Basic rules for product presentation. Product presentation algorithm. Algorithm for preparing an effective presentation

After reading this article, you can teach consultants to demonstrate genuine interest in what they sell, instill in salespeople a love for their work, and offer additional products without annoying clients.

Jim Collins, in his book Good to Great, presented the results of a six-year study of companies that made breakthroughs in their field. When the author met with Philip Morris executives, he noted the passion with which the staff sold cigarettes, beer and high-fat cheese. Jim Collins writes that employee passion for the company and product is one of the key factors that helps achieve success.

We came to a similar conclusion: a product that employees enjoy sells three to seven times faster than one that evokes less emotion. For example, a store where consultants love chocolate shows 3–5% higher turnover of goods in this category. Therefore, during interviews and internships, we look to see whether a person is interested in the product. If a consultant does not like coffee or tea, it will be difficult for him to present the product in a “tasty” manner. However, you still need to be able to express your love. I'll tell you how to present a product, so as not to leave customers indifferent.

Train sellers on how to properly present a product

So that the consultant can express his love for the product, we teach presentation skills. The training includes three blocks: diagrams and rules of presentation; extension vocabulary; the ability to compare products with each other.

Schemes and rules of presentation. We teach not to convince the client to buy, but to present the product so that the guest understands why the consultant is offering this product. The salesperson's job is to provide information that will help make a decision. The presentation includes three steps:

  • product description;
  • answer to the question why the product suits the client’s request;
  • providing additional information.

In practice it looks like this. If a guest says: “I want black strong tea,” the consultant uses the phrase “This is black strong tea” in the presentation. This way he shows that he has heard the customer and offers a product that meets his needs. Additional information There may be a recommendation on how to brew tea, information about the characteristics of the leaf.

Expanding vocabulary. We strive to expand the vocabulary of employees so that sellers use epithets that describe the taste of coffee or tea (drawing). For example, if you ask a person to describe coffee, he will immediately name three or four definitions. It is advisable for the seller to know 10–16 adjectives. We regularly work to increase the vocabulary of sellers - at tastings, product trainings.

If the company does not work in the food industry, then words describing taste are unlikely to be suitable. Use other epithets. If you offer clothes or shoes, sellers can describe the quality of the fabric and the comfort of the items. After all, customers do not buy a product, but a “feeling of happiness.” And everyone has their own happiness - you need to describe it differently.

Ability to compare products with each other. Barry Schwartz, author of The Paradox of Choice. Why “more” means “less”, conducted an experiment with jam. Some visitors were given a choice of six types of jam, others from 24. Sales were higher when the choice was limited, although the variety of options should attract more buyers. Schwartz concluded: a large assortment makes a person unhappy. As a result, he tends to avoid choice and purchase. That's why we teach consultants to help clients make choices.

It is important that when comparing products, the seller focuses on the request of the potential buyer. Therefore, we emphasize that you should not convince the client to purchase a product, especially an expensive one. Instead, you should talk about the product in such a way that the person understands how this purchase will make him happy.

Let me give you an example. I recently bought a travel hair dryer from a large retail chain. I chose from two options. I told the store consultant that size is important: the hairdryer should fit in a small suitcase. The seller gave two reasons why I should have bought a more expensive product - he talked about quality, about “the absence of a plastic smell when used.” However, none of this met my needs. Let the hair dryer smell like plastic - the main thing is that it fits into your suitcase. I bought a hair dryer, but I didn’t remember the store as a place where they solved my problem.

Conclusions. You need to present the product as sincerely as possible so that the client feels the seller’s love for the product. It should make it clear how this product will make the buyer happy.

Presentation elements that scare away or attract the client: checklist

Together with experts, the editors of the Commercial Director magazine analyzed the mistakes that companies make when preparing product presentations and prepared recommendations that will help create the perfect document.

Organize a product tasting for managers

The seller must know what he is selling, so we conduct tastings for consultants. An employee tries from 10 to 30 products per month. Tastings take place in the store, in training center at product trainings, during monthly store management meetings, on excursions to confectionery factory (Table 1). Up to 200 people can participate in tastings at trainings, 20–50 at meetings with suppliers and producers, and 10–15 on excursions. Excursions to the factory - events such as “meeting with suppliers or manufacturers.”

If you can show staff how a product is made, do so. This will influence your sales. The consultant will confidently answer questions about the product and share his personal opinion. One day I was choosing bread and doubted the quality of the ingredients. The seller said: “Don’t doubt it! I saw how they make it, there’s nothing wrong with it.” I believed it and now I only buy bread there.

