Siberian albino girl stunned the modeling agencies of the world. Eight-year-old Yakut “Snow White” is tipped to become a model Yakut albino girl

An 8-year-old albino girl from Yakutia. For her unusual appearance, the girl has already been nicknamed the Siberian Snow White, and dozens of modeling agencies around the world lined up with advertising contracts. Author of a photo shoot with a potential model photographer Vadim Rufov said that Nariyana is the most unusual person he has ever met.

It is surprising that all relatives of the young creature have a typical Yakut appearance - dark hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, brown eyes. But little Nariyana was born an albino: snow-white hair, blue eyes, porcelain skin, white eyebrows and eyelashes.

The girl has completely white hair, and her skin is like porcelain. Bright blue eyes do not like bright light, so Nariyana was photographed with long breaks to give her a break from the spotlight.

Nariyana's photo shoot was printed by many foreign publications. In social networks, the albino girl is called a cosmic unearthly creature and the Siberian Snow White.

Pictured is Nariyana with her older sister Karina. Out of her entire family, she is the only one with blonde hair. The girl is the first albino from the generations of both parents.

“The most unusual man I have seen with my own eyes,” photographer Vadim Rufov described Nariyana's appearance.

The genotype of the peoples of the North and the appearance of an albino give a unique and unusual combination.

“We have already received many offers from modeling and advertising agencies,” Nariyana’s mother said, “but I don’t want her to work as a model right now. A child should have a childhood."

“When she grows up, she herself will choose who she wants to be,” the girl's parents say.

Journalists have already dubbed the 8-year-old Nariyanu And "porcelain girl", And "Snow White from Siberia". Photos of the charming girl first blew up the social networks of Yakutia, where she comes from, and then circled the world media. The baby is predicted to have a great future in the acting field, and the career of a fashion model is provided to her with such unique external data.

Nariyana is only eight years old, but modeling agencies are already vying to offer her contracts. It's all about her charming appearance. A pretty girl was born an albino, her natural features (snow-white hair and pale face) captivated photographers. In particular, photographer Vadim Rufov admits that this is the most unusual person he has ever met in his life.

Interestingly, Nariyana is the only blonde in the family, all her relatives are dark-haired. There was also no case when albinos were born in the family of mother and father. Therefore, the birth of Nariyana with such an atypical appearance was a real surprise for her parents.

Nariyana's mother says that many models and advertising agencies already offer the baby cooperation, but the parents do not want the child to work from childhood. They hope that when she grows up, she will decide for herself what she wants to become. Of course, the first photo shoots were an exciting adventure for Nariyana, she is photogenic and she likes to pose. However, while the main task of Nariyana is to study at school, the girl also loves to draw and dance, so her parents are in no hurry to turn her into a professional fashion model.

Nariyana, this is the name of a girl who, thanks to her unusual appearance, has become famous, has transparent blue eyes, snow-white skin and blond hair, and she has a special charisma. The girl was born with a congenital absence of the pigment melanin, which gives color to the skin, hair, iris and pigment membranes of the eye. Such people are called albinos, IA YakutiaMedia reports.


All this was rather unusual, given that her parents are the natives of Yakutia. Her unusual appearance attracts everyone's attention.

People call her the snow queen, the north star, they compare her to a character from the Game of Thrones.


Little Nariyana is the second child in an ordinary Sakha family. An albino girl is predicted to have a modeling career.

"The most unusual person I've seen with my own eyes. Sakha girl. Her name is Nariyana @lenevalena. She is an albino. She is incredibly artistic and posed for the camera for 2 hours. From the first seconds they began to communicate as if they had known each other for a long time. Her eyes are afraid of bright light. Despite got it great photos from which I get high (spelling and punctuation of the author preserved - ed.), - wrote photographer Vadim Rufov on his Instagram page, who took pictures of an unusual Yakut woman.

Maybe Nariyana is waiting big success in the fashion world, like 8-year-old African-American Ava Clarke, who was also born an albino.


It was the uniqueness of the young white-skinned beauty with curls that made her a real star.

To say shock is an understatement. It is not the very fact of closing that is outraged, but monetary compensation - 600 rubles.
I don't even know what words to choose.
You just need to calculate how much money is spent on milk for a child.
That's about a week.
Curds 2/day - 38 per piece
Yogurt (and everything with it) 1.5 / day - 40 - piece
Frisco - can 400 (approximately)
Lactose free milk - 2 packs - 90 - piece
Total (approximately) - 1100 - a week.

Well, 4400 a month - also approximately.

Who thinks - or tell us how you save on milk.


Oh Lesya

Good afternoon.
I'm just going to whine and... oh my god, complain about my mother-in-law. I have it, in principle, the world, I have my own cockroaches, harmless, but who doesn’t have them? But I still found a reason to get drunk (((.
In short, a week ago we agreed with her that she would let me go to a matinee with her eldest son and stay with her youngest. She said yesterday that she would arrive at 10, and the matinee at 11.30. I'm glad, I think there is a margin of time, I'll calmly pack up and go. Yep, now!! at 10:40 am. My mother-in-law calls and says, I'm already leaving, I'm in a car, I'll be there soon. She works in another, neighboring city, five kilometers from us. I now sit and pray that there are no traffic jams. It takes 20 minutes to walk to the garden, you can also gallop in 10, but I don’t need this, because I’ll be all lathered, sweaty and wet. I wanted to come a little earlier so that I could take a normal place, and not in Kamchatka, so that I could film the child well, because he is not given the main roles at matinees every time ...
In general, I do not like such people, kapush, non-punctual. Moreover, the mother-in-law is already a disease, she will never come anywhere on time, always late. On the contrary, I am a responsible person in this regard, and if I said I will be by 10, then I will, but if there is a force majeure, then at least I will call in advance and warn that I will be late ...
I don’t know why I wrote it ... I’m sitting on pins and needles now.
How do you react to such situations?



Dear forum users! It always seemed to me that the first grade is such a transitional state between a carefree childhood and the first awareness, and that there can be no serious problems at the age of 7. How wrong I was. I have a beloved son. A very active boy, sometimes even too active. In the life of a child there is a place for favorite sections (swimming, chess, construction), and communication with the family. The child is ruffy, but at heart vulnerable and sensitive. This was quickly understood in kindergarten but they can't understand at school. Almost every day there are calls from the school about his next misconduct. Today was the final - they are no longer called to the teacher or head teacher, but to the director. The son got into a fight with a classmate. I try to explain to the teachers that the reason for this behavior is not an easy adjustment. It is hard for a child to sit still for so long, and they are not allowed to run during breaks. On the other hand, he clumsily tries to make friends with new people. Hooliganism is just an attempt to draw attention to yourself. But, they nod to me, but nothing changes. Again complaints and even threats to remove from the extension. The school is very ordinary. There are few homework assignments. There is no overload. Certain hyperactivity. Went to a neurologist. They gave me something to drink to concentrate attention, but nothing fatal was found. What to do in such a situation? Change school? But where is the guarantee that it will be better elsewhere?



This is the first time I've encountered such an attitude, and I'm at a loss, I don't know what to do.

In our group in the garden, where children are 5-6 years old, there is a rather aggressive boy, Nikita. He is tall (about 116 cm) and wide, strong enough. My son is small (height 106) and frail, thin.
The situation is as follows: After a daytime sleep, the children dress, the clothes are left on the chairs. My son, standing in front of his chair, receives a strong push in the back from Nikita, hits his face against the chair and the lower tooth flies out (this tooth was milk, swayed a little, but was just starting). A mouth full of blood, howling, screaming, teachers call me, I run into the garden and go to do an x-ray. Thank God, the root germ is not damaged, it will grow.
I'm trying to get in touch with Nikita's mom and getting a reaction - completely inadequate.
She suggests blaming the educators for everything: we leave the children to them, which means they are responsible for everything! In response to my belief that children at the age of 6 make many decisions themselves and should be responsible for them, they tell me that her Nikita "defended" and my son "said something" to him.
Educators are not gods, they cannot foresee every situation, keep children in cocoons and by the hand 12 hours a day. Such a child can stick a fork in a neighbor, why not give them a fork at dinner? Or will the teacher be to blame?
But, excuse me, if you stepped on your foot, you don’t need to hit in the face? Even if they said something, you can’t injure! Boys can quarrel in the garden, say something, knock around, because they are boys, but it shouldn’t come to injury!
In general, this mother wrote complaints about my son, about educators, about the head and about the Department of Education. Everyone is to blame. Except for Nikita.

More than anything, I don't want to hurt the caregiver, she couldn't have prevented it. I have no complaints about her. But how to act now? Is it worth writing somewhere?

And yet, is there a mechanism for excluding aggressive children from the group? Since our case with this boy is not the first, many other children suffered from his actions (although not so seriously, bruises, bruises, falls, bumps), he is generally unmanageable (according to the teachers).
What to do?


Eight-year-old Nariyana from Yakutia may soon become a professional model thanks to her unusual appearance: the girl's hair and skin are absolutely white. She is already actively involved in professional photo shoots, and she is offered real adult contracts.

"Snow White" Nariyana was nicknamed for her unusual white hair and pale porcelain skin. An eight-year-old girl is an ethnic Yakut, but she is also an albino. Modeling agencies have already paid attention to the appearance of the child. Despite numerous requests from them, Nariyana's mother Elena does not want the girl to start her modeling career so early. “She is still too young. When Nariyana grows up, she will decide for herself what she wants to be, ”Elena told The Siberian Times newspaper.

However, Nariyana herself, when asked about her future profession invariably replies that she will become a model. Elena leads her daughter's Instagram, so far she has a little more than 4 thousand subscribers.

According to Nariyana's mother, the girl is not the only albino in Yakutia. Elena personally knows three more families where such children grow up. The families are friends and meet every summer.

Posted by @lenevalena Apr 18 2017 at 7:36 PDT

Photographer Vadim Rufov saw a picture of an unusual child in recommended posts on Instagram and immediately wrote a message to Elena. It turned out that it is difficult for the girl to be under the sun and she constantly wears sunglasses.

Vadim decided to organize a photo shoot and invited Elena and Nariyana to Yakutsk, the photographer told News.Ykt.Ru.

It was very easy to work with Nariyana, she doesn’t even need to be told how to stand up, where to look, she poses very well herself. We worked for almost two hours, taking breaks between shots. Of course, I assumed that an unusual girl would arouse interest, but I did not expect such a stir.

Posted by @vadim_rufov Apr 16, 2017 at 8:44 PDT

Mom is happy about her daughter's popularity, but still surprised at how quickly and unexpectedly it happened:

Immediately after the opening of the page, they began to invite to photo shoots. It was at the beginning of the month. And after the third photo shoot, they became interested in her, literally in one day almost 3 thousand subscribers gained.

While the parents are getting used to the glory that has befallen their daughter, Nariyana is doing about the same thing as any child at her age: she draws, dances and plays with her older sister Karina.