Referral for a medical examination from the employer. Referral form for a medical examination upon hiring: download a sample and detailed instructions for filling out Referral form for a medical examination from the employer

To determine the health status of the population and for the purpose of timely detection various types diseases, most enterprises, institutions and industries periodically organize medical examinations. At the same time, the employer is obliged to carry out such activities at the expense of own funds, as defined in Article 212 Labor Code RF and give the employee a referral for a medical examination.

Permanent medical commissions can be organized only in those specialized medical institutions that have been examined and have a package of permits (licenses, certificates, etc.).

To direct employees to medical checkup The employing company must enter into an agreement with medical center or a clinic providing such a service. It should be borne in mind that the medical examination has several types and can be preliminary, periodic and extraordinary, which must be specified in the contract.

Sample of employee referral for medical examination

Employees manufacturing enterprises, whose working conditions are classified as harmful or dangerous (high-altitude, underground work, in aggressive environments, with chemicals, with moving mechanisms, etc.) have the right to undergo a preliminary medical examination.

An examination by an extraordinary medical commission to determine the employee’s health status can be initiated personally by him or by the employer, in case of suspicion of deterioration in health. This procedure for medical examination is not prescribed labor legislation, but the right to use it is determined by Article 219 of the Labor Code.
All employees are required to undergo a periodic medical examination once every two years, with the exception of persons under 21 years of age. Such employees of enterprises are required to appear at the medical commission once every 12 months, as determined by Article 213 of the Labor Code.

The Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (effective from April 12, 2011, No. 302n) contains an approved List of works, during the production of which workers must undergo preliminary and periodic medical examination procedures. The main goal of such measures is to preserve the life and health of the working population, prevent occupational and general diseases, timely identify health problems, and also determine the suitability of workers to perform certain jobs.

Procedure and contents of the form

Any types of medical examinations are carried out on the direction of the employer. All mandatory medical examinations, preliminary or periodic, are carried out in accordance with the Procedure for conducting medical examinations, approved by the above-mentioned Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development. In particular, paragraph 8 of the Procedure determines that the employer is obliged to draw up a list of contingents, on the basis of which referrals for a medical examination are issued.

The document form must contain information about:

  • full name of the enterprise that issued the referral;
  • the full name of the medical institution where employees will undergo a medical examination, indicating the details (OGRN code), the actual address of location;
  • the form of an upcoming medical examination;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the employee;
  • date of his birth;
  • the name of the department, service, division of the employer;
  • specialty, profession of the employee, or name of the work he performs;
  • working conditions: degree of danger, hazardous production, other health risk factors.

The document must have the signature of the responsible person appointed by the employer, his full name, as well as information about his position. All employees receive a referral for a medical examination against signature.





Attention! The documents have not been registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and are provided for informational purposes only. The reliability of materials is confirmed by their presence in the databases legal documents"Garant" and "Consultant Plus".


1. A referral for a preliminary (periodic) medical examination (examination) (hereinafter referred to as the Referral) is the basis for conducting a mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic, including extraordinary, medical examination (examination) of the employee and for filling out a medical report on results of preliminary (periodic) medical examination (examination).

name of organization (enterprise), form of ownership, type economic activity; name of the medical organization, its registration address and OGRN code;


(name of organization (enterprise),

type of ownership, economic sector)



DIRECTION for preliminary (periodic) medical examination (examination)

Heading to _ _________________________________________________________________

(name of medical organization, registration address, OGRN code)

1. Full name _______________________________________________________________

2. Date of birth______________________________________________________________

(day month Year)

3. Applying for a job/working (underline as appropriate)

4. Workshop, area__________________________________________________________

5. Type of work in which the employee is examined ________________________

6. Work experience in the type of work in which the employee is examined_________________________________________________

7. Previous professions (jobs), position and length of service in them _______________________________________________________________________

8. Harmful and (or) hazardous substances and production factors:

8.1. Chemical factors _________________________________________________

(number of item or items of the List[*], list)

8.2. Physical factors _________________________________________________

Referral for a medical examination from the employernecessary so that the employee can undergo mandatory or periodic medical examinations. You will learn how to fill out a referral and where to find a sample from our article.

The purpose of a referral for a medical examination when applying for a job

In accordance with Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right not to allow employees to work if they have not passed a mandatory medical examination. Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the obligation to undergo a preliminary medical examination (before employment) for employees who, in the course of their activities, will be associated with:

  • hazardous production;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • traffic movement.

Read about what factors determine the harmfulness and danger of working conditions in the article “Dangerous and harmful production factors (list)” .

Periodic medical examinations (usually annual) are carried out by persons under 21 years of age, as well as other employees in order to prevent the development of occupational diseases. There are also categories of employees who must undergo periodic medical examinations before each departure to work, for example, drivers.


The obligatory medical examination for employees is established in Art. 213 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If an employee does not pass a medical examination (or refuses to undergo it), the employer has the right not to allow him to work.

