Eve online how to exit corporations. It will be difficult for corporate clients to keep the number after changing the mobile operator. Can I be a corporate spy

Change operator with preservation mobile number it will be possible once every six months, paying no more than 100 rubles for this. This is stated in the draft amendments to the Rules for the provision of mobile services, developed by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and published yesterday on the agency's website. Saving the number will not require much effort from the subscriber. He will need to fill out an application for porting the number, conclude an agreement with a new operator and receive his sim card. While the operators will process the porting of the number, the SIM card will have a temporary number, and then the subscriber will receive the old one.

When developing additions to the rules, it was assumed that the new operator (“recipient”) would become the only window for the subscriber to which he would apply for any questions, Konstantin Prokshin, a representative of Tele2 Russia, knows. All questions with the former operator ("donor") will have to be clarified by the "recipient" operator. In particular, he will need to enlist confirmation from the “donor” operator that the number to be transferred is “registered” in the same subject of the Federation in which it will be used, that the subscriber has paid off all debts and the contract with him has been terminated, the draft amendments say. into the rules. Having made sure of this, the new operator will send an SMS to the subscriber with a request to confirm consent to transfer the number to its network within 48 hours. Having received such confirmation, the operator must begin servicing this number within five working days, and the break in service should not exceed a day. You won’t need to change the SIM card again: the temporary number will be automatically replaced with the transferred one, sources in two mobile operators explain.

And here are the numbers assigned to legal entities by fixed-term contract, can be transferred for servicing to another operator only at the end of the contract, the project says. This applies only to those contracts that operators won in tenders, explains a source in MTS. Conventional corporate contracts tend to be open-ended, he says. Corporate contracts for the most part just have a validity period, an employee of another Big Three operator objects, most often they are concluded for a year with automatic prolongation, but there are also longer ones. It will not be easy to transfer a number with a corporate service rate to another operator, he believes: the employee will have to obtain the consent of the employer in order to first withdraw the number from the corporate contract, issue it to himself, and only then transfer the number to another network. But in practice, corporate clients will not face restrictions, MTS representative Valeria Kuzmenko expects.

6.1 What is a corporation?

Corporations are groups of players united for the sake of common purpose, much like clans and guilds in other games. They are created and supervised by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Characters can only be members of one corporation at a time.

6.2 What skills are required for a CEO?

In order to form a corporation, a character must have the Basic Corporation Management feat, which is available on the market in most regions. The level of this skill determines the maximum number of corporation members allowed. To create a corporation, you need to pay a fee, the amount of which depends on the region, but is usually around 1,600,000 isk. If you want to have an international corporation, you must also have the Ethnic Relations skill.

6.3 How to manage a corporation?

The corporation management system is designed in such a way that, while being very flexible, it provides the tools necessary to manage large groups of players without undue bureaucracy. The founder, the CEO, can give positions to members of his corporation, which will give them as much access to corporate holdings as he wants. The corporate management interface is intuitive and easy to use.

6.4 What positions are available in the corporation?

There are two types of positions available: Regular and Assignable. A regular position is a standard role for all members of a corporation and gives them minimal access and opportunities, such as placing things in the corporate hangar and voting on issues put forward by the CEO or other high-ranking player. Appointed positions are distributed by the CEO, and are given to those who have proven their reliability.

Here are the appointed positions administered by the CEO:

Director: A director is like a CEO in many ways. It can hire and fire members, change the job description (distributing standard and appointed positions). The directors are second in power after the CEO, and they allow the corporation to function normally, since its members are located in different time zones around the world. It is wise for large corporations to have members with this position covering all time zones, allowing the corporation to be managed 24/7. This allows corporations with an international composition to be efficient in management and be able to immediately respond to any events.

Personnel Manager: The Personnel Manager reviews applications and accepts new members.

Station Manager: As the name implies, the Station Manager performs the tasks of managing corporate facilities. These tasks vary and include setting reputation-based parameters, setting docking fees, access permissions to factories, processing stations, repair shops, and how reputation affects the cost of these services. The station manager also has the ability to set up a station protection system.

Factory manager: Factory managers can retrieve blueprints from corporate factories and research labs owned by corporate members. Plus, they can see what's going on in any corporate factory or lab. They have the ability to craft items for the corporation using blueprints and materials from the corporate hangar, and develop blueprints in the labs.

Accountant: Accountants oversee the financial affairs of a corporation. They can view corporate bills in the ”Bills” panel in the NeoCom panel. From there, they can pay corporate bills (with corporate money, of course) and see who has balance problems.