In order for tasting to influence sales, it must be carried out according to a certain algorithm. It includes four steps.

  1. Explain the importance of a taste test or test. Tell employees how valuable their opinions are to customers. Show that they are becoming pros by learning and testing the product. Demonstrate how this translates into sales.
  2. Teach how to taste or test a product correctly. We want sellers to like the product. Therefore, we teach them how to taste the product correctly.
  3. Create a report or record template. The effect of the tasting (test) will be greater if the consultant takes notes during the “experiments”. For us, the format of the recordings is determined by the coach or mentor. For example, every spring four or five varieties of collectible tea arrive, which are similar in appearance and taste. Consultants in stores study information about tea, then try varieties and fill out a special table indicating the characteristics of each type (table 2).

4. Control the result. A mentor or trainer monitors how the tasting notes are completed. It is important that information about the product is uniform across the network. Control allows you to show the consultant the importance of tasting in professional development. In addition, you can understand what impressions the seller received from the product.

Conclusions. Not everything can be tasted. If you are selling an inedible product, then:

  • conduct product demonstrations;
  • let sellers test the product themselves;
  • create conditions in which the seller can take the goods home.

Be sure to invite employees to fill out the impression table and monitor this process.

  • Ways to attract loyal consumers: 6 ready-made ideas

Flexible work algorithms for sales managers

People feel when they are being talked to according to a pattern. Therefore, let consultants be flexible in communication, then the client will feel special. How to ensure that sellers comply with service standards and maintain an individual approach to the buyer? Before teaching standards, it is necessary to explain the principles of attitude towards clients. We say it's important to sell in a way that makes the guest want to come back. This principle helps consultants make decisions when communicating with a buyer.

In our company, 90% of scripts are flexible. The consultant has a sequence of words or actions that he can change. Flexible algorithms are developed for situations when the client says “Thank you, I’m just looking”, for offering additional products, etc. There are also hard algorithms - this is working with customer complaints.

Sales algorithm. When communicating with each guest, we recommend going through seven stages of sales.

  1. Meeting: greeting and establishing contact.
  2. Identifying needs.
  3. Offer of goods (main, additional) and description of promotions.
  4. Work with objections.
  5. Deal.
  6. Parting.
  7. Dealing with complaints.

Let me explain how flexibility manifests itself. The consultant has such rights.

  1. Do not talk about promotions or offer additional products if the client is not interested in this or is inappropriate now. It's a risky approach, but it's even more risky to talk about additional products and promotions to customers who don't want to hear about it.
  2. Offer an additional item after the guest has paid, if appropriate. For example, the seller decided to show a product “for the future” and made a detailed presentation, explaining to the guest what would suit him and why.
  3. Use the story about the promotion at the meeting stage to establish contact with the guest. For example: “Good afternoon! Today is our first Chocolate Day. By the way, how do you feel about sweets?” If the seller strictly followed the algorithm, he would tell about the promotion only after offering the main product.

Upsell algorithm. Every person is a client of some company, and we often hear formal proposals: “Would you like some socks on sale?”, “Let’s pick up a phone case.” I recently bought beach shoes at a popular sports store and was surprised when at the checkout they offered me socks. I said: “No, thank you,” and showed the shoes I bought. However, the seller asked again: “Exactly?” This approach influenced the purchase experience.

The offer of an additional product must be individual. We provide only basic diagrams, and the consultant independently decides which product to offer and what to tell about it.

Here are a few basic phrases you can use to start a conversation. They are suitable for any type of business.

  • “Now on sale... and it’s worth paying attention to, because...”
  • “Relevant for this time of year because...”
  • “This product will go great with that because...”
  • “I recommend you try this product because...”

Please note: there is a phrase “because” everywhere. It can be replaced with a synonym, but it is necessary to explain why this product is needed. Robert Cialdini, in his book The Psychology of Influence, describes an experiment with a photocopier and a queue. In the first case, a person approached the photocopier and said: “Excuse me, can I skip the line? I only have five pages.” 60% of people agreed to skip it. In the second case, the stranger added a reason to the request: “Can I skip the line because I’m in a hurry?” 94% of people agreed to give in to him. The author explored further and in the third case asked a stranger to give a meaningless reason using the conjunction “because”: “Can I skip the line because I need to make copies?” The result is comparable to the previous one - 93%. This study proves the unique impact of the words “because.”

