Birthday Halloween script. Halloween quest for children: script, preparation, recommendations. Treats for evil spirits

Slowly but surely, the mega-popular overseas holiday Halloween is coming into our lives. This holiday is especially popular among children and young people, who find All Saints' Day a wonderful opportunity to face their fears and overcome them with the help of humor and fun. Halloween is traditionally celebrated in many Russian schools. As a rule, high school students themselves write an interesting script with competitions and skits, prepare scary costumes and decorate the hall in the style of All Saints' Day. How to celebrate Halloween at school in a fun and interesting way will be discussed in our article today.

How to celebrate Halloween at school, ideas

There are different ways to celebrate Halloween at school. The most popular scenario is festive concert with elements of masquerade and disco. Also at school you can hold a competition for the scariest costume made by yourself. Another option is to write a holiday script in the style of a popular program or event. For example, an unforgettable and interesting evening can be achieved if the script is designed in the style of an Oscar, but for the “representatives” evil spirits. Plus, you don't have to wait until an evening event at school. You can organize small thematic skits and competitions in honor of All Saints' Day before classes or during breaks. For example, select several high school students, dress them up in scary costumes and leave them to wait for those students and teachers who are late for classes. All latecomers will face “terrible” tests, for example, eating an apple with gummy worms or squash caviar from a children’s pot. For more interesting scenarios and ideas on how to celebrate Halloween at school, watch the video below.

Halloween scenario at school for high school students, video

Since high school students are often involved in organizing Halloween at school, writing a script for the celebration is part of their responsibilities. Consequently, they have to think through in detail not only the script itself, performances, competitions, but also elements of hall decoration and other details that create the right atmosphere. As a rule, high school students write the Halloween script itself in a humorous style with elements of mysticism. For example, such a scenario could be built around famous sinister characters who, according to the script, end up in comic stories, and high school students and concert participants help them get out of them. For example, a scenario about how Dracula lost his memory or Koschey the Immortal decided to marry Baba Yaga could be funny. By the way, the heroes of the script can be not only “overseas” zombies and vampires, but also our traditional kikimoras with goblins.

Funny Halloween scenes at school for high school students

Special attention should be paid in the scenario for Halloween at school funny scenes and funny numbers. Moreover, almost any traditional school number can be adapted for this holiday. For example, a scene in which famous anti-heroes take part in a dance competition can be very funny. According to the script, each of them must dance in a certain style and to specific music. For example, Baba Yaga and Leshy can dance a hot tango, and Koschey can dance a “robot”. A funny scene You can also say that modern youth are very difficult to scare, which is why all villains and monsters suffer from depression.

Fun Halloween contests at school, video

As for competitions in the Halloween scenario at school, there should be a lot of them, and they certainly should be fun. Therefore, preference should be given to themed Halloween competitions with moving tasks for ingenuity and attentiveness. Below are some examples fun competitions for a Halloween script at school.

Blind artist in Halloween

2-3 volunteers are called onto the stage, blindfolded, and then asked to draw a person standing next to them on whatman paper. The participants themselves do not see those whom they must draw in advance, and portraits must be drawn by touch. The only thing the participants know is that they will draw villains. Naturally, high school students in monster costumes and, for example, the kindest teacher in school are chosen as models. When the portraits are ready, but the artists themselves have not yet seen their models, they are always asked who they think posed for.

Edible and inedible for Halloween

Participants are asked to try different treats while blindfolded and then guess what they ate. Among the delicacies offered may be, for example, gummy worms, meatballs, and pickled eggs. The main thing is that the smell of the food should be difficult to guess right away, and that it should be repulsive to the touch. Participants try food in a circle, and can refuse one dish per competition. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

Halloween Costume Contest

The most traditional Halloween competition. Anyone can participate in it in interesting costumes. There should be several nominations, for example, “The most terrible costume”, “The most realistic embodiment”, “The kindest image”, etc. The winners are chosen by voting after the applause of the guests in the hall.

