Universe EVE online. Boosters For improved needed

Boosters - enhance various characteristics of equipment, weapons of the ship.

1. Use of boosters.

2. Production of boosters.(Step by step examplestandard booster).

3. Gas for boosters.

1. Using boosters.

Boosters work for a limited time and can be transported in the hold of the ship.

With a booster in cargo, it is advisable not to fly over highsecs - the concord will take away and fine (a fine is a little lawsuit and a fall faction stand~ 0.2%). The exception is legal boosters.

However, nothing prevents you from using the booster at the station or in lowsec and flying to highsec.

  • To use a booster, you need to right-click and Consume on it.
  • You cannot apply two boosters at once for the same slot, the previous effect is canceled. The effect of the booster will appear in the infochar where the Argumentations are. There will also be a side effect if you are not lucky.

Where to get boosters.

Do. For example, how to make synthetic and advanced boosters is written below. Buy. Boosters are sold at Jita and other shopping hubs.

The feasibility of boosters.

One useful booster is X-Instinct. Decreases the radius of the ship's Signature. Another equally useful booster is Drop. It gives a chic tracking bonus, which greatly increases the number of "crits" and generally hits. Agent Runners and Plex Runners Prefer the Booster blue pill, which allows the standard equal to handle very large focus, especially when scrambling.

The rest of the boosters are more specific, for an amateur. But they also increase the chances of winning quite well and allow you to make curious feats.

Booster Skills

Science- passing skill for the following skills
Biology-basic skill, allows you to use boosters, and gives an increase to the duration of the effect (+ 20%)
Neurotoxin Control- gives -5% side effect strength (reduces from 20/25/30% to 16/20/24% at lvl 4. 15\18.75\22.5% at lvl 5)
Neurotoxin Recovery- gives -5% to the chance of a side effect (reduces from 20/30/40% to 16/24/32% at lvl 4. 15\22.5\30% at lvl 5.)

Booster effects (Synth/Standard/Improved/Strong).

Today, the game features eight varieties of boosters (plus two more in contracts), each type affects certain attributes of the ship and can lead to certainside effects (penalty).

Each of the 8 boosters includes four varieties, differing in the strength of the effect, the likelihood of the risk of side effects and the strength of these side effects.

  1. Synth - 3% bonus, no side effects, legal
  2. standard- 10% bonus, 20% side effect with 20% chance
  3. Improved- 15% bonus, 25% side effect with a 30% chance
  4. Strong - 20% bonus, 30% side effect, 40% chance

The character has three slots to use boosters. Each of the slots can only be filled with one booster, refilling will cancel the previous effect. The chance of getting a side effect is calculated separately for each effect. The strength of the main effect of boosters has four gradations:

Baseline side effect values: Synth - absent, Standard - 20%, Improved -25%, Strong - 30%.

Baseline chances of side effects:Synth - none, Standard - 20%, Improved -30%, Strong - 40%.

Tab. Booster effects.

Fourth slot (slot 4).

(Advanced\Prototype\Standard)"Implant booster" Search in contracts.

Maximum Pilot Age (7\14\35 days)

Rate Of Fire Bonus - no\no\20.00%

Damage Multiplier Bonus - no\no\20.00%

Intelligence Modifier - 17\9\3 points

Memory Modifier - 17\9\3 points

Perception Modifier - 17\9\3 points

Willpower Modifier - 17\9\3 points

Charisma Modifier - 17\9\3 points

Disadvantage of this implantlies in the fact that during the training of the capsuleer, he gradually loses his effectiveness; for pilots registeredfor more than 7\14\35 days, it is useless.

2. Production of boosters.

To explain how they are made, we will follow step by step the production of a booster. Standard Blue Pill, we will also talk in detail about the skills and equipment that you will need

Production of a standard booster (Standard Blue Pill)

First preparation step:

Find a drawing for Standard Blue Pill in a complex located in the Vale of the Silent region. In hacking complexes, you will find blueprints for the booster and reactions for it. Then you will need: Materials: Megacyte and Pure Standard Blue Pill Booster You can mine Megacyte like any other mineral.

