Ministry of Emergency Situations on the playground! Results of inspections of the activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens for compliance with requirements

Don't burn the grass in spring!!!

Why you can’t burn grass in the spring and what it leads to:

1. Forest and peat fires

A forest fire is a terrible disaster for any region of the country. In addition to the loss of the value of the wood itself, the cost of extinguishing fires, this can include losses from a decrease in the amount of oxygen, phytoncides released by the forest, deterioration in the quality and condition of forests, their unsuitability for use for recreational purposes, etc. Forest fires destroy animals and birds living in forests , reduce the growth of tree stands, increase windiness and weaken forest areas, and then the drying out stands become hotbeds of pests and forest diseases. Forest fires cause enormous economic and environmental losses.

2. Ecosystem destruction

1) In the wild, everything is designed so that grass and shrubs grow on their own after winter, without falling. In our climate, the grass rots over the winter and is not an obstacle to young growth, and over time the branches also rot. In addition, branches in the grass are an excellent place for birds to nest.

2) The effect of faster grass growth as a result of burning is apparent. Dry grass simply hides the young green shoots at first, and unburned areas appear gray. While in blackened, scorched areas, green grass is clearly visible.

3) During the fire, grass and flowers are already beginning to grow. Shrubs begin their active growing season - i.e. grow, although this is not visible to the naked eye. Thus, spring fires damage grass and shrubs. After the fires, the coarsest, most unpretentious grass survives and is the first to grow, drowning out the weakened and almost destroyed other flora.
and weeds.

4) The seeds of plants and the grass itself die above the surface of the earth and the seeds underground, on the ground. The seeds of each plant species must undergo a certain temperature regime in order to germinate. Even a slight deviation from the norm can affect their germination. During burning, they simply die. Only plant rhizomes deep in the soil survive. But not all plants are perennial. Many are annuals and reproduce by seeds.

5) As a result of burning dry grass, the species composition of meadow vegetation and fauna is depleted. Wherever the fires have passed, the former forbs will no longer be present; weeds will take over the vacated territory.

6) Many insects, their larvae and pupae die. All living creatures burn in the fire - ladybugs, ground beetles, earthworms and others, exterminating various garden pests and participating in the process of soil formation. There is no such thing as too much dry grass for earthworms. It is quickly and cooperatively processed by earthworms, turning it into a valuable fertilizer, introducing it deep into the soil to the roots of plants, and at the same time making the soil loose and alive. Last year's dry grass is not garbage, but priceless food, a home, shelter, living conditions created by nature itself. In cities, in particular in Moscow, in the “concrete jungle”, the land is devoid of vegetation, it is bare and trampled. Nature cannot survive like this - it has its own laws that should be respected.

7) Burning dry grass causes the death of clutches and nesting sites of birds such as mallards, teal, lapwings, grasshoppers, snipe, reed and common buntings, field, forest and crested larks, and meadow pipit. The nesting season of these birds begins in early April. The birds are leaving the burned areas, which means they are leaving us. Animals and birds are very afraid

8) When grass is set on fire, all beneficial soil microflora dies, including those that help plants resist diseases. Recovery takes time, the most valuable time is spring, when plants gain strength.

9) Grass fires lead to a noticeable decrease in soil fertility. A grass fire does not increase the amount of mineral nutrients in the soil - it only releases them from dry grass and makes them available for plant nutrition. In this case, nitrogen compounds are lost (the bulk of the fixed nitrogen stored in vegetation is released into the atmosphere, becoming inaccessible to the vast majority of plants), and dead soil organic matter (formed from dying parts of plants, including dry grass itself). Reducing the amount of dead organic matter in the soil is a major factor in reducing soil fertility. Organic matter - humus - ensures the porosity and looseness of the soil, its moisture capacity, and the ability to retain elements of mineral nutrition for plants in those forms from which they can quickly be released into the soil solution (which is especially important during the period of active grass growth). In addition, organic matter largely determines the ability of the soil to resist water and wind erosion - particles of sand and clay held together by dead organic matter are more difficult to wash off with water or blown away by the wind, which means that the fertile layer of soil is better preserved over time. Finally, dead organic matter releases the mineral nutrition elements contained in it gradually as it decomposes - while when this substance is burned, the mineral elements become soluble (in ash) quickly and are subsequently easily washed away by the first heavy rain. Many fertile soils, for example, chernozems, simply could not form under conditions of constant burning of dry grass - since there would be no constant replenishment of the soil with dead organic matter necessary for their formation.

