New New Year's scenarios for corporate events. Scenario for New Year's corporate party “New Year's mood. Funny short scenes for the New Year for adults

Anya Rudenko
Scenario New Year's corporate party in preschool educational institutions for employees

Scenario for New Year's Corporate Party« Corporate casting»

Everyone sits down at the table and the celebration begins.

Cheerful music plays and two presenters come out.

Ved 1: Good evening, dear colleagues! We are pleased to welcome you to our wonderful New Year's hall, and we hope that our evening today will be a real holiday for everyone and will be remembered by you all year!

Ved 2: Good evening, dear friends! And our evening is really good, look at each other, how many kind and bright smiles, how much joy in the eyes, high spirits and, of course, anticipation of a miracle that will certainly happen. How could it be otherwise, because today new Year's Eve when you can forget your problems and sorrows and plunge into New Year's tale.

Ved 1: We all waited a whole year

When the new year comes to us,

Everyone is tired from work

We are all looking for holidays.

Ved 2: Already tired of reports,

The authorities need something from us,

I really want to wave my hand

And grab a glass of vodka!

Ved 1: You colleagues don’t talk

If you want a holiday so much,

There will be a holiday for you now,

Well, tell me what time it is?

Ved 2: The working day is almost over,

It's already six o'clock, you know,

We set the table "delicious" Very,

It's time to sit down.

Ved 1: You came to us today,

We'll have fun with you,

I wish everyone, friends,

Smile and get drunk!

Ved 2: The most important first toast,

Our leader will say,

He brought us gifts

The most important leader!

Ved 1: I give the floor to the head of our kindergarten Murzikova Lyudmila Pavlovna, let's greet her all together.

Solemn music sounds and the manager comes out.

Ved 2: TOAST

Fill the container with reagent

And let's drink to corporate event!

Here's to a powerful team!

For the office gang!

For free parking!

For excellent skill!

Let the Internet fly!

We'll have a glass too!

So that the stapler doesn't play pranks!

So that the printer lives at a pace

Scanner, air conditioner, computer

They added comfort to us!

So that the boss knows for sure

I always got up on the wrong foot!

Let the fly that bites

Flies past the boss

Guests pour glasses and have a snack.

Cheerful music is playing at this time, a gorgeous woman - a director, who has just rested in the Maldives - enters the door and quickly walks towards the presenter.

Woman director: “Just a minute, gentlemen! Please excuse me, I was a little late due to traffic jams.”.

Presenter1: (looks at him in bewilderment): “And who are you, exactly?”

Woman director (loud whisper): “You ordered an oriental symbol for the New Year, would you like to congratulate the team? Receive and sign.” He takes the invoice out of his pocket and hands the document to the girl.

Presenter (looking the stranger up and down): "Yes, but we thought that..."

Woman director: “A real bird will fly in, with luxurious plumage, a scarlet crest, a bushy tail, and will read a solemn speech to you, I beg your pardon, crow. Roosters, you know, are not parrots; they don’t know how to talk. Well, just like children, honestly!” Addressing those present: “Allow me to introduce myself, I am the director of the most famous movie. I came to you here today to choose the main character of my most famous Russian bestseller ___ Please love and favor.”

Presenter 1: “Well, we just got ready, we never raised our glasses, we didn’t have time to try the salads. We have a long one New Years corporate party, the program is extensive.”

Woman director: “Beautiful, sweet, good, I don’t have time to drink or have a snack, I have a busy schedule, until mid-January - continuous New Years corporate party, where can we sit here? I sleep 4 hours a day and dream..."

Presenter 1: “About what, if not a secret?”

Woman director: “Find a smart assistant or a pretty, efficient assistant. Together we would be on time everywhere, not missing a single one from the list New Years corporate party. Idea! Let's arrange a casting, like in movies or television. I see there are many suitable candidates in the room. Well, how? Do you agree? Don’t be shy, it will be interesting.”

Presenter 1: “It’s a tempting offer. How will the tests be conducted?

Woman - director: “And the casting will take place as follows. Since this past year was the year of cinema, auditions for the main role of the film will take place in our hall. And I will look at our applicants and choose the most wonderful actress.”

Ved 1: Okay, dear director, we will help you with this, we will arrange screen tests at our site. So we begin.

Ved 2: Acting is, first of all, the art of action. A real actor can perform a whole performance without any improvised means. Our participants now also have to try to do this. I invite our participants to audition for the main role.

Groups No. 1,11,12 come out to perform.

Woman - director: Yes it was great. I think that I did the right thing by coming here, and here I will definitely choose the main character of my film.

Ved 1: toast

Let's drink to brilliant successes,

For a friendly and united team,

So that we don't get nuts,

For a huge influx of money!

Over the weekend, minimum sick leave,

For the prospects for the coming year,

Let new everything will be unusual,

And let a miracle happen to everyone!

Ved 2: Well, while you have a drink and a snack, let's open our New Year's lottery.

Ved 1: Every real artist must be able to dance, and dance in different styles. He must quickly and skillfully react to the music being played and skillfully adapt depending on the soundtrack. I invite the following participants to our screen tests.

Groups No. 2,3,4 come out to perform.

Ved 2: It can be difficult to play emotions, especially when our participants need to do this for a screen test, everyone is worried, the voice trembles, but a real actor needs to be able to do this. I invite the following participants to our screen tests.

Groups No. 10,8,9 come out to perform.

Ved 1: Dear, our director, our participants are tired, let's sit and relax for a while, and you still think about who is better suited for the main role of your film.

Ved 2: Well, we continue our celebration despite our participation in screen tests, for the fight for the main role. As the famous one said, but unfortunately

The untimely departed showman Roman Trakhtenberg: “My life is boring until the first hundred grams appear in it!” And as Nikita Mikhalkov said in the famous film “Station for Two”. “One hundred grams is not a stop valve, if you pull it, you won’t stop!” So let's give it another...

(as much as anyone deems necessary! Everyone has their own norm) so that no one and nothing could stop us on this festive evening.

Ved 1: Well, while you're having a snack, I suggest you play a few more lottery tickets.

Lottery drawing, only 5 numbers.

Ved 2: Well, I think everyone has been sitting in their seats, it’s time to get up and move a little. I also suggest showing our skills to participate in screen tests. And now you will see a real performance with very talented actors in the lead roles. But for this I need your help. I need 9 assistants. Come here. Well done, great. So you will be our actors. Now you yourself and everyone who is here will see what wonderful artists you are.

Roles are distributed (or simply assigned and remembered or cards given out):Characters: Snow Maiden, Stranger, Rooster, Crow, Helicopter, Forest (at least 3 people – Trees).

Presenter 1: The plot of our production is very simple. Our artists need to get into the image of their heroes and portray all their actions as best as possible. The best actor will receive a prize. So, artists, are you ready? Viewers, please give me applause. Artists, take a bow. Let's start!

Christmas story(action movie)

The bamboo FOREST rustled. Trees swayed from side to side and creaked ominously. It was dark and scary in the FOREST. Breaking branches and crushing the grass, an important ROOSTER slowly emerged from the FOREST. He was hungry and therefore crowed very much. Frightened, a CROW flew from TREE to TREE and croaked indignantly. The ROOSTER looked back, shook his tail angrily and hid UNDER A TREE. Suddenly, the sound of a flying HELICOPTER burst into the lunar silence. A STRANGER and the SNOW Maiden were flying on it. The HELICOPTER engine was making louder and louder noise, its propeller was spinning madly. While looking for a place to land, the HELICOPTER began to descend and landed in a clearing. The bamboo FOREST rustled around. A STRANGER and the SNOW MAID came out of the HELICOPTER. The STRANGER wiped his forehead, the SNOW MAHID clapped her hands and said "Hooray!". Suddenly the Snow Maiden saw an important COCK under the TREE and screamed "Oh oh oh!". The ROOSTER looked at the uninvited guests with hungry eyes, licked his lips and crowed loudly. THE SNOW MAID quickly and deftly climbed onto a nearby TREE. The STRANGER was left alone with the ROOSTER. Again, in fear, a CROW flew from TREE to TREE and cawed indignantly. THE ROOSTER slowly approached the STRANGER. Both prepared for the fight. Taking a stance, the STRANGER lunged with his foot and screamed loudly "Kiya!". The ROOSTER crowed even louder than before, continuing to approach the STRANGER. The STRANGER winked at the frightened SNOW MAIDEN sitting on a TREE, quickly changed his stance and screamed again "Kiya!". But the ROOSTER boldly walked forward. And then the STRANGER without fear rushed at the ROOSTER and with a series of well-aimed blows laid him on his shoulder blades. The Snow Maiden screamed "Hooray!". THE CROW croaked in surprise and fell from the TREE. The ROoster crowed again, but this time pitifully. The STRANGER put the ROOSTER in a cage. The ROOSTER looked doomedly at the STRANGER and obediently sat down in the cage. The Snow Maiden screamed again "Hooray!" and came down from the TREE. The STRANGER took the SNOW Maiden by the hand, handed her the cage with the ROOSTER, and they all went to celebrate the New Year. Following them, the bamboo FOREST rustled joyfully, and the CROW croaked in surprise.

Ved 2: Well, it’s not a sin to drink for such a performance.

Let's raise a toast to the New Year

Let the toast be extremely simple,

For happiness, friendship, laughter,

Great success in all matters,

For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness

Warmth to family life!

To the cheerful music of BABA-YAGI, BABA herself flies into the hall - YAGA and screams:

Baba - Yaga: Did you recognize Grandma Yozhka?

What was your name?

Well, tea is also a person,

Even though I’m already an age old.

And even though I'm old, I know

I'm such an entertainer.

I'll dance for you now

Amazing dance.

Can you help me a little?

Clap and dance yourself.

Baba Yaga performs a dance.

Ved 1: TOAST

Friends, let's raise a glass

Sparkling wine

For life to be love

And full of joy!

For having a full pocket

Not small banknotes

And may all your dreams come true

Coming New Year!

Ved 2: Well, now let's get back to our New Year's lottery and will give away a few more tickets.

Lottery drawing, only 5 numbers.

Ved 1: Well, now let’s remember our oldest cinema, the films that we watch in holidays, films that our parents, and you and I, were brought up with, films that gave us a lot of joy, fun and life experience. Let's do a little quiz.

The main character of Leonid Gaidai's films? (Shurik)

Name the film director "Relatives", "The Barber of Siberia", "Burnt by the Sun". (Nikita Mikhalkov).

Name a film about the legacy of a Russian grandmother. ( "Incredible adventures of Italians in Russia")

What are the nicknames of the Gaidaevskaya Trinity? (Coward, Dunce and Experienced).

What does Shurik collect? “Caucasian captive?” (Toast)

Leave me, old lady, I'm sad!

Can you tell me how many degrees below zero it is now?

Don’t teach me how to live, better help me financially!

- I have two children: boy and. also a boy.

Whoever bought a pack of tickets will receive a water pump.

Yesterday a friend came from the village, spent the night in a collective farmer’s house... didn’t have time to change clothes (The most charming and attractive).

You are under arrest! Do you have a pistol? Then they were detained. (Peculiarities of the National Hunt).

Ved 2: Let's all stand together in a round dance and sing our most New Year's song about the Christmas tree.

Everyone sits down at the tables.

Ved 1: You know, dear director, we have another very interesting person for you, she will bewitch you, tell you the whole truth, and at the same time take part in our competition. She will definitely win this place and this role. Well, are you ready to watch another performance?

The gypsy woman comes out and begins her show:

I stood at the station

And I told all the drivers fortunes.

And I wondered to everyone passing by,

But she didn’t win any awards!

And that's why I came to you.

Will you gild my hand?

Okay, okay, don't rush,

Check out my work first.

Give me your hand, my dear,

I'll tell you the whole truth!

A promotion is waiting for you at work,

But here everything depends only on you.

If you work well,

So you deserve your promotion!

And I won’t take your hand,

I'll guess by your eyes.

Now I'll look into your eyes,

And I'll tell you the whole truth.

I see your eyes don't lie,

Great adventures await you.

Many trials await you,

But you can handle them with a bang!

But your aura is very simple,

After all, you are beautiful and gentle!

You will certainly find your prince,

And you will live your life happily with him.

And your fate line is like this,

That there is no end in sight.

So you will live long,

And for such information I should gild my pen!

And you have a great figure!

And if you could be the captain of a ship,

But you're a secretary, and that's fate.

Well, you know, not such a bad fate!

And I see you are the boss here.

Let's see what you have.

But you have one trait.

I don't know if she's good or bad.

Do you like to manage people?

This cannot be taken away from you.

And if you manage well,

Then you will have everything in life!

I told you my fortune, I have to go.

Just gild my pen first.

Give it to whomever you don't mind,

And let's say goodbye forever!

Ved 2: TOAST

For luck and for the ladies

I offer five grams!

Happy New Year!

Lottery drawing, only 5 numbers.

Ved 1: (the director can’t decide on the choice and then the presenter offers him the last performance) you know, we have one very beautiful princess in our treasury who is quite suitable for you to play the role of the main character. So we invite our princess to audition.

The princess enters the hall and performs a song. Fidalia Fanisovna performs a song.

After the song is performed, the director makes a choice in favor of the princess and congratulates everyone on the New Year and leaves the hall together.

Woman - director: TOAST

I wish you happiness

And love came to your home!

Well, there was a lot of money

Like snowflakes outside the window!

I suggest you start getting drunk

To set the mood!

Everyone sees off the director and his candidacy for the main role.

HOST 2:Friends! It seems to me that someone is clearly missing from our holiday! Whom….?

That's right, of course, Santa Claus!

So let's call him in the old, ancient but most reliable way!

Call D. Frost:


Welcome guest in the New Year

Well, of course (in chorus! - Santa Claus)

On New Year's Day, there's a lot of gifts, who brought us?

Father Frost! (in unison)

Who paints a pattern of roses on the window?

Father Frost! (in unison)

Your hands are chilly, your nose is freezing, where are you, where are you?

Father Frost! (in unison)




The screensaver sounds - The exit of Santa Claus (The crunch of steps in the snow and the screensaver “Thank God you came!”)

Father Frost (Reads sadly)

Hello everyone and good evening!

How everyone was waiting for this meeting

I walked through dark forests

To get to a meeting with you

I came from a good fairy tale

Let's start playing and dancing

Let's stand together in a round dance

Let's celebrate the New Year together!


Hello grandfather, but what’s wrong with you, you’re somehow not like that!

Why are you barely crawling? Do you drag around a lot of gifts?


Yes, no, my bag is empty,

I became sick from sadness!

The Snow Maiden cheated on me

I'm crazy about Santa Claus!

She doesn't need me in a crisis,

Oh, how sick I am, friends!


Grandfather, listen, don’t be sad!

I'll give you as much here as you can, look!

You never know how many beauties there are in the world,

especially in the moonlight?

Knock on your wonderful staff!

Now there will be a swarm of beauties!

Like butterflies to the light,

They'll fly to the road, grandfather!

No! That's no good!

Friends! Something needs to be done!

We need to cheer up our Santa Claus somehow!

Ved 2: Well, Grandfather Frost, don’t be sad that your Snow Maiden ran away from you, we have a whole parade for you Snow Maiden.

Snow Maidens come into the hall and dance.


Oh, how wonderfully our Snow Maidens dance! Compliments from me to you

And applause from you!

And now, friends, let’s all sit down at the tables.

We continue our celebration, please fill your glasses

And “Let’s skip a hundred grams”!


And you, grandpa, sit down at the tables too

Swearing, for sugar dishes, for honey drinks!

Now we will please you even more!

Friends, let's raise a glass

Sparkling wine

For life to be love

And full of joy!

For having a full pocket

Not small banknotes

And may all your dreams come true

Coming New Year!

Ved 1: Well, we’ll rest a little and draw the following lottery ticket numbers.

Lottery drawing, only 5 numbers.

Ved 2: Let's play (the host has questions, and the guests are given answers. Then the host reads the question, and the guests answer with their chosen answers)

Drinking song.

Residual lottery draw.

Father Frost:Dear guests, I have gifts for you, these are New Year's letters , but first I’ll tell you riddles, and whoever guesses the answer will receive their letters.

Riddle options:

1. The national drink of all times,

Passed through copper pipes,

Often cooked on the stove,

Well, you name it.


2. Burns the mouth and throat,

But at the same time they drink together,

Usually served in glasses

But they also drink from glasses.


3. Subtle aroma, what a bouquet,

Beautiful color and tartness, sweetness,

Stays in barrels for many years

Well, have you guessed it yet?


4. Sometimes ladies drink a drink,

Adding juice and ice

And it contains something like grass,

Sometimes it hits my head.


5. Quenches thirst, gives a belly,

Goes well with fish

Everyone understands perfectly well

Malt will be included there


7. They often drink it with cola,

They also pour it into barrels,

The most important for pirates,

Sometimes it costs a lot.


8. Goes great with tonic,

The taste is sometimes unusual

Drink with lemon and ice

No friends, I'm not talking about rum


9. Rich aroma and color,

And we have no one closer to us than him,

It plays so easily in a glass,

And the stars always shine


10. Bubbles and gases,

They play in a glass,

We're like aristocrats

Well, who can guess


Distribution by Santa Claus of Mail.

Drinking song.

Father Frost:

It's time for us to part,

I congratulate you from my heart,

Happy year of the bird - the Rooster!

Snow Maiden:

Lastly, you need to drink

To consolidate desires,

So that the Rooster brings good luck,

So that we can live well!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving.

Presenter 1:

Our holiday is coming to an end,

We will say goodbye

But literally a year later,

I promise to get together again!

Presenter 2:

Don't be sad, don't be bored,

Have a wonderful life,

Celebrate the holiday for a long time,

Let the year be clear!

Drinking songs and dances.

Acting out interesting scenarios and funny skits are a guaranteed way to make any holiday event exciting, interesting and memorable. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more of our fellow citizens are planning a fun themed party with games, competitions and skits for the New Year instead of a banal feast. Moreover, funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for fun company or for a corporate event, you can either find it online or come up with it yourself, changing and acting out a scenario from any popular fairy tale, film or book. And to make it fun and interesting for guests, each participant in the game can improvise, making their own changes to the game. By the way, the funniest and favorite New Year's scenes for adults are scenes with jokes and well-known fairy tales with comic changes in the plot. And here we will share ideas and videos of New Year's scenes for every taste - below our guests can find short, funny and fabulous scenes for a corporate party or friendly party.

  • Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 Pig
  • New Year 2019 skits for corporate parties: Fairy tales with jokes
  • Short skits for the New Year for adults
  • Cool New Year's scenes for corporate parties
  • The most funny scenes for the New Year 2019 of the Pig for a fun company

Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults

Come up with funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for adult company making friends is actually very simple. You can take any topic from life as a basis for the script, and it would also be a great idea to create a skit based on your favorite comedy film or Stand Up comedians’ performance. But still, the most relevant at the party will be scenes about the New Year, in which you can play out funny, cool or comical incidents that happened or could happen on this fabulous night.

Sample script for a funny skit “How not to behave on New Year’s Eve”

A great idea for a funny modern skit would be the skit “How to behave on New Year’s Day.” To perform this scene, you need 2 people who will conduct a dialogue with each other, making everyone present fall with laughter. Below is an approximate scenario for such a scene, but if desired, you can change and supplement it by coming up with your own cool examples of how exactly you should not behave on New Year’s Eve.

Script for the skit “How not to behave on New Year’s Eve”

Presenter 1: Dear guests, I am so glad to see you all at this holiday. Now I will tell you how to celebrate the New Year 2019 correctly!

Presenter 2: Why are you going to tell us how to celebrate the New Year correctly? I know better!

Presenter 1: You? How are you supposed to know how to carry out new year holidays? Every December 31st, you run around shopping and supermarkets until 11 pm, because apparently Santa Claus forbids you from buying treats and gifts in advance!

Presenter 2: And this is told to me by a man who, at home under the Christmas tree, puts empty boxes tied with bows, photographs it and posts it in his classmates with the caption “Look, everyone, how many gifts Santa Claus brought me!”

Presenter 1: At least I don’t give all my friends a box of “Bird’s Milk” bought at the nearest supermarket on special offer for the New Year.

Presenter 2: But you celebrate the New Year very happily - at 10 pm you turn on the TV and watch reruns of the show with Petrosyan until 4 am!

Presenter 1: And you, of course, conduct old year and meeting the New one is much more fun! You go out into the street at half past eleven, approach all the companies you meet, congratulate them, and wait to be poured champagne!

Presenter 2: And you never buy fireworks and firecrackers! Why, you can also look at other people’s.

Presenter 1: And you send all your friends and relatives the same congratulations found on the Internet. Both women and men! And it doesn’t matter that it contains the words “so that your husband loves you and gives you flowers.”

Presenter 2: And while the chimes are striking, you write on a piece of paper the desire “Win ​​1,000,000 dollars in the lottery,” burn it, pour the ashes into a glass and drink this drink. But for some reason in 10 years, Santa Claus has never granted your wish!

Presenter 1: And this is told to me by a person who has never heard the chimes, because at this time he is already fast asleep with his face in a plate of salad.

Presenter 2: I don’t even know what’s better - sleeping in a salad or calling all your exes on New Year’s Eve in a drunken voice, telling them that they are bitches and immediately confessing your love.

Presenter 1: And you don’t call anyone on New Year’s Day - you’re busy at that time, telling the hostess how best to cook Olivier and herring under a fur coat, how she should have decorated the New Year’s tree and what dress she should have worn.

Presenter 2: And you never celebrate the New Year at home - you always invite yourself to visit someone and sit there until January 3rd or even longer, until you eat everything from the refrigerator and drink from the bar.

Presenter 1: And you wake up on January 1 at 8 am and wake everyone up with the words: “Let’s go outside to play in the snow, otherwise we haven’t been outdoors yet this year.”

Presenter 2: And you always take a bottle of champagne from the owner of the house with the words “you don’t know how to open it correctly,” and in the end you end up hitting someone in the eye with the cork, or breaking a chandelier.

Presenter 1: And you decided to drunkenly show how to do a somersault correctly, and in the end you knocked over the Christmas tree!

Presenter 2: Yes, we are both good.

Presenter 1: In general, dear friends, if you want to have a great New Year...

Presenter 2: Remember that you cannot do it the way we do it!

Modern scenes about the New Year on video

In the video you can see a funny and bold modern New Year's skit for adults, “Talent Competition.” To make sure all guests have fun, you can use the idea of ​​this skit, but give all participants the opportunity to show their imagination and demonstrate their talents and ideas.

New Year 2019 sketch idea for a corporate party: old fairy tales with jokes in a modern twist

We all love fairy tales since childhood, and even adults believe in miracles on New Year's Eve and are ready to plunge into the atmosphere of a fairy tale. Therefore, a great idea for a sketch for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party - fairy tales with jokes on new way. You can act out a funny scene based on any well-known fairy tale, and to make it even more fun for the guests, you need to prepare the appropriate props in advance, with the help of which the participants can transform into fairy-tale characters.

New Year's scene "Grandmothers Hedgehogs"

Babka Hedgehogs in the New Year's sketch are funny, positive characters who will amuse all the guests with their dialogue. The sketch involves 5 Grandmothers Hezhek, they can be both girls and women, and men, and the second option will be even funnier. An example script for this scene is below.

5 Yozhek grandmothers come out and conduct a dialogue:

The first grandmother addresses her companions: It’s been a long time since we went out anywhere, didn’t hang out anywhere. It's time to shake off the old days! Oh look! Why is everyone here (looks at the guests)? Surely they are celebrating something.

Second: One hundred percent. If everyone is assembled, then we go to Kashchei’s for a party. (takes out his phone from his pocket and dials a number). Hello, Kashchiych! All is ready? Then we hurry to you. We are flying at full speed (addresses the grandmothers). Well, what are we going?!

Third: How do we know what is being celebrated here?

Fourth: Let's just ask (addresses the guests). Hello, tell me, what's going on here? For what reason did you gather?

Guests: Celebrating the New Year!

Fifth grandmother: Oh, so there’s a holiday planned here? Maybe then we’ll stay, otherwise it’s a long walk to Kashchei, and my back hurts, I may not be able to overcome this long journey.

All the grandmothers, except the second one, answer in unison: Come on, come on!

The first grandmother turns to the second: And you?

Second: What am I?

Third: Well, you are out of nowhere! You should go to an ENT specialist and have your ears checked!

Second: My electric broom is out of order, so I can’t fly to the hospital!

First: Ty, I bought a Mercedes for myself a long time ago and drive it everywhere. So what? Are we staying for the New Year celebration?

Second: Of course! Let's show how we can rock?

The first one turns to the DJ: Come on, play us something?

The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is playing.

The grandmothers begin to make noise and become indignant.

Third Grandma: DJ, what did you play? Give us our favorite.

A song about grandmothers Yozhek plays, and the characters demonstrate a fiery dance, and then bow and leave.

New Year's skit “Turnip in a new way” - idea on video

The video below shows another version of a table scene with the fairy tale “Turnip” with jokes. This idea is great for corporate party, which is attended by mature and elderly colleagues, as well as people who prefer quiet, sedentary entertainment.

Funny short scenes for the New Year for adults

Short skits for the New Year for adults - great way make New Year's Eve fun and add variety to the traditional feast. Moreover, the main advantage of short scenes over long, well-thought-out scripts is the ability to improvise and involve everyone present in the fun. And below we will share ideas on how to amuse guests with a funny short scene at a New Year's party in 1-5 minutes.

Scenario of a funny short scene “Rain for good luck” for the New Year

This scene is called “Rain for Happiness.” To carry it out, you need two opaque containers (for example, jugs, vases or pans). One container should be filled with water, and the other with confetti, and the presenter should place the container with water next to him on the table, and hide the jug with confetti so that it can be easily and quickly reached at the right time.

When the time comes for the skit, the presenter rises from his seat, makes a toast and says that in countries with humid climate There is a belief that rain on New Year's Eve brings happiness and wealth. During his story, he must every now and then dip his hand into a jug of water so that the guests can see the water. When everyone present is convinced that there is water in the jug, it must be quietly replaced with a container of confetti.

At the end of his story, the presenter expresses regret that there is no rain outside, which means that everyone present will have to look for another way to become happy and rich in the coming 2019. But then he pretends to have an epiphany and loudly say, “But this should replace the rain,” take a jug of confetti and throw its contents on the guests. Since everyone thinks that there is water in the jug, they will run away from the table, and when they realize that it is raining from confetti, they will laugh at the presenter’s joke.

The idea for a very funny short New Year's skit "Italian for the New Year"

The idea and approximate script of the funny mini-scene “Italian for the New Year” is shown in the video. At a New Year's party, you can perform such a scene using a video script, or you can come up with your own based on it small script, for example, “Chinese for the New Year.”

Cool and funny New Year's scenes for corporate parties

Corporate parties are often no less interesting and fun than celebrating the New Year with family and friends. Hosts of corporate events, as a rule, think through the theme and scenario of the party in advance and look for cool New Year's scenes for the corporate party in which all guests can participate.

The company employees themselves, also on the eve of the New Year, can come up with and rehearse a skit with which they want to amuse their colleagues at a corporate party. Such skits will provide an opportunity not only to have great fun at the holiday, but also to get closer to colleagues and show one more side of yourself.

Video with funny scenes at corporate New Year's parties

In the video from New Year's corporate events Russian companies You can get interesting and cool ideas for scenes for the New Year. And we published a video with the coolest and funniest New Year's scenes for corporate parties below.

The funniest scenes for the New Year 2019 for a friendly, cheerful company

To choose the funniest scenes for the New Year 2019 for a cheerful company, you need to focus on the preferences of all guests. If the majority of those present have acting talents and the ability to improvise, you can come up with and act out scenes based on fairy tales and films, and if guests like to laugh, it would be a great idea short skits- jokes with making funny wishes.

Since 2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, a scene based on the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” will be very relevant on New Year’s Eve. An example script for the scene is:

The king enters the stage.

The presenter says: once upon a time there was a king. He owned vast lands. He was powerful and strong, all his neighbors treated him with respect. And he had a beautiful daughter.

Enters the stage beautiful girl and performs a graceful dance.

(At this time the girl laughs loudly and loudly.)

Because of this, no one wanted to marry the princess. All the princes and princes avoided her, and the royal daughter really wanted to get married.

The daughter turns to the king: I will go, father, to seek my happiness!

The king blesses his daughter, who goes into the forest.

As soon as she enters the forest, three little pigs come out to meet her. (Each of them needs to come up with a name in advance and interesting story. For example, the presenter can tell about one that he is a lover of acorns. It is better to choose a well-fed man for the role of this piglet. The second piglet can be a ladies' man and flirt with the queen. The third hero may be gay. You can come up with other stories yourself depending on the audience gathered).

The king's daughter dances with each piglet in turn, but suddenly runs onto the stage Gray wolf. He scares the piglets.

The princess hides on the sidelines because she was afraid of the wolf.

But the piglets turned out to be brave. The three of them attack the wolf and playfully beat him.

The wolf begins to beg for mercy and asks to let him go, but the piglets continue their actions, while wailing about how much trouble the wolf will bring them.

And this is where the princess comes into play. She felt very sorry for the wolf, and she asked the piglets to stop. They retreat before her pleas.

The king's daughter comes up to him, begins to stroke him and helps him up. The princess falls in love with a wolf. They decide to get married. Of course, the three little pigs are also invited to this celebration.

In the video below you can see another idea for a very cool New Year's scene for adults. This scene is perfect for a group of close friends.

Playing out skits for the New Year is a great way to cheer up your guests.

The key to a successful corporate event is a fun and relaxed atmosphere in which absolutely all team members, regardless of position, feel comfortable. In many ways, this is achieved with the help of good humor, for example, funny scenes and funny musical numbers in the script. Even the most high-status members of the team can take part in such funny productions. Most often, the willingness to play comic skit appears for most as part of New Year's corporate events. It is at such holiday parties that colleagues are as relaxed as possible and open to amateur activities. If we talk about which sketches for the New Year 2019 for adults at corporate parties are always relevant, then first of all it is worth noting short numbers on modern themes. Also, skits with cheerful musical accompaniment, altered fairy tales, and stand-up performances also evoke a smile and sincere laughter among colleagues. You will find great ideas and examples of cool scenes for the New Year 2019 in the following article.

The best New Year's scenes for corporate parties - the coolest ideas and examples, video

If we talk about the most current ideas for cool scenes for a New Year's corporate party, then first of all it is worth noting options on the theme of the holiday. We are talking about traditional characters, traditions, signs, films that are associated with the New Year. For example, you can play with humor the situation of how preparations for the holiday go in an average family. Also relevant will be the numbers on how the latest pre-holiday days At work. In most companies, the end of the year is associated with great stress, when it is important to close all reports and transactions on time. And since corporate parties often take place when all records are closed, you can safely laugh with your colleagues about recent work difficulties.

Examples of cool ideas for the best New Year's scenes for corporate parties

Also, at the New Year's corporate party, you can stage skits with the participation of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. In this case, you can force all members of the team to participate in this number. For example, dancing around the Christmas tree, telling poems to Grandfather Frost, helping build a snowman, etc. Adult employees will definitely enjoy such seemingly childish activities and will help them tune in to the festive atmosphere of the evening. You will find even more examples of cool scenes for a New Year's corporate party in the following videos.

Funny skits for the New Year 2019 for adults - short musical numbers for corporate events

Some of the most fun numbers for adults at a corporate party in honor of the New Year 2019 can be called short musical skits. As a rule, these are small numbers without words accompanied by dynamic music or song. The main emphasis in such scenes is on the facial expressions and gestures of the participants, who try to make everyone present at the celebration laugh. The musical numbers are based on cheerful and funny situations from life that many have encountered at least once in their lives. For example, using the right melody for each participant, you can show how a particular person reacts in certain circumstances. This could be a number about who comes to work in the morning (one is always late, the second sleeps on the go, the third makes coffee for the whole team). It is advisable that real people present at the corporate party be taken as prototypes for the characters in the scene. Then the number will turn out to be even funnier and funnier.

Options for short musical skits for the New Year 2019 for adults at corporate events

Also, instead of music, musical numbers often use cuts of audio tracks from famous films and TV series. With their help, it’s easy to create a whole dialogue for a funny scene, and the participants don’t have to learn a lot of text. The main thing is to choose a relevant topic, for example, choosing a New Year gift for colleagues in mall 5 minutes before it closes. Next, we offer you more fun options for short musical skits for a corporate party in honor of the New Year 2019 for adults.

Funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults - converted fairy tales with jokes for corporate events

Another relevant topic for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party - remade fairy tales with gags and jokes for adults. It's quite simple and at the same time interesting option a fun number that can be reproduced in different ways. For example, you can literally rewrite the dialogues of characters from famous children's fairy tales, or you can use clips from films and songs instead of words. In any case, with a sufficient level of artistry from the participants, such a remade fairy tale will turn out to be funny and cool.

Funny ideas for fairy tale scenes with jokes for the New Year 2019 for adults at a corporate party

As for the plot for funny fairy tales for a New Year's corporate party, you can take almost any children's work, slightly changing it to suit the interests of adults. It’s good if you manage to beat some winter's tale with the participation of Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman and other traditional characters. But you can also take very simple children's fairy tales, for example, Kolobok or Turnip. In such cases, the plot should be played out more modern theme, preferably relating to the workdays of the team. For example, instead of a huge turnip, Grandfather (director) and Baba ( Chief Accountant) may be trying to extract the company's annual income. Several interesting and funny examples You will find converted fairy tales for New Year's corporate parties in the following videos.

The funniest scenes for the New Year 2019 - universal options for a fun company, video

It is not at all necessary that performances at a corporate party in honor of the New Year 2019 be dedicated to work and the company; funny scenes on universal themes are also suitable. For example, you can stage a funny number about a typical family and patterns of behavior of spouses, problems between parents and children, important social problems that concern many. At the same time, it is important to maintain a balance between good humor and sharp parody, which can touch the feelings of those present.

Cool options for universal scenes for a fun company for the New Year 2019

As for the format of such a cool skit on a universal theme, you can use any: dance, musical, parody, based on pantomime, etc. In the next collection of videos, we tried to collect just such universal versions of cool skits that are perfect for a New Year's corporate party.

Funny and funny scenes for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig - modern options with video

Humor does not stand still and every now and then new interesting formats of numbers and skits appear, which can also be used for a New Year's corporate party. An example is the increasingly popular Lately stand-up format. As a rule, only one person participates in this performance, but short performances can be arranged for several people. A distinctive feature of stand-up is reading jokes on current topics from the speaker’s position, which leaves its mark on their interpretation. In other words, the author expresses his opinion on popular issues through the prism of jokes and humor. This format will be especially relevant for a New Year’s corporate party if there is a person in the team who is capable of making witty jokes and is not afraid of the stage.

Funny options for funny modern scenes for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig

Also among the modern funny scenes for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig, one can note numbers in the “expectation/reality” format. They can be either on a work topic or play up some everyday situations. Some interesting examples You will find cheerful modern scenes for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig in the following selection.

Absolutely all team members can act out funny scenes at the New Year’s corporate party. Especially if you need to take part in a humorous short number with music and dancing, which is necessarily present in every scenario. Also, skits in the format of converted fairy tales in a modern way can be used for this festive format. The main thing is that funny and cool scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults at a corporate party give everyone smiles and good mood! And then you don’t have to worry about the relaxed and relaxing atmosphere of this holiday!

The scenario for the New Year's corporate party "Planner with Santa Claus" is perfect for organizing a truly magical New Year's Eve in your office!

Traditional New Year's heroes - Father Frost and Snow Maiden, funny jokes, funny and original competitions, unusual incentive gifts - you will find all this in our scenario, designed for any number of corporate party participants, and holding the holiday in any room convenient for you.


Lady Winter(shopaholic) – wife of Santa Claus. Dressed in a modern, fashionable way. High heels, a short, spectacular dress, a handbag. The image is similar in behavior and conversation to a stupid blonde. A white wig is required on your head. Makeup is bright and catchy.

Santa Claus(businessman). Dressed in a modern executive suit. But with a red nose and a beard (traditional, fake and Santa Claus hat).

Granddaughter Snegurochka(marketer). A sort of excellent student (glasses, tablet in hand). But on the head there is a mandatory wig with a braid and a Snow Maiden hat.

Grandson of Morozko(DJ). A modern young man, but with a red Santa Claus cap on his head, a bright scarf around his neck, and mittens on his hands.

Props and room decoration

A festive corporate party can be held in a large office space, and in specialized places - in a bar, restaurant, cafe.
The decoration is New Year's, festive.
The Christmas tree should not interfere with guests’ viewing and participation in competitions and skits.
It is better to set the tables for no more than 4-5 people and place them at a short distance so that fairy-tale characters have the opportunity to conveniently approach the guests.

To decorate a mini stage


1. Office desk. There are folders and documents on it.
2. Computer.
3. Executive chair.
4. The closet is also filled with folders, documents, and books. Other additional office elements.
5. A separate table on which there will be white T-shirts (signed) of different sizes, according to the number and size of guests.
6. Markers. (Competition No. 4. “Autograph”).
7. A beautiful bag with costume elements (bunny ears, kitten ears, wolf mask, bear mask, etc.). (Competition No. 5. “Magic dancing”).
8. White pieces of paper and pens (according to the number of participants).
9. Large, deep iron bowl.
10. Lighter. (For “Message for the New Year!”).


For general musical arrangement:

  • song “New Year” (“Disco Crash”),
  • Verka Serduchka song “Christmas trees”
  • “New Year” (“Hands up”),
  • E. Vaenga song “I wish!”
  • Other New Year songs of your choice,
  • recording of the chimes.

Phonograms for skits

song excerpts:

  • "Black Boomer" (chorus),
  • “Empress” by Allegrova from the chorus,
  • Abba – “Money, Money, Money” (chorus),
  • Leps' song "A glass of vodka on the table"
  • song “You kiss me everywhere” by the group “Hands Up”,
  • Verka Serduchka’s songs “Okay, everything will be fine!”, “Smiley”,
  • song “The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky” (from the chorus).

Corporate event scenario

Scene #1

The guests are seated at the tables. Light instrumental music plays. A modern businessman, Father Frost, appears. The marketer Snegurochka hurries after him, writing something down on a tablet. The music turns off.

Father Frost(addresses the guests in the hall): “Well, my dears, the old year is coming to its logical end. We all had a great time working with you in it. The New Year is just around the corner and I am ready to listen to all your suggestions for how to celebrate it. Who wants to be the first to speak and open our planning meeting? Who should I give the floor to?” (Looks sternly into the audience. Everyone looks at each other in confusion, not understanding what is happening).

Father Frost: “If you really are thinking of just sitting out, then I’ll tell you right away that you won’t succeed. I’ve been in my frosty holiday business for many years and I know everything about you. Don't want or aren't ready to voice your thoughts? I’ll just read them then!”

(Santa Claus approaches one of the men and moves his hands over him. A soundtrack is played with the words: “Black boomer, black boomer”).

Father Frost: "Interesting!"

(He approaches the next guest (woman). He moves his hands over her. A soundtrack sounds with the words: “Mani, mani, mani (ABBA)”).

Father Frost: “An accountant or something?”

Father Frost: “This is what your heads are filled with, just listen!”

(He approaches the girl. He moves his hands over her head. It sounds: “You kiss me everywhere, I’m everywhere, I’m already an adult!” To the next woman (song with the words “Well, at least send a smiley!”).

Father Frost: “Come on, I’ll listen to your general thoughts!”

(He walks away and moves his hands, V. Serduchka’s song sounds with the words “Okay! Everything will be fine!”)

Father Frost(addressing the Snow Maiden sternly): “Well, everything is clear with them! You know?"

Snow Maiden(scared): “What?”

Father Frost(joyfully): “They have good thoughts!!! Correct! New Year's!!! How I love!!!"

(The Snow Maiden exhales with relief, fanning herself with her tablet.)

Snow Maiden: “Scared me, Grandfather Frost... So, okay. Tell me, by what criteria will we determine the best workers (employees) this year?”

Father Frost: “Write it down, granddaughter. By filling the glasses, by draining them. For the best toasts. Through tireless dancing. By participating in competitions. And, of course, for fun!”

Snow Maiden(writing down): “Yeah, I see. May I begin?"

Father Frost: “Get started, granddaughter!”

Scene #2

Light instrumental music plays in the background.

Snow Maiden:

“Our dear guests!
It’s not in vain that we gathered here!
Near the decorated Christmas tree,
All our friends are nearby!

Father Frost:

“Fill your glasses!”
Fill to the brim!
Don't be sorry, don't be sorry
Kind words for each other!”

(Guests fill their glasses)

Father Frost: “The floor for congratulations is given to the manager” (name of organization, enterprise, company, etc.) Full name.

(Toast from the leader, then everyone drinks and has a snack).

Father Frost: “Who do you think is your boss’s right hand? Of course, the chief accountant (or deputy for finance) has not gone far from the manager, so we give him (her) (position, full name) the opportunity to congratulate our employees on the upcoming New Year!”

(Toast from the main booze. Everyone drinks and has a snack).

Father Frost: “I know from myself that the leader and his right hand, dealing with financial matters must understand and hear each other perfectly, right?”

All in unison: "Yes!"

Snow Maiden: “Let’s check this? How much do your manager and his assistant understand each other? (Addresses the manager) Are you ready?

Competition No. 1. "Understand me!"

Father Frost: “So, the task is as follows: my granddaughter, Snegurochka, who is also a marketer, takes you out the door and makes sure that you don’t hear anything about what we are agreeing on here. Then you come back and have to understand what we are telling you.”

The Snow Maiden takes the manager and the accountant away, and Father Frost conditionally divides everyone into two teams.
The task is this: Two teams must shout completely different phrases at the same time. For example, the first team will shout: “We are having fun here”! Second team: “We are glad to see you!”

The Snow Maiden returns with the participants of the competition. At the command of Santa Claus, the guests simultaneously shout out their proposals in unison. The manager and chief accountant must hear and pronounce both phrases.

Scene #3

(Music sounds in the background).

Father Frost: “Fill your glasses, my friends, and let’s drink to mutual understanding!”

(Everyone drinks and has a snack).

Snow Maiden: “Grandfather Frost, and I, as a marketer, know for sure that personal friendships are very important in a team. Tell us, our dear friends, which of you has been working with each other for a very long time?”

Game “What do we know about each other”

From the guests, pairs of two employees of either gender are selected.
The Snow Maiden asks questions:
When did your partner get this job?
How old is he now?
Who does he work for?
How long have you known each other?
What does he like for lunch?
What does he have in his right pocket?
Does he have all his teeth?
Isn't that a wig on your head?
(and so on, no more than 3-4 questions for each participant; there can be any number of pairs).

Each correct answer is worth 1 point; based on the number of points, two winning couples are selected to participate in the final competition.

Competition 2. “I am you!” You are me!"

The two pairs of participants who won the previous game are placed back to back; you cannot peek or turn around.

Santa Claus asks questions to one participant, Snow Maiden to another.
For example (if the partner is a man):
What color is your partner's shirt?
To what button is it undone?
How many buttons are there on a jacket?
What is the pattern on the tie?
What kind of watch are you wearing? (Especially if there are none).
What color are the laces? (And there, for example, shoes without laces).

If the partner is a woman, questions such as:
What do earrings look like? (If they are not there).
How high is the heel?
What color are your eyes?
and so on.

Snow Maiden: “What great guys you are, how friendly you are and how much you know about each other!”

Father Frost: “How can you not drink for this? I offer to fill the glasses!” A toast is given to the winners!

(One toast each from the winners of the competition. Light instrumental music plays. Everyone drinks and has a snack, then a “Dance break” of 4-5 compositions).

Scene No. 4

Father Frost: “We continue our New Year’s planning meeting, dear friends! I announce the game “You are the best!”

Competition No. 3. “You are the best!”

Father Frost: “Please fill your glasses immediately and to the brim! On my command, you need to say a compliment to your neighbor (preferably an unusual, original, extraordinary one), clink a glass with him and drink quickly... So, in turn, you must say one compliment to each other, but you cannot repeat what has already been said before you. My granddaughter, marketer Snegurochka, will time the speed. This the new kind a sport that must be included in the GTO standards! I’ll show you by example!”
Santa Claus (takes a glass, clinking glasses with the Snow Maiden): “You are the COLDEST!” (drinks). Is everyone clear?

Guests in chorus: "Yes!"

Father Frost: “One, two, three, let’s start!!!”

(Instrumental music sounds in the background, the microphone is passed from hand to hand).

Snow Maiden(at the end): “Hurray! The speed is record-breaking!”

Everyone drinks and eats.

Scene #5

(Lady Winter appears, bags in her hands).

Lady Winter(indignantly, capriciously): “Darling, what is this?! Why doesn't anyone help me? Where is your security guard Snowman? Where are the deer drivers? Can’t you see my arms are falling off?!”

Father Frost(addresses the audience): “Yes, yes! What did you think? That I, a tough businessman, don’t have a blonde wife? Eat! Here she is in all her glory!”

Father Frost(addresses Zima): “Well, did you spend all my money, my beloved shopaholic?”

Lady Winter(throws the bags and happily grabs his arm): “Oh, dear, just a little bit left! Honey, throw in a little more! I saw such snowflakes and icicles in the store! My forest kikimora friends will simply burst with envy!”

Father Frost: “What have you already bought, my beautiful Lady Winter?”

Lady Winter: “Oh, such a long, floor-length snow coat and icy, icy boots all the way up here!” (shows the length of the boots on himself - almost to the thigh).

(Santa Claus takes out a New Year's card and gives it to his wife).

Father Frost: “Here, take my salary card and don’t deny yourself anything!”

(She kisses him joyfully on the cheek, flirtatiously waves to the audience and runs away).

(Meanwhile, the Snow Maiden takes out personalized T-shirts from the bag and lays them out on the table. Markers or felt-tip pens of different colors should also be there).

Scene No. 6

Snow Maiden: “Dear friends, we rarely tell each other any wishes, warm words, or maybe even declarations of love. Postcards are a thing of history; no one signs them anymore. So Grandfather Frost and I decided that we should help you leave a memory of our New Year’s planning meeting in some interesting, unusual way. And Santa Claus himself will tell you how!”

Father Frost: “On this table are your personalized T-shirts, white as a blank sheet. Nearby are markers and felt-tip pens. Imagine that this is a Happy New Year card, only very original. Anyone you want can at least draw or write whatever you want on each one! Then each of you will receive your own personalized T-shirt with autographs, drawings and wishes from your colleagues as a souvenir. I am sure that you have never received such a sincere gift!”

Snow Maiden(winks at the ladies): “By the way, no one forbids women to leave autographs with their lipstick! Hint understood?"

Competition No. 4. “Autograph”

Sounds musical pause, during which guests sign T-shirts for each other, draw emoticons, wishes, etc.
Santa Claus and his granddaughter choose the 3 best works and announce the winners.

Scene No. 7

The grandson of Santa Claus appears - DJ Morozko with his equipment.

Father Frost(introducing the grandson to the guests): “Dear guests! I am glad to introduce you to my heir! My grandson Morozko, a cool DJ, and we invite you to dance with him!”

Morozko: “Great, guys!! Listen here everyone! Everybody dance!!"

(Dance break of 4-5 songs).

Competition No. 5. "Magic Dancing"

During the dance break, competition No. 5 is held. "Magic Dancing" Participants take costume attributes out of the bag by touch and then dance to the music in this image.

Scene No. 8

Everyone takes their seats. Toasts are made, guests drink, eat and congratulate each other. Instrumental music is playing.

Father Frost: “Our dear guests! New Year is approaching! We hear his festive steps. The chimes are about to sound. (Sheets of paper and pens are distributed to all participants). While I am here, my dears, I will definitely fulfill one of your wishes. Only for this you need to carry out a New Year's, fabulous ritual. Write your deepest desire on a piece of paper and put the notes in this magical bowl.”
(The Snow Maiden walks through the hall with a bowl. The chimes sound. Grandfather Frost moves his hands over the bowl. On the twelfth strike, Grandfather Frost sets the contents on fire. At that time, the lights in the hall are turned off. Only the fire in the bowl is visible).

Father Frost: “May all your wishes come true! Not a single thing will be forgotten! Happy New Year! With new happiness! Hooray!!"

(The lights turn on. New Year's songs are played. Everyone dances, drinks, eats. Father Frost and Snegurochka go around the tables, congratulate colleagues, pose for joint New Year's photos).

Happy New, better, blessed year, dear friends!