“Lift to the Future” is a project to find, support and develop talented youth. Scholarship program “Elevator to the future Elevator to the future”

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MTS and Ericsson will jointly develop and implement 5G in Russia

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Sergey Chemezov: Rostec is already one of the ten largest engineering corporations in the world

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On July 22, the Interregional Engineering and Design School “Lift to the Future” started in Yekaterinburg for children aged 14-17 from 17 regions of Russia. The school’s program, designed to create an effective model for training leaders of Russia’s technological future, is organized by the Sistema Charitable Foundation. The authors of the best projects will take part in the All-Russian School “Lift to the Future”, which will be held this fall at the Orlyonok All-Russian Children’s Center.

The engineering and design school “Lift to the Future” in Yekaterinburg will be held at the regional innovation site - in the country center for schoolchildren “Tavatui”, which implements educational programs for schoolchildren of the Urals in the field of natural and humanities, media, tourism and local history. In addition to the educational program, the guys undergo a 3-day socio-psychological training, which actively uses the results of a study commissioned by “Elevator to the Future” - Competencies of a Russian young R&D engineer.

The program will involve 96 high school students from 17 regions of Russia - from Moscow to Kamchatka. These are the winners All-Russian competition regional youth projects “System of Priorities”, competitions of partners of the “Lift to the Future” program, as well as children recommended by the Ministry of Education Sverdlovsk region. All of them will have the opportunity to prove themselves, gain knowledge and apply it in the development of projects relevant to effective development region.

The program of the Engineering and Design School “Elevator to the Future” is designed so that during the shift the children have time to analyze the situation and potential of the Urals, communicate with experts from the leading scientific and industrial center of Russia, formalize their ideas in the form of a project and create prototypes. The main emphasis in research and scientific activity participants of the School is made on practical application projects - they must solve specific problems and be in demand and economically feasible.

School participants will work in workshops and laboratories in the following areas and create the following projects:

A virtual reality- creation of a training application based on technology virtual reality without using a special helmet and PC, but using a mobile phone, VR glasses and a joystick. During the work of the laboratory, the development of alternative educational materials, the cost of which will be lower than the operation of real tools. During the school, a fragment will be developed related to the assembly of one machine model.

Unmanned aerial vehicles- development of requirements and creation of a drone for the delivery of small and medium-sized objects to remote and impassable areas and settlements of the Sverdlovsk region. When developing requirements, the following will be taken into account: energy supply, location of charging and sorting stations, design and power components: engines and propellers. Laboratory participants will assemble and develop all UAVs independently.

Machine learning- development of methods to prevent deception of human face identification systems using photo recognition. School participants will create a training data set to recognize attempts to deceive and train a neural network to distinguish a real face from a photograph, recognize a face with glasses, a beard, or makeup. This development can be used in banks, stores, hotel business etc.
IT and circuit design - development teaching aids basic and additional education. Laboratory participants will develop: an educational constructor, improving the factors of price, compatibility with other solutions, and reliability of connections; PC application or mobile application in a playful way to study a particular area of ​​knowledge; quest game for mastering knowledge.

Energy- creation of a network of charging stations for unmanned vehicles aircraft, which must deliver goods over long distances. The guys will create: a model of a charging station for a drone with an implemented charging mechanism (contact or contactless); will develop a methodology for placing and selecting the number of charging stations; They will draw a real map or create a layout of the area with the placement of charging stations.
Robotics is the development of robots that self-preserve in the event of a dangerous situation by first recognizing it. The novelty of the proposed technical solutions will consist in the fact that the robot will learn to independently make decisions about the degree of threat to it, its own technical safety and act based on the current situation. The robot will learn to save itself, and not wait to be saved.

“All projects developed in the laboratories and workshops of the School of Engineering and Design are of practical importance for solving pressing problems of the region and the country,” noted Mikhail Nasibulin, deputy director of the non-profit partnership “Lift to the Future.” “Each project is an initiative aimed at qualitatively changing the life of a person and society as a whole.”

On August 3, 2017, participants of the visiting School “Lift to the Future” in Yekaterinburg will present their projects and prototypes at the Junior Expo Exhibition. Here experts will be able to evaluate the products created by the teams, and on August 4, 2017, at the summing up and closing of the School, they will name best projects and the names of the winners - young researchers and engineers. The winners will take part in the All-Russian engineering and design school “Lift to the Future”, which will be held in one of the most famous children’s and youth centers “Orlyonok” in the fall of 2017, where the children will continue to study the principles of innovative project activities, will gain experience in solving real engineering problems and determine the scope of their future profession.

As part of the All-Russian School, meetings will be held with representatives of leading Russian universities. In addition, the winners will take part in the full-time NTI Olympiad and will be able to receive additional points for the Unified State Exam, which are taken into account when entering technical specialties.

Scholarship program "Lift to the Future" - applications for the scholarship program close on July 15. The scholarship amount is 5,000 rubles monthly (during the semester).