To produce a Pure Standard Blue Pill booster, you need water ( water) And Amber Cytoserocin(gas extracted from the clouds). Water is fashionable to buy in the market. Amber Cytoserocin is in the same complexes as the blueprint/reaction for this booster. To get Amber Cytoserocin, you need a gas harvester - this is a special laser. To find gas clouds containing Amber Cytoserocin, scan systems in the 0.0 security region of the Vale of the Silent.

The production itself must take place at a POS consisting of:

  1. Medium Biochemical Reactor Array,
  2. one Biochemical Silo,
  3. two General Storage silos and
  4. one Hazardous Chemical Silo.
  5. drug lab

Second preparation step:

Load 100 units of water into General Silo, and 20 Amber Cytoserocin in Biochemical Silo. This data is also indicated in the drawing information. Connect these "input" silos to the reactor. The reactor itself is connected to two output silos - output General Silo, and output Hazardous Chemical Silo. Ex. General Silo receives water not used in production (about 95 units), and Hazardous Chemical Silo receives 15 ready-made Pure Standard Blue Pill boosters.

To produce one Standard Blue Pill booster, you need 17 Pure Standard Blue Pill boosters and 4 Megacyte (if all skills are at max level). This means that you will need to run it all through the reactor twice to get enough Pure Standard Blue Pill to make Standard.

production step

When everything is ready, you can start making a Standard Blue Pill booster. You can do it either in your mobile drug lab, or A marr/Caldari outpost if you have access to one of them.

The production process itself is no different from the production of other items in the game.

Just upload the drawing and materials to production cell Drug Lab and you will receive one booster per cycle.

Improved Boosters

The production process of improved boosters is the same, but the base scheme will be a little different.

For improved you need:

  1. 2a General Storage Silo for Oxygen Oxygen
  2. 3 and Hazardous Chemical Silos for Pure Standard Blue Pill Booster, Pure Standard Crash Booster, and Pure Improved Blue Pill Booster
  3. 1n Biochemical Reactor Array for mixing
  4. drug lab

General rule - General Storage silos are needed for the output of materials such as water, oxygen, and hydrochloric acid (Hydrochloric Acid). Silos Hazardous Chemical perform the same role, but with output materials - one for each type of booster.

Corporation "Cult of Devourers of Space"

Thursday, 01/23/2020, 22:59
Greetings Guest

Booster production.

Booster production.
How are combat boosters made?

To explain how they are made, we will follow step by step the production of the Standard Blue Pill booster, as well as talk in detail about the skills and equipment you will need.

Production Standard Blue Pill

First Cooking Step: Find the blueprint for the Standard Blue Pill at the complex in the Vale of the Silent region. In hacking complexes, you will find blueprints for the booster and reactions for it. Then you will need:
- Materials: Megacyte and Pure Standard Blue Pill Booster

You can mine Megacyte like any other mineral. To produce a Pure Standard Blue Pill Booster, you need Water and Amber Cytoserocin (a gas extracted from the clouds). Water is fashionable to buy in the market. Amber Cytoserocin is in the same complexes as the blueprint/reaction for this booster.
To get Amber Cytoserocin, you need a gas harvester - this is a special laser. To find gas clouds containing Amber Cytoserocin, scan systems in the 0.0 security region of the Vale of the Silent. Production itself must take place in a player base (POS) consisting of: Control Tower, Medium Biochemical Reactor Array, one Biochemical Silo, two General Storage Silos and one Hazardous Chemical Silo.

Second preparation step:

Load 100 Water into the General Silo, and 20 Amber Cytoserocin into the Biochemical Silo. This data is also indicated in the drawing information. Connect these "input" silos to the reactor. The reactor itself is connected to two outlet silos - the outlet General Silo, and the outlet Hazardous Chemical Silo. Ex. General Silo gets unused water (about 95 units) and Hazardous Chemical Silo gets 15 pre-made Pure Standard Blue Pill boosters.
To produce one Standard Blue Pill booster, you need 17 Pure Standard Blue Pill boosters and 4 Megacyte (if all skills are at max level). This means that you will need to run it all through the reactor twice to get enough Pure Standard Blue Pill to make Standard.

production step

When everything is ready, you can start making the Standard Blue Pill Booster. You can do this either in your mobile Drug Lab or Amarr/Caldari outpost if you have access to one. The production process itself is no different from the production of other items in the game. Just load the blueprint and materials into the production cell and you will receive one booster for each cycle.

Improved and stronger boosters
The production process for improved boosters is the same, but the layout of the base will be slightly different. For improved you need:

2 General Storage Oxygen Silos 3 Hazardous Chemical Silos for Pure Standard Blue Pill Booster, Pure Standard Crash Booster, and Pure Improved Blue Pill Booster 1 Biochemical Reactor Array for Mixing General rule of thumb - General Storage silos are needed to release materials such as water, oxygen , and hydrochloric acid (Hydrochloric Acid). Hazardous Chemical silos perform the same role, but with output materials - one for each type of booster.

Synthetic booster
This is a less effective drug that can be crafted in the lowsec of Imperial space (level 0.1-0.4), instead of a completely hostile area in 0.0. The production process is the same as for real boosters. They can be crafted in Imperial space with materials found there as well. In addition, this species can be sold on the market. Other boosters cannot be sold as they are illegal.

There are 8 types of Synth Boosters, and the materials for them are in:

Placid-Synth Drop
Solitude-Synth Exile
Derelik-Synth Frentix
Lonetrek-Synth Crash
The Forge-Synth Blue Pill
Molden Heath
Heimatar or Metropolis - Synth X-Instinct

Synth production. Booster (on the example of manufacturing Synth Blue Pill)
In The Forge region, find the hacking complex, and find Amber Mykoserocin gas and a reaction for Synth Blue Pill there. You also need a blueprint for the Synth Blue Pill, which can be purchased from the LP shop from Guristas. Don't forget to buy enough junk (as indicated in the materials list) and take it all back to your base.

The base needs:
- General silo for loading garbage
- Biochemical to load Amber Mykoserocin
- Hazardous Chemical silo for the output of Pure Synth Blue Pill boosters.
- The Medium Biochemical Reactor Array mixes it all up with a reaction.
30 Pure Synth Blue Pill Boosters = 20 pts Garbage +40 pts. Amber Mykoserocin
1 Synth Blue Pill booster = 17 Pure Synth Blue Pill boosters + 1 Megacyte
The Synth Blue Pill booster itself is manufactured by Drug lab.

Required structures:
- General silo to load Megacyte
- Hazardous Chemical Loading Silo Pure Synth Blue Pill
- Hazardous Chemical silo for output of Synth Blue Pill boosters
- Drug lab to mix it all up.

Required Skills
You need the Drug Manufacturing skill to make drugs:
- Level 1 for standard and synthetic
- Level 3 for enhanced
- Level 5 for strong

Also the Gas Cloud Harvesting skill to operate a gas harvester, and various base (and structure) management skills.

Boosters are in-game items in EVE Online that temporarily improve individual characteristics pilots. Have side (negative) effects.

Skills for boosters

  • Science - passing skill for the following skills
  • Biology - basic skill, allows you to use boosters, and gives an increase to the duration of the effect (+ 20%)
  • Nanite Control - gives -5% side effect strength (reduces from 20/25/30% to 16/20/24% at level 4)
  • Neurotoxin Recovery - Gives -5% side effect chance (reduces from 20/30/40% to 16/24/30% at level 4)
  • Mnemonics - +20% more effect duration, but out of stock

Using Boosters

Boosters are carried in the ship's cargo. Boosters cannot be dragged along highsecs - the concord will take away and fine.

To apply a booster, you need to right-click on it and select Consume.

You cannot apply two boosters at once for the same slot, the previous effect is canceled.

The effect of the boosters will appear in the infochar where the Argumentations are.

There will also be a side effect if you are not lucky.

The chance of getting a side effect is calculated separately for each effect.

Many side effects are not at all scary (for example, Explosion Velocity on cannon ships).

You should not buy boosters in highsec. You can drag them there, but most likely you will be immediately fined by Concord when you undoc.

The penalty for boosters is small, but the standing is lost and, if it is completely lost, the concord will start killing you in highsec.

However, nothing prevents you from shirking in lowsec or at the station and flying to highsec "data" :)

Booster versions

Boosters are available different versions. Consider the example of instincts.

  • Synth X-Instinct Booster - 3% bonus, no side effects, legal
  • Standard X-instinct Booster - 10% bonus, 20% side effect with 20% chance
  • Improved X-Instinct Booster - 15% bonus, 25% side effect with a 30% chance
  • Strong X-Instinct Booster - 20% bonus, 30% side effect, 40% chance

Where to get boosters

  1. Do it yourself.
  2. Buy. Boosters are sold mainly in lowsecs near outlets, for example, next to the Jita trading hub in the system Akora, next to the Rens hub in the system Amamake or in Konora.

I repeat, never buy boosters in highsec. You can drag them there if you're lucky and there are no police at the gates, but most likely you will be immediately fined by Concord when you undoc. There is a chance to avoid the Concord penalty, but it is small. Lost standing.

The feasibility of boosters

One of the most useful boosters is X-Instinct. Pilots of inters, announcers, rapiers, vagabonds, ishtars, sacralages and other nanoships, I think, know what an extra 1-2 km / s speed is and buy all sorts of implants for them for hundreds of millions of claims. The booster costs about 6-20 mil ISK, which is quite bearable (compared to, for example, a 5% "rogue" speed implant).

Another equally useful booster is Drop. It gives a chic tracking bonus, which greatly increases the number of "crits" and generally hits.

Agent Runners and Plex Runners Prefer blue pill, which allows the standard Raven to withstand a very large focus, especially when scrambling (I tried it myself, I liked it).

The rest of the boosters are more specific, for an amateur. But they also increase the chances of winning quite well and allow you to make curious feats.

Booster Effects (Synth/Standard/Improved/Strong)

First slot (slot 1):

  • Blue Pill Booster:
    • Shield Booster Bonus 3/20/25/30%
    • Explosion
  • Exile Booster:
    • Armor Repairer Bonus 3/20/25/30%
    • Missile Explosion Cloud Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Capacitor Capacity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
  • Mindflood Booster:
    • Capacitor Amount Bonus 3/10/15/20%
    • Turret Optimal Range Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Missile Explosion Cloud Penalty 0/20/25/30%
  • X-Instinct Booster:
    • Velocity Bonus 3/10/15/20%
    • Armor Hitpoint Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Shield Capacity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%

Second slot (slot 2):

  • Drop Booster:
    • Tracking Speed ​​Bonus 3/25/31.25/37.5%
    • Armor Repairer Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Shield Capacity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Turret Falloff Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Velocity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
  • Frentix Booster:
    • Optimal Range Bonus 3/10/15/20%
    • Armor Hitpoint Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Turret Tracking Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Velocity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Shield Booster Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
  • Sooth Sayer Booster:
    • Falloff Bonus 3/10/15/20%
    • Shield Booster Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Armor Repairer Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Turret Optimal Range Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Velocity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%

Third slot (slot 3):

  • Crash Booster:
    • Explosion Radius Bonus 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Shield Boost Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Armor Hitpoint Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Missile Velocity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
    • Velocity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%


November 2006 was a glorious time for EVE. The Revelations patch (Revelation Part One) added combat boosters (Combat Boosters, drugs) to the game, which made it possible to look at space battles in a new way. The effect of combat boosters, a special kind of drug, is to temporarily improve the characteristics of a manned ship, but the price for this is the risk of a penalty to other characteristics.

Catalog of boosters.

Today, the game features eight types of boosters (plus Quafe Zero). Each of the types affects certain attributes of the ship and can lead to certain side effects (penalties). Each of the eight drugs includes four varieties, differing in the strength of the effect, the likelihood of the risk of side effects, and the strength of these side effects.

To use boosters, the character has three drug slots. Each of the slots can only be filled with one booster, refilling will cancel the previous effect.

The first drug slot can be used for the following types of drugs:

    blue pill- bonus to the effectiveness of the Shield Booster module, penalties to - the size of the shield, the optimal turrets, the speed of the explosion of missiles, the size of the ship's capacitor;

    Exile- bonus to the effectiveness of the Armor Repair module, penalties to - the amount of armor, turret tracking, missile explosion radius, ship capacitor size;

    Mindflood- bonus to the amount of capacitor (capacitor) of the ship, penalties to - efficiency of the Shield Booster and Armor Repair modules, optimal turrets, missile explosion radius;

    X-Instinct- bonus to reduce the size of the ship's signature, penalties to - the size of the armor and shield, turret falloff, ship speed;

    Quafe Zero- +5% bonus to ship speed and scan resolution, no penalty.

The second drug slot can be used for the following types of drugs:

    Drop- turret tracking improvement bonus, penalties to - Armor Repair module efficiency, shield size, turret fall, ship speed;

    Frentix- turret optimal improvement bonus, penalties to - Shield Booster module efficiency, amount of armor, turret tracking, ship speed;

    Sooth Sayer- turret falloff improvement bonus, penalties to - efficiency of Shield Booster and Armor Repair modules, turret optimal, ship speed.

The third drug slot can be used for the following types of drugs:

    Crash- bonus reduction of missile explosion radius, penalty to - Shield Booster module efficiency, amount of armor, missile speed, ship speed.

The effects of boosters and side effects are displayed in the character's info in the same section as the installed implants (Argumentations).

The strength of the main effect of drugs has four gradations:

Booster Synth standard Improved Strong
blue pill 3% 20% 25% 30%
Exile 3% 20% 25% 30%
Mindflood 3% 10% 15% 20%
X-Instinct 2,25% 7,5% 11,25% 15%
Drop 3% 25% 31,25% 37,5%
Frentix 3% 10% 15% 20%
Sooth Sayer 3% 10% 15% 20%
Crash 3% 20% 25% 30%

Baseline side effect values: Synth - none, Standard - 20%, Improved -25%, Strong - 30%.

Baseline chances of side effects: Synth - none, Standard - 20%, Improved -30%, Strong - 40%.


Biology - the basic skill of the group (rank x1, Int / Mem), allows you to use boosters. Increases the duration of booster effects by 20% per skill level.

Nanite Control - skill (rank x2, Int / Mem) reduces the side effect strength by 5% per skill level. For example, at skill level 5, the strength of the side effect of Strong series boosters is 22.5%.

Neurotoxin Recovery - skill (rank x5, Int / Mem) reduces the chance of a side effect by 5% per skill level. For example, at skill level 5, the chance of a side effect of Strong series boosters is 30%.

