Corporations in EVE Online. Interview with MACTEP. Life in EVE Online for a year. Dronregi. Becoming

In 2006 in printed magazine EON, dedicated to one of the best modern MMORPGs, the title “Alliance of the Year” was given to the Russian Red Alliance. Once broken to smithereens, somehow incredibly resurrected from the dead, he returned and became stronger than before. Therefore, we decided to contact one of the leaders of the alliance, a veteran of the game known as MACTEP, and find out how Red Alliance (RA) achieved such success and what is happening in the world now EVE Online.

Fighting People: Tell me a few words about yourself. Name, age, where do you live, what do you do?

MACTEP: Denis, 24 years old. I live in Moscow, higher education in economics.

BN: How did you discover EVE Online and why did you decide to stay in it? What did you do in the game for the first time?

MACTEP: My friends came across it about four years ago. We downloaded the trial trial, started to figure it out, it got so long that we first bought an account for four, then an account for two, and later a separate one. I looked at them for a month, not particularly eager to join (the game seemed too complicated). But after a while I asked for access, flew for several days and started my first MASTER character. The game was attractive due to the scale of the universe and the huge number of possibilities. Then she was completely on English language with a very short introduction, so we were constantly discovering something new. We upgraded to ships, improved our skills, and strived for perfection. At first, I hunted NPCs in the Empire, tried trading, occasionally dug ore, and eventually settled on completing missions.

BN: For the uninitiated, tell us what are the features of the EVE Online gameplay? How can it captivate players?

MACTEP: The good thing about EVE is that you can try anything in it. Pilots can eventually fly any ship and master any skill. There is not a big imbalance between a veteran and someone who has only been playing for a year. In other projects, usually a level 40 character will always defeat a noob 20 levels lower. In EVE, a lot depends on how the ship is equipped, on personal experience the pilot and the goal he set for himself. In a flight group (gang), everyone has their own role, and everyone performs a specific task.

BN: How big is the Russian community in EVE Online now? List the most notable Russian organizations.

MACTEP: There are a lot of Russians in EVE now. New corporations are constantly appearing and alliances are being created. There are three largest Russian alliances that control their own regions. Red Alliance at one time did what no other alliance in the game could. Having lost everything, he rebuilt himself, survived against ten enemy alliances, destroyed them and surrounded himself with loyal allies. Against All Authorities a strong PvP alliance founded by three corporations: RAT, Xenobytes and Collective. AAA captured 2 regions Impass and Cache, the second of which was later given to the IAC allies. Xenobytes left the alliance some time later due to internal disagreements. United Legion is also formed from three corporations: AEGL, RUA, RAIDS. Having formed an alliance, they began to actively recruit new pilots and started a war against the former tenants of Lotka Volterra. The forces were approximately equal, but when the Red Alliance, Goon Swarm and Tau Ceti Federation pinned down the "Chute", UNL managed to completely capture the Immensea region without fear of outside pressure.

BN: Do the Russians stick together, or do they fight among themselves like the Americans?

MACTEP: All three of the above alliances have friendly relations and are fighting on the same front. There is not a single major Russian corporation or alliance that is at war with RA. I don’t see any sense or perspective in this.

BN: How does the rest of the EVE community feel about Russian players?

MACTEP: For a very long time Russians were disliked and associated with Many in RA were actually selling virtual money for real money. But at a certain point we carried out a purge, and most of these people were expelled. Time has put everything in its place. Our enemies, who accused us most loudly, now either do not have their territories or are quietly silent. Many pay tribute to the tenacity of Russian pilots. RA members met early in the morning, awakened by alarm clocks, to complete certain tasks and achieve victory. We worked for results every day. We could not defeat the enemy at a time convenient for us, say, from seven in the evening to one in the morning Moscow time, because... the enemies could gather five times as many people. They compensated for this with morning attacks while they were sleeping. When Goonswarm (the largest alliance in EVE Online) became our allies, things became much easier.

BN: What is your current position in Red Alliance and how do you spend most of your time in the game?

