main income is content creation. The content of websites and advertisements is developed taking into account the specifics of the Internet business model.

If the content is interesting and provides an influx of users to the site, the businessman places his advertisement. The main difficulty of this model is the AdBlocker tools (some fragments of the page with unpleasant banners, pop-up windows, etc. are blocked), as well as the wary attitude of the site’s audience towards advertising.

This business model is presented in 3 main types:

8. Subscription-based business model. In accordance with it, income is generated from periodic payments from clients, for example, telephone and house rental. The business model is also suitable for companies that create software and offer it as a service (SaaS). The main problem of the model is the massive termination of contracts with subscribers when they switch to competitors or to another product.

9. Affiliate marketing . The main component of the model is the service provided to the client. At the same time, as an addition, he is offered to become a participant affiliate program for a commission. Good example application of the model - Indian search engine Justdial. Users contact the company for information about hotels, establishments Catering etc. and Justdial connects them with 3-5 service provider firms on a commission basis.

10. Multi-level marketing. The goal of doing business using this model is to convert some customers into the seller category. Typical representatives are Amway and Tupperware companies. In accordance with multi-level marketing, the client audience is divided into certain levels. Buyers who actively refer their acquaintances and friends to the distribution company receive the greatest reward. The main problem with the model is that consumers often resist and are afraid of commercial interest in themselves.

Features of running a small business in Russia

Aspiring entrepreneurs start their own business for a number of reasons. They close their business for an even more extensive list of reasons. Yes, the dashing 90s, which everyone knows about, have long since sunk into oblivion. The legislation of the Russian Federation has stepped far forward, and despite the gaps remaining in it, small business in Russia is no longer a gamble.

Running a small business in Russia has specific features due to a number of conditions, in particular:

  • political situation;
  • economic situation;
  • measures taken by the state in terms of development economic activity;
  • support measures;
  • legal assistance in the small business sector;
  • tax policy;
  • financial and credit conditions;
  • standard of living in the state.

That's all for now the above factors are far from ideal, which interferes with the normal conduct of business, and this should be taken into account by anyone planning to start their own business. And this situation will continue until Russia develops, including in the production direction, thanks to the economic, legal, social, and tactical measures laid down by the government.

Rosstat data show that 50% of all companies in the small business segment are trading. Why? The point is what to take industrial premises rent is now expensive, paying taxes takes a serious toll on your pocket, and the state does not provide much support to entrepreneurs. It is much easier to open an office and sell something to order than to release and then sell a product. And this is the train of thought of every second novice businessman.

Also, young entrepreneurs are afraid of tax authorities and representatives of government agencies. But today these fears are completely unfounded. If your plans do not include the sale of prohibited products (drugs and weapons), then you will not have to deal with officials often. And if the accounting is in perfect condition, then never at all. Be that as it may, both entrepreneurs themselves and the state, equally, should strive to create fair and comfortable conditions for doing business.

3 methods of doing business that have proven their effectiveness

"Chinese" method

Characterized by speed and mobility. For a businessman who works according to this scheme, the main thing is more and cheaper.

All profits must be collected within 3-4 months, otherwise someone will certainly come up with something cheaper. Entrepreneurs should be prepared for quick money and a variety of business ideas, even shallow ones, since within the framework of the “Chinese” method they quickly lose their relevance. New entrepreneurs are emerging, improving these concepts and making them cheaper. Consequently, there is a risk of being out of work.

Everyone chooses the way to do business individually. If a businessman does not like to prepare for a long time and is interested in making quick money, this form is not for him. If his plans are to use loans, then he needs to have 10-12 ideas at once. Only in this case can an entrepreneur achieve the desired results.

Businessmen who follow the “Chinese” model constantly generate ideas. They quickly get bored with everything, and they easily start something new, practically without fear of difficulties, unlike others.

"Courtship" method

This way of doing business is suitable for those who enjoy caring for others. Example: you are selling upholstered furniture and I. How will we compete? We are putting together the following advertisement: if you buy upholstered furniture from me and not from your neighbor, you will receive a chair as a gift. That is, bypass your competitors by providing additional services.

The essence of this model is that the client needs to demonstrate quality service. You will always have customers, not because you are a professional, but because you know how to provide quality customer service. The “caring” method is aimed at long-term business management. The main thing here is to create not a network, but an atmosphere. When a person doesn’t want to eat a certain dish, but just goes to a cafe because he likes the service, ambiance, atmosphere. That is, it is important to establish contact with consumers, be able to serve them efficiently, and the highlight should be in the services, since the content will be no different from competitors.

