Production management. Production processes at enterprises, their structure and classification. Organization of the production process If possible, inclusion in the production process is distinguished

Concept of the production process. Basic principles of organization production process. Principles of production organization.

Organization and management of the production process

1. The concept of the production process. Basic principles of organizing the production process.

The task of the enterprise is to take production factors (costs) at the input, process them and produce a product (result) at the output (Diagram 1.). This kind of transformation process is referred to as “production”. Its goal is ultimately to improve what is already available, thereby increasing the supply of funds suitable for satisfying needs.

The production (transformation) process is to transform costs ("input") into results ("output"); In this case, it is necessary to comply with a number of rules of the game.

Scheme 1. The main structure of the production transformation process.

Between the costs at the “input” (Input) and the result at the “output” (Output), as well as in parallel to this, numerous actions take place at the enterprise (“tasks are being solved”), which only in their unity fully describe the production transformation process (Scheme 2). Let us consider here only briefly described particular tasks of the production transformation process.

The production transformation process consists of the private tasks of supply (supply), warehousing (storage), production of products, sales, financing, personnel training and implementation of new technologies, as well as management.

The task of supplying an enterprise includes the purchase or rental (leasing) of means of production, the purchase of raw materials (for enterprises with tangible products), and the hiring of employees.

The task of warehousing (storage) includes all production work that arises before the actual process of production (manufacturing) of products in connection with the storage of means of production, raw materials and materials, and after it - with warehousing and storage finished products.

The product manufacturing problem deals with production activities within the production process. At enterprises that manufacture material products, they are largely determined by the technological component. In particular, it is necessary to determine when, what products, in what place, using what production factors should be manufactured (“production planning”).

Scheme 2. Particular tasks of the production transformation process.

The task of product sales is associated with researching the sales market, influencing it (for example, through advertising), as well as selling or leasing the company's products.

The task of financing lies between sales and supply: by selling products, or the result of the production process (Output), money is earned, and by supplying (or ensuring production - Input), money is spent. However, often the outflow and inflow of money are not the same (they do not cover each other). Thus, large investments may not be offset by sales revenue. Therefore, a temporary lack of funds to pay overdue loans and excess funds spent on loans (leasing, rent) are typical financing problems. This also includes, within the framework of “financial management,” the receipt of income (profit), as well as the investment of capital in other enterprises through the capital market.

Personnel training and the introduction of new technologies should enable employees to constantly improve their skills, and thanks to this they would be able to introduce and develop the latest technologies in all areas of the enterprise and especially in the field new products and production technologies.

The task of management (leadership) includes work that involves preparing and making management decisions for the purpose of directing and managing all others. production work at the enterprise. In this regard, accounting at the enterprise (including the annual balance sheet, cost analysis, production statistics, financing) acquires special importance. Accounting must fully include and evaluate all current documents that characterize the production process.

Particular tasks of the production transformation process (“Input” – “Output”) and their connection with the value creation process can be considered as a “value chain” that connects links (suppliers and consumers) located before and after the direct process of manufacturing products (production process).

Including the above, the production process is the process of reproduction of material goods and production relations.

As a process of reproduction of material goods, the production process is a combination of labor processes and natural processes necessary for the manufacture of a certain type of product.

The main elements that determine the labor process, and therefore the production process, are purposeful activity (or labor itself), objects of labor and means of labor.

Purposeful activity (or labor itself) is carried out by a person who expends neuromuscular energy to perform various mechanical movements, observe and control the impact of labor tools on objects of labor.

Objects of labor are determined by the products produced by the enterprise. The main products of machine-building plants are various types of products. According to GOST 2.101–68*, a product is any item or set of items of labor to be manufactured at an enterprise. Depending on the purpose, a distinction is made between products of main production and products of auxiliary production.

Products of primary production include products intended for commercial production. Products of auxiliary production should include products intended only for the own needs of the enterprise that manufactures them (for example, tools own production). Products intended for sale, but at the same time used for the enterprise’s own needs, should be classified as auxiliary production products to the extent that they are used for the enterprise’s own needs.

The following types of products are distinguished: parts, assembly units, complexes and kits.

In addition, products are divided into: a) unspecified (parts), if they do not have components; b) specified (assembly units, complexes, kits), if they consist of two or more components. An integral part can be any product (part, assembly unit, complex and kit).

A part is an object that cannot be divided into parts without destroying it. A part may consist of several parts (objects) brought into a permanent indivisible state by some method (for example, welding).

An assembly unit (assembly) is a detachable or one-piece connection of several parts.

Complexes and kits can consist of interconnected assembly units and details,

The products are characterized by the following qualitative and quantitative parameters.

1. Design complexity. It depends on the number of parts and assembly units included in the product; this number can range from a few pieces (simple products) to tens of thousands (complex products).

2. Dimensions and weight. Dimensions can range from a few millimeters (or even less) to several tens (even hundreds) of meters (for example, sea vessels). The mass of the product depends on the dimensions and accordingly can vary from grams (milligrams) to tens (and thousands) of tons From this point of view, all products are divided into small, medium and large.The boundaries of their division depend on the branch of mechanical engineering (type of product).

3. Types, brands and sizes of materials used. Their number reaches tens (even hundreds) of thousands.

4. The complexity of processing parts and assembling assembly units of the product as a whole. It can vary from fractions of a standard minute to several thousand standard hours. On this basis, a distinction is made between non-labor-intensive (low-labor) and labor-intensive products.

5. The degree of accuracy and roughness of processing parts and the accuracy of assembly of assembly units and products. In this regard, products are divided into high-precision, precision and low-precision.

6. Specific gravity of standard, normalized and unified parts and assembly units.

7. The number of manufactured products; it can range from a few to millions per year.

Product characteristics largely determine the organization of the production process in space and time.

Thus, the number of processing and assembly shops or sections and the ratio between them depends on the structural complexity of products.

The more complex the product, the greater the share of assembly work and assembly areas and workshops in the structure of the enterprise. The size, weight and number of products affect the organization of their assembly; to create one or another type of continuous production; organizing the transportation of parts, assembly units and products to workplaces, areas and workshops; largely determine the type of movement through jobs (operations) and the duration of the production cycle.

For large and heavy products, fixed production lines with periodic movement of conveyors are used. Cranes and special vehicles are used to transport them. Their movement through operations is organized mainly in a parallel manner. The duration of the production cycle for the manufacture of such products is long, sometimes measured in years.

Sometimes it is necessary to organize areas of large, small and medium parts in machine shops.

The need to combine certain procurement and processing areas or workshops depends on the type and brand of materials being processed.

If there are a large number of castings and forgings, it is necessary to create foundry shops (iron foundries, steel foundries, non-ferrous castings and others), forging and press (hot and cold pressing) shops. When manufacturing many workpieces from rolled material, procurement areas or workshops will be required. When machining parts made of non-ferrous metals, it is usually necessary to organize separate sections.

The degree of accuracy and cleanliness of processing and assembly affects the composition of equipment and areas and their location.

To process particularly precise parts and assemble assembly units and products, it is necessary to organize separate areas, since this requires the creation of special sanitary and hygienic conditions.

From specific gravity standard, normalized and unified parts and assembly units depend on the composition of equipment, sections and workshops.

The production of standard and normalized parts, as a rule, is carried out in special areas or in special workshops. Mass production is organized for them.

The complexity and number of manufactured products influence the composition and quantity of equipment, workshops and sections, their location, and the possibility of organizing continuous production, duration of the production cycle, amount of work in progress, cost and others economic indicators work of the enterprise. Products that are not manufactured at this enterprise, but are received in finished form, are classified as purchased. They are also called components.

Each machine-building plant usually simultaneously produces several products of different designs and sizes. The list of all types of products produced by the plant is called nomenclature.

Means of labor include tools of production, land, buildings and structures, and vehicles. In the composition of the means of labor, the decisive role belongs to equipment, especially working machines.

For each piece of equipment, the manufacturer draws up a passport, which indicates the date of manufacture of the equipment and a complete list of its technical characteristics(processing speed, engine power, permissible forces, maintenance and operation rules, etc.).

The combination of elements of the labor process (labor of a certain qualification, tools and objects of labor) and partial production processes (manufacturing individual components of a finished product or performing a certain stage of the product manufacturing process) is carried out according to qualitative and quantitative criteria and is carried out in several directions. There are element-by-element (functional), spatial and temporal sections of production organization.

The element-by-element view of the organization of production is associated with the ordering of equipment, technology, objects of labor, tools and labor itself into a single production process. Organization of production involves the introduction of the most productive machines and equipment, ensuring a high level of mechanization and automation of the production process; use of high quality and efficient materials; improvement of designs and models of manufactured products; intensification and introduction of more advanced technological regimes.

The main task of the element-by-element organization of production is the correct and rational selection of the composition of equipment, tools, materials, workpieces and qualification staff personnel in order to ensure their full use in the production process. The problem of mutual correspondence of elements of the production process is especially relevant in complex, highly mechanized and automated processes with a dynamic production range.

The combination of partial production processes provides spatial and temporal organization of production. The manufacturing process involves many sub-processes to produce a finished product. The classification of production processes is shown in Fig. 3.

Scheme 3. Classification of production processes

By role in general process Manufacturing of finished products includes production processes:

basic, aimed at changing the main objects of labor and giving them the properties of finished products; in this case, the partial production process is associated either with the implementation of any stage of processing of the object of labor, or with the manufacture of a part finished product;

auxiliary, creating conditions for the normal course of the main production process (manufacturing tools for the needs of one’s production, repairing technological equipment, etc.);

servicing, intended for movement (transport processes), storage pending subsequent processing (warehousing), control (control operations), provision of material, technical and energy resources, etc.;

management, in which decisions are developed and made, production is regulated and coordinated, control over the accuracy of program implementation, analysis and accounting of the work performed; these processes are often intertwined with the progress of production processes.

The main processes, depending on the stage of manufacturing the finished product, are divided into procurement, processing, assembly and finishing. Procurement processes, as a rule, are very diverse. For example, in a machine-building plant they include metal cutting, foundry, forging and pressing operations; at the garment factory – fabric decatering and cutting; at a chemical plant - cleaning raw materials, bringing them to the required concentration, etc. Products from procurement processes are used in various processing departments. Processing shops are represented in mechanical engineering by metalworking; in the clothing industry - sewing; in metallurgy – blast furnace, rolling; in chemical production - by the process of cracking, electrolysis, etc. Assembly and finishing processes in mechanical engineering are represented by assembly and painting; V textile industry– painting and finishing processes; in the sewing room - finishing, etc.

The purpose of auxiliary processes is to produce products that are used in the main process, but are not part of the finished product. For example, the manufacture of tools for one’s own needs, the production of energy, steam, compressed air for one’s own production; production of spare parts for own equipment and its repair, etc. The composition and complexity of auxiliary processes depend on the characteristics of the main ones and the composition of the material and technical base of the enterprise. An increase in the range of products, the diversity and complexity of the finished product, and an increase in the technical equipment of production necessitate expanding the composition of auxiliary processes: the manufacture of models and special devices, the development of the energy sector, and an increase in the volume of work in the repair shop.

The main trend in organizing service processes is maximum combination with main processes and increasing the level of their mechanization and automation. This approach allows for automatic control during the main processing, continuous movement of objects of labor through the technological process, continuous automated transfer of objects of labor to workplaces, etc.

A feature of modern tools is the organic inclusion in their composition, along with a working, motor and transmission control mechanism. This is typical for automated production lines, numerically controlled machines, etc. Management influences fit especially organically into the production process during implementation automated systems process control and the use of microprocessor technology. The increasing level of production automation and, in particular, the widespread use of robotics brings management processes closer to production, organically includes them in the main production process, increasing its flexibility and reliability.

According to the nature of the impact on the subject of work, the following processes are distinguished:

technological, during which the subject of labor changes under the influence of living labor;

natural, when the physical state of the subject of labor changes under the influence of natural forces (they represent a break in the labor process).

IN modern conditions the share of natural processes is significantly reduced, since in order to intensify production they are consistently converted into technological ones.

Technological production processes are classified according to the methods of converting objects of labor into a finished product into: mechanical, chemical, assembly and disassembly (assembly and disassembly) and conservation (lubrication, painting, packaging, etc.). This grouping serves as the basis for determining the composition of equipment, maintenance methods and its spatial layout.

According to the forms of relationship with related processes, they are distinguished: analytical, when, as a result of primary processing (division) of complex raw materials (oil, ore, milk, etc.), various products are obtained that enter various subsequent processing processes;

synthetic, which combine semi-finished products received from different processes into a single product;

direct, creating one type of semi-finished or finished product from one type of material.

The predominance of one or another type of process depends on the characteristics of the raw materials and the finished product, i.e., on the industry characteristics of production. Analytical processes are typical for oil refining and chemical industry, synthetic - for mechanical engineering, direct - for simple low-process production processes (for example, brick production).

Based on the degree of continuity, a distinction is made between continuous and discrete (breakthrough) processes. Based on the nature of the equipment used, they distinguish: instrumental (closed-loop) processes, when the technological process is carried out in special units (apparatuses, baths, furnaces), and the worker’s function is to manage and maintain them; open (local) processes when a worker processes objects of labor using a set of tools and mechanisms.

According to the level of mechanization, it is customary to distinguish:

manual processes performed without the use of machines, mechanisms and mechanized tools;

machine-manual, performed using machines and mechanisms with the obligatory participation of a worker, for example processing a part on a universal lathe;

machine-based, carried out on machines, machine tools and mechanisms with limited participation of the worker;

automated, carried out on automatic machines, where the worker monitors and manages the progress of production; complexly automated, in which, along with automatic production, automatic operational management is carried out.

By scale of production homogeneous products distinguish between processes

mass - with a large scale of production of homogeneous products; serial - with a wide range of constantly repeating types of products, when several operations are assigned to workstations, performed in a certain sequence; some of the work can be carried out continuously, some - for several months a year; the composition of the processes is repetitive;

individual - with a constantly changing range of products, when workplaces are loaded with various operations performed without any specific alternation; a large proportion of the processes are unique in this case. processes are not repeated.

A special place in the production process is occupied by pilot production, where the design and manufacturing technology of new, newly mastered products are tested.