Since you don’t just need to “sell and forget,” but to ensure that the client returns, then after the words “because,” give a reasonable reason. Offering an additional product does not always lead to a purchase now. However, the quality of supply affects general impression about the brand. Let me give you an example. I bought sneakers at the Super Step store, and they offered me additional products in a reasonable and logical manner. First the laces - “because laces radically change appearance sneakers”, then socks - “because when buying socks you can get more points on the card.” I didn’t buy either one, but I will definitely return to the store and recommend it to my friends.

Conclusions. Explain to sales managers why they need to follow work algorithms. Divide them into hard and flexible. When developing sales algorithms, remember the importance of an individual approach.

  • 10 Tips on How to Manage Sales Employees

Trust in employees

Our consultants can give the guest a product, treat them with candy or make tea. The employee also has the right to accept back quality food products. This approach allows you to offer a higher level of service and increases sales.

A friend told this story. One day she came into our store. The seller said: “I really want to cheer you up. Let me treat you to some candy.” There were no tastings at that time. And although the consultant’s action did not increase sales that day, an acquaintance - a famous trainer - still talks about it in her classes. But this affects sales.

All stores have a monthly amount (the amount depends on traffic) for which you can treat customers. The manager controls expenses. We do not determine the amount for which a refund can be made. It may seem that with this approach costs cannot be predicted. Customers will return an unpredictable amount of goods, and sellers will begin to “give away” products in order to win the favor of guests. But this does not happen due to the correct approach to the work of the “right” consultants.


We do a lot to maintain relationships with regular guests. Training salespeople in presentation and upselling skills is part of a comprehensive work. In some stores the share regular customers increased to 80% of the total number of visitors after managers learned how to properly present the product.

Product presentation is an event whose main objective is to demonstrate a product in order to attract attention, interest, show advantages, and convince to buy.

Launching New Product, it is important not only to present all its characteristics, not only to fully describe the key differences between your product and competitors’ products. Big role How you do it, how exactly the information will be presented also plays a role.

When promoting a new product to the market through a presentation, it is necessary to rely on the feelings of consumers. If the pitch evokes an emotional response, the basis for the future commercial success put.

The professional launch of a new product solves a number of problems:

  • differentiation from similar products produced by competitors;
  • bright, succinct presentation of information about the product;
  • promotion of goods among consumers.

Features of the new product presentation

When organizing a presentation, it is important to remember: most often, consumers are not initially interested in your product. You need to talk about it as briefly and succinctly as possible. Better yet, show it in the form product launch. This term refers to a product ready for mass production.

During the presentation, it is worth actively involving the audience. You should invite not only media representatives, but also future clients and investors, who will subsequently create demand for the product and ensure the financial stability of your company. Every successful corporation, including Microsoft and Apple, reaches out to the widest possible audience. The results are obvious: having experienced the capabilities of a new product personally, making sure that it corresponds to the description, consumers provoke a strong information resonance, and therefore lay the foundation for commercial success.

In your presentation, you should think over and implement three snippets:

  • “evaluate the benefits”;
  • "try";
  • "buy".

When writing a description of a new product, you need to speak in the language of benefits. Before isolating key information, think about what will bring this or that benefit to the client. It is quite difficult to evaluate a product in terms of benefits: the needs and values ​​of potential clients may be different. Someone will appreciate it high quality and improved characteristics, some - style, others will like the simple interface and ease of use. All these benefits need to be shown briefly and clearly.

Offer the client to try the product. You can talk as much as you like about the advantages of a new smartphone, but until the future buyer takes the device in his hands, the words will not have the desired impact on him. Having tested the product, the client will be more willing to buy it.

At the end of the presentation, you can offer to buy a new product. Stock up on several samples - so that there is enough for everyone. And to make a new product more willing to buy, you can provide a lucrative discount or gift. For example, an extended warranty or components.

"BIG JACK": the presentation of the new product will be a great success!

The launch of a new product is a responsible and complex matter, but the BIG JACK company will achieve the desired result. We will take care of all organizational issues and make sure that the presentation takes place with maximum effect.

Before the event, our specialists will discuss the tasks and goals of the future presentation, inspect the product, and analyze target audience and the market. Then they will calculate the costs and make up detailed plan events, will think over the visual and technical components. We will invite a speaker, hire and train staff to assist with the presentation.