Aristocratic method

Exclusive products for the “chosen ones”. Let's say you are a master jeweler. You have made a piece of jewelry with the engraving “Faith. Hope. Love” especially for a family where the grandmother’s name is Vera, the daughter’s name is Nadezhda, and the granddaughter’s name is Lyubov. That is, the product is exclusive. Accordingly, its cost is high, since it was created for a limited number of consumers.

The emphasis in this model is on exclusivity. You are selling a product intended exclusively for someone. Therefore, it is worth the money. Let’s say a well-known business coach conducts training for 100 thousand rubles. The high price is due only to the well-promoted name, despite the fact that the coach graduated from the same higher education educational institution, like others. Exclusive clients come to him and then say: “I attended this specialist’s training, I can afford it.”

  1. amoCRM.

Simple SaaS CRM system to create a database of contacts and record transactions (linked to contacts). Contacts and deals can be tagged. Taking into account the amount and status, a sales funnel is formed. There is an API. It is possible to add fields to deal cards. Integrates with MailChimp.

  1. Megaplan Sales.

The tool provides joint management business in small and medium-sized enterprises of any profile. Designed to increase sales, personnel management and remote work. The system is equipped with CRM, invoicing, transaction control, task manager, file server, internal mail, forum, and a module for working with employees.

  1. Client base.

A simple and convenient system that allows you to maintain a single database, create any tables with more than 8 types of fields, differentiate access rights to information for users, make personalized email newsletter, planning time and attaching files, creating documents with templates based on a database from any tables, and so on. Comes in 3 versions: Local, Web and SaaS.

  1. Simple Business.

A tool + software client that makes it convenient to manage tasks, projects and manage your time. Also designed to automate the processes of managing a company, corporate website, communication and teamwork(e-mail, telephony, video and audio conferences, chat, etc.), relationships with customers and employees. It also allows you to automate document flow and submission of reports to the tax office and funds, management of accounting and contract documentation. Suitable for installation on your own server.

  1. FreshOffice CRM.

Cloud ecosystem for business. Consists of the following modules: CRM, Marketing, Document Flow, Orders, Telephony, Analytics, Warehouse and Financial Accounting, E-mail Mailings, Chat and others. The user's enterprise works collectively in one window of one application, continuously assessing the effectiveness and monitoring the activities of each department. It's safe to say that the program provides ease of doing business.

  1. WireCRM.

An online tool for customer accounting that can be successfully used by entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized companies. WireCRM provides a basic set of accounting tools (Contact Manager, Transaction Accounting, Events Calendar, Integration with mail and telephony, Export and Import). This business system also has an application store that allows you to install additional functionality. The tool is simple and not overloaded with unnecessary functions, however, if required, they are easy to add.

  1. Zoho CRM.

CRM for small business companies. Offers modern Ajax tools. Advanced features for sales management. Integration with other Zoho services (in particular, spreadsheets). The program is also equipped with built-in integration tools with the enterprise website. The interface is in Russian.

  1. SalesapCRM.

Online service for accounting clients and transactions. It saves the entire history of dialogues with customers, call recordings, allows you to monitor staff, manage tasks and projects, and receive reports online. Independently creates tasks at each stage of the funnel, notifies about the upcoming deadline and automatically sends an SMS notification to the client.

  1. Things are going well.

Cloud CRM for small businesses. Convenient and easy to use. A significant advantage is the affordable price.

  1. GEN CRM.

Convenient and functional service for doing business. Integrates with the website, e-mail, telephony, SMS mailings and e-mail, Yandex.Metrica, 1C and any other external system. Powerful analytics: sales funnel, bounce analysis, daily summary and other reporting.

Running a successful business using Facebook as an example

The history of the formation of Facebook is an excellent example for all companies seeking to achieve success in entrepreneurial activity. The social network has become widespread, becoming famous all over the world, and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, has become the youngest billionaire in history.

It is important to understand that Facebook took the first position in the world for good reason. He got his breakthrough in the Internet space thanks to a solid foundation - the scientific method.

The scientific method of doing business is a set of methods for obtaining new knowledge within the framework of a particular science. And here Mark Zuckerberg’s breakthrough is almost no different from discoveries in the medical industry or, for example, in physics.

