What can you sell on the track? Small road business: a real story. How much can you earn by selling anti-freeze products?

According to some data, the niche of roadside cafes in Russia is only 30% filled, especially in the direction of provincial cities. At the entrance to the capital region, the percentage of catering saturation is of course higher, but cafes with good service still not enough.

Where is it profitable to build a roadside cafe?

The most advantageous location for a roadside cafe is considered to be in close proximity to the city, or on federal highways with high traffic. Many establishments Catering can be found on the routes of tourist destinations. The main clients of such establishments are truckers, tourist groups and people traveling by personal transport.

There will always be a demand for catering services, since here we are talking about satisfying the vital human need for food. An indisputable fact that speaks in favor of opening a business in the catering industry is that the number of vehicles on our roads is steadily growing. The development of roadside service is priority direction V public policy development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Step-by-step plan for opening a cafe on the highway

Construction of a roadside cafe begins with a choice land plot. As a rule, land plots along the highway located outside the populated area are state property. It is possible to obtain a plot of land for the construction of a roadside cafe, if the plot belongs to the city or district administration, only through auction. In order to participate in the auction, you must submit an application for the provision of a land plot for the construction of a cafe to the State Property Management Committee. After this, a long (at least 3-6 months) procedure for registering a land plot for bidding will begin, and it is not a fact that you will win it. After all, information about the auction must be officially published in the print media in order to knowingly attract other entrepreneurs to the competition. You need to be prepared for this.

It is much easier to acquire a plot of land owned by a private individual. As a rule, private lands are located inside populated areas through which a federal highway passes. But the cost of land in this case depends on the owner’s appetite, because he knows the price of the “golden” place. Here's how you agree.

When choosing a plot of land, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of connecting to utility networks. A roadside cafe, like the entire catering business, is highly dependent on communications. To operate the establishment, you will need to connect electricity, gas and water supply. The construction of a sewerage and ventilation system is mandatory. The cafe is considered a favorite place to visit various regulatory authorities, including Rospotrebnadzor and Pozhnadzor. Monitoring of your activities by these structures will be constant.

How much money does it take to open a roadside cafe?

According to representatives of roadside business, the cost of building even a small cafe, provided that ready-made infrastructure is available, will be at least $100 thousand. Ready-made infrastructure means the availability utility networks, asphalt road surfaces, parking areas for heavy vehicles, etc. If you start construction, so to speak, in an “open field,” then the costs will be 3-4 times higher. We are talking about no less than $500 thousand, and again, these are minimal costs.

The higher the start-up costs, the longer the payback period of the business. Small roadside cafe, under successful circumstances, can pay for itself in 2-3 years. Larger roadside complexes with sleeping rooms and other infrastructure pay for themselves in 5-6 years. This is normal for this type of business.

Choosing the interior of a cafe by the road

As for the interior, on the one hand, the cafe should be cozy, comfortable and attractive. At the same time, there is no need to turn the interior design of the cafe into “pathos”, this will only scare away guests. Even if you have a high-quality kitchen, such an interior will make you think that everything is expensive and the client will simply leave without making a single order.

Additional bonus for tourist bus drivers

One of the methods of attracting customers to the cafe is free lunches for drivers of tourist buses. This technique is used by some cafes in the southern direction of Russia. In this case, everyone wins. Cafe gets a large number of“hungry” tourists, and the driver gets a free lunch. The additional flow of customers ensures the construction of a free outdoor toilet.

Tasty and high-quality food is the main factor in the cafe’s popularity

It's one thing to lure a client, another thing to make him visit you again and again. In roadside cafes, not only the quality of the food is important, but also the speed of its preparation. After all, it often happens that a packed tourist bus stops near a cafe. In a cafe, in this case, a huge queue forms and not everyone has time to grab lunch. People remain dissatisfied, and the establishment loses revenue. To prevent this from happening, the main dishes should always be ready when a large flow of guests arrives.

The most popular in the roadside cafe is the classic menu. Often, using mixed cuisine does not lead to better results. Typically, people on the go prefer to order simple dishes that they eat at home. For example, fried potatoes with meat, chicken soup or borscht. Among delicacies, pork shish kebab is still in demand.

How much can you earn by serving visitors to a roadside cafe?

According to entrepreneurs, the optimal average bill for such establishments is no more than $10 (300 rubles). If the price tag is higher, people simply won’t go to the cafe. People who visit a roadside cafe do not need the same thing as from city restaurants. The ratio of price and quality comes to the fore. That is why the most relevant offer is a business lunch, as it satisfies these two criteria. Its presence on the menu is mandatory.

As in any restaurant business“Word of mouth” is very important for a roadside cafe. Many truckers communicate with each other via individual walkie-talkies and exchange opinions about good places where they can have a tasty and inexpensive lunch. Therefore, to attract an influx of guests, all you need to do is get people talking about you. This method of promotion is considered more effective than all kinds of banners and other outdoor advertising.

Remember that the most important thing in a roadside cafe is high-quality cuisine. Neither the design nor the location of the cafe will save your business if you start skimping on the quality of the prepared dishes. Simple and tasty Russian cuisine, fast service and reasonable prices are key elements in the success of a young roadside business.

The development of roadside infrastructure is catastrophically behind the level of motorization. Even on federal highways there is clearly a lack of gas stations, cafes, tire shops, hotels, auto repair shops, and telephones.

Now there are a huge number of cars in the country, and the vehicle fleet increases by hundreds of thousands of cars every year. Think about this number. A real car boom. But in terms of the number of cars per thousand inhabitants, we are still far from Europe and, even more so, from the level of the USA (where there are almost 2 cars for every family). But nonetheless.

Development roadside infrastructure catastrophically does not keep up with the level of motorization. Even on federal highways there is clearly a lack of gas stations, cafes, tire shops, hotels, auto repair shops, and telephones. Basic parking lots with toilets and water. I often travel to other cities and see sections of roads of 50, 80 and even 100 km where there is no hint of civilization. And this is in the European part. Beyond the Urals, I think the picture is even sadder...

Amazing situation. There are a lot of cars. There are also a lot of people who want to go somewhere. Freight and passenger flows are colossal. But almost no service or roadside maintenance not offered. Only a few cafes and exclusively close to the city. Some roads carry tens of thousands of cars a day - hundreds of thousands of people. Most of those who travel and would be happy to leave money in roadside cafes, but there is nowhere! And those cafes that exist are mostly some kind of BAM trailers. It’s even surprising: in the cities all the cafes and shops have been renovated for a long time, and on the roads there are some kind of construction sheds...

A separate conversation about summer period . Half the country is heading south. Giant car migration. Millions of people go on vacation and spend money. And along the entire road they are offered almost no infrastructure.

Just for an example. The road from Moscow to the Black Sea (this is approximately 1,500 km). For most drivers, this journey takes two daylight hours and requires an overnight stay. And in this entire area there are no more than 5 hotels, so that you don’t have to leave the highway. People sleep in cars. Anyone who has traveled will confirm: at night, any traffic police post on the highway means hundreds of cars with sleeping people. Most of those who sleep in a car with their family would readily pay for a hotel. But This service is not offered...

Another example. Anything can happen on the road. Breakdown, for example. The nearest workshop may be 100 or even 200 km away... And if you need a tow truck... I read in a well-known automobile magazine. Editorial staff travel from Moscow to Kazan. On the way, the automatic transmission breaks down. We need a tow truck. The only one possible variant- call from Moscow, 500 km away. People live in a car for a day and a half. If we omit the technical details about the car and the machine gun, we get the impression that this is the 17th century, the exploration of Siberia...

And another example. I have gas equipment in my car, I drive on propane-butane. Just like another 1 million cars. There are sections of 200-300 km along the route where no gas stations. It's not even funny.

Everyone who has traveled around Europe by car has seen: motels, campsites, gas stations, cafes, etc. on every corner. This is very simple and obvious - if people travel (with money), it means that they will definitely need some goods and services along the way. And the market offers them.

And the conclusion is more than obvious. Offer goods, services, some kind of service on the highway. Here's what will be in demand:

Pyotr  Fabricushki for cars.

Colognes, Cases, Hangers, etc.

Pavel  from berries and mushrooms to cafes and spare parts

Stanislav  Nothing is allowed, this is interpreted as trading in a place not intended for this.