DIY Halloween costumes at school, photo

Speaking of Halloween costumes for school. The most accessible and economical option for children, including high school students, is to make a Halloween costume for school with your own hands. Moreover, there are plenty of step-by-step master classes on the Internet, and if you show a little perseverance and desire, you can make a very impressive and interesting outfit. Among the popular and easy-to-make DIY costumes for children for Halloween at school are the following images: witch, vampire, zombie, goblin, mermaid. If the schoolchildren’s budget is completely limited, then you can add a competition to the Halloween scenario at school artistic painting everyone wants to see scary monsters and villains. Almost every image of an evil character can be realized with just makeup. Even without costumes, you can celebrate Halloween at school in a fun and interesting way if you convey the atmosphere of this holiday with the help of competitions and a script. But for those who are looking interesting ideas for DIY Halloween costumes for school, our next selection of original photos.

Halloween scenario.

Target: introduce pupils to the English holiday “Halloween”.


    Educational – acquiring knowledge about the history and traditions of Great Britain associated with the holiday “Halloween” (through the game).

    Educational – to cultivate the ability to work in a team, attentiveness, respect and goodwill towards each other.

    Developmental – to unite the team through the implementation of common tasks, to develop the ability to communicate; develop children's creative abilities; develop speaking and public speaking skills.



    Characteristics and costumes of characters: The presenter is a smartly dressed young man.The witch is young, beautiful, with flowing black wavy hair. She holds a broom in her hands. Dressed casually.

Pumpkin muzzle - a traditional “pumpkin head” for the holiday with glowing lantern eyes, dressed in a robe made of a sheet.Preliminary preparation: Before the holiday, you can announce a competition for the best carnival costume. You just need to tell schoolchildren that October 31 is the day when, according to ancient legends, evil spirits gather and have fun. It is therefore desirable that spectators come to the event dressed as fantastic evil creatures.According to the plot of the dramatization, you will need a simple treat for the audience - small canapé sandwiches, cookies, a cocktail with tomato or any other red juice, which should bear the ominous name “Blood of the Sorcerer”.

Preparation of props for magic and competitions.



Before entering the hall, children take one colored piece of paper. Thus they are divided into teams.

Music No. 1 sounds.

The Witch appears before the audience. She coquettishly waves a broom, and with a wave of the broom, alarming music begins to sound. Music No. 2 sounds. Witch: Hello! I am a witch. And it is no coincidence that I appeared here today - October 31, the Great Holiday of Horrors. Tremble, he is coming! Solemn and terrible All Saints Day! Or, as it is also called, the autumn festival of evil spirits, Halloween.The Leader hurriedly runs in. Leading: Who took my place as Leader, who got ahead of me? Who was going to hold today's event without such a cool Presenter like me?Witch: It's me - the Witch! (Waves a broom in greeting.)Leading: Ah, the Witch! Of course, who else could come to see us first on All Saints' Day? After all, this holiday came to us from Western Europe, and there it is associated with a number of unique traditions.Witch: Yes, for example, in Scotland there is still a belief that on the last night of October a young Witch, wanting to become a real evil witch, certainly strives to sell her soul to the Devil. And after this deal, she, joyful, goes to fly over the city on a broom.Leading: Are you from Scotland - do you have a broom?..Witch: No, I'm local. I came to see how you will celebrate a foreign holiday at your school - Halloween, All Saints Day. By the way, do you know when he appeared?Leading: This holiday appeared more than 2000 years ago among the ancient Celts. This is a night festival. According to Celtic legends, on this Great Night the souls of deceased relatives come to people, with whom you can easily chat or drink tea. But, besides these benevolent ghosts, evil spirits - a real evil spirit - crawled out of the darkness of the other world on a festive night to people.Witch (proudly): Here I am out!Leading: Congratulations. But in order not to confuse a good spirit with an evil one, the Celts lit resin torches. After all, fire drives away the evil power of darkness. When the Americans adopted this holiday, they added their own innovations to it. For example, they came up with another tricky thing to protect themselves from evil spirits.Witch: And which one?Leading: But the people themselves just need to take it and dress up as some kind of scarecrow. Then the evil spirits will accept you as one of their own and will not touch you.Witch: And what, is it working out well?Leading: (Points to the guys)

Witch, look at our viewers! They all came in such wonderful "horrible" costumes! They know that what awaits them today is not fear and nightmares, but something supernatural. Funny horror stories and unusual jokes.

Witch: Aren't you afraid that real evil spirits will come to the holiday? They will come, they will come.Leading. Let horrors and evil spirits come to the holiday, but there will be plenty of fun. And we will overcome any evil with laughter and fun. And if anyone comes to us with evil intentions, he will die from laughter. And now, Witch, let's play a little with our viewers.

So here we go.


Fun with donuts or apples.”

Hang a donut (preferably covered with icing) on ​​a long string from the ceiling. Now let your guests, with their hands crossed behind their backs and without resorting to their help, try one by one to jump and tear the donut off the thread. Another option: fill a large container or tub with small red apples. Give each guest one try, using only their mouth and teeth, to get their apple (no hands!).

Horror film".

The conditions are as follows - there are five eggs in the cassette. One of them is raw, the presenter warns. And the rest are boiled. You need to break an egg on your forehead. Whoever comes across something raw is the bravest one. (But in general, the eggs are all boiled, and the prize is simply awarded to the last participant - he consciously took the risk of becoming everyone’s laughing stock).

Walk through the swamp

For this game you will need two A4 sheets. The participants’ task is to walk through the room – the “swamp” – stepping only on sheets of paper. To this end, after the first step, you need to bend down, take the sheet behind you, move it forward and take the next step. And so on until the designated point. The participant who puts his foot on the floor is pulled into the swamp and leaves the game. Those who manage to complete this difficult task win.

"Evil spirits are in touch"

A game similar to "broken phone". The players sit in a line and whisper to each other a phrase invented by the leader. The participants' task is to convey the phrase with minimal distortion.

An interesting addition in the spirit of the holiday is that the game takes place in complete darkness and phrases such as: “I’ll eat you,” “Let’s go drink blood,” “Fresh meat,” “We’ll get to you,” etc. .

"Will-o'-the-wisp" (at the disco)

You will need: flashlight, music.

All participants sit in a circle. The lights in the room are turned off, and one of the players is given a burning flashlight. Soft music should be playing, preferably something creepy. A will-o'-the-wisp (flashlight) is passed from one player to another until the music stops. The player who has Will-o'-the-wisp at that moment is eliminated. The game continues until one player remains, and he wins.


You will need: a large number of toilet paper.

This is a team game. Players are divided into teams of two. One will play the role of the Mummy, the other will be the Egyptian. At the signal, the Egyptian must wrap the Mummy with toilet paper from head to toe as quickly as possible (the eyes, mouth and nose, of course, remain “free”). The one who made the Mummy faster wins. Just be careful: if the paper tears, the team is out of the game! The Witch returns. She is carrying a bag.

Blowing the “ball”. Captains competition.

An inflated balloon is placed in the middle of the table.

The two participants are blindfolded and sit opposite each other at the table.

They are asked to compete in blowing up the ball.

However, as soon as the contestants begin to blow, the ball is removed and a plate generously filled with flour is placed in its place.

The participants are amazed, and when their eyes are untied, they usually have fun with everyone

"Dance of the Witches" (at the disco).

You will need: a broom (you can use a broom, mop, etc. instead), music.

Participants stand in a circle with a broom. When the music turns on, the witches begin to dance merrily and pass the broom from hand to hand. The witch who has the broom after the music stops is eliminated from the game (without the broom, of course). The winner is the one who ends up dancing alone with the broom.

