Scenario of a New Year's theatrical fairy tale for the family. “A New Year's tale or the theft of a magic staff in broad daylight. The one that is familiar to all mermaids from birth

New Year's theatrical performance for older preschoolers 6-7 years old. Scenario "In Search of Cinderella".

Posted by: Antonova Tatyana Gennadievna.

Description of material: I present to your attention the script New Year's performance for older preschoolers. This material may be useful for preschool teachers and teachers primary school and additional education, organizers of leisure activities working with preschool and younger children school age.
In December 2016, the preparatory group of MADOU DS "Talent" worked on the project " New Year at the gate". The final event of the project was this performance. The teachers of the group, T.G. Antonova and G.R. Amirova, developed a script in such a way that during the performance, each child had the opportunity to realize their creative abilities. At the performance in preparatory group There were 39 preschoolers present, each child had his own role, some children performed solo songs, others played the roles of fairy-tale characters, or were involved in dancing. When assigning roles, the personal qualities and abilities of the children were taken into account. The role of Malvina, for example, was given to a girl who easily does the splits; this skill was useful in doll dancing; the roles of soldiers were given to boys with good physical characteristics, because at the end of the holiday they had to carry a heavy bag of gifts, etc. Each preschooler who took part in the performance had the opportunity to show their individuality and received their own personal moment of fame.

Target: Formation of artistic abilities in children, desire to participate in collective creative process. Creating a festive mood in children and their parents.

1. To instill in children the desire to do good, to develop feelings of friendliness and mutual assistance.
2. To develop the creative abilities of preschoolers, the ability to sing, dance, expressively, loudly and clearly read poetry and pronounce texts, convey the character of the character with voice, facial expressions, and gestures.
3.Create conditions for the successful self-realization of each preschooler.
4. Contribute to the unity of the children's team, improve communication and communication skills.

Adults: presenter, Santa Claus, Baba Yaga.
Children: Snow Maiden, Cinderella, prince, stepmother, daughters (2 girls), magpie, snowflakes, soldiers, Snow White, gnomes, Thumbelina, elf, Pinocchio, Malvina, Pierrot, Princess and the Pea, Aladdin, Jasmine, oriental beauties

Dear kids!
Girls and boys!
You hurry together into the hall.
Near the New Year tree
There will be a carnival!

Children enter to the music carnival costumes They dance around the Christmas tree.

1 child.
So the Christmas tree is dressed up,
All lit up in lights,
And the toys sparkled
On its big branches.

2nd child.
We're good today
You can't find a better place!
Near the New Year tree
Don't pass, don't pass!

3 child.
It's going to be fun today
there will be no time to be bored.
Hello, New Year's holiday!
We have come to meet you!

4 child.
We have a holiday today,
Today there will be a carnival!
How many fairy-tale heroes
He gathered here today!

Well, it's time to open our ball,
Noisy, loud carnival!
Happy New Year, Happy New Year,
Dear child!
Happy holiday, cheerful
It's time to start!

New Year's round dance.

I brought good news!
Now, or maybe exactly at six,
A big guest will come to you,
A guest with a gray beard.
Red cheeks, red nose,
Who is this?

All. Father Frost!

I'll look behind the doors
Maybe he's coming, friends!
(Runs to the door and returns).
Here he comes, a welcome guest,
Full of beard,
And cheerful and rosy.
Our favorite

Father Frost!

Magic music sounds, Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall.

Father Frost.
I'm real Santa Claus
From the deep dense thicket,
Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts,
Where are the storms and blizzards,
Where the forests are dense
Yes, the snow is loose!
Hello, kids!
I wish you success, health and strength!
Guys, I was in a hurry to get here!
Even on the way I fell into a ravine,
But it seems that he came to visit on time!

Snow Maiden.
And I’m called Snegurochka,
I'm not afraid of the cold.
I'm not afraid of the winter blizzard,
I'm even friends with her
Hello my friends!
I'm glad to see you all,
Both big and small,
Nimble and remote.
Start games, dances,
Spin around in the dance of the mask.
It's time to celebrate the New Year,
Light up the Christmas tree in the hall!

Father Frost.
Well, then what are we talking about?
We need to light the Christmas tree!
Come closer
Together, say it all in unison:
“Christmas tree, wake up
And light up the lights!”

The children approach the tree and say magic words together, but the tree does not light up.

Father Frost.
Here's your time!
Well, come on, shake up the Christmas tree,
Light up the lights!

Snow Maiden.
Christmas tree, beauty, why don’t you want to shine with lights?

Guys, let's tell the Christmas tree how much we've been waiting for it, how much we like it.

A girl performs a solo song about a Christmas tree. all the children are dancing

5 child.
Hello, hello, our beauty,
It's been a year since we saw each other.
It seems you are even brighter and more beautiful
Been there since last winter.

6 child.
How elegant you are
With a silver star!
How huge you are
How fun it is to be with you!

7 child.
Tall, beautiful,
Green, slim,
With colorful lights
She's glowing!
Isn't she a beauty?

We all like the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden.
Light up with hot lights, green beauty,
Light up our faces with bright lanterns,
We really like your golden toys.
Elegant, fluffy, shine, shine, burn!

Children repeat.
“Shine, Shine, Burn” (the tree lights up)

Father Frost.
We lit the Christmas tree, friends,
All the needles sparkle.
Let the song begin now
For our cute Christmas tree.

The song is a round dance about a Christmas tree.

After the song, everyone takes their seats. Father Frost and Snow Maiden admire the Christmas tree and praise it. Two boys come up to them and turn to Santa Claus.

1st boy.
Grandfather Frost, you are a wizard - help us!

Father Frost.
I will help with all I can!

2nd boy.
We played in the garden all year long,
They sang songs, danced...

1st boy.
But we haven’t been in fairy tales,
They read them to us at least once.

Father Frost.
Well, so be it - I will help you. Only you guys will be the heroes in our unusual fairy tale. Do you agree? (Children agree.)

“Magic” music sounds. Father Frost and Snow Maiden go behind the Christmas tree.

A girl performs a solo song about miracles.

On New Year's holiday
Miracles happen,
And heroes of different fairy tales
On New Year's Eve we meet...

“Magic” music sounds. Cinderella comes out.

Once upon a time there was Cinderella. The evil stepmother forced her to work all the time. Cinderella did not lose heart: while working, she loved to dream and sing.

(looking around)
It’s as if everything has been removed
And put things in order...
New Year is coming very soon
Knock at the gate.
There will be a ball in the palace -
New Year's carnival!

Cinderella sings a song
Stepmother comes out

You keep singing, Cinderella, as if you have absolutely nothing to do!

Mother, but I fulfilled all your instructions. Can I go with you to the New Year's ball?

This is impossible, dear Cinderella, because you still need to do something: wash the dishes, polish the floors, sort out the beans, wash the clothes, dry them, iron them...


No "buts"!

Okay, mother, I will do everything.

Stepmother(calls daughters).
My little ones, are you ready? It's time to go to the ball!

Two daughters come out. Passing by Cinderella, they chuckle.

1st daughter.
Work, work, Cinderella...

2nd daughter.
And we're going to the ball!

The stepmother and daughters leave.

The lights are shining bright there

And gifts await all guests...
Who will finally say:
How can I get to the palace?
(starts to cry)

“Magic” music sounds - Santa Claus appears in front of Cinderella.

Father Frost.
Don't be sad, Cinderella, don't be sad, darling! I will help you make your dream come true. You will definitely get to the ball!

Grandfather Frost, is that you? But I don't even have a dress to go to the ball!

Father Frost.
Snow Maiden, granddaughter! Where are you? I need your help!

The Snow Maiden comes out to cheerful music.

Snow Maiden.
Grandfather, I was feeding squirrels in the forest - so I fell behind you. (Notices Cinderella.) Hello, dear Cinderella! I have long dreamed of meeting you! (Cinderella returns the greeting by bowing.)

Father Frost.
Granddaughter, help Cinderella dress for the ball!

Snow Maiden.
With pleasure!
I, Snow Maiden, will sing
Loudly sing your song,
And hearing my voice,
A swarm of snowflakes will arrive!
The wind will only blow on them,
They will spin and dance...
Well, hurry up and fly to me,
Bring a Cinderella outfit.

Song of the Snow Maiden
Snowflakes run out, spin around to the singing of the Snow Maiden, and bring an outfit for Cinderella (dress and shoes).

Father Frost.
Well, granddaughters, go,
Put on your dress quickly.
You shouldn't waste time,
So as not to be late for the ball.

Snow Maiden and Cinderella leave.

Grandfather, have you lost anything?

Father Frost.
What have I lost?

A mitten.

The game “Santa Claus's Mitten” is being played

Father Frost.
Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit
Yes, I’ll look at the snowflakes.
Snowflakes, fluffs,
Spin more fun.
At the New Year's tree,
Dance for the guests.

Dance of snowflakes.

Cinderella in an elegant dress and the Snow Maiden come out.

Thank you very much, friends,
For my outfit, for kindness,
My dream came true today -
I can go to the ball!

Snow Maiden.
Yes, the ball today is unusual -
It is given on New Year's Eve.

Perhaps a miracle will happen there,
Will it bring happiness with it?

Father Frost.
Hurry to the palace quickly,
Have fun there!
But no later than twelve
I need to get back from the ball.
When it strikes twelve times -
Everything will disappear at the same hour.

But how will I get to the ball?

Father Frost.
And I will help you with this. I know some soldiers, and they have seven-league boots - they will take us to the palace quickly!
Hey, brave soldiers,
Hurry up to see us,
Get your boots quickly
Brothers, bring it!

The soldiers come out, holding huge boots in their hands (they are made of cardboard).

Dance of soldiers with seven-league boots.

At the end of the dance, the soldiers take the hands of Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Cinderella and take them behind the Christmas tree. Magic music sounds and the prince comes into the center of the hall. Father Frost Snow Maiden and Cinderella appear from behind the Christmas tree.

Father Frost.

Well, here we are in the palace!

Our ball begins - the New Year's carnival!

Cinderella(approaches the Prince and curtsies.)
I am so glad that I got to your ball!
I was dazzled by this wonderful hall!

What I see, what a miracle!
Where did you come from?

I dreamed so much of coming to you,
That my dream has come true.

You came to my ball -
I didn't dream about this!
Let me invite you.
Rock out, music, now!

“Minuet” by A. Boccherini sounds - the children dance. At the end of the dance, the clock strikes, and after the twelfth strike, Cinderella runs away. While running away, she loses her shoe and Santa Claus picks it up.

Prince(looks around).
Where did the guest go?
Have you guys ever met her?

Snow Maiden (To the Prince).
All around there are cheerful faces...
So why isn't the Prince having fun?

I lost a stranger -
Now I have a puzzle.
I don’t know her name...
How to search? I don't understand!

The Snow Maiden approaches Santa Claus and whispers something in his ear.

Father Frost.
Well, I guess I’ll help the Prince!

The Snow Maiden brings the Prince to Father Frost. At this time, Baba Yaga peeks out from behind the tree, she overhears the conversation between Santa Claus and the Prince.

Father Frost.
I heard from the Snow Maiden, dear Prince, that you want to find the stranger who so unexpectedly ran away from this wonderful ball.

Really want to! I didn’t even have time to find out her name...

Father Frost.
I'll tell you the stranger's name!

Snow Maiden.
Grandfather Frost, let the guys say her name! (Looks at the children). This sweet and kind girl, who liked our dear Prince, is called...

Children(in unison).

What an unusual and beautiful name!

Father Frost (To the Prince).
So, Prince, are you ready to overcome the difficult path to meet Cinderella again?


Father Frost.
Your path will be through the forest,
Full of fabulous wonders.
If you walk this path -
You will find Cinderella, my friend!

How will I recognize her? I didn’t even really get a good look at her face! I only remember how sweet she was, how well she danced, how loudly she laughed...

Father Frost.
And here is the shoe that she lost: whoever the shoe fits is Cinderella.

The prince takes the shoe and leaves. Mysterious music sounds.

Father Frost.
The tale is rich in wisdom,
Let's tell the fairy tale - come.
This is a saying guys
The fairy tale will be ahead.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving. Mysterious music sounds, the lights go out, the hall is illuminated with lights from the Christmas tree. The prince walks around the tree and stops in the center of the hall.

The snow here is deep and powdery,
Around me there is only a dense forest.
It's dark, you can't see the road,
How can I look for Cinderella here?

Suddenly Baba Yaga appears, dressed as Cinderella. The light turns on.

Baba Yaga.
Dear Prince, I found out that you were looking for me, and I decided to meet you halfway.

Cinderella, I'm so glad I found you!
(He comes closer to Baba Yaga and examines her.)

Cinderella, why have you become so big?

Baba Yaga.
And I kept watching, watching, when you would come - so I stretched out.

You don't look like Cinderella. Cinderella is beautiful, elegant, look at you.

Baba Yaga.
I `m ugly? Yes, I am the first beauty in the thirtieth kingdom. Look, he doesn't like my dress. Yes, just so you know, I have the most beautiful dress in the forest. I'm Cinderella! And that's it! Take me to the ball soon!

Prince (takes out a shoe from his belt).
Give me your foot and I’ll try on the shoe for you!

Baba Yaga offers the Prince her foot in a bast shoe, then takes away the shoe and comically tries to pull it on her foot.

Prince. Cinderella's shoe doesn't fit you, that means you're an impostor. Guys Who is this?

Children. Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga.
Ugh-you, oh-you! They figured me out! They deceived me again, they slipped me a worthless shoe! Well, it’s okay, I sent your Cinderella into a completely different fairy tale. And so that no one could help you, I turned all the fairy-tale characters into snowflakes, there is a lot of snow in the forest, so now look for your Cinderella. Try, prince, to disenchant them, and then you will be happy. HA! Ha!Ha!.
Well, never mind, Baba Yaga will show you all! Look, jokers!
(Spins around himself and runs away.)

Santa Claus comes out

Father Frost
Ah, the villain, she wants to ruin the fairy tale again. Don't be sad, prince. Snowflakes will help us.

The snowflake girls take turns coming out and asking riddles about fairy-tale characters. The princes and children will guess.

Snowflake 1
In a clearing near a river
Once upon a time there were little men.
Everyone is small in stature,
Well, they look old.
And they had a girlfriend
Very sweet girl...

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs come out.

Snow White
Behind the mountain in a dense forest, the gnomes have a glorious home.
Snow White is our sister, both beautiful and kind.

The dance of the dwarfs and Snow White is performed

Snow White, let me try on a shoe for you, maybe you are the Cinderella I’m looking for.

Snow Maiden and Father Frost
The miracle never ends
The tale continues.

Snowflake 2
Mom's daughter was born
From a beautiful flower.
Nice, little one!
The baby was an inch tall.
If you have read the fairy tale,
Do you know what my daughter's name was?


Thumbelina and Elf come out.

I am Thumbelina - a girl, a jack of all trades,
I saved the swallow, saved it from harm.

I love Thumbelina very much, I will save her from any trouble.

The dance of the Elf and Thumbelina is performed.

Dear girl, let me try on a shoe for you, maybe you are the Cinderella I am looking for.

He tries on the shoe, it doesn't fit.

Snow Maiden and Father Frost
Didn't the shoe fit? Sadly. It's nothing you can do.
The miracle never ends
The tale continues.

Snowflake 3
He is brave and cheerful,
Pierrot, Malvina are friends with him,
Only he doesn't like school
Your friend...


Buratino, Malvina and Pierrot run out to the music.

I'm beautiful Malvina
With blue hair.
We are with Pierrot and Pinocchio
We are speaking to you.

Of course I'm very strange
Wooden man.
On the ground and underground,
I'm looking for a golden key.

I don't need raspberries
I'm not afraid of a sore throat,
I'm not afraid of anything at all!
If only Malvina
If only Malvina
If only Malvina
She adored me alone.

A puppet dance is performed.

Dear girl, with blue hair, let me try on a shoe for you, maybe you are the Cinderella I am looking for.

He tries on the shoe, it doesn't fit.

Snow Maiden and Father Frost
Didn't the shoe fit? Sadly. It's nothing you can do.
The miracle never ends
The tale continues.

Snowflake 4
He had nothing, friends,
Besides your name,
But the mighty genie serves him,
Because he...


Aladdin and Princess Jasmie come out.

It's a delicate matter - the east,
This is how the prophet created it!
And we are drawn like a magnet
Everything the east is famous for

Fruits here, diamonds there.
And tales about Aladdin...
The light of the moon is pouring down from the heavens.
And the caskets are full of miracles.

Dance of oriental beauties.

Dear oriental beauties, let me try on a shoe for you, maybe there will be Cinderella among you.

He tries on the shoe, it doesn't fit.

Snow Maiden and Father Frost
Didn't the shoe fit? Sadly. It's nothing you can do.
The miracle never ends
The tale continues.

Snowflake 5
A riddle for you about the princess.
She needed a crib
With a hundred brand new mattresses.
I'm telling you I'm beautiful
kind, good,
Princess on…

Princess on the Pea.

Princess and the Pea, they don't call me for nothing.
The king and queen are close relatives to me.

The princess plays the game “Magic Pea” with the children.
While the game is being played under the Christmas tree, Cinderella sits on a stump.

Dear princess, let me try on a shoe for you, maybe you will turn out to be Cinderella.

He tries on the shoe, it doesn't fit.

Snow Maiden and Father Frost
Didn't the shoe fit? Sadly. It's nothing you can do.

Santa Claus.
What should I do?
I've gone through all the fairy tales,
I didn't find Cinderella.

Snow Maiden
Don't be sad, handsome prince,
Your grief is not a problem.
Your path is long and dangerous,
Just always remember.
A fairy tale brings us joy,
He who knows will understand
Good wins in her,
After all, it is stronger than evil.

Father Frost
Look under the tree stump,
He's neither short nor tall
All frozen as a tit
A girl is sitting on a tree stump.

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Prince approach the Christmas tree

Father Frost
Are you warm, girl?
Are you warm, honey?
But this is not Nastenka.

Do you guys recognize the fairy tale we found ourselves in?


This is Cinderella! Dear Cinderella, let me put on your shoe.

He puts a shoe on Cinderella's foot.

Cinderella, I'm so glad I found you!
Everyone's off to the ball
To the New Year's carnival!
Musicians, don't yawn,
Play louder for us.

Musical number

Snow Maiden
Grandfather, haven’t you forgotten anything?

Father Frost
Did Santa Claus play with the children?
Did you dance near the Christmas tree?
Sang songs, joked as best he could, even lit a Christmas tree
What have I forgotten?


Father Frost
You wait a little.
Well, soldiers, come out.
Keep my magic bag.
And I will fulfill my official duty.

The soldiers are holding a bag. Santa Claus passes by the children.

I will take a smile from nice and kind guys!

Santa Claus approaches the Christmas tree

I put the beauty from our Christmas tree in a bag.

Santa Claus stretches out his hands to parents

I will take a little love and care from adults!

And the rest is the work of Santa Claus!

Now I will say the magic words, and you all repeat them after me.
Soldiers, take the bag and run around the tree with it, just don’t stop, otherwise the magic won’t happen

One, two, three, four, five - I begin to conjure.
You help the bag,
Bring us gifts.
Children repeat the words. The soldiers run around the tree to the music, with each circle the bag becomes heavier and heavier. At the end they bring out a bag full of gifts.
Father Frostunties the bag
The Christmas tree was beautiful today and the guys were great, they had a lot of fun
I did some magic for you and collected gifts.
Distribution of gifts.

Father Frost
So friends at the New Year tree, we didn’t waste our time in vain
They played, sang, danced, and were able to visit a fairy tale.

Snow Maiden
It’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday!
I wish you to grow and not get bored!
Don't upset dads, moms and grandmothers too much.
And always ask for forgiveness for any grief.

Father Frost
It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye,
Congratulations to everyone!
Let's celebrate the New Year together
Both adults and kids!
Happy New Year!

Thank you for attention! I look forward to your feedback and comments. It is very important for me to hear the opinions of my colleagues. Thank you in advance! Happy New Year! And Merry Christmas! Interesting scenario New Year's holiday for older children preschool age

Diana Vorobyova
Theatrical performance script " Christmas story»

Scenario for a theatrical New Year's party.

"Christmas story"

New Year's theatrical performance for children of the preparatory group.

"Christmas story".

Children enter the hall to the music.

Slowly - slowly the snow is falling.

White flakes are swirling.

He makes everyone very happy today

And of course the guys.

A winter fairy tale will come to visit us.

Will make us all kinder.

Winter brings us joy on its wings

Hugging everyone's friends.

Guys, you believe in fairy tales. I suggest you get into such a fairy tale. Let's close our eyes.

Music is playing.

In a certain kingdom lived a queen with her princess daughter,

she was capricious and spoiled. But the queen loved her daughter very much and therefore could not refuse her anything.

There is a throne on the stage. The princess sits on the throne - not laughing.

The queen sits next to her, holding her head.

I'm kind of bored again

And I don't want to play

I would like a new toy

I want myself a little animal.

I want such a beast

To sing and dance

So that all my desires

He did it instantly.

The princess goes behind the Christmas tree.

Where can I get such a beast?

To sing and dance

Believe such a beast

No one probably saw it.

What should I do, how should I be

How to surprise my daughter?

Stopped smiling

I can't deal with her.

The queen goes behind the tree.

What kind of children are these days?

Complete punishment

Not a word against them

Immediately sobbing.

The queen gives the order.

Hitting the road

Everything, old and small

We must find the beast

To sing and dance.

And the messengers set off to fulfill the princess’s whim.

Now we can walk around the world

Follow her orders

Find the animal somewhere

And deliver at the same hour.

There is a dense forest ahead

It even became scary

I wouldn't go into this forest

It's dark and dangerous there.

They approach the Christmas tree. Animal children and a fairy are sitting near the Christmas tree.

Look who came to us. Hello guests. Where are you from and where?

The messengers approached the forest dwellers and told about their misfortune. About the fact that they don’t have a New Year and Santa Claus doesn’t come to their palace. The princess is capricious all the time, and her mother cannot cope with her. No one can cheer up the princess. They were ordered to go around the whole wide world, to find such an animal that would sing and dance and fulfill all the whims. They asked the forest inhabitants for help.

Please help me please

Don't drive us out of the forest.

We will not carry out the order

We will be punished at the same hour.

Of course we will help you. We will go to the palace, we will be able to surprise and amuse the princess. But we can't do it on our own. I will call the children from kindergarten, with them we will succeed.

Approach sitting children.

Guys, it’s your holiday, what kind?

Children's poems.

Your favorite holiday has arrived

All our children.

See how they sparkle

There are balls on the Christmas tree.

We drive around the Christmas tree

Merry round dance.

And with us the Christmas tree

Celebrates the New Year.

Guys, can you help us tell the princess about him?

The friends all went together to the palace to see the capricious princess.

Children walk in a circle. At this time the princess and her mother come out. They sit on the throne.

Who are they, why did they come?

Hello Your Majesty. We learned that you issued a decree. You need a talking animal.


I want such a beast

To sing and dance

So that all my desires

He did it instantly.

Yes princess, we brought the animals to you. But children from kindergarten also came with them. They want to please and amuse you. It's winter now, and do you know what holiday comes to us in winter?

I know, New Year. And what's so fun about it?

And now we will tell and show you everything. Maybe you would like to celebrate the New Year with us. Well, here we go.

Snow Maiden:

New Year is knocking on the door

All animals are happy about the holiday.

Children, adults, friends!

I open the holiday!

I hung up the toys

And nuts and crackers

I decorated everything myself

The tree became cheerful.

So the guests knocked

The squirrels came rushing from the forest

And funny little foxes

Bear cubs and bunnies.

Winter is coming all over the planet,

Adults and children are happy with her.

New Year is coming

What will he bring to the children?

Will bring snowflakes -

Light fluffs,

Loud firecrackers,

And also for everyone

Will bring cheerful laughter.

Well, let's have fun

Sing, dance, play, spin.

Let's invite friends over

It will be more fun together.

Little Wolf:

But first, slowly

Let's go around the Christmas tree,

Let's look at all the flashlights

Maybe we'll find gifts there.

After all, now all over the planet

Children celebrate New Year -

Joyful and cheerful

With dancing and songs.

Our Christmas tree is a surprise to everyone,

So beautifully decorated.

We removed it ourselves

Multi-colored balls.

We invite everyone today

For the New Year's Eve holiday.

And let the songs sound today,

Our Christmas tree is no more wonderful.

And now let’s all sing a song about our Christmas tree together.

Song "Christmas tree - Christmas tree."

Is it really a breeze?

Played out in the hall

He scatters snowflakes

He invites them to dance.

Dance "Snowflakes"

Days are like clock hands

They hurry, they hurry forward.

And now for the umpteenth time

Winter's turn has come.

Happy winter has come

All people are happy about her.

She's calling outside

Both adults and children.

Congratulations winter

All the guys today.

Winter fun

On New Year's holiday.

We are at a winter holiday

Let's dance and play

Every year we have fun

We celebrate the holiday.

Quietly the snow swirls in the night air

And in the forest it lays down like a blue carpet.

Winter snowstorms covered the paths

Forest animals sleep, watch their dreams.

Song "Snow Song".

Music is playing. Santa Claus enters the hall.

Hello guys and animals.

Hello Dedushka Moroz.

And I’m in a hurry to come to you for the holiday, suddenly I hear a song being heard from the palace. Give it to me - I think I'll take a look. I couldn't believe my ears. It's been a long time since I heard laughter and songs from the palace. And my granddaughter is here. What happened?

Dear Santa Claus. We learned that he doesn't come here New Year's celebration, but it shouldn’t be like this, so the guys and I decided to organize a holiday ourselves.

Wow, well done. Well, the holiday will definitely take place. YES, how smart and beautiful you all are. We just need to respect the beautiful Christmas tree. Guys, let's ask our Christmas tree: “Light up the Christmas tree.”

Thank you Grandfather Frost, we have prepared a gift for you.

I really love gifts.

On the glass in winter there are patterns of branches and roses.

Whoever draws them is Santa Claus.

Whoever dresses up the Christmas tree for the holiday will have fun to the point of tears.

The one who brings us gifts is Santa Claus.

White snow swirls outside the window

Santa Claus is in a hurry to visit us for the holiday

Happy New Year, friends kids

Happy New Year, girls, boys.

Happy New Year with laughter

So much joy for everyone.

And on the elegant Christmas tree

Multi-colored garlands.

New Year is walking on white snow

The most magical weather in the world.

And everyone is waiting for something wonderful

From the new New Year.

Miracles fly around the world to every home

Everything in the world looks like a fairy tale.

May we grow wiser, may we grow up

And adults will become younger.

He comes on a dark night

Long-awaited New Year

Next to the green tree

We start a round dance.

They'll go to bed late today

Adults and children

New Year's Eve on a starry night

Let's have fun until the morning.

Song "Good Grandfather Frost".

Oh thanks kids. For this I will play with you.

Game "Snowball".

Did you guys like it? And now our boys will give a dance for everyone present.

Dance "Naughty snowballs".

How many sweets and gifts

Santa Claus brought it to us all

We got hot from dancing

Santa Claus is flushed.

Fluffy snow is spinning

It's frosty outside

Rushing in a magic sleigh

Santa Claus is visiting us.

Green, fluffy

In a snow coat

The Christmas tree has arrived for the holiday

Frosty winter.

Silver snowflakes

They sparkle on the branches

And the pieces of ice are like bells

They ring softly.

Winter circles the entire planet

And the fairy tale wanders around the world with her.

The New Year is coming to our house

And we are waiting for him today.

Always cheerful and mischievous

New Year is coming to us

And there are children near the Christmas tree

Starts a round dance.

For the New Year's holiday

We invited everyone

Sounds in the hall today

Cheerful ringing laughter.

Song "On New Year's Eve".

What great guys you are. Tell me, queen and princess, do you like it at the holiday?


Yes very.

And I really like it.

You see what a magical holiday New Year is. And miracles happen. So our princess has become kind and cheerful. And all this is thanks to you guys. Friendship and kindness work wonders.

Of course you're right, Grandfather Frost. And as a sign that we are all friends now, we will dance.

Dance "Winter Fantasy".

Wow, well done. I knew that you would cope with all difficulties. And that’s why I prepared gifts for you. Music sounds, Santa Claus gives gifts, children leave the hall.


Hare: Stop! Look Lesovik, it seems the clearing is ours. We arrived.

Lesovik: Oh, look how many guys are in our hall.

Hare: Well, it’s’ say hello to them.

Lesovik: Fine. Hello guys. I am Lesovichok, and this is my best friend, Hare.

Hare: Hello guys!

Lesovichok: Oh, Hare, how rude you are. There are not only boys in the hall, but also girls.

Hare: Hello ladies.

Lesovichok: And also their parents, grandparents.

Hare: Hello, people! I don't hear an answer. Hello people! Happy New Year everyone!

Music, the Snow Maiden comes out.

Sn: Guard! Help! Stolen!

Hare: Oh, Snow Maiden! You are so Beautiful!

Lesovichok: Just wait! What happened, Snow Maiden? What was stolen?

Sn: My umbrella is missing. Magic. The Fairy Tale Fairy gave it to me. And without this umbrella I can’t do anything. That's how many years I open an umbrella, and the holiday comes. And now even time has stopped.

Hare: How did it stop?

Sn: Yes, take a look.

Lesovik: And they really are. What a horror!

Sn: Now Cinderella will never meet the prince, Ivan Tsarevich will never break the frog's spell, Little Red Riding Hood will never reach her grandmother, and Sleeping Beauty will never wake up. And Santa Claus will not come to the children.

Lesovik: Does this mean there will be no New Year?

Sn: No, it will not. And no one will help me.

Hare: How can no one help? What are we up to? We will definitely help!

Lesovik: We will definitely, definitely help!

Music. The Snow Maiden sings:
Sn: Setting off on a long journey
Eternal fairy tale path
Don't forget to take it on the road
Anything that can cope with trouble

Forest: We'll take hope with us
A joke, joy, good laughter
With them we are invincible
With them we are the strongest!

Hare: We'll find out what's going on here
Who's doing dirty tricks here?
We'll take our wits with us
And a brave appearance.

Sn: Appearance not a little at all
But remember, friends,
What without friendship and support?
You can't live a day in a fairy tale

Sn: Just remember: until the umbrella opens, the hands of the magic clock will not move. Good luck!


Koschey (K): Wonderful, wonderful! Rat, Snake, you deserve a reward.

Snake: Glad to try, our lord.

TO: How many years, how many years have I waited for this hour! And finally, he waited. Time stopped! And the power is in my hands. Rat, have you hidden my magic umbrella safely? The main thing is that no one opens it! Nobody! And never! No matter how hard these fairy-tale heroes tried to get rid of me, this time the victory remained with me! And, as you know, the winners are not judged. (to children): Do you agree with me kids?

Children: No!

TO: How? Don't you agree?

Children: No!

TO: Because you don't know how smart I am, interesting person! Am I much better than Santa Claus? Is it true?

Children: No!

TO: hmm...really, girls?

Girls: No!

TO: No? You bad Girls! Boys, tell me, am I powerful?

Boys: No!

TO: Uh! What obnoxious boys you are! What nasty things are you saying to me – Koshchei the Immortal! Well, it’s okay, you still don’t know what kind of immortal power I now have! I am the Great Koschey the Immortal!

I'm cunning, I'm angry and greedy
Rude, cruel and merciless!
I use my sword in cold blood.
I am unfamiliar with doubt
Put your heart in safekeeping
And I don't regret anything.

In the morning I languish over gold
During the day I wander around the wards
My life is boring
I am immortal, that is, eternal
Because he's heartless
Or maybe it's the other way around

TO: (to the Snake and Rat) What? So are you waiting for a reward?

Snake: Your immortality, we are waiting.

TO: You will not receive any reward!

Rat: Why?

Snake: But why?

TO: Why? Yes because! The Snow Maiden found helpers: the Hare and the Lesovik. And they went in search of a magic umbrella. I order you to seize them! And neutralize it! It's clear?

Rat: It's clear.

TO: Do it! (leaves)

Rat: Snake, how can we destroy them?

Snake: Don't bother me Rat, I think...

Rat: Where do we put them?

Snake: Yes, even to the bottom of the sea!...Oh! Yes, that's a thought! Shouldn't we send them to the Underwater King? They definitely won’t get out of there! You will go there now.

Rat: I can't swim.

Snake: Do you want Koschey to turn you into an experimental mouse out of anger? And it wasn’t you who performed his crazy experiments?
Rat: No, of course I don't want to. Hmm...but he will also do something to you.

Snake: At best, he will make gloves for himself from my snake skin. But I don't want that. So go to the King and tell him this...this...

Rat: Okay, okay, I'll go. I'll think of something.


Forest: Ouch. Wait, Hare, something got into my shoe.

Snake: Hello travelers! Where are you headed?

Hare: yes we have this here...
Snake: Oh, I know, I know about your grief. And I can help you.

Forest: Help, please, eh? Hurry up.

Snake: Your loss is located in the kingdom of the evil Underwater King.

Hare: How evil? He was always kind.

Snake: But that’s what he used to be like. And now it couldn't be worse.

Forest: What should we do? How to get to him?

Snake: That's it, I'll give you magic capes, only one condition: never take them off, they will definitely help you. Now follow me.

Hare: Lesovik, forward!

They leave. Music. Underwater kingdom.

Queen: Well done girls, well done little mermaids! So, the tails are in the first position, the fins are straightened, the gills are retracted. And one, two, three, four. One two three four.

Tsar: How are my little fish getting ready for the holiday?

Queen: We have everything, everything is ready.

Tsar: And you, my beauty, what will you please our guests with?

Queen: With a song. I composed it myself.

Tsar: Really herself?

Queen: Yes!

Tsar: Well, sing it.

Queen: I can not.

Tsar: But why?

Queen: I'm shy.

Tsar: Well, what's there to be shy about? Everyone is here.

Queen: OK then. Girls, get ready. Maestro, music!

La la la
There is wind at sea, there is a storm at sea, hurricanes howl at sea
We celebrate the underwater New Year in the blue sea.
And we decorate the corals with pearls and ambers
And we start a merry round dance with the mermaids. 2 times
Chests stand open and filled with gifts
Emeralds and rubies rain down
Everyone, everything, everyone, everyone, come to us for a holiday
Dance and have fun
Hurry up to visit us for the holiday, let's celebrate the New Year together.
We will celebrate the New Year together.
La la la la

Rat: Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!

Tsar: What's happened?

Queen: What's happened?

Rat: I'm sorry, what! You are all having fun here, preparing for the new year. What you don’t know, King of the Sea, is that two evil wizards are coming to you!

Queen: Oh, I'm fainting!

Rat: They want to destroy your entire underwater kingdom!

Tsar: How to destroy?!?!

Rat: Mugu...and not only that, they will turn you into a worm! And your wife is a toad!

Tsar: What? Me? into a worm?

Rat: Yes Yes. You. A big, fat, thick worm.

Queen: And I'm in f..zhzh..zhzhzh...zhzhzhzhb?!?!

Rat: To the toad! Into a big, green, pimply toad!

Queen: Oh, I'm dying, I feel bad...

Rat: save yourself, whoever can!!!
Tsar: This should not happen! Not to happen! Am I a king or not a king? Hey, inhabitants of the sea, get ready to meet these uninvited wizards.

Queen: Oh, dear, hurry to the shelter...

Tsar: Behind me! (hiding behind a shell)

The Hare and the Woodman appear.
Tsar: Grab them, knit them!
The Hare and Lesovik are entangled in a fishing net.

Tsar: Well, did you get caught, villains, sorcerers?

Queen: You can't get out of here now!

Tsar: Now let's look at them, who are they?

Queen: Oh, what kind of wizards are these?

Tsar: Really. This is the Hare and Lesovik.

Lesovik: Why don’t you, Your Majesty, recognize your friends?

Hare: What kind of wizards are we to you? And who even told you about this?

Tsar: Yes, there was only one here...

Queen: Hare, why did you come here? What do you need here?

Hare: You see, King of the Sea, our fabulous umbrella disappeared, and we were told that you had it.

Queen: Umbrella? Oh I can't (laughs) Why do we need an umbrella? We're under water!

Lesovik: That's how it is. But, you see, without this umbrella the New Year will never come.
Hare: And all the fairy tales will disappear.

Queen: And will I disappear too? I do not want it! Water for me, water!

Tsar: Yes, we are already under water! Wait! Well, well, well... Well, tell me, who just sailed to us? Well, it’s big, gray... well? Who?

Queen: Rat?

Tsar: That's right, who does the rat serve?

Queen: To whom?

Hare: To whom?

Lesovik: To whom?

Tsar: The rat serves Koshchei the Immortal. So who has an umbrella?

Hare, Forester, Queen Together: Who?

Tsar: At Koshchei the Immortal!

Lesovik: How to get there?

Tsar: I do not know.

Queen: I'll help you, I have something. Just a minute, just a minute. (runs away)

Hare: What does she have?

Tsar: Surprise!

Queen: I have a magic pearl. Wherever it goes, you go too.

Hare: Okay, but how do we get to land?

Tsar: Don't worry, Hare. I'll give you the fastest seahorses, they'll get you there in no time!

Queen: Stop talking, there's not a minute to waste. Forward!



Byaka1: And I...and I’m younger than you!

Byaka2: Oh oh oh! She's younger than me! How much younger are you?

Byaka1: Yes, for three hundred years!

Byaka2: Oh! For three hundred years! And aren’t you ashamed, shameless one! Just for three hours! But I'm more beautiful than you!

Byaka1: Who is this more beautiful?

Byaka2: I!

Byaka1: Yes, you look like a chuchundra!

Byaka2: I? Chuchundra? Yes you are!… (chases after the first bully) You! Chow-chow! That's who you are!

Byaka1: Chow-chow - what is it?

Byaka2: This is a dog. Shaggy, small, nasty! You are the spitting image!

Byaka1: I? Dog? Yes, then I’ll bite you now! (chases the second guy)

Byaka2: Oh...oh...ah...stop! Ugh! (stop)
Byaka2: Look how many guys have gathered!

Byaka1: Where?

Byaka2: so there you go!

Byaka1: Oh! Who would have thought? What a joy! Sister, that’s a lot of dirty tricks you and I will do today.

Byaka2: Exactly! We won't be left without work. This will be a laugh! When they go home boring - very boring. Are you boring?

Children: No!

Byaka2: Boring?

Children: No!

Byaka1: And they are not boring, and not boring.

Byaka2: Yes. And now what i can do?

Byaka1: What should we do now?

Byaka2: Think about it, my young one.

Byaka1: what to do? What should I do? What should I do, huh?

Byaka2: Listen, sister.

Byaka1: Oh well.

Byaka2: They don't know who we are. We need to introduce ourselves to them.

Byaka1: Do you think it's necessary?

Byaka2: Well, what about it? Children should know their idols by sight!

Byaka1: Who are the idols? What are we?

Byaka2: Well, who else then? We are the most harmful, and the most beautiful assholes in the area! So, here is the Witch of the Night!

Byaka1: And I...and I...The Witch is half...full...chi..full? How is that correct?

Byaka2: Midnight, midnight.

Byaka1: A! Witch of Midnight!
Fairytale witches, we live in the forest,
We love to take a walk in the twilight of the night.
Let's count the stars, press the wolf's tail,
We'll scare the squirrel, the two of us are bored.

We love to cast magic and harm everyone,
We love to lead someone who is lost by the nose,
We will spin the traveler and lead him astray
Let's turn it into a frog. We live a boring life.

They find a pearl on the floor.

Byaka2: Oh, look, sister, what is this ball?

Byaka1: ABOUT! Yes, this is not a ball, this is a diamond!

Byaka2: Come on, let me see!

Byaka1: I'm not giving it!

Footsteps are heard

Byaka2: Quiet! Do you hear?

Byaka1: I hear you. Someone is coming.

Byaka2: Let's hide? A?

Together: And we’ll do a dirty trick! (hiding)

The Hare and the Woodman come in

Forest: I don't understand anything. Where did our guiding pearl go?

Hare: We need to look better. Somewhere here, probably. (crawl) What's happening? Why can't I get up from my seat?

Forest: But I can't get up from the ground.

Forest: Who are you, girls?

Byaki (coming out of hiding) Did he call us girls?

Byaka2: ha-kha...who are you?

Hare: we are good travelers.

Forest: Yes, and we are not going to do anything bad to you.

Byaka1: Yes, we didn’t intend to either.

Byaka2: We're just kidding.

Hare: Good jokes. Better break the spell on us, beauties.

Byaki, Together: Oh, he called us beauties!

Byaka1: Well, shall we break the spell?

Byaka2: let's break the spell.

Byaka1: Well, hang in there.

They cast a spell

Hare: And thanks for that.

Lesovik: Let's get out of here, Hare.

Hare: Let's go, Lesovik. We don't have time.

Byaka2: Wait, wait! Where are you going? This is not why we cast a spell on you so that you would immediately leave our clearing.

Byaka1: Yes! We're bored here! Alone alone... And without letting you go while you are with us... what is that word? I forget all the time.

Byaka2: Entertain.

Byaka1: Yes! Once you've entertained yourself, then you'll go.

Hare: How can we entertain you then? Well, I know one game, with balls. But you probably don’t have them.

Byaka2: balls? What are balls?

Byaka1: Yes! Explain to us. What kind of balls are these?

Hare: Well, balls. Well, so round, inflated, huge.

Byaka2: A! Understood! We have those, we do! Let's go and show you.

Byaka1: Yes!

Game with the audience. Balls.

Byaka2: Well, they cheered me up, they cheered me up so much! A hundred years younger!

Byaka1: How about you stay with us?

Forest: Can not. We are in a hurry to the Kingdom of Koshchei.

Hare: Have you by any chance seen our guiding pearl?

Byaka2: No, we didn't.

Byaka1: Diamond or what? So he was here somewhere. Oh, no. A! here he is! Here is your pearl.

Hare: Thank you. Thank you very much.

Byaka1: Well, you will be in our area, come in. Always Glade!

Byaka2: Well? Have you lost your hair again? My smart one!

Byaka1: And what?

Byaka2: But who throws pearls around? Come, come to me! Go, I'll show you now!


Rat: Zmeevna, Zmeevna, where are you?

Snake: Well?

Rat: Zmeevna, I report: now we have two drowned people! Hare and Lesovik. Let's go get the reward.

Snake: Do you want a reward? Do you know that the underwater King let them go? Moreover, he gave them a guiding pearl.

Rat: Does this mean they will now experiment on me? Will they make gloves out of your skin?

Snake: Well no! I won't give up my skin. Think about how to correct your mistakes. Or under the knife! Ciao.

Rat: Think, think, think... I figured it out! Zmeevna, I came up with an idea! (runs after her)

Chieftain: Go robbers! Let's take revenge on these kids for our Koshchei!
Pirate dance, soap bubbles from pistols

Chieftain: Robbers, come to me!

First robber: Well, kids, are you scared?

Children: No!

Second robber: We will also show you how to laugh at our overlord!

Chieftain: I express my gratitude to everyone for the operation.

First robber: I wish I could rest...

Second robber: And I would like to have a snack...

First robber: Atamansha, what is that on your shoulders? Some kind of pendants.

Second robber: Where did you dig them up?

First robber: give it to me, huh?

Chieftain: Firstly, these are not pendants, but general's shoulder straps! So, now I’m not the chieftain, but who?

Robbers: Who?

Chieftain: Forest General!

First robber: The general is a man, after all.

Chieftain: And I am a female general! It's clear?

Robbers: It's clear.

Chieftain: Now listen to my order: start singing my favorite song!

They sing.
There lived a gray goat with my grandmother 3 times
Grandma loved the goat very much

The pasture was not somewhere but nearby 2 times
I would strangle you like that
If not for the wolf, the embodiment of evil

First pirate: oh, who is this? First time I see...

Chieftain: Rat? Why are you coming to us?

Rat: Atamansha, listen, I have a job for you. Not dusty, but very profitable. Now two travelers will go along this road. They are dressed so simply, but fabulously rich! You need to catch them and destroy them.

Second pirate: for no reason???

Rat: Well, of course not. You can keep all their gold for yourself. Well, think about it.
Chieftain: Well...well, hands down!

First pirate: Chieftain! There are two people walking there.

Second pirate: These are probably the same ones the rat was talking about.

Chieftain: Quiet! First we need to think about what to do with them.

Second pirate: Invented! They need to be tied, twisted and fried! There will be something to enjoy on New Year's Eve.

First pirate: No, first they must be tied up, twisted and robbed!

Second: And I say, fry it!

First: And I say, rob!!!

Rat: Quiet! First you need to scare them!

Chieftain: How's that?

Rat: You have to take a scary pose.

Chieftain: Well...we can do this! Let's get to our places! Do it once, do it twice, do it three! (freeze in scary poses)
A hare and a woodsman enter.

Forest: Oh, who is this?

Hare: No problem, we'll figure it out now.

Chieftain: Yeah, we got some travelers!

First pirate: This is where your path ends.

Second pirate: Now we will rob you!

First pirate: And then fry!

Rat: Why are you talking to them? Grab them! Knit!

Hare: Well, try it, try it. (a fight, the forester and the hare win)

Hare: Well, that’s all, Lesovik, and you were worried. Forward! To the kingdom of Koshchei!

They leave and a snake comes out.


Snake: Rat, Rat, where are you?

Rat: Yes, here I am, Zmeevna.

Snake: So...So what happened here? Where is the hare and Lesovik?

Rat: They are walking along the road to the kingdom of Koshchei. You can’t take them with your bare hands, they defeated those robbers, and even more so, we!
Snake: ok, don't panic. Have you forgotten about our proven method?

Rat: Is this this? And this is it? And just like that? Yes?

Snake: Right. And so, follow me!
The Hare and the Lesovik sing:
Through groves and ravines
Along the magical path
we will be without fear
Follow the fairy tale
To make children happy
So that there is a holiday for everyone
So that fairy planet 2 times
Cheerful laughter sounded 2 times

So much happiness and fun
How many joyful worries
The best on the planet
The kindest on the planet
This holiday is New Year 2 times

Snake in the form of a tavern owner: Who am I seeing! Brave Bunny! AND THIS IS HIS FRIEND – THE KINDEST Lesovichok. Glad, very glad!

Lesovik: Hello. How do you know us?

Snake: But who doesn’t know the winners of the robbers? What an honor for our tavern. I think you're hungry.

Hare: No, thanks, we're in a hurry.

Lesovik: Hare, let's have a snack. I really want to eat. Well, please.

Hare: Sorry, I think I saw you somewhere.

Snake: If you have been to my establishment, then of course you have seen it.

Hare: No, we have never visited you.

Snake: Well then you are wrong. So, a treat for our guests.

The cooks bring out the dishes.

Hare: Thank you very much, we have to go.

Snake: Well, wait a minute. You haven't tried our signature drink yet. So, “Forest Balm”

Rat: Please help yourself. Drink.
Hare: Don't you dare drink! I recognized them.

Lesovik: Understood.

Hare: Oh, what a good drink! I even wanted to sleep.

Forest: And my eyes close.
They fall asleep.

Snake: Rat, go and look, did you fall asleep or not?

Rat: Happened! It worked! We fell asleep!

Snake: Let them sleep. Now they will sleep forever.

Rat: Let's go to Koshchei for a reward. (leave)

Hare: Well, Lesovik, did we really deceive them?

Forest: Forward to Koshchei!


Hare: Here it is - the Kingdom of Koshchei.

Forest: And where is he himself? A? We need to quickly find a magic umbrella.

Koschey: Lo and behold, they showed up. Haha. Look, they made it through. Guests came to us. Why did you come?

Hare: Give us, Koschey, our fabulous umbrella.

Forest: Without it there will be no New Year's holiday.

Koschey: Did you know that from today and this hour all holidays and the New Year are cancelled. Due to its impossibility. And all power now belongs to me - Koshchei the immortal! All clear? You can go for a walk.

Forest: What a disgrace! What do you allow yourself?

Koschey: Don't make a scandal! I have an umbrella! And I will never open it. So get out of here in good health.

Hare: But we don’t believe that you have an umbrella.

TO: don't believe me? Okay, I'll show it to you. And then I’ll hide it so that you’ll never find it.

Forest: You have neither shame nor conscience.

TO: Why do I need them? Hey, Rat, bring the umbrella here. I'll brag, let them look at him one last time. Ha ha ha...

Snake: You know, Your Majesty, we decided to do a dirty trick.

TO: Yes? I'm so happy! Well done!

Rat: But we decided not to give you the umbrella.

TO: Whaaat?

Hare, Forester Together: Hurray!!!

Snake: Don't rejoice ahead of time. You won't get it either!

Rat: We've been thinking for a long time about how to mess with everyone at once.

Snake and Rat sing:

How to make everyone suffer
Let's think and guess
And what a joy it is
We should do something nasty for people

How much fun I would have
If someone fell into the abyss
For others we should do something nasty

That's why we tried
And we turned into others
Oh, what a joy it is
For people we need to do something nasty twice

Snake: So we won’t give you the umbrella!

TO: If you don't want to give away your umbrella, great. You don’t have to give it - I give it! Just don't open it.

Hare: By the way, this umbrella belongs to the Snow Maiden.

Rat: By the way, what is lost does not exist!

Hare: By the way, it was not lost, but stolen. As for whether it exists or not, this needs to be checked!

Snake: What do you want to say?

Hare: And the fact that you don’t have any umbrella!

Snake, Rat: Eat!

Hare, Forest: No!

Hare: Because if you had it, you would show it right away.

TO: Don't show them the umbrella, otherwise they will immediately take it away!

Rat (to the snake): Hey, Koschey doesn’t want it, so we have to show it!

Snake: That's right, let's show them the umbrella! Let's do another dirty trick on him.

Rat carries an umbrella: Here! This is ours!

Snake: Stay away! Otherwise we'll break it!

Forest: Horrible! Don't you dare do this!

TO: Break it, break it! I'm just waiting for this!

Rat: Look what you want! Why am I going to spoil such a beautiful umbrella?

TO: You don't know how to handle him at all.

Snake: No problem, let's explore and learn!

TO: Don't you dare open it!

Rat: Look how it was dismantled! Let's open it and do a dirty trick on him!

Snake: Give it to me!

Rat: No, me! (they fight, the umbrella falls into the hands of the Hare)

Hare: I have a magic umbrella in my hands!

Forest: Open it quickly, Bunny!

They open the umbrella, the clock starts working

Hare: Hooray! The clock has started working!

Forest: New Year has arrived!

Sn-ka: Thank you! Thanks friends!

Together: Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Sn:: Let's meet Santa Claus!

D.M. comes in sings the song “On the Road of Goodness”

Scenario of a theatrical performance for children 6-10 years old "Hello, New Year!"

This material will be useful to teachers primary classes, teachers of extended day groups, teachers, organizers of extracurricular activities, methodologists, teachers of additional education.
Theatrical performance prepared for the pupils of the House children's creativity aged 6 to 10 years. Competitions, games and riddles are selected in such a way that children different ages it was interesting.
Create a festive atmosphere of magic and mystery.
- Encourage children to create a festive atmosphere around themselves,
- To foster in children a sense of collectivism, activity,
- Create a festive mood for everyone present at the holiday.
Props for games (two mortars, two brooms, a pair of large pants, a pair of large paws, a pair of rooster heads on the head, multi-colored balls - snowballs, sleds, a ball of thread), recordings of songs for the entrance of fairy-tale characters and for games.

Father Frost,
Snow Maiden,
Baba Yaga,
Children stand around the Christmas tree.
Music is playing. Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga:
Wow, wow! Wow, wow!
I hear the childish spirit!
What kind of gathering is this?
Why cheerful laughter?
I'll throw a party for you...
I'll disperse everyone now!
I am Baba Yaga, bone leg,
The jet broom carried me quickly.
I'll scare you all.
Wow! How evil I am!
Why are you laughing? Aren't you afraid?
Ho-ro-sho... Then hold on!
(Runs after the children).
Kikimora appears.

Why, Yaga, have you gone crazy?
This will scare all the children away.
Baba Yaga:
Well, let them leave.
What should we do here?
Every year it's the same thing.
(Sings) “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest..."
Aren't you tired? May it be my will
I would arrange such a grand celebration.
What holiday?
Baba Yaga:
Oh, here it is!
There are fireworks here
There are fireworks there
Here is a shower of stars.
Great, let's set up a rehearsal right now.
Baba Yaga:
If I swing my right hand, right side,
imitating fireworks, shout:
"Red, blue, green - boom!"
on the word "boom" - clap your hands above your head.
If left hand, left side,
imitating fireworks, shout:
"Bang-ba-bang! Bang-ba-bang!"
With both hands.
Baba Yaga:
Well, that's a completely different matter. It already feels like a holiday.
And now it will look even more like a holiday. Let's dance.

Dance "Opanki"
Baba Yaga:
Well, now let's see how you answer our questions.

The one with the biggest bag
Walking through the forest...
Could it be the Ogre?
- No.
Who got up early today
And carries a bag of sweets...
Maybe it's your neighbor?
- No.
Baba Yaga:
Who comes on New Year's Day
And will the lights on the tree turn on?
Will the electrician turn on the light for us?
- No.
Who is this? Here's the question!
Well, of course…
- Father Frost.

Santa Claus enters to the music.

Father Frost:
Hello guys! (The guys answer).
It still sounds dull.
Come on, one more time.
Hello guys!
Now the answer is not bad.
It almost made me deaf.
I visited you a year ago,
I'm glad to see you all again.
I see they have grown up and become big.
Did everyone recognize me?
It's good here, it's fun.
Oh, now it will be even more fun. Let's dance.

Song "We'll hang the balloons."

Father Frost:
Well, thank you guys! They made the old man happy.
Baba Yaga:
Grandfather Frost, you didn’t treat the boys to anything.
Father Frost:
Santa Claus hasn't forgotten you
Bring a cartload of gifts!
(Takes out a bag, and there are pieces of paper in it)
Santa Claus, who ate your gifts!
Father Frost:
Who ate it? (looks). And it's true.
How can that be? Who did such a mischief?
I’ll have to take out my magic mirror and look into it.
(Looks in the mirror) That's right, that's what I thought! Look at Baba Yaga. Do you recognize the ugly girl?
Baba Yaga:
Oh, what do I find out? My daughter, Yaguska.
Father Frost:
Do you see? Sits, eats children's gifts. Well, now I'll deal with it.
Baba Yaga:
Oh, what a disaster, I’ll run to save my daughter.
(Runs away)
Father Frost:
Come on, spin the staff around,
Yaguska, show yourself to the children!

(Yaguska appears, eats candy as she goes, throws candy wrappers under the tree.
He sits down under the tree with a flourish and continues to eat with appetite, not paying attention to anyone.

Father Frost:
No, just look at her - she’s eating her children’s gifts as if nothing had happened!
(Yaguska turns in the opposite direction. Continues chewing)
Father Frost:
And aren't you ashamed? Left the children without gifts.
(Yaguska turns away again)
Father Frost:
Can't you hear? Who am I telling?
Yaguska:(I finished everything, stood up, suddenly grimaced and started screaming)
Mommy! They offend!

(Baba Yaga runs into the hall, covers Yaguska’s mouth with a pacifier, and she stops screaming)
Baba Yaga:
Who offends you, my sweetie?
Who doesn’t let you eat in peace, my skinny one.
Yes, who spoiled your appetite, my pale one?

(Yaguska loudly sucks on a pacifier, pointing his finger at Santa Claus and then at the children).
Father Frost:
Skinny, you say? Pale, you say? Lost your appetite? Oh, do you know that your sweetie ate all the children’s presents?
Baba Yaga:
(Strokes Yaguska on the head)
Cheers, sunshine!
(to Santa Claus)
Well, my daughter ate several gifts. So what? I gave them to her!
Father Frost:
Oh, I thought to my daughter, how many children did you leave without gifts on New Year’s Day? And aren't you ashamed?
B Aba Yaga:
Am I ashamed? Tell me, Santa Claus, do you bring gifts to children every year?
Father Frost:
Baba Yaga:
Have you brought it to my daughter at least once?
Father Frost:
Baba Yaga:
You see, you say, “It’s a shame.” Who should be ashamed?
Do you think I'm not a mother? Do you think I don't have a heart?
Father Frost:
I don’t know what to do?! Guys, maybe we really should give Yaguska a gift and then Baba Yaga will no longer take what belongs to others?
(Santa Claus gives Yaguska a gift).
Here, thank you, Grandfather Frost.
Baba Yaga:
If you treat me well, then I’m good too!
Wait, daughter, don’t eat the gift, let’s play with the children.
Playing is what I love.

(Running in a mortar, on brooms, in pants.)

(Takes the gift)
Well, that's it, guys, I've played enough. I'll go home to finish the candy.
Father Frost:
Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
Like a beautiful maiden
In colorful toys,
What miracles!
I'll ask you guys
Can you give me the answer?
But think first
“Yes” answer or “No”.
Game "Yes" or "No".

Do colored icicles grow on the Christmas tree?
And what about the painted balls and stars?
Perhaps oranges?
Funny and pink pigs?
Are the pillows down?
And honey gingerbread?
Are the galoshes shiny?
Are the candies real?
Well, guys! Everyone said it!
All the riddles have been solved!

Now we will stand in a circle.
Let's join hands,
And in a merry round dance
Let's walk with a song.

Song of "Little Christmas Tree".
Baba Yaga:
Well, anyone can sing songs.
This is what I love, inventing all sorts of tests. I’ll tell you riddles, if you don’t answer them, then I’ll eat you.

The carrot is white
It grew all winter.
The sun has warmed up -
I ate all the carrots.
He's at a children's masquerade
Flies in the air.
All of him, for fun,
They are woven into rings.
Baba Yaga:
Trees in white velvet,
The whole city and the whole village.
The wind will blow and pass by -
And all the velvet will fall off.
It sat on the shelf for a whole year,
And now it hangs on the tree.
This is not a flashlight
And the glass one...
Oh, I also have a ball. Not just one, but many colorful balls.
I love playing in the snow so much. Oh, do you love it? Then catch it!

Game "Snowballs".
Santa Claus, children play with you, entertain you.
Oh, you don’t give them gifts?
Father Frost:
Oh, Yaguska ate all my gifts.
There is one more bag of gifts left in my ice chamber.
Guys, let's call my granddaughter, Snegurochka.
Wait, don't call. It’s hard for her to carry the bag alone, I’ll run and help.
(Runs away)
Father Frost:
Okay, run.
The holiday has come to us,
This is very good.
To get rid of boredom,
Baba Yaga:
Roll in a puddle!
Father Frost:
What are you doing? This is not pretty!
Baba Yaga:
But it's fun!
Father Frost:
OK. Let's try again.
Fur coat, hat, red nose -
Grandfather Frost enters!
Starts to sing, dance,
Baba Yaga:
Take away gifts!
Father Frost:
How can this be so?
Baba Yaga:
And so: “Well, where are you pulling your rake!
Give me a gift, stingy!"
Father Frost:
What are you saying, this is not okay!
Baba Yaga:
But it's difficult.
Father Frost:
Well, Baba Yaga completely confused me.
Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden.
Children: Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden enters to the music.
(carrying a bag of gifts on a sled)

Snow Maiden:
Oh, how many children -
Both girls and boys!
Winter is not a threat,
I'm not afraid of a blizzard!
Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost
I'm called Snegurochka!
Hello, Grandfather!
Hello, dear guys!
I brought you gifts.
Father Frost:
Hello, granddaughter. We've been waiting for you.
Snow Maiden:
Serpentine, like ribbons, lanterns, like balls.
Happy New Year girls, Happy New Year... (boys)
And the lights on our Christmas tree will sparkle.
Happy New Year mommies, Happy New Year... (dads)
Children will play clapping hands near the Christmas tree
Happy New Year grandfather, Happy New Year...(grandmother)
Small and big, plump and thin
Children and parents, in a word, are ours.. (spectators)
Without sadness and worries
Let's celebrate together... (New Year).
Father Frost:
We have been waiting for this day for a long time,
Haven't seen each other for a whole year.
Sing, ring under the tree
New Year's round dance!

Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Father Frost:
You sang the song wonderfully,
Very friendly and beautiful.
I just have to find out.
Do you like to dance?
Well, then make the circle wider!
Begin! Three four!

Dance "We, let's go to the right now..."
Father Frost:
I see you are clever and brave kids.
Aren't you afraid of frost?
Father Frost:
Well, then hang in there!
I'll freeze whoever I catch!

Game "Freeze".

Snow Maiden:
The Christmas tree has green needles
And from bottom to top -
Beautiful toys.
Father Frost:
Very fun today
The song is friendly, ring.
Our dear Christmas tree,
Light up your lights!
(The Christmas tree does not light up)
Father Frost:
He probably doesn't hear us. It won't light up at all. But I really want everything to glow around me on holiday, everything to shine. Maybe you guys can help? Let's say together:
Shine, shine, Christmas tree!
Shine, shine bright!
Shine, shine, Christmas tree!
Shine, shine bright!
Father Frost:
I don't understand why it won't light up?
Snow Maiden:
Grandfather, let's call Winter, let her help us.
Father Frost:
Zimushka-Winter, help!
Zimushka-Winter, help!

Winter enters to the music.

Did you invite me to the Christmas tree?
Here I am myself
With blizzard, snow, cold weather -
Russian Winter.
Aren't you scared of me?
Didn't you snuggle up to the warm stove?
Didn't you complain to mom?
Can I live with you?
Hello guys!
Hello parents!
I'm very glad to see you
This New Year's hour!
I heard about your trouble, I will help you.
Let's say together:
One two Three
Our Christmas tree is on fire!
One two Three
Our Christmas tree is on fire!
(The lights on the tree come on)

Snow Maiden:
Let no one be bored
Let everyone rejoice!
Let the Christmas tree shine
In all its glory!
The Christmas tree glows and sparkles!
Let's have fun, children.
Santa Claus is calling you all
On the New Year's round dance!

Song "Kids - pencils".
I have a game for you;
I'll start it now.
I'll start, you continue.
Answer in unison!
All the people are having fun -
This is a holiday…
(New Year)
He has a rosy nose.
He himself is bearded.
Who is this?
(Father Frost)
That's right, guys.
The frost outside is getting stronger,
The nose turns red, the cheeks burn,
We meet you here
(New Year)
Under the azure sky
On a beautiful winter day
Congratulations on...
(New Year)
And we wish you happiness.
Father Frost:
Who is not afraid of frost,
Does he skate like a bird?
(Children answer).
Baba Yaga:
Which one of you is so good?
Does he go sunbathing in galoshes?
(Children answer).
Father Frost:
Oh, you're confusing the children again.
Baba Yaga:
I do not confuse, but reveal the truth.
Father Frost:
Which one of you keeps things in order?
Books, pens and notebooks?
(Children answer).
Baba Yaga:
Which of you hasn't washed your face?
And remained dirty?
(Children answer).
Baba Yaga:
There are some, yes. Go on.
Father Frost:
Who homemade their lesson
Executes on time?
(Children answer).
Baba Yaga:
Which one of you, say out loud,
Catching flies in class?
(Children answer).
Father Frost:
Who, I want to know from you,
Loves to sing and dance?
(Children answer).
Baba Yaga:
Who likes to play with me?
Do you love everything? Then guess what year it is according to the eastern calendar?
That's right, the year of the Rooster. Now let's check who is the fastest and most dexterous.

Fun competitions around the Christmas tree.
(Running in chicken paws with a rooster's head.)

Snow Maiden:
Grandpa, what do you think?
Who is more fun in our hall - girls or boys?
Father Frost:
Now let’s check it, and to do this we’ll divide it like this:
The guys will be freezing!
They will laugh: ha ha ha!
Snow Maiden:
And the girls are snowbirds!
They will laugh: hee hee hee!
Father Frost:
Come on, frosties, let's try it! (laugh)
Snow Maiden:
And now the snow babies! (laugh)

Shouting game "Hee hee. Ha ha!"

Father Frost:
And the naughty boys
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Snow Maiden:
And the girls are fun
Hee hee hee!
Hee hee hee!

Father Frost:
They made a noise, they laughed
All of you, truly, from the heart.
Both girls and boys
They were very good!
In beautiful bright gold
The Christmas tree is sparkling.
It's a joyful holiday for us
How not to have fun!
We can continue the celebration.
You can sing and dance!
Santa Claus is tired of standing
The lady wants to dance.
Father Frost:
Legs are shaking
They don't stand still.
Make way, honest people,
Santa Claus is coming to dance.
Dance "Lady".

Father Frost:
Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit, sit,
I'll look at the kids
Yes, I’ll listen to poetry.

Children recite poems.