Petr  all sorts of trinkets for children Sergey
and from products honey milk Dima
people are also very fond of cranberries and berries and mushrooms in general

Alexey  Imagine that you are driving somewhere along the highway with your family... what might you need?... a snack Kirill, a toilet, a washer for the car, engine oil - transmission oil, brake fluid, light bulbs, tire inflation, tire fitting. Or what your area is famous for, crayfish, fish, berries, mushrooms.

Eduard  Checks and receipts for hotel, fuel, etc.

Gennady  Can be sold GAISHNIKOV Vadim
You can take away their weapons and drugs and sell them too.
You can make a pit and after 100 meters tire service
And I sell canned food (((

Route 101 from 07/09/14

What is profitable to trade on the market? There is an opportunity to open a point in the market. Which product is more in demand? | Topic author: Boris

Leonid  go around and see who lives more successfully and what they do, this is a win-win option

Denis 1. no
2. yes
3. Vodka

Artem)  vegetables are always needed

Konstantin  confectionery

Ivan  Power tools. That is, grinders, drills, welding, compressors, generators, etc.

Yaroslav  Products.

Roman  sausage-meat - if the prices are normal, there will be money like in a mausoleum) They are amateurs where it’s 10 rubles cheaper to buy.

Boris  Charitable health sessions with subsequent sale of any products on this topic

Nikita  Food and clothing are always in demand.

Alexander  The demand is for a product that is not available in this market. Sometimes you look for something and no one has it! They all have the same assortment. Sometimes you even think, I’ll give as much money as I want, just so that this product is here now, so as not to look for it and not have to go anywhere.
To do this, you need to study the assortment of the market where you are going to trade, study the surrounding stores, look through local forums on the Internet, almost everywhere there are sections like “Buy and sell” or “Flea market”, look for questions “Where to buy this and that ". And you will see what people are looking for.
For example, there is a swimming pool in the city, but there is no sports store, or this store does not have swimming goggles or fins. Or there is an Ice Rink, but you can’t buy skates in the city.
Very often people complain that clothing sizes are sold mainly to thin people. And plump women always spend a long time looking for clothes. But there are a lot of them! The same applies to large-sized underwear - sometimes it’s simply not available anywhere.

Georgy  tea

Traffic ticket No. 14 with Answers - Questions from 11 to 15 ...

In this situation, driving downhill, you: Answer: Must give way. Comment: If there are signs 1.13 “Steep descent” and “Steep climb” when...

Or rather, business on the M10 highway is divided into day and night. Most actual business There are gas stations and cafes on the highway; these are the services that are in demand by drivers.

During the day you can find along the road great amount small entrepreneurs who try to sell what they cooked with their own hands in their oven or vegetables and fruits from their garden. I myself risked trying only smoked crucian carp and eel, at prices of 100 and 1000 respectively. Naturally, these people do not pay any taxes and do not issue receipts, but I can say that the fish was very tasty. I don’t know how many people like me have ventured to try Zavidovo fish, but I’m sure there are quite a few of them, since I’ve been passing by for five years now and the merchants are always there.

There are also always mushrooms, berries, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. in general, everything that can be grown, collected, then brought to the highway and put up for sale. Sellers of various wood and ceramic products met several times. We can say that among the local residents there are enterprising people on the highway, although the reasons that push them to this entrepreneurship are more likely to lie in the need to survive, rather than to make money by taking a certain risk. Their business is more likely to be exposed to extremes than to risk and uncertainty. Although the income of these people remains in the shadows and one can only guess what profit this business brings them.

It should be noted that they only go out to trade along the highway during daylight hours. How many times have I passed by at night - no one. At night, as well as during the day, a different group of entrepreneurs operates; they are better organized and have property in the form of stalls, shops, car services, tire shops, as well as means of production and personnel. In general, the further from Moscow, the more unsafe all these establishments seem. I counted about 30 restaurants, cafes and snack bars that were bright and visible from the car window. Some of the complexes also included hotels. Near such places, as a rule, there are a large number of cargo tractors and trucks. I personally didn’t have the courage to look into these restaurants, but I think that during the day they have visitors, since not everyone can drive 700 kilometers without stopping. The trucks have a strict schedule according to which they are obliged to stop, so, in my opinion, they make up the lion's share of the clients of these establishments.

Stalls and shops become less and less common as you move away from Moscow. I stopped several times to buy something and was almost always faced with the fact that the goods were simply expired. Either it is supplied to them in this form, or, what is more realistic, there are not many people who want to buy it.

