Job description for a locksmith of emergency and restoration work in the gas industry. Locksmith of emergency restoration work, etc. Duties of a locksmith of emergency restoration work 4 categories

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Instructions for the position " Locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category", presented on the site, complies with the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY qualification characteristics occupations of workers. Issue 87. Housing and communal services of settlements. (Taking into account the applications approved by: order of the State Committee of Ukraine on Housing and Communal Services of 09.07.2004 N 132, order of the State Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine on 22.11.2004 N 210, order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of 08.12.2009 N 387, order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine on December 23, 2010 N 464), which was approved by the order of the State Committee for Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of Ukraine on June 14, 1999 N 144. Agreed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine.
The status of the document is "valid".

Preface to job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Document approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Mechanic of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements - complete or basic general secondary education. Vocational education. Training. Work experience by profession as an emergency repair worker of the 3rd category - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies:
- site water supply scheme;
- rules for reading complex drawings and sketches;
- drawing up in kind schemes, sketches;
- detailing rules;
- methods of clogging sockets manually and using pneumatic tools;
- the structure of the apparatus for cutting under pressure;
- rules and methods for disconnecting frozen pipelines and their heating;
- the layout of the sewerage network of the area in which the work is carried out;
- technology for cleaning the sewer network and collectors in a hydraulic way and removing blockages with a flexible shaft;
- the main equipment and mechanisms used during the repair and cleaning of sewer pipelines and structures;
- rules for earthworks in dry soils;
- the procedure for performing work associated with increased danger.

1.4. An emergency repair fitter of the 4th category is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The locksmith of emergency repair work of the 4th category reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category directs the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category during the absence, is replaced by a person appointed in in due course which acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to it.

2. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Performs hydraulic cleaning of the sewer network and collectors at a depth of up to 12 m.

2.2. Eliminates clogging in pipes with a flexible shaft, washing out with a jet of water and the method of reverse hydraulic pressure using mobile auto pumps.

2.3. Performs preparation of a cable and winches with a lifting capacity of up to 1 t, metal balls and cylinders of a given specific gravity.

2.4. Repairs sewer networks under the guidance of a highly qualified locksmith.

2.5. Carries out repairs of equipment and mechanisms used during cleaning.

2.6. Welds plastic pipes.

2.7. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.8. Knows and complies with the requirements of normative acts on labor protection and environment, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The Level 4 Repairman has the right to take action to prevent and correct any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. An emergency repair worker of the 4th category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The locksmith of emergency repair work of the 4th category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his duties. official duties and exercise of rights.

3.4. An emergency repair fitter of the 4th category has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The locksmith of emergency repair work of the 4th category has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The emergency repair fitter of the 4th category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his duties and orders of the management.

3.7. An emergency repair fitter of the 4th category has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The locksmith of emergency repair work of the 4th category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. An emergency repair fitter of the 4th category has the right to get acquainted with the documents defining the rights and obligations of the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The emergency repair fitter of the 4th category is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the rights granted.

4.2. The locksmith of emergency repair work of the 4th category is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of the internal work schedule, labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category is responsible for the disclosure of information about the organization (enterprise / institution), which is a trade secret.

4.4. The locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal normative documents organizations (enterprises/institutions) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise / institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category is responsible for the misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job duties, rights and responsibilities of an emergency repair worker of the 4th category [Name of organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. An emergency repair fitter of the 4th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the established current labor law by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The emergency repair fitter of the 4th category belongs to the category of workers and reports to [position title of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. A person with a secondary education, relevant training in the specialty and work experience of at least 1 year is appointed to the position of a locksmith for emergency repair work of the 4th category.

1.5. The locksmith of emergency repair work of the 4th category must know:

  • site water supply scheme;
  • rules for reading complex drawings and sketches;
  • drawing up schemes, sketches and details from nature;
  • ways of sealing sockets manually and with the use of pneumatic tools;
  • device for tapping under pressure;
  • rules and methods for disconnecting metering pipelines, and their heating;
  • the layout of the sewerage network of the area in which the work is carried out;
  • technology for cleaning the sewer network and collectors hydraulically and removing blockages with a flexible shaft;
  • the main equipment and mechanisms used in the repair and cleaning of sewer pipelines and structures;
  • rules for the production of earthworks in dry soils.

1.6. In his activities, the emergency repair worker of the 4th category is guided by:

  • regulations and teaching materials on issues of work performed;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • orders and orders of the head of the Company and the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description;
  • rules on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of the locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category, his duties are assigned to [name of the position of the deputy].

2. Job responsibilities

The locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category is obliged to carry out the following labor functions:

2.1. Performance of work on the repair of water supply networks, caulking, pouring with lead and various substitutes for pipe sockets with a diameter of more than 300 to 900 millimeters.

2.2. Installation and replacement of fittings and fittings on existing networks and highways.

2.3. Determining the nature of damage on networks and highways.

2.4. Shutdown of individual sections of pipelines, emptying and filling them with the installation of air inlet and outlet air.

2.5. Flushing of pipelines.

2.6. Adjusting the operation of valves on networks and pipelines.

2.7. Taking pressure readings on a manometer.

2.8. Tapping under pressure in pipelines.

2.9. Production of cleaning of the sewer network and collectors at a depth of up to 12 meters in a hydraulic way.

2.10. Removal of blockages by flexible shaft, water jet washout and hydraulic back pressure method using mobile auto-pumps.

2.11. Preparation of a rope and a winch with a lifting capacity of up to 1 ton, metal balls and cylinders of a given specific gravity.

2.12. Production of repair of the sewer network under the guidance of a locksmith of a higher qualification.

2.13. Production of preventive repairs of equipment and mechanisms used in cleaning.

2.14. Welding of plastic pipes.

In case of official necessity, an emergency repair fitter of the 4th category may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, by decision of the immediate supervisor, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

The locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category has the right

3.1. Give assignments to subordinate employees, tasks on a range of issues included in his functional duties.

3.2. Supervise the fulfillment of production tasks, the timely execution of individual orders by subordinate employees.

3.3. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the issues of its activities and the activities of employees subordinate to it.

3.4. Interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues that are part of its functional responsibilities.

3.5. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise's management regarding the activities of the Division.

3.6. To propose to the head of the proposal to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description.

3.7. Submit proposals for the consideration of the head of the proposal on the promotion of distinguished employees, the imposition of penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.

3.8. Report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

The locksmith of emergency repair work of the 4th category bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of a locksmith of emergency repair work of the 4th category is carried out:

4.2.1. Direct supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation by the employee of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of an emergency repair worker of the 4th category is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The work schedule of an emergency repair worker of the 4th category is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. In connection with the production need, an emergency repair fitter of the 4th category can go on business trips (including local ones).

Familiarized with the instruction ___________ / ____________ / "____" _______ 20__


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job duties, rights and responsibilities of an emergency repair worker of the 4th category [Name of organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. An emergency repair fitter of the 4th category is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The emergency repair fitter of the 4th category belongs to the category of workers and reports to [position title of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. A person with a secondary education, relevant training in the specialty and work experience of at least 1 year is appointed to the position of a locksmith for emergency repair work of the 4th category.

1.5. The locksmith of emergency repair work of the 4th category must know:

  • site water supply scheme;
  • rules for reading complex drawings and sketches;
  • drawing up schemes, sketches and details from nature;
  • ways of sealing sockets manually and with the use of pneumatic tools;
  • device for tapping under pressure;
  • rules and methods for disconnecting metering pipelines, and their heating;
  • the layout of the sewerage network of the area in which the work is carried out;
  • technology for cleaning the sewer network and collectors hydraulically and removing blockages with a flexible shaft;
  • the main equipment and mechanisms used in the repair and cleaning of sewer pipelines and structures;
  • rules for the production of earthworks in dry soils.

1.6. In his activities, the emergency repair worker of the 4th category is guided by:

  • normative acts and methodological materials on the issues of the work performed;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • orders and orders of the head of the Company and the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description;
  • rules on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of the locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category, his duties are assigned to [name of the position of the deputy].

2. Job responsibilities

The locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category is obliged to carry out the following labor functions:

2.1. Performance of work on the repair of water supply networks, caulking, pouring with lead and various substitutes for pipe sockets with a diameter of more than 300 to 900 millimeters.

2.2. Installation and replacement of fittings and fittings on existing networks and highways.

2.3. Determining the nature of damage on networks and highways.

2.4. Shutdown of individual sections of pipelines, emptying and filling them with the installation of air inlet and outlet air.

2.5. Flushing of pipelines.

2.6. Adjusting the operation of valves on networks and pipelines.

2.7. Taking pressure readings on a manometer.

2.8. Tapping under pressure in pipelines.

2.9. Production of cleaning of the sewer network and collectors at a depth of up to 12 meters in a hydraulic way.

2.10. Removal of blockages by flexible shaft, water jet washout and hydraulic back pressure method using mobile auto-pumps.

2.11. Preparation of a rope and a winch with a lifting capacity of up to 1 ton, metal balls and cylinders of a given specific gravity.

2.12. Production of repair of the sewer network under the guidance of a locksmith of a higher qualification.

2.13. Production of preventive repairs of equipment and mechanisms used in cleaning.

2.14. Welding of plastic pipes.

In case of official necessity, an emergency repair fitter of the 4th category may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, by decision of the immediate supervisor, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

The locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category has the right

3.1. Give assignments to subordinate employees, tasks on a range of issues included in his functional duties.

3.2. Supervise the fulfillment of production tasks, the timely execution of individual orders by subordinate employees.

3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of their activities and the activities of employees subordinate to him.

3.4. Interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues that are part of its functional responsibilities.

3.5. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise's management regarding the activities of the Division.

3.6. To propose to the head of the proposal to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description.

3.7. Submit proposals for the consideration of the head of the proposal on the promotion of distinguished employees, the imposition of penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.

3.8. Report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

The locksmith of emergency repair work of the 4th category bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of their labor functions and assigned tasks.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of a locksmith of emergency repair work of the 4th category is carried out:

4.2.1. Direct supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation by the employee of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Attestation Commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of the work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of an emergency repair worker of the 4th category is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The work schedule of an emergency repair worker of the 4th category is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. In connection with the production need, an emergency repair fitter of the 4th category can go on business trips (including local ones).

Familiarized with the instruction ___________ / ____________ / "____" _______ 20__

I approve

[position, signature, full name

manager or other

An official authorized


[legal form, job description]

organization name, [day, month, year]

enterprises] M. P.

Job description

locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category [name of organization]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation, Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Occupations of Workers. Issue 69. Sections: "Gas facilities of cities, towns and settlements". "Water supply and sewerage". "Green economy". "Photo works", approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of September 13, 1984 N 272 / 17-70; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 N 163 "On approval of the list of heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, in the performance of which it is prohibited to use the labor of persons under eighteen years of age"; Order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation of September 1, 2010 N 777n "On approval of the Model norms for the free issue of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution" and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The emergency repair fitter of the 4th category belongs to the category of workers and directly reports to [position title of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. A person at least eighteen years of age with an average professional education in the specialty [insert the required] and work experience in the specialty for at least [value] years.

1.3. An emergency repair fitter of the 4th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of [name of the position of the head].

1.4. The locksmith of emergency repair work of the 4th category must know:

Installation of drainage mechanisms and pneumatic tools;

Ways to eliminate malfunctions in the operation of mechanisms and pneumatic equipment;

Frequency and rules for preventive maintenance of tools and fixtures;

The device and principle of operation of valves, hydrants, standpipes, pipelines, manual hydraulic presses and pressure gauges;

Rules and methods for sealing sockets with lead and lead substitutes;

Methods for determining the presence of gas in wells;

Method of hydraulic testing;

Ways to eliminate damage to pipelines, fittings, as well as ways to eliminate water leaks;

Methods of chlorination of pipelines with chlorine and bleach;

Reading drawings, diagrams and sketches;

Site water supply scheme;

Drawing up schemes, sketches and details from nature;

Methods for sealing sockets manually and with the use of pneumatic tools;

The device and principle of operation of equipment for tapping under pressure;

Rules and methods for disconnecting metering pipelines and their heating;

The layout of the entire sewer network, emergency outlets;

The technology of cleaning the sewer network and collectors hydraulically and removing blockages with a flexible shaft;

The main equipment and mechanisms used in the repair and cleaning of sewer pipelines and structures;

Rules for the production of earthworks in dry soils;

Types of marriage, causes and ways to prevent it;

Basics of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules of sanitary, personal hygiene;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

2. Job responsibilities

The following duties are assigned to the locksmith of emergency repair work of the 4th category:

2.1. Performance of work on the repair of water supply networks, cleaning and elimination of blockages of sewer networks, excavation of channels and pits and fixing them; caulking and sealing of joints, pouring and caulking with lead, sulfur alloy or cement sockets of pipes with diameters up to 900 mm.

2.2. Performing simple plumbing repairs.

2.3. Toe and lay pipes and fittings.

2.4. Work on manual dewatering mechanisms and pneumatic tools.

2.5. Determination of malfunctions of water columns and fire hydrants on the network.

2.6. Heating of metering pipelines in various ways.

2.7. Switching on and off inputs of networks of small diameters according to sketches and diagrams.

2.8. Production of hydraulic testing of input networks of small diameters.

2.9. Cutting pipes of all diameters with rollers, pipelines with a manual drive.

2.10. Caulking and pouring with lead and various substitutes for pipe mortars under the guidance of a more highly qualified locksmith.

2.11. Cleaning the sewer network by the hydraulic method, removing blockages in pipes with a flexible shaft to a depth of 7-8 m.

2.12. Preparation of inflatable balls, disks of the required specific gravity and winches with a lifting capacity of 0.5 tons.

2.13. Checking the suitability of the cable for work in waste water.

2.14. Extraction of sediment from the underlying wells.

2.15. Production of earthworks with the installation, driving and excavation of metal sheet piles manually or mechanized using water-reducing devices.

2.16. Installation of plastic pipelines, including socket connections with rubber rings.

2.17. Installation and replacement of fittings and fittings on existing networks and highways.

2.18. Determining the nature of damage on networks and highways.

2.19. Shutdown of individual sections of pipelines, emptying and filling them with the installation of air inlet and outlet air.

2.20. Flushing of pipelines.

2.21. Adjusting the operation of valves on networks and pipelines.

2.22. Taking pressure readings on a manometer.

2.23. Tapping under pressure in pipelines.

2.24. Production of sewer network and collectors cleaning at a depth of up to 12 m using a hydraulic method.

2.25. Removal of clogs with a flexible shaft, washing with a jet of water and the method of reverse hydraulic pressure using mobile auto-pumps.

2.26. Preparation of a rope and a winch with a lifting capacity of up to 1 ton, metal balls and cylinders of a given specific gravity.

2.27. Production of repair of the sewer network under the guidance of a locksmith of a higher qualification.

2.28. Production of preventive repairs of equipment and mechanisms used in cleaning.

2.29. Welding of plastic pipes.

2.30. Performing work related to the acceptance and delivery of shifts, timely preparation for work of their workplace, equipment, tools, fixtures and keeping them in proper order.

2.31. Maintaining established technical documentation.

2.32. [Other Job Responsibilities].

3. Rights

The locksmith of emergency and restoration works of the 4th category has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. For the free issue of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment.