The script for the 75th anniversary of a man is cool. A collection of funny skits for a man's anniversary. Congratulations to a Big Salary

Leading: I think everyone will agree with me that the years lived hero of the day- this is true wealth, calculated not by money and other material values, but by good and noble deeds. Therefore, today, once again, congratulating the hero of the occasion, it is very important to note that before us is a wise, persistent and noble man, whom we all love and respect infinitely.

Let it be the beginning of the century,
We will not change traditions.
For a dear, dear person
Let's raise a glass of wine now.
I invite all guests to fill their glasses!
Our dear hero of the day! Beloved father and grandfather! We sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful date - 75 years old! May your good health remain for many years, and may joy and fun never leave your home! Let's raise a glass to our hero of the day and his seventy-fifth birthday today!

The guests gathered at the celebration raise their glasses to the birthday boy and hand him memorable gifts , say warm words.

Leading: Dear friends! Today we decided to turn our birthday boy into a king on the throne. Therefore, we prepared a crown for him in advance (they wear it on the hero of the day) and decided to provide the opportunity to listen to the congratulatory speeches of his subordinates. After all, for every birthday person, a birthday is a kind of annual gift from fate, allowing you to feel the love and affection of friends and relatives. And we, in turn, have another reason to come to a person to express all the kind words that our heart tells us. So, listening to the voice of your heart, try to find kind words addressed to our birthday boy by deciphering the card you came across.

Cards: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Housing and Communal Services, TASS, PMK, SINH, RTR, ZIL, DRSU, Air Force, DOU, Communist Party of Ukraine, UPI, NTV, VAZ, OKA. For example, the Department of Internal Affairs - we adore Victor for a long time, and so on. Each guest, having deciphered the chosen abbreviation, names what he came up with.

Leading: Dear friends, I think that you did a good job, and our hero of the day was pleased with your compliments and confessions. Now his heart will forever remain open to you. And so that you do not doubt this, we will give each of you a golden key from the heart of the birthday boy. (The hero of the occasion personally presents each guest with the Golden Key candy).

It’s not easy for you to come to the holiday today
I ask all guests to prepare for a toast!
(Glasses are being filled)
We raise these glasses to our host anniversary evening – (name and patronymic of the hero of the day).
Well, what royal anniversary can pass without gifts? No! Therefore, we move on to the most enjoyable part of our festive evening - the presentation of gifts!

  1. So that your youth may be preserved for a long time,
    Take Golden Cup tea in the morning. (They give tea.)
  2. So that your face glows with happiness,
    Get an anniversary egg as a gift! (They present a kinder surprise.)
  3. So that your home avoids sorrows and troubles,
    Get magic coins from us. (They are presented with a scattering of chocolate coins in gold foil.)
Then the evening continues with congratulations from the closest relatives, children, grandchildren, colleagues and friends of the hero of the day.

Leading: Dear guests! We all at least once in our lives dreamed of catching goldfish, and make her three of your most cherished wishes. And now this unique opportunity will present itself to everyone.

The presenter takes a bag containing fish cut out of cardboard. One of the fish is gold. Each guest is invited to choose one fish without looking. The owner of the “goldfish” is given the right to voice three wishes, selected from cards prepared in advance by the presenter. The “executor” of desires is pre-selected. Options for desires can be very different, however, they are moderately decent and feasible.

Preparing a birthday is always associated with fuss and takes a lot of time, and if we are talking about a special anniversary, the 75th birthday, the pre-holiday bustle reaches its peak. But for every hero of the day, not only amazing gifts and special treats, a huge gift cake are important, attention sometimes plays the most important role. Therefore, it is worth setting aside a little time and preparing a scenario for a man’s 75th birthday to make the holiday unforgettable and touching. The older generation appreciates this kind of attention the most.

How to celebrate a man's 75th birthday

For the celebration you will need.

Take on the role of a leader
print the text of each participant on a separate piece of paper
pick up several cards with congratulations
decorate the room where the event will take place with balloons, posters, banners with congratulations.

The simplest version of the scenario is to prepare several holiday greetings, which are laid out on the table in the form of small cards. Each invitee reads his text during the celebration.

But 75 years is a serious date and you want to make the holiday special, so it’s better to take the preparation of this event seriously. Moreover, a real festive evening can be held even if there are no professional artists among the guests. The main thing is to assign all the roles in advance and conduct at least one rehearsal.

Be sure to appoint a responsible photographer who will capture this joyful event. After the celebration, the photographs will make a wonderful memorial album, and the words for the captions under the photos will be the script for the man’s 75th anniversary.


This script contains various congratulations from family and friends, so each congratulation sounded can also be pronounced in the form of a toast.

Leading. Hello dear guests! Today we have gathered to sincerely congratulate our dear hero of the day on his birthday! 75 years is a special date!
Today, on our anniversary, we are looking for unusual words,
So that everything is always easy and clear,
To make life happy
So that your health never fails,
And all the relatives were nearby.
Let's invite our loved ones to the holiday!
Let's bring all our friends together!

A short excerpt from Vakhtang Kikabidze’s song “My Year” is played.

Leading. Years, in fact, are real wealth for our hero of the day. We know how much the whole life of (name of the hero of the day) is filled with noble and good deeds. All relatives, friends and relatives can confirm that our birthday boy is a persistent, wise and noble person, whom each of us respects and loves infinitely. So now I want to give the floor to myself to a loved one to the wife of the hero of the day.

Wife. I will never forget the first time I saw you. Now we can say for sure that it was real love at first sight. From our first dates, I wanted you to become my husband, so that we could have a happy family. My wishes came true! We lived with you many happy years, we had wonderful children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren! There were all kinds of joy and sorrow in our lives, but we were always together, always next to each other. Today, when all your family and friends have gathered for your anniversary, I want to wish you, my dear, health and for long years life! After all, we have already earned money, achieved success, and we have happiness and love! You are very dear to me, my dear!

Leading. Dear guests, look at the children of our hero of the day. Today they gathered in full force at our festive table, and each of them wants to congratulate their beloved dad!

Daughter. For me, your family, dad, has always been a role model. Your love, your devotion to each other have become a real guiding star for me. I dedicate these poems to my parents.

My daughter reads Vasily Fedorov’s poem “And I once thought that gray hairs...”

Daughter. Dad, be happy, healthy, live long, long time!

It’s good if all family members, even the smallest ones, participate in the holiday. After all, almost any child can learn a small quatrain. At the same time, you shouldn’t put on a grandiose performance with the kids, unless, of course, the children are engaged in music school, ballroom dancing or in a drama club. The older generation has a special relationship with their grandchildren, and in the script for a man’s 75th birthday, it is best to include a performance by his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. All grandfathers are proud of the achievements of their grandchildren and they are especially pleased to watch the performance of each of them. But in any case, even the most enchanting performance should not last more than 5 minutes. Not only the performers themselves get tired of a long performance, but also the audience, and the holiday should be dynamic.

Leading. Now it's time for the youngest guests of the celebration. They prepared a special gift for grandpa!

Poetic congratulations from grandchildren

My dear grandfather,
We are all proud of you.
I will always try
To look up to you
And I’ll tell everyone a secret.
There is no better grandfather in the world!

My kind and attentive
My best grandfather in the world,
You are the most wonderful,
Live another hundred years!

Who knows everything in the world
Who understands grandchildren
There is no one better in the world,
This is my beloved grandfather.

My dear grandfather,
My dearest,
Looking forward to our adventures
Stories and conversations!

Each of these small poems can be divided into small passages, or all the poems can be read to one child in their entirety. After the performance, all the children come up, hug and kiss the hero of the day.

Son. Dad, I want to wish you all the best in everything! May your health never fail you! Let your true friends be next to you! Let every day be happy! On this day I also want to congratulate my mother, the hostess of the celebration!

Our beloved mother,
Mistress, you can't find any.
Beautiful, kind, nice.
We want to wish you
Let your love and respect be kept in the family forever.
Health, smiles, patience and happiness for all times!

Leading. It is impossible to imagine a scenario for a man’s 75th birthday without the participation of the hero’s friends in it, so the next congratulations come from congratulations from his closest friends.

Friend. I want to wish my friend, whom I have known for many years, a happy birthday. Happy anniversary to you (name of the hero of the day)! Our friendship has been tested by time, it is stronger than granite, we are always a mountain behind each other. And may it always be so!

When preparing the ceremonial part, you should not forget about the age of the birthday boy and the invited guests. A holiday that is too long can simply tire an elderly person. Therefore, it is better to conduct various competitions and quizzes if there is confidence in the strengths of each of the participants in the identity.

Anniversary - always an important event In human life. This is a great occasion to gather your family and friends at one table, to see all your friends and colleagues, acquaintances and partners. In a word - arrange a holiday for loved ones and dear people, but first of all - for yourself. To make this event memorable, you need to prepare for it in a certain way. To do this, you can create a small scenario: “Anniversary - 75 years for a man!”

To decorate the room, use Balloons red and Let them be tied by color and filled with helium. It would be nice to place large numbers with the anniversary date on the wall.

For a 75-year-old man, it is important to introduce musical accompaniment consisting of compositions by performers close in age to the birthday boy. Let it be, for example, Adriano Celentano, the Beatles.

A mandatory attribute should be a large table with comfortable chairs; an option of several small tables designed for 6 people is possible. Let the presenter be one of the friends or girlfriends of the hero of the day.


The obligatory congratulatory speeches included in the script: “Anniversary - 75 years for a man!” There will be congratulations from the children and grandchildren of the birthday boy. Approximately, they should carry the following meaning: “We have always been proud of our father and grandfather. We admired his strength and determination, rigor and ability to work. Only thanks to him we were able to achieve everything we have now. Thank you for your tireless support and heartfelt understanding! We wish you with all our hearts to live even more than you have already lived! Good health to you, joy from your children and grandchildren! 75 is not sunset at all, it’s just the evening time of life, when only the most interesting things begin! Happy anniversary to you, our dear person!”

And of course, this is the most appropriate moment to give a gift.

Scenario: “75 years old man”, will contain congratulations from friends of his youth and colleagues. From everyone who came with joy to congratulate the hero of the day. The presenter, in turn, of course, can create a festive atmosphere as if in passing, unobtrusively: “Today we can plunge into the past! Let's forget about numbers and time and go to the unforgettable 60s that remain in our memory. Let’s remember what we always treasure with warmth and love!” Let calm melodic music begin to sound.

And so the guests gradually sit down at the table.
Scenario: "Anniversary - 75 years for a man!" must have a corresponding menu.

For appetizers: vegetable salads, steamed vegetable stew, Caesar and Mimosa salads, cold cuts.

For main course: boiled or mashed potatoes, steaks or with cream or mushroom sauce.

Let the dessert delight you with a large one decorated with bright flowers made of cream and the number - 75.

Let the selection of drinks include white and red wine. For dessert: tea and coffee, fruit drink and lemonade.

Toast “To our victories!” you can smoothly summarize the scenario “Anniversary - 75 years for a man!” to completion:
“Every anniversary is usually compared with a certain milestone in life. You already have many milestones behind you. Each milestone is a definite victory, the conclusion of some stage. Let's raise a glass to all your victories!"

Seventy-five years is the age when you want to celebrate your anniversary in a calm and quiet environment. I would like to invite my closest relatives and closest people who have been close to me all my life. New scenario Mother's 75th anniversary, suitable for spending with family. The scenario is carried out without a toastmaster, and the presenter can be a daughter or any guest. The script contains competitions, interesting blocks and other ideas. Look and choose.

Meeting the hero of the day.

Even if you are celebrating an anniversary at home, you still need to arrange a block - a meeting of the hero of the day. It's beautiful and unusual. And your mother will be very happy and pleasantly surprised by such a touching meeting.
Everything is simple - you need three pairs of guests. Each pair holds in their hands colored ribbons that form an arch. The guests are ready and the hero of the day is invited. Further, all the words of the presenter, and the hero of the day and the guests do what the presenter says:

The main holiday.

The first toast to the hero of the day.
In one Caucasian city there lived a family. And there was a son in this family. When the time came for him to get married, his parents themselves chose a bride for him. When he first saw his bride, he immediately asked - how old is she?
The parents replied - we were interested. But she said she forgot her age.
The young man sighed and said - everything is clear, that means she is over forty years old.
And then one wise man said - it doesn’t matter how old a woman is, what matters is how old she feels!
I propose to raise a glass and drink to our eternally young hero of the day, who always feels twenty years old!

Competition – songs of youth.
In this competition we will guess songs and sing them. But we need to prepare for the competition. Namely, draw pictures for songs. You can give this task to your grandchildren. Let them listen to the competition songs and have them draw one picture for each song. That is. The way they see this song in the picture. For example, the song is “well, well, give me some water to drink.” You can draw it like this - a well and water splashes out of it directly towards a person.
On anniversaries, show the drawing, and guests guess the song. When they guess correctly, the music of this song is turned on and all the guests sing it together.

Playing with guests - birthdays.
In this game you need a simple yearly calendar. Give the calendar to your guests and they circle their date of birth. When all the dates are circled, you give the calendar to the hero of the day. She names all the circled dates in turn and says who celebrates their birthday on that day. This way, you can hold a beautiful block and drink for the birthday of all guests at once.

Playing with guests is a memorable date.
And for this game you need the same calendar. Only the hero of the day circles memorable dates on it. Then the calendar is shown to the guests, and they name why these dates are memorable for the hero of the day. They name the events that happened on this day for the hero of the day: birthday, first grade, graduation from school, wedding, birth of a child, and so on.

A gift for the hero of the day from all guests.
First, the presenter tells a short parable:
- one girl took her mother’s box and covered it with newspapers, paper and leftover wallpaper. Then she went up to dad and showed him this box. Dad saw her and began to scold his daughter for ruining the box. Then my daughter said that this box was a gift for him. The father stopped scolding and opened the box. When he saw that it was empty, he began to curse again. But my daughter answered - the box is not empty, it is filled with my love for you!
Our dear hero of the day! Together we made this box for you. If you open it, you won't find anything there. But that doesn't mean she's letting in. It is filled with love from all of us. It contains our love for you! Take it and when you feel sad or bored, open the box and our love will help you become a little happier.

Do you want to congratulate yourself on your anniversary in an unusual way? Then remade songs are exactly what you need! Watch, teach and sing them.

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