MACTEP: There are no official positions in RA. The Alliance is not an empire or a disciplined military structure. This is a group of corporations under a single logo that have achieved their goals and are going about their business, while helping their allies. I spend my time in different ways. I assemble a fleet, organize operations, make sure that the alliance has financial support, manage my corporation, and so on.

BN: It would be interesting to hear about the stages of formation of the Red Alliance. How was it founded, how did it develop, significant events in its history?

MACTEP: Initially, the Russian community in EVE was located in the Rusteam corporation, which was a member of the international Curse Alliance. When CA disbanded, its core formed the alliance The Five, and members of Rusteam, along with several other corporations, united to form the Red Alliance. Soon after this, a group of the strongest PvP pilots under the leadership of Evil Thug separated from RA and created the professional combat corporation Rage and Terror (RAT). They had their own politics, but the guys maintained good relations with RA, which had about 40-50 adequate fighters left, plus a bunch of noobs and diggers. A little later, our former allies The Five, citing that RAT attacked them, declared war on RA and began to seize our regions. We could not resist an enemy five times superior, but then the RAT came into play, and together we defeated the enemy alliance. But, although the battle was won, with that organization we were not able to hold the occupied regions. And the old enemies regrouped, recruited even more players and started a new war. This time, four alliances came against us at once, as a result, RA lost all its regions, and most of it scattered in all directions. Later, I created a new structure called RG (Red Generals), which initially included representatives of the strongest corporations of the Russian alliance: Solar Dragons, Reunion, RUSH, RUSSO, and headed it together with two other pilots. The command staff changed over time, some people left, others came. We worked closely, remaking the alliance into a single mechanism, and achieved success in the organization.

BN: How do you assess the territories that Red Alliance occupies (in strategic and resource terms)?

MACTEP: Insmother and Сache are good regions, and the richest systems in them are occupied by RA corporations. There is a lot of arc (one of the most valuable ores in EVE) and “fat” NPCs. Previously, there were also a number of complexes located here, which were the main source of income for the alliance, but after one of the patches they were removed.

BN: Who can be called the main enemies and allies of the alliance? How do you feel about your enemies and Band of Brothers in particular?

MACTEP: After RA lost all the regions, we actually had no allies left. We created them ourselves. First of all, these are the Americans GoonSwarm. When RA broke several alliances and occupied two regions, a dilemma arose: there were not enough forces to capture more, and it was too dangerous to leave enemies on the border. At this time, UAxDeath invited the “Huns” to help us. In the south no one liked the Russians, in the north no one liked them, but if we could survive and gain a foothold in Insmother, then GoonSwarm in the north was nothing. The collaboration held promise for both RA and GS.

Also our French friends from the Tau Ceti Federation (TCF). The founders of the alliance are Section XIII Corporation, once a member of RA. When it got really hot in the south, she moved north with the hope of finding a new home. But things had a hard time there too - local alliances gave a fierce rebuff. The TCF, seeing that the situation was changing in the south and the RA was not only surviving but also defeating their enemies, offered their assistance by returning to the south. We gave them the Wicked Creek region, after which all RA's enemies either scattered to different ends of the map or became part of Band of Brothers.

The "Beans" as we call them were not RA's enemies to begin with; we have always lived far apart. They killed various cripples in their district, we fought against neighboring alliances. One thing is for sure - BoB had more favorable conditions for development than RA. Many of our allies are now standing in front of Band of Brothers on our way. If they are suppressed by the "beans", in the future the war may move to our territories, so the RA is fighting to prevent such a situation. And, of course, to support friends.

BN: War with strong opponents requires a lot of time, resources and effort. How are military training organized in Red Alliance? How actively do alliance members participate in operations and are there any requirements or penalties?

MACTEP: Previously, the main income came from complexes that could be passed by a small fleet. NPC officers lived there, leaving behind expensive modules. Now these are taxes from the regions. Any corporation can rent the system or constellation it likes and live there under the protection of the alliance. Unlike the "beans", we do not force our residents to fight. Basically, it was me and Mutant who pulled the financial burden. It was necessary to constantly ensure that the money reached the alliance’s wallet and was used to complete the necessary tasks. The main expense item is: the purchase of fuel for defensive structures, fuel for large warships and compensation for pilots in the event of their loss. Everyone is active in different ways, depending on the morale and adequacy of corporate leaders. I tried to create such a system: a task is set, and then corporate leaders make sure that their guys don’t screw up at the training camp. And the requirements are simple: activity and adequacy. Punishment up to and including expulsion from the corporation.

BN: How are decisions made about carrying out certain operations?

MACTEP: In the company against LV and the coalition, I gathered the heads of corporations, and we discussed further actions. When creating RG, I wanted the pilots to have interest and feel like they were part of the mechanism, accordingly, investing more time and effort into achieving the goal. In the campaign against BoB, the main initiator of the fees was Nync from UA Industry. A pilot who went through the entire war and, unlike many others, realized himself as a fleet commander.

Page 1: Part One
Page 2: Part two

BN: As far as we know, there are quite a few spies in Eve Online popular profession. Some even manage to reach the top of the enemy alliance. How does RA combat this phenomenon?

MACTEP: There has always been a witch hunt in the RA. There were no major incidents, although we suspected that a spy had infiltrated the alliance directorate. I looked closely at who had access to what information, the heads of corporations cleared their ranks of inactive members and tried not to accept who knows who. All confidential information on fees and purposes is kept secret.

BN: On Russian-language forums, topics periodically appear in which RA members and their allies accuse CCP and enemy alliances in deception. They say that the developers are using their position to prevent the Russians from winning, and the enemies know how to get around the lags, so they have an advantage in battle. How true do you think these accusations are?

MACTEP: The fact that BoB includes representatives of CCP is a long-known fact. Well, there is no smoke without fire. As an example, I will give the last battle in the “hot” FAT system. There are 800 people in it about 500 allies and 300 enemies. Our task is to protect 3 defensive structures (POS). The "beans" jump to the first POS and take a position. The lags are such that we do not dare to follow them, instead we stand on the second POS. This is where something unimaginable begins. One of our combat units is thrown straight to the jump gate into a mobile phone (a device that does not allow us to escape immediately), where they are calmly shot, several other pilots are simply scattered throughout the system. The camouflage modules on our scouts fall off, and the guys die. Perhaps the “beans” had the same thing, but then the enemies jump to the POS where we are standing. and again begins to lag us, not them, although in such a situation the opposite usually happens. We observe only 4-5 enemy combat ships and part of their capital spikes, while our fleet slowly begins to demolish something invisible. Which is typical. Several AAA pilots live in Europe, they have the same situation, so Russian communication lines have nothing to do with it. We still have not found an explanation for such selective occurrence of lags. And if you dig around on the Internet, you can find many articles. posts where players expose CCP. The developers themselves admitted that one of the gamemasters was a member of BoB and used his position to create an advantage.

BN: What are Red Alliance's plans for the future? Is there a desire to capture more territory or destroy a specific enemy alliance?

MACTEP: There is no centralized control system in RA; the only common goals are war with BoB and helping allies.

BN: Are there real meetings held in the Russian EVE community? Maybe members of the Red Alliance organized their own mini-parties?

MACTEP: Yes, meetings are held. Most often, these are just meetings of members of a separate corporation; I know many SDG pilots personally. Sometimes these are general RA fees, but this is quite rare.

BN: Tell us a little about the tactics used in PvP.

MACTEP: There are no special tactical tricks in EVE. It’s just that some people make mistakes, others wait for this mistake and take advantage of it, the rest is a matter of technology. A frequently used tactic is to gather a capital fleet, hide it nearby and lure the enemy with small ships. As soon as they bite, the entire reserve comes into play.

A true PvP pilot's hangar will usually contain several ships, equipped and ready to take off at a moment's notice.

Representatives of Red Alliance at one of the Moscow meetings. On the flag you can see the symbol of the alliance - a red star.

Despite being four years old, EVE Online still impresses with its beauty.

BN: What are the most interesting events you have been involved in during your time in EVE?

MACTEP: Killing the shipyard with the Lotka Volterra titan. The “Huns” then tightly closed the system; there were up to a thousand people in the common channel, of which 300 were enemies and 600 were our allies. We managed to gather 100 large ships, jump into the system and kill the shipyard where the ship was being built at a cost of over 60 billion ISK. Many pilots were thrown out of the game, many did not see anything due to lags, but those 30-40 capitals that could shoot were enough. After this, LV's morale was completely broken. And the lags, oddly enough, were on our side.

BN: Briefly describe the situation that is currently happening in the world of EVE. Everything is clear with RA, but what is going on on other fronts? What is most often discussed on the official forum?

MACTEP: EVE is divided into 2 camps. Almost all major alliances are tied to the current war. In the south, on the one hand, BoB + residents from whom they receive money for rent, on the other RA, allies and a number of weaker alliances. In the north, friends of the “beans” are fighting with our comrades: Razor, MM, Pure. Now comes the turning point, as BoB's assistants are losing and withdrawing their fishing rods. And Razor and MM, freed in the north, are going to fly to us and help in the fight against universal evil.

BN: How much has the game changed since you first started playing it?

MACTEP: Has changed dramatically. When I started playing, there were only three classes of warships: frigate, cruiser and battleship. Well, still industrial. Now there are about three dozen types of ships, and there are more than 200 ships in total. Balance, mechanics and PvP change with each patch, new skills and capabilities appear. Everything used to be much simpler than it is now.

BN: What are the main advantages and disadvantages of EVE Online? What is the game missing at the moment that you would like to see in the future?

MACTEP: Pros: gameplay, graphics, constant updates, balance, ships. The main disadvantage is one lags. Often the server cannot withstand 200 people fighting at the same time, let alone when their number reaches a thousand. But for large alliances, gathering 150 pilots in prime time is not a particular problem. When 5-6 such alliances fall into one system, the one with the least lag wins. Otherwise, everything is on the level.

BN: How do veterans feel about the loudest announced feature - walking around stations? I've heard a lot of people don't approve of this CCP initiative.

MACTEP: It's hard to say. First you need to look, you will see there.

BN: What advice would you give to newcomers who come to EVE and leave it after a while? It seems that most people abandon the project because it does not lead by the hand through the content, and its merits cannot be seen immediately.

MACTEP: Find your fan here. People, even veterans, leave EVE because some things don’t work out, something gets boring, combat missions become uninteresting, an expensive ship with a bunch of implants gets dumped. Someone's life is changing in real life. Fan is not only the destruction of enemy ships and alliances. This is the achievement of any goal. It’s just that over time we need to set more global goals.

BN: Thank you for the interesting answers to our questions.

→ Eve online corporations and pirates

In this article we will talk to you about corporations and pirates of Eve online. I will try to answer questions from newcomers about joining Eve online corporations and their management, about piracy and espionage in the Eve universe.

What is Eve Online Corporation and who runs it?

A corporation is a group of people who pursue the same goals. If you are familiar with the MMORPG genre, corporations are identical to guilds and clans in other games. In Eve online, the head of any corporation is the Chief Executive Officer. To create a corporation in Eve online you need to pay a small fee and learn the skill of managing a corporation. Some corporations offer assistance in capturing systems, so-called mercenaries, whose services can be used on services that provide services in Eve online.

How to run a corporation?

A clear and simple management system has been created to manage the corporation. For convenience, you can provide all sorts of positions to members of your corporation.

Positions in Eve online corporations.

Director: a position somewhat similar to the position of Chief Executive Officer. The director can recruit new fighters and distribute positions. Large corporations need to have multiple directors to be able to manage 24 hours a day.

Personnal Manager: deals with the review of applications to the corporation and their acceptance.

Station Manager: Responsible for managing corporate facilities. For example: setting fees for docking, issuing permits for access to factories, repair shops, processing stations. The station manager also has the ability to install a station protection system.

Factory Manager: Responsible for what happens in the laboratories and factories. Manufacturing managers have the ability to retrieve required blueprints from corporate labs and factories. They have the ability to make things for members of the corporation, use drawings and materials from the corporate hangar.

Accountant: The employee responsible for the financial affairs of a corporation. Paying corporate bills.

Pilot: A member of a corporation who has the ability to control ships from the corporation's hangar.

Are there Russian corporations in Eve online?

Of course they exist. I can also say that Eve online is afraid of Russian corporations. Throughout the existence of the game, the Russian corporations Eve online created fear in all corners of the universe. In Eve online, once upon a time, Russian corporations in the DRF (Drone Russian Federation) alliance overthrew the famous NC (Northern Coalition) alliance from the throne.

Can I become a corporate spy?

In Eve online big role plays intelligence on the state of hostile corporations, their movements and plans for the future. Thanks to spies, large corporations and alliances died. For information about enemy corporations, spies have the opportunity to earn ISK or other nice things.

How to leave the corporation?

You can leave the corporation at any time if you are not in the position of Chief Executive Officer. Members of the corporation who have the necessary powers can fire the player or put the matter of dismissal to a vote.

With the beginning of 2017, Providence is becoming “crowded”; PvP content from pilots is becoming increasingly in demand. Frost RU starts looking for a new place to live with a higher PvP component and the choice falls on the Russian-speaking alliance Legion of xXDEATHXx residing in Geminate. The first months in the legion were relatively difficult, but thanks to the activity of the pilots, the Soviet Union successfully passed probation, and later began to occupy top places in the Alliance in terms of keels.

One month after joining Legion of xXDEATHXx Wonderful FCs have joined the corporation - xXroniKxLi And mefi100, thanks to which the amount of PvP content has grown significantly and reached new level. Large-scale battles, roams, crazy losses and big victories - this is what life in Geminate is memorable for.

In 2018 came difficult period for corporation and Legion of xXDEATHXx generally. The alliance leaves the Geminate region and moves to Insmother. Soon the coalition begins to lose space in other regions and the impending eviction from Insmother becomes a matter of time. Due to the unstable position of the alliance, people begin to leave the corporation. The leadership of the Soviet Union is looking for a way out of the situation in order to save the team.



Welcome to X-files corporation- the largest Russian-speaking corporation in the Test Alliance Please Ignore x-community

The political events of recent days on the EVE online map have changed the situation in the south and drone regions, calm has dissolved into oblivion. News about grandiose deceptions in corporations and alliances, growing anarchy, rapid collapses of alliances and other unfavorable events made life in the zeros even more interesting, the content brighter. In such wars, ordinary soldiers suffer, who sometimes do not know what they are fighting for; many are simply involved in this because they have nowhere to migrate.

Know that among the chaos there is an island of safety -. Together with our friends (Whom we spat in the face), the corporation (was) strong and ready to help ordinary pilots, corporations and alliances, be they fans of PVP, PVE, mining, we will accept everyone into our ranks.

CEOs of corporations, we will help you continue your business in the region as comfortably as possible

Welcome aboard!

No, the TEST alliance is now a minus for us.

We invite Omega and Alpha clones, newcomers and old-timers of EVE online.

We are glad to see you here, because you will go through trials, bypass traps and touch the top secret world of EVE online is already an achievement. Flying on KTA and not getting killed or dying for the glory of the corporation is a greater achievement.

Everything is optional, but who flies + 50 to respect, + 50 to stamina, + 100 to morality and + 100 to epicness!
The PvP direction of the corporation is represented by KTA, corporate and alliance roaming, we fly to visit neighbors or in low-sectors. To stimulate PvP pilots of the corporation, we have programs:

Compensation for merged t2 t3 and faction ships at KTA and KTA building
- Ships for PVP in corporate contracts with a 50% discount
- Top 10 killers of the month, with rewards up to 500 PLEX
- We issue capital ships for PVP to verified pilots

To replenish your wallet, we have many systems for you with a bunch of angelic anomalies and other resources. The systems also have an upgrade for relics, dats and expeditions, a very good NPC. We will provide necessary technologies and tools.

For those who like to tickle their nerves with production and mining, our pumped-up mining systems, the ability to mine lunar materials, citadels with perfect refining and bonuses for production, bonuses for orcs, roarcs. protection from stray flyers, capital construction, customs on the planetarka 0% tax, we are happy to buy materials obtained through contracts, some at imperial prices, which is important for promptly replenishing your wallet. A developed market where you can always sell products and purchase the necessary ships and equipment. Well-established logistics to Zhita and back, on-site purchase of loot, ore, and minerals. Scanners have a whole region for scanning data and relics, plus bonuses for finding VH to the trade hubs of the empire (up to 50k ISK), bonuses for bringing a friend, comrade, acquaintance - 100k ISK. All bonuses are paid without delay.

Everything is top secret, and you will have to take a lie detector test, in the TS probe room, with a particularly evil SB officer

X-files Corporation offers youX-files Corporation requires you to Contacts History

We are a PVP corporation as part of the PVP alliance.
We are ready to provide content from frigate rooms to massive cap-sized battles. We never leave our own people in trouble, we are always ready to help if you do not violate basic requirements and rules. Our own academy for beginners. Until we are sure that you are ready, you will not be abandoned. We regularly hold interesting events with valuable prizes, and create additional content. A miners' paradise. Between fights you can always dig some roars.

Expeditions, scanning, their systems with high SS
Citadels, moons, mining, production
Bonuses and protection for miners, purchase of ore
Logistics to and from Zhyta
PvP - we provide ships
Bonuses, awards, titles for pilots
Help for beginners - training, ships, claims - within reasonable limits
Prime Time 50+

Moving to the corporation's region - we will help with the move

Desire to fight

First of all, we need pilots who want and seek PVP, who are not afraid of it and are ready to learn.

6 million Skill Points

6 million Skill Points is the minimum basic threshold for joining the corporation.
For those who want to play with us, but do not have the required number - we have an academy!

Adequacy and communication

Be adequate, control emotions and be in touch in discord And mumble.

You can discuss questions about joining.


Serge Chernser
Chapter personnel service

Diplomat and Corporation Instructor

2016 Region The Forge. The beginning of the way.

Like most corporations, we began our Path from imperial sectors. We attracted people, had fun flying low and high, and prepared for the transition to zero sectors. Next, we rented the system, because... We were not ready to join a fighting alliance. This is how our life in the zeros began; it took us 28 days to transition.

2016 Dronregi. Becoming.

Living on a lease - everyone knows its pros and cons. For teams dreaming of developing, this is a long and difficult path, because no one needs you to become stronger. When online in the removed system reached 30+, it was clear that that was it - we had to look for other options. At that moment, the Solar Fleet alliance seemed the best option, especially since they said that you can fly on a KTA if you wish, but we needed to gain experience in alliance wars. We spent 64 days renting in droneregs and experienced the first conflict in the leadership and the first outflow of people uninterested in our further development.

2017 Solars. X's learn to fly.

Quite quickly we reached the top positions in the alliance in terms of KB and turnout at KTA. Gradually we improved and became stronger. The question still arises as to why the leadership of the alliance put a spoke in the wheels of our development. The end of our cooperation was that in the combat alliance, the rental corporations were in better conditions than combat ones - this is not acceptable and we left to look for better options.

2017-2018. Wing Wanderers. The birth of the X-Machine.

Overall a great time, in the alliance we were also top 1 in terms of turnout at KTA and Kb. The corporation began to implement corporate programs to support pilots. The main goal was to create a strong capital and supercapital fleet in the corporation; we partially accomplished this task, because later the alliance tried to destroy us on a fictitious pretext.

2018 Alliance TEST. X-Machine. Present tense.

At the moment, we are a member of one of the top alliances in EVE, our super laser alliance, and our task is to become the best and strongest corporation in it.

After authorization, be sure to rename your name in the discord settings, one with the in-game character. If you are not in the corporation, only the diplomatic channel and reception will be available, where you can safely ask questions. Or in the comments to the post.

Russian alliances in EVE Online- this is a unique phenomenon that fully showed what people from the CIS countries are capable of, united by a common idea and the will to win. We dedicate this article to those who, since the dawn of EVE, have paved the way to the top for Russian-speaking pilots.

Russian alliances in EVE universe Online is a phenomenon that has fundamentally influenced the development game project. Register in EVE Online (it doesn't take long) and ask old-timers of the global EVE server in the main help chat. They have something to tell newcomers and others. A combination of a special mentality, an unusual approach to the game and belief in own strength repeatedly rocked the precarious balance of the game universe and even forced developers to introduce special changes in updates.

So, " Test Alliance Please Ignore"(a funny name for one of the largest associations) one fine day staged a raid on the local "Silk Road" (the Jita system) and, destroying great amount industrial ships, literally collapsed the market - the demand for mining barges and “trucks” increased many times, and supply was able to fill the gap only a few months later.

Russian alliances in EVE Online wars: losses count in the millions

Throughout the history of EVE, Russian alliances in EVE Online have been participants in the largest battles.

Red Alliance became participants and winners of the first large-scale battle in October 2006. During the 70-hour (!!) battle in the system C-J6MT Russian players wisely used the capabilities of the combat infrastructure and, being in the minority, defeated significantly superior enemy forces. Having deployed a chain of outposts on key routes as quickly as possible, the Russian capsuleers fought off waves of attackers for 3 days.

What factors contributed to the success of RA?

  • Experience of alliance leaders and senior officers. Veterans who have been exploring deep space since the opening of the project had remarkable knowledge about game mechanics;
  • Using unusual tactics. The battle was not like an ordinary clash between fleets - the tactics of “cutting out” the enemy due to superior firepower turned out to be useless against fortifications;
  • Remarkable abilities for self-organization - teams consisting of hundreds of pilots belonging to different corporations acted as a single whole.

In January 2013, between the military bloc RUS/CFC(a union of Russian-speaking players and a multinational alliance led by Goonswarm) and the Honey Badger Coalition clashed in the Asakai system. RUS/CFC tried to withdraw their ship from enemy territory under cover. As a result of a hastily organized, poorly planned operation, the Russian-speaking union was defeated and lost a large number of gaming resources.

A year later, RUS/CFC had a chance to restore its status after a shameful fiasco. A system with important for logistics in the region - B-R5RB. In fact, this is a transshipment point between “zeros” and “lowsecs”. The alliance that controls this system controls the entire flow of industrial cargo in the region.

During the battle between RUS/CFC and N3PL, in-game assets totaling more than 11 trillion in game currency, which is equivalent to approximately 300 thousand dollars, were destroyed.

Red star in deep space

The life of the Russian-speaking community is inextricably linked with Red Alliance, which were already discussed in the first part of our story. This gaming alliance actually turned into a brand that was passed on to each other by 4 different communities.

The history of RA is a chronicle of ups and downs. The Russian-speaking community has repeatedly shown extraordinary unity in the face of pressure from outside American corporations. As soon as the “zeroes” found themselves entirely under the control of the “bourgeoisie,” immigrants from the CIS countries united under the red banner and conquered territories.

The leader of the legendary Goonswarm Mittani said in his memoirs that it was difficult to fight against the RA, since the Russian people do not give up after defeat, but return every time with new strength.

Each time the high rise was inevitably accompanied by a painful fall. The heads of corporations did not hesitate to sell in-game valuables for real money, which was not only a flagrant violation of the rules, but also the basis for the collapse of unions - CEOs sold common property acquired by the labor of hundreds of ordinary members and appropriated the profits.