Facebook is not only a consequence of the implementation of the talented ideas of an ordinary Harvard student. Appearance social network- a logical continuation of the centuries-old development of communication systems between people.

Einstein and Fleming also did not make breakthroughs out of nowhere, despite the fact that they were geniuses. Their discoveries were made on the basis of information that other researchers had accumulated over hundreds of years.

The main advantage of the scientific method is that it allows you to evaluate the potential of an idea before it is implemented.

To understand what helped companies like Facebook or HubSpot skyrocket, you can look at a simple model proposed by a famous venture capitalist named Chamath Palihapitiya. At one time he served as vice president of development at Facebook:

There are 3 stages here:

  1. Top of the conversion funnel. Traffic sources and conversion rate.
  2. The WOW moment when a person realizes a real need for your product. Early experiences and first impressions are formed.
  3. Core value of the product. The stage at which the client begins to solve his problems with the help of the product.

The point is that for sustainable business development, you need to pay attention to each stage. If the product is not in demand, there is no point in trying to increase traffic. It is also ineffective to improve product quality if there is no competent lead management.

When improving business processes using the scientific method, certain sequential steps are taken.

Step One: Developing a Hypothesis

First of all, you need to establish which issues are the most pressing for you - sales channels, target audience, market positioning, or perhaps an advertising strategy?

Step two: prediction

At this stage, a hypothesis is developed and appropriate conclusions are drawn. In our case, it looks like this: “Since our target audience is mostly students, placing advertisements in print media will not give the desired results.”

Step three: verification

The hypothesis formed at the previous stage must be tested. For example, you can survey students and find out how often they buy newspapers and magazines, and whether the advertising placed there attracts their attention. But first, it’s better to test the initial hypothesis and understand whether your main target audience is really students.

Step Four: Conclusions

If the test shows that the hypothesis and assumption are correct, it is necessary to study all the collected data and draw conclusions.

If an error is discovered, make a new guess and propose a new hypothesis. Remember, even the wrong step is a step towards the goal. Therefore, do not be afraid of experiments and mistakes.

Does the environment affect doing business?

According to some researchers, on effective work all elements of the company directly affect external factors. Here we mean the “external business environment”, which is characterized by:

  • frequent fluctuations in exchange rates;
  • fashion market trends;
  • demand among consumers for a particular product.

Beginning entrepreneurs should understand how important it is to adapt to the needs of the general population if they plan to produce products specifically for them. And it doesn't matter whether they want it or not. If the goal of entrepreneurs is not only to keep the company afloat, but also to increase its assets, they should definitely take into account the influence of external parameters.

Internal operating factors (internal business environment) of an enterprise are characterized by:

  • volume of goods produced and sold,
  • number of retail outlets (economic business environment), their strategic location,
  • qualifications of staff specialists,
  • staffing levels,
  • team atmosphere, relationships between management and staff,
  • satisfaction of the organization's personnel with their position,
  • the degree of responsibility of each employee’s attitude to work,
  • level of commercial education of the head of the company (business environment of the company).

The external and internal business environment are fundamental factors in the activity of any enterprise.

When doing business, responsible divisions of the enterprise are necessarily formed. If the external situation sets the requirements for demand for a particular product, and the company does not satisfy the demands of society, then it is time to assemble a board of directors and solve pressing problems, adjusting the development and conduct of business, closing the production of certain products, opening new branches and subsidiaries who will produce the required product.

The impact of the external environment can be divided into two groups: macro- and micro-impacts. This classification allows you to clearly study aspects that are important for understanding entrepreneurs who are interested in running a successful business. These aspects influence the company's business environment. Each is unique, despite the relationship between them.

The first group is decisive when planning the activities of an enterprise for foreign market. At the diagnostic stage, a business plan is drawn up, which reflects the interaction of the enterprise with other companies or the government, outlines different options for doing business and actions in the event that some factors prevent their implementation. Business plans drawn up from this angle determine the essence of the company’s activities (development of the business environment). And taking them into account, they analyze and plan further work.

When analyzing micro-impacts, you need to take into account the conditions of existence in which the company currently finds itself. When analyzing them, it is worth taking into account the frequent changes in modern market conditions, so it is necessary to provide for all directions of unexpected developments. In fact, this directly affects the planning of the company’s internal structure and its specialized activities.

The activities of different enterprises can radically change under the influence of various global processes, for example:

  • legislative trends;
  • new products of technical progress.