In the conditions of complex, dynamic modern production, it is almost impossible to find an enterprise with one type of production. As a rule, at the same enterprise, and especially in an association, there are workshops and mass production areas where standard and standardized product elements and semi-finished products are produced, and serial areas where semi-finished products of limited use are produced. At the same time, there is increasingly a need for the formation of individual production areas, where special parts of the product are manufactured, reflecting its individual characteristics and associated with fulfilling the requirements of a special order. Thus, all types of production take place within one production unit, which determines the particular complexity of their combination in the organization process.

The spatial view of the organization ensures the rational division of production into partial processes and their assignment to individual production units, determining their relationship and location on the territory of the enterprise. This work is most fully carried out in the process of designing and justifying the organizational structures of production units. At the same time, it is carried out as changes occur in production accumulate. Much work on the spatial organization of production is carried out when creating production associations, expanding and reconstructing enterprises, and respecializing production. The spatial organization of production is the static side of organizational work.

The most difficult aspect is the time frame of production organization. It includes determining the duration of the production cycle for the manufacture of a product, the sequence of partial production processes, the order of launch and release various types products, etc.

Principles of production organization

A rational organization of production must meet a number of requirements and be built on certain principles:

Proportionality in the organization of production presupposes compliance with the throughput (relative productivity per unit of time) of all divisions of the enterprise - workshops, sections, individual workplaces for the production of finished products. The degree of proportionality of production a can be characterized by the magnitude of the deviation of the throughput (power) of each stage from the planned rhythm of production:

where m is the number of processing stages or stages of product manufacturing; h – throughput of individual stages; h2 – planned rhythm of production (production volume according to plan).

Proportionality of production eliminates overloading of some sections, i.e. the occurrence of bottlenecks, and underutilization of capacity in other sections, is a prerequisite for uniform operation of the enterprise and ensures uninterrupted production.

The basis for maintaining proportionality is the correct design of the enterprise, the optimal combination of main and auxiliary production units. However, with the current pace of production renewal, the rapid turnover of the range of products produced and the complex cooperation of production units, the task of maintaining production proportionality becomes constant. With changes in production, the relationships between production units and the load on individual stages change. The re-equipment of certain production units changes the established proportions in production and requires an increase in the capacity of adjacent areas.

One of the methods of maintaining proportionality in production is operational calendar planning, which allows you to develop tasks for each production link, taking into account, on the one hand, complex production, and on the other, the fullest use of the capabilities of the production apparatus. In this case, the work to maintain proportionality coincides with planning the rhythm of production.

Proportionality in production is also supported by timely replacement of tools, increasing the level of mechanization and automation of production, through changes in production technology, etc. This requires systematic approach to solving issues of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production, planning the development and launch of new production facilities.

The increasing complexity of products, the use of semi-automatic and automatic equipment, and the deepening division of labor increases the number of parallel processes for the production of one product, the organic combination of which must be ensured, i.e., it complements proportionality with the principle of parallelism. Parallelism refers to the simultaneous execution of individual parts of the production process in relation to different parts of the overall batch of parts. The wider the scope of work, the less, with other equal conditions, duration of production of products. Parallelism is implemented at all levels of the organization. In the workplace, parallelism is ensured by improving the structure of the technological operation, and primarily by technological concentration, accompanied by multi-tool or multi-subject processing. Parallelism in the implementation of the main and auxiliary elements of the operation consists in combining the time of machine processing with the time of installation and removal of parts, control measurements, loading and unloading of the apparatus with the main technological process etc. Parallel execution of basic processes is realized during multi-subject processing of parts, simultaneous performance of assembly and installation operations on identical or different objects.

The level of parallelism in the production process can be characterized using the parallelism coefficient Kn, calculated as the ratio of the duration of the production cycle with parallel movement of objects of labor Tpr.c and its actual duration Tc:

where n is the number of redistributions.

In the context of a complex multi-link process of manufacturing products, continuity of production is becoming increasingly important, which ensures faster turnover of funds. Increasing continuity is the most important direction of production intensification. At the workplace, it is achieved in the process of performing each operation by reducing auxiliary time (intra-operational breaks), on the site and in the workshop when transferring a semi-finished product from one workplace to another (inter-operational breaks) and at the enterprise as a whole, reducing breaks to a minimum in order to maximize accelerating the turnover of material and energy resources (inter-shop storage).

Continuity of work within the operation is ensured primarily by the improvement of labor tools - the introduction of automatic changeover, automation of auxiliary processes, and the use of special equipment and devices.

Reducing interoperational interruptions is associated with the selection of the most rational methods for combining and coordinating partial processes over time. One of the prerequisites for reducing interoperational interruptions is the use of continuous Vehicle; the use of a rigidly interconnected system of machines and mechanisms in the production process, the use of rotary lines. The degree of continuity of the production process can be characterized by the continuity coefficient Kn, calculated as the ratio of the duration of the technological part of the production cycle and the duration of the full production cycle Tc:

where m is the total number of redistributions.

Continuity of production is considered in two aspects: continuous participation in the production process of objects of labor - raw materials and semi-finished products and continuous loading of equipment and rational use working hours. While ensuring the continuity of movement of objects of labor, at the same time it is necessary to minimize equipment stops for changeovers, while waiting for the receipt of materials, etc. This requires increasing the uniformity of work performed at each workplace, as well as the use of quickly adjustable equipment (program-controlled machines), copying machines machine tools, etc.

One of the prerequisites for production continuity is directness in the organization of the production process, which is ensuring the shortest path for a product to pass through all stages and operations of the production process, from the launch of raw materials into production to the output of the finished product. Direct flow is characterized by the coefficient Kpr, which represents the ratio of the duration of transport operations Ttr to the total duration of the production cycle Tc:

where j is the number of transport operations.

In accordance with this requirement, the relative arrangement of buildings and structures on the territory of the enterprise, as well as the placement of the main workshops in them, must comply with the requirements of the production process. The flow of materials, semi-finished products and products must be progressive and shortest, without counter or return movements. Auxiliary workshops and warehouses should be located as close as possible to the main workshops they serve.

To ensure full use of equipment, material and energy resources and working time important has a rhythm of production, which is the fundamental principle of its organization.

The rhythmic principle presupposes uniform release products and the rhythmic progress of production. The level of rhythm can be characterized by the coefficient Kp, which is defined as the sum of negative deviations of the achieved output from the given plan

where A is the amount of daily products not delivered; n – duration of the planning period, days; P – planned production output.

Uniform production means producing the same or gradually increasing quantities of products at equal intervals of time. The rhythm of production is expressed in the repetition at regular intervals of private production processes at all stages of production and the “carrying out at each workplace at equal intervals of time the same amount of work, the content of which, depending on the method of organizing workplaces, may be the same or different.

The rhythm of production is one of the main prerequisites for the rational use of all its elements. Rhythmic work ensures that the equipment is fully loaded, its normal operation is ensured, and the use of material and energy resources and working time is improved.

Ensuring rhythmic work is mandatory for all production departments - main, service and auxiliary workshops, logistics. Irrhythmic work of each link leads to disruption of the normal course of production.

The order in which the production process is repeated is determined by production rhythms. It is necessary to distinguish between the production rhythm (at the end of the process), operational (intermediate) rhythms, and the start-up rhythm (at the beginning of the process). The leading factor is the rhythm of production. It can only be sustainable in the long term if operating rhythms are observed at all workplaces. Methods for organizing rhythmic production depend on the specialization of the enterprise, the nature of the products being manufactured and the level of organization of production. Rhythm is ensured by the organization of work in all departments of the enterprise, as well as timely preparation and comprehensive maintenance.

The current level of scientific technical progress presupposes compliance with the flexibility of production organization. Traditional principles of production organization are focused on the sustainable nature of production - a stable product range, special types of equipment, etc. In the conditions of rapid updating of the product range, production technology is changing. Meanwhile, a quick change of equipment and restructuring of its layout would cause unreasonably high costs, and this would be a brake on technical progress; it is also impossible to change frequently production structure (spatial organization links). This has put forward a new requirement for the organization of production - flexibility. In element-by-element terms, this means, first of all, the rapid readjustment of equipment. Advances in microelectronics have created technology that is capable of a wide range of uses and, if necessary, performs automatic self-adjustment.

Wide possibilities for increasing the flexibility of production organization are provided by the use of standard processes for performing individual stages of production. It is well known to construct variable production lines on which various products can be manufactured without restructuring them. Yes, now on shoe factory on one production line Various models are produced women's shoes with the same type of bottom fastening method; On car assembly conveyor lines, cars of not only different colors, but also modifications are assembled without readjustment. It is effective to create flexible automated production based on the use of robots and microprocessor technology. Great opportunities in this regard are provided by the standardization of semi-finished products. In such conditions, when transitioning to the production of new products or mastering new processes, there is no need to rebuild all partial processes and production links.

One of the most important principles modern organization production is its complexity, end-to-end nature. Modern processes production of products is characterized by the merging and interweaving of main, auxiliary and servicing processes, while auxiliary and servicing processes occupy an increasing place in the overall production cycle. This is due to the known lag in mechanization and automation of production maintenance compared to the equipment of the main production processes. Under these conditions, it becomes increasingly necessary to regulate the technology and organization of not only the main, but also auxiliary and servicing production processes.


To prepare this work, materials from the site were used /


4. Indicators of accuracy and stability of technological processes. Methods for assessing technological processes. Basic conditions for intensifying the technological process.

1. The concept of the production process. Basic principles of organizing the production process.

Modern production is a complex process of transforming raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and other items of labor into finished products that meet the needs of society.

The totality of all actions of people and tools carried out at an enterprise for the manufacture of specific types of products is called production process.

The main part of the production process are technological processes that contain targeted actions to change and determine the state of objects of labor. During the implementation of technological processes, changes occur in the geometric shapes, sizes and physical and chemical properties of objects of labor.

Along with technological ones, the production process also includes non-technological processes that are not intended to change the geometric shapes, sizes or physical and chemical properties of objects of labor or to check their quality. Such processes include transport, warehouse, loading and unloading, picking and some other operations and processes.

In the production process, labor processes are combined with natural ones, in which changes in objects of labor occur under the influence of natural forces without human intervention (for example, drying painted parts in air, cooling castings, aging of cast parts, etc.).

Varieties of production processes. According to their purpose and role in production, processes are divided into main, auxiliary and servicing.

Main are called production processes during which the production of the main products manufactured by the enterprise is carried out. The result of the main processes in mechanical engineering is the production of machines, apparatus and instruments that make up the production program of the enterprise and correspond to its specialization, as well as the production of spare parts for them for delivery to the consumer.

TO auxiliary include processes that ensure the uninterrupted flow of basic processes. Their result is products used in the enterprise itself. Auxiliary processes include equipment repair, production of equipment, generation of steam and compressed air, etc.

Serving are called processes during the implementation of which services are performed that are necessary for the normal functioning of both main and auxiliary processes. These include, for example, the processes of transportation, warehousing, selection and assembly of parts, etc.

In modern conditions, especially in automated production, there is a tendency towards the integration of basic and servicing processes. Thus, in flexible automated complexes, basic, picking, warehouse and transport operations are combined into a single process.

The set of basic processes forms the main production. At mechanical engineering enterprises, the main production consists of three stages: procurement, processing and assembly. Stage production process is a complex of processes and works, the implementation of which characterizes the completion of a certain part of the production process and is associated with the transition of the subject of labor from one qualitative state to another.

TO procurement stages include the processes of obtaining workpieces - cutting of materials, casting, stamping. Processing the stage includes the processes of turning blanks into finished parts: machining, heat treatment, painting and electroplating, etc. Assembly stage - the final part of the production process. It includes the assembly of components and finished products, adjustment and debugging of machines and instruments, and their testing.

The composition and mutual connections of the main, auxiliary and servicing processes form the structure of the production process.

IN organizational plan production processes are divided into simple and complex. Simple are called production processes consisting of sequentially carried out actions on a simple object of labor. For example, the production process of making one part or a batch of identical parts. Difficult a process is a combination of simple processes carried out on many objects of labor. For example, the process of manufacturing an assembly unit or an entire product.

Principles of organizing production processes

Activities related to the organization of production processes. The diverse production processes that result in the creation of industrial products must be properly organized, ensuring their effective functioning in order to produce specific types of products High Quality and in quantities that satisfy needs National economy and the population of the country.

The organization of production processes consists of uniting people, tools and objects of labor into a single process for the production of material goods, as well as ensuring a rational combination in space and time of basic, auxiliary and service processes.

The spatial combination of elements of the production process and all its varieties is implemented on the basis of the formation of the production structure of the enterprise and its divisions. In this regard the most important species activities are the choice and justification of the production structure of the enterprise, i.e. determining the composition and specialization of its constituent units and establishing rational relationships between them.

During the development of the production structure, design calculations related to determining the composition of the equipment fleet, taking into account its productivity, interchangeability, capabilities effective use. Rational layouts of departments, placement of equipment, and workplaces are also being developed. Organizational conditions are created for the uninterrupted operation of equipment and direct participants in the production process - workers.

One of the main aspects of the formation of a production structure is to ensure the interconnected functioning of all components of the production process: preparatory operations, main production processes, Maintenance. It is necessary to comprehensively substantiate the most rational ones for specific production and technical conditions. organizational forms and methods for carrying out certain processes.

An important element of the organization of production processes is the organization of labor of workers, which specifically implements the connection of labor with the means of production. Methods of labor organization are largely determined by the forms of the production process. In this regard, the focus should be on ensuring a rational division of labor and determining on this basis the professional and qualification composition of workers, the scientific organization and optimal maintenance of workplaces, and the comprehensive improvement and improvement of working conditions.

The organization of production processes also presupposes the combination of their elements in time, which determines a certain order of performance of individual operations, a rational combination of the time for performing various types of work, and the determination of calendar-planned standards for the movement of objects of labor. The normal flow of processes over time is also ensured by the order of launching and releasing products, the creation of the necessary stocks (reserves) and production reserves, and the uninterrupted supply of workplaces with tools, workpieces, and materials. An important area of ​​this activity is the organization of rational movement of material flows. These tasks are solved on the basis of the development and implementation of operational production planning systems, taking into account the type of production and technical and organizational features of production processes.

Principles of production organization. A rational organization of production must meet a number of requirements and be built on certain principles:

Principles of organizing the production process represent the starting points on the basis of which the construction, operation and development of production processes are carried out.

Principle of differentiation involves dividing the production process into separate parts (processes, operations) and assigning them to the relevant departments of the enterprise. The principle of differentiation is opposed to the principle combining, which means the unification of all or part of diverse processes for the production of certain types of products within one site, workshop or production. Depending on the complexity of the product, production volume, and the nature of the equipment used, the production process can be concentrated in any one production unit (workshop, area) or dispersed across several units. Yes, on machine-building enterprises with a significant production of similar products, independent mechanical and assembly production and workshops are organized, and for small batches of products, single mechanical assembly workshops can be created.

The principles of differentiation and combination also apply to individual workplaces. A production line, for example, is a differentiated set of jobs.

IN practical activities in organizing production, priority in using the principles of differentiation or combination should be given to the principle that will ensure the best economic and social characteristics production process. Thus, flow production, characterized by a high degree of differentiation of the production process, makes it possible to simplify its organization, improve the skills of workers, and increase labor productivity. However, excessive differentiation increases worker fatigue, a large number of operations increases the need for equipment and production space, leads to unnecessary costs for moving parts, etc.

Principle of concentration means the concentration of certain production operations for the manufacture of technologically homogeneous products or the performance of functionally homogeneous work in separate workplaces, areas, workshops or production facilities of the enterprise. The feasibility of concentrating homogeneous work in separate areas of production is due to the following factors: the commonality of technological methods necessitating the use of the same type of equipment; capabilities of equipment, such as machining centers; increase in output volumes individual species products; the economic feasibility of concentrating the production of certain types of products or performing similar work.

When choosing one direction or another of concentration, it is necessary to take into account the advantages of each of them.

By concentrating technologically homogeneous work in a department, a smaller amount of duplicating equipment is required, production flexibility increases and it becomes possible to quickly switch to the production of new products, and equipment utilization increases.

By concentrating technologically homogeneous products, the costs of transporting materials and products are reduced, the duration of the production cycle is reduced, the management of production is simplified, and the need for production space is reduced.

The principle of specialization is based on limiting the variety of elements of the production process. The implementation of this principle involves assigning to each workplace and each department a strictly limited range of works, operations, parts or products. In contrast to the principle of specialization, the principle of universalization presupposes an organization of production in which each workplace or a manufacturing unit is engaged in the manufacture of a wide range of parts and products or in performing dissimilar manufacturing operations.

The level of specialization of jobs is determined by a special indicator - the coefficient of consolidation of operations TO z.o, which is characterized by the number of detail operations performed at the workplace over a certain period of time. Yes, when TO z.o = 1 holds narrow specialization workplaces, in which one detail operation is performed at the workplace during a month or quarter.

The nature of the specialization of departments and jobs is largely determined by the volume of production of parts of the same name. Specialization reaches its highest level when producing one type of product. The most typical example of highly specialized industries are factories for the production of tractors, televisions, and cars. Increasing the range of production reduces the level of specialization.

A high degree of specialization of departments and jobs contributes to the growth of labor productivity due to the development of labor skills of workers, the possibility of technical equipment of labor, and minimizing the costs of reconfiguring machines and lines. At the same time, narrow specialization reduces the required qualifications of workers, causes monotony of work and, as a result, leads to rapid fatigue of workers and limits their initiative.

In modern conditions, there is an increasing tendency towards the universalization of production, which is determined by the requirements of scientific and technological progress to expand the range of products, the emergence of multifunctional equipment, and the tasks of improving the organization of labor in the direction of expanding labor functions worker.

Principle of proportionality consists in a natural combination of individual elements of the production process, which is expressed in a certain quantitative relationship between them. Thus, proportionality in production capacity presupposes equality of site capacities or equipment load factors. In this case throughput procurement workshops correspond to the needs for blanks of mechanical workshops, and the throughput of these workshops corresponds to the needs of the assembly workshop for the necessary parts. This entails the requirement to have in each workshop equipment, space, and labor in such quantities that would ensure the normal operation of all departments of the enterprise. The same throughput ratio should exist between the main production, on the one hand, and auxiliary and service units, on the other.

Proportionality in the organization of production presupposes compliance with the throughput (relative productivity per unit of time) of all departments of the enterpriseworkshops, sections, individual workplaces for the production of finished products. The degree of proportionality of production a can be characterized by the magnitude of the deviation of the throughput (power) of each stage from the planned rhythm of production:

where m the number of processing steps or stages of product manufacturing; h – throughput of individual stages; h 2 – planned rhythm of production (production volume according to plan).

Violation of the principle of proportionality leads to imbalances, the emergence of bottlenecks in production, as a result of which the use of equipment and labor deteriorates, the duration of the production cycle increases, and backlogs increase.

Proportionality in labor force, areas, equipment are installed during the design of the enterprise, and then specified during the development of annual production plans by carrying out so-called volumetric calculations - when determining capacity, number of employees, and the need for materials. Proportions are established on the basis of a system of standards and norms that determine the number of mutual connections between various elements of the production process.

The principle of proportionality involves the simultaneous performance of individual operations or parts of the production process. It is based on the proposition that parts of a dismembered production process must be combined in time and carried out simultaneously.

The production process of making a machine consists of a large number of operations. It is quite obvious that performing them sequentially one after another would cause an increase in the duration of the production cycle. Therefore, individual parts of the product manufacturing process must be carried out in parallel.

Under parallelism refers to the simultaneous execution of individual parts of the production process in relation to different parts of the overall batch of parts. The wider the scope of work, the shorter, other things being equal, the duration of production. Parallelism is implemented at all levels of the organization. In the workplace, parallelism is ensured by improving the structure of the technological operation, and primarily by technological concentration, accompanied by multi-tool or multi-subject processing. Parallelism in the execution of the main and auxiliary elements of the operation consists in combining the time of machining with the time of installation and removal of parts, control measurements, loading and unloading of the apparatus with the main technological process, etc. Parallel execution of the main processes is realized during multi-subject processing of parts, simultaneous execution of assembly - installation operations on identical or different objects.

Concurrency b is achieved: when processing one part on one machine with several tools; simultaneous processing of different parts of one batch for a given operation at several workplaces; simultaneous processing of the same parts in various operations at several workplaces; simultaneous production of different parts of the same product at different workplaces. Compliance with the principle of parallelism leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle and the laying time of parts, saving working time.

The level of parallelism in the production process can be characterized using the parallelism coefficient Kn, calculated as the ratio of the duration of the production cycle with parallel movement of objects of labor T pr.c and its actual duration Tc:


where n is the number of redistributions.

In the context of a complex multi-link process of manufacturing products, continuity of production is becoming increasingly important, which ensures faster turnover of funds. Increasing continuity is the most important direction of production intensification. At the workplace, it is achieved in the process of performing each operation by reducing auxiliary time (intra-operational breaks), on the site and in the workshop when transferring a semi-finished product from one workplace to another (inter-operational breaks) and at the enterprise as a whole, reducing breaks to a minimum in order to maximize accelerating the turnover of material and energy resources (inter-shop storage).

The principle of rhythm means that all individual production processes and a single process for the production of a certain type of product are repeated after specified periods of time. Distinguish between the rhythm of production, work, and production.

The principle of rhythm presupposes uniform production and rhythmic progress of production. The level of rhythm can be characterized by the coefficient Kp, which is defined as the sum of negative deviations of the achieved output from the given plan


where EA the amount of daily products not delivered; n duration of the planning period, days; P planned product release.

Uniform production means producing the same or gradually increasing quantities of products at equal intervals of time. The rhythm of production is expressed in the repetition at regular intervals of private production processes at all stages of production and the “carrying out at each workplace at equal intervals of time the same amount of work, the content of which, depending on the method of organizing workplaces, may be the same or different.

The rhythm of production is one of the main prerequisites for the rational use of all its elements. Rhythmic work ensures that the equipment is fully loaded, its normal operation is ensured, and the use of material and energy resources and working time is improved.

Ensuring rhythmic work is mandatory for all production departments - main, service and auxiliary departments, logistics. Irrhythmic work of each link leads to disruption of the normal course of production.

The order in which the production process is repeated is determined production rhythms. It is necessary to distinguish between the production rhythm (at the end of the process), operational (intermediate) rhythms, and the start-up rhythm (at the beginning of the process). The leading factor is the rhythm of production. It can only be sustainable in the long term if operating rhythms are observed at all workplaces. Methods for organizing rhythmic production depend on the specialization of the enterprise, the nature of the products being manufactured and the level of organization of production. Rhythm is ensured by the organization of work in all departments of the enterprise, as well as timely preparation and comprehensive maintenance.

Rhythmicity release is the production of the same or uniformly increasing (decreasing) quantity of products at equal time intervals. Rhythmicity of work is the completion of equal volumes of work (in quantity and composition) at equal intervals of time. Rhythmic production means maintaining a rhythmic output and rhythm of work.

Rhythmic work without jerks and storming is the basis for increasing labor productivity, optimal loading equipment, full use of personnel and guarantee of high quality products. The smooth operation of an enterprise depends on a number of conditions. Ensuring rhythm - complex task, requiring improvement of the entire organization of production at the enterprise. Of paramount importance proper organization operational production planning, maintaining the proportionality of production capacity, improving the production structure, proper organization of logistics and technical maintenance of production processes.

Continuity principle is implemented in such forms of organization of the production process in which all its operations are carried out continuously, without interruptions, and all objects of labor continuously move from operation to operation.

The principle of continuity of the production process is fully implemented on automatic and continuous production lines, on which objects of labor are manufactured or assembled, having operations of the same or multiple duration to the line cycle.

Continuity of work within the operation is ensured primarily by the improvement of labor tools - the introduction of automatic changeover, automation of auxiliary processes, and the use of special equipment and devices.

Reducing interoperational interruptions is associated with the selection of the most rational methods for combining and coordinating partial processes over time. One of the prerequisites for reducing interoperational interruptions is the use of continuous transport means; the use of a rigidly interconnected system of machines and mechanisms in the production process, the use of rotary lines. The degree of continuity of the production process can be characterized by the continuity coefficient Kn, calculated as the ratio of the duration of the technological part of the production cycle T and the duration of the full production cycle T c:


where m is the total number of redistributions.

Continuity of production is considered in two aspects: continuous participation in the production process of objects of labor - raw materials and semi-finished products and continuous loading of equipment and rational use of working time. While ensuring the continuity of movement of objects of labor, at the same time it is necessary to minimize equipment stops for changeovers, while waiting for the receipt of materials, etc. This requires increasing the uniformity of work performed at each workplace, as well as the use of quickly adjustable equipment (program-controlled machines), copying machines machine tools, etc.

In mechanical engineering, discrete technological processes predominate, and therefore production with a high degree of synchronization of the duration of operations is not predominant here.

The intermittent movement of objects of labor is associated with breaks that arise as a result of the laying of parts at each operation, between operations, sections, and workshops. That is why the implementation of the principle of continuity requires the elimination or minimization of interruptions. The solution to such a problem can be achieved on the basis of compliance with the principles of proportionality and rhythm; organizing parallel production of parts of one batch or different parts of one product; creating such forms of organization of production processes in which the start time of manufacturing parts in a given operation and the end time of the previous operation are synchronized, etc.

Violation of the principle of continuity, as a rule, causes interruptions in work (downtime of workers and equipment), leading to an increase in the duration of the production cycle and the size of work in progress.

Under straightness understand the principle of organizing the production process, in compliance with which all stages and operations of the production process are carried out under the conditions of the shortest path of the subject of labor from the beginning of the process to its end. The principle of direct flow requires ensuring the rectilinear movement of objects of labor in the technological process, eliminating various kinds of loops and return movements.

One of the prerequisites for production continuity is directness in the organization of the production process, which is ensuring the shortest path for a product to pass through all stages and operations of the production process, from the launch of raw materials into production to the output of the finished product. Direct flow is characterized by the coefficient Kpr, which represents the ratio of the duration of transport operations Ttr to the total duration of the production cycle T c:


where j number of transport operations.

In accordance with this requirement, the relative arrangement of buildings and structures on the territory of the enterprise, as well as the placement of the main workshops in them, must comply with the requirements of the production process. The flow of materials, semi-finished products and products must be progressive and shortest, without counter or return movements. Auxiliary workshops and warehouses should be located as close as possible to the main workshops they serve.

Complete straightness can be achieved by spatially arranging operations and parts of the production process in the order of technological operations. When designing enterprises, it is also necessary to ensure that workshops and services are located in a sequence that provides for a minimum distance between adjacent departments. You should strive to ensure that parts and assembly units of different products have the same or similar sequence of stages and operations of the production process. When implementing the principle of direct flow, the problem of optimal arrangement of equipment and workplaces also arises.

The principle of direct flow is manifested to a greater extent in the conditions of continuous production, when creating subject-closed workshops and sections.

Compliance with straight-line requirements leads to streamlining of cargo flows, reduction of cargo turnover, and reduction of costs for transportation of materials, parts and finished products.

To ensure full use of equipment, material and energy resources and working time, the rhythm of production is important, which is fundamental principle of production organization.

The principles of production organization in practice do not operate in isolation; they are closely intertwined in every production process. When studying the principles of organization, you should pay attention to the paired nature of some of them, their interrelation, transition into their opposite (differentiation and combination, specialization and universalization). The principles of organization develop unevenly: at one time or another, some principle comes to the fore or acquires secondary importance. Thus, the narrow specialization of jobs is becoming a thing of the past; they are becoming more and more universal. The principle of differentiation is beginning to be increasingly replaced by the principle of combination, the use of which makes it possible to build a production process based on a single flow. At the same time, in conditions of automation, the importance of the principles of proportionality, continuity, and straightness increases.

The degree of implementation of the principles of production organization has a quantitative dimension. Therefore, in addition to current methods of production analysis, forms and methods for analyzing the state of production organization and implementing its scientific principles must be developed and applied in practice.

Compliance with the principles of organizing production processes is of great practical importance. The implementation of these principles is the responsibility of all levels of production management.

The current level of scientific and technological progress requires compliance with the flexibility of production organization. Traditional principles of production organization focused on the sustainable nature of production - a stable product range, special types of equipment, etc. In the context of rapid updating of the product range, production technology is changing. Meanwhile, a quick change of equipment and restructuring of its layout would cause unreasonably high costs, and this would be a brake on technical progress; It is also impossible to frequently change the production structure (spatial organization of units). This has put forward a new requirement for the organization of production - flexibility. In element-by-element terms, this means, first of all, the rapid readjustment of equipment. Advances in microelectronics have created technology that is capable of a wide range of uses and, if necessary, performs automatic self-adjustment.