10) Even animals, reptiles, and amphibians can die and suffer in a fire: especially newborn hares, hedgehogs and hedgehogs, toads, and frogs. In a severe grass fire, almost all animals living in dry grass or on the soil surface die. Someone burns, someone suffocates in smoke. Fires often contain burnt bird nests with traces of eggs, burnt snails, rodents, and small mammals.

11) When one or many links from the entire biocenosis of a place die, the ecological situation may irreversibly change in the worst side. Every animal, every bug, butterfly, frog, every grass and every flower constitutes a single whole in nature, in the biological chain. An excess or shortage of individuals in such a link is sometimes visible with your own eyes. In nature reserves, due to artificial conditions and restrictions, animals are often not only bred, but also shot, or the livestock is transported to other reserves. This is what happens with wolves. Too much a large number of wolves - and they will not have enough food, the entire ecosystem will be shaken, and disaster will come. And too few wolves will also lead to disaster. Every blade of grass is also important. Scientists estimate that the 10 cm layer of topsoil contains or is associated with about 90% of the floristic and faunal diversity of meadow ecosystems. Often invisible diversity, but a very important link in ecosystems.

12. During spring fire, trees can be damaged, especially their root collar - a very vulnerable place right above the ground. Not to mention the fact that the trees can simply burn, the buds that swell in the spring are scorched by extreme temperatures, which is very harmful to the tree, even if it survives. Young trees suffer (especially such vulnerable species as oak, maple, linden). Grass fires cause significant damage to forest edges, destroy young tree growth, and serve as one of the main sources of fires in forests and peatlands. Even a weak and fleeting grass fire can lead to the death of young forest plantations created to protect fields from drying out, banks from erosion, roads from snow and dust drifts, etc. Young tree shoots that appear naturally on waste agricultural lands also die most often due to the burning of dry grass.

13) The smoke from burning grass is acrid, dark, thick - it is very unpleasant to people, it eats the eyes, and smells unpleasant. Allergy sufferers cannot tolerate it. And when you burn grass in the city, you also burn those salts heavy metals that settle on leaves, grass and are pumped out of the soil by plants - such smoke is simply poisonous. In addition, deposits of dry grass and dead wood often contain garbage, including unsuitable and dangerous for burning - plastic bottles and so on. In areas contaminated with radionuclides, radioactive substances enter the air with fire and smoke, which are carried by the wind over considerable distances. IN rural areas the fire burns the remains of fertilizers and pesticides, forming volatile toxic organic and inorganic compounds. When grass is burned along highways, the air becomes polluted with heavy metals.

14) Grass fires are one of the the most important sources carbon dioxide emissions associated with economic activity person. Under natural conditions, when dry grass does not burn at all or burns extremely rarely, as a result of lightning strikes during dry thunderstorms, the organic matter of dying plants or their parts accumulates on the soil surface. There it goes through a complex cycle of transformations, partial decomposition, mixing with the upper layers of mineral soil (due to the activity of numerous soil animals), and is gradually transformed into long-term stable organic soil compounds - of course, with some loss of total mass. The soil continues to accumulate this organic matter for thousands of years, excluding it from the atmospheric cycle (rare grass fires that occur in nature and without human intervention do not fundamentally disrupt this process). If fires become too frequent, then
Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere - not only due to the combustion of fresh dry grass, but also due to the partial burning of dead organic matter historically accumulated in the soil. This means that the so-called “greenhouse effect” is worsening, leading to unfavorable changes and more dramatic fluctuations in the climate of our planet.

17) At the site of arson, the normal life of plants and insects is restored only after 5-6 years, and often never recovers.