They change all the time. Also maintaining international business and Russian largely depends on the financial solvency of the customers for whom the company produces goods, as well as on the creditworthiness of citizens and government banking system in general, the degree of development and profitability of competing firms.

Tracking these parameters is difficult, almost impossible. This is where the commercial professionalism of the owners of the enterprise comes into play, forced to constantly analyze the company’s position in the market and take into account that its trends can change very, very quickly. And, as already noted, this is primarily due to processes in legislation.

Useful information on the topic: " Written description activities of an organization, a sample for a bank." Available information on the topic has been collected and processed here. We have tried to present it in a convenient and understandable form. If you have any questions, please ask them to our duty consultant.

TekhnoStroyServis LLC was assigned a code for the type of economic activity according to the OKVED classifier 51.51, which gives permission to wholesale trade fuel. This enterprise refers to small and medium-sized businesses and meets all the criteria established by the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation”:

  • 1. Is a commercial organization.
  • 2. The enterprise was founded by one individual and formed an authorized capital in the amount of 10,000.00 rubles.
  • 3. The average number of employees is:

a. in 2013 - 102 people;

b. in 2014 -123 people.

4. Revenue from the sale of goods (work, services) excluding VAT is:

a. in 2013 - 134906 thousand rubles;

b. in 2014 - 156,000 thousand rubles.

An accounting policy for accounting and tax accounting. In 2015, amendments were made to the Accounting Policy related to changes in the Legislation.

TekhnoStroyService LLC is located at General system taxation, in which it fully maintains accounting records and pays all general taxes.

For expansion production activities the company decided to purchase specialized vehicles on credit.

The main source of information for analysis financial condition And financial results activities of small enterprises is accounting (financial reporting).

Comprehensive assessment of financial and economic activity this is an element of enterprise management, it is one of the stages management activities and is important source information for making and justifying effective management decisions.

The main goal of a comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is to assess the effectiveness of its activities commercial organization and identifying reserves for its increase.

Let us reveal the meaning of the following economic indicators:

  • 3. Financial stability and liquidity
  • - The financial independence coefficient shows the share of the organization’s assets that are covered by its own capital (provided by its own sources of formation). The remaining share of assets is covered by borrowed funds.

Investors and banks issuing loans pay attention to the value of this ratio. The higher the ratio, the more likely the organization is to repay debts through own funds. The higher the indicator, the more independent the enterprise is.

  • - The current liquidity ratio shows the company’s ability to pay off current (short-term) obligations using only current assets. The higher the coefficient, the better the solvency of the enterprise. This indicator takes into account that not all assets can be sold urgently.
  • - The equity ratio shows the share of the company’s current assets financed from the enterprise’s own funds.

The asset turnover ratio shows the number of complete product circulation cycles for the analyzed period. Or how many monetary units products sold brought each monetary unit of assets. Or in other words, it shows the number of turnovers of one ruble of assets during the analyzed period.

This indicator is used by investors to evaluate the effectiveness of capital investments.

How to compile information about the company's activities sample

Information letter about the company's activities sample

This resource is intended to help people who conduct office work in practice, and not for students who mostly need theoretical knowledge (for correct answers in exams). Therefore, if you need to compose an information letter in essence, but the classification for office work is different , do not delve into the theoretical subtleties of the difference between letters, pay attention to the samples of business letters presented below. A message letter is about events that are of mutual interest to the sender and recipient. It can be either an initiative letter or a response. Sample message letter (only the text is given below, the letter is formatted in the same way as in the link above). Sample message letter No. 2 The main purpose of the notification letter is to convey information to the addressee that a public event will take place.

A businessman or company may have a period when registration with the tax office has already been completed.

I looked at the bank clerk and all three contract numbers were listed correctly. Sample explanatory letter - business management and letters I was prompted to write this article by the constant mistake of our borrowers.

Info Foreign currency funds were transferred to pay wages to personal accounts in Sberbank d70-k51.

Everyone is too lazy to move their hand too much just to attach a certificate to the accounting department and do everything as necessary. Banks will inspect companies that are impossible to contact according to the list on the Federal Tax Service website. To

Information letter about the company's activities

  1. head of the marketing department (if we are talking about new marketing offers for partners);
  2. deputy director (if the company administration informs its employees about something through a letter), etc.

In any case, the author of the letter must be the person in whose job functions includes writing this kind letters or authorized to draw them up by a separate order of the director.

Information letter about the company's activities: sample, how to write it

Contains a proposal for possible beneficial cooperation or acts as a preliminary stage prior to the conclusion of the main contract.

Carries information about obligations, for example, about fulfilling the conditions of the prisoner, transfer Money etc.
Information mail. Includes various information informational nature, the purpose of which is to inform the addressee about changes that have occurred or are planned, possible proposals, etc.

In order not to waste time composing letters, you should take as a basis a general template suitable for any type of business correspondence.

Information letters Information letters can be used in the following cases:

  1. To send recommendations, proposals, clarifications of various information from government and management bodies to subordinate organizations of various types.

This is what will happen process approach. When the work of one element is completed, its work is transferred to the next. Description of business processes Examples of this in general view can be seen throughout the article.

But full-length documentation is often comparable in thickness to small books (or even large ones if the work of a giant company is being studied). Business process modeling (examples of which are also given here) requires that all enterprise operations be as clear and transparent as possible.

Where does the business process begin and end? What processes is it connected with? What is being exchanged? What operations are performed?

In what order?

Business scheme example for a bank

  1. Company name;
  2. volumes of supplies or purchases;
  3. work period;

Real market analytics. If the project is small and the loan amount is insignificant, you can use data from surveys and open publications.

  1. Marketing. IN marketing plan the volume and profitability of sales, possible consumers should be considered, the sales market and competitors should be analyzed.

Sample letter to bank

Naturally, if we are talking about opening a retail store, there can be no talk of consumers.

But you should definitely consider the proposed suppliers of goods or raw materials for production and indicate their approximate prices. Info

It’s great if there are any preliminary cooperation agreements with suppliers.

The list of suppliers and consumers should include:

  1. volumes of supplies or purchases;
  2. Company name;
  3. any information characterizing the company as a stable, reliable partner.
  4. work period;

Information letter about the activities of the organization for the bank sample

Sample information letter to the bank about the company's activities

Limited Liability Company "Company" OGRN 1045012461022 INN 7701025478 KPP 770101001127138, Moscow, st. Basmannaya, 25 To the head of JSCB "Combank" Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich 103473,

Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 10 LETTER dated 08.29.11 No. 125B In order to correctly identify our company as a client on the basis of Article 7 Federal Law dated 07.08.01 No. 115-FZ

“On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism”

We inform you about the following. The main type of business activity of the Limited Liability Company "Company" from the moment of its creation to the present time is associated with retail trade food products, including drinks, and tobacco products in specialized stores (OKVED code 52.2).

Important Business lawyer Information letter about the company’s activities: a sample of how to write an Information letter

Sample information letter about the company's activities for a bank

Info The fact is that this morning, while I was on my way to the bus stop, I became a witness and participant in an unpleasant incident. There was no time to wait for interbank markets while the Rostov theme with ale was playing with might and main. This includes everything that may be, but has not yet been decided, or may be, but not necessarily warranty obligations and legal proceedings, which at the time of drawing up the proposal have not yet been completed.

And in these cases, bank employees have reason to suspect the company of being involved in money laundering.

My advice, write the truth honestly, I earned goodies, funds, cards, bills and accounts belong to me, nothing illegal.

Attention How to format an information letter There are no special requirements for the format of the letter, as well as for its content.

These letters contain advertising information that the sender wants to convey to clients or partners (both current and potential). Such a document is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead, and the size of the main text can range from two or three sentences to several pages.

Despite the fact that the sample information letter and forms for it are freely available, you can use your own forms in a specific organization. How to properly format

This could be: a meeting, conference, exhibition, business tour, etc.

Example of an information letter for a bank

To whom to address an information letter about the company's activities An information letter can be sent to a specific person or group of people: the director of a potential partner organization, the customer - an individual entrepreneur, team members, etc.

Letters can be:

  1. open, public (to inform the widest possible range of people).
  2. confidential (intended to be read by a specific person);

General rules for all letters When creating an information letter, you need to scrupulously monitor spelling and adhere to written standards of the Russian language in terms of punctuation, vocabulary, grammar, etc. We must remember the fact that recipients of business correspondence always look at how correctly the information conveyed to them is described.

However, in general, for the reporting period the organization has a profit of 36.6 thousand rubles. The liquidity and solvency indicators of the organization are calculated in table. 1.2. Table 1.2. Analysis of liquidity and solvency Liquidity indicator Indicator value in thousand rubles. Calculation, recommended value At the beginning of the period At the end of the period 1. Current ratio 0.92 1.87 Ratio of current assets to short-term liabilities. Recommended value 2.0 2. Quick ratio 0.73 1.18 The ratio of current assets to short-term liabilities minus inventories. Recommended value 1.0 3.