After the end of the event, we will analyze the results and provide a report to the client. Rest assured: the results of the launch of a new product conducted by the BIG JACK event agency will delight you, and the product itself will bring great profits!

“Innovation is so cold!

The CEO can't sleep

Rocking in a BMW."

Economic tercet in Japanese style. T.A.

Presentation. I think that it can be compared to moving from point A to point B. Point A is the beginning of the presentation, point B is the conclusion of the mutually beneficial deal that you and the buyer need. Like any journey, the presentation is unpredictable: you never know what will happen along the way! To make this process clearer and more predictable for sellers, you need to use a tool such as innovation. The combination of innovation in the body of your presentation and the effective techniques you use will increase your chance of making a sale. This type of presentation is one of the foundations of sales success for effective salespeople.

An effective salesperson, one way or another, participates in the innovation process. Almost the entire presentation chain of creating the value of a product or service and its benefits for customers is permeated various types innovation. You need to be clearly aware of this and not think that innovation is something distant and optional for you. It is better to accept this fact and develop a presentation development strategy from the angle of innovation.

So, what might innovative implementations look like? This is simply a change or combination of already known elements into groups that did not exist before. Figuratively speaking, kaleidoscopic activity - after all, the next picture in a kaleidoscope always turns out different, and the components do not change - only the order in which they are located after the kaleidoscope is shaken changes. And the constant search for innovation in any effective presentation is based on the fact that it helps you continuously find or combine elements that you haven't used before. Another definition is also possible: to introduce innovation means to give the buyer what he wants, but in a form that is unexpected for him.

Innovation must answer the questions: “What do you need to add to make our presentation more effective? What small changes could multiply the power of the presentation?”

Most salespeople claim to be able to give good or even excellent presentations. They think they can speak well and persuade the customer to make a purchase... and that's why they do it poorly.

The average salesperson uses the same hackneyed phrases and arguments during presentations. This naturally makes him bored and languishing. Such a seller believes that if everything is already clear to him, then the buyer should generally grasp the ideas of the presentation on the fly, without much effort. What's so unclear about this? The unfortunate seller does not even know exactly what ideas help him sell and, of course, does not focus the buyer’s attention on these ideas. He doesn’t like to repeat them - and so everything is clear. However, here’s the catch: the consumer is not at all so professional as to know everything about the goods or services presented by the seller.

How does an effective salesperson behave? He uses a strategy of repeating ideas that work, combining them in new ways, and presenting “fresh” arguments for each new (and old) customer. Unlike an ordinary bored would-be salesman, an effective salesman is interested in what he is doing, the task of recombining arguments is interesting, and the “kaleidoscope” at work is interesting. He knows it will always work. He is always looking for new options for constructing sentences, the words of which will reach the buyer.

The most important thing, or what is the heart of innovation

The statement that you can only make a first impression on a buyer once has not yet been canceled. The success of “your enterprise” depends on this skill. We discard the visual part - when visiting customers, you always need to look perfect.

We will talk about the ability to speak and persuade, about the presentation of your products or services. Effective salespeople are persuasive; they know what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. Most importantly, they understand the entire chain of action required for a good innovation presentation. What is the basis for a successful innovation presentation? The essence of the offer is crystal clear and the buyer's benefits are clearly shown. In other words, the buyer must absolutely clearly understand what is being offered to him and what benefit he will get from it.

Ah, these presentations! They happen so often and so unsuccessfully in sales jobs. The vast majority of salespeople do not take into account the following considerations in most presentations and suffer from the following shortcomings:

  1. There is no clear working or new idea to present to the buyer. (I just want to ask the unfortunate seller: “What are we talking about, dear?”
  2. The seller does not ask the question, “What is the benefit to the customers?”
  3. The seller presents his material illogically and jumps from one thing to another.
  4. The presentation of the material is either too detailed or drawn out. (Let me remind you that a presentation is a movement. Both an excess of details and prolongation distract the buyer’s attention and make him regret the wasted time.

Algorithm for preparing an effective presentation

1. Stand in your buyer’s shoes, “get into his shoes.” Look at yourself, your company, your performance from his position. Previously, we looked at methods for identifying consumers, now is the time to take advantage of the information received. Always, in any case of contact with customers, as well as when preparing a presentation, you need to proceed from an understanding of your customers.

A presentation is effective if you know the buyer: his interests, problems, lifestyle, dreams, how and why the buyer would use your product or service, or, say, how your product could help him achieve his professional goals.

