It’s bad for me to be an author. Sketch “It’s bad for me to live as a girl.” He says: “I give everything

Scenario for prom in 4th grade


Primary School!"



    Show each child's achievements upon completion primary school.

    Establishing contact and mutual understanding with each child.

    Correction of interpersonal relationships between children.

    Fair decision for everyone conflict situations(if they occur)

    Achieving mutual understanding between parents, teachers and children.

    Based on entertaining material, conduct a lesson - a celebration for students - graduates.

    Develop logical thinking and sense of humor.

    Cultivate a sense of gratitude to teachers and parents for their care, attention and love.

    Creating an atmosphere of celebration and goodness.

Progress of the event.

Presentation (slide 1)

Teacher: Dear children, dear parents! We're all a little worried today. It's an unusual day for us - we say goodbye to primary school. For four years we climbed together the first, most difficult steps of the ladder of Knowledge. We learned to be friends and live according to the rules of our native school house. Let us all remember together what they were like, these years of ours.

1 study Today is our special day

We are moving to 5th grade.

2 studies Finishing primary school

And we dedicate our holiday to her.

Presentation (slide 2-3)

3 studies Today is our day...

Both sad and cheerful,

After all, we say goodbye to our dear ones

Your elementary school.

Song based on “Wedding” by R. Pauls

It's a holiday again at school, dear to us -

After all, today is our graduation.

We have completed the initial journey,

It's time to stop working, it's time for us to rest.


Girls, boys, girls

We studied at school together.

The long-awaited moment has arrived

Sing a swan song.

We wish, we wish you,

And to your actions and deeds:

May the green light always be on

And protects you from misfortunes and troubles.


Presentation (slide 4)

4 lessons Today on a warm May morning

Smiles brighten us up

Will meet students today

Last time fourth grade!

5 lessons Now the holiday is approaching

Our first ever graduation!

Primary school moment is wonderful

Let it sparkle like a bright star!

Teacher. And now we will take a fascinating journey into the past.

Presentation (slide 5)

7 lessonsYear 2011.

Do you remember yellow autumn?

When did we start 1st grade?

And the first call, the autumn bell,

It rang for the first time for you.

6 lessons All with flowers on the line

We stood without breathing

And they marveled: to what extent?

Our school is good!

Presentation (slide 6)

7 lessons I remember my mother smiling

I waved back to her

And in my hands I held a wonderful

Gladiolus bouquet.

Presentation (slide 7)

8 lessons We were all funny kids

When did you first enter this class?

And having received a notebook with pencils

We sat down at a desk for the first time in our lives.

Presentation (slide 8)

9 lessons And, like a little wizard,

I opened the textbook for the first time.

I understood at that very moment,

that now I am a student.

Presentation (slide 9)

Dance "Non-Children's Time".

Presentation (slide 10)

Scene “It’s hard for me to be a girl...”

I thought about it somehow:

It’s bad for me to live as a girl!

I need to braid my hair.

I'd rather be a boy!

For example, when I come to class...

(Puts a cap on his head.)

And I’ll say: “Hello! I am Stas!

Hey! Boogers! Why are you silent?

Why, can’t you see that I belong?

Kolya, Sasha, Petya, Vitya!

I'm back from class! Who's with me?

I have chewing gum in my briefcase;

There is a slingshot, a pack of chips,

Homemade knife, candy,

There are matches and... a cigarette!

Skip school now -

It's cool, everyone knows!

And keep in mind - boy Stas

Words are not wasted.”

However, being a boy is bad!

It’s better for me to become a grandmother -

Bake pancakes, boil potatoes,

Accompanying my granddaughter to school...

(Puts on glasses and a headscarf.)

Tell your granddaughter: “Katyusha!

Why are you fiddling around like a munchkin?

Breakfast, Katya, is on the table!

Today I have to

Repair your sheepskin coat in the morning,

Iron your skirt

Need to wash the dishes

Another granddaughter to pick up from the garden,

Boil the borscht and wash the floor..."

No way! I should be a grandmother

It’s very difficult, by the way.

I don't want from morning to night

I cook, wash! I'll get tired.

I'll be a better grandfather!

(Adds a beard to the bottom of his face.)

Grandfather is retired! Hooray!

He's just been busy since the morning:

Then he goes to the apiary

On my bike

It's watering at the dacha

Tomatoes and peas.

And besides, he's limping

And I'm still a little deaf.

She tells me: “You know, Katya,

How will you wear this dress?

You yourself have no idea

How you Remind Me

My dear wife,

Our young grandmother!

Joys and sorrows are with me

your grandmother passed..."

No! Perhaps, as for grandfather

I haven't grown up yet!

I will become Frosya's friend.

(Puts a knitted cap on his head.)

Then she asks for candy,

Either a textbook or a notebook,

Then write off the tests...

And he always pushes!

Tells me: "Nonsense

School lessons

And events!

No, they won't be useful!

I'll lie on the carpets

And there is candy in abundance.

And I’ll find myself even more so

Millionaire Hubby

With a Mercedes, with a dacha!

This is our Frosya -

How can the earth carry something like this?!

Better dad I will!

(Puts his hat on his head.)

But dad has a family!

She needs to drink and eat.

There are countless obligations to count!

Dad feeds the whole family

He says: “I give everything

To my children and wife..."

It's not easy being a dad for me!

I'll become a brother.

(Takes a pacifier into his mouth.)

Ilya keeps shouting: “Wow! Whoa!”

And gawking at the world,

Looks stupid from the stroller.

And just a little bit, I immediately burst into tears.

I will be an adult for my brother:

I don't scream like a child,

And I don’t want to freak out.

But I won’t stop dreaming -

I'll become a teacher!

(Puts glasses on nose.)

I will wear glasses

On high heels,

Speak arrogantly

And probably punish

All the lazy loafers -

Kick out of class for making noise.

I will say: “Children!

Sasha, Katya, Tanya, Petit!

Come to school early!

Sit down quietly! Sit up straight!

Do not Cry! Do not make noise!

Everything - in the textbook! And teach!”

But the teacher knows everything! –

The nerves are great.

I'll be a better mommy!

(Paints lips with lipstick in front of a mirror.)

Will try. I won't get tired.

I will be tender and loved,

The kindest and most beautiful.

I will often say:

“What should I give you, kids?

What to buy for your birthday?

Should I cook it on Sunday?

I will tell my dad:

“It’s hard for me to live without you!”

After working day

I'll take a walk in the park.

And I will be from dad

Receive gifts.

Only mothers - that’s the concern! –

They often go to work -

In frost, rain and snow...

Still a lot of interference

To be my mommy.

How I lived... Just Katya.

And wear tights and a dress.

It is a great honor for me -

Be who you are!

Presentation (slides 11)

10 lessons. First grade is over now.

They taught us to write - that's two.

Well, and thirdly, we read and solve problems.

Presentation (slides 12)

11 school Now the second grade is already behind us.

Everyone knows, without a doubt,

The entire multiplication table.

Presentation (slides 13)

12 lessons The third year flashed by -

As if there were no worries.

And the fourth flew by

He brought us a lot of things to do.

Presentation (slides 14)

13 school Four years flew by quickly.

Victories, successes, joys – countless!

We really, really wanted to learn!

Of course, we didn’t have time to find out everything,

But there are still seven wonderful years ahead.

SONG "Small Country".

We call our school

"Little country":

There are people with kind eyes there,

Life there is full of love.

Children can have fun there

There is no evil or grief there,

They didn't let us be lazy there

And they gave light to everyone.


Small country (2 r)

It's good for children to study here,

She is their second home.

Small country (2 r)

Here the doors are always open to us -

The school of friends is full.

Presentation (slide 15)

1. Everyone loves and honors the Kingdom of Sciences,

Science lives in this kingdom.

And each science is given names

Today we want to remind you of them.

2.Mathematics-science is complex:

How to multiply, how to add?

The road to this knowledge has been paved for us,

We, mathematics, cannot live without you.

3.I live in Russia, and Russian is my language.

There is no one more beautiful than him, I'm used to him.

Although my language is difficult, I love it:

I write dictations, teach the rules.

4.Reading is a wonderful lesson

There is a lot of useful information in each of the lines,

Whether it's a poem or a story,

We teach them, they teach us.

5.How does this world work? What surrounds us?

Why is a mosquito a vampire? Who eats whom?

Why is there a water cycle in nature?

And where does the esophagus transfer food?

Taught us to love our land

And observe nature

How to protect all animals

Protect both forest and water.

6. We know many stories now,

The door to secrets has opened before us.

Ancient ruins, decline, rise, prosperity,

Wars, their causes and the price of victories.

We keep hundreds of different dates in our memory,

New discoveries lie ahead.

7. In music lessons we learned to sing together.

Musical instruments we, friends, cannot count.

We learned various composers, it’s no secret,

That without wonderful music we have no joy in life.

Song to the tune of "Our Neighbor".

All day from morning to night

I'm learning all the lessons

Even if very much

I want to go outside.

And wherever I go,

And wherever I go

I will never forget

how the verb is conjugated.


Mom, dad, have mercy, (2 r)

Mom, dad, have pity on us.

Mom, dad, have mercy, (2 r)

Mom, dad, have pity on us.

At night I'll just close my eyes

And I'll lie down on the bed -

Instant multiplication table

I'm starting to remember.

And when I sit down to dinner,

I always think about

Why is the sky darkening

And where does the Don flow?


Sometimes I sit and dream,

That a happy day will come,

And I'm Ivan Susanin

He will take him to the forest with him.

I will play there freely,

I will jump and jump

And the multiplication table

Slowly forget.

Presentation (slide 16)

Teacher: Do you want to know how our changes are going?

1. From lesson to lesson,

From call to call

We have to wait quite a bit,

Change has called.

2. Change is coming.

All the boys are in the yard.
Someone wanted to climb the wall,
But he rolled down the wall.
Who jumps cheerfully around the desk,
Someone is looking for their pencil case.

3. But this simply means

That the whole class went wild.
12 boys and 13 girls in a mischievous class,

They declare loudly:

Everyone: “We have fun!”

4. Change, change,

Together all 4 “B”

Stands on his head.
Wet hair, disheveled look.
A drop of sweat runs down your neck;
- Maybe Sasha, Nastya and Elya

Have you been diving in the pool all recess?
Or did they plow on them, the unfortunate ones?

Or were they shoved into the mouth of a crocodile?

No! During the break they….rested!

6. But then the bell rang.
He calls us to class.
The teacher enters the classroom.
The teacher looks at us.

Teacher:- Was there a raid on our class?
- No!
- Did a hippopotamus come to us?
- No!
- Maybe the class is not ours?
- Our!
- Maybe not our floor?
- Our!
- It was just a break, and we acted out a scene here!
- So this is not a collapse?
- No!
- Didn’t the elephant dance with us?
- No!
- I am very happy! It turned out that I was worried in vain!

Student: This is how different we are:

Cheerful and perky,

Obedient and not so obedient,

But everything is interesting to us,

And we meet all difficulties with a smile.

Presentation (slide 17)


1 – Yesterday Sveta received three A’s in one day.

2 – Yes. And Nastya turned in such an awesome drawing ahead of schedule.

3 – They said. Maya always has this hairstyle. IN!

4– (first unwraps the candy, slowly bites and chews) Yes! Good!

1 -Sveta?

4- No.

2- Nastya?

4- No


Dance "Today is a holiday for the girls."

Presentation (slide 18)

    At this hour we still have to say

About those who gave us life.

About those closest to you world people,

About those who helped me grow

And it will help in many other ways in life.

    Today we say thank you

Of course, to your parents too.

    Our parents follow us invisibly

Both in joy and in the hour when trouble came.

They seek to protect us from sadness,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

    And sometimes we don’t accept their concerns,

Their efforts sometimes seem unnecessary to us.

And we remember our parents,

When a sudden disaster overtakes us.

    Forgive us, dear, dear,

After all, besides you, we have no more valuable people!

As they say - children are the joy of life,

And you are our support!

Song "Dear Adults"

Dear adults, I ask you seriously:
Don't frown on your beautiful faces!
You will remember your childhood, and let in your heart
His song will repeat
Sky, sky, sky high,
Sea, sea, deep sea,
There is a magical forest behind the mountain,
Across the river is a wonderland.

Dear adults, wake up to the stars,
And open the doors to the sun
Be surprised by the flowers, smile at the winds,
And dance and sing with us.
Dear adults in dewy dawns
Walk with an open soul.
Forget your worries and travel with us
Repeat these words.


PARENT: - Guys, guess the riddle.

Who will always help you?

Will he support you with a kind word?

What I didn’t understand, he’ll explain

You will be praised for your success.

Who doesn't like quarrels and noise?

Who can't stand lies?

Who frowns angrily

Why don't you learn your lessons?

Who will put with a smile

The long-awaited top five?

Who is always upset himself,

What if you get a D?

Presentation (slide 19)

    Four many years you taught us.

Led to the vast land of Good and Knowledge

We remember the first time we entered the classroom,

But today we’ll say “Goodbye!”

    Thank you, our first teacher,

For the enormous work that they put into us.

Let us not be your first issue,

And yet we fell in love with each other.

    Thank you for being inquisitive in your work,

That they are always patient with us, restless people,

Because you couldn’t live without us.

Thank you very much, thank you very much!

Presentation (slide 20)

Teacher: My dear children! I congratulate you all on graduating from primary school. I wish you great success on your journey. I really want your new teachers to also love you for who you are. I wish you to always be friendly, study well and excel, and have an interesting life. I think that the years you lived together gave you a lot of good things: the joy of learning what was created by the human mind, true friends. A difficult, but interesting, exciting life awaits you ahead.

Teacher's song primary classes

(To the tune of the song “Smile”)

We have more than twenty people,

And now I sing this song to all of you.

I'm very sorry to say goodbye to you,

After all, we were all together for four years.


Always be friends and never quarrel

Make friends with new teachers.

Just always remember what I taught -

Now you will do everything yourself.

We are parting with you now,

You go to secondary school to study.

Have a good summer rest

Try not to be lazy in fifth grade.


Teacher: Guys, life is not always easy, but remember that you always need to remain human. Remember that only goodness and justice will help you overcome evil. Let this starfall illuminate your life with luck, joy, and health. But to reach these heights, you need to study. You have passed the first stage . (Everyone receives a primary school diploma).

Presentation (slide 21)

Pupils read poetry.

1.The last lesson is finished today,

The last bell rings in the corridor.
We graduated from primary school,
The moment of farewell comes.
But you have to part with childhood,
And we don’t want to grow up.
2. The teacher and I will have to part first,

Just come to your cozy office for a visit,
And we will have to wander between classes for 7 years,
It is not an easy educational road to walk.

3. Our years flew by quickly,

And now it’s time to knock on the door to fifth grade.
But we won’t be sad,
And stir up old grievances,
Don't shed tears and don't be sad,
Just have fun and smile.

4. We will not part forever,
You and I together are a big family.
This is where we end our short story,
And we will sing the last song for you.

Song "Goodbye, Elementary School!"

1. Today is our last time together

We walked into this class as if it was our own place.

Farewell, our first teacher,

We give this song to You.

It will now become quieter within our walls.

The threshold awaits the first-timers.

Dasha, Ilyusha and Misha are crying, -

Your favorite lesson will not return.


Friends break up -

Tenderness remains in the heart,

Let's take care of our friendship


Until next time.

2. Don’t be sad, our beloved teacher,

We will come running to you, and more than once,

Let others come to replace us,

We are the only ones like you.

With you we were able to achieve a lot.

We were able to understand a lot with you.

Goodbye, our first teacher!

We will remember the school and you!


Teacher: By decision of the teachers' council, you have all been transferred to 5th grade! I think that you will reveal your talents and will actively take part in the life of the school and class, just as you did in elementary school. Let me reward you with memorable diplomas and certificates.

The teacher awards diplomas and certificates to all students (for the ability to make friends, for active participation in the life of the class, for sports success, for participation in competitions, etc.)

Song "This Summer"

This summer sings, this summer gives us a holiday,
This summer the mischievous breeze will bring good luck.

We met you by the blue sea,
Where the threads of sunset intertwine with time,
Where the noisy waves meet the sky,
And they fly to the stars, dancing this.

This summer sings, this summer gives us a holiday,
This summer the mischievous breeze will bring good luck.
This summer sings, this summer gives us a holiday,
This summer the mischievous breeze will bring good luck.

Behind the blue mountain, your castle sparkles
Birds wash themselves with pollen
And the shine of the sun
Throw back the blanket
And you promised to dance with me this summer!

This summer sings, this summer gives us a holiday,
This summer the mischievous breeze will bring good luck.
This summer sings, this summer gives us a holiday,
This summer the mischievous breeze will bring good luck.
This summer sings, this summer gives us a holiday,
This summer the mischievous breeze will bring good luck.
This summer sings, this summer gives us a holiday,

This summer the mischievous breeze will bring good luck.
This summer is singing!

Teacher. And now we invite everyone to the balloon launch.


    Derekleeva N.I. Handbook of the class teacher. - M.: VAKO, 2005.

    Beskarovainaya L.S. Handbook for primary school teachers. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2004.

    Gorbunova N.A. Parent meetings in elementary school 2 hours - Volgograd: Teacher-AST, 2003.

    Extracurricular activities 4th grade.-M.: VAKO, 2004.

    Newspaper "Elementary School" 1998 No. 15 (Note to the teacher), 2003 No. 12, 2004 No. 16, 2005 No. 6 (Library "First of September"), 2007 No. 6, 2009 No. 6. - Remade songs.

    Magazine "Primary School" 2008 No. 4. - Remade songs.

Dear Parents! Congratulations on graduating from elementary school. You also learned to write, read, solve examples and problems. They worried, tried, rejoiced and were upset together with the children, participated in the life of the school and class. Thank you for your help in teaching and raising your children.

Scene “It’s bad for me to live as a girl”
If there is a girl in the class who is a born actress and performer, then this sketch is for her. Instant transformation and performance of several completely different roles in one scene will not leave the audience indifferent. Success guaranteed!

Katya comes on stage.
Kate. I thought about it somehow:
It’s bad for me to live as a girl!
I need to braid my hair.
I'd rather be a boy!
For example, when I come to class...

(Puts a cap on his head.)
And I’ll say: “Hello! I am Stas!
Hey! Boogers! Why are you silent?
Why, can’t you see that I belong?
Kolya, Sasha, Petya, Vitya!
I'm back from class! Who's with me?
I have chewing gum in my briefcase;
There is a slingshot, a pack of chips,
Homemade knife, candy,
There are matches and... a cigarette!
Skip school now -
It's cool, everyone knows!
And keep in mind - boy Stas
Words are not wasted.”
However, being a boy is bad!
It’s better for me to become a grandmother -
Bake pancakes, boil potatoes,
Accompanying my granddaughter to school...

(Puts on glasses and a headscarf.)
Tell your granddaughter: “Katyusha!
Why are you fiddling around like a munchkin?
Breakfast, Katya, is on the table!
Today I have to
Repair your sheepskin coat in the morning,
Iron your skirt
Need to wash the dishes
Another granddaughter to pick up from the garden,
Boil the borscht and wash the floor..."
No way! I should be a grandmother
It’s very difficult, by the way.
I don't want from morning to night
I cook, wash! I'll get tired.
I'll be a better grandfather!

(Adds a beard to the bottom of his face.)
Grandfather is retired! Hooray!
He's just been busy since the morning:
Then he goes to the apiary
On my bike
It's watering at the dacha
Tomatoes and peas.
And besides, he's limping
And I'm still a little deaf.
She tells me: “You know, Katya,
How will you wear this dress?
You yourself have no idea
How you Remind Me
My dear wife,
Our young grandmother!
Joys and sorrows are with me
your grandmother passed..."
No! Perhaps, as for grandfather
I haven't grown up yet!
I will become Frosya's friend.

(Puts a knitted cap on his head.)
Then she asks for candy,
Either a textbook or a notebook,
Then write off the tests...
And he always pushes!
Tells me: "Nonsense
School lessons
And events!
No, they won't be useful!
I'll lie on the carpets
And there is candy in abundance.
And I’ll find myself even more so
Millionaire Hubby
With a Mercedes, with a dacha!
This is our Frosya -
How can the earth carry something like this?!
I'd rather be a dad!

(Puts his hat on his head.)
But dad has a family!
She needs to drink and eat.
There are countless obligations to count!
Dad feeds the whole family
He says: “I give everything
To my children and wife..."
It's not easy being a dad for me!
I'll become a brother.

(Takes a pacifier into his mouth.)
Ilya keeps shouting: “Wow! Whoa!”
And gawking at the world,
Looks stupid from the stroller.
And just a little bit, I immediately burst into tears.
I will be an adult for my brother:
I don't scream like a child,
And I don’t want to freak out.
But I won’t stop dreaming -
I'll become a teacher!

(Puts glasses on nose.)
I will wear glasses
On high heels,
Speak arrogantly
And probably punish
All the lazy loafers -
Kick out of class for making noise.
I will say: “Children!
Sasha, Katya, Tanya, Petit!
Come to school early!
Sit down quietly! Sit up straight!
Do not Cry! Do not make noise!
Everything - in the textbook! And teach!”
But the teacher knows everything! –
The nerves are great.
I'll be a better mommy!

(Paints lips with lipstick in front of a mirror.)
Will try. I won't get tired.
I will be tender and loved,
The kindest and most beautiful.
I will often say:
“What should I give you, kids?
What to buy for your birthday?
Should I cook it on Sunday?
I will tell my dad:
“It’s hard for me to live without you!”
After a hard day
I'll take a walk in the park.
And I will be from dad
Receive gifts.
Only mothers - that’s the concern! –
They often go to work -
In frost, rain and snow...
Still a lot of interference
To be my mommy.
Well, we'll have to move on with our lives,
How I lived... Just Katya.
And wear tights and a dress.
It is a great honor for me -
Be who you are!

Marina Pavlenko reads a lot of poetry

Snowflake Konstantin Balmont

Light fluffy,
Snowflake white,
How clean
How brave!

Dear stormy
Easy to carry
Not to the azure heights,
Begs to go to earth.

Wonderful azure
She left
Myself into the unknown
The country has been overthrown.

In the shining rays
Slides skillfully
Among the melting flakes
Preserved white.

Under the blowing wind
Shakes, flutters,
On him, cherishing,
Lightly swinging.

His swing
She's consoled
With his snowstorms
Spinning wildly.

But here it ends
The road is long,
Touches the earth
Crystal star.

Fluffy lies
Snowflake is brave.
How clean
How white!

Sergey Yesenin "Birch"

White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.

And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.

And the dawn is lazy
Walking around
sprinkles branches
New silver.

Ivan Surikov. Childhood

This is my village;
This is my home;
Here I am sledding
The mountain is steep;

Here the sled has rolled up,
And I'm on my side - bang!
I'm rolling head over heels
Downhill, into a snowdrift.

And boy friends
Standing above me
They laugh merrily
Over my misfortune.

Whole face and hands
Snow covered me...
I'm in grief in a snowdrift,
And the guys laugh!

But meanwhile the village
The sun has been around for a long time;
A blizzard has risen,
The sky is dark.

You'll be chilled all over,
You can't bend your arms
And go home quietly,
You wander reluctantly.

An old fur coat
You'll throw it off your shoulders,
Climb onto the stove
Gray-haired to grandma.

And you sit, not a word...
Everything is quiet all around;
Just hear it howling
Blizzard outside the window.

In the corner, bent over,
Grandfather weaves bast shoes;
Mother at the spinning wheel
Silently the flax spins.

Illuminated the hut
Light of light;
The winter evening lasts
Lasts endlessly...

And I'll start at grandma's
I ask for fairy tales
And grandma will start for me
Tell a fairy tale:

Like Ivan Tsarevich
He caught the firebird
How can he get a bride?
The gray wolf got it.

I'm listening to a fairy tale -
The heart just dies
And the chimney is angry
The evil wind sings.

I'll snuggle up to the old lady...
Quiet speech murmurs,
And my eyes are strong
A sweet dream will come close.

And in my dreams I dream
Wonderful lands.
And Ivan Tsarevich -
It's like me.

Here in front of me
The wonderful garden is blooming;
There's a big one in that garden
The tree is growing.

Golden cage
Hanging on a branch;
There's a bird in this cage
It’s like the heat is burning;

Jumping in that cage
Sings merrily;
Bright, wonderful light
The whole garden is drenched.

So I snuck up on her
And grab the cage!
And I wanted out of the garden
Run with the bird.

But it was not there!
There was a noise, a ringing;
The guards came running
Into the garden from all sides.

My hands were twisted
And they lead me...
And, trembling with fear,
I wake up.

You flowed merrily
Children's years!
You weren't overshadowed
Grief and trouble.

Excerpt from the poem "Peasant Children"

Once upon a time in the cold winter time
I came out of the forest; it was bitterly cold.
I see it's slowly going uphill
A horse carrying a cart of brushwood.
And walking importantly, in decorous calm,
A man leads a horse by the bridle
In big boots, in a short sheepskin coat,
In big mittens... and he's as small as a fingernail!
“Great, lad!” - Go past! -
“You’re so formidable, as I can see!
Where do the firewood come from? - From the forest, of course;
Father, you hear, chops, and I take it away.
(A woodcutter's ax was heard in the forest.) -
“What, does your father have a big family?”
- The family is big, two people
Just men: my father and I... -
“So there it is! What’s your name?”
- Vlas. -
“How old are you?” - The sixth has passed...
Well, dead! - the little one shouted in a deep voice,
He pulled the reins and walked faster.
The sun was shining on this picture so much,
The child was so hilariously small
As if it was all cardboard,
As if in children's theater they got me!
But the boy was a living, real boy,
And wood, and brushwood, and a piebald horse,
And the snow lying up to the windows of the village,
And the cold fire of the winter sun -
Everything, everything was real Russian,
With the stigma of an unsociable, deadening winter.
What is so painfully sweet to the Russian soul,
What Russian thoughts inspire in the minds,
Those honest thoughts that have no will,
For which there is no death - don’t push,
In which there is so much anger and pain,
In which there is so much love!

Krylov's fables

Renata Mukha

Ovsey Driz B8%D0%B7.pdf

Vadim Levin

I thought about it somehow:

It’s bad for me to live as a girl!

I need to braid my hair.

I'd rather be a boy!

For example, when I come to class...

(Puts a cap on his head.)

And I’ll say: “Hello! I am Stas!

Hey! Boogers! Why are you silent?

Why, can’t you see that I belong?

Kolya, Sasha, Petya, Vitya!

I'm back from class! Who's with me?

I have chewing gum in my briefcase;

There is a slingshot, a pack of chips,

Homemade knife, candy,

There are matches and... a cigarette!

Skip school now -

It's cool, everyone knows!

And keep in mind - boy Stas

Words are not wasted.”

However, being a boy is bad!

It’s better for me to become a grandmother -

Bake pancakes, boil potatoes,

Accompanying my granddaughter to school...

(Puts on glasses and a headscarf.)

Tell your granddaughter: “Katyusha!

Why are you fiddling around like a munchkin?

Breakfast, Katya, is on the table!

Today I have to

Repair your sheepskin coat in the morning,

Iron your skirt

Need to wash the dishes

Another granddaughter to pick up from the garden,

Boil the borscht and wash the floor..."

No way! I should be a grandmother

It’s very difficult, by the way.

I don't want from morning to night

I cook, wash! I'll get tired.

I'll be a better grandfather!

(Adds a beard to the bottom of his face.)

Grandfather is retired! Hooray!

He's just been busy since the morning:

Then he goes to the apiary

On my bike

It's watering at the dacha

Tomatoes and peas.

And besides, he's limping

And I'm still a little deaf.

She tells me: “You know, Katya,

How will you wear this dress?

You yourself have no idea

How you Remind Me

My dear wife,

Our young grandmother!

Joys and sorrows are with me

your grandmother passed..."

No! Perhaps, as for grandfather

I haven't grown up yet!

I will become Frosya's friend.

(Puts a knitted cap on his head.)

Then she asks for candy,

Either a textbook or a notebook,

Then write off the tests...

And he always pushes!

Tells me: "Nonsense

School lessons

And events!

No, they won't be useful!

I'll lie on the carpets

And there is candy in abundance.

And I’ll find myself even more so

Millionaire Hubby

With a Mercedes, with a dacha!

This is our Frosya -

How can the earth carry something like this?!

I'd rather be a dad!

(Puts his hat on his head.)

But dad has a family!

She needs to drink and eat.

There are countless obligations to count!

Dad feeds the whole family

He says: “I give everything

To my children and wife..."

It's not easy being a dad for me!

I'll become a brother.

(Takes a pacifier into his mouth.)

Ilya keeps shouting: “Wow! Whoa!”

And gawking at the world,

Looks stupid from the stroller.

And just a little bit, I immediately burst into tears.

I will be an adult for my brother:

I don't scream like a child,

And I don’t want to freak out.

But I won’t stop dreaming -

I'll become a teacher!

(Puts glasses on nose.)

I will wear glasses

On high heels,

Speak arrogantly

And probably punish

All the lazy loafers -

Kick out of class for making noise.

I will say: “Children!

Sasha, Katya, Tanya, Petit!

Come to school early!

Sit down quietly! Sit up straight!

Do not Cry! Do not make noise!

Everything - in the textbook! And teach!”

But the teacher knows everything! –

The nerves are great.

I'll be a better mommy!

(Paints lips with lipstick in front of a mirror.)

Will try. I won't get tired.

I will be tender and loved,

The kindest and most beautiful.

I will often say:

“What should I give you, kids?

What to buy for your birthday?

Should I cook it on Sunday?

I will tell my dad:

“It’s hard for me to live without you!”

After a hard day

I'll take a walk in the park.

And I will be from dad

Receive gifts.

Only mothers - that’s the concern! –

They often go to work -

In frost, rain and snow...

Still a lot of interference

To be my mommy.

How I lived... Just Katya.

And wear tights and a dress.

It is a great honor for me -

Be who you are!

No wonder winter is angry...
Fyodor Tyutchev

No wonder winter is angry,
Its time has passed
Spring is knocking on the window
And he drives him out of the yard.

And everything started to fuss,
Everything drives winter away
And larks in the sky
The ringing bell has already been raised.

Winter is still busy
And he grumbles about spring,
She laughs in her eyes
And it just makes more noise...

The evil witch went crazy
And, capturing the snow,
She let me in, running away,
To a beautiful child...

Spring and grief are not enough:
Washed in the snow
And only became blusher
Against the enemy.

Spring thunderstorm
Fyodor Tyutchev

I love the storm in early May,
When the first thunder of spring
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbling in the blue sky.

Young peals thunder...
The rain is splashing, the dust is flying,
Rain pearls hung,
And the sun gilds the threads.

A swift stream runs down the mountain,
The noise of birds in the forest is not silent,
And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains
Everything cheerfully echoes the thunder.

You will say: windy Hebe,
Feeding Zeus's eagle,
A thunderous goblet from the sky,
Laughing, she spilled it on the ground.

Country song
Alexey Pleshcheev

The grass is turning green
The sun is shining;
Swallow with spring
It flies towards us in the canopy.

With her the sun is more beautiful
And spring is sweeter...
Chirp out of the way
Greetings to us soon!

I'll give you some grains
And you sing a song,
What from distant countries
I brought with me...

Alexey Pleshcheev

The snow is already melting, the streams are running
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

Pure heavenly azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's gone for a long time again.

And my heart is so strong in my chest
He knocks as if he's waiting for something
As if happiness is ahead
And winter took away your worries!

All faces look cheerful.
"Spring!" you read in every glance;
And he, like a holiday, is happy about her,
Whose life is only hard work and sorrow.

But the playful children have loud laughter
And carefree birds singing
They tell me who is the most
Nature loves renewal!