What do you need for product presentation? How to make an effective presentation of your products or services. Set the right goal for yourself

The presentation is the key moment of the sale, when the client decides how much they are interested in your product. Many believe that the quality of the presentation is determined only by the degree of oratory skills of the seller, but this is not entirely true.

The presentation, like the entire sale, should be based on active interaction, a dialogue with the client. The buyer should be included in the process of reviewing the goods and then it will be easier for you to convince him of the need to purchase. In order to interest the buyer in the product, you should take into account 3 stages of the presentation, which make the interaction with the client logical and complete.

3 stages of product presentation

1. Description of the product in the language of benefits

Description of the characteristics of the product based on the needs of the client. This means that the seller must change the presentation of the same product depending on the needs of a particular client.

Example: a client, for whom the quality factor of a product is the main selection criterion, needs to be told about the properties that guarantee a long service life. Tell a client who cares about prestige about brand awareness and the benefits of appearance.

This is called the "language of benefits" - an explanation of the benefits of purchasing a product individually for each buyer. To engage the buyer in a dialogue and maintain his attention, you can use questions containing his own words describing the need.

Example: “You said that it is important for you that the laptop is easy to use, right? … - That is why I propose this model”, “You need comfortable shoes now, right? ... - Just this model is distinguished by comfort due to ... "

2. Offer to try out the product

In order to enhance the impression of the presentation, the product must be tested. You can first talk about the product and then test it, or you can combine these stages. This stage greatly increases the customer's liking for the product and makes him imagine that he has already purchased it. This technique is also called the "kitten method" - in the bird markets they always let you hold the kittens in your hands, knowing how difficult it is for a potential buyer to give this lovely animal back later.

You need to offer to try the product positively and confidently: “Let's try it on and you will immediately understand if this model suits you”, “Touch what a nice material”, “I will turn on the device now and evaluate everything for yourself”. Using these formulations, you show the client your confidence in the product and include it in the presentation process.

3.Purchase offer

The final moment of the presentation should be an offer to purchase goods. It can be a summary phrase or a question: “Well, did you stop at this model?”, “Stop at this option?”, “Did you like this particular model?” or any other relevant phrase. Phrases should be correct, polite and in a positive wording.

The purpose of this stage is to sum up the presentation and push the client to the purchase decision. This stage is mandatory in any presentation, as it is the climax of your communication with the buyer. Many sellers skip this step, not daring to ask the buyer these questions or believing that he himself will communicate his decision.

Such behavior leads to the fact that many great presentations end in failure, because at the very last moment, when it is necessary to support the client in his decision, the seller falls silent and leaves the buyer in bewilderment. He leaves to “think” and, naturally, makes a purchase elsewhere.

In general, the presentation should be positive, customer-focused and of course confident. It is important to understand that the seller must be the leader at every stage, and direct communication with the client in the right direction.


If your employees need training in the skills of presenting goods and services, then you can order our corporate one. On it, we analyze the classic techniques for presenting goods, author's technologies, we study in detail the 3 stages of the presentation of goods and the most common mistakes sellers.

Product presentation is a convincing, carefully prepared and planned presentation of the product to a potential buyer. The seller during the presentation of the goods attracts attention, interests, convinces the client to accept or reconsider a position or opinion. It should show how the product can solve a customer's problem, help improve the quality of the product, or strengthen its position in the market.

A potential buyer during the presentation must decide whether to perform this or that action, whether or not to sign a contract.

It must be remembered that the presentation of the goods, which is carried out by the seller, is fundamentally different from a lecture or lesson.

Purpose of the seller- to interest the buyer in your product and convince him to make a purchase decision. Lecturer's goal- talk about the existing theoretical provisions of your subject, without getting into contact with the audience and without setting the goal of convincing them of anything.

Potential buyers come to the product presentation, so the seller is more interested in effectively conveying information than the client is in hearing it. Those who are interested in studying the theory come to the lecture, so the listeners are more interested in the subject of the lecture and pass the exam than the lecturer is in talking about it.

From this comparison it is clear that the approach to the construction, form and content of the lecture and presentation is very different. A presentation is a fascinating story about a product, and a lecture is a methodical presentation of the material. Therefore, in no case should a presentation be built in such a way that it resembles a lesson or lecture.

The client, first of all, is interested in how he can achieve his goals quickly and at minimal cost. Offer him a truly valuable solution that puts you head and shoulders above the competition. Agree, for the sake of such a result, it is worth trying and finding unusual shapes and elements for the presentation of the product.

Find an individual approach to each client. Purchasing managers see a lot of standard, repetitive presentations, and salespeople usually want to close a deal based only on the low price of the product, and not on the value solution for the customer, which is presented in the form of an engaging product presentation.

A successful presentation should show the client that your product and company exceed their usual expectations. At the same time, it is not enough to show that you simply live up to the client's expectations, since this is unlikely to make a strong impression on him. But an unusual, stronger and more unpredictable presentation will help you leave your competitors far behind.

The first impression can sometimes decide the outcome of a deal. Whether you're meeting with a client one-on-one, or talking to a group of decision makers, the depth and breadth of your experience can make all the difference in closing a deal. In order for your presentation to lead to a deal, remember and apply the basic rule of preparing a presentation: Every five minutes of a presentation requires an hour of preparation.

Benefit selling stage Among all the other steps of the visit, the fact that during the presentation of the new product the climax finally occurs: the seller, the buyer and the product meet in one place. Naturally, in order for the effectiveness of this stage to be one hundred percent, competent preparation is necessary.

ground for successful sale you prepared when you carried out, planned your visit and found out .

All previous actions were thoughtful preparation of this key stage - stage of sale of benefits.

Selling Benefits(or product presentation) is the point in the development of your dialogue with the client when there is an opportunity to make a successful sale. This opportunity is provided only to those who clearly understand what the client wants from the business and to those who are confident in themselves and believe in their own product.

For this reason, the benefit selling phase should be short, clear, and at the same time expressive and comprehensive.

The main thesis that any person who makes sales should remember: Don't force the product!

It is wrong to force your customer to buy what you are interested in.

If Sales Representative asks to buy new product, justifying this by the fact that he will not receive a salary, then he is a bad salesman. He does the worst thing that can be done in business: he solves his problems at the expense of others.

This is exactly what happens when your best friend buys something he doesn't need from you.

There is no better way to ruin your reputation as a business consultant (which is exactly what a salesperson does) there is no better way.

For a successful sale, you must first reconsider your attitude to what you are doing.

Remember: you are not selling a specific item. You are selling the benefits that this product can bring to your partner's business. Essentially, you are helping your partner grow their business.

Namely, for this, at the stage of needs analysis, we were interested in the motivation on the basis of which the client's business is conducted. the customer and the benefits of purchasing the product must coincide at the time of the presentation of the new product.

And then, the chain ATTENTION - INTEREST - DESIRE - ACTION will receive its logical conclusion in a successful transaction.

The structure of this stage is simple and is expressed by the following formula:

  • P + P + V + question - a clue;

  • H = feature of the product; the quality of the goods, which is inalienable;

  • P \u003d advantage of the goods; additional features of the product in relation to other products arising from features;

  • B = benefit from the purchase of goods; the result that the client will receive as a result of the sale of goods.

  • Lead question = a closed question that directs the client to accept your offer.

In fact, this stage satisfies the curiosity that the client should have had at the stage.

Benefits describe the result: more profit, more buyers, more turnover...

Let us now turn to each of the elements of the stage.

Each structural component follows logically from the previous one.

  • A trait is an inherent quality or characteristic of a product.

This concept implies a high degree of objectivity. That is, a feature cannot be any immeasurable or non-objective statement.

When voicing a trait, it should be understood that it must be specific. Thus, the feature cannot be your personal assessment of the product: this chocolate is delicious, this juice is good... Such features should not be used when presenting a product, since they have a high degree of subjectivity.

As a rule, when choosing a feature that will be used in the presentation of the product, choose the following. Next, we will talk about the features that can mainly be applied to FMCG products.

  1. Price;
  2. Number of species;
  3. Form factor (not applicable to services);
  4. Color or design solution for packaging;
  5. Production technology;
  6. Place of production (imported or domestic product).

Depending on the specifics of the product, additional items may be included here.

For example, chewing gum manufacturers can talk about the presence / absence of a filler, cosmetics for men - about the type of facial skin care product (gel, foam, lotion), tobacco manufacturers - about a mixture of tobacco ...

An advantage is logically inseparable from a trait, for this reason it is necessary to carefully compare the possible traits and their advantages before starting to broadcast them to the client.

For example, if you talk about such a trait as “imported product” compared to analogues, then the advantage will be (in our country :)) “higher quality”.

If we are talking about “higher cost”, then the advantage can be described as “higher margins” or “attracting wealthy buyers”.

In principle, several advantages can be selected for the same trait, depending on the specific product or situation.

If you need help in determining the benefits for certain traits, you can ask questions directly in the comments. To the best of my ability, I will help.

  • A benefit is a favorable result that a buyer will receive by agreeing to your offers.

Benefit meets the selfish interests of the buyer, asking the question: "What will it give me?".

Every time you promise BENEFITS, you are talking about the future favorable result that a client or buyer can expect using your products, ideas.

Therefore, usually the buyer wants to know how he can get this benefit.

The most important thing when moving to a conversation about the benefits that your product provides is to logically connect them with the information that you received in the stage.

Benefits must fully satisfy the previously voiced needs of the client.

The final optional building block of the Benefit Sale phase is lead question, which is essentially a consent confirmation request.

The standard question - the lead looks like: “Is this what you need?”

In conclusion, I will give an example of the option of selling benefits, which will illustrate all of the above.

Assume that SMART cigarettes are being sold in outlet, the motivation for doing business for which is to obtain additional profit.

» The ITG tobacco factory presents SMART cigarettes. SMART cigarettes are characterized by the presence THREE types taste (Strong, light and super-light), which gives the buyer the opportunity to choose the preferred option.
Respectively, this product will be successfully sold and bring you profit.
But making a profit is what you need?

And now let's analyze this "monologue" from the point of view of a structured approach to sales and what is written above.

  1. "ITG Tobacco Factory presents SMART cigarettes" - Sales item designation(it is better to have a sample in hand so that the client can get to know it better).
  2. “SMART cigarettes are characterized by the presence of THREE types of taste (Strong, light and super-light)…” – feature designation. In this case, "number of species/tastes" is used.
  3. “..which gives the customer the option to choose their preferred option.” - advantage designation of this product: choice.
  4. “Accordingly, this product will be successfully sold and bring you profit.” - designation benefits, which fully corresponds motivation our client.
  5. “But making a profit is what you need?” - a question is a clue. Transaction confirmation request.

As a further note, it should be noted that general intonations that should sound during the presentation must exude confidence in the product and its competitiveness.

The time that is usually spent on voicing all the information should be no more than 1 minute.

It is also extremely important not to state more than ONE FEATURE - ONE ADVANTAGE and ONE BENEFITS.

Firstly, so as not to slow down the stage of selling benefits, and secondly, so that you have additional arguments in case of objections.

As practice shows, the success of such a sales algorithm is about 80-90%.

Remember the phrase from the famous Soviet cartoon "To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary ..."?

And the presentation of the goods always helps to make a decision about buying something unnecessary (yes, and necessary too). It is about her that will be discussed in this article.

Product presentation- the most important stage that demonstrates the product and motivates to buy.

The presentation of goods to the buyer can be carried out as in trading floor retail store for one person, and in conference rooms in front of tens and hundreds of guests through a presentation on a projector.

Do not think that a product presentation is a spontaneous event. It requires careful preparation, organization and skill.

Also, during the presentation, the buyer is influenced by many factors, even the display of goods on the trading floor can push for a purchase.

And before you dig deeper and learn the rules of product presentation, watch a short video and pay attention to the behavior of the seller at the presentation stage. You don't have to do that, and you'll see why.

Presentation features

The presentation of the product to the client is designed not only to tell about the product, it has many important functions. Let's consider the main ones.

  1. Concentration of attention. When a customer is confused between several types of goods, it is important to focus his attention. Stop at two models and tell us about the features of each of them. This will allow the client to conduct a comparative analysis and choose his favorite according to certain criteria.
  2. Retention of interest. When the “fish is on the hook”, the main thing is not to let it break. To do this, you need to keep the interest. This can be done in different ways. For example, to talk about the unique advantages and features of the product that competitors do not have, or to convince with personal experience.
  3. Awareness of need. This function is to "feel" the client's pain and "pressure" on it. Understand for what purposes the buyer wants to purchase this product, what factors drive him when choosing a product. The goal of the seller at this stage is to help the buyer understand the importance and necessity of purchasing the product.
  4. . The main purpose of the presentation is the transition to the sale. You must motivate the buyer for any target action: leave contact information, register, leave a request or buy a product. They help a lot with this various methods presentations, which we will talk about a little later.

When building a presentation of your product, you should focus on all of the above functions, and, if possible, do not miss any of them.

Then the result will not be long in coming and your product will quickly have a buyer.



We figured out the presentation functions, now let's focus on their classification. Exist different kinds presentations, the most common ones are listed below.