2. Follow the rule of sharing features, benefits and values. A feature is the essence or property of your product. The features are of interest only to you, the seller. Benefit is how your product benefits your customer. The value of the product is determined by the buyer during your presentation. But the seller must know the proof of value by heart. Remember that buyers are primarily interested in benefits and value, not features.

Attention, useful know-how! In trainings on effective sales, the “match method” is often used - while the match is burning (albeit a fireplace match, which is twice as long as a regular one), the seller must briefly but convincingly talk about his offer, about why the buyer simply cannot help but buy what is being offered. Remember this method! By practicing this way in your company, your salespeople will acquire a very important skill - speaking clearly and convincingly about your product or service.

3. Before the presentation, determine: “Why will the buyer need what I am selling?” This allows you to focus on the benefits rather than the features of the product or service. For example: “With our range of products, we can guarantee the stability of your income during the seasonal downturn.”

4. Determine the time of the call to action, to purchase. What you want from the buyer is for him to make a purchase. For example, if the seller convincingly describes the features of the product and the benefits that can be obtained from it, the desired goals will be achieved by themselves. But that is not all. You need a strong conclusion - a call to action, without which the presentation will not be complete.

5. Determine the most appropriate way to develop your presentation. When selling, the following types of presentation development are most effective:

  • Principle, concept, function. It brings your business proposition to the forefront. This principle is suitable for presenting any product or service, with many possibilities for application.

Let me give you an example

Mushrooms from Lipovka LLC. Farmers Zherebtsov were the first to Sverdlovsk region mastered mushroom production. How do they sell? Offer to customers of different groups:

“Our champignons are more expensive than Polish ones due to the high cost of raw materials and their transportation. But they are fresher than mushrooms brought from afar. We supply products for 120 rubles. per kg by weight and 130 rubles. - packaged in branded packaging. First when we offer a product retail chains, commodity experts refuse: it’s expensive. We have to explain that once they put the product on the shelf, they can’t go wrong. Buyers, having read about environmentally friendly products, began to pay attention to the origin of the product.”

  • Principle, features, advantages. It is traditionally used when launching a product into the market. A presentation presents the features of your product or service and describes the specific benefit it will bring to the buyer.

I will give examples

In 2005, Anatoly Komm renamed the Green restaurant to AnatolyKomm, called the signature series of dishes “gastronomic performances” and declared himself, literally, the only restaurateur offering haute cuisine in Moscow. This is how he presents it to his guests.

Komm also became interested in molecular cuisine, which is fashionable in the West, and was the only one in Moscow who began to offer “molecular” dishes. Want shrimp pasta? Comm says that new form will help you discover new facets of taste.

Brand "Velardi" (unites 11 beauty salons in St. Petersburg). According to the owner of the network, Dmitry Suvorov, the presentation of the salons was based on the following arguments: “We took on our client with some kind of naivety and sincerity. We sought to create a sincere atmosphere in the salons and decorated them ourselves. A handmade is always more appreciated."

6. Choose a specific way to start your presentation. The following seven classic methods work best:

  1. Aphorism. A recognizable catchphrase.
  2. Question. A question asked of the buyer.
  3. Fact. An unexpected statistic or little-known fact.
  4. Show perspective. Outline your vision for the future.
  5. Joke. On the topic (market, competitors, situation...).
  6. Quote. Quote any statement that is appropriate to the occasion.
  7. Analogy. A comparison of two seemingly unrelated things to help clarify an unclear topic.

7. We need to sort out the issue of price. When to cover it, at what stage of the presentation (or demonstration)? In a good presentation, the question of price is placed at the very end of the presentation, after the stage where the solution to the buyer's problem is explained. The new (or still existing) value of your product or service is determined. The buyer is aware of it.

On early stages this question seems pointless. Effective sellers try not to mention price while the potential buyer is not yet ready to take advantage of the proposed solution to the problem, which can only complicate, even negate all the seller's efforts. Most often, buyers ask about price at the beginning of the presentation, so it is advisable to learn to delay discussions about price. Talking about prices without defining the need and value of the purchase is a big mistake.

8. Plan. What salespeople hate is planning their sales, their presentation! They do not look ahead, even into the very near future. As Gogol wrote, “ Rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper,” and only effective sellers plan everything ahead! These guys (girls) calculate their success with the equanimity of a computer. Planning is necessary, which means you need to know how to do it!

First of all, each presentation has its own written form. Planning and writing down is difficult at first, but over time you will get used to it and it will become second nature. You will realize that you are writing down your Success on paper and it will become very interesting for you!

Next, you need to plan your actions for presentations. Write everything down on a computer (paper); you shouldn’t rely on your abilities or improvisation. After writing it down, remember your plan as best you can and repeat it before going to the buyer. After all, this is the path you will follow - which means you need to imagine it well. Cram! The benefits of cramming will be discussed in more detail below.

9. Take care of visual aids (or goods, if you take them with you). Always a necessary thing that affects the buyer emotionally, showing the buyer the level of preparation of you and your company. "Better to see once than hear a hundred times".

10. And lastly. To be successful in your business, remember the following: your confidence in giving a presentation and your ability to persuade will grow with constant practice. No wonder it is said: “Repetition is the mother of learning.” To always hit the target, initially speak the presentation at least 30 - 40 times. Remember your school days, remember your cramming skills - and forward to victory!

Repetition will polish your presentation and give it the shine it needs. After each repetition, you will discover new facets of your narrative and you will have the opportunity to make your presentation more concise and clearer.


Presentation tactics for effective salespeople are based on a few simple rules. The main thing is not only to remember these rules, but to constantly adhere to them and develop them. So:

Firstly, constantly ask different types of questions. This is necessary to maintain control of the presentation and the audience (over the buyer).

Secondly, actively use the methods of suppressing various objections that are available in your arsenal. It is especially necessary to highlight this tactical move: when preparing a presentation, mark the places in the text of your presentation speech where you yourself, ahead of the buyer, voice this or that objection and respond to it immediately. (It is appropriate here to use rhetorical figures like “Of course, the following objection may arise here...”) Each type of product or service always raises its own “set” of typical objections, and after several presentations of something specific, you will learn what this “set” is, which means you can anticipate it and ward off objections in advance. Effective salespeople differ from the general mass in that they are able to find these objections even before sales and know how to deal with them. And most importantly, always answer a question with a question - do not assert.

Third, Constantly work on the text of your presentation, adding vivid images and fresh, unworn words to it. In words that your listeners will understand. Create stories. Let your customer compare themselves to the characters in your stories.

Your customer wants to improve their life. And your story should tell about him, your customer, and not about your company, which he doesn’t care about. Your customer has a problem or need. So let him overcome them and emerge victorious. With your help!

Secrets of dealing with objections during a presentation

When preparing for a presentation, it is necessary to accurately determine the time and place for responding to possible objections.

When and how is the best time to respond to presentation objections?

Prevention. I always say that the best defense is an attack. If you don’t prepare and don’t know where the main types of objections for your product or service arise during a presentation, you’ll have a hard time. When you prepare your text, in certain places you yourself express the usual objection, thereby not giving the initiative into the hands of your opponent. Moreover, you formulate all your prepared objections in the form of questions. Your buyer will thus not have to “enjoy” your fussing and fussing (which is what happens if you are not prepared and do not have verbal improvisation). He will focus on the presentation itself.

A quick response to an objection at the beginning of a presentation. Many customers ask questions about you, your company and your product or service at the beginning of a conversation. It's about the weight and prestige of your company or quality. Let's say the buyer begins: “I heard that your product (service) does not meet our needs due to its low quality.” Isn't that an unpleasant question? Or: “As far as I know, your company’s image in our market is not so high?” Straight to the forehead, without beating around the bush. It is best to answer such objections directly, without subterfuge, with prepared arguments and questions so that the buyer is satisfied.

Another example:

“I heard that your company does not honor warranty obligations, although many of your products do not function as they should when used.”

This is where you need various reviews from your other customers ( better companies, which are approximately close in rank to this one) - reviews of those with whom you have already proven yourself to be a reliable partner. Always be prepared for such questions or statements.

Objections during a presentation. No presentation goes smoothly. Unless it’s one where only you speak. Surely, some of your arguments will boomerang back to you in the form of objections during the presentation. As I already said, if you present your usual product or service, then you already know in advance where and what kind of objections will follow. If you are selling new product, then prepare more carefully - remember several answers to each proposed objection. You must be prepared for such a development of events and when an objection (and perhaps more than one) is expressed, try to answer it figuratively and convincingly (preferably in the form of a question) before continuing the presentation. If suddenly, as in a fairy tale, the buyer has no objections, then you can make a knight’s move. Choose the one you think is best from the questions you have prepared in advance: “Many people (you can specifically name the company participating in your market) ask on what basis I can make such a statement. There are such reasons (arguments) for this...”. And just forward! This will make a lasting impression. Of course, from the outside you might think that you are digging a hole for yourself or cutting off the branch on which you are sitting. But in reality, you are just being proactive! An effective salesman, like a musketeer, needs a certain courage and courage. In this way, just in case, you “lay a straw for yourself” at the site of a potential fall - and at the same time gain the trust of the buyer. That is, you kill two birds with one stone!