Wide possibilities for increasing the flexibility of production organization are provided by the use of standard processes for performing individual stages of production. It is well known to construct variable production lines on which various products can be manufactured without restructuring them. So, now at a shoe factory on one production line various models of women's shoes are produced using the same method of fastening the bottom; On car assembly conveyor lines, cars of not only different colors, but also modifications are assembled without readjustment. It is effective to create flexible automated production based on the use of robots and microprocessor technology. Great opportunities in this regard are provided by the standardization of semi-finished products. In such conditions, when transitioning to the production of new products or mastering new processes, there is no need to rebuild all partial processes and production links.

2. The concept of the production cycle. Structure of the production cycle.

The main and auxiliary production of an enterprise constitute an inseparable complex of processes occurring in time and space, the measurement of which is necessary in the course of organizing the manufacture of products.

The time during which the production process takes place is called production time.

It includes the time during which raw materials and some production assets are in stock, and the time during which the production cycle takes place.

Production cycle– calendar time for manufacturing a product, starting from the launch of raw materials into production and ending with the receipt of finished products. It is characterized by duration (hours, days) and structure. The production cycle includes work time and interruptions in the labor process.

Under production cycle structure the relationship between its various components is understood. The proportion of production time, especially technological operations and natural processes, is of fundamental importance. The higher it is, the better the composition and structure of the production cycle.

The production cycle, calculated without taking into account the time of breaks associated with the operating mode of the enterprise, characterizes the level of organization of production of this product. With the help of the production cycle, the start time for processing raw materials in individual operations and the time for putting the corresponding equipment into operation are established. If all types of breaks are taken into account in the calculation of the cycle, then the calendar time (date and hours) is set for the start of processing of the planned batch of products.

There are the following calculation methods composition and duration of the production cycle:

1) analytical (using special formulas, used mainly in preliminary calculations),

2) graphical method (more visual and complex, ensures calculation accuracy),

To calculate the cycle duration, you need to know the components into which the product manufacturing process is broken down, the sequence of their implementation, duration standards and methods of organizing the movement of raw materials over time.

The following are distinguished: types of movement raw materials in production:

1) consistent type of movement. Products are processed in batches. Each subsequent operation begins after completion of processing of all products in a given batch.

2) parallel type of movement. The transfer of objects of labor from one operation to another is carried out piece by piece, as the processing process is completed at each workplace. In this regard, in certain periods, all processing operations for a given batch of products are carried out simultaneously.

3) parallel-serial type of movement. Characterized by mixed processing of products in separate operations. At some workplaces, processing and transfer to the next operation is carried out individually, at others - in batches of various sizes.

3. Technological processes used in the production of products (services).

Technological process, - the sequence of technological operations necessary to perform a certain type of work. Technological processes consist of technological (working) operations, which, in turn, consist of technological transitions.

Technological process.. this is a part of the production process that contains targeted actions to change and (or) determine the state of the subject of labor.

Depending on the application in the production process to solve the same problem, various techniques and equipment are distinguished as follows: types of technical processes:

· Unit technological process (UTP).

· Standard technological process (TTP).

· Group technological process (GTP).

To describe the technological process, route and operational maps are used:

· Routing- a document that describes: the process of processing parts, materials, design documentation, technological equipment.

· Operational map - a list of transitions, settings and tools used.

· Route map - a description of the routes of movement around the workshop of the manufactured part.

A technological process is an expedient change in the shape, size, condition, structure, position, and location of objects of labor. A technological process can also be considered as a set of sequential technological operations necessary to achieve the goal of the production process (or one of the particular goals).
The labor process is a set of actions of a performer or a group of performers to transform objects of labor into its product, performed at workplaces.
Technological processes according to the source of energy necessary for their implementation can be divided into natural (passive) and active. The first occur as natural processes and do not require additional human-transformed energy to influence the object of labor (drying raw materials, cooling the metal under normal conditions, etc.). Active technological processes occur as a result of direct human influence on the subject of labor, or as a result of the influence of means of labor set in motion by energy expediently transformed by man.

Production unites labor actions people, natural and technical processes, as a result of the interaction of which a product or service is created. Such interaction is carried out using technology, that is, methods of consistently changing the state, properties, shape, size and other characteristics of the object of labor.

Technological processes, no matter what category they belong to, are continuously improved following the development of scientific and technical thought. Three stages of such development can be distinguished. The first, which was based on manual technology, was discovered by the Neolithic revolution, when people learned to make fire and process stones. Here the main element of production was man, and technology adapted to him and his capabilities.

The second stage began with the first industrial revolution at the end of the 18th century. early XIX centuries, which ushered in the era of traditional mechanized technologies. Their pinnacle was the conveyor, based on a rigid system of specialized equipment for serial or mass assembly of complex standardized products that form a line. Traditional technologies involved minimizing human intervention in the production process, using low-skilled labor, and saving on costs associated with search, training, and remuneration. This ensured that the production system was almost completely independent of humans and turned the latter into its appendage.

Finally, the second industrial Revolution(modern scientific and technological revolution) marked the victory of automated technologies, the main forms of which we will now consider.

First of all, this is an automatic production line, which is a system of machines and automatic machines (universal, specialized, multi-purpose), located along the production process and united by automatic devices for transporting products and waste, accumulating reserves, changing orientation, controlled by a computer. Lines can be single- and multi-subject, with piece and multi-part processing, with continuous and intermittent movement.

A type of automatic production line is a rotary one, which consists of working and transport rotors, where the processing of products of several standard sizes using similar technology is carried out simultaneously with their transportation.

Another form is a flexible production system (FPS), which is a set of high-performance equipment that carries out the main process; auxiliary devices (loading, transport, storage, control and measuring, waste disposal) and information subsystem, combined into a single automated complex.

The basis of GPS is computer-controlled group technology, which allows for rapid changes in operations and allows the processing of various parts according to a single principle. It assumes the presence of two flows of resources: material and energy, on the one hand, and information, on the other.

GPS may consist of flexible production modules(machines with numerical control and robotic complexes); the latter can be combined into flexible automated lines, and those, in turn, into sections, workshops, and, in conjunction with computer-aided design, entire enterprises.

Such enterprises, being much smaller than before, can produce products in the required volumes and at the same time be as close as possible to the market. They improve the use of equipment, reduce the duration of the production cycle, reduce defects, reduce the need for low-skilled labor, reduce the labor intensity of manufacturing products and reduce overall costs.

Automation is once again changing the place of humans in the production system. He leaves the power of equipment and technology, standing next to them or above them, and they adapt not just to his capabilities, but to provide him with the most convenient, comfortable working conditions.

Technologies are distinguished by a set of specific methods for obtaining, processing, processing feedstock, materials, and semi-finished products; the equipment used for this purpose; sequence and location of production operations. They can be simple or complex.

The degree of complexity of technology is determined by the variety of ways of influencing the subject of labor; the number of operations that are performed on it; accuracy of their implementation. For example, to produce a modern truck it is necessary to carry out several hundred thousand operations.

All technological processes are usually divided into main, auxiliary and servicing. The main ones are divided into procurement, processing, assembly, finishing, information. Within their framework, goods or services are created in accordance with the goals of the company. For a meat processing plant, this is, for example, the production of sausage, dumplings, and stewed meat; for a bank - accepting and issuing loans, sales valuable papers and so on. But in fact, the main processes form only the “tip of the iceberg”, and its “underwater part”, invisible to the eye, consists of service and auxiliary processes, without which no production is possible.

The purpose of auxiliary processes is to create the conditions necessary for the implementation of the main ones. Within their framework, for example, control over technical condition equipment, its maintenance, repair, production of tools necessary for work, etc.

Service processes are associated with the placement, storage, and movement of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, and finished products. They are carried out by warehouse and transport departments. Service processes can also include providing employees of the company with various social services, for example, providing them with food, medical care, etc.

A feature of auxiliary and servicing processes is the possibility of performing them by other specialized organizations for which they are the main ones. Since specialization is known to lead to improved quality and lower costs, outsourcing this type of service is often more profitable, especially for small firms than setting up your own production.

It is currently customary to classify all technological processes according to six main characteristics: the method of influencing the object of labor, the nature of the connection between the initial elements and the result, the type of equipment used, the level of mechanization, the scale of production, discontinuity and continuity.

Impact on the subject of labor within the framework of the technological process can be carried out both with the direct participation of a person - it does not matter whether we are talking about direct impact, or only about regulation, or without it. In the first case, an example of which is the processing of parts on a machine, drawing up computer program, data entry, etc. such impact is called technological; in the second, when only natural forces act (fermentation, souring, etc.) - natural.

Based on the nature of the connection between the initial elements and the result, three types of technological processes are distinguished: analytical, synthetic and direct. In analytical ones, several products are obtained from one type of raw material. An example of this is the processing of milk or oil. Thus, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, oils, diesel fuel, fuel oil, and bitumen can be extracted from the latter. In synthetic ones, on the contrary, one product is created from several initial elements, for example, a complex aggregate is assembled from individual parts. In a direct technological process, one initial substance is transformed into one final product, say, steel is smelted from cast iron.

Based on the type of equipment used, technological processes are usually divided into open and hardware. The first are associated with mechanical processing of the object of labor - cutting, drilling, forging, grinding, etc. An example of the latter is chemical, thermal and other processing, which no longer occurs openly, but in isolation from the external environment, for example, in various types of furnaces, distillation columns, etc.

Currently, there are five levels of mechanization of technological processes. Where it is absent altogether, for example when digging a ditch with a shovel, we are talking about manual processes. When mechanizing the main operations and manually performing auxiliary ones, machine-manual processes take place; for example, processing a part on a machine, on the one hand, and its installation, on the other. When the equipment functions independently, and a person can only press buttons, they speak of partially automated processes. Finally, if not only production, but operational control and management are carried out without human participation, for example, using computers, complexly automated processes take place.

A relatively independent element of any technological process is an operation performed on a certain object of labor by one worker or team at one workplace. Operations differ according to two main characteristics: purpose and degree of mechanization.

By purpose, they primarily distinguish technological operations that ensure a change in the qualitative state, size, shape of the object of labor, for example, smelting metals from ore, casting blanks from them and their further processing on appropriate machines. Another category of operations are transport and loading and unloading operations, which change the spatial position of an object within the framework of the technological process. Their normal implementation is ensured by maintenance operations - repair, storage, cleaning, etc. Finally, measurement operations are used to verify that all components of the production process and its results meet specified standards.

According to the degree of mechanization, operations are divided into manual, mechanized, machine-manual (a combination of mechanized and handmade); machine (performed entirely by machines controlled by people); automated (performed by machines under the control of machines with general supervision and control by humans); instrumental (natural processes, stimulated and controlled by an employee, occurring in a closed artificial environment).

The production operations themselves, in turn, can be divided into separate elements - labor and technological. The first include labor movements(single movements of the body, head, arms, legs, fingers of performers during the operation); labor actions (a set of movements performed without interruption); work methods (the totality of all actions on a given object, as a result of which the set goal is achieved); complex labor practices- their totality, combined either by technological sequence or by the commonality of factors influencing the execution time.

The technological elements of operations include: installation - permanent fastening of the workpiece or assembly unit being processed; position - a fixed position occupied by a permanently fixed workpiece or assembled assembly unit together with a device relative to a tool or a stationary piece of equipment; technological transition - a completed part of a processing or assembly operation, characterized by the constancy of the tool used; auxiliary transition - part of the operation that is not accompanied by a change in shape, size, or state of surfaces, for example, installing a workpiece, changing a tool; a pass is a repeating part of a transition (for example, when processing a part on a lathe, the entire process can be considered a transition, and a single movement of the cutter over its entire surface can be considered a pass); working stroke - a completed part of the technological process, consisting of a single movement of the tool relative to the workpiece, accompanied by a change in the shape, size, surface finish or properties of the workpiece; auxiliary move - the same, not accompanied by changes.

5.3.1. Laws of production organization

and competitiveness

Any science consistently goes through three stages of development: accumulation of material, its systematization, and the establishment of patterns. Logistics as a science is currently at the threshold of the second stage. The systematization of the available material has not yet been completed, and in parallel, attempts are already being made to determine the principles and identify patterns for optimizing flow processes. As a science and practice, logistics aims to improve the organization of production systems, and therefore it closely interacts with the organization of production as the science of design, creation and development of production systems. The laws and patterns of production organization are the basis for solving logistics problems.

Currently, in the theory of production organization, two groups of patterns can be distinguished: patterns of organization of production systems and patterns of organization of production processes. Great achievement in modern theory production organization can be considered the identification and description of how the laws of organization of highly efficient, rhythmic production processes manifest themselves. We are talking about the following laws:

The law of orderly movement of objects of labor in production;

The law of calendar synchronization of the duration of technological operations;

Law of emergence of main and auxiliary production processes;

Law of resource reservation in production;

The law of the rhythm of the production cycle of order fulfillment.

The use of the above-mentioned laws of organization of production processes allows you to plan and maintain the rhythmic work of the production divisions of the enterprise, that is, work in the form of a rational organization of production processes, in which the processes of manufacturing individual parts, sets of parts and executing individual orders of the program are combined according to a predetermined plan. This combination ensures rhythmic work as a continuous resumption of the entire production process simultaneously (in parallel) in all production departments and at each workplace in strict accordance with planned proportionality, technological straightness and economically sound reliability of product production in deadlines And of proper quality.

Organizing and maintaining the rhythmic work of each enterprise and its production divisions makes it possible to eliminate the traditional resource losses of workers' time and equipment (and they constitute at least 40% of the initial value of resources) for organizational and technical reasons. Organizing and maintaining the rhythmic operation of each enterprise involves the targeted reservation of resources in terms of up to 5-8\% of their original value. And finally, the organization and maintenance of the rhythmic work of each enterprise provides it with competitive advantages: leadership in minimum costs, guaranteed delivery time for orders, individualization of products according to customer requirements, flexible regulation of production volume, expansion of services and a number of other advantages.

5.3.2. Law of orderly movement

objects of labor in production

The traditional lack of standardization and typification of individual technological routes for the production of different types of objects of labor (parts) causes a disorderly, almost chaotic movement of them in production. This is easy to verify if the routes of movement of parts are superimposed on the layout of the enterprise and its production departments that are involved in their manufacture. In the case of chaotic movement of parts, the time for completing a particular operation or manufacturing the product as a whole can be determined only in the order of forecasting for one or another probabilistic model.