Citizens are allowed to participate in the competition Russian Federation– students aged 18 to 28 years, studying in bachelor’s, master’s or specialist training programs, full-time, who have passed all previous sessions with “good” and “excellent”, and who are prize-winners or winners of at least one of the school or student Olympics for the last 7 years.

Get Additional information or you can download the regulations on the scholarship program “Lift to the Future” on the website http://lifttothefuture.ru/, by e-mail: [email protected].

Scientific directions competition in which participants must study or specialize:

  • Earth Sciences;
  • chemistry and materials sciences;
  • ecology and rational use of natural resources;
  • information and telecommunication systems and technologies;
  • biology, agricultural sciences and living systems technology;
  • social sciences and pedagogy;
  • physics and astronomy;
  • medicine and medical technologies;
  • Technical science;

To apply, the participant must register on the “Lift to the Future” project website, fill out his profile and the electronic application form on the Scholarship Program page.

When filling electronic form Application participants also need to upload the work and a scanned copy of the grade book, Additional materials(letters of recommendation, reviews from a supervisor, diplomas, etc.) are provided upon request.

* Elevator to the future is a joint project of AFK Sistema and Lomonosov Moscow State University.

“Elevator to the Future” is an all-Russian youth Internet portal with elements social network and a supervision system designed to find, support and further development young talented Russians, as well as compatriots living abroad.

A project participant can count on receiving any preferences from project partners, which are usually associated with additional features for professional growth: internships at leading domestic and foreign universities, research centers, high-tech companies; grant programs, special scholarships; participation in all-Russian scientific sessions, schools, competitions

Project leader

Shmeleva Elena Vladimirovna

Vice President Charitable Foundation"System", Director of the Research Center "Institute for the Development of Intellectual Potential of Youth" of M.V. Lomonosov, Dean of the Higher School of Management and Innovation (Faculty) of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov

Project type



Support provided


Implementation period

Purpose of contacting ASI

  • Overcoming administrative and bureaucratic barriers
  • Methodological support
  • Information support
  • Other

Brief description of the project

“Lift to the Future” is an all-Russian youth Internet portal with elements of a social network and a supervision system, designed to search for, support and further develop talented youth from Russia and the CIS countries. As part of the project, an Institute of Supervision is being created, which is represented by professionals in their field (representatives of science, education and business), who supervise program participants. The curator helps each participant develop an individual trajectory for further learning and social development, promotes correct decision making in difficult situations choice within...

“Lift to the Future” is an all-Russian youth Internet portal with elements of a social network and a supervision system, designed to search for, support and further develop talented youth from Russia and the CIS countries. As part of the project, an Institute of Supervision is being created, which is represented by professionals in their field (representatives of science, education and business), who supervise program participants. The curator helps each participant develop an individual trajectory for further learning and social development, promotes correct decision-making in difficult situations of choice within the framework of project, scientific and educational activities participant. At the moment, 157 curators are already registered in the project. On the part of Moscow University, the curators, which is formed on the basis of the REC “Institute for the Development of Intellectual Potential of Youth,” includes leading professors, researchers, graduate students and students of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Due to open information about the intellectual and social activity of the participant during the period of his studies at school and university, the portal allows him to ensure adequate demand in Russian scientific teams or companies. Curators (representatives of science, education and business) are responsible for professional growth student scholarship recipients of competitions held as part of the “Lift to the Future” project. They form scientific and innovative projects, providing the necessary financing for the implementation of the project. Not only students, but also the most active schoolchildren are invited to participate in the Projects.

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from sales

    • The project involves the creation of a system for training unique personnel for traditional and innovative sectors of the economy.
    • Social effect: The project provides for the inclusion of future specialists in activities existing enterprises with further employment, as well as mechanisms for their monthly scholarship support at the expense of the Initiator.
    • Development of friendly infrastructure for the realization of intellectual and personal potential, professional self-determination and the development of Project participants, regardless of their place of residence, social status and financial capabilities of their families.
    • Creation of a permanent all-Russian advisory, educational and career guidance platform for project work children and youth who have increased motivation to study natural sciences, exact and applied disciplines.
    • Promoting the employment of Project winners upon completion of vocational training in high-tech companies - partners of the Project.
    • Formation of incentives for participation in the Project of all interested parties, attraction of new participants, curators, experts, partners.

Competitive advantages

  • Unique and unified mechanisms and approaches within the platform (including in matters of social interaction).
  • Easy integration with third-party resources (with the ability to take into account differences in approaches and implementation among different resources).
  • Determining levels of freedom - third-party resources can be fully implemented on the “Lift to the Future” platform, or implemented independently with subsequent “horizontal” integration into the project.
  • Easy scaling, both in conditions of exponential and “explosive” load growth.
  • High degree of productivity.
  • Focus on the user and partner - we want and know how to provide exactly those services (both to the user and the partner) that will give the maximum synergistic effect from using the site.
  • Using the best industrial and scientific solutions, consciously and plannedly combined into a single information system in accordance with predetermined requirements, characteristics, as well as vectors of their possible changes (solutions from Microsoft, IBM, HP, Cisco, Stanford University, Oracle)