According to the purpose of the event:

  1. Informational. Designed to convey basic information about the product to the client. In another way, it can be called introductory. It lists all the features, capabilities, and features of the product. Well suited for a story about products from a new line.
  2. Demo. It is necessary for a deeper acquaintance with the product. It allows physical contact with the offered product: to touch, try on, test. It is usually used to directly show all the features of the product, provide instructions for use, etc.
  3. Selling. Her main focus is sales. Often this type of presentation includes the two previous ones, but it can also exist independently. For example, when selling movie tickets, it is enough to catch interest. A sales presentation necessarily includes a description of the advantages of the product and the benefits for the client.
  1. Presentation of goods. Most often it is carried out in trading floors one on one with the buyer. This includes offers of household and digital technology, clothes, cars, jewelry, etc.
  2. Services presentation. Offering services is much more difficult than offering goods. While goods can be touched and felt, services are intangible things. To spend effective presentation services need to show expert status.
  3. Project presentation. Another thing that cannot be fully demonstrated is projects. Here, reports, drawings, diagrams, full-size models, etc. are used for presentation.

By way of doing:

  1. . Conducted among the company's customers who voluntarily left their contact phone number.
  2. At the heart of a telephone presentation are. The main goal is to inform about new products / services or direct sale / appointment of the application.
  3. Electronic. Can be sent to verified customers as a mailing list. However, it is most often used to present projects at conferences, trainings and other thematic events. Any web presentation should be accompanied by an oral story.
  4. Trading. The same presentation that each of you has seen more than once in the trading floor of any store. When a buyer comes with a desire to purchase some product, and the sales assistant begins to talk about all its charms.

To determine the type of presentation, you need to build on the main goals that you plan to achieve.

The most common today is a sales presentation, it is used by most companies and brands in sales of various kinds of goods and services.

Product Presentation Methods

Exist special schemes and product presentation techniques that allow you to charm the buyer in no time. I will introduce you to the most interesting and effective.

1. Model "Hamburger"

This scheme is based on the principles of the psychological characteristics of a person. The human brain is so arranged that most often we remember the first and last phrase of any conversation.

So in a hamburger, we clearly see only the top and bottom buns, and the delicious filling is hidden inside.

According to this technique, it is the first and last sentences in the presentation that should motivate the buyer to buy.

Therefore, at the beginning of the conversation, be sure to list the features and benefits of the product or show what customer problems it can solve.

And at the end, “anchor” to making a purchase, for example, report a nice discount.

Example: Successfully this technique is shown in the Eldorado advertisement. Gosha Kutsenko offers to purchase any product in the store and get 10% for it on a bonus card. The anchor in this example is the phrase “Bonuses can be spent immediately”.

2. “Property – Advantage – Benefit”

The technical characteristics of the product are not always clear to the average user, so it is worth speaking in an accessible language for target audience, show the client the benefits and clear benefits.

I will not talk in detail about the presentation of the product in the language of benefits, since we have a separate article with many examples, so read on health.

Example: if you sell Wi-Fi routers, then the offer “buy this router, with two frequency bands 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz” will only mislead your potential buyer.

Explain to him that this is a router that has two frequency bands (property) is more stable (advantage), so it will allow you to enjoy your favorite TV series and will not freeze at the most interesting moment (benefits).

3. “Figures and facts”

Sometimes people don't really buy into beautiful speeches sales consultants. Then impressive numbers come to the rescue.

Often in the presentation of goods famous brands use names as an amplifier to buy.

According to consumers, actors, athletes and TV presenters will not use low-quality products or buy low-grade goods.

Their choice is always listened to. Therefore, famous personalities can often be found in advertisements for goods on television.

Example: Back to the creators of Head & Shoulders shampoo. In addition to the “customer experience” method, they actively use the “famous names” method in their advertising. So, Yuri Dud became the advisory person of Head & Shoulders Men.

Yuri Dud in advertising

9. Model “Price fork”

Its essence is in comparing several products of different price categories - the cheapest and a little more expensive, but with a set of useful features.

The consultant's task is to prove that the purchase of a product from the "more expensive" category will be much more profitable for the client, at least in terms of the "price-quality" ratio.

Example: the price of a car directly depends on the configuration and engine size.

If the client needs a car only as a means of transportation, offer him the minimum configuration.

If comfort, safety and convenience in driving a car are important to him, consider more best option– with electric power steering, heated seats and airbags.