1. Skills for drugs.

Science- passing skill, lvl 1 for biology, lvl 4 for drug skills.
Biology- basic skill, gives the ability to use drugs, and gives an increase to the duration of the effect (+ 20%)
Nanite Control- gives -5% side effect strength (reduces from 20/25/30% to 16/20/24% at level 4)
Neurotoxin Recovery- Gives -5% side effect chance (reduces from 20/30/40% to 16/24/30% at level 4)
Mnemonics- another +20% to the duration of the effect, but out of stock

2. Use of drugs.

Drugs are carried in the ship's cargo.
Drugs cannot be dragged along highsecs - the concorde will take away and fine.
To consume a drug, right click on it and select Consume.
You can not gobble up two drugs at once for the same drug slot, the previous effect is canceled.
The effect of the drug will appear in the infochara where the Argumentations are.
There will also be a side effect if you are not lucky.
The chance of getting a side effect is calculated separately for each effect.
Many side effects are not at all scary (for example, Explosion Velocity on cannon ships).
Never buy drugs in highsec. You can drag them there, but most likely you will be immediately fined by the concord when you undoc.
The fine for drugs is small, but the standing is lost, and if it is completely lost, the concord will start killing you in highsec.
However, nothing prevents you from shirking in lowsec or at the station and flying to highsec "datam",).

3. Versions of drugs.

Drugs come in different forms. Consider the example of instincts.
Synth X-Instinct Booster - 3% bonus, no side effects, legal
Standard X-instinct Booster - 10% bonus, 20% side effect with a 20% chance
Improved X-Instinct Booster - 15% bonus, 25% side effect with a 30% chance
Strong X-Instinct Booster - 20% bonus, 30% side effect, 40% chance

4. Where to get drugs.

Do. For example, how to make synthetic drugs is written here http://eve-online.fatal.ru/synthdrugs.php .
Buy. Drugs are sold mainly in lowsecs near retail outlets, for example, next to Jita in the Akora system.
I repeat, never buy drugs in highsec. You can drag them there if you are lucky and there are no cops at the gates, but most likely you will be immediately fined by the concorde when you undoc.

5. Expediency of drugs.

One of the most useful drugs is X-Instinct. Pilots of inters, announcers, rapiers, vagabonds, ishtars, sacralages and other nanoships, I think, know what an extra 1-2 km / s speed is and buy all sorts of implants for them for hundreds of millions of claims. The drug costs about 6-20kk, which is quite tolerable (compared to, for example, a 5% "rogue" implant for speed).

Another equally useful drug is Drop. It gives a chic tracking bonus, which greatly increases the number of "crits" and generally hits.

Agent runners and plex runners favor the drug Blue Pill, which allows the standard equal to hold a lot of focus, especially when scrambled (I tried it myself, liked it).

The rest of the drugs are more specific, for an amateur. But they also increase the chances of winning quite well and allow you to make curious feats.

6. Drug effects (Synth/Standard/Improved/Strong).

First slot (slot 1).

Blue Pill Booster:
Shield Booster Bonus 3/20/25/30%

Explosion Velocity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%

Exile Booster:
Armor Repairer Bonus 3/20/25/30%

Missile Explosion Cloud Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Capacitor Capacity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%

Mindflood Booster:
Capacitor Amount Bonus 3/10/15/20%

Turret Optimal Range Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Missile Explosion Cloud Penalty 0/20/25/30%

X-Instinct Booster:
Velocity Bonus 3/10/15/20%
Armor Hitpoint Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Shield Capacity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%

Second slot (slot 2).

Drop Booster:
Tracking Speed ​​Bonus 3/25/31.25/37.5%
Armor Repairer Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Shield Capacity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Turret Falloff Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%

Frentix Booster:
Optimal Range Bonus 3/10/15/20%
Armor Hitpoint Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Turret Tracking Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Velocity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Shield Booster Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%

Sooth Sayer Booster:
Falloff Bonus 3/10/15/20%
Shield Booster Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Armor Repairer Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Turret Optimal Range Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Velocity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%

Third slot (slot 3).

Crash Booster:
Explosion Radius Bonus 0/-20/-25/-30%
Shield Boost Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Armor Hitpoint Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Missile Velocity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%
Velocity Penalty 0/-20/-25/-30%

© Tamer, I regularly use drugs, I trudge.