Fresh issue of the new Tara newspaper. Novaya Gazeta Accusations of Defamation and Disinformation

Newspaper headline: How to be happy in the New Year

Under New Year It is customary to dream, hope and wish each other the best. Health, happiness, money, love... In all these pleasant wishes there is hope for a kind wizard who will come and give us everything that we so desperately want and so annoyingly lack.

  • Newspaper headline: Defective exchange

    That the New Year’s Eve exchange of prisoners between Kiev and the Donbass republics will still take place, it became clear on Saturday: when the court released five Berkut soldiers, who had been convicted for five years allegedly for the execution of Maidan protesters in February 2014, “on personal obligations”. The Nationalists were terribly unhappy with this decision. On Sunday morning, they blocked the Lukyanovka pre-trial detention center so that the ex-siloviki could not be sent for exchange.

  • Newspaper headline: We are all a little... mice

    Mice here and mice there. Shops and hotels named after mice. Monuments to mice and free cheese for restaurant visitors. Mill with reviving mice. And even a whole mouse palace. And the local inhabitants themselves are mice and mice (an alternative option is mice and mice). A total of 5738 people. Indeed, in terms of population, the city of Myshkin occupies only 1058th place out of 1115, that is, it is one of the smallest in Russia.

  • Newspaper headline: 2019 highlights

    The time traveler will surely skip the outgoing year, rushing to where peoples clashed in wars, the earth burned under their feet and cities shook from cataclysms. And 2019 will flash on his way like a quiet stop. As a routine, from a historical point of view, nothing outstanding. And that is great. It was a good year overall.

  • Newspaper headline: We can do miracles

    We have amazing stability here in Moscow: +10 in summer, +10 in winter too. This makes it seem like nothing has changed. However. For example. In theory, what you are reading now should have been a review of the last week of the year. But no - management knows how to puzzle. Each of us has something, albeit a little, but it changes. Like slowly. But you won’t have time to look back, and everything is already wrong. Let's look back?

  • Stripe 2

    Stripe 3

    • Newspaper headline: Impeachment at a crossroads

      Trump was impeached more than a week ago, but since then the topic of removing the president from power has stalled. This cannot be blamed on the Senate Republicans, who would just like to seize the initiative from the Democrats and do this high-profile investigation themselves.

    • Newspaper headline: Russia under the strange mask of the USSR

      At the end of the year, it's hard not to turn to memory Soviet Union, created and dissolved in the last week of December and lived without a few days for 69 years - exactly as long as its citizens lived on average in the most successful thirty years of the existence of this state. Today, many myths are being created about the country in which most of today's Russians have yet to be born, each of which cannot be assessed not only in a short article, but even in a lengthy book.

    • Newspaper headline: We behaved well - and they poured snow on us

      The old joke “we built a pool for you, and if you behave well, we’ll also pour water into it!” today it is quite possible to transfer to new way. Muscovites, it seems, behaved very well in the outgoing year - and the city authorities not only built snowboard slides for us, but also poured snow there!

    About the edition

    "New Newspaper"Russian newspaper liberal orientation, regularly published in Moscow since 1993.

    Novaya Gazeta (New, Noga, NG)- is the main mouthpiece of liberals, Westernophiles, assholes, and other people who hate this country in its current form. According to the beliefs of professional adherents, it is funded by the Washington Regional Committee. In fact, the shareholders are the editorial staff (51%), the Gorbachev Foundation, the KGB general, the oligarch and former United Russia Alexander Lebedev. According to rumors, other oligarchs are also dumping money for the publication with the permission and under the pressure of bloody gebni, and the newspaper itself is, firstly, the “drain tank” of the Lubyanka, and secondly, it serves as “proof” before the West that in Putin’s Russian Federation there is no dictatorship, but democracy and liberalism. (Source: Lurk

    Electronic periodical Novaya Gazeta is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Field mass communications and protection of cultural heritage June 08, 2007 Registration certificate El No. ФС77-28483.

    The newspaper was created by a group of journalists (Dmitry Muratov, Pavel Voshchanov, Akram Murtazaev, Dmitry Sabovi and others) who left Komsomolskaya Pravda and created their own publication called Novaya Daily Gazeta. M. S. Gorbachev is a longtime partner of the publication, back in 1993, part of his Nobel Prize he bought 8 computers for this group of 30 journalists. The first issue was released on April 1, 1993 with a 100,000th circulation. For the first three months it was published once a week, from July 1993 it became a daily one. From February to August 1995 the newspaper was not published in Moscow due to financial reasons. Since August 1995, it has resumed as a weekly. In 1996, it was registered as ANO RID Novaya Gazeta.

    Novaya Gazeta is published three times a week: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Newspaper spread format - A2. Stripes - A3.

    The newspaper is printed in Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ryazan, Samara, St. Petersburg. Foreign issues: Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan.

    Until 2009, the newspaper was published twice a week: on Mondays and Thursdays. On Fridays, almost until the very end of 2008, a separate weekly color review, Novaya Gazeta. Free space". Now this review is part of the Friday issue of Novaya Gazeta.

    As a tab, a thematic supplement "GULAG Truth" is published every month. The materials of the published editions of the newspaper, tabs and appendices are available on the newspaper's website in the general archive. In the past, the newspapers OGF, Yabloko, the Russian version of Le Monde diplomatique, the new automobile newspaper SHOFER, the popular science application Centaur, and the banking application Banknote were published as tabs in the past.

    The controlling stake belongs to the staff of the publication. 39% of the shares belong to businessman Alexander Lebedev, 10% - to ex-president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev.

    In February 2002, Ilya Shabalkin, a representative of the FSB Public Relations Center, stated that the newspaper had financial disagreements with George Soros Foundation, however, representatives of the fund and the editorial board denied the existence of claims.

    Accusations of the newspaper NOVAYA GAZETA of slander and disinformation

    In January 2005, the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a commentary on an article published in Novaya Gazeta on January 24, 2005 under the heading "The FSB equipped its Helsinki group." According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, this article "grossly distorts the real state of affairs."

    According to the Expert North-West magazine, Novaya Gazeta reported unverified information about an allegedly impending lawsuit against the Warner Bros. film company without citing a source.

    Some materials became the subject of legal proceedings on charges of publishing false information that discredits honor and dignity.

    In early 2002, Novaya Gazeta published a "certificate from the investigation department", according to which the chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court allegedly lived beyond his means. At the initiative of the Krasnodar Regional Qualification Board of Judges, the Grand Jury of the Union of Journalists of Russia was assembled. According to the jury, Novaya Gazeta did not confirm the information damaging the judge "[n]either in the publication itself or at the Grand Jury meeting", and the statement from the investigative department "does no credit" to the newspaper. In addition, the title of the journalistic note was called inconsistent with its content.

    The newspaper published letters whose forgeries by a third party were either recognized by two parties to the conflict or assumed by one party. In one case, an unverified report was a fake on behalf of five American congressmen, which spoke of Sergei Kiriyenko's attempts to legalize himself in the United States. This letter was found to be a fake by the State Department and the US Senate, and later by a Russian court.

    Newspaper denials of their stories

    The materials of publications of Novaya Gazeta were repeatedly recognized in court proceedings as partially or completely untrue. In accordance with the law, denials were published.

    Later (in April 2001) the newspaper published a refutation of the article “The case is being handled by godfathers” published in Novaya Gazeta in August 2000 after receiving a letter from the Prosecutor General's Office. The letter stated that the certificate, which served as a source of information for the article “Godfathers are conducting the case”, is a fake, and the verification conducted by the Prosecutor's Office did not reveal confirmation of this information.

    In 2000, the court found the information contained in the article regarding several State Duma deputies to be untrue, discrediting the honor and dignity of the plaintiffs. The court decided to refute the false information, make a public apology and pay the plaintiffs 110,000 rubles.

    In 2003, the claim of the First Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Biryukov against the newspaper for the protection of honor and dignity was partially satisfied. In addition to the refutation, the editors undertook to pay Biryukov 600,000 rubles.

    In 2004, the court found them untrue and discrediting business reputation information in the article regarding Sergei Kiriyenko.

    In 2004, Novaya Gazeta apologized for disseminating false information that Rosneft President Sergei Bogdanchikov was allegedly involved in the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

    Newspaper warnings(New Newspaper)

    On March 31, 2010, Roskomnadzor issued a warning to Novaya Gazeta for statements aimed at inciting social, racial and national hatred in the article “Gang, agency, party. Who are the “legal nationalists””, published on January 20, 2010 and dedicated to the Russian Image organization, whose members were the suspects (at the time of writing) in the murder of Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova Nikita Tikhonov and Evgenia Khasis.

    On October 10, 2014, Roskomnadzor issued a warning to the founder and editorial staff of Novaya Gazeta about the inadmissibility of using funds mass media to carry out extremist activities for Yulia Latynina's article "If we are not the West, then who are we?", published on September 10, 2014. On the evening of the same day, two fragments of the article on the Novaya Gazeta website, which caused dissatisfaction with the supervisory authority, were hidden.

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    Newspaper headline: How to be happy in the New Year

    On New Year's Eve it is customary to dream, hope and wish each other the best. Health, happiness, money, love... In all these pleasant wishes there is hope for a kind wizard who will come and give us everything that we so desperately want and so annoyingly lack.

  • Newspaper headline: Defective exchange

    That the New Year’s Eve exchange of prisoners between Kiev and the Donbass republics will still take place, it became clear on Saturday: when the court released five Berkut soldiers, who had been convicted for five years allegedly for the execution of Maidan protesters in February 2014, “on personal obligations”. The Nationalists were terribly unhappy with this decision. On Sunday morning, they blocked the Lukyanovka pre-trial detention center so that the ex-siloviki could not be sent for exchange.

  • Newspaper headline: We are all a little... mice

    Mice here and mice there. Shops and hotels named after mice. Monuments to mice and free cheese for restaurant visitors. Mill with reviving mice. And even a whole mouse palace. And the local inhabitants themselves are mice and mice (an alternative option is mice and mice). A total of 5738 people. Indeed, in terms of population, the city of Myshkin occupies only 1058th place out of 1115, that is, it is one of the smallest in Russia.

  • Newspaper headline: 2019 highlights

    The time traveler will surely skip the outgoing year, rushing to where peoples clashed in wars, the earth burned under their feet and cities shook from cataclysms. And 2019 will flash on his way like a quiet stop. As a routine, from a historical point of view, nothing outstanding. And that is great. It was a good year overall.

  • Newspaper headline: We can do miracles

    We have amazing stability here in Moscow: +10 in summer, +10 in winter too. This makes it seem like nothing has changed. However. For example. In theory, what you are reading now should have been a review of the last week of the year. But no - management knows how to puzzle. Each of us has something, albeit a little, but it changes. Like slowly. But you won’t have time to look back, and everything is already wrong. Let's look back?

  • Stripe 2

    Stripe 3

    • Newspaper headline: Impeachment at a crossroads

      Trump was impeached more than a week ago, but since then the topic of removing the president from power has stalled. This cannot be blamed on the Senate Republicans, who would just like to seize the initiative from the Democrats and do this high-profile investigation themselves.

    • Newspaper headline: Russia under the strange mask of the USSR

      At the end of the year, it’s hard not to turn to the memory of the Soviet Union, which was created and dissolved in the last week of December and lived for 69 years without a few days - exactly as long as its citizens lived on average in the most successful thirty years of the existence of this state. Today, many myths are being created about the country in which most of today's Russians have yet to be born, each of which cannot be assessed not only in a short article, but even in a lengthy book.

    • Newspaper headline: We behaved well - and they poured snow on us

      The old joke “we built a pool for you, and if you behave well, we’ll also pour water into it!” today it is quite possible to shift it in a new way. Muscovites, it seems, behaved very well in the outgoing year - and the city authorities not only built snowboard slides for us, but also poured snow there!