Objections that you respond to after the presentation. The finale is near and excitement is growing. This is where many people make the mistake of thinking that all the buyer’s objections have been exhausted. The final stage of the presentation involves final objections. Something remains unclear or these are random questions that do not require an exhaustive answer. It is best to ask the buyer to move the answers to the very end and answer them after the presentation: “Can we come back to this question later?” If they give you consent, you can continue the presentation; if not, then we answer as described above.

Is it necessary to answer at all? There are objections that should not be answered immediately. Let's wait! If an objection comes up early in the presentation (usually related to price), don't rush into an answer. Sometimes the buyer asks questions just to show that he is listening to you. Some objections will seem completely irrelevant to you. But, if your buyer returned to them, it means that this is important to him and needs to be answered.

Effective salespeople recognize when and what objections the buyer is making and present arguments in a logical order, answering objections only at the appropriate moment.

In the sales world, there are two more necessary conditions for making a successful presentation. It's your enthusiasm and listening skills!

Enthusiasm is infectious!

Enthusiasm is not a loud speech or a show of Chinese firecrackers.

The word enthusiasm itself consists of two Greek words “en” and “theos” - “God within.”

Without enthusiasm, it is impossible to score the required number of passing points in negotiations.

Only your obvious enthusiasm will cause reciprocal enthusiasm towards you. After all, we are all so gullible. If the tone of your voice is sluggish and indifferent, then let’s face it, the buyer (negotiator) will not express interest in your product or service. Enthusiasm sells and sells! It's like the flu - it's infectious!

It's better to listen than talk

Being a good listener during a presentation is one of the basic requirements for closing a deal. Salespeople who don't understand the basics of the sales process are convinced that being a good speaker is enough to sell. But, as practice shows, it is much more important to be able to listen carefully to the buyer. An average salesperson tries to lead the conversation, but an effective salesperson has the ability to listen.

The ability to listen has a wonderful effect on human relations, allows customers to relax and open up more. The initial wariness and isolation of your customers disappears. Your customer will feel more relaxed and confident, which will create the necessary conditions for sale.

Let's talk about when the time comes conducting a product presentation. After you have selected 2 - 3 products that you think best suit our client and satisfy his needs.

Now, during the presentation, you must tell the client everything you know about each product using. And then unobtrusively guide the client in the right direction and help him make the only right purchase decision.

Advice:, never exaggerate the merits of the product you are selling. It’s better to tell us about its properties and the benefits that the buyer will receive from its use:

  • “This carpet cleans well, which means you'll spend less time and effort cleaning. This is important to you, isn't it?"
  • “This chair has several height adjustments, which will allow you to take a comfortable position at the table. This is significant for you, isn’t it?”

Believe me, the “properties - benefits” technique is appropriate when selling any product - from a light bulb to a car.

At first, it is difficult to come up with benefits from using a product, but over time, literally on the go, translate the properties of any product into benefits for the buyer. Practice. Look around, select any object (pencil, notebook, keyboard), name 3-4 characteristics and translate it into benefits for yourself.

Remember, at stage 3 of the sale - - you found out what our client wants? Now your task is to offer the client exactly the product whose properties best solve his problems.

Let's look at examples of what phrases will help you have a great product presentation and bring the client closer to making a purchase.

Important: present exactly the product that meets the client’s needs! There is no point in telling the client about something that does not interest him.

When building phrases, follow this sequence:
product property - advantage - connecting phrase - benefit.

Linking phrase:

  • “For you this means...”
  • "Thanks to this, you will be able to..."
  • “Due to this, you will save yourself from the need...”
  • “This will reduce your costs...”
  • "This makes it possible..."
  • "It shortens..."
  • "What is the guarantee..."
  • "It minimizes (it reduces, increases, provides)..."
  • "This will allow you..."

Start your presentation with:

  • “The main advantages of this product...”,
  • "Obvious advantages...",
  • “The special feature of this product is...”