There are mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations. The list of harmful production factors, the presence of which requires a medical examination, is contained in Order No. 302n.

To undergo a medical examination, an employee (including those just starting a job) is given a referral. With this referral, the employee applies to the medical institution indicated by the employer. Based on the results of the examination, he is given a medical report.

Referral for a medical examination from the employer - sample design is attached to the article. A referral is a necessary and frequently used document for a number of organizations. The material offered to the reader will tell in detail about the cases, procedure and features of its design.

Legislation on medical examinations (Order 302 of the Ministry of Health), a log of the issuance of referrals

According to the requirements of Article 212 of the Labor Code, an employee in the cases listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is required to undergo preliminary, that is, upon entering work, as well as periodic (usually annual) medical examinations. Accordingly, the administration of the organization is obliged to provide the employee with such an opportunity at its own expense.

The list of workers subject to this requirement is specified in Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

These include:

  • working in harmful and dangerous conditions;
  • ensuring traffic movement;
  • employees of kindergartens, schools, clinics, other children's and medical institutions, as well as workers engaged in the field of catering, trade and food production.

In more detail, the issues of undergoing medical examinations are regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “On approval...” dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n, which is the basic document in this area.

Referrals for medical examination

In accordance with paragraph 7 of the Procedure, approved by the indicated order of the Ministry of Health (Appendix No. 3), upon entering a job, a person must be given a documented referral to a medical institution. Let us note that the terms for issuing this referral are not determined by the Procedure, however, according to Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the administration of the organization has no right to allow an employee to work without undergoing a medical examination (if it is mandatory for this work).

The issuance of a referral, in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Procedure, must be made against the signature of the citizen being hired.

As for periodic examinations, they are carried out according to a schedule that is agreed upon by the administration of the organization with the medical institution, as indicated by paragraph 25 of the Procedure. At the same time, paragraph 24 of the Procedure obliges the administration of the organization to also issue a referral to an employee sent for a regular medical examination against receipt.

The referral form is universal in both cases, and the requirements for filling it out are listed in paragraph 8 of the Procedure. Please note that there is no unified referral form approved by law.


Clause 8 of the Procedure we mentioned obliges the administration of the organization to also keep records of the issuance of referrals, which requires the establishment of a special journal. Since the form of the journal is not officially approved, you can use the following design option:

Logbook for issuing directions

Lastochka LLC

Started ___________________


Don't know your rights?

Referral form for medical examination, form used (completed), which can be downloaded

Since there is no unified form of the form Russian legislation, then in practice the established version of the direction design is used.

Filled sample form referrals for a medical examination from the employer looks like this: LINK

The direction must indicate, in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Procedure:

  • information about the sending organization (name, form of ownership, activity code according to OKVED and OGRN);
  • information about the organization where the employee is sent (name, address, OGRN code);
  • type of inspection;
  • information about the employee (initials, year of birth, position, department where the employee works);
  • a list of harmful or dangerous factors that may affect an employee when performing his duties.
  • details of the employee authorized to issue referrals (initials, position), as well as his signature.

If an employee is employed in hazardous industries, then when preparing a referral it is also necessary to focus on Appendices No. 1 and 2 to the aforementioned Order of the Ministry of Health No. 302, which contain lists of harmful factors, and also indicate the types of harmful (hazardous) work and requirements for the frequency of inspections during their implementation.

To summarize, we note that, despite the absence of an approved referral form, practice has developed an established and easy-to-fill out form in which the personal data of the employee and the organization must be entered. Since such a direction is drawn up regularly, when filling it out again, it is only necessary to make the appropriate adjustments, which significantly simplifies the activities of practitioners.

A medical examination is mandatory for the categories of workers prescribed in Art. 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Medical examination can be primary and periodic. To undergo a medical examination, the employee is sent to a medical institution with which the employer’s organization has entered into an agreement for the provision of medical services.

The costs of the medical examination are borne by the employer; the time spent undergoing the medical examination is paid to the employee based on average earnings.

The employer issues the employee a referral to undergo a medical examination, with which he must come to medical institutions to undergo all the necessary specialists. The referral has a standard form and its form is attached to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 12, 2011. You can download the referral form for a medical examination using the link at the bottom of the article.

After the employee has been examined by all specialists, he will be issued a certificate established form 086/U, which will need to be transferred to the employer. It is this certificate that evaluates the employee’s health.

Sample filling

In the referral for a preliminary or periodic medical examination, you should fill in the name of the organization, its address and OGRN, you should also indicate the name of the medical institution with which the organization has an agreement for the provision of medical services. In addition to the name of this institution, you need to write its address and OGRN.

1 - full name individual fully;

2 - day, month and year of birth;

3 - select the option you need - the employee entering work or working is sent for a medical examination;

4 - department where the person works;

5 - type of work performed;

6 - length of service in the position for which a medical examination is carried out;