I was lucky to never go to car repair shops; there are very few of them on the highway, which makes this type of service attractive for development on this particular highway. One can only guess about the quality of service provided, but once I stopped at the service center and asked to change the spark plugs, the employees didn’t even want to take on this, and it was during the day. This is only a special case; such an attitude can still be found in Moscow, but less and less often. The ethics of doing business and training staff in our country leaves much to be desired in most cases.

And in conclusion, we can talk about gas stations, there are a lot of them on the highway, out of curiosity I refueled at 10 different gas stations and never had any problems with the engine, however, I carried out experiments on a VAZ 2104. At a distance of about 200-250 kilometers there are branded gas stations, which, however, are so far from regional centers They also cannot guarantee high-quality gasoline.

Also, day and night, traffic police inspectors guard the peace on the M10 highway, and it should be noted that they do their job, maybe even better than all the above-mentioned entrepreneurs, but this is a completely different “business” that has nothing to do with small business.

Living close to a federal highway, you can seriously think about organizing your business on the highway. Here are just some ideas: this includes trade in agricultural products, you can open a cafe, a store or toilet, a car service center, a gas station, a motel, etc.

Trading on the highway

The easiest way to make money is by trading your own grown products. Residents of the southern regions successfully trade in melons, watermelons, peaches, and grapes. Ideas depend on the specifics of the region. In one area there is a thriving trade in fish, in another in strawberries or dishes, ceramics, etc.

As a rule, products at roadside markets have an attractive price, and passing people buy them with pleasure. This type of entrepreneurship does not require large financial investments, a business plan, or registration with the tax service.

The second way to trade on the highway is to sell hot drinks and food prepared in your own kitchen. This business is very profitable because these people usually do not pay taxes. To implement the idea you need to be able to cook well. Typically, merchants offer salads, dumplings, hot borscht, and meat dishes. The business plan includes small expenses. This includes the purchase of thermoses, disposable tableware, and food preparation products.

The third option to trade on the federal highway is to open a store. The profitability of such an event depends on the congestion of the highway, distance from the city, and the presence of competitors. An auto parts store can be opened near the city, this will attract additional customers from local residents. To implement an idea, you need to draw up a business plan. This will allow you to calculate the amount of initial capital.

It is better to open a grocery store away from the city. In addition to products, you can sell hygiene products, alcohol and cigarettes. This will require licenses. In order for the store to attract the attention of drivers, a large sign is needed! You should pay attention to the following factors: availability and convenience of parking.

How to open a store?

Reopening Action Plan point of sale is as follows:

  1. find a good place;
  2. rent or buy territory;
  3. build and equip a store;
  4. register with the tax authorities;
  5. purchase licenses if you plan to sell cigarettes or alcohol;
  6. conclude agreements with suppliers.

To implement the idea, significant capital will be required. If your own funds are not enough, you can attract investors. A well-written business plan will help with this.

Power points

Get good income you can by opening cafes and snack bars on the highway. A cafe located in a good location can generate more profit than a restaurant in the city center. Ideas such as opening a kebab shop, a pizzeria, fast food, a cafe with home cooking are the most optimal on the highway!

There are several rules to ensure that roadside eateries generate maximum profit:

  • It is better to place eateries at a distance of at least 30 km from the city;
  • a cafe does not require a large area;
  • Convenient access and parking are required;
  • 24/7 operation.

The business plan, in addition to expenses, should also reflect the menu of the establishment. As a rule, road cafes serve food that takes no more than 20-30 minutes to prepare. Therefore, you will need refrigerators for preparing salads, etc. Food that you can take with you is also in demand.

There are several successful tricks to attract clients. Drivers and tour guides are offered free lunches. And for this they will bring passengers to your cafe. Truckers can become regular customers, if the cafe has free boiling water.

There are other ideas to attract visitors. For example, you can open a toilet near the establishment. In addition, this will allow you to receive additional profit. Don’t forget about a large sign, a memorable name, and the neatness of the surrounding area. There is no need to skimp on the quality of the dishes you prepare!

To open a roadside cafe, you will need to register as an individual labor activity. Personnel are required to have health certificates. Whatever type of earnings you choose on the highway, it’s worth remembering that roadside business involves certain risks, so it’s a good idea to insure your property.