Game "Quest" (notes)

The player bursts the ball, which contains a note on which it is written where the second note is located. If the players manage to find this second note, then in it they receive a hint where to look for the third. And so on until note 7.

Progress of the game:

The balloon needs to burst, it says:

1st note.

Play a game with me

I will lead you to the prize!

I'm lying under your feet, and you're jumping around me in circles,

You better go to the door, find the upper right corner.

And then victory is close,

The desired note is waiting there!

Answer: carpet.

2 note

Two is always a pair! Look there that there are always two and they don’t walk alone.

Answer: shoes

3rd note

It’s a difficult rebus to guess,

Find out the next step!


Answer: drying

4th note

Complete my puzzle and find the clue...

(This picture doesn’t need to be cut into several pieces; you need to assemble a picture from them and read where the note is hidden)

Answer: in the mirror

5th note

I am not a simple machine,

I wash your clothes.

Look into the drum

And you will see a surprise there.

Answer: washing machine.

6th note.

Go through the cave

Any room with tightly closed curtains or even a corridor (if the holiday takes place after sunset) can serve as a cave - just don’t turn on the lights, and the participants are guaranteed a scary experience).Children should be blindfolded. There is a letter hidden in every part of the body. Encrypted words - pantry and room 15

Here are the body parts of “Old Dead Joe” that you need to make and place in the “cave” in advance:
1. “Old Dead Joe’s Bones” - find tree branches of a suitable size on the street and free them from twigs and leaves;
2. "Old Dead Joe's Guts" - a large bowl filled with moist, slimy noodles;
3. "Old Dead Joe's Heart" - a very large peeled tomato;
4. “The Eyes of Old Dead Joe” - a small container filled with water in which two large grapes float;
5. "Old Dead Joe's Teeth" - a metal pot or kettle filled with small stones or hard candies;
6. "Old Dead Joe's Hair" - a human hair wig stretched over a ball;
7. "Old Dead Joe's Nose" - a raw potato cut into the shape of a nose;
8. Finally, "Old Dead Joe's Blood" - a pot or jug ​​filled with warm tomato juice.
Have a towel handy to dry your child's hands after he or she gets into the "blood."

The keys to the rooms are held by a wizard who asks riddles. Children guess and get the key

    What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)

    It will suit the house. The day will be stolen. (night) Old lady with a black scarf. The sky was curtained.

Leading: Yes, Halloween is something like Russian carols. Well, first we invite everyone to the table for a small buffet, and then a disco.

Ways to organize a holiday for teenage schoolchildren on merry halloween(October 31) quite a lot. Here is one possible scenario, not too “ominous”, that will allow you to occupy many students at once. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time by all participants and spectators.

Registration and preparation

Without careful preparation and suitable design, any, even the most thoughtful scenario, will not become a real holiday. This is why the preparatory part is so important. The celebration will take place in the large hall. It is advisable that next to it there is at least one relatively small room, which is assigned the role of a “cave of horrors”. The second room will have several thematic areas. However, if the hall is large enough, then all this can be arranged right in it.

Hall decoration

General style: Gothic. The walls are draped with black fabric. Under the ceiling are cardboard figurines of bats. There are large melted candles on window sills, tables and other horizontal surfaces. You can additionally use dark tulle fabrics. Lighting should be dim.

Bar for evil spirits

This area is a real bar and serves a variety of drinks and cocktails without the use of alcohol. Their names should correspond to the theme - “Bloody Mary”, “Cup of Evil” and so on.

The bartender can be real. In the process, he shows interested teenagers the art of mixing cocktails.

Edward's Workshop

Here the main character is Edward Scissorhands, who knew how to cut wonderful things with his own hands. Those interested can learn “pumpkin carving” and making “otherworldly” bouquets and compositions.

Emily's bedroom

This corner is for girls. This is the so-called “boudoir” of the famous Dead Bride. Here you can add something to your makeup, tell fortunes on cards, or just gossip. This corner can be combined with a specific beauty salon, where they teach how to do. The “bedroom” should be separated from the main room by screens on all sides.

Treats for evil spirits

In this area, which is preferably located next to the bar, special snacks are served that evil spirits love. For example, witch fingers, eye sandwiches, egg spiders, etc. It is most convenient to arrange a simple buffet.

Cave of Horrors or Room of Panic

Another thematic zone that needs to be discussed separately, since this is where the holiday begins. There are black drapes everywhere, even on the ceiling. The lights are turned off, and those entering are offered one small flashlight for two people. In the corner there may be a model of a coffin where a sleeping vampire lies, who wakes up and begins to scream terribly in the light of a flashlight. On the other side is a skeleton or its image.

Near the walls are chests and boxes with incomprehensible and unpleasant contents. You cannot open them to look, but you can simply stick your hand into a special hole.

Here and there on the floor there are toys that make a sound if you step on them. In the air you need to stretch many crossed threads that represent a web. Near the exit there is a “distorted” mirror. In this room you can place many items that are related to the holiday.


All party participants must be dressed in themed costumes in advance. Half an hour before the appointed time, they all gather near the hall without going inside. A presenter dressed as Dracula comes out to them. Following him, two little devils carry a special platform or pedestal.

First test

The presenter makes an introductory speech, welcoming the guys and introducing himself. The main idea of ​​the speech is the eternal war of good and evil. Dracula also says that you can be admitted to the festival of evil spirits only by visiting the room of fear, where the essence of everyone is shown through fear. After that, he gives his word to the devils. His assistants - the same devils - explain to everyone the rules for visiting the room:

The beginning of the holiday

After everyone has been in the scary room, the children are allowed into the main hall. The appropriate music is already playing there. It could be something majestic from the classics, such as Mozart's Requiem. For the first few minutes, you can just let them look around. Then the presenter speaks again. He reminds of the reason for which the holiday is held, talks about the rules of behavior (even representatives of evil spirits must observe them to the best of their ability). Then Dracula introduces his assistant - the leading witch. She calls everyone to silence and in a scary voice briefly talks about the holiday itself: about. This ends the first part of the party. Then various competitions and games begin.

Main part

It will consist of several stages, which have rather conventional names. At almost every stage they will be used thematic competitions and games.

  • Presentation of the guests of honor.
  • Lottery for evil spirits.
  • Scary dancing.
  • Find me.
  • The main villain.
  • Main witch.
  • Bloody meal.

Presentation of the guests of honor

The presenters introduce guests specially invited to participate in the jury, who are famous representatives of the other world, fairy tales or terrible monsters. Their roles can be played by teachers and school administrators. Briefly, in a few sentences you need to talk about each. The Mad Hatter, the father of the Adams family, the witch Ursula, Freddy Krueger, Beetlejuice (the exorcist), Koschey the Immortal and others may be invited to the jury.

Lottery for evil spirits

The lottery is conducted by both presenters. To do this you will need a lot of small prizes - sweets, chocolates and so on. All prizes are numbered.

Additionally, you will need two sets of cards with the same numbers, and one without a number, but with a prediction. On the first there are simply numbers, and on the back is the name of the prize. The second, in addition to the number, also contains a specific task. The player, having drawn a number, reads what he will receive. After that, he finds a card with a task and completes it. The tasks are simple, for example, pretend to be a spider, cry like an owl, etc. The player then receives a card from the third set. Predictions should be funny and scary. For example, “don’t go to the hairdresser, they cut off your ears,” “at 3.30 at night in the courtyard on one of the benches you will find a suitcase with money,” and so on.

Scary dancing

This part is divided into two stages. At its core it is dance competition, the winners of which are nominated by a jury. In the first section it appears individual program, and in the second there is a steam room, where couples are selected randomly. The jury's decision can be challenged by the majority opinion. After selecting and awarding the winners, the dance ensemble “Witches and Sorcerers” presents its performance. This is a pre-prepared group of students. During the competition, they have time to change into appropriate costumes.

find me

This is a competition game, the task of which is to find a person. To participate, several participants will be required who have red and white colors on their clothes or costumes. The presenter says that the evil spirits of the English kingdom, playing “Find Me,” for some reason only find body parts – arms, legs, etc. And you need to assemble the entire set. Several sets of such parts, drawn on cardboard, are hidden randomly throughout the room. The winner is the one who is the first to assemble a complete set - two arms and legs, a head, a neck, a chest, a stomach and a lower part.

Main villain

This is a kind of competition for boys, where they choose the best candidate for the main villain of today's ball. There should be from five to eight participants. The competition consists of several stages:

  • the most terrible (you need to scare the audience);
  • the strongest (arm wrestling);
  • the fastest (be the first to take a certain place at the other end of the hall);
  • the most dexterous (variation on the theme “egg in a spoon”).

The winner is awarded a certificate confirming the title received.

Main witch

About the same competition, only in a variation for girls. The rules and reward are the same as for young villains. Only the content of the competitive stages differs:

  • best dancer
  • the best seductress (painted in different colors kiss the boys on the cheek with their lips - whose color is greater is the winner);
  • an ideal flyer (a kind of “flight” on a broom with obstacles that cannot be touched);
  • best comedian (do something funny).

For each stage, the jury assigns points to the participants on a five-point scale, that is, gives marks. The participant with the highest score wins.

Bloody meal

It's both a snack and a competition.. This is where the prepared treat comes in handy. Anyone can come out and talk about how to cook any dish suitable for Halloween. Moreover, the story must be divided into two mandatory parts:

  1. In the first, the participant talks about “an option for real evil spirits.” For example, catch ten spiders, gut them and cook them, and so on with details.
  2. In the second - from what normal human products, and how is a substitute for this dish prepared for people.

Each participant (and others) receives one of the pre-prepared snacks and a cocktail from the bartender.

Final stage

At this stage of the holiday, children can freely move around the hall and themed areas, look at the art of the bartender, learn to carve “Jack-o-lanterns” from pumpkins, watch the creation of professional makeup for Halloween, and so on.

You can take short breaks throughout the holiday and present one of the thematic zones in each.

Adolescence is the most specific age. These are no longer children, however, it is too early to consider them adults. In full accordance with this statement, the reactions and perceptions of adolescents are very different from all other ages, because they think of themselves as independent adults. That is why in the design of the Halloween party and in drawing up the script, elements and points were used that are suitable for older people.

Many people think that Halloween is not children's party. In some countries it is completely prohibited. Well, you and I will let the children have a fun masquerade on this day, which, according to the scenario for children on Halloween, turns out to be not at all scary.

Halloween scenario. Room decoration:

  • The pumpkin is the main symbol of the holiday with its eyes and mouth cut out.
  • Paper bats.
  • Posters on the walls with the inscriptions: “Be careful - you can be eaten”, “Dear guests, please do not bite!”, “Come to our swamp - we will eat a hippopotamus”, etc.
  • A web made of paper or woven from ropes (you can plant a toy spider).
  • Orange and black air balloons with painted “ghost” faces
  • You can cut out skeleton bones from cardboard or thick paper and pin them to the curtains.

Halloween scenario. Characters:

1. Baba Yaga and Kikimora (Leshy) are parents and presenters of the performance.

2. Witches and devils are guests.

  • Witch-Miss Bald Mountain. Some kind of feather, magazine clippings, or beads are glued to the hat.
  • A witch who takes away sweets from children. On the hat are wrappers from sweets, ice cream, chocolates, etc.
  • A witch who scares children in their sleep. A cartoon of a screaming ghost is glued to the hat.
  • The witch is a lover of wild animals. On the hat there are toy mice, snakes, a frog, a spider, etc.
  • Confused Witch. There are patches on the hat, and beads hanging on the ears.

3. The devils have the same masks, but their characters are different:

  • Little devil
  • Braggart devil
  • Devil-Brawler
  • Glutton devil

Halloween scenario. Arrival of guests:

You need to prepare the props in advance " Business Cards", on which the roles are written, put them in a large hat.

Each arriving guest, without looking, pulls out a “business card” with his role for the evening. Kikimora helps him put on the right mask.

When everyone has gathered, Baba Yaga says something like this:

“Dear devils and witches, today we all gathered on Bald Mountain. Let's take a closer look:

  • To Miss Bald Mountain Witch: “I know you love all things trendy. What brand is your new broom?”
  • To a witch taking sweets from children: “Who is better to take sweets from - girls or boys?”
  • To a witch who scares children in their sleep: “What is your scariest scare?”
  • To the Wildlife Witch: “What is the name of your favorite pet tarantula?”
  • To the Lost Witch: “Which of your magical things did you manage to lose?”
  • To the dirty little devil: “What is the difference between a big dirty trick and a small one? Is it a big or a minor dirty trick for someone to eat a birthday cake?”
  • To the braggart devil: (very quickly) “Are you the most beautiful? The cleverest? The bravest? The most boastful?

(Children’s answers may be the most unexpected. It turns out very funny and amusing)

During the meeting, Kikimora (Leshy) constantly tries to interrupt, get into the conversation, and answer instead of the children. Baba Yaga waves her (him) aside: “Leave me alone, Kikimora (Leshy), don’t interfere.” Kikimora (Leshy) mutters to himself: “Okay, okay, I’ll do it for you!” and so on.

After everyone has “become acquainted”, Baba Yaga says: “Well, now I want to give you gifts for coming to visit us.”

He looks for a bag with gifts, but does not find it. Kikimora (Leshy) slowly leaves the room.

Baba Yaga:“It was probably Kikimora (Leshy) who stole the bag! Go ahead and search!”

Kikimora (Leshy):“You chased me away, interrupted me, now I will get your gifts!”

After persuasion, she agrees to give the gifts after the children complete her tasks, for example:

1. Repeat some difficult tongue twister three times as quickly as possible.

2. Take a bite from an apple hanging on a string, holding your hands behind your back.

3. Game “Mummy”: you need to wrap one of the team members with a roll of toilet paper, making a mummy out of it. The team that does it more accurately and quickly wins.

Extracurricular event for students dedicated to the holiday "Halloween"

Shamigulova Ilyuza Sagadeevna, teacher of the State Educational Institution of the Republic of Belarus "Sibai Medical College"
Description: I suggest methodological development extracurricular activity, which is intended to be carried out in a group of 1st year students. This development is for the Halloween holiday, it is recommended to use when holding extracurricular activities, as well as during classes foreign language on the topic “Country Studies”.
Purpose of the event:
1. Educational: deepen students' knowledge about the history, culture, customs and traditions of English-speaking countries.
2. Developmental: development of memory, attention, imagination and listening skills.
3. Educational: to promote students' perception of tolerance and respect for native speakers of English-speaking culture.
Interdisciplinary connections: story
1. Power Point presentation
2. festive decoration hall: poster on the theme “Halloween”; Balloons.
1. I. Walsh “Great Britain: customs and traditions” “Karo” 2013
2. Internet resources


Progress of the event
Dance "Bad Dream"
(Joyful music sounds. Two presenters come out.)

Presenter 1.:Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we are glad to see you at our Halloween party.
Presenter 2.: Only on this night, Halloween night, there is no past and future. Only today we enjoy a mystical “now” that does not exist.
Presenter 1.: Only on this night the gates of time are open in both directions. Halloween is approaching, the hour of transition is coming.
Presenter 2.: And we will start by telling you a little about the history of this holiday, you need to listen and remember everything.
Presenter 1: Halloween - modern holiday, dating back to the traditions of the ancient Celts of Ireland and Scotland, the history of which began in the territory of modern Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Celebrated on October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day.
Presenter 2: Halloween is traditionally celebrated in English-speaking countries, although it is not an official day off. Halloween is celebrated informally in several other countries that have close cultural ties to the US and UK. The tradition of making jack-o-lanterns comes from the Celtic custom of creating lanterns to help souls find their way to purgatory. In Scotland, the turnip was the symbol of Halloween, but in North America it was quickly replaced by the pumpkin as a cheaper and more accessible vegetable.
Presenter 1: Popular costumes for classic horror movie characters such as The Mummy and Frankenstein's Monster. In the festive decoration of houses big role symbols of autumn play, for example, village scarecrows. The main themes of Halloween are death, evil, the occult and monsters. Traditional colors are black and orange.
Presenter 2: In a word, the whole underworld staged a grandiose Sabbath that night.
And today we invite you to take part in this Sabbath. We ask you to take an active part in competitions.
Presenter 1: And now let’s greet the jury:
They will grade each team based on the competition.
Presenter 2: So here we go!
Competition I


(you need to answer questions, for each correct answer a sweet prize is given!)
For each correct answer 5 points are given
1.Where did the history of Halloween begin?
UK, France
2.What is the symbol of Halloween?
3. The main phrase of Halloween?
"Candies or life"
4.What date is Halloween celebrated?
On the night from October 31 to November 1
5.Where is Halloween most popular?
6.The most important Halloween character?
7.What do you agree with? Halloween is a holiday:
a) the gates of winter b) the end of the harvest c) evil spirits
8. On Halloween it is customary to:
a) scare everyone b) make fun of everyone c) put up with everyone
9.Choose the odd one out – something that doesn’t relate to the holiday:
a) spirits and dead b) evil spirits c) brownies and goblins
10.Which of the following colors is not the symbolic color of Halloween? a) blue b) orange c) black Competition 1.(improvisation_)
The jury evaluates the dance on a 5b scale - who will improvise better.
Each team will require 1 person; the task of the participants is to dance to the music that will be given and present themselves as interesting as possible.
Competition 2.(forfeits)
On a 5b scale, depending on who will carry out orders more original.
All participants, one by one, will take forfeits from the box and carry out the instructions.
For example: scream like the victim from the movie "Scream"
pretend to be a hungry zombie
show cast
dance a ritual dance
cast a transformation spell
show Harry Potter
howl like a wolf at the moon
show how a vampire sucks blood
show you how to transform into a werewolf
fake a sinister laugh
Competition 3.(quatrain)
Four words are given, that is, 2 pairs that rhyme with each other. Participants need to come up with a meaningful quatrain as quickly as possible - with humor and creativity.
Examples of rhymes for the task:
blood-eyebrow, class-eye
fried egg-witch, glass-cockroach
Competition 4.(ritual)
Invite two girls from each team. In front of each girl there are ritual bowls of blood. The participants' task is to drink the contents as quickly as possible. The one who completes the ritual faster will win.
Competition 5.(flying on a broom)
Organize a broom flying competition among the girls.

Presenter 1: Well, now let's summarize. In the meantime, the jury is counting the results, let's watch the video.

1 place: Diploma of the best witch and black eye shadow (for a witchy look)
2nd place: Witch diploma and black nail polish (for sleight of hand during witchcraft)
3rd place: Witch diploma and black lipstick (for better spell casting)
4th place: Witch diploma and comb (for a fresh head)
The chief witch congratulates the young witches on passing the exam and receiving the status of witches and the right to cast magic.
Prizes for the audience for the best costumes - lanterns and garlic to scare away all evil spirits!
Home Witch: Thank you all for coming to our Sabbath. And it’s time for us to fly to our forest. See you next year!