Single emergency phone number “01” or “101”

Press service of the Office for the Southern Administrative District

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow


3 RONPR Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow

for the 1st half of 2016


The situation with fires in the territory served by the 3rd RONPR Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow for the 1st half of 2016, compared with the same period last year (hereinafter referred to as APPG), was characterized by the following main indicators:

89 fires were registered (APPG - 92 fires);

4 people died in fires (APPG - 8 people);

10 people were injured (APPG - 15 people);

13 people were rescued (APPG - 22 people);

Also, 130 fire-related incidents were recorded as fires (APPG – 20 fires).

Basic data on fires and their consequences

On average, operational units made 6 visits daily to the territory of 3 RONPR of the Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow.

Distribution of fires and fires by district administrations

Distribution of fires by time of day

Distribution of fires by day of the week

In the distribution by day of the week, as before, the largest number of fires was recorded on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

Distribution of fires by month

By type of ownership, the largest number of fires was registered, 33 fires at facilities and private property 33 fires.

Distribution of fires by objects of origin

The largest number of fires registered in the service area of ​​3 RONPR of the Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow occurred in residential buildings and outbuildings, which amounted to 40 registered fires.

Distribution of fires by causes

Deaths and injuries in fires

The number of people injured in fires compared to the same period last year decreased from 15 people to 10 people.

Distribution of people killed in fires

Distribution of the number of deaths in fires by district administration

Distribution of people killed in fires by month of the year

Distribution of the number of people injured in fires by month of the year

Distribution of injured people by fire sites

The largest number of injured people was registered in fires in residential buildings - 4. For the same period last year - 3.

Distribution of the number of injured by district administrations

As can be seen from the diagram, an increase in the number of people injured in fires occurred in the Nagorny region.

Causes of fires with injuries to people

Brief information about fires and their consequences by object of origin

Residential sector

In the first half of 2016 in the residential sector located in the territory served by the department:

89 fires were registered (APPG – 92 fires);

4 people died in fires (APPG - 8 people);

10 people were injured (APPG - 15 people);

13 people were rescued (APPG – 22 people);

The established material damage amounted to 5,596,099 rubles. (APPG RUB 8,843,644);

Also, 130 incidents related to fires were registered as fires (APPG - 200 fires).

Basic data on fires and their consequences in residential buildings

Distribution of fires in residential buildings by district government

(in absolute terms)

Distribution of fires by location in residential buildings

Most often, fires occurred in stairwells (entrance doors to apartments) - 11 cases and in rooms - 10 cases.

The main cause of fires in the residential sector is careless handling of fire - 18 fires, of which 15 fires occurred due to carelessness when smoking.

Distribution of fires in the residential sector by causes

As in previous years, there is a significant diversion of forces and resources of fire departments to extinguish fires that fall into the fire category. During 2016, fire departments made 130 trips based on these calls.

The largest number of trips to extinguish debris as a percentage of the total number of trips by the fire department was made in the district administrations of Chertanovo Central and Chertanovo South.

Distribution of the number of trips to extinguish garbage by district administrations


For the 1st half of 2016 at vehicles On the territory of 3 RONPR Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow, 23 fires were registered. In 2015, 21 fires were registered in vehicles.

The majority of fires occur in passenger cars.

Distribution of fires by vehicle type

In 2016, the 3rd RONPR Directorate for the Southern Administrative District received 1,174 reports of crimes related to fires, as well as other reports; for the same period last year, 1,494 reports. 77 messages were re-registered in the crime reporting book, compared to 72 messages for the same period last year. Based on the results of the inspections, 26 decisions were made to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings, compared to 30 decisions for the same period last year. 48 materials from inspections on the facts of fires were transferred to the territorial departments of internal affairs; for the same period last year, 30 materials.


Over the 2 quarters of 2016, state fire inspectors carried out 232 inspections at supervised sites, including 24 of residential buildings (of which 18 were high-rise).

Distribution of the number of inspections performed compared to the same period last year

Number of scheduled inspections performed

66 inspections were carried out (APPG – 123).

Based on the results of the inspections, 75 orders were issued (APPG - 128).

Number of information about fire safety conditions sent to authorities and prosecutors compared to the same period last year

Residential sector objects

The department inspected 24 residential buildings. Based on the results of inspections for identified violations of requirements fire safety attracted 24 individuals. To eliminate the identified violations, 13 orders were issued. 401 information letters on issues of ensuring fire safety in the residential sector were sent to interested organizations, of which: 174 - to authorities, 2 - to the prosecutor's office and 225 - to other authorities.

Educational objects

The department conducted 26 inspections of educational institutions, as a result of which 20 orders were issued, and 60 fire-fighting measures were proposed for implementation. For violations of fire safety requirements, 2 legal entities and 41 officials were brought to administrative responsibility.

Administrative and legal activities

For the 1st half of 2016 officials 3 RONPR of the Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow, 297 administrative protocols were drawn up; for the same period in 2015, 477 administrative protocols were drawn up.

Of these, for violation of fire safety requirements, in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses, under Art. 20.4 - 218 administrative cases were initiated, for 2015 - 374 administrative cases. For failure to comply with a legal order on time, in accordance with Art. 19.5 KRFoAP - 56 administrative cases were sent to the judicial authorities, in 2015 - 90 administrative cases, for implementation without state registration or without special permission (license) in accordance with Art. 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, 7 protocols on administrative offenses were drawn up, in 2015 - 8, for evasion of administrative punishment on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, 9 administrative cases were initiated and sent to the judicial authorities, in 2015 - 3. In the manner prescribed by Part 5 of Art. 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for compulsory imposed penalties, 13 decisions were sent to the bailiff service departments of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia, in 2015 - 4.

In the field of protecting the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, 10 administrative cases were sent to magistrates’ courts, in 2015 – 16.

Distribution of the number of cases of administrative offenses by subjects of administrative offense

The Moscow prosecutor's office initiated 65 administrative cases in 2015 - 75. Based on the results of consideration of the materials of administrative cases by officials of the 3rd RONPR Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow, decisions were made on bringing to administrative responsibility.

In general, officials of the 3rd RONPR Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow, in total, initiated 348 cases of administrative offenses against individuals and legal entities in 2015 – 506.

During the 1st half of 2016, on administrative cases initiated by department officials, as well as judicial authorities, 294 decisions were issued to impose administrative penalties, in 2015 - 453, of which in the form of:

- – 274 (APPG – 428);

Warnings - 19 (APPG - 22).

The total amount of administrative penalties in the form of an administrative fine amounted to 6,138,500 rubles (APG – 7,641,900 rubles), of which 2,234,500 rubles (36%) were collected as state income (APPG – 3,153,000).

In accordance with Art. 29.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, 9 proposals were sent to facility managers to eliminate the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of an administrative offense, 9 of which were executed.


For the 1st half of 2016, employees of the 3rd regional department and preventive work The Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow carried out work on interaction with the means mass media. In order to quickly inform Muscovites about the state of fire safety, department employees organized work with the press on boarding school portals, social networks, prefecture and district government websites. Press releases about major fires were regularly prepared and subsequently transmitted to the editors of district, city newspapers and television.

During the first half of 2016, the management team of the 3rd RONPR Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow spoke 4 times on Moscow TV channels. Three performances took place on the radio station “Moscow Speaks”.

In their television appearances, leaders covered issues related to fire prevention, explaining to the population fire safety measures and rules of conduct in emergency situations.

During the first half of 2016, work was carried out to interact with the editorial offices of the district and electronic newspapers. The pages of the intermunicipal press published 13 materials on the state of fire safety on the territory of district administrations, historical materials on fire protection, the publication of a single “helpline” and telephone numbers mobile operators communications when dialing the “01” service, issues of creating and developing a voluntary fire department, as well as rules of behavior in and in forested areas in winter and summer.

The department carried out work to post materials on official pages on social networks, such as Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter. During the first half of 2016, 930 materials were posted. The website of the Prefecture of the Southern Administrative District and the websites of district administrations posted 1,663 materials and 76 materials on Internet portals.