This feature of the organization of the production process in space and time allows us to formulate the law of orderliness of the movement of objects of labor in production: without preliminary organization of the movement of objects of labor along standard inter-shop and intra-shop technological routes, it is generally impossible to plan the progress of production. In fact, if the direction of movement and its average speed are known, then, obviously, it is possible to set deadlines for reaching a given point on the route. This is very important when planning the production progress of individual orders.

It is traditionally believed that the processing of a batch of parts in a technological operation is the movement of this batch, and the time of its inter-operational holding in anticipation of the release of a subsequent workplace or idle time of the workplace in anticipation of the completion of processing of this batch of parts in a previous operation is the time of breaks during the production process. The duration of breaks is of an average probability nature, therefore, reliable planning of production deadlines is possible only when using maximum probabilistic deadlines for completing work.

The orderly movement of parts in production can be achieved in two ways:

1) standardization and typification of inter-shop and intra-shop technological routes;

2) designing a standard scheme for the movement of objects of labor in production (TSD PT).

Standardization and typification of technical routes does not allow taking into account all the possibilities in the formation of unidirectional material flows, while the design of TSD PT based on the design and technological classifier of objects of labor for the entire production program ensures the use of all potential possibilities for organizing unidirectional material flows. TSD PT makes it possible to more than tenfold reduce the number of different inter-shop technological routes (workouts). The use of TSD PT also leads to a sharp reduction in the number of intra-production connections between sections, greatly reduces the complexity and labor intensity of planning and production management and, in addition, creates the necessary organizational basis for coordinating the timing of work with full load of planned workplaces and production units with the minimum necessary and complete work in progress.

The rational order of launching parts into production contributes to increasing the orderliness of the movement of objects of labor in production. Streamlining the launch of parts into production according to various criteria can provide either a reduction in the duration of the total manufacturing cycle of the parts in question, or a reduction in intra-shift downtime of workplaces, or an increase in the sustainability of the production process according to the schedule. Taking advantage of these capabilities also helps improve production efficiency.

5.3.3. Manifestation of the law of continuity

production process

The production process takes place in time and space. The duration of the production process is characterized by the duration of the production cycle, the downtime of workplaces and the storage time of objects of labor. All three characteristics, especially the last two, strongly depend on the value of the maximum duration of one of the operations, the average duration of all operations and the degree of asynchrony in the duration of operations. The spatial flow of the production process is characterized by: a) production structure; b) the structure of available resources; c) the sequence and structure of labor costs necessary for the manufacture of manufactured products when fulfilling the production program of the enterprise.

Changing the organization of the movement of objects of labor over time constantly leads to the same results: the duration of the production cycle changes, the total downtime of work stations changes, and the total time of interoperational storage of objects of labor changes. The actual duration of the production cycle in comparison with the calculated one is the final estimate characterizing the level of reliability and quality of calendar-planned calculations of production progress. Minimizing production losses from the total downtime of workplaces and from the total time of interoperational holding of objects of labor characterizes the level of organization and efficiency of production.

Any changes in the organization of the movement of objects of labor in space, in accordance with the law of orderly movement, should not violate the unidirectionality of material flows. Otherwise, the reliability of calendar-planned calculations and the reliability of timely fulfillment of obligations for product supplies will be lost.

Interoperational storage of objects of labor and downtime of work stations during the manufacturing process of products serve as a kind of calendar compensators that equalize the calendar duration of related technological operations at production sites. The efficiency of the manufacturing process depends on which of the calendar compensators is used to a greater or lesser extent. In the production process, the time of interoperational storage of objects of labor and the time of downtime of workplaces are opposed to each other as various calendar compensators that exclude various elements of production from the production process: either the worker and the means of labor, or objects of labor.

Even upon closer examination, it is obvious that in conditions of non-line production, continuous loading of jobs is preferable. This is confirmed by a deeper analysis of production losses from 1 hour of idle time at the workplace and 1 hour of waiting for a batch of labor items. In the conditions of continuous production, on the contrary, downtime of workplaces is preferable, since a delay in the movement of one object of labor for 1 hour is equivalent to stopping each workplace of the production line for 1 hour. A comparison of production losses from 1 hour of idle time at a workplace and from 1 hour of idle time for a batch of labor items allows us to formulate some rules for choosing rational (effective) methods for calendar organization of the production process:

In all types of production, 1 hour of idle time at the workplace and 1 hour of waiting for a batch of the object of labor are opposed to each other not only as various compensators that equalize the duration of operations, but also as production losses of different magnitudes;

In non-line production, the production process should be organized according to the principle of continuous loading of jobs, as opposed to the principle of continuous movement of objects of labor in line production;

The choice of the principle of organizing the production process (continuous loading of workers or continuous movement of objects of labor) in specific conditions is determined by the ratio of production losses from idle work places and from the idleness of objects of labor.

5.3.4. Manifestation of the law of the rhythm of the production cycle

product manufacturing

The law of the rhythm of the production cycle of manufacturing a product manifests itself every time, in the process of manufacturing an individual product or its parts, an uneven consumption of resources, working time of workers and equipment, is formed or fixed relative to their production cycles (the time of their production).

The law of the rhythm of the production cycle of manufacturing a product is an objectively existing set of significant cause-and-effect relationships between the parameters of the enterprise’s production program (i.e., composition, timing, priorities, proportions of production objects and their structural labor intensity), on the one hand, and the structure of production elements ( for example, the structure of working time resources of various jobs of the main production) consumed in production, on the other.

The law of the rhythm of the production cycle of manufacturing a product is essential connections that: a) appear when the quantitative organizational and technological proportions of the associated elements of the production process (objects of labor, workers and jobs) are coordinated and harmonized in space and time; b) depend on the parameters of the production program and on the characteristics of the organization of production at the enterprise and at each production site. It is well known that coordinating work only on deadlines is an insufficient guarantee of timely execution of the order. The work must be interconnected both in terms of timing and in the volume and structure of resources used in time and space.

The uneven consumption of material and labor resources during the production cycle of a product has been noticed for a long time. Thus, back in the early 1930s, it was proposed to organize the uniform distribution of all “production work” on the product throughout its production cycle by means of a calendar redistribution of the manufacturing processes of product parts. However, practically even with careful study calendar schedules manufacturing products it is impossible to obtain a uniform size " production capacity process".

The unevenness of labor costs in size and structure during the production cycle of manufacturing a product is determined by production technology (a certain sequence of technological operations), which cause, for example, sharp changes in the value and structure of labor costs at the moments of completion of technological operations on a set of product parts. Thus, at the moment of launching the leading parts, the number of workstations at which the first operations on the parts of the set of the product in question are performed is greatly limited compared to the number of parts of the set.

On the one hand, the number of workplaces at which the first operations of the technological process are performed is much less than the total number of workplaces involved in production; on the other hand, not all workplaces at which the first operations are performed can be occupied with the manufacture of parts for a set of the product in question, since parts of other products are launched simultaneously with the parts of this product. Therefore, at the moment of launching the leading parts in the machining area, the front of workplaces simultaneously participating in the manufacture of parts of the kit in question is insignificant and much less than the average estimated number of workplaces that must continuously participate in the manufacture of parts of the kit of this product throughout the production cycle of the product.

After the leading parts of the set undergo the first technological operations, all other parts of the set are gradually put into operation. From the moment the first part of the set is launched for the first operation of the process and until the moment the first part of the set is launched for the last operation of the process, the process of manufacturing a set of parts unfolds. The number of jobs simultaneously occupied with the production of parts for a given set begins to increase from the moment of launch and reaches its maximum at the moment of completion of the first operation of the process (at the moment of completion of processing of the parts of the set in the first operation of a typical technological route).

If the best organization of the production process in time and space has been achieved, then the rule of the “golden section” applies: at the moment corresponding to the point of the “golden section”, the production cycle of manufacturing the set of parts in question is divided into two parts; Moreover, the production cycle of manufacturing a kit relates to its larger part as this larger part of the cycle relates to the smaller one (Fig. 5.2).

At the “golden ratio” point, the number of jobs involved in the production of kit parts is usually twice the average

Rice. 5.2. Golden Ratio Curve:

The KSC curve shows how the production process should optimally develop if it is necessary to complete the volume of work OABC in 100 units. time. The planned work volume OABC can be completed on time if at the “golden section” point M (Tc == 61.8) resources are attracted in the amount of at least Q (59 units). Properties of the “golden section”: I) point M divides the straight line OS in the proportion OS: OM = OM: MC; 2) point L divides the straight line MS in the proportion SM: LM = LM: LS; 3) the area under the “golden section” curve KSC must be equal to the area of ​​the rectangle OABC

the average number of jobs allocated in the plan for the manufacture of the set of parts in question. For an optimal manufacturing process for a set of parts, the “golden ratio” point should be between 2/3 and 3/4 of the duration of the machining cycle of the set of parts in question. At this moment, the production of parts of this set simultaneously involves workplaces where intermediate and finishing operations of the technological route for manufacturing a set of parts are performed.

From the moment the processing of a set of parts is completed in the first operation, the process of manufacturing the set of parts in question begins to wind down. The front of jobs is gradually shrinking. As the production of more and more parts of the kit in question is completed, the number of simultaneously working intermediate workstations is greatly reduced. At the end of the manufacturing cycle of the set of parts in question, only the finishing workstations work.

From the above, we can draw the following conclusion: during the machining cycle of a set of product parts in one department, the front of jobs varies greatly in number and composition. The rhythm of the production cycle of product manufacturing is a natural combination of the processes of deployment and collapse of the production of sets of blanks, parts, assembly units of a product at production stages and production sites, and in each production unit - a natural change in the volume and composition of work performed on each set of items of labor for a given product relative to production cycle of manufacturing a set of parts in this department. At the same time, changing the duration of the cycle of work on a set of objects of labor for a given product in any production department does not change the internal proportions of the distribution of the volume and composition of these works relative to the same shares of the production cycle of the set of objects of labor in question. Lengthening the production cycle for producing a set of labor items is usually associated with a decrease in the number of jobs allocated for the production of this set.

There are three possible methods for modeling the rhythm of the production cycle of a product: statistical, static and dynamic. As statistical method Statistical modeling of the product manufacturing process is used, and on this basis, a standard for the calendar distribution of the labor intensity of the product relative to its production cycle is developed. The method of statistical modeling of the rhythm of the production cycle of a product is relatively simple. All operational orders for which the manufacture of an already produced product were paid for are selected. Work orders are sorted by workshop, into groups of interchangeable and special equipment. Then additional sorting of the outfits of each group is carried out according to calendar intervals in accordance with the deadlines. Such intervals can be days, weeks and months, for example for longer production cycles.

The complexity of work in operational orders falling within a given calendar time interval is summed up, and variation series of the (absolute) distribution of labor costs of each type are obtained during the actual duration of the product’s production cycle. If you plot each value of an individual variation series on the graph with dots and connect these dots sequentially, you will get a broken line reflecting the actual calendar distribution of the labor intensity of performing work of a certain type relative to the duration of the production cycle of manufacturing the product.

The actual length of the product production cycle is usually divided into 10 equal parts. Each segment of the cycle length corresponds to its own area, limited by the broken line of the actual distribution of labor intensity. There are also ten such sections. Then the specific weight of each plot in the total area is determined. A variation series is obtained that reflects the specific distribution of labor costs for a given type of work relative to each 1/10th of the actual production cycle of the product. This is done for each type of work, and a statistical model of the distribution of labor costs, or a statistical model of the rhythm of the production cycle of product manufacturing, is obtained.

The static method of modeling the rhythm of the production cycle of product manufacturing involves the preliminary construction of a static model of the production process. As such a model, we recommend an operational scheme for the entry (explosion) of assembly units, parts, blanks, semi-finished products, etc. into a product. The calendar duration of each operation in this scheme is usually taken to be one shift.

The operational diagram of the entry resembles a “tree”, in which the operations of the main assembly act as the “trunk”, the large “branches” extending from the “trunk” are the operations of assembling assembly units, and the “branches” are the operations for manufacturing parts and blanks. If we take the moment of completion of the last general assembly operation as the starting point and assign it the first number, then by assigning numbers to each operation of the “trunk” and “branch” in the reverse sequence of the technological process, we obtain the binding of each technological operation of manufacturing a product to a specific shift number, which is taken as a planning tact.

The operation with the highest number essentially determines the duration of the production cycle for the manufacture of the product. If we now sum up the labor intensity of operations by type of work in each planning cycle, we will obtain a distribution of the labor intensity of manufacturing a product by type of work relative to each share of its production cycle, i.e., a static rhythm of the production cycle of product manufacturing will be formulated.

A statistical model for reflecting the rhythm of the production cycle of product manufacturing with an error of 40\%, and a static model with an error of 30\% predict (catch) the nature of changes in the power of the product manufacturing process by phases of the production process. These inaccuracies in determining the calendar distribution of the structure of the labor intensity of manufacturing a product lead to planning errors regarding the assignment of contractual delivery dates, the unpredictable occurrence of bottlenecks in production, and large losses of working time, jobs and equipment. When using the statistical method, approximately 40\% is lost, and when using the static method - approximately 30\% of the working time of workers and equipment.

In contrast to the statistical and static models, the dynamic model of the rhythm of the production cycle of product manufacturing makes it possible to establish with greater certainty the maximum probabilistic (latest) deadlines for completing the work. In this case, the manufacturing processes of each product are linked to the manufacturing processes of all other products included in the production program; the spatial structure of the production cycle, the dynamics of the structure of the labor intensity of manufacturing each product, and the continuous load of production units during the implementation of the production program are taken into account.

The dynamic model of the formation of the rhythm of the production cycle of manufacturing a product is built on the basis of increasing the organization of the production process and, in general, contributes to the reliable determination of the duration of the production cycle of each product, ensuring the rational use of production resources (reducing losses of working time to 5-10\%, eliminating overtime work, increasing equipment load, reducing working capital in work in progress).

5.3.5. Manifestations of the law of calendar synchronization

cycles of manufacturing processes of products and their parts

Synchronization of cycles of manufacturing processes of products and their parts takes place in any production process, but, as a rule, no importance was attached to it, as if it were absent. If the process of synchronizing process cycles is not managed, then the duration of the cycles will increase three times, since in this case the calendar alignment of each part of the process will exceed the value of the largest cycle of the corresponding part of the process. This is true for each level of dividing the product manufacturing process into parts: operation, part, assembly operation, set of parts, product manufacturing stage (procurement, machining, assembly). Uncontrolled synchronization leads to multiple excesses of the rational level of work in progress and large losses of working time of workers and equipment (currently in non-line production, the loss of working time reaches 50%).

Knowledge about the manifestations of the law of synchronization of cycles of manufacturing processes of products and their parts is necessary as the basis for the art of managing the production process in order to minimize production costs. To ensure the competitiveness of an enterprise, the ability to minimize production costs is, as a rule, of paramount importance.

Synchronization of process cycles

Interoperational storage of objects of labor and downtime of work stations during the manufacturing process of products serve as a kind of calendar compensators that equalize the calendar duration of related technological operations at production sites. The phenomenon of equalizing the calendar duration of related technological operations has the force of law. The effect of this law can be seen in various examples.

Example 1 (continuous production). Preliminary forced organizational and technological synchronization of the duration of interconnected technological operations of processing a part makes it possible to organize a continuous production line for its production. This line ensures continuous movement (manufacturing) of each part and continuous loading of each workplace. But forced synchronization of the duration of technological operations is quite expensive. It is resorted to when the benefits from synchronizing operations cover the costs of it.

Example 2 (discontinuous production). On a direct-flow line, synchronization of technological operations is a controlled process. For example, when constructing a graph of a direct-flow line, synchronization of the duration of adjacent technological operations is provided. The calendar organization of all forms of flow production is built on the principle of continuous movement of parts: synchronization of the duration of detail operations here should be carried out only through downtime of workplaces, but this is ineffective, since 1 hour of downtime of a workplace (worker and equipment) costs more than 1 hour of idle time one detail. Therefore, parallel-sequential movement of parts is organized, when all micro-downtime of workplaces is concentrated.

This concentration becomes possible by allowing some interoperational tracking of parts. The concentration of micro-pauses of downtime at each workplace allows you to free up a worker and transfer him to another operation during this time. Here, the synchronization of the duration of detail operations to the value of the production line cycle is carried out both due to downtime of work station equipment and due to the interoperational tracking of parts.

In general, with any form of production organization, the unequal duration of technological operations is leveled out to a certain calendar limit, either due to the laying of parts, or due to downtime of workplaces, or due to both at the same time.

Example 3 (non-line production). In non-line production with disordered movement of parts, the calendar stage for leveling the duration of technological operations is, as a rule, greater than the maximum duration of a technological operation, taken from the totality of operations performed during the planning period under consideration. With orderly movement of parts, the minimum calendar limit for clearing operations can be controlled.

The equalization of the duration of technological operations in non-line production has two objective reasons. The first is that, like flow production, organizing the continuity of the production process in non-line production requires synchronization of the duration of operations. The second reason for leveling is the need to complete items of labor in the process of their manufacture to the size of a planning and accounting unit (machine set, conditional set, brigade set, route set, etc.). For example, parts that have already undergone processing are forced to wait for the production of the very last part of the set, and those that did not go to the first operation immediately at the time the set was launched are forced to wait for their turn to start processing.

The calendar limit for equalizing the duration of technological operations characterizes the progress of the production process from its two contradictory sides - as the continuity of workload (Ri) and as the continuity of production of objects of labor (Rj). Naturally, under given organizational and technological conditions, the minimum production costs are achieved with the greatest continuity in the use of means of production (workplaces), and this corresponds to a single optimal rhythm for the production of batches of parts in production (Re).

The volumetric-dynamic planning method and the organization of production on the principle of continuous loading of planned work stations make it possible to ensure not only the work place load, but also the minimum duration of the production cycle for the manufacture of the considered route set of parts (Tmkd). If at each operation of the process of manufacturing a route set of parts (i.e., at the assembly operation) one or more workplaces are used, then the duration of the production cycle can be determined by the formula:

¾ number of parts to be manufactured at

plot in a certain planning period and constituting one

set of parts;

t’j ¾ average time interval through which transmission takes place

batches of parts of one name to the next

completing operation after completion of their processing on the j-th

picking operations t’j = tj /Cj ;

t m’j - the smaller of the two average time intervals, after

which transfer of kit parts from adjacent

j-th or (j + 1)-th set operation;

Cj - number of jobs involved in processing parts

kit at the smaller j-th kit operation;

t’j - average duration of technological operations

over the kit parts at the j-th kit operation (or at j-th form

j - serial number of a set operation or a standard operation

technological route along which the details of the considered

sets are processed, j = 1, ..., m.

Here, the manufacturing cycle of a set of parts is determined taking into account the conditions for organizing the production process: the number of product items in the plan (n’); the number of jobs used at each process operation (Cj); the average duration of performing one technological operation on kit parts at each j-th kit operation (Re). This formula determines the relationship between the number of product items in the plan, the planned deadline for completing the work and the standard size of the batch of parts.

Synchronization of parts manufacturing cycles

Calendar synchronization of parts manufacturing cycles is obvious. So, if parts have the same number of operations, then their cycles are equalized due to the equalization of the durations of their operations. Parts in production departments are usually manufactured in sets, which means that the duration of the manufacturing cycle for each part of the set is equal to the duration of the manufacturing cycle for the set of parts in question.

Synchronization of process completion duration

production of parts kits

Currently, many production planners are faced with a problem: which front of work stations of a particular area should be allocated to perform work on a specific product (order)? The problem, as a rule, is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to work on several orders at the same time. It turns out that the law of synchronization comes to the rescue here too - it is necessary to achieve synchronization of the assembly operation, and then the duration of the cycles for manufacturing sets of parts is automatically reduced. Let's look at simple examples of the relationship between a set operation (Fig. 5.3).


<->duration of the picking operation

<---->advances between picking operations

Rice. 5.3. Illustration of synchronizing the duration of a picking operation:

TC - the total production cycle of a set of parts

on three operations

It can be seen from the figure that when the synchronization of the durations of a complete operation is disturbed, the total cycle lengthens. Lengthening the second picking operation by 50 units. (Fig. 5.3,b) and reducing the length of the second set operation by 50 units. (Fig. 5.3, c) give the same result - lengthening the total cycle by 50 units.

The enterprise's task is to perceive " at the entrance" factors of production (expenses), recycle them and " at the exit" issue products (result)(diagram 3.1.). This kind of transformation process is referred to as “production”. Its goal is ultimately to improve what is already available, thereby increasing the supply of funds suitable for satisfying needs.

The production (transformation) process is to transform costs ("input") into results ("output"); In this case, it is necessary to comply with a number of rules of the game.

Scheme 3.1. The basic structure of the production transformation process.

Between the costs at the “input” (Input) and the result at the “output” (Output), and in parallel with this, numerous actions take place at the enterprise (“problems are being solved”), which only in their unity completely describe the production transformation process (Diagram 3.2). Let us consider here only briefly described particular tasks of the production transformation process.

The production transformation process consists from private tasks of ensuring (supply), storage (storage), manufacturing, sales, financing, staff training And introduction of new technologies, and management.

To the problem of supplying an enterprise relate purchase or rental (leasing) of means of production, purchase of raw materials (for enterprises with tangible products), hiring employees.

To the problem of warehousing (storage) include all production work that arise before actually process of production (manufacturing) of products in connection with the storage of means of production, raw materials and supplies, and after that - with the warehousing and storage of finished products.

In the task of manufacturing products we are talking about production works within production process. At enterprises that manufacture material products, they are largely determined by the technological component. In particular, it is necessary to determine when, what products, in what place, using what production factors should be manufactured (“production planning”).

Scheme 3.2. Particular tasks of the production transformation process.

Sales task products related to researching the sales market, influencing it (for example, through advertising), as well as selling or leasing the company’s products.

Funding challenge located between sales and supply: by selling products, or the result of the production process (Output), they earn money, and when supplying (or ensuring production - Input), they spend money. However, often the outflow and inflow of money are not the same (they do not cover each other). Thus, large investments may not be offset by sales revenue. Therefore, a temporary lack of funds to pay overdue loans and surplus Money, spent on providing loans (leasing, rental) are typical financing tasks. Here within the framework of " financial management" include the receipt of income (profit), as well as investment of capital in other enterprises through the capital market.

Personnel training and the introduction of new technologies should enable employees to constantly improve their skills, and thanks to this they would be able to introduce and develop the latest technologies in all areas of the enterprise and, especially in the field of new products and production technologies.

Control task(manuals) includes works that cover preparation and adoption of management decisions for the purpose of directing and managing all other production activities in the enterprise. In this regard, it is of particular importance enterprise accounting(including annual balance sheet, cost analysis, production statistics, financing). Accounting must fully include and evaluate all current documents that characterize the production process.

Particular tasks of the production transformation process (“Input” – “Output”) and their relationship with the value creation process can be considered as " value chain", which connects links (suppliers and consumers) located before and after the direct process of manufacturing products (production process).

Including the above - The production process is the process of reproduction of material goods and production relations.

As a process of reproduction of material goods, the production process is a set of labor processes and natural processes necessary for the manufacture of a certain type of product.

Main elements, defining labor process, and therefore the production process, are purposeful activity (or labor itself), objects of labor and means of labor.

Purposeful activity (or work itself) carried out by a person who expends neuromuscular energy to perform various mechanical movements, observe and control the impact of tools on objects of labor.

Objects of labor determined by that products, which is produced by the enterprise. The main products of machine-building plants are various types of products. According to GOST 2.101–68*, a product is any item or set of items of labor to be manufactured at an enterprise. Depending on the purpose a distinction is made between products of primary production and products of auxiliary production.

To products of main production relate products, intended for commercial products. To products auxiliary production should include products intended only for the enterprise's own needs, who manufactures them (for example, a tool of his own production). Products intended for sale, but at the same time used for the enterprise’s own needs, should be classified as auxiliary production products to the extent that they are used for the enterprise’s own needs.

The following are distinguished: types of products: parts, assembly units, complexes and kits.

Besides, products are divided into: A) unspecified (parts), if they do not have components; b) specified (assembly units, complexes, kits), if they consist of two or more components. A component can be any product (part, assembly unit, complex and kit).

Detail an object that cannot be divided into parts without destroying it. A part may consist of several parts (objects) brought into a permanent indivisible state by some method (for example, welding).

Assembly unit(knot) – a detachable or one-piece connection of several parts.

Complexes and kits may consist of interconnected assembly units and parts,

Products are characterized by the following qualitative and quantitative parameters.

1. Structural complexity . It depends on the number of parts and assembly units included in the product; this number can vary from several pieces ( simple products) up to tens of thousands (complex products).

2. Dimensions and weight . Dimensions can range from a few millimeters (or even less) to several tens (even hundreds) of meters (for example, sea vessels). The mass of the product depends on the dimensions and accordingly can vary from grams (milligrams) to tens (and thousands) of tons From this point of view, all products are divided into small, medium and large.The boundaries of their division depend on the branch of mechanical engineering (type of product).

3. Types, brands and sizes applied m materials. Number they reach tens (even hundreds) of thousands.

4. Labor intensive processing parts and assembly of the assembly unit of the product as a whole. It can vary from fractions of a standard minute to several thousand standard hours. On this basis, a distinction is made between non-labor-intensive (low-labor) and labor-intensive products.

5. The degree of accuracy and roughness of processing parts and assembly accuracy of assembly units and products. In this regard, products are divided into high-precision, precision and low-precision.

6. Specific Gravity standard, normalized and unified parts and assembly units.

7. Number manufactured products; it can range from a few to millions per year.

Product characteristics largely determine the organization of the production process in space and time.

Thus, the number of processing and assembly shops or sections and the ratio between them depends on the structural complexity of products.

The more complex the product, the greater the share of assembly work, assembly areas, and workshops in the structure of the enterprise. Size, weight and number of products in affect the organization of their assembly; to create one or another type of continuous production; organizing the transportation of parts, assembly units and products to workplaces, areas and workshops; in many ways determine the type of movement through jobs (operations) and the duration of the production cycle.

For large and heavy products fixed ones are used production lines with periodic movement of conveyors. Cranes and special vehicles are used to transport them. Their movement through operations is organized mainly in a parallel manner. Duration the production cycle for the manufacture of such products is large, it sometimes measured in years.

Sometimes it is necessary to organize areas of large, small and medium parts in machine shops.

The need to combine certain procurement and processing areas or workshops depends on the type and brand of materials being processed.

If there are a large number of castings and forgings, it is necessary to create foundry shops (iron foundries, steel foundries, non-ferrous castings and others), forging and press (hot and cold pressing) shops. When manufacturing many workpieces from rolled material, procurement areas or workshops will be required. When machining parts made of non-ferrous metals, it is usually necessary to organize separate sections.

The degree of accuracy and cleanliness of processing and assembly affects the composition of equipment and areas and their location.

To process particularly precise parts and assemble assembly units and products, it is necessary to organize separate areas, since this requires the creation of special sanitary and hygienic conditions.

The composition of equipment, sections and workshops depends on the proportion of standard, normalized and unified parts and assembly units.

The production of standard and normalized parts, as a rule, is carried out in special areas or in special workshops. Mass production is organized for them.

Labor intensity and number of manufactured products influence the composition and quantity of equipment, workshops and sections, their location, the possibility of organizing continuous production, the duration of the production cycle, the amount of work in progress, cost and other economic indicators of the enterprise. Products, which are not manufactured at this enterprise, but are received in finished form, belong to purchased. They are also called components.

Each machine-building plant usually simultaneously produces several products of different designs and sizes. The list of all types of products produced by the plant is called nomenclature .

TO means of labor relate production tools, land, buildings and structures, vehicles. In the composition of the means of labor, the decisive role belongs to equipment, especially working machines.

For each piece of equipment, the manufacturer draws up a passport, which indicates the date of manufacture of the equipment and a complete list of its technical characteristics (processing speed, engine power, permissible forces, maintenance and operation rules, etc.).

The combination of elements of the labor process (labor of a certain qualification, tools and objects of labor) and partial production processes (manufacturing individual components of a finished product or performing a certain stage of the product manufacturing process) is carried out according to qualitative and quantitative criteria and is carried out in several directions. Distinguish element-by-element (functional), spatial And temporal sections of production organization.