List the characteristics through connecting conjunctions:

  • "besides",
  • "wherein",
  • "moreover",
  • "By the way",
  • "Besides".

When concluding your presentation, use a summary technique:

  • “That’s all the main advantages of this product. Are you satisfied with everything?”

To make it clearer, let's look at an example:

Wallpaper on a non-woven basis (property) does not deform when pasted, the joints are perfectly smooth.

This will allow you (connecting phrase) to make repairs quickly and efficiently.

In addition, the glue is applied only to the wall (property), this saves your time and money.

Non-woven wallpaper can withstand up to 8 dyeing cycles (property), while maintaining its structure. Due to this, you will save yourself from the need to remove wallpaper during the next repair. You can simply paint the walls the color you want.

By the way, non-woven fabric is a non-woven base (property), an environmentally friendly material, which guarantees the health of your family members. An excellent option for children's rooms.

That's all the main advantages of this wallpaper. Are you satisfied with everything?

If you get a positive response, congratulations!

The deal was almost done. If the client has doubts, it’s time to move on to the next stage of effective sales technology - working with objections.

Before, how to sell a product, you need to demonstrate it to the client. And for the result of this demonstration to be successful, you need to learn present the product correctly or product and convey the benefits of your product to customers.

Product presentation should be in the language of benefits!

Thanks to product presentations we convey information about the product being sold to the client, at the same time we observe his reaction to our presentation, and then, in accordance with the reaction, we can change the presentation. The more confident we are, the more we show at this stage, the more we will be able to convince people.

Well-conducted product presentation significantly increases our chances of making a sale and also informs our potential buyers about the product. If we have identified needs, the presentation becomes more precise and concise, the words more convincing.

It's very disappointing when product presentation goes unsuccessfully, because before that we spend a lot of time and work on preparation. To prevent this from happening, when preparing it, try to look at the situation through the eyes of the client. Here's what the famous business sales trainer Evgeny Kolotilov says about this:

How to properly present a product? What points should you pay attention to?

Before making a presentation, you need to assume what the client might have and focus on the presentation in favor of the benefits of your product and the client. This is a very important point, and if it is not taken into account, the presentation will be off target and you will be wasting your time.

We may be too focused, afraid of the client’s unexpected wishes, afraid that we will not inspire enough trust in the client and will not be able to get him to talk, feel a lack of knowledge or skills, but we simply must establish the client’s needs and present the product to him in the language of benefits.

Remember, in the sales process you don't have to talk all the time - the client should talk more than half the time. It is clear that you need to ask questions, talk about a product or service, but your task is to get your interlocutor talking, find out his needs, interest him, and as a result of all this sell the product.

concept FEATURES-ADVANTAGES-BENEFITS used to properly present the product.

Properties- These are the characteristics of the product, its features. Advantages- this is how your product compares favorably with other similar or similar products. Benefit- this is the advantage that the client receives using your product. The presentation should be based on the advantages and benefits of your product.

There are different benefits, for example:

  • Functional- direct benefits that the client receives using the product. These benefits are easy to explain to the manager and easy to understand to the client.
  • Emotional- depend on the emotions a person experiences when using the product. This is especially important if you are selling a branded or expensive product.
  • Psychological- benefits that help you feel a certain state (self-confidence, masculinity, femininity). Psychological benefits are important for a person first and foremost.
  • Social- benefits that determine a person’s place in society (belonging to a certain social class or subculture).

If you work with retail buyers (individuals, B2C), your buyer will pay attention to the following factors:

  • the price of your product;
  • the quality of your products;
  • reliability of your company;
  • whether your product is a means of investing money;
  • what is the service life of your product;
  • how the use of your product will affect the customer’s pride and vanity;
  • How competitive is your product;
  • what is the design of your product;
  • to what extent the use of your product becomes a habit.

If you are collaborating with an organization or wholesale company (B2B), the following factors will be important to your client:

  • profit for the organization;
  • increasing the company's prestige;
  • beautiful packaging of goods for a store window;
  • development prospects of the client's company.

The main reason to buy your product is to receive more profit than when purchasing a competitor's product. This benefit is always the client’s priority, although it is the simplest, so don’t forget about it when presenting the product.

Remember that your client receives profit not only from the difference in the price of the product, but you also need to remember that cheaper products sell better, they are sold in larger quantities and with greater turnover. Therefore, before telling your client the benefits of working with your product, think about the markup that your client can make on the proposed product, and also check the turnover rate of your product from other clients to give examples.