Santa Claus reading letters sketch. Scenario of the New Year's party "Letter from Santa Claus" for children of middle and senior groups. Round dance "New Year's Dreams"

Dramatization of a New Year's song

Duration of the performance: 2 minutes; number of actors: from 3 to 5.


Father Frost

Room with a New Year tree. Nyasha, Tyopa and Puzya write a letter to Santa Claus.

Puzya (Nyasha)

Say hello first.

Nyasha diligently writes on a piece of paper.

Nyasha (saying what was written out loud)

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Puzya (looking at the letter)

You should write more legibly
So that he takes us seriously.

Draw the letter O rounder.

Nyasha (Tope offended)

You can do better, draw it yourself!

Nyasha hands the felt-tip pen to Tyopa.

I can't do it yet.

We are glad
We will if you bring it
You give us a ton of chocolate
And sweets.

Tyopa (mockingly)

What a stupid wish!

Nyasha (dreamy)

I would like to ask
Find out all the secrets in the world!

No, better than superpowers!

Puzya (stubbornly)

Well, I want candy!
They are my favorite!

Uma comes.

You shouldn't have started this.
Santa Claus is a sorcerer after all
And he already knows everything about everyone.
He will bring gifts
But not everyone who wishes
And who has been kind all year!

Music is playing. Snow begins to fall.

Uma (singing)

Like in the city of Ustyug,
In a high chamber
The blizzards sing songs,
Winter is made from snowflakes.

The tall ice tower of Santa Claus appears.

Tepa (singing)

The patterns here are icy
The windows are more beautiful than the stars.
Spends weekends here
Good Grandfather Frost.

Santa Claus comes out of the mansion with a bag.

Father Frost! Father Frost
Pinches evil children's noses
Puts them under the Christmas trees
Cones and needles.
And good and obedient
And you don't need to ask him
Good children in New Year
He will bring gifts.

A sleigh appears. Santa Claus sits in them.

Nyasha (singing)

To have time to congratulate so many
Per night for adults and children
He will harness three people to the sleigh
The fastest horses.

The troika takes off and, to the cheerful sound of bells, rushes across the sky.

Puzya (singing)

Not ordinary, but wonderful,
Those that, if they want,
Right across the sky above the forest,
Like birds will fly.

Uma, Tyopa, Nyasha and Puzya (sing in chorus)

Father Frost! Father Frost
Pinches evil children's noses
Puts them under the Christmas trees
Cones and needles.
And good and obedient
And you don't need to ask him
Happy New Year to good children
He will bring gifts.

Uma (singing)

We meet Santa Claus
Let's sing this song
And, of course, we promise
That we won't let him down.

Santa Claus gets out of his sleigh. Uma, Puzya, Tyopa and Nyasha run to him.

Nyasha (singing)

We will obey our elders,
Seriously help mom
And then our desires
Santa Claus will fulfill everything.

Santa Claus distributes gifts to the chapiks.

Uma, Tyopa, Nyasha and Puzya (sing in chorus)

Father Frost! Father Frost
Pinches evil children's noses
Puts them under the Christmas trees
Cones and needles.
And good and obedient
And you don't need to ask him
Happy New Year to good children
He will bring gifts.

Nadezhda Mikhailova
Scenario of the New Year's party "Letter from Santa Claus" for children of secondary and senior groups

New Year's party script« Letter from Santa Claus»

Children under « New Year's toys » run into the hall and perform a dance.

1st child

Why is everything silver?

And sparkles and sparkles?

2nd child

Why is everyone having fun

Are they happy and frolicking?


Because kids -

Both girls and boys -

Friendly, joyful people -

Celebrate New Year!

1st child:

Finally, New Year,

Our favorite holiday!

Let him bring with him

We have different toys.

2nd child:

Let him give us some sweets,

Joy and fun!

Let this happiness be for everyone

New Year will divide.

3rd child:

It's snowing outside the window,

The snow is fluffy, New Year,

There is music and laughter in the hall,

New Year's ball today.

The lights are burning on the Christmas tree.

To the music, the Snow Maiden enters the hall with letter in hand, stops in the center of the hall.

Snow Maiden.

I am the Snow Maiden, and again

I came to your holiday.

I see you have everything ready.

Hello my friends!

Our Christmas tree is fluffy, and slender, and green,

It’s just that for some reason it doesn’t light up for us.

Snow Maiden.

We will correct the mess, we will make the lights burn.

Let's say it loud: "One two Three! Come on, Christmas tree, burn!”

Near the Christmas tree New Year's

I'll read it to you letter.

Everyone, sit down, get comfortable.

Grandfather Frost sent it

The Snow Maiden begins to open the envelope, at this moment, to the music, Baba Yaga flies into the hall on a broom, flies around the entire hall, and stands opposite the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga.

There you are! I knew it!

I haven't seen you for a whole year.

You are sitting at a holiday,

Look at the Christmas tree!

And you want it to Freezing Did he bring you any gifts?

Well, what about me? I've been flying all day

I don't get anything!

And never once Grandfather Freezing

Didn't bring me any gifts!

You the letter was not read?

Where were the gifts not recognized? (Looks around everyone children.)

I'll put out your Christmas tree! (Runs up to the tree, the tree goes out.)

A I'll steal the letter!

Baba Yaga snatches it from the Snow Maiden letter, flies around the hall screaming, disappears behind the door).

Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga flew in

AND took the letter from us.

Well, I'll have to go to the forest,

I must find the letter.

The Snow Maiden leaves.

Fir trees come out.

"Song of Christmas Trees", words and music by M. Sidorova

The Snow Maiden comes out to meet the Christmas trees.

Snow Maiden.

Fairytale Christmas trees,

Sticky needles

How can I find my way?

To go to Baba Yaga?

You go straight all the time

You will go out to the bears in the clearing.

Bears know everything in the world

Help good people.

How unlucky bears are!

Everyone is celebrating the New Year,

And the bears wanted to meet

But they slept through everything.

"Dance of the Bears"

Snow Maiden.

Bears, bears help

Please tell me:

How can I find my way?

To go to Baba Yaga?

This is a magical forest!

You will see many miracles here.

Don't be surprised by anything

Hurry up and don't be afraid!

Ghosts run out to the music.

"Ghost Dance"

Snow Maiden (approaches the ghosts).

I'm not afraid of you at all.

I'm just in a hurry.

How can I find my way?

To go to Baba Yaga?

Ghosts wave their arms as if they are scared and run away.

Snow Maiden.

Where did you run off to?

Apparently they got scared themselves!

The lights go out.

Snow Maiden.

So the stars lit up.

Stars go down.

"Dance of the Stars"

Snow Maiden

How can I find my way?

To go to Baba Yaga?


You won't get there

You will disappear in the snowdrifts!

Mark, Blizzard, paths

Show me where the hedgehog grandmothers are.

Metelitsa appears to the music.


I'll swirl you around like a white blizzard,

I'll cover everything with snow,

Flocks of fabulous snowflakes

I'll put it in the snowdrifts.

"Dance of the Snowflakes"

Snow Maiden.

Dear Snowstorm, mark the paths,

Show me the path to the harmful hedgehog grandmothers.


I know about your trouble.

I will, of course, help.

Only with Baba Yaga

It's hard to cope alone.

(Gives "ice piece").

I give you a piece of ice

She will help out in trouble.

How will you circle with her?

Wait for your friends to come to the rescue.

Mark the path, Snowmen,

Which leads to Granny the Hedgehog!

"Dance of the Snowmen"

Snow Maiden.

Here's the path! I'll run!

I know there I'll find the letter!

Baba Yaga and her granddaughters appear.

"Dance of Babok-Yozhek"

Baba Yaga.

Enough, stop dancing!

Grandfather writes Frost for the guys,

Where did I hide the gifts?

(Gives letter to the first grandmother-hedgehog)

The first grandmother is a hedgehog.

I don't know the letters at all

What am I going to read to you? (transmits letter to another hedgehog grandmother) .

2nd grandmother-hedgehog.

And I only know points.

I won't read a single line here!

3rd grandmother-hedgehog.

I can fly on a broom

We need to call Leshy.

Baba Yaga.

Should I share gifts with him?

It's not good for us to call him!

(looks around, listens).

Someone seems to be coming...

Maybe he is will read the letter?

The Snow Maiden appears.

Baba Yaga.

How did you get here to us?

How did you find the way?

Snow Maiden.

Behind I took a long time to write a letter,

Finally found him.

Baba Yaga.

We we won't give the letter back,

We will harm your children.

So that I couldn’t get to them,

We'll put a spell on you.

Baba Yaga and her hedgehog grandmothers walk around the Snow Maiden and cast magic.

The Snow Maiden lifts a piece of ice high and spins with it.

Little piece of magic ice, help me quickly,

Call all my friends to help me.

Music is playing. The children start a round dance around Grandma the Hedgehog.

Round dance "Children and Baba Yaga"

Baba Yaga.

Oh, don't! Don't be ashamed! Here take your letter! (throws letter)

Yes, calm down, you evil blizzard

We're already flying away!

Snow Maiden raises letter, turns around itself.

Snow Maiden.

Look, there is no trace left of the path.

It was a fairy-tale piece of ice that brought everyone here.

Is reading: I bring gifts to everyone.

There are many paths in the forest.

So that I don't go astray,

So that you don't suddenly get lost,

Shout it loud, baby:

"Grandfather Freezing, we are waiting for you!"

The children are calling Santa Claus.

Music. Grandfather enters Freezing.

Grandfather Freezing:

Hello, kids, girls and boys.

Happy New Year to all guests!

I visited you a year ago, I’m glad to see you all again!

Grew up (looks at the child's head) became big. did you recognize me?

I'm still the same, gray-haired and with a fluffy beard!

Holy holiday New Year we meet every year!

Anyone who wants to have fun, dances and sings with us!


Grandfather Freezing, you wait,

Look at the Christmas tree.

The tree is sad

And the lights don't shine

Grandfather Freezing:

We will fix this problem

Let's make all the lights burn.

1,2,3 - our Christmas tree is burning (knocks with his staff, but the lights don’t light)

The lights on the tree don't light up (shrugs)

Let's all say it together

1,2,3 - our Christmas tree is burning (the tree lights up)

Come on guys, hurry up and join the round dance!

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year with you!


Grandfather Freezing:

Oh yeah dance! How wonderful!

The only interesting thing is...

How will I get out of the circle?

Snow Maiden:

We won't let you out!

The game is being played “We won’t let you out of the circle”.

Grandfather Freezing:

What are these other things?

I'll freeze your hands!

The game is being played « I'll freeze it.

Grandfather freezing runs in circles and tries freeze the handles, knees, heels, noses. Children must hide them in time.


What are you doing, Grandpa? Freezing,

You're not such a kid frost! Look, they're completely frozen!

Grandfather Freezing;

Well then, baby,

A new game is waiting for us.

What will grandpa show you?

Let's do it together!


We froze a little, sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up;

On freezing Let's wave our hands one-two, one-two;

Let's tap on the ice with our feet, stomp, stomp, stomp;

Won't get us freezing, let's hide the pens. ears. nose.

They took each other's hands, sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up.

Grandfather Freezing:

Is something a bit weak? Looks like you're frozen?

We didn’t warm up together, we need to repeat it quickly!

(all words are repeated, only faster)

Well, are you warmed up?

Grandfather Freezing:

And now at our Christmas tree

We will all dance together together.

DANCE " "Just a minute"

Snow Maiden:

The yard is white and white.

All the paths are covered with snow,

All paths, all paths -

To us The frost can't get through!

Help me guys

Clear the snow from the paths!

A game “Let’s clear the snow from the paths”

Two teams stand in lines with hoops on both sides. The first hoops contain snowballs. At the signal, the children must pass each other a snowball and release the hoop from "snow".

Separate teams of parents and children or mixed teams.

Grandfather Freezing:

And now, I'll play a game with you "Who loves what". If you love what I call you scream "I", if you don’t love, then remain silent, don’t answer anything.

Who loves tangerine?

Who loves orange?

Who loves pears?

Who doesn't clean their ears?

Who loves strawberries?

Who loves strawberries?

Who loves banana?

Who is always stubborn?

Who loves tomatoes?

Who loves fly agarics?

Who loves bagels with poppy seeds?

Who's the capricious one?

Who loves yogurt and cottage cheese?

Who eats the snowball?

Who loves different candies?

And who walks around with dirty hands?

Who loves a holiday?

Who's the prankster?

Grandfather Freezing:

Oh, thank you, kids,

We played well

It's time to dance again

Russian dance

Grandfather. Freezing:

Oh, how hot I feel, I’ll sit down, look at the guys, and listen to poetry.

Poetry (3-4 no more)

Grandfather Freezing:

Well read the poems

Aren't you tired of sitting?

I need to stretch my legs

Yes, we can play hockey.

Dance "Hockey Players"

Grandfather Freezing.

And let's see whose train gets to the station faster "New Year"?


A chair is placed in front of the Christmas tree.

The game is being played "Who is faster and stronger"

Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden.

Grandfather Frost and girl.

Grandfather Frost does exercises.

Grandfather Frost chooses a boy, who did exercises best of all.

Freezing offers another game.

He takes out the weight. He can barely carry it.

He invites dad to pick him up.

Grandfather Freezing. The record for our garden is six times. Who's bigger?

A child comes out and lifts the weight ten times.

Grandfather Freezing declares him the Garden Champion.

Grandfather Freezing,. we sang and danced

Everyone around became friends.

Have you forgotten about the gifts?

Grandfather Freezing:

I will not remain in debt

I'll treat everyone today!

Grandfather Freezing calls the future Olympic champions, places them one after another and they pull a bag of gifts out of a snowdrift.

The lights go out. Distribution of gifts.

Grandfather Freezing: Good for you guys,

But it's time for me to leave

This festival New Year

I will never forget.

Children stand near the chairs and wave to Grandfather Frost and under

SONG "BELLS" leaving the hall.

Action 1.
Two sisters are fashionistas. They twirl in front of the mirror.
New Years is soon.
Oh, we haven’t written a letter to Santa Claus yet!
It's not too late. Let's write right now.
Sveta. Sits down at the table.
Bring paper and an envelope.
Marina. Brings. Sits next to him.
I need new jeans.
And I want a new bag.
Sveta. Writes down.
What else? Remembers. And also a new computer chair. Writes down.
Marin, what else should I write down for you?
I would like a new phone.
Sveta is recording.
Then the audience doesn’t hear any words: the girls whisper and write and record...
There you go!
Isn't that too much for one Santa Claus?
Nothing! Let him try.
Right! That's his job.

Action 2.
At the residence of Father Frost. The atmosphere is homely. Santa Claus at the table sorts and reads letters. The Snow Maiden puts gifts in a bag.
Father Frost.
That's what kids are like today!
Snow Maiden.
What, grandfather?
Father Frost. He takes one envelope.
Listen to what the two sisters write.
Reads a letter from Marina and Sveta.
Hello Old Man.
We remind you that New Year is coming soon. You should put the following gifts under the tree for us....
Here is such a list, granddaughter!!! Out of twenty points!!! And they need jeans, and some cosmetics, and a phone....
Snow Maiden.
Are they ordering toys?
Father Frost.
But not a word about toys.
Snow Maiden.
Yes, children are different now...
Father Frost.
So what should we do? After all, I am just a fairy-tale character, and my abilities are very limited. Toys, books, treats...
Snow Maiden.
Grandfather, write a letter to these girls and explain everything.
Father Frost.
But you're right! That's what I'll do.
The Snow Maiden brings paper, a pen and an envelope. Santa Claus writes a letter and puts it in an envelope. Both leave.

Action 3.
Marina and Sveta run in. They are looking for gifts under the tree. They take out an envelope.
There are no gifts here. Well, and Santa Claus! Deceived!
But look! Letter. From Santa Claus.
Interesting. Let's read it.
Marina. Reads the letter.
Hello, Sveta and Marina. Your list of gifts is long! If I were a millionaire, he wouldn’t be able to fulfill all your wishes! And I'm just Santa Claus.
Sveta. Keeps reading.
I know that you are 9 and 11 years old. But your desires are not childish. Your letter says nothing about books, toys, candy, sleds, skis and skates.
Marina. Continues reading.
I can't send you what you ask for. But I won’t leave you without gifts.
Sveta. Continues reading.
Come to the window. Do you see the fresh fluffy snow? How it sparkles in the sun! I poured it for you!
Marina. Continues reading.
Do you see the trees covered in silver? I dressed them up for you!
Sveta. Continues reading.
Do you see the pond sparkling with strong ice? I did this for you too! That's what Santa Claus can do!
Marina. Continues reading.
Take the sleds, skis and skates that your mom, dad, grandparents gave you last New Year and that have been useless for a year now, and go outside!
Sveta. Runs up to the window.
Marin, look! Really beautiful!
And it's really beautiful! It's like a fairytale! Let's go for a walk!
Thank you, Santa Claus, for the fabulous gifts!

Letter to Santa Claus

Target: practicing writing skillsletter according to the algorithm


    getting to know the structureletters and the features of its construction; with rules and polite forms of correspondence;

    expansion and updating of students’ knowledge of lexical topic“What kind of holiday is New Year?”;

    to promote in children the desire to congratulate their family and friends on the New Year;

    promote in children the desire to be kind to friends and family;

    help students realize the social significance of studying the topic;

    promote development in children creative initiative and thinking, developing a sense of harmony and beauty;

    to promote the development of students’ value-based attitudes towards the surrounding reality;

    promote awareness of the values ​​of joint activities, the formation of a communicative culture;

    fostering a sense of pride in Russian traditions.

Progress of the lesson

1 slide

Presenter 1.

A fairy tale doing

Trees and houses

A white woman came to the guys -

Sorceress winter.

What magical winter holiday does both adults and children always look forward to?(New Year).

Reader 1

It happens in the world,

That only once a year

They light up the Christmas tree

A beautiful star.

The star burns, does not melt,

Beautiful ice glitters.

And it comes right away

Happy New Year!

2 slide

Reader 2

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
You're probably cold?
The day was spent walking around the city,
I froze my beard!
Put your nose on the battery -
I'll warm you up now!

Presenter 1 . We can warm Santa Claus with kind words and wishes written by us in a letter. The topic of our lesson is called “Letter to Santa Claus.”

3 slide

Presenter 2. Guys, who is Santa Claus?(children's answers)

Santa Claus is considered the main magical character at the New Year holiday, whose main function is to give gifts to children. Santa Claus takes his roots in Slavic mythology, where his character personified winter frosts, as well as cold and severe cold.

The creation of the New Year's tradition, which has survived to this day, dates back to the mid-19th century, when a certain fairy-tale giver Morozko was introduced throughout the country, coming to children in the winter at Christmas and bringing gifts.

Since then, Santa Claus has come to be considered a symbol of the New Year, who fulfills children's wishes and leaves toys under the tree.Presenter 1. How many of you guys know where Santa Claus lives?(children's answers) Now we arelet's go!

Video “Residence of Father Frost” up to 3`23``

Knock on the door

Presenter 1. - Who is this?

Postman (student)

Hello children! I'm a postman!

All the children in the world have known me for a long time.

Letters, latest newspapers, colorful envelopes,

I will deliver telegrams and congratulations to you without a doubt!

Is this boarding school No. 9?

So, there is a letter for you. Sign.

Goodbye, guys! I'm in a hurry. I still have a lot of letters in my bag, all of them need to be delivered to the recipients in time - after all, the New Year is coming!( The postman leaves )

Presenter 1. Guys, what did the postal worker bring us?(letter)

What is a letter?(children's answers) 4 slide

Letter is text on paper used in correspondence between two or more people.

“A letter is a conversation sent from one person to another” V. Dahl.

Let's take a short excursion into the past and remember the history of the postal service.

Presenter 2. The history of news exchange begins withstone age(cave drawings) 5 slide

Previously, information was transmittedsmoke from fires. Columns of smoke rise above the hills - higher, lower, lighter, darker. This language is understandable to many Indian tribes.

6 slide

Information could be conveyedbeating the signal drums.

The drums pounded and thundered - and their roar spread far and reached the nearest village.

Another way -knot letter . Multi-colored knots were knitted on long cords.

7 slide

Later they startedsend messengers with oral messages . Such a messenger would memorize the “letter” and retell it to the addressee. There was a relay mail: one messenger retold the “letter” to another and so on until they reached the addressee.

8 slide

With the advent of writing, letterswrote to different materials : on stone, wooden and clay plates, on palm leaves, papyrus, parchment, birch bark and, starting from the 15th century, on paper.

Presenter 1. And only 200 years agotapedthe envelope began to be used in the form of a letter.

But it needed a postage stamp.

Slide 9

Postage stamp (sticker on postcard, envelope)- specialpostage sign.

Now it’s worth remembering the rules of writing.

Presenter 2. Rule 1.

Someone else's letter is a sealed secret. Only the addressee can print and read the letter.

10 slide

Addressee – from the German word “address”. The recipient of the letter is called the addressee.

Guys, how did the postman know that this letter was intended for you? (by the address.)

What is an address? (location of the addressee).

Our address: Sarov, Zernova str., 61

It turns out the letter is addressed to you guys.

Now let's see who sent us this letter.

I will read the riddle, and you will answer my question in unison, and we will find out who this letter is from.

Whose drawings are on the window,

What's the pattern on the crystal?

Pinches everyone's nose

Winter Grandfather... Frost.

Presenter 1. Text of the letter:(read the letter)

“Hello, my dear guys!

Russian Father Frost greets you from his glorious homeland - the city of Veliky Ustyug.

I often asked my assistants about you. Sometimes they made me happy, sometimes they made me sad. But I know that you have kind hearts, and you can overcome all adversities, and I will help you with this.

My dear friends! The New Year is coming soon.

I wish you health as strong as my January frosts.

May you have as many friends as I have fir trees and pine trees in the forest.

Please Grandfather, write me a letter.


Loving you with all his heart, your Grandfather Frost.”

Presenter 3. Before writing an answer, you need to organize a physical education session!

Let's stand up, smile together, and warm up with the Christmas tree.

Physical education session “Christmas tree”

Presenter 1. Guys, the following is the rule of correspondence.Rule 2.

It is impolite not to respond to a letter. This must be done no later than 3-5 days from the date of receipt. Now let’s watch a video about how Santa Claus reads the letters he received, what he would like to learn from the letters and what the guys write to him about.

Video “How to write a magical letter to Santa Claus?”

Presenter 1. Shall we write a letter to Santa Claus?Writing a letter plan

Since a letter is a text, before writing it, we must make a plan. This is necessary in order to determine the sequence of thoughts.

(Children are offered a table where only the left column is presented, and the right column is filled in by the children with the help of the leader)

11 slide

Dear Grandfather Frost!

Dear Santa Claus!

Initial phrase about the status of the correspondence

We have received your letter and would like to respond immediately.

Main content of the letter, news report

We want to tell you...

We have a lot of news, we'll tell you about everything in order.

Questions for the addressee

How do you live?

How is your health?

What's new?

Please write letters

We ask you to respond to our letter.

Saying hello, saying goodbye

Say a big hello...


Ending and signature

With respect to you...

Date and place of writing

December 20__

G. Sarov, Zernova str., No. 61, school-int. No. 9

The student writes down a jointly composed letter. Then the presenter ( Presenter 3) reads the written letter out loud.

There is a song about Santa Claus (children singing)

Presenter 3. Introduction to the rules for registering a postal address

Tell me, in order for the letter to reach the addressee, what needs to be done?

That's right, in order for your letter to reach the addressee, you need to put it in an envelope on which you indicate the exact address.

Who did you write the letter to? - Santa Claus.

Where will we send letters? Where does Santa Claus live? - In Veliky Ustyug.

It is imperative to write the destination index, this is so that the letter reaches the addressee faster.

12 slide

What is an index? A postal code is a sequence of numbers added to a postal address to facilitate sorting.(Veliky Ustyug index 162390)

At the top of the envelope you need to write down who the letter is from and indicate the exact return address.

Presenter 2. Now we will put our letter in the mailbox. And it will definitely be delivered to our beloved Santa Claus!

And if any of you wants to write a personal letter to Santa Claus, please write! Santa Claus will be very happy!

Our lesson is coming to an end. Now we write more often emails, send SMS, communicate in in social networks. But the tradition of writing paper letters to Santa Claus still exists. It has come down from ancient times to the present day and we honor it, observe it and continue on the eve of the New Year to send a letter in an envelope to the Chief Storyteller of the country - our Dear Grandfather Frost.

Slide 13

Presenter 1. Reflection

Where does Santa Claus live?

What is a letter?

Who can you write letters to?

What should be on the envelope?

Guys, raise your hand, who decided to write a personal letter to Santa Claus? Then hurry up! And you can turn to your parents and teachers for help.

Presenter 1. Oh, yes, we still have something in the envelope! Let's get a look! What else did Santa Claus send you besides the letter?! Medals!(distribute medals and candies)

The song “Best New Year” is playing

(as the song continues, medals and candies are distributed)

Father Frost ,
Girl 1,
Girl 2,
Boy ,
Year of the Dog,
Year of the Rooster,
Narrator .

Girl 2:
Mannered, arrogant, demonstrative. With styling, makeup, in a short fur coat. She is wearing high-heeled boots and holding a handbag.

Boy :
Fun, simple, sporty. Dressed in a tracksuit and a warm jacket. Sneakers on his feet, a packet of chips in his hands.

Father Frost :
Standard suit.

Year of the Rooster:
Cocky, arrogant, pretentious. Dressed in a bright shirt, bright trousers. On her feet are patent leather shoes (if this role is played by a girl, it is better to dress her up in a shiny dress, give her flashy makeup and colored strands. For shoes, you should give preference to stiletto heels).

Year of the Dog:
Calm, reserved, sophisticated. Dressed in Evening Dress and a fur vest. Shoes - high-heeled shoes.

Scenery- fairy forest.

(The guests are seated in the hall, melodious music sounds, the curtain is lowered, and the Narrator appears on stage.)

Narrator :
One day, several comrades set off on an incredible journey to restore faith in miracles to their city...

(The curtain rises, 2 girls and 2 guys stand on the stage)

Girl 1:
I'm telling you, we took a wrong turn! It was necessary to turn 2 trees and 3 paths back!

Girl 2:
I shouldn't be here at all! And what did I forget in this forest? I would be lying at home right now, or sitting in the salon, gossiping with my master, but instead there are only snowdrifts and Christmas trees in the area!

Boy :
Hey, cutie, we're listening to you all the way! You went voluntarily, so stop complaining, walk, come on!

Girl 1:
We are wasting precious time; according to statistics, we are more likely to freeze than to get lost in the forest. But we will not be discouraged!

Boy :
Over the course of several hours of our wanderings, I heard the word statistics for the 25th time!

Girl 2:
I'm cold, I'm hungry! I’m also terribly tired, and I’m tired of this snow!

Girl 1:
Stop it when we're still having so much fun! I'm sure a couple more clearings and we'll definitely come!

Boy :
And I said...

(Everyone starts arguing together)

(Santa Claus appears on stage)

Father Frost :
What is this commotion and what is this noise?
Breaks the silence
And even in my forest!
Who are they? What did you come?
They brought so much screaming!

Boy :
Does everyone see him? Live Santa Claus! Who would have thought!

Girl 1:
It really exists!

Girl 2:
Will you give me the latest model of an Apple phone?

Father Frost :
I ask again, who are you? Why are you making noise in my forest?

Boy :
We are students (schoolchildren), we came to this forest for a miracle (introduces his companions and himself in turn).

Father Frost :
For what miracle?

Girl 1:
For New Year's. You see, in our city everyone stopped believing in the magic of the New Year. Everyone is kind of angry, dull, sad.

Girl 2:
Our city lacks beauty! And even the lights are no longer pleasing, and the festive manicure, and even new shoes (sighs).

Boy :
And in the rocking chair everyone is moping and slacking. So we read on Google that you, or rather you, can help us!

Girl 2:
Even tangerines don’t cheer you up! And I love them so much!

Father Frost :
Where is your letter? I only accept official papers!

Girl 1:
What papers?

Father Frost :
Letter to Santa Claus! I can't help without him!

Boy :
Dear, we are no longer at the age to write children's letters!

Father Frost :
I have no time! I’m also wasting my time on you!

Girl 2 (takes out phone):
We’ll write everything now, just let us find Wi-fi! Wait a minute!

Father Frost :
Well, people
Cheerfully with technology
Stepping forward!

Only this
I won't accept the letter
I'm waiting in an envelope
I'm waiting for your handwritten note!

And if you don’t write,
Then I'll get angry
And New Year,
I'll deprive you completely!

(Turns around and leaves)

Girl 2:
Well, is this normal? I froze my fingers, and he up and left!

Girl 1:
Never mind, don’t be discouraged! Now we’ll drink tea, warm up, write a letter and that’s it! I have an envelope, a pen, and paper!

Boy :
I don’t remember the last time I held a pen in my hands!

Girl 2:
Pen? This is no longer fashionable! She can’t post on Instagram!

Girl 1:
What's the matter with you? Didn’t you ever write letters to Santa Claus when you were a child? We'll get it done in a couple of minutes!

(A noise is heard, the Year of the Rooster and the Year of the Dog appear)

Year of the Rooster:
And make sure you don't let me down! Wear fashionable clothes, beautiful jewelry and stylish shoes! Also, help people, bring happiness to their homes and eat well!

Year of the Dog:
Why are you treating me like a little girl? I’ve already been instructed, passed the test, bought a dress and had my heels repaired! I'm ready!

Boy :
Of course, I apologize, but who are you?

Year of the Rooster:
Who is this? We are the outgoing and future New Year!

Girl 2:
And you are stylish! Can I be friends with you?

Year of the Dog:
But who are you?

Girl 1:
And here we are writing a letter to Santa Claus, we want to help the city!

Year of the Rooster:
Aren't you too old for this?

Girl 1:
But we are young at heart!

Year of the Dog:
Of course, I haven’t taken up my position yet, I’m just getting used to it, but I’ll pass on your letter.

Boy :
What are we going to write?

Girl 1:
When I was a child, I asked Grandfather Frost to bring me two brothers.

Boy :
And how did you bring it?

Girl 1:
No, but my mother said that the letter was simply lost in the mail.

Girl 2:
Well, get everything you need already, otherwise my eyelashes will fall off from the cold, and I only extended them yesterday!

Boy :
Well, we probably need to start with the appeal.

Girl 1:
Let me do everything myself! So, not even a minute has passed, and I wrote everything!

Year of the Dog:
Come on, can I read it? Somehow you did it quickly! Oh, just listen, such a letter should not be sent to Santa Claus, but to the President!

Year of the Rooster:
Seriously? Dear Santa Claus?

Year of the Dog:
Read the next line, it’s even more fun!

Year of the Rooster:
We are sending you our New Year's request for your consideration...

Year of the Dog:
Seriously? Does this look like a child's letter?

Year of the Rooster:
With such a letter you will clearly achieve nothing!

Boy :
What to do? Maybe you can help us?

Year of the Dog:
But no, you were given the task, not us! So get out of it, and we will pass on the message! I recommend that your second one write, I think she will succeed! In the meantime, we read the news and discuss business.

Girl 2:
Let’s write together, maybe it will work out! I’ll start, well, for example, the first line will be like this:
Dear Grandfather Frost, I am writing to you, the most beautiful and most wonderful in the world!

Boy :
Why are you only writing about yourself, you are writing on behalf of everyone! I also found the most beautiful one!

Girl 2:
OK OK! Let me start again: Dear Grandfather Frost, we are writing to you, the Trinity from a magical meadow.

Boy :
Write that we are sorry for the trouble and all that.

Girl 1:
No need to write or anything! Well, I ruined the sheet again! The last one left! You need to be more careful, more careful!

Girl 2:
Remember, you are the smart one, and I’m just beautiful. I can't think and write at the same time!

Boy :
Give me a pen, I'll write! And you dictate carefully!

Girl 1:
Dear Grandfather Frost! We know you are busy, but we ask you to help us with one difficult matter.

Girl 2:
Here you go again with your cleverness! Write:
Please bring it under our Christmas tree Christmas mood, chocolates, new shoes, a handbag, a fur coat and the latest model of my favorite smartphone.

Girl 1:
You forgot about miracles! Why did we wander through the forest for so long?

Boy :
No quarrels! Now we’ll finish everything!

Girl 2:
I ask you, dear, the best grandfather in the world, restore our city’s faith in miracles!

Girl 1:
We have to promise him something! As a child, I promised to behave well and obey my mother!

Boy :
So, I promise that in the New Year, I will go to all the training sessions and sometimes drop in on classes.

Girl 2:
I promise that in the New Year, I will try to be less beautiful!

Boy :
Sign and send in an envelope! I managed to freeze with you!

Year of the Dog:
I heard you finished, what about reading?

Girl 1:
New Year is in a couple of days! Santa Claus will read! Call him quickly, we have fulfilled the conditions!

Year of the Rooster:
Wait here!


Boy :
Yes, we basically have no choice!

(Santa Claus appears)

Father Frost :
I received your letter,
I have considered your request,
Okay, I'll help you
I will give you a wish!
Do you want to return your faith?
Well, that’s commendable, I approve
I respect your impulse
Of course I will help you,
I will not refuse your request!
But tell me friends
Are there any kind words
Do you know congratulations?
Well, these are for the soul!

Girl 2:
Happy New Year to you, Grandpa,
Always be fashionable
And don't get tired yet,
This is what I wish!

Girl 1:
Be on time everywhere and everywhere,
I wish you rest,
I wish you to jump less,
Eat more, sleep more!

Boy :
I wish you health
You love physical education,
And big muscles
I wish you to increase!

(You can also use these)

Father Frost :
Okay, I'll clap my hands
I will return miracles to you,
I am very kind, good,
I will give you gifts!

(Claps his hands, the curtain falls. The Narrator appears)

Narrator :
And since then miracles have returned. The city was filled with magic, warmth and the alluring smell of tangerines and gingerbread. The holiday has returned, people stopped arguing and happiness began. On my own behalf, I would like to add, or rather wish, that each of you never lose faith in miracles and enjoy the magic of every day!

Competition for New Year's corporate party"Letter to Santa Claus"
The presenter selects 6 participants (3 for each team). Participants receive the same set of cut out words from which they need to assemble a letter to Santa Claus. Execution time 2 minutes. The difficulty is that you need to do this with your elbows, without using your hands. It is better to hold the competition after 3-4 competitions.

Text of the letter (words for cards):
Dear santa claus! Bring us big salaries, a lot of days off, a free schedule, satisfied clients and happiness under the Christmas tree. We promise to behave well, obey management and not be late for work.

Competition for the New Year's corporate party "Valenki"
2 pairs are selected. Each receives a pair of felt boots. The task is to avoid obstacles. The difficulty is that each member of the pair must put on a felt boot. Perform to rhythmic music.