Eve online hubs. Why has Jita become a major trading hub? Trade hubs in the world of EVE Online and the safety of your property

In a region of space, usually found in a solar system with many gates that serve as a main pass-through center. Volumes of goods traded in trade hub systems far exceed goods traded in other systems in the region, marked by high availability of goods in one place. The volume of goods increase customers to the system, attracting more sellers, increasing volume, and stabilizing prices. In busy regions such as The Forge, a large fraction of trade takes place at the hub, such as Jita.

The convenience of "one-stop shopping" is such that buyers are usually willing to pay a slight premium just to get the items at the hub rather than elsewhere in the region (this can usually be seen by examining the sell orders of an item) . However, in low-population regions where the hubs are not as developed, there may be no premiums charged on goods and often the range must be increased on buy orders in order to reach more sellers.

Trade hubs are created in certain locations for a number of reasons, including location (choke points, proximity to mission hubs or different regions) and available facilities (research facilities, manufacturing lines etc). These factors cause players to use particular stations and systems over others, and once a station is known as a trade hub then players are more likely to use it, cementing its status.

If your corporation is at war (as EVE University often is), be around cautious trade hubs, as your enemies will often be lurking there, hoping to catch you hauling valuables unawares. It"s highly recommended to create an out-of-corp hauling alt character to avoid unnecessary losses.

Major Trade Hubs

Jita - The Forge - Caldari Space

Jita is the center of trade in New Eden and is by far the largest hub in game, often having over 1000 players in system with consistent traffic in and out. Trading in Jita is extremely competitive due to the high level of activity. This often results in fairly low profit margins, and is harder for players with low ISK to succeed in due to the richer able to shrug off the low margins by trading in volume. However, players new to trading will be able to turn over smaller orders more quickly, and therefore learn what to do/what not to do sooner. Be mindful of low volumes as well, since if you do find products with decent profit margins (say above 20%), these items flow a lot slower than those with narrower margins.

Amarr - Domain - Amarr Space

Rens - Heimatar - Minmatar Space

Dodixie - Sinq Laison - Gallente Space

Hek - Metropolis - Minmatar Space

  • Location:

Hek is a very active and reasonably cheap trade hub. Most items can be bought here and it is also a fairly good place to sell goods. Prices are fairly competitive and may, in some cases, be lower than Jita. scammers are less prevalent than in Jita, they are still present here, so care should be taken with all dealings.

In order to quickly find those trade hubs in-game, it might be helpful to paste the following cheat sheet into your notepad:

Secondary Trade Hubs

The following trade hubs are consistently in the top ten in market value for orders EVE-wide:

Oursulaert - Essence - Gallente Space

  • Location: Oursulaert III - Federation Navy Testing Facilities

Tash-Murkon Prime - Tash-Murkon - Amarr Space

  • Location: Tash-Murkon Prime II - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory

Agil - Khanid - Amarr Space

  • Location: Agil VI - Moon 2 - CONCORD Logistic Support

Empire Space

Major trade hubs in bold, other notables in italics.

Amarr Empire


The Bleak Lands






Ammatar Mandate


Caldari State

Black Rise

The Citadel

The Forge


Bordering Jita - The Forge Bordering EC-P8R - Pure Blind

Gallente Federation


Home of The Blood-Stained Stars (Sisters of EVE Epic Arc)



Sinq Laison


  • Boystin - Gravity Well
Headquarters of Project Solitude

Verge Vendor


Khanid Kingdom


Minmatar Republic


Popular mission hub


Molden Heath

NPC Nullsec




Great Wildlands

Outer Ring



Headquarters of the Nullsec Campus


Claimable Nullsec

There are huge trade hubs in Nullsec, but almost all stations are owned by alliances and are restricted to members of that alliance and their allies.

A notable exception have been the Scalding Pass region, which had several freeports(everyone is allowed to dock; there are no docking fees; and all services may be used). One of the first freeports has been opened by the alliance Phoebe Freeport Republic (PFR) at 4-CM8I VI - 4-C0EL0M8 4 LYFE . But free docking endangers the sovereignty in sov warfare, thats why its uncommon to open a station to the public in claimable nullsec.

Having farmed somenumber of claimsin wormholes(thanks to the native corporation), I decided to try trading in highsec . There is a general consensus that this is one of the most profitable activities in Eve and traders are swimming in money. See for example confession trillionaire trader. In addition, I wanted to return to the mainland, to a non-empty locale, because farming in a wormhole is like digging for gold in Kolyma: far from civilization, rich placers lie in the deserted taiga; brave seekers extract treasures, brushing aside wild fauna and ruthless competitors - the Wild East in general.

I pumped up the viola according to Gevlon's plan. While I was learning my trading skills, I raised standings (legal tax evasion) by performing noob and howler missions. Now I had to choose which trade to engage in. I decided to engage in station trading (goodbye stars) - it is both safer and, as it seemed to me, the most profitable. Moreover, I decided to start immediately with Zhita. It’s all simple, isn’t it: buy low, sell high, look for goods with a good spread (the difference between the purchase and sale prices). However, it quickly became clear that a large spread implies low volumes and/or large investments. If, as a result of some market movements, a profitable opportunity appears, then many traders compete for it. Plus, it turned out that a lot of competition in updating orders takes a lot of time. Perhaps if I had chosen a smaller hub, it would have been easier.

At the same time, I decided to play a little with the rebalancing of some modules, but without much profit. I bet on an increase in the price of compact MIA and fractional DDA, but the price did not increase much. At the same time, he missed a wonderful opportunity to cash in on the increased consumption of megacyte and cydrine: the price of minerals with a gigantic turnover has approximately doubled. Having lost 120 kk on Gekko (bought at the peak of the price), I decided to look for something more predictable.

At this time, during the next duck raid into the FV zone, I learned about the existence of local trading hubs along the border of low-secs, serving those who can’t wait to quickly return to battle. I bought fast moving pew-pew goods in Zhit, ordered a freighter to Ichoria from Push Industries. At that moment, drama began in the howler company, but the truck with my cargo passed through successfully. I exhibited and started selling. I update orders several times a day. I purchase and transfer small amounts myself. My howler fleet consists of an old rusty rifter, a badger with a clok-mvd and a drake. The volumes are modest, and competitors have not yet driven prices too high.

In my opinion, the peculiarity of trading in Eve is that the income from it is scalable better than other PVE activities. I have not yet mastered this skill, my earned claims are gathering dust in the safe - I reinvest a small part for now and, as a result, do not achieve exponential growth in the value of my assets. A month ago I started with 6.5 kkk of claims, now the total value of assets has exceeded 10 kkk, which was my goal initially - to “test the waters”, and therefore I am publishing my report.

  1. Market browser. Allows you to compare prices and volumes in different regions.

The citadel mechanic, which was introduced at the beginning of the year in EvE Online, gave players an undeniably powerful tool for changing the world order of the New Eden universe. Thanks to enterprising and enterprising pilots, new trade hubs began to emerge on the most important trade routes on the star map. And in the remote wilds of the constellations, where previously it was good if one pilot flew once a week, processing centers for the mined ore have arisen, which is now immediately mined by pilot miners. In unexplored Wormhall systems, forward bases are installed, opening the doors to any pilot who is ready to gain access to the richest resources of local planets for an acceptable risk and a small tax. Each such project is created by players with the goal of changing this universe in their own way.

The goal of the New Eden Trading Company, the creation of which was announced on Reddit, was to deploy an unprecedented network of strongholds that would create hubs and pave safe, accessible to all pilots, trading paths in systems with a low security status.

Although, undoubtedly, this project has another goal, which is not clearly declared. But which is obvious to the old EvE players Online - to become the only market for capital and super capital ships.

It is on the characteristics of the possible jump range of a ship of super-capital tonnage that a network of citadels will be built. Thus, Keepstar class Citadels, which allow ships of super-capital tonnage to dock, will become the end points on these lines, and Fortizar class citadels will be intermediate points on these routes. According to the mechanics of citadels, it is in the Keepstar class citadel that ships of super-capital tonnage can be the subject of automated market transactions.

Navigating this network is also based on the citadel mechanic. Thanks to new system mooring (tethering), available only on citadels, capital and supercapital ships moving by jumping between such citadels remain completely safe, since after an intersystem jump they fall directly into the mooring range of the citadel, which makes them invulnerable to external attacks. Jump beacon activation services will be provided upon request.

As far as the map can tell, five Keepstar-class citadels are already installed and operational. The connecting lines in the form of Fortizar-class citadels are still being prepared for installation, and some require relocation due to the developers' revision in the latest patch of the jump range of super-capital ships.

The cost of the project is enormous. The Keepstar class citadel alone costs approximately 200,000,000,000 ISK. However, I have no doubt that the project will be fully launched. The players and Alliances, who are known behind the scenes as the patrons of the New Eden Trading Company, are very famous and powerful in the world of EvE Online.

A living economy is one of the main features of the popular space MMO. What are they? EVE Online trading hubs? What does a new trader need to know? The most up-to-date information for young capsuleers who have already completed the registration procedure in the game is presented in this note.

A few words about history

The first EVE Online trading hubs did not appear spontaneously, but were the result of work CCP Games over the needs of the gaming community. Initially, no “Silk Roads” in New Eden did not exist, and travel from one region to another involved up to 60 warp-jumps and take up to 5 hours. For the convenience of players, “ highways» ( highways) - straight paths along which one could get from one end of the empire to another in 10 jumps.

At the intersection of the “routes” there was a system Yulai, which became the first hub. Over time, to optimize traffic " highways"were divided into smaller routes, and traders settled throughout the systems Jita, Hek, Amarr, Rens and some others.

The undisputed leader among EVE Online trading hubs

Among the trading hubs of EVE Online, the central place belongs to Jita. Permanent online in this system varies from 300 to 1000 capsuleers on weekdays and reaches one and a half thousand on weekends.

The features of this place include the following factors:

  • Price of things in New Eden is determined precisely by prices “according to Zhita” - the cost of goods at which they are sold on Jita IV - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant;
  • Successful “geographical” location at the intersection of 3 regions;
  • There are no asteroid belts or agents that issue missions. The only thing he lives by Jita- this is trade;
  • The system is hosted on a separate server.

Trade hubs in the world of EVE Online and the safety of your property

Trading hubs in the world of EVE online are places of concentration for people who want to profit from your property. Despite the fact that they are all located in high security sectors, the attacks end in disaster for the victim. In this part of the text we will tell you how to protect your ship and belongings.

Remember that security is monitored here CONCORD- analogue of the police in New Eden. Any violator of public peace is destroyed by law enforcement officers - not a single ship in the empire can withstand a fleet of 50+ warships. However, the problem is that law enforcement officers do not arrive at the scene instantly, just like in the real world. Your task is to hold out for an excruciatingly long 15-20 seconds until help arrives. For this:

  • Equip your ship with shields that provide protection against kinetic And thermal damage - this is the kind of weapon bandits usually use. It makes sense to fork out a little and purchase faction modules from Dread Gurristas— equipment with improved characteristics;
  • The hold volume can be sacrificed in favor of armor - install 1 or 2 modules Reinforced Bulkhead II. Each of them gives you a tasty 25% armor boost in exchange for 11% cargo capacity. Note: reduces only the main compartment, the space for ore remains untouched;
  • Be sure to use the module Damage Control II. It increases the resistance of the shield to all types of damage by 12%, armor by 15%, and hull by 60%! This equipment prevents the ship from receiving critical damage.

If you do not need to carry a large volume of cargo to EVE Online Trade Hub, do not use your main barge for the trip - transfer to a fast and maneuverable frigate. A vessel of this class has a potentially lower chance of attracting the attention of bandits and more opportunities for escape.