Universe EVE online. Production & Research EVE Online Faction Blueprints in EVE Online


It is important to understand one thing: EVE is not a difficult game
It is difficult to understand and difficult to master, but it is not difficult to play it. At least not harder than any other game.

First of all, the difficulty lies in the fact that it is not like what you have played before. Absolutely.

Unfriendliness to beginners, it is made on purpose, a kind of screening of those who will not pull the game.

Returning to this game, after a pause of a year and a half, I decided to give up on all my pilots, on all their learned skills and start from scratch, in the process describing what and how to do.

Here is the first result. I will describe the mistakes that I made at the start, in the context of the guide on training missions. Let's go.

After the first login, you will be explained how to use the interface, how to fly, how to warp, how to go through a hypergate, and so on. These are just the basics of management, nothing more.

You will be taught to play by the first agents (these are NPCs located at space stations), which are distributed by profession: Research, Army, Advanced Combat Training Course, Trade, Production.

After the first acquaintance with Eva, based on the experience of other MMOs, I thought that they would let me choose the class for which I would play. This is my first mistake.

The first thing to do is complete the tasks of all these agents. In a global sense, the order of passing is not important. But the difficulty of passing, especially for those who play for the first time, varies greatly.

My second mistake, there was no understanding of the principles of teaching. I, like all of you, got used to the fact that in training, we point with the finger what to buy, what to learn, what to install, and so on.

You will be told everything in general, but the details, you need to cover yourself.

My third mistake, a consequence of the first error. I started with the Army and after a sweaty passage, deciding that I specialized in a class, I went on quests further. Then they bent me cruelly, leaving me without money, without belongings and without a ship. Respawning at the station, in full ah * e, I sit and think - is that all? What the hell am I supposed to do?!))

In short, the algorithm at the start is as follows: we go through all the learning agents. After completing the missions of the next agent, he says that your training is over and offers to fly to some hell, to another agent, to complete tasks. I will say right away that all training agents, after completing their quest chains, offer to fly to the Sisters of Eve. WE IGNORE.

  1. Scanning
  2. Production
  3. Trade
  4. Army
  5. advanced combat course

P. 1-3 is PVE. During the execution you will be given a lot of normal ships, skills, modules. In the process, you will more or less get used to what is happening around, get fat (learn skills) and pvp branches with nps p. 4-5 will pass on easy. During the passage, do not hesitate to buy skills yourself in trading platform stations and teach them. You will face the problem that there are a lot of skills and the question will naturally arise - What the hell should I teach? Look at the Certificates (the second tab after the skills, in the skills menu in the profile), there the skills are grouped according to the directions and depth of study (Initial skills > more advanced level of study + new ones > and so on). Also, do not hesitate to "sit out" for a few days while learning skills. Now for the quests of each of the branches. Guide copied from eve's forums. Depending on the choice of the faction, the items and skills issued, as well as the tasks themselves, may vary slightly. Do not forget to save the coordinates of the Sisters of Eve, after passing the branch (right-click - save the coordinates), so that later, after passing all the branches, you will not lose it.

Scan (+/-)

Space anomalies

1 of 5

Delivery of the item

Get the following items:

Item: 1 x Proof of Discovery: Anomalies (1.0 m³)


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 5 hours and 53 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: after leaving the dock, you will see a green rhombus in space (if you didn’t have time or don’t see it, turn on the onboard scanner, it will show again) and warp there. There you will find a container with a document. Pick up and return.

2 out of 5

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items:


Completion Bonuses

Walkthrough: jump to the gate, then through them you will get to the second. Before that, take the junk from their container, otherwise they will not let you in. Then you will be taken to three points in the excursion mode (on the left you see the ruins of the 14th century). After the tour, full of impressions, return to the base.

3 out of 5

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Proof of Discovery: Data (1.0 m³)


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 6 hours, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: charge the cork launcher, get out of the dock, launch the corks. You need a zone with DATA (Data). I won’t tell you how to scan correctly: there are enough guides and I still don’t know how well. As you scan, fly there, break the container (Data analyzer), take a piece of paper from the container and go home.

4 out of 5

Get the following items:

Item: 1 x Proof of Discovery: Relic (1.0 m³)


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 6 hours, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Note: The tutorial will give you the Civilian Relic Analyzer

Walkthrough: similar to the previous one, adjusted for the relic anomaly and the corresponding cracker.

5 out of 5

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Proof of Discovery: Gas (1.0 m³)

Issued Items

1 x Proof of Discovery: Gas Passkey


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 3 hours and 18 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: find the gas anomaly, fly there. Just do not forget to put the issued tsatska in the hold, otherwise the gate will not let you in. Fly through the gate, climb into the container, complete the mission

Thread completed!

Production (+/-)

Making an elephant out of a fly (Making Mountains of Molehills)

1 out of 10

Delivery of the item

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

1000 x Veldspar (100.0 m³)

Mine 1000 Veldspar from the Asteroid Cluster indicated by your agent and deliver the ore to him. Move the Veldspar from the Ore Hold to the Storage to complete the quest.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items:


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 4 hours and 2 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: Dig up Veldspar at a given point and bring it home. I advise you to dig up a full hold, it will come in handy.

2 out of 10

Delivery of the item

Get the following items:

Delivery location:0,9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 150 x Tritanium (1.5 m³)

Issued items:

1 x Mining Frigate


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 39 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: if you have dug up more Veldspar than necessary, then everything is even easier. Recycle veldspar (200 units will be enough, at the same time for the next mission too) and complete the mission. Just do not advise to process all the ore. The proceeds from the sale of minerals received from processing are less than raw ore. Market-s. Or recycle purely for themselves (for the production of goods).

3 out of 10

Delivery of the item

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 2 x Civilian Afterburner (10.0 m³)

Issued items:

1 x Civilian Afterburner Blueprint (2 Lots, Copy, Production Efficiency Index (ME): 5, Production Time Save: 2)


1 x Expanded Cargohold I

Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 6 hours, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: if you already have the Industry skill, then you just need to start production. While the order is being made, you can dig. Or don't dig. As you wish in general. Once built, we complete the mission.

4 out of 10

Delivery of the item

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 7000 x Tritanium (70.0 m³)

Destroy the rebel drones and get Veldspar for your agent. After returning to the station, you will need to process the ore to get minerals. Location: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items:


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 52 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: we arrive, kill a couple of drones, dig, go home. The only question is how to do it: you can take a miner, change one drilling laser for a cannon and fly right away and fight and dig. You can fly on a combat frigate, crush everyone, and dig up with one laser (fortunately, the hold compared to the Venture is simply ridiculous). Or the third option: crumble on a combat frigate, and then return on a mining ship and dig for your own pleasure. There is another way: drones. But here you need the Drones skill, which you will be given only in 6/10 of the "army 2" branch, and civilian versions of drones only in 7/10. Think, choose.

5 out of 10

Transport task

Carry the following items:

Delivery Location: 0.6 Brybier I - Moon 20 - Freedom Extension Warehouse

Cargo: 1 x Crates of Electronic Parts (40.0 m³)

Issued items:

1 x 1MN Afterburner I


1 x Expanded Cargohold I

Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 1 hour and 28 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: regular delivery on autopilot. You can complete the mission remotely and before you fly for the next mission to your home station, you can dig into 0.6. I advise you to look for Omber or Pyroxeres on the belts there, you will need it in the next mission. Please note that there may be inscriptions. You can choose belts, I think there is an empty one. Just do not go far from the computer, non-script tends to be reborn. Well, or, as I said earlier, take drones.

6 out of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 20 x Cap Booster 25 (20.0 m³)

Issued items:

1 x Cap Booster 25 Blueprint (2 Lots, Copy, Production Efficiency Index (ME): 5, Production Time Saved: 2)


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 6 hours, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: required ores - Pyroxeres, Plagioclase, Jaspet or Hemorphite. We dug up, started production. The required batch is made in about 10 minutes. You can still dig.

7 out of 10

Transport task:

Loading point: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Load: 20 x Cap Booster 25 (20.0 m³)


Completion Bonuses:

Walkthrough: quickly drive on autopilot and that's it. Do not pull only, you only have 30 minutes of time!

8 out of 10

Get the following items: 1 x Civilian Gallente Shuttle

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Items Granted: 1 x Civilian Gallente Shuttle Blueprint (single run, copy, material level: 5, time efficiency: 2) (2778 x Tritanium)

Reward: 204,000 ISK

Bonus (for 6 hours): 191,000 ISK

Walkthrough: Banal shuttle production. It's done for five minutes. If last time you dug at least one full hold of veldspar on a mining frigate, then there will be enough resources.

9 out of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Production Assistant (3.0 m³)

Go to the appointed place, get some ore and destroy the pirates that show up.

Location: 0.9 Trossere


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 1 hour and 40 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: arrive at the point, start digging. In about a minute, an enemy frigate will appear, destroy it and take the cargo from the container. Complete the task.

10 of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Navitas (10000.0 m³)

Issued items:

1 x Navitas Blueprint (5 batches, copy, Production Efficiency Index (ME): 5, Production time savings: 2)


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 5 hours and 59 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: banal production details. There is a real nuance - a deficiency of some minerals is possible. Either run after asteroids, or just buy more in the market. The product will be made about 1.5 hours. You can cook dumplings for now.

Thread completed!

Trading (+/-)

Settlement of accounts (Balancing the Books)

1 out of 10

Transport task

Loading point: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Delivery Location:0,9 Vittenyn IV - Moon 6 - Expert Distribution Warehouse

Load 1 x Data Sheets (1.0 m³)

Issued Items

1 x Mining Frigate


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 20 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Note: the agent will give you a book for a mining frigate. I advise you to immediately put it on training, it will come in handy very soon. Well, unless you have passed the production branch earlier.

Walkthrough: we take the papers to the neighboring system (one jump) and complete the mission (you can do it right at that station).

2 out of 10

Delivery of the item

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Black Box (0.1 m³)

Go there, find what's left of the ship, and use the dismantling module you got from me. Use it to get the black box. Of course, if you meet Serpentis pirates along the way, destroy them.

Location: 0.8 Ainaille

Issued Items

1 x Civilian Salvager


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 5 hours and 6 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Note: the tutorial will give you the Survey and Salvaging skills (a very necessary and expensive thing - it costs about a lemon of lawsuits at the local base !!!). Also note that the civilian version of the salvajor given to you does not require any skills. You can not rush to put this skill on pumping, but with this unit you will be salting for a long time every time.

Walkthrough: we fly 4 jumps, shoot the pirate, salvage the vrek and the remains of the pirate with the given module and go home to surrender.

3 out of 10

Delivery of the item

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 333 x Tritanium (3.3 m³)

Drill ore; Refining 333 Tritanium from it, then give the resulting minerals to the agent.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Issued Items

1 x Civilian Miner


1 x Reprocessing

Completion Bonuses

Walkthrough: fly to the point, start digging, a pirate will fly. Get him down. One cycle of the drilling laser is enough to complete the mission, but you can dig until the hold is full. Fly home, recycle (about 300 Veldspar is enough) and complete the mission.

4 out of 10

Delivery of the item

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Encoded Data Chip (0.1m³)

The Serpentis have set up a listening post nearby, intercepting information and using it to attack our ships. I want you to head there, destroy the post and any Serpentis Corporation ship in your sight. I also ask you to use a data analyzer and open the storage device to extract the Encoded Data Chip.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Special restrictions apply to ships in this area.

Issued Items

1 x Civilian Data Analyzer


Completion Bonuses

Note: The tutorial will give you Negotiation and Contracting. Please note Contracting on an unpaid account does not learn.

Walkthrough: we arrive at the point through the overclocking gate, bring down the pirate, open the container issued by the Civilian Data Analyzer and take the contents. Mission complete.

5 out of 10

Carry the following items:

Loading point: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Delivery Location: 0.6 Brybier I - Moon 1 - Federal Freight Storage

Cargo: 1 x Encoded Data Chip (0.1 m³)

Issued Items

1 x Overdrive Injector System I


1 x Expanded Cargohold I

Completion Bonuses

Walkthrough: Take the chip to the station and complete the mission there by talking to the agent.

6 out of 10

Delivery of the item

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Tracking Computer I (5.0 m³)

Issued Items

1x Mass production


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 6 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Note: the tutorial gives trade and retail skills

Walkthrough: Just buy at the station and complete the task.

7 out of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Datacore - Elementary Civilian Tech (1.0 m³)

Our scouts found an ancient site that at first glance might be useful to us. I want you to head over there with your analysis equipment and see if there's anything of interest in that area. There will be Serpentis Corporation ships there, but I'm sure you can handle them without much difficulty. Whatever you find there after analysis, deliver it to me.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Special restrictions apply to ships in this area.

Issued Items

1 x Civilian Relic Analyzer


1 x 1MN Afterburner I

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 2 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: arrival at the point, activation of the gate. First pocket, two frigates, then through the gate to the second pocket, also two frigates and a container. You open the analyzer issued by the agent (or which was given to you on scanning missions), pick up the item, return and turn in the task. You can loot, maybe you will find something.

8 out of 10

Carry the following items:

Loading point: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Delivery Location: 0.9 Vittenyn VI - Moon 13 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant

Load: 1 x Central Data Core (5.0 m³)


1 x Limited Social Adaptation Chip

Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 20 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: go for one jump. The main thing to consider is that they give little time for execution: do not pull!

NB! The tutorial will give you the Cybernetics skill at the end of the mission.

9 out of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 2 x 1MN Afterburner I (10.0 m³)

Issued Items

1 x Expanded Cargohold I


1 x Advanced Industry

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 30 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: the easiest way is to either give away two 1MN Afterburner I (one was given to you for the 7th task of the trade branch, the second one was given to you for the 5th task of the production branch), or buy. You decide. Again, you do not have much time, it is better to stock up in advance.

10 of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 5000 x Antimatter Charge S (12.5 m³)

Issued Items

1 x Antimatter Charge S Blueprint (200 batches, copy, Production Efficiency Index (ME): 5, Production time savings: 2)


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 6 hours, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: Run a project in a local factory. Attention! For production, you will need an ore called Pyroxeres. It contains all the essential minerals (mainly Nocxium). Rework Veldspar if necessary. With Industry* pumped up to level 2, the time will be 3 hours 45 minutes. You can dig for now. Well, or take on the next branch.

The thread is finished!

Army (+/-)

Cash Flow for Capsuleers

1 out of 10

Your agent has asked you to rid the miners of the pirates in the asteroid belt.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Issued Items

1x Repair Systems


1 x 75mm Gatling Rail I

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 5 hours, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

2,000 x Antimatter Charge S

Note: I advise you to have time to complete the task - the cartridges will be very handy for you, enough for all the training. We spoil how it is possible not to be in time here, I can’t imagine myself well - except perhaps with an Internet problem ...

Walkthrough: Kill 4 targets one at a time and return home.

2 out of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Civilians (5.0 m³)

Eliminate the pirates and save the civilian miner they are holding captive. You will find a miner in an escape pod thrown out by one of the pirate ships.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Issued Items

1 x motion prediction


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 1 hour and 30 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: arrive, kill four frigates, loot, take the contents of the container, go home.

3 out of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Secret Documents (0.1 m³)

Defeat the pirates, retrieve the secret documents from the container they leave behind, and report back to your agent.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Issued Items

2 x 75mm Gatling Rail I


1 x Propulsion Jamming

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Note: The tutorial will automatically give you the Civilan Stasis Webifier

Walkthrough: fly in, kill enemies (whom the guns do not have time for - runner drone - throw a net), loot, take the contents of the container, go home.

4 out of 10

Put the ship in warp mode and get to the deadspace section you need. Upon arrival, find the star gates on the territory of the site and approach them.

Location: 0.9 Trossere


1 x 1MN Afterburner I

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 1 hour and 26 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Note: The tutorial will give you a Civilian Shield Booster I

Walkthrough: arrive, come closer to the gate, start rowing and immediately go home from there. Mission Complete.

5 out of 10

Meet the pirate at the repair outpost. Follow his instructions and report to your agent.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Issued Items

1 x Civilian Thermal Dissipation Field


1 x Shield Management

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 1 hour and 48 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: we arrive, we kill (throw the net, do not forget), we fly home.

6 out of 10

Destroy the Wolf outpost. It is located in the last pocket of the complex.

Location 0.9 Trossere

Normal restrictions apply to ships in this area.


1 x Limited Ocular Filter

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 4 hours and 30 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: There are about 10 frigs in the first pocket, nothing serious. The base is in the second pocket. As soon as you open fire, a couple of frigates and 2-3 stationary guns will appear. The main thing is not to stand, otherwise they will cheerfully begin to disassemble you. If you orbit them, there will be no problems.

7 out of 10

Get to the point where the convoy was ambushed and destroy the pirate ships. If during the battle your ship is badly damaged, put it into warp mode and retreat from the battlefield; a breather will allow you to patch holes and gain an advantage over a battered opponent.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items:

1 x Small Armor Repairer I


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 3 hours and 4 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: it's simple, fly in, kill, go home. Loot at will.

8 out of 10

Fly to the hotel your agent mentioned and pick up the VIPs. If something goes wrong, report to your agent.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Issued Items

1 x Weapon Upgrades


2 x Overdrive Injector System I

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 4 hours and 52 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: fly in, fly up to asteroids, take damage. In principle, after the appearance of enemy ships (three pieces), you can simply warp - the mission is completed. But if you want, you can clean their face. I only advise you to warp first, let's say, to your native station, get repaired and fight again. After that, we calmly loot (something valuable is already falling out here) and complete the mission.

9 out of 10

Destroy the drug warehouse and report to your agent.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Normal restrictions apply to ships in this area.


1 x Stasis Webifier I

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 30 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: we arrive, we bring down a trifle, then on the accelerating gate, we fall into the second pocket. We shoot again a trifle, bring down the Narcotics warehouse on the asteroid, you can take drugs from the container (just don’t climb with it in the hold through the gates, throw it off at your own station and sell it or forget about it). Mission complete.

10 of 10

Find the Wolf and take him out, once and for all.

Seat: 0.8 Mirilene

Normal restrictions apply to ships in this area.

Issued Items


1x Sharpshooter

Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 6 hours, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: first two pockets with change, nothing special. In the third pocket, the tower nets and three or four frigates saw you. Pretty painful, but you can get through without otwarp. The main thing is to go away from the tower and dismantle the frigs one by one. Caps will be missed, yes, however, everything is quite passable.

Thread completed!

1 out of 10

Clear the area of ​​all enemy ships.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Normal restrictions apply to ships in this area.


1 x Propulsion Jamming

Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 3 hours and 26 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: we arrive, we kill, we fly away. As always.

2 out of 10

Ram the pirate base with a frigate issued by your agent. Your task will be completed when the charges explode.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Special restrictions apply to ships in this area.

Issued Items


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 3 hours and 31 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: board the assigned ship. Don't bet anything on it! After that, fly to the point through the boost gate and then simply double-click on the space station. After the explosion, you will find yourself in a capsule. Tip: do not complete the mission right away, take another ship and take the contents of the container, there are interesting goodies there. At the same time, you can salvage a couple of wrecks (including your crashed boat!). Done.

3 out of 10

Find the lurking pirate and activate the Civilian Warp Disruptor on him so that he cannot escape. You are allowed to destroy any guard ships encountered, but not the target itself.

Location: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items:

1 x Civilian Warp Disruptor


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 25 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as a reward:

Walkthrough: Arrive and throw a disruptor at an enemy frigate, the task is completed. Interestingly, it is impossible to break through it (perhaps there are not enough guns), so do not try. Although he almost never breaks through you.

4 out of 10

To complete the task, you must complete the following tasks:

Find the missing agent and fix his ship.

In order to craft any item in EVE, you will need the following components:
1. Drawing (Blueprint).
2. Materials required for production (indicated in the drawing).
3. The production line on which the item will be built.

Drawing (Blueprint, BP)
All BPs in Eve look like the items they are built with, depicted on a blue background:

BP has the following options:

1. Material efficiency level (ME)- the level of BP research on production efficiency. The higher this number, the less waste there will be in production.

2. Waste factor - waste level. Directly depends on ME . In the case of a positive ME, the formula for calculating the wasteage factor is as follows:
Wasage factor = Base Waste Factor / (1 + ME).
For negative ME, the following formula is used:
Wasage factor = Base Waste Factor * (1 - ME).

Base Waste Factor - Waste level for BPs with ME = 0. For most BPs it is 10%.

Thus, it turns out that by examining BP from 0 ME to 1 ME, we will reduce waste by 2 times (it was 10%, it will become 5%). However, the higher the ME level, the less effect each subsequent BP study will have. In addition, there is a limit beyond which further research becomes meaningless. Let's say that it takes 23 zidrine to produce an item. If we divide this number by 5, we get the ME number required to ensure that there is no zidrine waste in the production of this item.

If you open the information on the necessary materials for the production of any BP (Bill of Materials / Manufacturing), you can see 2 rows of numbers:
1. (You) The number of components needed to produce with your skills.
2. (Perfect) The number of components required for production at 5 lvl of the Production Efficiency skill.

Each level of the Production Efficiency skill reduces the amount of necessary materials for construction by 4%. In the absence of the Production Efficiency skill, you will need 120% of the materials from the Perfect column. At lvl 5 of the Production Efficiency skill, you only need the amount of minerals that is indicated in BP (i.e. 100%). Thus, this skill is the first thing that a production worker should download up to 5 leva.

3. Productivity efficiency level (PE)- BP research level for production speed. The more PE, the less time it will take to produce. However, it is almost pointless to investigate PE greater than 10.

BP can be conditionally divided according to the following criteria:
1. By type of BP, a Copy (Blueprint copy, BPC) and Original (Blueprint original, BPO) are distinguished.
2. According to the type of products produced, BP are divided into: T1, T2, Storyline.

BPO (Blueprint original) is the original blueprint. You can do the following with it:
1. Research (thereby increasing the level of ME and PE).
2. Copy (during copying, a BPC is obtained, while the original BPO is preserved).
3. Produce.

BPC (Blueprint copy) - a copy of the drawing, which is obtained as a result of BPO copying. The BPC has the same ME and PE parameters as the original BPO . But, unlike BPO, BPC is designed to produce a limited number of items (Licensed Production Runs Remaining or just the number of wounds). After the specified number of items have been built, the BPC will simply disappear. In addition to the production of BPC, it is also used in the inventory process (obtaining T2 BPC).

Thus, with BPC, you can perform the following actions:
1. Produce (in this case, after each item produced, the number of wounds decreases for the BPC).
2. Invention.

For research on PE, research on ME, copying and inventory, the appropriate laboratories are required (Time efficiency research, Material research, Copying, Invention). For production, you need a production line (Manufacturing).

T1 BPOs are the most common BPOs in EVE. They can be bought in unlimited quantities from some NPC vendors in the market. Such BPOs always have ME and PE equal to 0. A BPO just bought can be put up for sale in the market again. But as soon as you try to do any operation with it (production, copying, research on ME or PE), BPO can no longer be sold through the market. Researched BPOs can only be bought from (or sold to) other players through the contract system. As a rule, no specialized skills are needed to produce, copy and research T1 BPO. Usually it is enough to have at least 1 lvl Industry skill.

T1 BPC - appear in EVE as a result of copying the corresponding BPO. Such BPCs can only be purchased through the contact system. As a rule, well-researched BPCs are sold there, and their prices are much lower than the prices of BPOs. In some cases, it will be cheaper to buy a BPC for a one-time production than to buy an expensive BPO. When buying BPC, you should remember that the difference in waste (which is calculated from the original 10%) for ME10 and ME20 is extremely insignificant (waste for ME10 - 0.91%, waste for ME20 - 0.48%). But the prices for such BPCs can vary several times.

T2 BPO - there are very few such BPOs in the game. Previously, before the introduction of the inventory, RnD agents from time to time organized lotteries among the characters working for them. These lotteries resulted in a small number of T2 BPOs being randomly distributed among the players. After the introduction of the inventory, the lottery was closed, and currently T2 BPO can only be bought from those players who have saved them. T2 BPO production requires specialized skills (usually 2 RnD skills each), and Industry 5 lvl skill is also required.

T2 BPC - today most of these BPCs are obtained as a result of the inventory. The hallmark of T2 BPC is the negative levels of ME and PE, which greatly increases the level of waste. However, due to the limited number of T2 BPOs in the game, these BPCs are also in high demand.

Storyline and Factional BPCs. Storyline BPCs are usually rewarded for completing storyline missions, while faction BPCs can be obtained from the LP Shop. Storyline BPCs are extremely unfortunate BPCs. they require special skills to produce, and sometimes require special materials. At the same time, the resulting items often have mediocre stats.

All the necessary skills for the production, copying, research of any BP are indicated in the blueprint itself.

A generalized list of skills that affect production, copying and research:

Science - Increases blueprint copying speed by 5% per level.

Research - increases the speed of researching blueprints on PE by 5%.

Metallurgy - Increases ME blueprint research speed by 5%.

Laboratory Operation - increases the maximum number of simultaneously used laboratory slots by 1 per skill lvl (if you do not have this skill, you can only use 1 laboratory slot).

Advanced Laboratory Operation - also increases the number of simultaneously used laboratory slots. Thus, if you have Laboratory Operation 5 lvl and Advanced Laboratory Operation 4 lvl, you can use 10 laboratory slots at the same time.

Scientific Networking - allows you to use the laboratory remotely. If you do not have this skill, then you can start copying, researching and inventory only directly from the laboratory itself. If you are using a lab at a station, then you and your BPO must be at that station. If you are using a lab in a POS, then your BPO must be in the lab itself, and you must be in close proximity to it. 1 lvl of this skill allows you to use the laboratory within the solar system, 2 lvl - within 5 jumps, 3 lvl - 10 jumps, 4 lvl - 20 jumps, 5 lvl allows you to use the laboratory within the region.

After the study ends, the original BPO will be in the same place where it was before the operation was started. The result of copying and inventory will always be in the laboratory. If any materials are required for the inventory (copying, research), then they must also be located in the laboratory. Otherwise, you will receive a message that there are not enough materials to complete the operation and you will not be able to start the process. Only the original BPO or BPC can be located at the specified distance from the laboratory.

Mass Production - increases the maximum number of production lines used at the same time by 1 per lvl of the skill (if you don't have this skill, you can only use 1 production line).

Advanced Mass Production - also increases the maximum number of production lines that can be used at the same time. Thus, if you learn Mass Production and Advanced Mass Production up to lvl 5, you can use 11 lines at the same time.

Supply Chain Management - the effect of this skill is similar to the effect of the Scientific Networking skill, only it does not apply to laboratory slots, but to production lines.

To produce any item in EVE you will need the following components:

  1. Blueprint.
  2. Materials required for production (indicated in the drawing).
  3. The production line on which the item will be built.

Drawing (Blueprint, BP)

All BPs in Eve look like the items they are built with, depicted on a blue background

Original (Blueprint original, BPO)

Copy (Blueprint copy, BPC)

The original blueprints are sold on the EVE market, while copies and enhancements of the original can be found in contracts. Well, in various hidden locations, Eva also comes across drawings.

So let's say we have a drawing - we bought the original Blackbird Blueprint on the market

Now we look at the information on the drawing and see that the production will be with an overrun of materials and a maximum in time. What needs to be done to optimize these parameters. This is first learning the right skills, and secondly drawing study on the laboratory line.

Research drawing for production.

An example of the original drawing ME=0 AND PE=0. Opening a tab characteristics.

So any drawing has the following parameters:

General information.

W Here in the drawing are given drawings that are improved with the help of research.

1. Material efficiency level (ME) - the level of production efficiency. The higher this number, the less waste there will be in production.

2. Waste factor - waste factor. Directly depends on ME. In the case of a positive ME, the formula for calculating the wasteage factor is as follows:

Wasage factor = Base Waste Factor / (1 + ME).

For negative ME, the following formula is used:

Wasage factor = Base Waste Factor * (1 - ME).

Base Waste Factor - Waste level for BPs with ME = 0. For most BPs it is 10%.

Thus it turns out that, researched drawing from 0 ME to 1 ME, we will reduce waste by 2 times (it was 10%, it will become 5%).

However, the higher the ME level, the less effect each subsequent BP study will have. In addition, there is a limit beyond which further research becomes meaningless. Let's say that it takes 23 zidrine to produce an item. If we divide this number by 5, we get the number of MEs required to ensure that there is no zidrine waste in the production of this item.

3. Productivity efficiency level (PE) - the level of production speed. The more PE, the less time it will take to produce. However, research PE greater than 10 is practically meaningless.


Skill affects production time Industry- 4% reduction in production time per skill level. Just in the drawing we see an example of production. with Industry skill level 0 = 3h20min, and with Industry skill level 5 = 2h40min.


The same as in the production of two parameters without a skill and with a learned skill.

Metallurgy 5% increase in production efficiency research speed per skill level. (Metallurgy: 0lvl=2d.18h40min, 5lvl=2d2h)

Science - 5% increase in blueprint copying speed per skill level.

Research - 5% increase in production speed research speed per skill level.

You can use the program EVEmon: Plans->Bluprint browser. You need to set the desired number and see the efficiency of the drawing, development time, etc.

Reducing the consumption of materials in production and skills.

If you open the information on the necessary materials for the production of any drawing, then the first thing we see is skill needed to build a cruiser.

The next is the materials

We see a list of materials and two rows of numbers

1. (You) Number of components needed to produce with your skills

2. (Perfect) The number of components required for production at skill level 5 production efficiency.

Each skill levelProduction EfficiencyReduces the amount of required building materials by 5%.

In the absence of the Production Efficiency skill, you will need 120% of the materials from the Perfect column. At lvl 5 of the Production Efficiency skill, you only need the amount of minerals that is indicated in BP (i.e. 100%). Thus, this skill is the first thing that a production worker should pump up to level 5.

Drawings can be conditionally divided according to the following criteria:

  1. By type, drawings distinguish between Copy (Blueprint copy, BPC) and Original (Blueprint original, BPO).
  2. According to the type of products produced, the drawings are divided into: T1, T2, Storyline.

BPO (Blueprint original) is the original drawing. You can do the following with it:

  1. Explore (thereby increasing the level of ME and PE).
  2. Copy (copying produces a BPC while retaining the original BPO).
  3. Produce.

BPC (Blueprint copy)- a copy of the drawing, which is obtained as a result of BPO copying.

The BPC has the same ME and PE parameters as the original BPO. But, unlike BPO, BPC is designed to produce a limited number of items (Licensed Production Runs Remaining or just the number of wounds). After the specified number of items have been built, the BPC will simply disappear. In addition to the production of BPC, it is also used in the inventory process (obtaining T2 BPC).

Thus, with BPC, you can perform the following actions:

  1. Produce (in this case, after each item produced, the number of wounds of the BPC decreases).
  2. Invention.

Reverse engineering - Working with drawings from wormholes (creating T3).

T1 BPO are the most common BPOs in EVE. They can be bought in unlimited quantities from some NPC vendors in the market. Such BPOs always have ME and PE equal to 0. A BPO just bought can be put up for sale in the market again. But as soon as you try to do any operation with it (production, copying, research on ME or PE), BPO can no longer be sold through the market.

Researched BPOs can only be bought from (or sold to) other players through the contract system. As a rule, no specialized skills are needed to produce, copy and research T1 BPO. Usually it is enough to have at least 1 lvl Industry skill.

T1 BPC- appear in EVE as a result of copying the corresponding BPOs. Such BPCs can only be purchased through the contact system. As a rule, well-researched BPCs are sold there, and their prices are much lower than the prices of BPOs. In some cases, it will be cheaper to buy a BPC for a one-time production than to buy an expensive BPO. When buying BPC, you should remember that the difference in waste (which is calculated from the original 10%) for ME10 and ME20 is extremely insignificant (waste for ME10 - 0.91%, waste for ME20 - 0.48%). But the prices for such BPCs can vary several times.

T2 BPO- there are very few such BPOs in the game. Previously, before the introduction of the inventory, RnD agents from time to time organized lotteries among the characters working for them. As a result of these lotteries, a small number of T2 BPOs were randomly distributed among the players. After the introduction of the inventory, the lottery was closed, and currently T2 BPO can only be bought from those players who have saved them.

T2 BPC- To date, most of these BPCs are obtained as a result of the inventory. The hallmark of T2 BPC is the negative levels of ME and PE, which greatly increases the level of waste. However, due to the limited number of T2 BPOs in the game, these BPCs are also in high demand.

Storyline and factional BPCs.

Storyline BPCs are usually rewarded for completing storyline missions, while faction BPCs can be obtained from the LP Shop. Storyline BPCs are extremely unfortunate BPCs. they require special skills to produce, and sometimes require special materials. At the same time, the resulting items often have mediocre stats.

All the necessary skills for the production, copying, research of any BP are indicated in the blueprint itself.

Laboratory and production lines.

For research on PE, research on ME, copying and inventory, the appropriate laboratories are required (Time efficiency research, Material research, Copying, Invention). For production, you need a production line (Manufacturing). These lines are available at the stations and it is possible to install a POS with the corresponding laboratories.

Skills for Using Laboratory Lines (Science)

With maximum skills, you can manage 11 lines.

Laboratory operation- increases the maximum number of simultaneously used laboratory slots by 1 for each lvl of the skill (if you do not have this skill, then you can only use 1 laboratory slot).

Advanced Laboratory Operation - also increases the number of simultaneously used laboratory slots. Thus, if you have Laboratory Operation 5 lvl and Advanced Laboratory Operation 4 lvl, you can use 10 laboratory slots at the same time.

Scientific Networking- allows you to use the laboratory remotely. If you do not have this skill, then you can start copying, researching and inventory only directly from the laboratory itself.

If you are using a lab at a station, then you and your BPO must be at that station. If you are using a lab in a POS, then your BPO must be in the lab itself, and you must be in close proximity to it.

Level 1 allows you to operate within the same solar system, level 2 extends the range to 5 jumps, and each subsequent level doubles the number of jumps. Level 5 allows you to use the laboratory within the region.

After the study ends, the original BPO will be in the same place where it was before the operation was started. The result of copying and inventory will always be in the laboratory.

If any materials are required for the inventory (copying, research), then they must also be located in the laboratory. Otherwise, you will receive a message that there are not enough materials to complete the operation and you will not be able to start the process.

Skills for production lines.

Mass Production - increases the maximum number of production lines used at the same time by 1 per lvl of the skill (if you don't have this skill, you can only use 1 production line).

Advanced Mass Production- also increases the maximum number of simultaneously used production lines. Thus, if you learn Mass Production and Advanced Mass Production up to lvl 5, you can use 11 lines at the same time.

Supply Chain Management- remote start of production, the action of this skill is similar to the action of the Scientific Networking skill, only it does not apply to laboratory slots, but to production lines.


To improve scientific and production performance.

Good luck!
Sincerely, SoldierZD.


I bring to your attention another rewrite of an excellent article about industry in the world of Yves. The article was written already in 2007 and therefore slightly outdated. I've added a few thoughts of my own and updated those parts of the article that were outdated and no longer relevant. The article is quite superficial, but maybe someday I will write a complete guide to production for the delight of beginners.

Industry. industry.

Industry in EVE is one of the main pillars on which it rests; if there is no industry, there will be no Eve.

The main production cycle looks like this:

Resources -> Production -> Goods -> Money - Resources


Ore - digs by anyone, but miners have the highest efficiency.

Processing - you can process both ore and most goods, it is done by anyone, but it is best done by refiners (characters with special skills and a stand for a certain corporation).

Salvag is a specific resource mined from wrecked ships and sometimes found in hidden plexes, as well as in wormholes. Anyone who has the appropriate skills can salvage, as there is almost no separate profession of salvagers.

Rigs (impromodules) are made from salvag.


There are two ways to produce something in the game.

At public factories, which are in stock in any region and at POS-s.

In order to produce something, you need a drawing, the so-called BPO or BPC (BOD).

BPO – Blue Print Original

BPC – Blue Print Copy

BPO can be used any number of times for production, BPC has a limited number of launches. BPO can be bought on the market and in contracts. BPC (copies) can only be bought through the contract system, or obtained by copying from BPO (original).

Drawings (both copies and originals) contain complete information about what materials are needed for production, how long the product according to this drawing will be produced.


With goods, everything is clear - we sell (we get money for which we buy resources and this cycle continues indefinitely) or we use it ourselves (we fly on a built boat and use weapons made by ourselves).


In general, every industrialist is a bit of a trader. Firstly, not every industrialist is a miner, so very often you have to buy basic minerals. Secondly, this raises two problems - where to build, where to transport (both minerals and the product!). It is very important to understand this and generally play a little on the market in order to understand how this happens.

Simple examples:

1) Resources in miner/agent/hub systems can be purchased with purchase orders for very low prices(sometimes predatory). Partly due to noobs chasing 1-2 lvl missions, partly due to lazy pros who don't want to run. The result is that we buy 10-50% cheaper than we would buy in a hurry, and we build what brings a profit of 10-20% (very few things from T1 will give more profit, you are not alone).

2) Selling in hub systems goes much faster even at inflated prices, even if everything is 10-20% cheaper in 1 jump - you can simply place orders 0.01 ISK cheaper than the nearest competitor at the station. This happens because very often people fly to hub stations to buy and fully fit a ship quickly.

3) The market is purely human. Very changeable. Today you sell something for 1kk, tomorrow a rich reseller comes, buys up the entire market and puts it back for 2kk. Or vice versa - today you sell for 1kk, an agent runner comes who needs money - and puts up a hundred goods for 800k next to you.

Hence the conclusion - if you want to build something, download trading and skills for a range of order management. So that your base is no further from the hub than you can control orders.

Where to get blueprints?

All kinds of BPO on t1 (technology 1) goods are sold by the NPC. If you did not find this blueprint at the NPC, fly to the neighboring region, for example, blueprints for Amarr ships should be looked for in the native Amarr system.

BPC for factional goods can be broken off from some agent missions, they may be in the LP market, they can also be found along with t2 (tech 2) BPC in hidden plexes.

t2 BPO - almost impossible to find. There used to be a lottery, but now in the t2 game, the originals can be found from collectors. You can’t even talk about the cost - it’s sky-high, and to pay off such a t2 BPO, it will take several years of continuous production according to this drawing.

t2 BPC - in addition to complexes, you can get from t1 BPC using inventions.

Is everything simple?

It seems yes, but after calculating the production costs on a calculator (in Excel), we find that buying a product is cheaper than doing it yourself.

Let's figure out why.

The drawing has the concept of ML (Material Level), the higher it is, the less production costs us. It can be upgraded by submitting a blueprint to Material Research. It should be borne in mind here that most survey lines are busy for more than 20 days, which means that you will stand in line for this time, get ready. For calculation optimal level ML I use this wonderful link. Select the desired category, the desired drawing and look at the words "optimal material level". For each drawing, the optimal level will be different.

The drawing has the concept of PE (Performance Level) i.e. the time for which the goods will be created, usually all goods according to the drawings are produced quickly enough, so research given parameter drawing is only worth it if you are going to engage in mass production. As a rule, finding an empty line for research on PE (production effiency in the picture above) is not difficult.

Did you cool BPO research on materials and performance?

Then you stomp to make copies of it and sell them or produce them. Lines for copying usually have queues of 5-7 days. You can also produce from the original, but this method is not suitable for mass production and therefore you have to make copies. Also, such copies are used for investment (invention).

The cost of goods from a well-researched copy according to ML is usually 5-10% lower than the market value.

Inventions. Invention.

The invention requires special materials.

Datacore - can be bought or earned from R&D agents.

Data Interface - bought in the market. They fall in hidden plexes and therefore getting a date interface for a mere mortal is not a matter of one month of the game or even a year. Price on the market from 50kk isk. There is one pleasant surprise, interfaces are not consumed, i.e. this is a reusable item.

Descriptors - any garbage that affects the final result.

A copy of the drawing obtained from the original.

There are also a bunch of skills that are indicated in the drawing in the Invention tab.

Once you've triggered an Invention (high-sec stations are always free), you may or may not receive a BOC. The number of wounds on it is random and depends slightly on the descriptors and skills of the character. I note that if you receive a copy after the invention, then this copy will be for a T2 module or a T2 ship. A small addition - at the invention it is forbidden get BPO.

I want to note that this article does not affect the production of T3 at all, because. This is a big separate topic for conversation.



Most of the things in the EVE universe are crafted by players, so manufacturing is a big part of the game. Manufacturing covers a huge area: from laboratory research to creating your products and selling them. Let's start with the basics: the skills that any production character needs to be successful.


The most important skill that any character involved in production should have is Production efficiency(Production Efficiency, PE). After you buy it, train it until you reach level 5. Production efficiency is the single most essential skill to be efficient and competitive in the production of goods; unlike many skills, the expense you have to incur to reach level 5 is well worth it. Let us give an example that best illustrates the reasons for this.

Let's say you and your competitor have a certain blueprint that both have the same research (I'll talk about research a little later). You have a production efficiency of 5 and he doesn't. Let's further assume that the total cost of the input material shown in the blueprint is 1000. You can create items for the cost of the materials shown in the blueprint - 1000. But your competitor will need 1250 (I'll explain why later). This may seem like a minor difference, but let's go a little further and see what happens when you start selling.

You looked at your products and decided that a 50% markup on the price of a product is a reasonable profit. So you set a price of 1500 and start selling. Your poorly trained neighbor now faces a small dilemma. He might also try to get 50% of the profit, but that means he'll have to sell items for 1875. Maybe he'll get lucky and sell everything. And perhaps not. So he is forced to moderate his requests and try to compete with your prices. As a result, he sets the same price of 1500. But for him, this means that he receives only 20% on top of the cost of his goods, which is not close to your profit.

Of course, there are other valuable skills. After PE number two is Mass production(Mass Production, MP). It allows production in multiple factories. Simply put, you can produce more goods with it. Industry is also useful, but you will achieve a greater increase in power with the help of Mass production. Five levels in an industry will increase your overall crafting ability by 33%. Three levels in Mass Production will increase capacity by 300% and also allow you to build in multiple locations. Give Mass Production a higher priority than learning an industry, because even the second level is more valuable in terms of return than investing time in an industry.

And then there are scientific skills. They are, of course, less important than production skills. Why? Anyone with Science level one can work with the lab. Science with its 20,000 ISK is an inexpensive skill, and for research, players only need access to blueprints. Use the labs. Everyone in the corporation that you trust should have science and something to research - after all, the only thing that costs you anything is renting laboratories. Science feats (science, metallurgy, and research) currently only reduce research time. This is of course useful if you have a lot to research or need to research something quickly, but in reality you will get much more if you pay 20K to another player to have them research. However, if you already have a character with high Science stats, be sure to take him Lab Work as well. In the end, if you already have a bonus, then let it be as wide as possible. Working with laboratories extremely important, both for small corporations and for individuals - it multiplies the efficiency of a limited group of people.


Skill group

main attribute

secondary attribute



Production Efficiency





Reduces production costs by 4%.






Reduces production time by 5% per level. Allows the use of one factory (the number of factories does not increase as this skill increases).

Mass production (Mass production)





Increases the number of factories you can produce in by 1 per skill level.


The science




Reduces copy time by 5% per skill level. Allows the use of one research center (the number of centers does not increase as this skill increases).


The science




Reduces research time for minerals by 5% per skill level.

Development (Research)

The science




Reduces productivity research time by 5% per skill level.

Use of laboratories (Laboratory Operations)

The science




Allows the use of one additional research center per skill level.

Processing (Refining)





-2% processing loss per skill level.

Processing efficiency (Refinery Efficiency)





-4% processing loss per skill level.


Once you have the skills needed to produce, you must make a choice of what to produce. Generally, people do things for two reasons:

To provide (oneself or a corporation) with useful things.

To get things for sale.

If you decide to make things for yourself or your corporation, you need to focus on items that you know you will use and you will constantly need new arrivals. For one person, cartridges fit perfectly into this category. Certain equipment and possibly ships may be worth taking if you're dealing with a lot of it. For corporations, any equipment that is constantly used by members of the corporation is worth it to get the Blueprint.

Keep in mind that things are made by a lot of people, so choose wisely what you want to create in order to make a profit.

When it comes to sales, there is a wealth of information available on the market to help you make an informed choice. The market screen hides information on the history of each and every product that can be bought here. If you open the market and dig down to selecting a single object, you will see a map of the region showing the supply and demand for the product. This is what most people use the market for and what everyone is most familiar with. But there is much more information for the keen player who is about to build his trading empire.

Specifically, this refers to the history tab. If you click on it, you can see how well the product sold over the period of time. By selecting the appropriate combo boxes, you can view how well an item was selling in a given station or region. You can see how many units of an item were sold each day, the highest and lowest, and the average price. It may look dry, but it's invaluable information for planning your sales.


For products, drawings are a key part, so we will try to explain in sufficient detail what the information on them means. Once you have a blueprint in your hold, you can right-click on it to get detailed information. Here is a screenshot of the blueprint for the Antimatter Hybrid Charge. First of all, please note that the numbers indicated on the drawing do not take into account the skills that you possess (or do not possess). They take into account only the studies that have already been performed on the drawing.

Production time: The amount of time in seconds it will take to produce a single item.

Mineral level: Mineral level shows the number of times the blueprint has gone through the mineral research process.

Loss factor: This number can be misleading in many ways. In fact, two types of waste are involved in the production process. The first kind, which can be called "losses due to incompetence", depends on the level of the character's Production Efficiency skill. However, the value indicated in the drawing is of a different kind, which we may call "design loss". Loss by design depends on the levels of mineral efficiency of the drawing. They add an additional amount of each type of mineral to the total cost of creating an item from a blueprint. The loss factor for everything except drones is calculated using the following formula:

(0.1 / (1 + ME))

Where ME is the number of mineral levels that the drawing has. For drones, the formula is slightly different:

(0.05 / (1 + ME))

Mineral research time: This is the time in seconds it takes to increase the Mineral level of the blueprint by 1 for a player with zero Metallurgy. This number is typically 2400 for ammo and drones, 12000 for equipment, 120000 for frigates, 240000 for industry and cruisers, and 360000 for battleships.

Copy research time: This is the time in seconds it will take a player with zero Science to copy a blueprint with half the maximum number of licensed product launches. This number is typically 2400 for ammo and drones, 12000 for equipment, 120000 for frigates, 240000 for industry and cruisers, and 360000 for battleships.

Produces: This is the name of the item that you will receive if you install the blueprint in the factory and succeed in crafting the item.

Copy: This simply indicates whether the drawing is a copy or an original. This field allows you to distinguish them. If you're buying an original blueprint, it's absolutely essential to check this value in the item's information to make sure you're not buying a copy.

Time to research productivity: This is the time in seconds it takes for a player with zero Research to increase a blueprint's productivity level by 1. This number is typically 2400 for ammo and drones, 12000 for equipment, 120000 for frigates, 240000 for industry and cruisers, and 360000 - for battleships.

Productivity level: The productivity level shows how many times the blueprint has gone through the productivity study.

Remaining runs for licensed products: When you copy a blueprint, you need to decide how many runs it will take. The more runs you want, the longer it will take you to copy. Each run allows you to produce one set of the item at the factory. Typically, ammo and drones have a maximum of 1500 launches, equipment is limited to 300, frigates can be set to a maximum of 30 launches, industry and cruisers are limited to 15, and battleships- 10th. You may notice that some blueprints have this option set to "Infinite" (as a result of being copied before the patch that introduced these limits). This means exactly what it says: you can use this copied blueprint indefinitely without issue.

Product set size: This shows how many units of the item you will receive if you start the blueprint at the factory. For ammo it is 100. For missiles and light missiles it is 10. For everything else the set is 1.

Required Ingredients (Per Set): This shows how many units of a certain mineral you need to create one item set. You will have one line for each type of mineral used to craft the item. The amount shown includes all design losses due to low levels of minerals in the blueprint, but does not include incompetence losses due to low Production Efficiency. Thus, this amount is what I call "basic ingredients" (not shown on the drawing) plus wasted ingredients.

Lost Ingredients (Per set): Lost ingredients is what it is: the amount of extra minerals you have to use due to wastage by design. You will have one line for each type of mineral required to craft the item. Ideally, this amount should be less than 1 for each mineral. The figure is obtained by multiplying the base requirements for minerals (not shown on the drawing) by the Loss Factor.

A parameter not shown on the blueprint, but important data, is the base amount of each mineral that is needed for production, which I call "base minerals". It can be calculated by taking the required ingredients and subtracting the wasted ingredients for each mineral from them (tip: if you haven't started researching mineral levels yet, base minerals are ten times the wasted ingredients for most items and twenty times for drones). Base minerals are the starting point for everything that is taken into account in the construction of items. They are also taken into account when determining how much you will receive from refining an item.


Now we are going to go through the steps of a real production wizard to get good performance about how factories work.

The starting point for installing any work into a factory is the Factory Window. This screenshot shows an example of what you can see if you click on the factory button on the station. Please note that all of the examples below are from the perspective of a corporate employee. If you work with the factory individually, without the support of a corporation, the steps remain almost the same, only you do not need to select hangars at different stages of the process.

On the right side of our factory window, you will find a list of all the factories available in the station. There are currently a total of 36 factory slots available at stations with factories. Each of the factories is described by one of the following states: Available to everyone, Rented, Rented by your corporation or Rented by you.

Factories available to everyone can be rented: click on "Rent Slot" to do so. If you are an employee of a corporation that has an office at this base and you have the factory manager role, you will be asked if you want to use the corporate hangar or not. The next dialogue will inform you how much the rent here is - and if you say "no" here, you will not be able to build anything, so I recommend saying "yes".

Leased factories are those that have been rented by someone other than you, or not by your corporation. You can't find out who rented individual slots - they're just all listed as "Rented". Slot 7 in the above screenshot falls into this category.

Factories that are shown as Leased in the name of your corporation have been leased for your corporation's use. Some of the slots with such factories can show you what things are already installed in them.

Factories that are listed as Leased in your character's name are those that you personally rented. As with your corporation's slots, some of them may have items installed.

This brings us to the process of installing the item. First of all, click on the slot. This will light him up. Once you've done that, you can use the three buttons on top depending on the current activity in the slot.

Button " Rent a slot” only works if you have selected a Public slot. It allows you to rent a slot for your own (or corporate) use. If you choose to lease to a corporation, it will be available for use by members of your corporation; otherwise it will be available only to you. A dialog such as the one displayed on the right will be shown, allowing you to make a choice. You will then be informed of the amount of the rent.

Button " Cancel rental

Last button, Install, will only work if a factory slot is selected that you or your corporation has already rented. This is the essence of the factory window, as it activates the factory wizard - the dialog is modal, so you won't be able to focus on it and other windows in parallel (like chat channels do). All Factory Wizard screens have 4 buttons: Back, OK, Cancel and Next. Back returns you to the previous step of the wizard (unless you are on the first step, in which case nothing will happen). The OK button is used for the final confirmation - it does not work in the previous steps. The "Cancel" button works on any step, interrupting the Lab Wizard and closing it. Finally, the "Next" button takes you to the next step of the wizard (unless you're on the last step, in which case nothing happens).

The "Install" button changes to "Uninstall" if a work owned by you or your corporation is already installed in the slot. If you click on the "Uninstall" button, this will extract the blueprint and ingredients for it from the factory back to the hangar they came from. However, you will lose half of the minerals that were used in this kit, so use this button with care.

Factory Master

When you launch the factory wizard with the "install" button, its first screen asks you which hangar you want to use in order to get an item to install there. You need to select a hangar with a drawing that you want to install - this is your personal hangar or a corporate hangar.

Click on the double down arrow to bring up a list from which you can select a hangar. You must have access to view the hangar that contains the desired blueprint. When you have selected a hangar to use, all available blueprints will be shown. Click on the one you want to install - this will highlight it. Click "Next".

You will then be asked to select a Mineral Hangar, which will be taken for the blueprint if you selected the blueprint from the Corporate Hangar. Click on the double down arrow to drop down the list of available hangars and select the one you want to use. Please note that you need access to take things from the hangar. Once you have chosen a hangar, click the "next" button.

Now you will be asked in which hangar you need to display the products. This will be the hangar where finished goods will be stored (the item indicated in the "Produces" column on the blueprint). You don't need any access to this hangar. Again, select the hangar from the drop-down list and click "next" when you are satisfied with the choice.

Now you will receive a request for how many sets of goods to make. At this step, it is important to understand the difference between sets and the number of final items. A set is one application (launch) of a drawing. This does not necessarily coincide with the number of items received. Some of the blueprints create more than one item per run (ammo being the most notable example). The "Product Set Size" column on the drawing will tell you how many items you have in the set. For example, Phase Plasma M has a production set size of 100. So if I want to get 2000 rounds of these rounds, I would need to produce 20 sets. To determine the number of sets you want to make, enter the value from the keyboard or use the "+" and "-" buttons on the right. As soon as you get the number of sets you need, click the "next" button.

The last screen will be an overview of what you have specified. As soon as you hit the ok button on this final screen, the work will be installed, so take a moment and check that everything is done correctly. As soon as you click "ok", the job will be installed and the factory wizard will close.

There are two quantities to take into account when dealing with factories: the amount of minerals of each type used and the time to obtain each set. First, I will give simple formulas where these values ​​are already given on the drawings, and then complex ones that take into account the studies already done on the drawings (and let you compare different values ​​when it matters).

The amount of minerals consumed per set is:
(1.25 - 0.05 * Skill Level Production Efficiency) * Required Ingredients

The amount of time required to run each set is:
Production time * (1 - 0.05 * Industry skill level)

Full Formulas which take into account all the factors involved:
(1.25 - 0.05 * Skill Level Production Efficiency) * (1 + (Base Loss Factor / (1 + Blueprint Mineral Efficiency Level)) * Base Minerals
(Base production time - (5 / (1 + Productivity level))) * (1 - 0.05 * Industry skill level)


The process steps for working with a laboratory are similar to those used with factories; however, they are different enough to warrant writing their own review. The best place to start is with the Research Center window. The screen below is an example of what you can see if you open the research center window on the station. Note that the following examples list the steps from the point of view of a corporation member. If you're researching in a lab rented to you personally, the procedure is almost identical, except you don't have to choose which hangar to take items from and where to send them.

On the right side of the window is a list of all laboratories available at the station. There are currently a total of 36 lab slots available at each station with labs. Each of the laboratories is described by one of the following states: Available to everyone, Rented, Rented by your corporation or Rented by you. Slots available to everyone are available to everyone and everyone. Slots 22-26 in the screenshot are in this state. Slots listed as Rented, such as 14, 16, and 21, are not currently available for your use because they are being rented by another player or corporation. You cannot see who, other than you or your corporation, is renting a particular slot, they are simply listed as Rented. Slots rented by you personally are listed as "Rented to Character Name", where "Character Name" is your character's name. For example, slot 17 is listed as "Rented by Downstar", which is my character's name, so that slot is available for my personal use. Finally, slots can also be rented in the name of your corporation, in which case the slot will be called "Rented in the name of the corporation", where the name of the corporation is the name of your corporation. On the screen, slots 15, 18, 19, 20 and 22 are leased to the Kiroshi Group (which is the name of the corporation to which I belong). You may also notice that some of the slots have items in them, which indicates that the slots are being used. Slot 18, for example, shows it being rented by the Kiroshi Group and currently contains the blueprint for Omen.

In addition to the list of labs on the right, there is also a large panel on the left and buttons on the top (and, of course, a "close" button that closes the window). The panel shows general information about the various slots, including which ones you can view and which ones you can use. The buttons at the top are relevant if you have already selected a specific slot.

First of all, click on the slot. This will light him up. Once you've done that, you can use three buttons depending on the current activity in the slot.

Button " Rent a slot” only works if you have selected a Public slot. It allows you to rent a slot for your own (or corporate) use. When you rent a slot, you may see a window asking you if you want to rent a slot for your corporation. You will only get this window if you have production manager rights and your corporation has an office at the station. If you choose to rent to a corporation, the slot will be available for use by members of your corporation; otherwise it will be available only to you. In any case, you will receive another window that will inform you about the cost of renting a laboratory slot. I recommend confirming the lease, otherwise you won't get the lab.

Button " Cancel rental"works if you have selected a slot that you or your corporation has previously rented. She'll just cancel the lab lease.

Last button, Install, will only work if a lab slot is selected that you or your corporation has already rented. This is the essence of the Research Center window, as it activates the lab master in a lab slot that you or your corporation has already rented. Lab Wizard Warning: The dialog is modal, so you won't be able to switch between it and other windows (as you can with chat channels). All Lab Wizard screens have 4 buttons: Back, OK, Cancel, and Next. "Back" takes you back to the previous step of the wizard (unless you're on the first step, in which case nothing will happen). The OK button is used for the final confirmation - it does not work in the previous steps. The "Cancel" button works on any step, interrupting the Lab Wizard and closing it. Finally, the "Next" button takes you to the next step of the wizard (unless you're on the last step, in which case nothing will happen).

The "Install" button changes to "Uninstall" if a work owned by you or your corporation is already installed in the slot. If you click on the "Uninstall" button, this will extract the blueprint back to the hangar it came from.


The Lab Wizard has several steps that you must go through in order to set up your Lab. The first of these steps is to decide what type of lab you want to do. You will see a combo box with "Production" written on it and a double arrow on the right. Clicking on the double arrow will bring up a list of all available actions. These include: Produce, Copy, Research Mineral Efficiency, Research Production Time, Duplicate Item and Reverse Engineering. Currently available only Copy, Investigate Mineral Efficiency and Investigate Production Time, all the others will let you go through the steps of the wizard, but will give you an error message at the end.

Research Mineral Efficiency

Mineral efficiency research reduces wastage by design drawing. This loss is the value shown on your blueprints under Loss Factor and Lost Ingredients.

The loss factor for everything except drones is calculated using the following formula:
(0.1 / (1 + ME))

Where ME is the number of mineral levels that the drawing has. For drones:
(0.05 / (1 + ME))

In the case of the example drawing, Merlin uses the first formula, i.e. (0.1 / (1 + 5)), which gives approximately 0.0167.

The amount of time it takes to complete one level of Mineral Efficiency Research is equal to Blueprint Mineral Research Time * (1 – 0.05 * Metallurgy Skill Level). Tip: If you have an unexplored blueprint, the mineral level required to destroy all wastage on the blueprint is equal to the highest Lost Ingredients on the blueprint, rounded down (this can also be calculated by multiplying the base loss factor - 0.1 or 0.05 - by the highest high value of basic mineral requirements).

Productivity study

Productivity research is the second action available. Additional Productivity levels reduce blueprint production time. I recommend doing this for ammo, or if your labs are idle and you don't know what to do with your time. Currently, at best, you will save about five seconds of production time. For cartridges, such numbers matter, but if you are dealing with big ships, they can be ignored.

Productivity levels reduce your time by 5 / (1 + PL), where PL are the Productivity Levels of your blueprint. The amount of time to complete one level of productivity research is equal to Blueprint Productivity Research Time * (1 - 0.05 * Research Skill Level).


Copying creates a duplicate of the drawing you choose. Mineral Efficiency research increases the blueprint's Mineral Efficiency level. Researching the production time increases the level of productivity of the drawing.

The copy is exactly the same as the original, but with the following restrictions: You cannot further examine the copy, and the copy is only good for a limited number of production runs (except for "pre-patch" copies, which are good for an unlimited number of runs).

The time to copy a drawing varies depending on the set number of licensed product launches. The copy time shown on the drawing is the copy time for the drawing with the number of production runs equal to half of the maximum you can set. So the actual production time is equal to Blueprint Copy Research Time * 2 * Number of Licensed Production Launches * (1 - 0.05 * Science Skill Level) / Maximum Number of Licensed Production Launches.

Once you have chosen the desired action, you need to click the "next" button to proceed to the next step of the wizard.

At this point, you will be prompted to select an item to install. First, click on the double down arrow to select the hangar where the blueprint you want to research is located. In my case, I'm scrolling through the list to find the Production Hangar where we keep our blueprints. Once you have selected a hangar, blueprints are shown (see screenshot below). At this step, it is important that you have access to view the hangar in which the blueprint is located. Select the blueprint you want to install (this will highlight it) and click next.

The next screen that appears will ask you to select a resource hangar. Currently, it doesn't matter which hangar you choose, because none of the functioning options require resources. So feel free to leave the default settings and click on the "next" button.

The following screen will only appear if you have ordered one or more copies of the original blueprint. It will ask you how many launches you want to license for a copy. You can set here any number from 1 to the maximum number of licensed launches. This maximum number is shown by the wizard (and the text box has this value by definition). Personally, I usually set the maximum number of launches. Just one note: the number of licensed runs you choose will affect the rate at which koria is produced. A copy capable of creating half the maximum number of runs will take the amount of time specified in the Copy Research Time column on the blueprint. The copy with the maximum number of runs will take twice that amount of time. And fewer licenses will be made proportionately faster. Once you have set the number of licensed launches to your satisfaction, click the "next" button.

The last step is to confirm what you have configured up to this point. You will see a summary of your actions. If you see that everything is correct, click the "OK" button to confirm your choice (this is the point from which nothing can be returned, because the work goes to the factory). If you see problems in the settings, either click "cancel" and start over, or use the "back" button to go back a step and make the necessary corrections. At the final step, the "Next" button does not work.