  • Business law
  • I individual entrepreneur(IP), I produce lumber for construction companies. The bank asked to present in writing the economic meaning of conducting transactions on the account, referring to the Law of August 7, 2001 No. 115-FZ. I transferred funds to my personal accounts in other banks within a month in the amount of 1.3 million rubles received from counterparties for the delivered goods. I have prepared a response with the following content: In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2001 No. 115-FZ, you asked for a written explanation of the economic meaning of conducting transactions on an individual’s own bank accounts opened with other credit institutions.

The trade margin is on average 60%. Costs for the delivery of goods are not included in the cost of goods, but are taken into account in account 44 “Sales expenses”. All sales expenses collected on account 44 are written off in full to account 90 “Sales”.

There is no calculation of expenses for the balance of goods.

Written description of the organization's activities sample for a bank

Be sure to indicate that your company is not on any of the “black” lists (tax credit lists, etc.). Read also: Obtaining and re-registration of a legal address Such a document can be made the main one (if there are no others) or additional. It not only confirms that the company is respected by other companies, but it is also in good standing in the labor market, with the Federal Tax Service and other structures. Letter to clarify payment to the bank No one is immune from errors when making payments, but not every error can be corrected with just one call; some require sending a letter. Imagine this situation: you or your business partner made a payment for a large amount, but discovered that an error had been made. It is worth notifying the institution about this as quickly as possible, which will certainly contact the recipient and clarify the reasonableness of making adjustments.

Sorry, this page was not found.

Otherwise, there is a risk that the bank will again bombard the company with requests regarding intensive cash flow. Limited Liability Company "Company" OGRN 1045012461022 INN 7701025478 KPP 770101001127138,

Moscow, st. Basmannaya, 25 To the head of JSCB "Combank" Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov 103473, Moscow, Mira Avenue, 10 LETTER dated 08/29/11 No. 125B For the purpose of correctly identifying our company as a client on the basis of Article 7 of the Federal Law dated 08/07/01 No. 115-FZ “On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism” we inform you about the following.

The principle of business management using the enterprise business model is shown.
But any practicing businessman will say that the presence of such a model is completely insufficient for real activities. And he will be right!

Today we will focus on more issues than modeling material and financial flows.

This is the development of business schemes and the description of these schemes in the form of legal and accounting documents.

This package of documents differs in content from investment project, this is a project for organizing activities or an organizational project.

The need for organizational projects arises very often.

Let's look at the features of creating an organizational project using a specific example.

The commercial director of the Wholesale Company received an offer from the Supplier for the supply of consumer goods (consumer goods) with deferred payment. In total, the Supplier plans to supply 12,000 pcs. Consumer goods, for example, electric kettles, at a price of 1000 rubles/piece. in batches of 4000 pcs./month. Deferred payment for each installment is 3 months. The commercial director knows that his company sells such teapots at a price of 2000 rubles per piece. He agrees to enter into a supply agreement.

We need to develop an organizational draft for this deal.


First, we must identify all the real participants.
In addition to the Supplier and the Wholesale company, the transaction includes Buyers and a company providing warehouse services.

Supplier: delivers consumer goods to the Wholesale Company, receives payment for the supplied consumer goods

Wholesale company: receives consumer goods from the Supplier, pays them, sells consumer goods to Buyers, pays for warehouse services for storing consumer goods

Buyers: Purchase and pay for consumer goods from the Wholesale Company

Warehouse: Provides services to the Wholesale Company for storing consumer goods, receives payment for services rendered

Operation procedure

When the activity diagram has been created, you need to describe the sequence of actions to implement the transaction. At the same time we write down all the numerical values ​​that we know.

1. The Supplier and the Wholesale Company enter into an agreement for the supply of consumer goods
in the amount of 12,000 pcs.

Delivery is made in batches of 4,000 pieces, 1 batch per month.
The cost of consumer goods is 1000 rubles/piece.

2. The wholesale company rents additional warehouse space. The cost of rent is 0.2 million rubles/month.

3. A wholesale company sells consumer goods to customers. Sales plan 1500 pcs./month.

Sale price - 2000 rub./piece.

5. The wholesale company pays the Supplier according to the schedule.
Payment schedule: 4 months - 4.0 million rubles, 5 months - 4.0 million rubles, 6 months - 4.0 million rubles.

Economic modeling

Then we describe material and financial flows and create an economic model of the transaction. Then we will be able to determine whether the Wholesale Company can pay for supplies of consumer goods on time.

Supply of consumer goods

Name Unit change 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Supply PC. 4000 4000 4000 12000
Price rub./piece 1000 1000 1000
Total supply million rubles 4,0 4,0 4,0 12,0

Sale of consumer goods

Name Unit change 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Sale PC. 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 12000
Price rub./piece 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Total sales million rubles 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 12,0
Total sales million rubles 3,0 6,0 9,0 12,0 15,0 18,0 21,0 24,0


Name Unit change 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Supply PC. 4000 4000 4000 12000
Sale PC. 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 12000
Remainder PC. 2500 5000 7500 6000 4500 3000 1500 0
Payment of rent million rubles 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2

Financial flows

Name Unit change 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Payment for consumer goods million rubles 4,0 4,0 4,0
Receipts from the sale of consumer goods million rubles 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0
Warehouse payment million rubles 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2
At the end of the period million rubles 2,8 2,8 2,8 -1,2 -1,2 -1,2 2,8 2,8
Cash flow million rubles 2,8 5,6 8,4 7,2 6,0 4,8 7,6 10,4 10,4

Cash flow is always positive. This means that there will be enough money from the sale of consumer goods to pay the Supplier on time.

Everything that we have described can be drawn up in the form of one document.

A document that describes:
- Participants
- activity diagram
- operating procedure
- economic modeling
can be considered as a detailed feasibility study or a small business project for obtaining a loan.

For a real transaction, the development of adequate document flow is also required.

Document flow

Let's draw new scheme taking into account all the documents necessary to carry out the activity.
As you can see, the document flow diagram is more complex than the activity diagram.

It shows three large blocks showing the Wholesale Company's relationships with other participants.

The basis of interaction is an agreement between the Wholesale Company and:
- Supplier
- Buyers
- Warehouse

Let's look at these blocks in more detail.

Wholesale Supplier Agreement

The contract for the supply of consumer goods is concluded between the Supplier and the Wholesale Company.
The contract amount is 12.0 million rubles. Valid for at least 6 months. The contract must specify a payment schedule for supplied consumer goods.

Each batch of consumer goods is transferred according to the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate.
Payment for each batch of consumer goods is formalized by the Protocol.

After paying for the last installment, it is necessary to draw up a protocol of mutual settlements and sign an act of fulfillment of the contract.

Interaction Wholesale Company-Buyers

No purchase agreement is required between the Buyer and the Wholesale Company.

The buyer wishing to purchase consumer goods receives an Invoice.

After payment, he issues invoices for receiving consumer goods. The commercial department of the Wholesale Company issues them in the amount of 3 copies.
The buyer goes to the warehouse. At the warehouse he receives consumer goods and 1 copy. issued invoice.
Of the 2 remaining invoices, one remains in the warehouse for reporting, the other is transferred to the accounting department of the Wholesale company.

Wholesale company-warehouse agreement

The wholesale company and the Warehouse enter into an Agreement for the provision of safekeeping services.
Based on the concluded agreement, the Wholesale Company transfers consumer goods to the Warehouse for storage. The transfer of consumer goods is recorded by the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate.

On a monthly basis, the Warehouse issues an invoice to the Wholesale Company for safekeeping services. The invoice is issued in advance for the next month. The wholesaler pays the Invoice.

At the end of the month, the Warehouse and the Wholesale Company sign an acceptance certificate for the delivery of work for the amount of services provided.

In addition, the Warehouse provides the Wholesale Company with a monthly report on actual consumer goods supplied.

Organizational project

The described interaction of participants in this transaction is quite conditional. Interaction options may differ from this.

In a real company, any business scheme involves the coordinated work of several responsible employees of the company associated with the preparation of the necessary documents.

Next, a production meeting is held under the leadership of the general director, the entire package of documents is approved as an organizational project.

Creation of an organizational project

Job title Responsibility in the company Activities to create an organizational project
CEO Organization of financial and economic activities Approval of the organizational project
Commercial Director Supply and sale of consumer goods Selection of participants, activity patterns, work procedures
Financial Director Planning and control of financial flows Development of a financing scheme
Economist Economic calculations Development of an economic model
Accounting Control of financial and economic activities Providing standard forms financial statements, coordination of payment schemes
Lawyer Legal business issues Preparation of agreements with participants


Once the organizational project is approved, it begins to be implemented.

Of course, any employee who has worked for a Wholesale Company for a long time will say that there are no organizational projects in the company, everything works by itself.

This is far from true. The agency, as a consulting firm, has repeatedly had to develop business schemes together with clients, formalized in the form of organizational projects.
Look on the website

Now imagine an aspiring entrepreneur who scraped together money for a business plan and was even able to receive investor funds. He still has so much work ahead of him that he simply has no idea about.

Therefore, in addition to developing investment and business projects, the Agency provides services to entrepreneurs

The agency not only creates the necessary organizational projects, but also conducts training for employees on the document flow of the created business.

Small businesses are increasingly complaining about bankers, and there are more and more reports of banks blocking accounts and cases of service agreements being terminated without any justification, according to victims. However, in many cases, banks have good reasons. IN Lately The main postulate of the client policy of any bank - in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank - has become the reality of the client's business. The signs of bad companies were formulated in Bank of Russia Regulation No. 18-MR dated July 21, 2017. What do banks do to make sure that the business is real?

1. The bank studies the client’s transactions in order to identify signs that indicate the absence of a real business or the presence of tax optimization schemes. The signs are:

Payments of salaries to employees, as well as transfers of personal income tax (NDFL) and insurance premiums are not made from the company's account; or the payments do not match average number the client’s employees and indicate an underestimation of real salaries;

The average accrued salary is below the official subsistence minimum;

There are no cash balances on the account or are insignificant compared to the volume of transactions usually carried out by the client on the account;

The grounds for payments do not correspond to the declared type of activity (for example, the client indicates in the questionnaire that he is engaged in the production of bakery products, but receives money for transport or consulting services);

Funds are credited to the client's account for one reason and then debited for another. In other words, the client receives money mainly for, for example, Construction Materials, but pays mainly for transport and consulting services;

There is a sharp increase in turnover on the client’s account, the company noticeably exceeds the maximum cash turnover values ​​stated when opening the account;

the client does not pay from the account for business needs: for example, for rent, public utilities, procurement stationery and so on.;

Buying counterparties pay the client under contracts for goods and services with the allocation of VAT, and then these amounts are almost completely written off by the client in favor of counterparties without VAT;

The criterion for paying taxes and other obligatory payments is violated (approximately 0.9% of the debit turnover on the client’s account or slightly more).

2. Then the bank studies the place of business and checks whether the company’s office is located at the place of its registration.

3. Next, the bank compares the volume of business with the size of office, warehouse and production premises, with the staff. For example, a company with operations worth hundreds of millions of rubles per year, which does not have a permanent office, warehouse or production facilities, and has only one director on staff, was created for the transit of cash flows.

4. Then the bank studies the structure of the enterprise. Really operating enterprise must have a full-time accountant or an agreement with an accounting company.

5. The bank identifies the beneficiaries of the business. He checks the information provided by the client in the questionnaires and uses all available methods. In particular, if the client names a director as a beneficiary who is not actually the owner or co-owner, additional verification will follow. Are being studied open sources(press, internet) to identify information about the client, including negative information. Specialized databases (SPARK, Kontur-Focus, etc.) are also often used to verify the client.

6. If any questions arise, the bank holds a conversation with the company’s management.

Such a comprehensive study of the client requires time and money. Therefore, some banks, having identified at least one sign of a lack of real business in a client, prefer to refuse service to him without continuing further proceedings.

For clients, this solution has the most Negative consequences. Now they will not be able, as before, after being rejected by one bank, to open an account in another. All banks in Russia are now prohibited from working with such refuseniks. Therefore, if you are one of those with whom the bank terminated the service agreement, you must make every effort to prove the reality of the business. You can invite bank representatives to your office, show retail or industrial premises, warehouses, and products. The bank must submit contracts that confirm the conduct of business activities, acts of acceptance of work and services, existing agreements for renting premises. Provide the bank with a list of counterparties and links to their websites. Provide a description of your company's ownership structure and information about the actual owners of the business. If you have accounts with other banks, letters of recommendation from them can help. And of course, you should be careful when choosing contractors - work only with reliable companies.

Be constructive when bank representatives try to understand your activities. If you have real business, you have nothing to hide from the bank.