Pilot: The pilot can use ships from the corporate hangar.

After a player has applied and been accepted into a corporation, the CEO/Director or a player with a high position can change his position. This can be done in NeoCom's "Corporation" panel by selecting a player from the list of members and then editing their position.

6.6 What are the benefits of belonging to a corporation?

The main advantage of belonging to a corporation is mutual protection and shared resources. Corporations give characters the opportunity to join the military and enjoy the excitement of player-vs-player combat (PvP) without losing their security status. Corporation members are also united by a sense of brotherhood that solo players rarely experience. By leveraging the resources and efforts of their members, corporations can build fleets and other assets faster and get some of the biggest strategic elements.

6.7 Can I be a corporate spy?

Exploration, espionage, double play, shenanigans are pretty darn enjoyable activities in EVE for those who enjoy walking around. dark side. Corporate leaders have to be extremely careful when accepting new members, especially when granting access to their personal contacts and corporate holdings. There are criminal actors in EVE who can and will deceive gullible simpletons.

6.8 How can I leave a corporation?

Each player is always a member of a corporation. Characters entering the game world for the first time start in an NPC corporation. It is not possible to simply leave the "newbie corp", but it is possible to leave by moving to another corporation.

A member of the players corporation can leave it, provided that he is not the CEO. If the CEO of a corporation wants to leave, then he must surrender his authority as a manager. When the CEO leaves, one of two things happens: either another player becomes CEO, or if there are no other members, the corporation ceases to exist. The outgoing CEO joins the "rookie corporation" by default, unless he joins another corporation.

A member of the corporation with the appropriate authority may dismiss a player from the corporation, provided that the candidate for dismissal has less assets than the average per holder. Otherwise, the CEO creates a vote to fire that player. Such a vote takes an average of 24 to 48 hours.

6.9 Can I join a fleet with players from other corporations?

The ability to create a team (gang) is provided for those players who want to participate in adventures together, but are in different corporations. Read a detailed explanation of the command system in the customer support database.

eve online corporations and pirates

In this article we will talk with you about corporations and pirates of Eve online. I will try to answer newbies' questions about joining Eve online corporations and managing them, about piracy and espionage in the Eve universe.

What is the Eve Online corporation and who manages it?

Corporation - a group of people who pursue the same goals. If you are familiar with the MMORPG genre, corporations are identical to guilds and clans in other games. In Eve online, any corporation is headed by a Chief Executive Officer. To create a corporation in Eve online, you need to pay a small fee and learn the skill of managing a corporation. Some corporations offer help in capturing systems, the so-called mercenaries, whose services can be used on services that provide services in Eve online.

How to manage a corporation?

A clear and simple management system has been created to manage the corporation. For convenience, you can provide any positions to members of your corporation.

Positions in corporations Eve online.

Director (Director): a position somewhat similar to the position of Chief Executive Officer. The director can recruit new fighters and distribute positions. Large corporations need to have multiple directors to be able to manage 24 hours a day.

Personnal Manager (HR Manager): deals with the consideration of applications to the corporation and their acceptance.

Station Manager: Responsible for managing corporate facilities. For example: setting docking fees, issuing permits for access to factories, repair shops, processing stations. The station manager also has the option of installing a station protection system.

Factory Manager: Responsible for what happens in laboratories and factories. Production managers have the ability to extract the desired drawings from corporate laboratories and factories. They have the ability to make things for members of the corporation, use drawings and materials from the corporate hangar.

Accountant: An employee in charge of the financial affairs of a corporation. Paying corporate bills.

Pilot: A member of a corporation with the ability to control ships from the corporation's hangar.

Are there Russian corporations in Eve online?

Of course they exist. I can also say that in Eve online they are afraid of Russian corporations. Throughout the existence of the game, Russian Corporation Eve online inspired fear in all corners of the universe. In Eve online, once Russian corporations in the DRF (Drone Russian Federation) alliance overthrew the famous NC (Northern Coalition) alliance.

Can I become a corporate spy?

In Eve Online big role intelligence plays the state of hostile corporations, their movement and plans for the future. Thanks to spies, large corporations and alliances died. For data on enemy corporations, spies get the opportunity to earn ISK or other nice little things.

How to leave a corporation?

You can leave the corporation at any time if you are not a Chief Executive Officer. Corporation members with the necessary powers can fire the player or bring the issue of dismissal to a vote.