Element-by-element view of production organization associated with the streamlining of equipment, technology, objects of labor, tools and labor itself into a single production process. Organization of production involves the introduction of the most productive machines and equipment, ensuring a high level of mechanization and automation of the production process; use of high quality and efficient materials; improvement of designs and models of manufactured products; intensification and introduction of more advanced technological regimes.

The main task of the element-by-element organization of production is the correct and rational selection of the composition of equipment, tools, materials, workpieces and personnel qualifications in order to ensure their full use in the production process. The problem of mutual correspondence of elements of the production process is especially relevant in complex, highly mechanized and automated processes with a dynamic production range.

The combination of partial production processes provides spatial and temporal organization of production. The manufacturing process involves many sub-processes to produce a finished product. The classification of production processes is shown in Fig. 3.3.

Scheme 3.3. Classification of production processes

By role in the overall process of manufacturing finished products production processes are distinguished:

· basic, aimed at changing the main objects of labor and giving them the properties of finished products; in this case, the partial production process is associated either with the implementation of any stage of processing of the object of labor, or with the manufacture of a part of the finished product;

· auxiliary , creating conditions for the normal course of the main production process (manufacturing tools for the needs of one’s production, repairing technological equipment, etc.);

· serving , intended for movement (transport processes), storage pending subsequent processing (warehousing), control (control operations), provision of material, technical and energy resources, etc.;

· managerial , in which decisions are developed and made, production is regulated and coordinated, control over the accuracy of program implementation, analysis and accounting of the work done; these processes are often intertwined with the progress of production processes.

Basic processes depending on the stage of production of the finished product divided by procurement, processing, assembly and finishing. Procurement processes, as a rule, are very diverse. For example, in a machine-building plant they include metal cutting, foundry, forging and pressing operations; at the garment factory – fabric decatering and cutting; at a chemical plant - cleaning raw materials, bringing them to the required concentration, etc. Products from procurement processes are used in various processing departments. Processing shops represented in mechanical engineering by metalworking; in the clothing industry - sewing; in metallurgy – blast furnace, rolling; in chemical production - by the process of cracking, electrolysis, etc. Assembly and finishing processes in mechanical engineering are represented by assembly and painting; in the textile industry - painting and finishing processes; in the sewing room - finishing, etc.

The purpose of auxiliary processes is to produce products that are used in the main process, but are not part of the finished product. For example, the manufacture of tools for one’s own needs, the production of energy, steam, compressed air for one’s own production; production of spare parts for own equipment and its repair, etc. The composition and complexity of auxiliary processes depend on the characteristics of the main ones and the composition of the material and technical base of the enterprise. An increase in the range of products, the diversity and complexity of the finished product, and an increase in the technical equipment of production necessitate expanding the composition of auxiliary processes: the manufacture of models and special devices, the development of the energy sector, and an increase in the volume of work in the repair shop.

The main trend in organizing service processes is maximum combination with main processes and increasing the level of their mechanization and automation. This approach allows for automatic control during the main processing, continuous movement of objects of labor through the technological process, continuous automated transfer of objects of labor to workplaces, etc.

A feature of modern tools is the organic inclusion in their composition, along with a working, motor and transmission control mechanism. This is typical for automated production lines, numerically controlled machines, etc. Management influences fit especially organically into the production process when introducing automated process control systems and using microprocessor technology. The increasing level of production automation and, in particular, the widespread use of robotics brings management processes closer to production, organically includes them in the main production process, increasing its flexibility and reliability.

By the nature of the impact on the object labor processes are distinguished:

· technological , V during which the subject of labor changes under the influence of living labor;

· natural, when the physical state of the subject of labor changes under the influence of natural forces (they represent a break in the labor process).

In modern conditions, the share of natural processes is significantly reduced, since in order to intensify production they are consistently converted into technological ones.

Technological production processes pissing classified according to methods of transforming objects of labor into finished products on the: mechanical , chemical , assembly and dismantling (assembly and disassembly) And conservation (lubrication, painting, packaging, etc.). This grouping serves as the basis for determining the composition of equipment, maintenance methods and its spatial layout.

According to the forms of relationship with related processes distinguish: analytical, when, as a result of primary processing (division) of complex raw materials (oil, ore, milk, etc.), various products are obtained that enter various subsequent processing processes;

· synthetic, carrying out the combination of semi-finished products received from different processes into a single product;

· straight , creating one type of semi-finished or finished product from one type of material.

The predominance of one or another type of process depends on the characteristics of the raw materials and the finished product, i.e., on the industry characteristics of production. Analytical processes are typical for the oil refining and chemical industries, synthetic processes for mechanical engineering, direct processes for simple low-volume production processes (for example, brick production).

By degree of continuity distinguish: continuous And discrete (breakthrough) processes. By the nature of the equipment used highlight: hardware (closed) processes when the technological process is carried out in special units (apparatuses, baths, furnaces), and the worker’s function is to manage and maintain them; open (local) processes when a worker processes objects of labor using a set of tools and mechanisms.

By level of mechanization It is customary to highlight:

· manual processes performed without the use of machines, mechanisms and mechanized tools;

· machine-manual , performed using machines and mechanisms with the obligatory participation of a worker, for example processing a part on a universal lathe;

· machine , carried out on machines, machines and mechanisms with limited participation of the worker;

· automated , carried out on automatic machines, where the worker monitors and manages the progress of production; comprehensively automated , in which, along with automatic production, automatic operational management is carried out.

3. Organization and management of the production process

3.1. Concept of the production process. Basic principles of organizing the production process.

The enterprise's task is to take production factors (costs) as input, process them and produce products (results) as output (Diagram 3.1.). This kind of transformation process is referred to as “production”. Its goal is ultimately to improve what is already available, thereby increasing the supply of funds suitable for satisfying needs.

The production (transformation) process is to transform costs ("input") into results ("output"); In this case, it is necessary to comply with a number of rules of the game.

Scheme 3.1. The basic structure of the production transformation process.

Between the costs at the “input” (Input) and the result at the “output” (Output), as well as in parallel to this, numerous actions take place at the enterprise (“problems are solved”), which only in their unity completely describe the production transformation process (diagram 3.2). Let us consider here only briefly described particular tasks of the production transformation process.

The production transformation process consists of the private tasks of supply (supply), warehousing (storage), production of products, sales, financing, personnel training and implementation of new technologies, as well as management.

The task of supplying an enterprise includes the purchase or rental (leasing) of means of production, the purchase of raw materials (for enterprises with tangible products), and the hiring of employees.

The task of warehousing (storage) includes all production work that arises before the actual process of production (manufacturing) of products in connection with the storage of means of production, raw materials and materials, and after it - with the warehousing and storage of finished products.

The product manufacturing problem deals with production activities within the production process. At enterprises that manufacture material products, they are largely determined by the technological component. In particular, it is necessary to determine when, what products, in what place, using what production factors should be manufactured (“production planning”).

Scheme 3.2. Particular tasks of the production transformation process.

The task of product sales is associated with researching the sales market, influencing it (for example, through advertising), as well as selling or leasing the company's products.

The task of financing lies between sales and supply: by selling products, or the result of the production process (Output), money is earned, and by supplying (or ensuring production - Input), money is spent. However, often the outflow and inflow of money are not the same (they do not cover each other). Thus, large investments may not be offset by sales revenue. Therefore, a temporary lack of funds to pay overdue loans and excess funds spent on loans (leasing, rent) are typical financing problems. This also includes, within the framework of “financial management,” the receipt of income (profit), as well as the investment of capital in other enterprises through the capital market.

Personnel training and the introduction of new technologies should enable employees to constantly improve their skills, and thanks to this they would be able to introduce and develop the latest technologies in all areas of the enterprise and especially in the field of new products and production technologies.

The task of management (management) includes work that covers the preparation and making of managerial decisions for the purpose of directing and managing all other production activities in the enterprise. In this regard, accounting at the enterprise (including the annual balance sheet, cost analysis, production statistics, financing) acquires special importance. Accounting must fully include and evaluate all current documents that characterize the production process.

Particular tasks of the production transformation process (“Input” – “Output”) and their connection with the value creation process can be considered as a “value chain” that connects links (suppliers and consumers) located before and after the direct process of manufacturing products (production process).

Including the above - The production process is the process of reproduction of material goods and production relations.

As a process of reproduction of material goods, the production process is a set of labor processes and natural processes necessary for the manufacture of a certain type of product.

The main elements that determine the labor process, and therefore the production process, are purposeful activity (or labor itself), objects of labor and means of labor.

Purposeful activity (or labor itself) is carried out by a person who expends neuromuscular energy to perform various mechanical movements, observe and control the impact of labor tools on objects of labor.

Objects of labor are determined by the products produced by the enterprise. The main products of machine-building plants are various types of products. According to GOST 2.101–68*, a product is any item or set of items of labor to be manufactured at an enterprise. Depending on the purpose, a distinction is made between products of main production and products of auxiliary production.

Products of primary production include products intended for commercial production. Products of auxiliary production should include products intended only for the own needs of the enterprise that manufactures them (for example, tools of own production). Products intended for sale, but at the same time used for the enterprise’s own needs, should be classified as auxiliary production products to the extent that they are used for the enterprise’s own needs.

The following types of products are distinguished: parts, assembly units, complexes and kits.

In addition, products are divided into: a) unspecified(parts), if they do not have components; b) specified(assembly units, complexes, kits), if they consist of two or more components. A component can be any product (part, assembly unit, complex and kit).

A part is an object that cannot be divided into parts without destroying it. A part may consist of several parts (objects) brought into a permanent indivisible state by some method (for example, welding).

An assembly unit (assembly) is a detachable or one-piece connection of several parts.

Complexes and kits can consist of interconnected assembly units and parts,

The products are characterized by the following qualitative and quantitative parameters.

1. Structural complexity. It depends on the number of parts and assembly units included in the product; this number can range from a few pieces (simple products) to tens of thousands (complex products).

2. Dimensions and weight. Dimensions can range from a few millimeters (or even less) to several tens (even hundreds) of meters (for example, sea vessels). The mass of the product depends on the dimensions and accordingly can vary from grams (milligrams) to tens (and thousands) of tons From this point of view, all products are divided into small, medium and large.The boundaries of their division depend on the branch of mechanical engineering (type of product).

3. Types, brands and sizes of materials used. Number they reach tens (even hundreds) of thousands.

4. Labor intensive processing parts and assembly of the assembly unit of the product as a whole. It can vary from fractions of a standard minute to several thousand standard hours. On this basis, a distinction is made between non-labor-intensive (low-labor) and labor-intensive products.

5. The degree of accuracy and roughness of processing parts and assembly accuracy of assembly units and products. In this regard, products are divided into high-precision, precision and low-precision.

6. Specific Gravity standard, normalized and unified parts and assembly units.

7. Number manufactured products; it can range from a few to millions per year.

Product characteristics largely determine the organization of the production process in space and time.

Thus, the number of processing and assembly shops or sections and the ratio between them depends on the structural complexity of products.

The more complex the product, the greater the share of assembly work and assembly areas and workshops in the structure of the enterprise. The size, weight and number of products affect the organization of their assembly; to create one or another type of continuous production; organizing the transportation of parts, assembly units and products to workplaces, areas and workshops; largely determine the type of movement through jobs (operations) and the duration of the production cycle.

For large and heavy products, fixed production lines with periodic movement of conveyors are used. Cranes and special vehicles are used to transport them. Their movement through operations is organized mainly in a parallel manner. The duration of the production cycle for the manufacture of such products is long, sometimes measured in years.

Sometimes it is necessary to organize areas of large, small and medium parts in machine shops.

The need to combine certain procurement and processing areas or workshops depends on the type and brand of materials being processed.

If there are a large number of castings and forgings, it is necessary to create foundry shops (iron foundries, steel foundries, non-ferrous castings and others), forging and press (hot and cold pressing) shops. When manufacturing many workpieces from rolled material, procurement areas or workshops will be required. When machining parts made of non-ferrous metals, it is usually necessary to organize separate sections.

The degree of accuracy and cleanliness of processing and assembly affects the composition of equipment and areas and their location.

To process particularly precise parts and assemble assembly units and products, it is necessary to organize separate areas, since this requires the creation of special sanitary and hygienic conditions.

The composition of equipment, sections and workshops depends on the proportion of standard, normalized and unified parts and assembly units.

The production of standard and normalized parts, as a rule, is carried out in special areas or in special workshops. Mass production is organized for them.

The complexity and number of manufactured products affect the composition and quantity of equipment, workshops and sections, their location, the possibility of organizing continuous production, the duration of the production cycle, the amount of work in progress, cost and other economic indicators of the enterprise. Products, which are not manufactured at this enterprise, but are received in finished form, belong to purchased. They are also called components.

Each machine-building plant usually simultaneously produces several products of different designs and sizes. The list of all types of products produced by the plant is called nomenclature.

TO means of labor include tools of production, land, buildings and structures, and vehicles. In the composition of the means of labor, the decisive role belongs to equipment, especially working machines.

For each piece of equipment, the manufacturer draws up a passport, which indicates the date of manufacture of the equipment and a complete list of its technical characteristics (processing speed, engine power, permissible forces, maintenance and operation rules, etc.).

The combination of elements of the labor process (labor of a certain qualification, tools and objects of labor) and partial production processes (manufacturing individual components of a finished product or performing a certain stage of the product manufacturing process) is carried out according to qualitative and quantitative criteria and is carried out in several directions. Distinguish element-by-element (functional), spatial And temporal sections of production organization.

The element-by-element view of the organization of production is associated with the ordering of equipment, technology, objects of labor, tools and labor itself into a single production process. Organization of production involves the introduction of the most productive machines and equipment, ensuring a high level of mechanization and automation of the production process; use of high quality and efficient materials; improvement of designs and models of manufactured products; intensification and introduction of more advanced technological regimes.

The main task of the element-by-element organization of production is the correct and rational selection of the composition of equipment, tools, materials, workpieces and personnel qualifications in order to ensure their full use in the production process. The problem of mutual correspondence of elements of the production process is especially relevant in complex, highly mechanized and automated processes with a dynamic production range.

The combination of partial production processes provides spatial and temporal organization of production. The manufacturing process involves many sub-processes to produce a finished product. The classification of production processes is shown in Fig. 3.3.

Scheme 3.3. Classification of production processes

Based on their role in the overall process of manufacturing finished products, production processes are distinguished:

  • basic,
  • aimed at changing the main objects of labor and giving them the properties of finished products; in this case, the partial production process is associated either with the implementation of any stage of processing of the object of labor, or with the manufacture of a part of the finished product;
  • auxiliary,
  • creating conditions for the normal course of the main production process (manufacturing tools for the needs of one’s production, repairing technological equipment, etc.);
  • serving,
  • intended for movement (transport processes), storage pending subsequent processing (warehousing), control (control operations), provision of material, technical and energy resources, etc.;
  • managerial,
  • in which decisions are developed and made, production is regulated and coordinated, control over the accuracy of program implementation, analysis and accounting of the work done; these processes are often intertwined with the progress of production processes.

The main processes, depending on the stage of manufacturing the finished product, are divided into procurement, processing, assembly and finishing. Procurement processes, as a rule, are very diverse. For example, in a machine-building plant they include metal cutting, foundry, forging and pressing operations; at the garment factory – fabric decatering and cutting; at a chemical plant - cleaning raw materials, bringing them to the required concentration, etc. Products from procurement processes are used in various processing departments. Processing shops are represented in mechanical engineering by metalworking; in the clothing industry - sewing; in metallurgy – blast furnace, rolling; in chemical production - by the process of cracking, electrolysis, etc. Assembly and finishing processes in mechanical engineering are represented by assembly and painting; in the textile industry - painting and finishing processes; in the sewing room - finishing, etc.

The purpose of auxiliary processes is to produce products that are used in the main process, but are not part of the finished product. For example, the manufacture of tools for one’s own needs, the production of energy, steam, compressed air for one’s own production; production of spare parts for own equipment and its repair, etc. The composition and complexity of auxiliary processes depend on the characteristics of the main ones and the composition of the material and technical base of the enterprise. An increase in the range of products, the diversity and complexity of the finished product, and an increase in the technical equipment of production necessitate expanding the composition of auxiliary processes: the manufacture of models and special devices, the development of the energy sector, and an increase in the volume of work in the repair shop.

The main trend in organizing service processes is maximum combination with main processes and increasing the level of their mechanization and automation. This approach allows for automatic control during the main processing, continuous movement of objects of labor through the technological process, continuous automated transfer of objects of labor to workplaces, etc.

A feature of modern tools is the organic inclusion in their composition, along with a working, motor and transmission control mechanism. This is typical for automated production lines, numerically controlled machines, etc. Management influences fit especially organically into the production process when introducing automated process control systems and using microprocessor technology. The increasing level of production automation and, in particular, the widespread use of robotics brings management processes closer to production, organically includes them in the main production process, increasing its flexibility and reliability.

According to the nature of the impact on the subject of work, the following processes are distinguished:

  • technological, in
  • during which the subject of labor changes under the influence of living labor;
  • natural,
  • when the physical state of the subject of labor changes under the influence of natural forces (they represent a break in the labor process).

In modern conditions, the share of natural processes is significantly reduced, since in order to intensify production they are consistently converted into technological ones.

Technological production processes are classified according to the methods of converting objects of labor into a finished product into: mechanical, chemical, assembly and disassembly (assembly and disassembly) and conservation (lubrication, painting, packaging, etc.). This grouping serves as the basis for determining the composition of equipment, maintenance methods and its spatial layout.

Based on the forms of relationship with related processes, the following are distinguished: analytical, when, as a result of primary processing (division) of complex raw materials (oil, ore, milk, etc.), various products are obtained that enter various subsequent processing processes;

  • synthetic,
  • carrying out the combination of semi-finished products received from different processes into a single product;
  • straight,
  • creating one type of semi-finished or finished product from one type of material.

The predominance of one or another type of process depends on the characteristics of the raw materials and the finished product, i.e., on the industry characteristics of production. Analytical processes are typical for the oil refining and chemical industries, synthetic processes for mechanical engineering, direct processes for simple low-volume production processes (for example, brick production).

According to the degree of continuity there are: continuous And discrete (breakthrough) processes. By the nature of the equipment used highlight: hardware (closed) processes when the technological process is carried out in special units (apparatuses, baths, furnaces), and the worker’s function is to manage and maintain them; open (local) processes when a worker processes objects of labor using a set of tools and mechanisms.

According to the level of mechanization, it is customary to distinguish:

  • manual
  • processes performed without the use of machines, mechanisms and mechanized tools;
  • machine-manual,
  • performed using machines and mechanisms with the obligatory participation of a worker, for example processing a part on a universal lathe;
  • machine,
  • carried out on machines, machines and mechanisms with limited participation of the worker;
  • automated,
  • carried out on automatic machines, where the worker monitors and manages the progress of production; comprehensively automated, in which, along with automatic production, automatic operational management is carried out.

According to the scale of production of homogeneous products, processes are distinguished

  • massive –
  • with a large scale of production of homogeneous products; serial – with a wide range of constantly repeating types of products, when several operations are assigned to workplaces, performed in a certain sequence; some of the work can be carried out continuously, some - for several months a year; the composition of the processes is repetitive;
  • individual –
  • with a constantly changing range of products, when workplaces are loaded with various operations performed without any specific alternation; a large proportion of the processes are unique in this case. processes are not repeated.

A special place in the production process is occupied by pilot production, where the design and manufacturing technology of new, newly mastered products are tested.

In the conditions of complex, dynamic modern production, it is almost impossible to find an enterprise with one type of production. As a rule, at the same enterprise, and especially in an association, there are workshops and mass production areas where standard and standardized product elements and semi-finished products are produced, and serial areas where semi-finished products of limited use are produced. At the same time, there is increasingly a need for the formation of individual production areas, where special parts of the product are manufactured, reflecting its individual characteristics and associated with fulfilling the requirements of a special order. Thus, all types of production take place within one production unit, which determines the particular complexity of their combination in the organization process.

The spatial view of the organization ensures the rational division of production into partial processes and their assignment to individual production units, determining their relationship and location on the territory of the enterprise. This work is most fully carried out during the design and justification process. organizational structures production units. At the same time, it is carried out as changes occur in production accumulate. Much work on the spatial organization of production is carried out when creating production associations, expanding and reconstructing enterprises, and respecializing production. The spatial organization of production is the static side of organizational work.

The most difficult is time slice organization of production. It includes determining the duration of the production cycle for manufacturing a product, the sequence of partial production processes, the order of launch and production of various types of products, etc.

Principles of production organization

A rational organization of production must meet a number of requirements and be built on certain principles:

Proportionality in the organization of production presupposes compliance with the throughput (relative productivity per unit of time) of all departments of the enterprise - workshops, sections, individual workplaces for the production of finished products. The degree of proportionality of production a can be characterized by the magnitude of the deviation of the throughput (power) of each stage from the planned rhythm of production:


where m the number of processing steps or stages of product manufacturing; h – throughput of individual stages; h 2 – planned rhythm of production (production volume according to plan).

Proportionality of production eliminates overloading of some sections, i.e. the occurrence of bottlenecks, and underutilization of capacity in other sections, is a prerequisite for uniform operation of the enterprise and ensures uninterrupted production.

The basis for maintaining proportionality is the correct design of the enterprise, the optimal combination of main and auxiliary production units. However, at the current pace

renewal of production, rapid turnover of the range of manufactured products and complex cooperation of production units, the task of maintaining proportionality of production becomes constant. With changes in production, the relationships between production units and the load on individual stages change. The re-equipment of certain production units changes the established proportions in production and requires an increase in the capacity of adjacent areas.

One of the methods of maintaining proportionality in production is operational calendar planning, which allows you to develop tasks for each production link, taking into account, on the one hand, complex production, and on the other, the fullest use of the capabilities of the production apparatus. In this case, the work to maintain proportionality coincides with planning the rhythm of production.

Proportionality in production is also supported by timely replacement of tools, increasing the level of mechanization and automation of production, through changes in production technology, etc. This requires a systematic approach to solving issues of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production, planning the development and launch of new production capacities.

The increasing complexity of products, the use of semi-automatic and automatic equipment, and the deepening division of labor increases the number of parallel processes for the production of one product, the organic combination of which must be ensured, i.e., it complements proportionality with the principle of parallelism. Parallelism refers to the simultaneous execution of individual parts of the production process in relation to different parts of the overall batch of parts. The wider the scope of work, the shorter, other things being equal, the duration of production. Parallelism is implemented at all levels of the organization. In the workplace, parallelism is ensured by improving the structure of the technological operation, and primarily by technological concentration, accompanied by multi-tool or multi-subject processing. Parallelism in the execution of the main and auxiliary elements of the operation consists in combining the time of machining with the time of installation and removal of parts, control measurements, loading and unloading of the apparatus with the main technological process, etc. Parallel execution of the main processes is realized during multi-subject processing of parts, simultaneous execution of assembly - installation operations on identical or different objects.

The level of parallelism in the production process can be characterized using the parallelism coefficient Kn, calculated as the ratio of the duration of the production cycle with parallel movement of objects of labor T pr.c and its actual duration Tc:

where n is the number of redistributions.

In the context of a complex multi-link process of manufacturing products, continuity of production is becoming increasingly important, which ensures faster turnover of funds. Increasing continuity is the most important direction of production intensification. At the workplace, it is achieved in the process of performing each operation by reducing auxiliary time (intra-operational breaks), on the site and in the workshop when transferring a semi-finished product from one workplace to another (inter-operational breaks) and at the enterprise as a whole, reducing breaks to a minimum in order to maximize accelerating the turnover of material and energy resources (inter-shop storage).

Continuity of work within the operation is ensured primarily by the improvement of labor tools - the introduction of automatic changeover, automation of auxiliary processes, and the use of special equipment and devices.

Reducing interoperational interruptions is associated with the selection of the most rational methods for combining and coordinating partial processes over time. One of the prerequisites for reducing interoperational interruptions is the use of continuous transport means; the use of a rigidly interconnected system of machines and mechanisms in the production process, the use of rotary lines. The degree of continuity of the production process can be characterized by the continuity coefficient Kn, calculated as the ratio of the duration of the technological part of the production cycle T and the duration of the full production cycle T c:

where m is the total number of redistributions.

Continuity of production is considered in two aspects: continuous participation in the production process of objects of labor - raw materials and semi-finished products and continuous loading of equipment and rational use of working time. While ensuring the continuity of movement of objects of labor, at the same time it is necessary to minimize equipment stops for changeovers, while waiting for the receipt of materials, etc. This requires increasing the uniformity of work performed at each workplace, as well as the use of quickly adjustable equipment (program-controlled machines), copying machines machine tools, etc.

One of the prerequisites for production continuity is directness in the organization of the production process, which is ensuring the shortest path for a product to pass through all stages and operations of the production process, from the launch of raw materials into production to the output of the finished product. Direct flow is characterized by the coefficient Kpr, which represents the ratio of the duration of transport operations Ttr to the total duration of the production cycle T c:


where j number of transport operations.

In accordance with this requirement, the relative arrangement of buildings and structures on the territory of the enterprise, as well as the placement of the main workshops in them, must comply with the requirements of the production process. The flow of materials, semi-finished products and products must be progressive and shortest, without counter or return movements. Auxiliary workshops and warehouses should be located as close as possible to the main workshops they serve.

To ensure full use of equipment, material and energy resources and working time, the rhythm of production, which is the fundamental principle of its organization, is important.

The principle of rhythm presupposes uniform production and rhythmic progress of production. The level of rhythm can be characterized by the coefficient Kp, which is defined as the sum of negative deviations of the achieved output from the given plan


where e A the amount of daily products not delivered; n duration of the planning period, days; P planned product release.

Uniform production means producing the same or gradually increasing quantities of products at equal intervals of time. The rhythm of production is expressed in the repetition at regular intervals of private production processes at all stages of production and the “carrying out at each workplace at equal intervals of time the same amount of work, the content of which, depending on the method of organizing workplaces, may be the same or different.

The rhythm of production is one of the main prerequisites for the rational use of all its elements. Rhythmic work ensures that the equipment is fully loaded, its normal operation is ensured, and the use of material and energy resources and working time is improved.

Ensuring rhythmic work is mandatory for all production departments - main, service and auxiliary departments, logistics. Irrhythmic work of each link leads to disruption of the normal course of production.

The order in which the production process is repeated is determined production rhythms. It is necessary to distinguish between the production rhythm (at the end of the process), operational (intermediate) rhythms, and the start-up rhythm (at the beginning of the process). The leading factor is the rhythm of production. It can only be sustainable in the long term if operating rhythms are observed at all workplaces. Methods for organizing rhythmic production depend on the specialization of the enterprise, the nature of the products being manufactured and the level of organization of production. Rhythm is ensured by the organization of work in all departments of the enterprise, as well as timely preparation and comprehensive maintenance.

The current level of scientific and technological progress requires compliance with the flexibility of production organization. Traditional principles of production organization are focused on the sustainable nature of production - a stable product range, special types of equipment, etc. In the conditions of rapid updating of the product range, production technology is changing. Meanwhile, a quick change of equipment and restructuring of its layout would cause unreasonably high costs, and this would be a brake on technical progress; It is also impossible to frequently change the production structure (spatial organization of units). This has put forward a new requirement for the organization of production - flexibility. In element-by-element terms, this means, first of all, the rapid readjustment of equipment. Advances in microelectronics have created technology that is capable of a wide range of uses and, if necessary, performs automatic self-adjustment.

Wide possibilities for increasing the flexibility of production organization are provided by the use of standard processes for performing individual stages of production. It is well known to construct variable production lines on which various products can be manufactured without restructuring them. So, now at a shoe factory on one production line various models of women's shoes are produced using the same method of fastening the bottom; On car assembly conveyor lines, cars of not only different colors, but also modifications are assembled without readjustment. It is effective to create flexible automated production based on the use of robots and microprocessor technology. Great opportunities in this regard are provided by the standardization of semi-finished products. In such conditions, when transitioning to the production of new products or mastering new processes, there is no need to rebuild all partial processes and production links.

One of the most important principles of modern production organization is its complexity, end-to-end character. Modern product manufacturing processes are characterized by the splicing and interweaving of main, auxiliary and servicing processes, while auxiliary and servicing processes occupy an increasing place in the overall production cycle. This is due to the known lag in mechanization and automation of production maintenance compared to the equipment of the main production processes. Under these conditions, it becomes increasingly necessary to regulate the technology and organization of not only the main, but also auxiliary and servicing production processes.