Price fork

10. Method “From general to particular”

According to this technique, the product is first described as a whole, and then each of its parts or functions is considered separately.

We start with the most significant / large components, gradually the product.

Example: back to the presentation of the updated Toyota Camry model: “ Innovative technologies Toyota provide the highest level of safety for your driving” (general).

“Intelligent security systems will alert you if things get out of control” (more specific).

“There are built-in pedestrian warning systems and emergency braking mechanisms, a system for recognizing and informing the driver about road signs” (even more private).

From general to specific

11. Reception “Picture of the Future”

If you know for what purpose the consumer purchases your product, start your argument with the words “After buying this product you will receive ...” or “With this product you will forever forget about problems with ...”.

And show what awaits the client after purchasing your product, let him feel like a happy owner of your product.

In general, this technique is suitable for everyone who knows their target audience for 100% and is sure that the described picture of the future is right on target.

Example: Coca Cola producers are convinced that lovers of this drink need vivid awakening sensations even in cold winters and describe exactly these feelings in one of their commercials.

12. Three Yes method

In another way, this approach is called the method of “Socratic questions”.

Its essence is that the presentation process must be built using closed questions, such that the potential buyer answers them with a positive answer three times.

Then the fourth question “Will we make a purchase?” - will also be affirmative.

This is a certain psychological aspect of the human brain: if we answer “yes” to the interlocutor 3 times in a row during a conversation, we will no longer be able to refuse his offer.

Example: using this method, you can ask a number of obvious questions to the buyer, for example, when buying a cell phone: “Do you like the color of this phone?”, “Are you satisfied with the quality of the photos taken on it?”, “Is this amount of memory enough for you?”.

Fuuuh ... the first question is

13. Method “Inclusion in action”

Helps the buyer feel like the owner of the product. This includes trying on clothes in stores, test drives in car dealerships, spraying perfume on samplers in perfume departments, etc.

The main essence of this method is the close interaction of the client with the product. the main task- to make sure that the buyer could not part with the goods.

Example: successfully this technique is shown in advertising washing powder Tide. The consumer is offered to personally try the action of the powder and make sure of the brilliant result.

14. Crescendo Method

It lies in the fact that each next argument in favor of the product is more significant than the previous one.

That is, with each said offer, the seller strengthens the desire to buy with a more meaningful argument.

Example: You can use this method in direct form: “This sausage is fresh, just delivered an hour ago. The product is completely natural, meets all the requirements of GOST.

Or you can go the way of designating benefits for customers, as the Internet provider Dom.ru did in advertising new routers.

The video shows a presentation of new equipment, and says that with its use, the Internet will appear in every corner of the apartment.

15. Method “Emotionality”

Scientists have proven that information conveyed to a person with expressive intonation is perceived and remembered many times better than dry, emotionless speech.

Use gestures in the process of product presentation, highlight the most significant aspects of the product with your voice, pay attention to details.

Example: MTS successfully applied this method in advertising unlimited Internet services.

Dmitry Nagiyev focuses on the word "unlimited", lingeringly calling it "unlimited". Also, the scope of the hands is appropriately used here, showing, as it were, endless Internet traffic.


Universal Plan

Competently building a presentation is the main step to its success. The product presentation structure below will show you how to properly conduct a presentation, these are the main sales stages that any manager needs.

But I’ll say right away that it is universal and in any case adaptation to the place is required.

1. Introduction

In whatever conditions the presentation of the goods to the buyer takes place, it is necessary to greet the interlocutor, introduce yourself and make it clear what you are going to talk about.

If a potential buyer hears about your product for the first time, tell him about everything in more detail.

If the presentation takes place on the trading floor, the consultant needs to determine the client's need based on the rack that he is considering.

If you are presenting a product in a web format, on the title slide, be sure to indicate the name or category of the product in question, as well as the name of the manufacturer of this product.

Example : set-top box ISbox has interactive features: rewind, freeze frames, archive of TV shows.

It can be used to view live broadcast and as a home theater.

It opens up free access to a huge video library of movies and series that can be searched using voice control.

Still gotta smile

2. Problem (pain) of the client

At the presentation, be sure to find out the problem. This can be done in a dialogue with the buyer, or study the motives that your future client relies on when choosing this product.

In preparation electronic presentation, the pains of the target audience must be predicted or analyzed in advance and put on a slide with a bulleted list.

Example: If a customer in a store chooses a set-top box, ask him why he needs it: is he going to browse the movie library or play popular games? Then build a conversation depending on the answer.


3. Increased pain

It is necessary in order to increase the need to buy. Show the importance and relevance of the client's pain, indicate the extent and possible consequences, convince that the problem needs to be solved right now.

And for a more accurate understanding, let's go through the pains from the previous paragraph and increase the pains of the buyer of a TV set-top box.

Example: Are you often late at work? Are you constantly missing your favorite TV shows?

Do you have to spend time looking for the right series on the Internet? Losing your TV remote? Have to get out of bed and manually press the buttons on the monitor?

How much pain... How to fix it?

4. Solution()

The purpose of the stage is to give hope for a way out of the current situation of the client, tell him what solution you can offer him and how, with the help of your solution, he will easily get rid of his problem.

Example: Our interactive set-top box has a rewind function and stores all live broadcast recordings for 3 days.

Buying an ISbox, you get the opportunity to watch your favorite movies at any time convenient for you.

Even if you can't find the TV remote, you won't have to get out of your warm bed.

An interactive TV set-top box is a television that understands you. Just name the movie you want to watch and ISbox will find it using voice search.

Interactive TV box

5. Technology

Show how to use the product, explain in detail about the functions and how each of them works, arrange a so-called “test drive”.

Example: let's continue the topic of the set-top box, and so, it's worth telling you how to set it up, how to connect to the Internet to access YouTube, how to download updates and install applications.

Intersvyaz has released a number of training videos for this. And if videos are also present during the presentation of your product, then you can easily operate with them.

6. Proof

As evidence, you need to give examples of how your solution helps customers. For this, the results before / after or

Let's talk about when the time is right presentation of the product. After you have chosen 2 - 3 products that you think best suit our client and satisfy his needs.

Now you must tell the client everything you know about each product during the presentation using . And then unobtrusively guide the client in the right direction and help them make the only right decision about the purchase.

Advice:, never exaggerate the merits of the product you are selling. Better tell about its properties and benefits that the buyer will receive from its use:

  • “This carpet cleans really well, which means you need less time and effort to clean. It's important to you, isn't it?"
  • “This chair has several height adjustments that will allow you to take a comfortable posture at the table. It matters to you, doesn't it?"

Believe me, the "feature-benefit" technique is appropriate when selling any product - from a light bulb to a car.

At first, it is difficult to come up with benefits from the use of a product, but over time, literally on the go, translate the properties of any product into a benefit for the buyer. Practice. Look around, choose any object (pencil, notebook, keyboard), name 3-4 characteristics and translate it into your own benefit.

Remember, in stage 3 of the sale - - did you find out what our client wants? Now your task is to offer the client exactly the product, the properties of which best solve his problems.

Let's look at examples of which phrases will help you to have an excellent product presentation and bring the customer closer to making a purchase.

Important: present exactly the product that meets the needs of the client! It makes no sense to tell the client about something that does not interest him.

When constructing phrases, follow this sequence:
product property - advantage - linking phrase - benefit.

Connecting phrase:

  • "For you, that means..."
  • “Thanks to this, you will be able to…”
  • “This will save you the trouble of…”
  • “This will reduce your costs…”
  • "It makes it possible..."
  • "It cuts..."
  • "What is the guarantee..."
  • “It minimizes (it reduces, increases, provides)…”
  • "This will allow you..."

Start your presentation with:

  • “The main advantages of this product…”,
  • "Obvious advantages ...",
  • "A feature of this product is...".

Enumerate the characteristics through connecting unions:

  • "besides",
  • "wherein",
  • "moreover",
  • "By the way",
  • "Besides".

At the end of the presentation, use the summary technique:

  • “That's all the main advantages of this product. Are you satisfied with everything?”

To make it clearer for you, let's look at an example:

Wallpaper on a non-woven base (property) does not deform when glued, the joints are perfectly smooth.

This will allow you (connecting phrase) to make repairs quickly and efficiently.

In addition, the adhesive is only applied to the wall (property), which saves you time and money.

Non-woven-based wallpaper can withstand up to 8 staining cycles (property), while maintaining its structure. Due to this, you will save yourself from having to remove the wallpaper during the next repair. You can simply paint the walls in the color you want.

By the way, interlining is a non-woven base (property), an environmentally friendly material, which is a guarantee of the health of your family members. A great option for children's rooms.

That's all the main advantages of these wallpapers. Are you satisfied with everything?

If you receive a positive response, congratulations!

The deal is almost done. If the client is in doubt, it's time to move on to the next stage of effective sales technology - working with objections.