The main problems noted by the press were: compliance with fire safety rules during events and holidays; violations of fire safety rules leading to fires, loss of life and large material losses; the occurrence of a fire due to non-compliance with operating rules in residential and administrative buildings, violation of operating rules for electrical installations of vehicles.

Posters on compliance with fire safety measures were placed in the residential sector, buildings of preschool and school educational institutions, health care institutions and district governments, and municipalities. On the territory of the department near the Prazhskaya metro station there is a street information and warning point for the population (PUON).

The department conducted 107 classes on fire safety among school and kindergarten students and organized 23 visits to fire stations for children. 37 schools visited the exhibition exposition of the State Center for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow.

During the reporting period of this year, 37 meetings were held with the population with the participation of local police inspectors and representatives of district administrations. Department employees participated in organizing work to train employees of enterprises, organizations and institutions in fire safety measures. 522 people from 33 organizations were trained under fire safety training and fire safety training programs.

Head of 3 RONPR

Departments for the Southern Administrative District

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow

Most children after a long day in kindergarten walked with their parents on the playground, rushed to the store or to their home. And then unexpectedly, personnel from the 24th PSCh FPS Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow came to visit the children of the Nagorny district. The children were happy about such an unexpected and unusual visit, having seen a huge fire truck from a distance, they rushed with all their might to meet the firefighters. Adults, on the contrary, looked warily at the approaching car and each thought in their heads whether I had turned off all the electrical appliances when leaving home, and whether everything was all right with my elderly parents or the child left at home for “five minutes”!

Fortunately, everyone was in order, and the personnel in the fire truck, and the employees of the 3rd Regional Department of Supervisory Activities and Preventive Work of the Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow rushed to the children and their parents in order to spend time with them a conversation aimed at preventing the death and injury of children in a fire and how to avoid it!

Deputy Head of the 3rd RONPR Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow, Oleg Alipov, told residents about the dangers of faulty electrical equipment, reminded the safety measures when using electrical equipment and warned about the danger of leaving small children unattended alone with electrical appliances turned on. Also, knowing that there are gasified houses in the area, Oleg Aleksandrovich said that in case of violation of safety regulations when operating gas stoves and other appliances, gas is a source of danger. Only compliance with safety rules when operating gas appliances will save the lives of yourself and your loved ones.

Engineer 3 RONPR Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow Maria Shaverina addressed parents - From an early age, instill in children the obligation to comply with fire safety rules, talk with children as often as possible about how to behave in emergency situations, explain to children possible consequences and the danger of playing with fire and other fire-hazardous objects, do not set a bad example for children: do not smoke in front of them, do not light paper to illuminate dark rooms. Keep lighters and matches out of the reach of children. And then, in an accessible and entertaining way, Maria Yuryevna explained to the children how to behave in extreme situations, talked about common reasons occurrence of fires. Special attention was devoted to errors in the actions of children during a fire. Most of the kids were sure that they could hide from the fire. And at the end of the conversation, she reminded the children how to correctly dial emergency numbers “101” and “112” on mobile phones and what should be reported first to the dispatcher. She asked me to learn my address and full name!

No less interesting was the story of the deputy head of the 24th Fire Department, Dmitry Abrosimov, about the need for proper parking of personal vehicles in narrow courtyards and how important it is to give way to fire trucks that are rushing to the scene of the incident with their lights and sound alarms turned on. The life and health of people, as well as the safety of property, directly depend on how quickly they arrive at the scene of a fire.

Next, firefighters Alexander Tatarinkov, German Orlov and Alexander Stremov showed the equipment of the fire truck, firefighter suits, and let us try on helmets. What child doesn’t dream of driving a fire truck? The kids from the playground on the street. Yaltinskaya, 10 bldg. 1 dream came true. They climbed inside the car with great delight and shared their impressions with each other. And the powerful jet of water gushing from the high-pressure barrel brought all the guys into indescribable delight.

This meeting became educational and memorable for the children, arousing interest and respect for the firefighter profession.

At parting, all the children were given memorable gifts, badges and bookmarks; the children did not want to let such interesting guests go for a long time!

Press service of the Office for the Southern Administrative District

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow