Examples of projects for the benefit of the homeland. “My country Russia is my Motherland.” Project “For the benefit of the Fatherland. The bad side of the coin

We live in the age of modern communications, progressive development of science and technology. Undoubtedly, humanity benefits greatly from all this.

The bad side of the coin

But the environment suffers:

  • the environment is polluted by inorganic industrial waste, which then decomposes in the soil, poisoning both the soil itself and the groundwater;
  • the air we breathe is increasingly filled with harmful chemicals emitted by factories;
  • a large resource of groundwater is consumed for technical purposes;
  • people artificially get rid of green spaces, building new buildings and structures in place of their growth;
  • rivers and reservoirs are also polluted by industrial waste, as a result of which the underwater world is dying out.

If people do not protect the nature of their region, then all of humanity in the future will be on the verge of extinction!

What can we do today

I propose a project to protect environment called “for the benefit of the native land.”

As part of this project, any student can contribute to the development of ecology. Here, in fact, is the plan for the action in defense of nature:

  • Cleaning the surrounding areas. Only by removing garbage and dirt after ourselves and others will we cleanse our Earth and create favorable conditions for its existence.
  • Landscaping of adjacent areas: planting trees and shrubs. This helps clean the air.
  • Start saving water today, both at home and at school! Never allow yourself or others to leave the tap open unnecessarily, even for a few seconds!
  • An important condition is separate waste collection. Paper, glass, plastic, polyethylene, scrap metal must be placed in special bins. Or hand it over for recycling - after all, all of the above are secondary material raw materials. Recycling him, - people receive enormous benefits, and by throwing them into a common trash can with municipal waste, they irreversibly expose the layer of the Earth to pollution and extinction. Be sure to collect waste paper as a class at least twice a year!

Let's together improve the world around us, and it will definitely reciprocate our feelings!

Olga Karkh
“My country Russia is my Motherland.” Project “For the Benefit of the Fatherland”

Passport project:

View project: creative and informational.

Time spending: short term.

Participants: group children,



Formation problem Russian The civic identity of the younger generation is one of the most relevant today. Historically, love for Homeland patriotism at all times Russian state were a feature of the national character. But due to recent changes, our society’s loss of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness. Children starting from preschool age, suffer lack of knowledge about your hometown, country, features of Russian traditions. Also, an indifferent attitude towards loved ones, group mates, lack of empathy and compassion for someone else's grief. And of course the system for working with parents on the problem of moral and patriotic education in the family.

In this regard, the urgency of the solution is obvious the most pressing problems instilling patriotism in working with preschool children.

Target project:

Upbringing Russian civic identity in preschool children through systematization of knowledge about their family, about kindergarten, about the street on which the child lives, their hometown, about their country. Orient parents pupils to raise children in the family.


To form in children ideas about the family, the city in which they live, about country

Mastering a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the development of a child as a subject of various types of activities

Education of moral and aesthetic feelings, emotional and value positive attitude towards oneself and the world around

Development of the personality of a preschooler, his creative abilities, the formation of desire and ability to learn.

Expected result:

1.Children will increase their knowledge: "My country Russia» .

2. Children will have value and moral qualities, which are the foundation for the further education of a humane, spiritual, moral and socially active personality, future worthy citizens Russia.

3. Cognitive activity, general culture and competence of all participants will increase project.

4. The relationship between children will be strengthened, parents and teachers.

Implementation stages project

Event Stage

Stage 1 Selection methodological material, fiction, musical repertoire, visibility

Stage 2 of Implementation project according to the plan of activities with children and parents.

Stage 3 Analysis of implementation activities project

Stage 4 Presentation of performance results

Forms of interaction with children and parents

Forms of interaction with children:

Direct educational activities;

Joint activities of children and teachers;


Reading fiction;

Conversations, situational conversations;

Listening to music;

Games (didactic, role-playing, round dancing, movement and communicative)


Forms of interaction with parents:

Consultations on the problems of patriotic education of children;

"My the country of Russia is my Motherland»

Main directions of preschool education Form of work

Cognitive and speech development Teacher's story "Symbols Russia»

Presentation "Symbols Russia»

Reading about Moscow

Looking at dolls in folk costumes

Presentation "Russian folk costume"

Educational activity « Russia is my homeland»

Artistic and aesthetic

development Modeling: "Flag Russia»

Drawing: “I love Russian birch”

Listening: anthem of the Russian Federation, folk songs

Drawing exhibition "Where does it begin? Motherland»

Physical development Russian folk games: "Carousel", "Cap", "By the Bear in the Forest", "Burn, burn clearly"

Socially - personal development Watching a cartoon "We live in Russia»

Reading Russians folk tales : "Night on Ivan Kupala", "At the behest of the pike"

Interaction parents Consultation for parents“How to raise a little patriot”

Zaineeva R.A.educator

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Rainbow"

Aksubaevsky district, RT

Project "My native land"

View project . By dominant activity: cognitive.

By time : for one academic year.

Project participants : senior preschoolers, parents, teachers.

Relevance: It is very important that children understand as early as possible that Russia is their big Motherland. The Motherland is obliged to take care of its children, shower them with benefits, become an authoritative, powerful power, such that each of us wants to love it. But the question arises: who will shower us with benefits, and is it possible to determine the amount of benefits sufficient for a person to begin to love his Motherland? If we don’t teach a child to love his country, who will need it? Who will rejoice at her achievements and suffer from her sorrows? The fate of the Motherland is in the hands of man, and waiting for the moment when it will be worthy of his love, at least, is not reasonable. The homeland is what we make it ourselves. Children, starting from preschool age, experience a lack of knowledge about their native village (city), country, and the characteristics of national traditions. The system of working with families of pupils on the issue of moral and patriotic education is not sufficiently formed.

Objective of the project: Raising a citizen and patriot of one's country. To lay in every child the foundations of a spiritual and moral personality capable of self-improvement and harmonious interaction with other people.

Objectives of project activities: To form spiritual and moral relationships and feelings of belonging to one’s home, family, kindergarten, city, village, to the nature of one’s native land, to the cultural heritage of one’s city.

    To promote the overall development of children based on love and interest in the present and past of their people.

    To cultivate moral and patriotic qualities: humanism, pride, the desire to preserve and increase the wealth of their native land and country.

    Introduce children to the traditions and customs of their people.

    Orient parents of students to patriotic education

children in the family.

Equipment: layout of the central square of the village, illustrations, photographs, drawings, selection of literature, selection of visual material, preparation of visual material for productive activities, didactic games.

Project methods Cognitive and play activities, targeted walks, excursions, observations, conversations.

Expected result

Children’s acquisition of accessible knowledge about the history of their native Fatherland; about the capital of our Motherland - Moscow, about the republic, about the village in which they live; about the nature of Tatarstan and Russia. Formation of a patriotic-oriented personality of a preschooler who loves the culture of his native people and tolerance towards the culture of the peoples of his immediate national environment.

The final result is a diagnosis, during which the level of knowledge of children is determined and the personal component is established. This takes into account the active participation of children in various types activities, competitions.

Project presentation “Aksubaevo is our native land.”

Project Implementation Plan

2. Lesson

« Flag. Coat of arms. Russian anthem"

3. Lesson


by cities of Tatarstan"

4.Lesson: "Aksubaevo - a particle of Tatarstan"

5.Reading poems about the Motherland, proverbs, sayings.

Bring children to understand that the Motherland is not only the country in which we live, but also the place where we were born.

Introduce the main symbols (hymn, flag, coat of arms).

Expand children's understanding of the state symbols of the Russian state and their historical origin. Instill in children respect for the power of the state and its independence. To cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in one’s country.

Learn to distinguish between the concepts of “country”, “republic”, “city”. Fix with the children the names of the main cities of Tatarstan, the capital of Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan. Develop the ability to navigate city streets; know some street names. Expand your understanding of the sights of some cities. To cultivate love for one’s homeland, one’s native village, and respect for fellow citizens.

To form an idea of ​​the small Motherland based on familiarization with the immediate environment (house, yard, kindergarten) and the sights of the village. Introduce the history of the village. Show the location of the village on the territory of Tatarstan. The relationship between the life and activities of village residents from geographical location and natural resources. Introduce the coat of arms of the Aksubaevsky district, explain the symbolic meaning of the images on the coat of arms. Develop imagination, coherent speech, thinking in the process of d/i. Cultivate love for your native village.


Joint design of the album "Native Village".

Watching a program together

Quiz: "Love and know your native land"

Offer parents a list of literature,

for reading

6. Lesson: “Sights of our village.”

7. Excursions, targeted walks along the streets of the village, to monuments; replenishment of the album "Streets of our village".

Expanding children's knowledge about the sights of our village, that the village is famous for its history, traditions, the best people.

Drawing competition: "The village that is dear to the heart."

Excursions by bus or car around the village.

Family reading.

8. Excursion to

local history museum Lesson: "The legend of deep antiquity."

Acquaintance with the life of the Russian people, enrichment vocabulary.

Expanding children's knowledge about the life of their ancestors.

“Grandma’s Chest” (telling children about family heirlooms).

Take part in replenishing exhibits for the kindergarten mini-museum.

9. Lesson:

"How our ancestors grew

Give children an idea of ​​how bread was grown in the old days. Introduce the sequence labor actions, tools, folk traditions. To convey to children that bread is the result of the work of many people. To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of plant growth (wheat) and the necessary weather conditions (sun, rain, heat). Develop thinking and the ability to establish logical connections. Activate your vocabulary: adjectives - lush, fragrant, rye, wheat; nouns - sickle, flail; bakery products. To cultivate a caring attitude towards bread, respect for people’s work, and the traditions of the Russian people

10. Travel game "From the family - through the native country."

Continue to introduce children to their native village; to reinforce children’s knowledge that our village is big and beautiful. Introduce children to Aksubaev; give an idea of ​​what is part of Tatarstan

Excursions by bus or car

memorable places of the village.

Conversation with children.

11. Lesson: " Animal world native forest."

Continue to get acquainted with the animals and birds that live in our forests and their diversity.

Fostering a caring attitude towards living nature.

Family reading of stories about animals of our region.

Table lotto about animals.

12.Lesson: "Nature of the native hinterland."

Acquaintance with the flora of your native land, with plants listed in the Red Book. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to see and feel the beauty of the native land.

Reading books about nature, adding to a photo album

"Our land."

13 "Literary heritage". Targeted Museum Walk - Library Tour

Expanding children's knowledge about the life and work of writers and poets. Cultivating a love of poetry.

Family reading of works

our fellow countrymen poets and writers

14. Lesson

"Defenders of the Fatherland"

"Aksubayevites are veterans of the Great Patriotic War."

Excursion to the eternal flame.

Making holiday cards.

Expand and clarify children's knowledge about the defenders of the Fatherland, famous monuments and memorable places native village; develop intelligence, ingenuity, logical thinking, and the ability to solve a crossword puzzle; develop monologue speech; cultivate respect for the defenders of the Fatherland. Bring children to understand that we won because we love our country.

Collect information about those members

families who were


Great Patriotic War

Round table. Meeting with a WWII veteran (great-grandfather of one of the children in the group).

Family drawing competition: "We are for peace."

Watching films on military topics.

16. Presentation of the project “Aksubaevo – our native land”

Generalization and systematization of knowledge about the native village.

To consolidate general ideas about the village and to cultivate respect for people of different nationalities and their traditions.




Educational lesson “Aksubaevo – a piece of Tatarstan”

Target: formation of children's knowledge about their native village.

Tasks :

    To form an idea of ​​the small Motherland based on familiarization with the immediate environment (house, yard, kindergarten) and the sights of the village.

    Introduce the history of the village. Show the location of the village on the territory of Tatarstan. The relationship between the life and activities of village residents from geographical location and natural resources. Introduce the coat of arms of the Aksubaevsky district, explain the symbolic meaning of the images on the coat of arms.

    Develop imagination, coherent speech, thinking in the process of d/i.

    Cultivate love for your native village.

Preliminary work : excursions around the native village, memorizing poems and proverbs.

Material : map of Tatarstan, coat of arms of Aksubaevo, photographs of Aksubaevo sights.

Progress of the lesson

A child reads a poem:

In the wide open space
before dawn,
scarlet dawns have risen
over my native country.
Every year it gets more beautiful
dear lands...
Better than our Motherland,

no friends in the world.

What, guys, is the poem talking about?(about the Motherland)

Every person on earth has a homeland. What do you think the Motherland is?

(Homeland is the place where a person was born, grew up, studied.
- His mother, father, home, river, birch tree, sun - all this is our Motherland.)

That's right, children, our native land is near and dear to the hearts of each of us. Childhood and often life are spent here. Knowing the history of your native land means loving the present, every day making your contribution to building a new life.

What is the name of our native land?(Aksubaevo)

Our native village of Aksubaevo is a part of Tatarstan, and our great Motherland - Russia. Look at the map, where is our village located on the territory of Tatarstan?(children's answers) .

What colors on the map indicate the territory of the Aksubaevsky district?(green) .

What do these colors mean?(forest)

That's right, children, our village is located in one of the most beautiful places in Tatarstan.

Guys, do you know why our village is called “Aksubaevo”?

- “Aksubaevo” is one of the mysterious names.

Guys, what has our village become? (Showing a picture).(Beautiful, big, many wide streets, beautiful buildings) .

What are the attractions of Aksubaevo?(House of culture, School of Music, library, creamery, bakery, art school, beautiful train station, main square - Lenin; where there is a memorial plaque for fallen soldiers and an eternal flame) .

Didactic game" Where I am?"

I distribute photographs with views of their native village to the children and suggest that they talk about what is depicted there, without naming the place itself. The rest of the children must guess what place in their native village they are being told about. Guys, you know that every city and town has its own symbols: a flag, a coat of arms. Our village also has a coat of arms (illustration of a coat of arms). What is depicted on the coat of arms of the village of Aksubaevo?

Guys, you know a lot of proverbs. What proverbs about the Motherland do you know?

“Wormwood cannot grow without roots.”

“There is nothing more beautiful than our Motherland.”

“To live is to serve the Motherland.”

“Our hero is the one who fights hard for his homeland.”

“Everyone has his own side.”

“Love your Motherland like your own mother.”

"Needed where was born"

Educator. Green forests, vast fields. Every person loves his homeland. You and I also love our Motherland and are proud of it.

Travel game "From the family - through the native country."

Program content:

    Continue to introduce children to their native village; to reinforce children’s knowledge that our village is big and beautiful.

    Introduce children to Aksubaev; give an idea of ​​what is part of Tatarstan

    Introduce children to the geographical location of Tatarstan and Aksubaevo using a map

    Continue to teach children independently, consistently compose descriptive stories about the village, using accumulated knowledge.

    Strengthen the ability to use a diagram when composing a story.

    Expand your understanding of coats of arms, introduce the concept of family coat of arms

    To instill patriotism in children, to develop an interest in learning about their region.

Material : photographs of the family, route plan, images of coats of arms, photographs, map of Tatarstan, diagram for compiling descriptive stories.

Vocabulary work : coat of arms, Tatarstan.

Previous work:

    looking at illustrations about urban settlements Aksubaevo,

    targeted excursions along the streets of the village,

    examination of coats of arms,

    reading works of fiction,

    looking at family photographs.

Progress of the lesson

Educator meets the children, offers to go on a trip, but first consider the route plan.

Stop No. 1


This stop is calledfamily (draws children's attention to family photos)

How can you use one word to describe everyone we see in one photograph? (family)

What other words can you use to describe members of the same family? (relatives, relatives, relatives)

Do you think there are many families living in our village? (Yes)

What can you call a person who was born and lives in Aksubaevo? (Aksubaevites)

What if we lived in Kazan? Naberezhnye Chelny? Moscow? What are the people of these cities called?

People who were born and live in any city love it, it is native to them.

Stop No. 2

Our second stop is called “Signs and Symbols”

Pay attention to these signs, they all have the same shape. Who knows what this is? (coat of arms)

These are the coats of arms of different cities, the coat of arms is a symbol of each city and country. They tried to depict something very important for the city on it (shows the coat of arms of Tatarstan, Aksubaevo)

Show me the coat of arms of Aksubaevo, why is there a bird depicted here?

Everyone is familiar with the coat of arms of our village. But not only countries and cities have coats of arms. A family can also have a coat of arms. A family is also a small, friendly state that has its own interests, traditions, and activities.

Think about depicting on your family coat of arms what your family likes to do most, what your hobbies and interests are.(offers to draw a family coat of arms)

Stop No. 3

I spend physical education with the children using auxiliary symbols.

Stop No. 4

The next stop is called “Tell me about your village”

Look carefully at the views of the village, do you recognize this village? (urban settlement Aksubaevo)

Tell me, how old is our village?

What can you say about our village, what age is it?

What else can you say about Aksubaevo? (big, beautiful, clean)

What streets do you know? Name the main street of the village. Name your favorite corners of the village that you visit with your parents.

Guys, can you tell us about your village? When composing a story, you can use a diagram(3-4 children write a descriptive story)

Stop No. 5

And now the stop where we will find the address of our village(brings the children to the map)

Guys, what is this, who knows? (map)

Do you know where we live? (In the Republic of Tatarstan)

That's right, our village of Aksubaevo is part of the Republic of Tatarstan. This map shows the territory of Tatarstan. On the map it takes up little space, but in fact the territory of Tatarstan is huge, there are many cities, towns, and villages.

Let's find the place on the map where we are now. Let's remember how cities are marked on the map (with a dot). There are many points on the map - cities.

What do the thin blue lines mean? (rivers)

What rivers of Tatarstan do you know? (Kama, Volga)

And now you will go to your places and on small maps you will find and mark the place where we are, mark the urban settlement. Aksubaevo.(children complete the task)

Guys, think and tell me why a person needs a map? (children's answers)

You and I will often work with the map and learn a lot about Tatarstan and our urban settlement Aksubayevo.

Stop No. 6

Now I invite you to play a little and answer the quiz questions


What is the name of the mountain village? the type we live in?

On what street is our kindergarten located?

What is a coat of arms?

What do people who live in urban areas call? Aksubaevo?

How old is our village?

What are the major rivers of Tatarstan?

I give out prizes and say goodbye to the children to those who answer the quiz questions correctly. Children look at the map of Tatarstan, which remained in the group.

Lesson “Travel to the cities of Tatarstan”


    Learn to distinguish between the concepts of “country”, “republic”, “city”.

    Fix with the children the names of the main cities of Tatarstan, the capital of Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan.

    Develop the ability to navigate city streets; know some street names.

    Expand your understanding of the sights of some cities.

    Cultivate love for your homeland, hometown, respect for fellow citizens.

Preliminary work: making cameras, reading a book

City of Happy Fate”, “On a High Place”, looking at ancient national clothes, looking at the illustrations “Aviation Factory”, “Syuyumbike Tower”, “Kremlin”. Tour of the village.

Game equipment: black glasses, map of Tatarstan, object pictures, computer model, chest, toy house, hoops, cameras.

Progress of the lesson:

The lesson takes the form of a journey in the music room. At the very beginning there is a tape recording. “The Voice” invites children to attend a virtual recording in an Internet cafe. Children put on black glasses and are mentally transported.

In the hall there are models of computers with moving pictures of objects. There is a map of Tatarstan hanging on the wall. I suggest a trip to different cities of the republic, I ask riddles, and the children look for answers on the “computer” - pictures.

A bird flies - a fable,
and people are sitting inside

talking to each other (airplane)

After the children have found the picture “airplane,” I begin to talk about the city of Kazan.

Well done guys, you found the answer correctly. Do you know that in Tatarstan, airplanes are built in Kazan, our capital. This is the largest city in our republic. The Kremlin is located here - it is a very old building. There are many factories, factories, schools in Kazan, there are beautiful buildings and houses. There's a big one running through the city Railway. And there is also a lake with an interesting name - Kaban and the Volga River flows through it. On the Volga there is a River Port, where various steamships are built that transport people and goods to different cities of Russia. Let's mark this city with an asterisk on our map.

Educator: I draw the children’s attention to the map of Tatarstan, on which images of the answers are pasted.

Educator: Let's find a picture of an airplane on the map and close it, i.e. Let's stick a star on it. This is how we will mark each subsequent city when solving riddles.

The child takes a star and marks the first city - Kazan.

Educator: now listen to another riddle:

We don't sleep during the day
We don't sleep at night
Day and night we knock, we knock (the clock)

Children find the corresponding picture. Next, mark with an asterisk.

Educator: Now we will talk about the city of Chistopol. In this city there is a watch factory “Vostok”. He produces watches. Many countries around the world use them. In general, Chistopol is an ancient city. The Kama River flows there.

(Children celebrate the city of Chistopol)


On four legs
put on boots
before putting on
began to inflate shoes (tires)

In Tatarstan there is a city of Nizhnekamsk. This is big, beautiful city. And in this city they produce tires for cars. These tires are used for various cars (we note the city)


Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,
a beetle is running down the street,
and they burn in the eyes of the beetle,
two shiny lights. (Car)

Do you know such an Oka car? It is very small and these cars are assembled on the banks of the Kama River. This city has beautiful monuments. The House-Museum of the great artist I.I. is located here. Shishkina.

We have opened another city in Tatarstan.


Put it on your feet quickly
your new ones... (boots)

After the children found the answer

Guys, in Tatarstan our national boots are called ichigi. These boots are made in the small town of Arsk. There is shoe factory, which also produces modern shoes, which can be found in stores in various cities.

I'm standing on the edge
top – steel crown.
Wherever they order, I stand there,
I serve oil workers (oil rig)

Oil is produced in many cities of Tatarstan; it is also called “black gold”. One of these cities is Almetyevsk.

From a hot well
cocoa is pouring over the edge (mug)

Now let's talk about the city - Bugulma. Which factory makes our dishes? (at a porcelain factory).

Well done!

After you have marked the cities, please note that on our map the “stars” - the cities - light up. Children name these cities.

A character, a “computer mouse,” comes in to the music. She brought a “melophone” with her to energize the children.

Hello guys! I am a computer mouse. Do you know why the computer needs me? (to find the information you need). You're tired of studying, let's play with the melophone. It is magical, energizing and invigorating. Let's stand in a circle and pass it to each other. You will feel how warm it is. But at the same time it is necessary to name one city in Tatarstan.

Children stand in a circle and name the cities: Kazan, Bugulma, Almetyevsk, Leninogorsk, Chistopol, Nizhnekamsk, Yelabuga, Arsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Zainsk, Buinsk and others. The mouse thanks the children and leaves.

The children sit in a semicircle on the carpet, and at this time a “computer mouse” comes in with a “magic chest” and says: “Guys, your journey is coming to an end and I have a surprise for you - this “chest”, but it is closed, and you are the key You will find it only when you create a model of the address of your kindergarten. Wish you luck! Goodbye! But new meetings!

Educator: First, let's remember what country we live in? (Russia). Who is the President of Russia? (V.V. Putin). What republic do we live in? (Tatarstan). Who is the president? (M.Sh.Shaimiev). What village do we live in? (Aksubaevo). Well done! Now let's create a model of our kindergarten together.

Let's imagine that this house is our kindergarten (shows a toy house). We need to determine in which country, republic, city, street it is located. I have hoops of different sizes and colors in my hands. A large hoop will represent a country, a smaller hoop will represent a republic, etc. (Children place hoops around the house). Now let's all touch the hoops together and say that we succeeded. In chorus, the children say the address of the kindergarten:

Russia. Republic of Tatarstan, urban settlement Aksubaevo, Romanova Street 20.

Now the model is ready. And here in the house is the key to the “magic chest”. Let's open it. (Open it, there is a surprise - small cameras). We will need cameras for further travels around our republic. At the end of the lesson, a voice sounds on the tape: “Well done, guys. Welcome to the real world. See you in our Internet cafe.”


Subject."Flag. Coat of arms. Russian anthem"

Program content:

    Introduce the main symbols (hymn, flag, coat of arms).

    Expand children's understanding of the state symbols of the Russian state and their historical origin.

    Instill in children respect for the power of the state and its independence. To cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in one’s country.

Material:reproductions of the coat of arms, flag; photo of the President of Russia; audio recording of the Russian anthem; photographs, reproductions of State Duma meetings, award ceremonies, oath of soldiers; children's encyclopedia "Russian State Symbols" V.V. Vaskin, 2002

Preliminary work: excursion to the symbolism corner, viewing exhibits, talking with children, sharing impressions.

Vocabulary work: National anthem, flag, symbols, state, power, heraldic shield, double-headed eagle, scepter, orb, etc.



One evening Vanya and Marina and their mother were playing the board game “Loto” while Dad was watching a news program on TV. A meeting of the State Duma was shown on the screen. The President spoke Russian Federation(I draw your attention to the photograph of the President of the Russian Federation).
And suddenly the music started playing and everyone stood up. Vanya and Marina asked dad in one voice:
- Why did everyone stand up?
- Because the anthem is playing. - Dad answered.
– What is the anthem and why do they listen to it while standing?
The anthem is not just music - it is a solemn musical and poetic work. This is the symbol of our state. Dad began his story.
Each state has its own anthem. The national anthem is performed and listened to while standing, and men remove their hats. They listen to the anthem in silence, or sing along. Such behavior during the performance of the anthem is considered worthy. It sounds on holidays and at special events. It shows the greatness, honor, strength, power of our state. By the sound of the anthem, you can determine which country the guests came from. Here's the story.
- Guys. Do you want to hear the anthem of our state?
You and I love and are proud of our country, which means we should be proud of its symbols. Let's express our respect for the Russian anthem and listen to it properly, standing. (Hearing the anthem, audio recording)

The Russian anthem was written by composer A.V. Aleksandrov and poet S.V. Mikhalkov.
During the singing of the anthem, everyone turns their head towards the National Flag. (Show illustrations, photographs).

To the music and words of the anthem, under the unfurled State Flag, scientists, famous cultural figures, and athletes are presented with awards. Young soldiers of the Russian army take the oath of allegiance to their fatherland. (Showing photographs, illustrations)

Tell me, guys, what does the Russian flag look like? (Children's answers).

(Showing the Flag).

That's right, this is a rectangular panel consisting of three stripes of three colors: the top - white, the middle - blue and the bottom - red.
– Does anyone know what these colors mean? (children's answers).

Exercise. Ask your mom, dad, sisters or older brothers what these colors mean? And we'll talk about this more in the next lesson.

(Showing the coat of arms of Russia).

But another symbol of Russia is the coat of arms. The state emblem of Russia is a quadrangular heraldic shield, the lower corners of which are rounded and the tip is pointed.
– What is depicted on the coat of arms? (children's answers).

The coat of arms of the Russian state depicts a golden double-headed eagle. The eagle's wings are raised up and spread out. The heads are crowned. In the center above them is a large crown. The crowns are connected by ribbons. In the eagle’s right paw is a scepter (or a rod, similar to a shepherd’s staff), and in the left is an orb (“the apple” is a ball topped with a cross, a symbol of Christian dominion over the world). On the chest of the eagle in a red shield is a silver rider in a blue cloak on a silver horse. Under the horse’s feet is a black dragon overturned on its back. In the horseman's hand is a silver spear, with which he hits the dragon.

Maybe you know why the eagle is double-headed? (children's answers)

Yes, guys, such a bird does not exist in nature. But there is such a version of this image. Since ancient times, people have depicted a double-headed eagle. Maybe they wanted to double the eagle's power? Or they saw in him a vigilant guard, expelling evil spirits both on the right and on the left side. Here's the version.

Educator: Today we talked about the main and important symbols of Russia. All citizens of Russia are proud of the State Emblem, flag and anthem. Not a single important event for the country can take place without these distinctive signs of the country. Cases of use of the coat of arms, flag and anthem of Russia are determined by law.
I suggest you guys tell your parents about them at home, ask them about the three colors of the flag, find out what they mean. In the next lesson, we will talk about the National Flag again, and you will share your knowledge with me. (I invite the children to carefully examine the reproductions and photographs presented in class).

Lesson “How our ancestors grew bread”

Target: developing children's knowledge about the history of the region's leading industry.


    Give children an idea of ​​how bread was grown in the old days. Introduce the sequence of labor actions, tools, and folk traditions. To convey to children that bread is the result of the work of many people. To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of plant growth (wheat) and the necessary weather conditions (sun, rain, heat).

    Develop thinking and the ability to establish logical connections.

    Activate your vocabulary: adjectives - lush, fragrant, rye, wheat; nouns - sickle, flail; bakery products.

    To cultivate a caring attitude towards bread, respect for people’s work, and the traditions of the Russian people.

Material for the lesson: spikelets of wheat and rye, black and white bread, loaf; illustrations depicting a peasant sower; the process of harvesting and threshing; wheat sprouts, flour products; cards depicting the sequence of wheat growth for each child.

Preliminary work

Guessing riddles about bread; memorizing poems about bread, explaining and memorizing proverbs about bread; reading the stories of M. Glinskaya “Bread”, M. Prishvin “Lisichkin Bread”. Comparison of wheat and rye bread by color, shape, taste.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, guess what we will talk about in class today:

Guess easily and quickly
light, fluffy and fragrant
he is black, he is white,
and sometimes it’s burnt.
It's a bad lunch without him
Is there anything tastier in the world?(bread)

You guessed correctly. What words in the riddle helped you guess that it was bread?(soft, fluffy, fragrant, black, white, sometimes burnt)

You already know that the main industry of our Aksubaevsky district is Agriculture. What crops are grown in the fields of our region?(Wheat, rye, oats, barley) . What do people who grow bread call?(grain growers) . This is one of the most ancient and honorable professions on earth.

And now I will tell you how our ancestors used to grow bread.

Before starting field work, the peasants washed and steamed in the bathhouse, put on clean shirts, bowed to Mother Earth, and asked for a rich harvest. And with a basket on their chest they went out into the field. The basket contained wheat and rye seeds. Here is a peasant walking across a field and every 2 steps he scatters a handful of grain in a fan from left to right. What do you think the weather should be like?(no wind) Why? (So ​​that the seeds lie evenly in the furrows)

To ensure a rich harvest, people called for rain. You and I also know the nickname. Let's say together:

Rain, pour rain -
there will be a loaf of bread,
there will be rolls, there will be baked goods
there will be delicious cheesecakes.

Guys, what is necessary for the life and growth of plants?(sun, water, warmth)

Physical exercise “The spikelet is growing”

Imagine that we are in a field. I turn you into small grains and plant you in the ground (children sit down). The warm sun warmed the earth. The rain poured down. The grains grew and grew and became spikelets (the spikelet arms slowly rise). And now two leaves are reaching towards the sun (palms open, wrists closed). Wonderful spikelets have grown in the field (smile at each other)

The people have composed many proverbs about bread. What proverbs do you know?

Bread is the head of everything.

Without a stove it’s cold, without bread you’re hungry.

To trample the bread underfoot means the people will starve.

There is bread on the table, so there is bread on the throne, but not a piece of bread, so there is a board on the table.

Water will wash you, bread will feed you.

Without salt it is not tasty, without bread it is not satisfying.

And lunch is not lunch if there is no bread.

Well done guys, you know a lot of proverbs.

Well, wheat and rye have grown. It's time to harvest the harvest. In the old days they did it this way. The women took sickles in their hands and went into the field. They cut the ears of corn and collected them into sheaves (illustration). People say this: “Bread is in the ear, it’s time to reap the strip.”

But the ears still need to be threshed, i.e. remove the grain from the ears. And for this, the men took a flail - a hand-held threshing tool, hit the ears, and the grains spilled out (illustration) Then the grains were collected and sifted from debris. The grain was taken to the mill, ground there, and flour was obtained (illustration). Bread was made from flour.

How to grow bread?

Game: “What first, what next?

Children lay out the cards sequentially: (grain on arable land, sprout, ear, sheaf, grain, flour, bread)

Guys, how much work is needed to ensure that everyone has bread on the table today. And therefore, the attitude towards bread should be careful. How should you handle bread?

Don't take more bread than you can eat.

Don't crumble bread at the table.

Never throw away bread.

Guys, what poems do you know about bread?

Bread does not grow for scraps,
from dawn to dawn,
People say it aptly,
If you can't eat it, don't take it!
Rye bread, loaf and rolls
you won't get it while walking
people cherish bread in the fields,
They spare no effort for bread.

Guys, what can you bake from flour?(buns, pies, cakes, bagels, pancakes) . What is this all called together?(bakery products) .

Guys, in the old days they baked round bread and called it “loaf”. They also baked a loaf of bread for us today.

The teacher brings in a loaf with wishes:

God bless him
who is in this house?
That's why the rye is thick
ugly rye
with an ear of octopus
half grain pie
God bless you!

Guys, our mothers baked you a lot of baked goods.

They are looking at the exhibition. Tea party.

Lesson on the topic: “Defenders of the Fatherland”

Target: expand and clarify children’s knowledge about the defenders of the Fatherland, about famous monuments and memorable places in their native village; develop intelligence, ingenuity, logical thinking, and the ability to solve a crossword puzzle; develop monologue speech, the ability to draw conclusions; cultivate respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

Working on a dictionary: defenders, Fatherland, service, valor.

Material for the lesson: didactic game “Who needs what”; family photos; photographs depicting memorable places of the city (Mazilina Street, eternal flame)

Cooperative activity:

Examination of the painting by M.V. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”, composing stories on the theme of the picture;

Reading fiction about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

Conversation with children on the topic: “Cities are heroes”, “What is heroism?”, “The names of heroes in the names of the streets of our city”, “Notable places of our city”;

Targeted walk along Lenin Street, Mazilina;

Memorizing poems and proverbs about the army, about exploits, about glory;

Interaction with family:

- watching feature films about the Great Patriotic War;

- reading fiction;

Looking at photographs of military service.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher invites the children to listen to the poem:

Our native land can do anything -
He can feed you with his bread,
drink from your springs,
surprise with its beauty,
but can’t defend himself”

Conversation with children.


Who do you think can protect their native Russian land? (children's answers: defenders, border guards, sailors, tank crews, pilots, etc.)

Why exactly them? (children’s answers: they are strong, brave, etc.)

Russian warriors have always been distinguished by courage, dexterity, resourcefulness and endurance. This is well said in proverbs.

3. Proverbs about the Army, about exploits, about glory:

A brave fighter, well done in battle.

Where there is courage there is victory.

A hero stands up for his homeland.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

If the Army is strong, the country is invincible.

The stronger the friendship, the easier the service.

Stand together for peace - there will be no war.

The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.

The enemy will not take the brave one.

Everything you said is necessary to protect our Motherland - Russia. Exactly like this

strong, strong, resilient, your fathers and grandfathers, because they also defended our Motherland - they served in the Army.

4. Visit to the photo exhibition “Our Defenders of the Fatherland.”

The teacher invites the children to visit a photo exhibition (family photographs of their father’s service in the army).

5. Didactic game “Who needs what?”

The teacher informs the children that currently soldiers serve in the army - they stand guard over the Motherland, but before they were heroes. Offers differentiation of pictures depicting the clothing and weapons of a modern warrior and a Russian hero.

At the end of the game, the teacher thanks the children for completing the task, remembering what they talked about earlier, and offers to solve the crossword puzzle.

6. Solving a crossword puzzle.

The teacher invites the children to solve a crossword puzzle using the first letters of words (memory)

His dog is his faithful friend,
He guards the border. (Border Guard)

He is standing on the deck in a white peaked cap. (Sailor)

He is on his iron horse, he will pass quickly and everywhere (Tankman)

The teacher invites the children to read the word that came out. He asks what this word says (children’s reasoning). The teacher summarizes the answers: the people remember those who died defending their homeland; erects monuments, composes poems, songs, names cities, streets, parks, etc. after the victims.

7. Video riddle “Memorable places of our village.” The teacher offers children photo or video material about memorable places in our village:

Mazilina Street

Eternal flame, etc.

8. Minute of silence.

Educator: It is customary to honor the memory of the dead with a minute of silence. When our boys grow up, they will also serve in the army and protect our land. And now they are only dreaming. But we will sing about what kind of defenders and patriots they will be.

9. Song “We are soldiers.”

Script for the presentation of the album “Aksubaevo – our native village”

Target:Formation of key competencies (information, social-communication, technological) in older preschoolers.
- To consolidate general ideas about the main factors that determine the appearance of the village: architectural, sports and leisure facilities, monuments, attractions.
- To develop the desire and ability to apply acquired knowledge about one’s native village in games and everyday activities, strengthening the ability to transmit cognitive information to adults and peers;
- foster business cooperation and collective creativity;
- cultivate respect for people of different nationalities and their traditions.

Materials and equipment : Music hall decorated with balloons; on the wall there is an exhibition of children’s drawings on the theme: “My favorite corner”; sunshine “I love Aksubaevo because...”; On the pedestal stands the album-result of the project:“Aksubaevo is our native village!” ; “Love your village!” advertising flyers are laid out on chairs for guests; treats (pancakes, chak-chak, tea, etc.) Music sounds.
Leading: Dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to the presentation of our album, which is called “Aksubaevo - our native village!”

Child 1:Put your ears on top of your heads,
listen carefully,
we'll tell you about something
very entertaining.

Child 2:We've all tried for a whole year
and worked diligently,
Everyone knew about Aksubaevo,
They collected their experience here.

(points to album)

Song about Aksubaev.

Child 3:Our first page
about your favorite corner.
In the heart of every child
I was able to settle alone.
We go there with my family
and rest with all our hearts.

(Pay attention to the pictures)

Child 4:Introduce you to Aksubaev
very close we want,
all sculptures, palaces, parks
We'll let you see.

(shown on screen)

Leading:Dear guests! Our guys showed you the beautiful places of Aksubaevo. I am sure that you and the guys know a lot about our native village. Who knows more?

Game "Who can name the most?" (streets, ...)

Child 5:My native land
there are many nations here,
we live in friendship and love
Russians, Tatars and Chuvashs,
We will become an example to the world!
Child 6:There are museums in our city
how mushrooms grow in the forest.
The closest of the museums
in kindergarten. He is here!

(The screen suggests paying attention to the mini-museum in the kindergarten)

Child 7:Come to the Rainbow kindergarten
look at the exhibits
everything will be shown, explained,
You won’t forget this kindergarten!

Child 8:Our village is famous for its people
and we will say with pride,
I know some of them myself!
Kas city, H.Tufan, Mazilin
And how can you forget them?
They managed to glorify our village
They will live in our memory forever!

Child 9:So as not to get bored now,
We have a quiz! (Balloons with questions).

Quiz for guests “Did you know?”

    How many letters are in the Chuvash alphabet? (34)

    By whom and in what year was our village founded?

    Type of headdress in the Tatar national costume. (Skullcap).

    Name the main Christian holiday. (Easter).

Child 10:My native land
there are many nations here,
lived in friendship and love
Russians, Tatars and Chuvashs,
We will become an example to the world!
Tatar dance
Leading:Dear guests! We have prepared some treats for you. The children, together with their parents, prepared national dishes - Russian pancakes, Tatar chak-chak. You are welcome, dear guests, to the table!

The guests taste the dishes and thank the children.Russian dance.


1. Volkov. V.I. Dear Aksubay region, Kazan 1993

2. Dybina N. Introducing preschoolers to their hometown. Moscow 1999

3. Kondrykinskaya L. Where does the Motherland begin? Moscow 2003

4. Novitskaya M. Heritage. Patriotic education V kindergarten. Moscow 2003

5. Zhukovskaya R.I., Vinogradova N.F., Kozlova S.A.. Native land. St. Petersburg 1996

In a palace children's creativity The closing ceremony of the “Ecology for Good” project took place. The event took the form of a festival, which brought together representatives of all children's public organizations of the Gubkin City District, who celebrated the Year of Ecology in Russia with bright initiatives. These were quests, flash mobs, competitions, sports competitions, charity events and many other bright undertakings. In total, over 5.5 thousand boys and girls took part in them.

Awards for the most active

Summing up is always a celebration where awards are presented to the best, applause sounds, and music plays. This time too, the stage, decorated with multi-colored balloons and a screen on which bright screensavers were constantly changing, demonstrating the beauty of the nature of their native land, was not empty for a minute.

Before proceeding to award the winners, Deputy Head of the Education Department O. Alyanykh emphasized the enormous importance of the work done for the future of the country. She noted that project activities aimed at preserving the ecology of their native land, united thousands of children in the pursuit of even greater knowledge of the laws of nature, understanding moral values, creative improvement. Olga Ivanovna thanked the young Gubkin residents for their high activity and wished that their endeavors would be continued in the future.

One by one, schoolchildren were invited to the stage for awards. There were so many of them that the presentation of certificates lasted almost an hour! But each nomination was alternated with bright concert numbers, which were very dynamic, varied in genre and skillfully performed, so no one had to get bored.

Young residents of Gubkin - for a clean city!

The winners and prize-winners of the flash mob competition “I am for a clean city!”, held on September 20, were the first to be honored.

Children's public organizations were awarded for third place: “Union of Creative People” from secondary school No. 13, “Heirs of the Fatherland” from gymnasium No. 6 and “Cranes” from secondary school No. 17.

Second place was taken by children's public organizations “We are Belgorodians” from the Sergievskaya secondary school and “Country of Friends” from secondary school No. 7.

First place was also shared by two children's organizations: “Parus” from secondary school No. 10 and “Ocean of Childhood” from secondary school No. 1.

According to the results of the competition of project ideas “The Earth is our common home”, held on October 18 and bringing together 12 project teams from eleven schools in the district, the best were also named.

Third place was won by school No. 7 student Darina Chubarova, Inna Semenova and Anastasia Pozdnyakova from Wislodubra secondary school.

Second place - Daria Bakshaeva from secondary school No. 1 and Victoria Bolbat from secondary school No. 10.

First place was awarded to Natalya Ilyinskaya from secondary school No. 12, Roman Luzhkov and Sofya Shukis from gymnasium No. 6.

The reason for the award in the next category at the festival was the participation of boys and girls in the charity event “Ecology for Good,” which took place on October 19, bringing together more than 3,000 young Gubkin residents.

Third place for participation in it was awarded to children's public organizations“Republic of Childhood” from secondary school No. 15, “Country of Friends” from secondary school No. 7, as well as Karina Krivtsova from secondary school No. 11 and Valeria Likhachek from secondary school No. 13.

Second place was taken by Natalya Savkina from secondary school No. 10, Daniel Alf and Irina Fridrikova from Averinsky secondary school.

The first place was shared by students of the Palace of Children's Creativity “Young Gubkinets” Olga Loktionova and Daria Grevtseva, as well as Roman Luzhkov from gymnasium No. 6.

To all winners O.I. Alyanykh presented a diploma from the Education Department, taking a photo with them as a souvenir.

For the winners - songs and dances

It remains to be said about the brilliant amateur performances performed by the groups “Miss Grace” (leaders Larisa Kucheryavykh and Marina Nuzhnaya), “Extravaganza” (director Olga Maksimova), “Sympathy” (director Anna Golovkova), soloists Angelina Doronina and Anastasia Orlova, and also the choir “Blagovest” (director Anastasia Polovinkina).

And the presenters at the closing ceremony of the “Ecology for Good” project were the teacher-organizer of DDT Yulia Kovrigina and a student of the Gubkin activist school “Leader” Timofey Zhirny.