Large selection of animations. GIFs surprise. A large selection of animation Joyful GIFs

Sometimes you really want to clearly demonstrate surprise at the stunning news from the interlocutor. Such an emotion is difficult to convey in words when corresponding on the Internet. However, surprise gifs can be used to show your real emotions and reactions to unusual information. We present for you the best selection with animations for every day.

How to download your favorite gif?

To send an animation to your interlocutor, you first need to save it to your device. This is done in a couple of steps:

  • Choose any GIF from the selection;
  • Click on it with the right mouse button;
  • A menu will open in front of you, in which you need to select the item "Save image as ...";
  • After that, the animation will be saved to your computer, tablet or phone.
  • Open the image in a new window;
  • Select the link to the animation with the mouse;
  • Right-click on the link and select "Copy" from the menu;
  • IN social network in the message, right-click and select Paste.
  • The link will be inserted into the message and the GIF will be attached automatically.

A selection of the best GIF animations with surprise

The cat is really surprised and happy that Friday is coming. Send a GIF to your friend if you're really surprised that the weekend is coming after a hard week at work.

Cute animated baby shows joyful surprise. He clamps his fists in anticipation of something good and says "Hurrah." Send an animation in response to good news from the interlocutor.

It is rare to see a surprised fish in the water. But here the marine inhabitant not only bulged her eyes, but also opened her mouth wide. If you send such an animation, your interlocutor will understand the emotion of bright surprise.

The cutest lemur bulged his eyes at the time of eating. He is really surprised by what is happening and does not change the emotion. The GIF will make your friend understand the surprise and will definitely make you laugh.

The snowman is so surprised with joy that his head flies up. Submit close person such an animation if your surprise is accompanied by delight.

The boy is very surprised by what is happening and cannot even put down a cup of tea. He blinks his eyes and keeps his mouth open. Send animation if the news of the interlocutor really stuns you.

The emotions of the horse show great surprise and fear. His mouth opens so wide with emotion that the rider has to close it. The animation will bring a smile to the face of the interlocutor and cheer up.

The blue monster shows sharp surprise and fear. Forward such a GIF to the interlocutor if he told a truly stunning news.

The GIF with the cat Matroskin shows surprise and delight. The cat rejoices on Friday and opens its mouth wide with happiness. Send animation to friends and family at the end of the work week.

Mermaid Ariel shows joyful surprise at the good news. A girl can send such a GIF to show emotions of delight at the news from a loved one.

Surprised boa in balloon bats his eyes without moving. The GIF is perfect for the emotion of shock from the information received from the interlocutor.

Cute cartoon character smiles and really rejoices. Send animation in response to good news or good offer from friend.

Cute kitty shows sad surprise and disappointment. A GIF is suitable for emotions of frustration at bad news or at a friend’s refusal to any offer.

The cartoon character is so surprised and furious that he starts to burn with a huge flame. If you are very angry with the interlocutor, feel free to send such an animation.

The kid is frightened and sincerely surprised by an unusual toy from which eggs fall out. Such animation will cheer up the interlocutor and demonstrate your emotions.

The panda is surprised for a second by the waterfall and immediately changes his emotions to neutral ones. Send a GIF if the news didn’t surprise you too much and didn’t cause delight.

The dog is sharply surprised at the sight of a sweet cake and demonstrates this with bulging eyes and a raised ear. Send an animation if at the time of the conversation your interlocutor caught you by surprise with unexpected news.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

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