The first grader does not want to retell fairy tales. How to teach a child to retell a text? All the most important about the types of retelling and how to teach retelling. Causes of difficulties with retelling in a child

Very often, first-graders and their parents are faced with the same problem - the inability to retell the text quickly and efficiently. Sometimes adults do not have the strength, patience or experience to teach their kids this skill. Turning a blind eye to problems primary school, parents discover that in high school their children do not even know with the text. And so that there are no problems with academic performance in the future, adults should think in advance about how to teach the child to retell the text.

What is the use of retelling for a child

Paraphrasing is a presentation in your own words of the read text. But the development of this skill should not be reduced only to good study and to the fact that the entire school curriculum is designed for retelling. Parents should understand that the ability to retell the child will bring many advantages, and here are the main ones:

  • The development of memory and the ability to convey other people's thoughts at ease. At the same time, the process can be creative, which in the future will lead to the development of the ability to comment and analyze various situations.
  • Destruction of the primitive reflex circuit "read - retell the text" and replacing it with a more complex one - "receiving information - processing it - retelling".
  • Increase in vocabulary, as well as the development of speech.
  • The ability to associatively evaluate facts, situations and compare them with their possible actions.
  • Brief retelling provides an opportunity to make a summary of the text, and also teaches the presentation of the main and most useful information.

Possible difficulties and problems

Often children have problems with retelling. Experts identify several reasons: difficulties in understanding the text heard, as well as problems of speech development. If in the second case it is necessary to direct efforts towards the development of the speech apparatus not through retelling, then in the first case one should think about how to teach the child to retell the text.

Correct choice of text for retelling

To overcome all the difficulties as quickly as possible, you need to choose the right text.

Main selection criteria:

  • the narrative should be short (children do not know how to concentrate their attention on one activity for too long);
  • the baby should have an interest in the plot (a boring description of nature is unlikely to be interesting for the child);
  • in the selected text there should not be too many heroes, moreover, each of them should have some kind of bright distinguishing feature.

Work on the text

When working with a child on a retelling, it is necessary to read the text expressively. You need to discuss everything with the baby, ask what he does not understand, and clarify unfamiliar words. Let the child think about why the text has such a name, and what he liked the most. In conclusion, the kid should try to retell the text himself.

At the very beginning of the training, you can add work with plot pictures. They will push the child to draw up a presentation plan and help to consistently retell the text.

Pictures are laid out in random order after reading the text. The child himself must decide on the course of events and arrange the cards with images in the correct order. Further, it will be much easier for the baby to retell what he heard, starting from the pictures.

The basic plan for preparing a child for retelling

For the correct teaching of the child to retell, you can recommend a few simple rules:

  • After reading the text, you need to choose the most important.
  • Next, you need to return to the beginning of the text and read a small part of it.
  • As you read each of the parts, you should ask your child questions about what was presented and what, in his opinion, was the most interesting.
  • Let's start with one sentence. For young children, this is not an easy task; parental help will be needed.
  • When answering, the child should not answer verbatim.
  • Now you should move on to another equally important stage - drawing up a plan. For each of the parts you need to come up with a small heading.
  • You can work with text in a playful way. You can try to retell each sentence you read in your own words.
  • Following this algorithm, understand how to teach the child to retell the text. After all of the above, it remains to retell the text, following the previously drawn up plan.
  • You need to be patient, and at the end of the work done, be sure to praise your baby.

How to teach retelling to a young child

Methods for teaching children to retell are almost the same at any age. The difference lies in the implementation of each.

Not every parent knows how to teach a child to retell a text. Grade 1 often uses a technique such as "retelling on behalf of the main character." Telling the story to students elementary school, you need to invite them to imagine themselves in the place of the main character and tell what happened to him. Older students can complicate the task: let them tell a story on behalf of several characters and evaluate their actions.

Parents who do not know how to teach a 5-year-old child to retell a text can turn to the “retelling in faces” method. Young readers who love to play with dolls can make a scene where their favorite toys become the main characters.

How to teach a middle-aged child to retell

Getting to school, children must learn to subordinate all their actions to a certain order. And here the ability to make plans comes to the aid of the child. This, in combination, is an excellent technique that will tell you how to teach an eight-year-old child to retell texts, it is called “retelling according to plan”. The older the student gets, the shorter the plan should be. Thus, the child will quickly learn to work with reference diagrams and memorize minor details.

It will be useful for middle school students to work with reader diaries. There, students can make notes about the books they have read: indicate storylines, prescribe the names of all the main characters. Such a diary can become an indispensable assistant in learning, and brief retelling will be much easier. For younger children, such a diary can be written orally, periodically returning them to the text they read and asking leading questions.

The ability to retell is a necessary skill that favorably affects the development of memory, speech and thinking. It must be remembered that retelling is not a training for the child’s memory, but for understanding the information presented. Thinking about how to teach a child to retell a text, you do not need to require mechanical memorization. If the kid understands everything, then it will not be difficult for him to tell the text in his own words.

Has it ever happened that you ask a child to retell a paragraph given at home, but he does not succeed? "Did you read?" you ask. The child obediently nods his head and continues to be silent ...
And then it becomes clear to you where do the deuces and triples come from in his diary.

So why do modern children have difficulty reproducing what they read? The author of the book "Speed ​​Reading for Children", the permanent host of our section "Secrets of Speed ​​Reading" will tell us about this. Shamil Akhmadullin.

– Shamil, why is it useful for children to be able to repeat what they have read?

– Have you ever thought about what is the meaning of most school subjects for a child, where it is necessary to retell the text? This is the world around, history, geography, biology, that is, more than half of the subjects of the school curriculum.
And if you think about it, their essence completely rests on the process of retelling. But now try to remember what the main reforms were carried out by the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen (“History ancient world", Grade 5). Naturally, you do not remember this, and you do not need it. About 99% of the information received through the school curriculum will never be useful, and this is normal.

- So what is the purpose of a child to study well in these subjects?

- To understand this, let's take it step by step, how the process of retelling occurs in an ordinary child.

Step 1. Reads a paragraph and tries to understand it.
Step 2. Represents the described information in his imagination.
Step 3. He structures the received information in his head, passes it through himself, enriching his memories and previous knowledge.
Step 4. In his own words conveys this information (when his own words are not enough, enriches lexicon new).
Step 5. Gives a summary.

In fact, retelling is a full-fledged intellectual product, the fruit of a child's mental labor.
During the retelling, he develops skills important for life and study:

Ability to listen and hear;
the ability to structure information in the head;
the ability to express your thoughts correctly.

- Modern schoolchildren retell much worse than we, their parents, did. What is it connected with?

- The problem is that today's children in many ways atrophied ability for analytical thinking. If earlier we drew information mainly from books, thinking about and analyzing what we read, now there are easy and accessible sources of information (TV and the Internet).
What is their big minus for the formation of the child's thinking?
In the fact that in this case, for the most part, information is presented in an easily digestible format: these are videos or posts in in social networks(picture and a couple of sentences). Here is a set of ready-made opinions, conclusions and positions. Why create your own? No analytics are needed here, there is no need to strain the convolutions.

How to teach a child to speak well?

- He needs read more, and most importantly understand what you read. Therefore, in our trainings, we guarantee not only an increase in reading speed, but also an improvement in understanding. After all, why read quickly if you do not understand what you read?

IN JUNE we are launching three main courses in an accelerated training format (10 lessons over two weeks):
Reading and comprehension for children from 6 to 8 years old.
Speed ​​reading for children and teenagers from 9 to 16 years old.
Improving memory and attention for all ages (in this course we teach children to structure their thoughts and retell).

Situation: Child 3, 4, 5, 6 years old. He loves children's books very much and enjoys reading them with his mother or grandmother. Poems remembers and can repeat word for word, but fairy tales can't retell. And it's the same with cinema. What's the matter: either he listens and looks inattentively, or he simply does not have a "feeling for the story."

Reasons why the child does not retell the text?

Such cases, as described above, A. S. Makarenko called "hypertrophy of the syllogism." What does it mean? Let's say some pedagogical tool useful and good. And so, firmly remembering this, they begin to use it at every step, countless times. But any instrument is dulled by too much use, any medicine ceases to work if it is prescribed endlessly.

Oral retelling of what was read- only one of the methods of speech development, and you can’t ride it all the time.

When a child listens to poetry, the rhythm and rhymes capture him, like us - a favorite song, he wants to repeat them in different ways, revel in the music of the verse, move to the beat of the verse (this is beautifully written in the famous book by K. I. Chukovsky “From two up to five"). Another thing is prose: here the kid follows the development of events, worries about “what will happen next”, and then hardly remembers how it started and how it happened: he needs a fair amount of effort to translate the images of the fairy tale back into words and phrases.

If, at the same time, he managed to learn (and an adult - to show him with his behavior, voice, sometimes even with a look) that he is forced to tell the fairy tale again “for fun”, without interest in his story, then he will naturally get sick of it. After all, you yourself have just listened to this tale or even read it, why should he repeat it again? He could still retell it to one of the children in the yard (after all, the narrator needs to be listened to with interest and sympathy, and not for “checking”), but it’s, of course, sickening for mom to retell it again, of course, it’s better not to listen to anything at all and not look, and then do not retell.

It is also possible that the child really does not have a "sense of storytelling", that is, does not like to share what he has read and seen with others, does not find pleasure in other people's attention and interest. However, most likely the fact is that he is not tactfully required to retell.

Cunning tricks, how to teach a child to retell?

  • It is obvious that teach a child to retell, it is useful to continue to read and show the baby books and films, since it is to his liking. But retelling is not always required, but less often.
  • Most importantly, try to force the baby to talk about what he saw and read, as if by chance, in passing, not immediately.
  • Pretend that you have forgotten what you read; joke that the son has already forgotten what picture he saw in the morning (when he remembers the name, joke that he forgot something else, etc.);
  • Try with the child to start retelling the contents of the book to someone else, and at the same time make mistakes: will the little narrator correct you or not?
  • Take the opportunity more often so that the story about what you read is addressed not to you, but to a guest, a relative.
  • Always be keenly interested in the retelling, support the little narrator with forward-looking questions, enter into an argument with him (“no, it was not so, in my opinion”), and then turn to the book and admit that you were wrong.
  • In a word, learn to have a conversation about what you read (By the way, it is sometimes more difficult for adults than for children to tell).
  • And remember: no dry tone, no orders and amendments from above, but more humor, kindness, encouragement, encouragement, more variety in approaches and techniques.

The ability to retell the read text is a skill necessary at school, because the entire school curriculum is based on retelling, read - retold. Retelling not only demonstrates the level of speech development, but also shows how the child is able to understand and analyze the heard or read text. From the second grade, written retelling is systematically taught in the lessons of speech development. But for children, retelling the text often causes difficulties. How can you help your child overcome them?



How to teach a child to retell a text?

The ability to retell is a necessary skill in the life of every person. When we ask children about something, it is important to get a complete answer, to encourage the child to speak, to show that we are interested and important in what and how he tells.

Children begin their learning to retell without even noticing it. This happens when the child first talks about events in his life (for example, how the day went in the garden or how he fell off a bicycle or swing). For the little ones, this is the most effective method take the first steps and lay the foundation for success in the future. Time passes and practice accumulates, respectively, then in their retelling, children no longer use a couple of words, but whole sentences.

Learning to retell is one of the components of literacy education in general. The child needs to understand the plot, who are the main characters and how the events in the story develop, their sequence. When children retell, they improve their speech and imagination, learn to solve problems. But, it is worth choosing those stories that you can read over and over again, otherwise this process will get boring, and you will lose interest before the child.

In fact, even preschoolers can retell a short text with some help from their parents, and further improvement of this skill can be turned into an exciting activity.

To begin with, you need to understand what retelling of the text is, and why this skill is so necessary for the child - the ability to retell.

retelling This is a story told in your own words. To retell the text means to tell about events, heroes, observing the sequence of presentation. An interesting and coherent story about what was read or heard with a description of events or characters shows us not only the level of development of the child's speech, but also his ability to understand, analyze the read or heard text.

How to start teaching a child to retell?First of all, from good literature - from the fairy tales of Pushkin, Aksakov, Bianchi, Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, from the stories of Nosov, Tolstoy, Prishvin. They are written in beautiful language, they are understandable, not tiring, fascinating. After reading a story or a fairy tale to a child, do not immediately close the book and do not rush to go about your business, discuss what you have read with him, showing real interest in the conversation.

Where should the conversation start?Ask him if he understands what the story is about? Do not be satisfied with monosyllabic answers like “yes”, “understood”. Help him answer this question in detail, for example, "this story says that one kind, brave hero named ... once saved ...". Let the child remember. By teaching him to understand what is said in the story, you lay the first brick in his ability to understand the theme of the work. Continue the conversation by asking him if he remembers the name of the main character? What did he remember him for? Here you can help him. Think of a similar character or story you've read before. Ask your child to describe the character in their own words. If it doesn’t work out, and most likely, it’s unlikely to work out the first time, then don’t swear, but simply ask: “Did you imagine him like that?”

Always draw the attention of the child to the fact that the book has an author (if it is not folk tale). Ask him, continuing the conversation, which character, in his opinion, the author himself likes, and which one does he speak badly about? Teach your child to understand the main idea of ​​the text. So you lay the second brick in the ability to comprehend and analyze the text - to understand the main idea put into the work by the author (the idea of ​​the text). In fairy tales and children's stories, as a rule, it is expressed in the fact that good always triumphs over evil. This is what the author is talking about.

Consider illustrations.What are they talking about? Expressing your own opinion, you can intentionally make a mistake. Then the child will correct you, thereby expressing a personal opinion. You can even invite him to draw the hero himself. So that your conversation with the child does not look like an interrogation about what you have read, express your own opinion, show interest in the conversation.

After discussing the topic the idea of ​​the work, the main characters, having characterized their actions, you can proceed to retell the text. To do this, read it again. Suddenly it turns out that the child did not understand some words right away or was embarrassed to ask what they mean. After the conversation that took place, in which you managed to show him your interest in discussing what you read and his opinion, he will definitely try to figure out the word he does not understand. When reading, try to emphasize intonation figurative expressions, beautiful comparisons, a brave act of the hero.

Invite the child to retell the text together. You start and he continues. When you start retelling, you can pretend that you forgot about what happens next in the text. Here will be joy if you forgot, but he remembers! Praise him for that! This type of work, retelling in turn, helps to develop the child's attention, the ability to listen, follow what is said and the speech of another person.

The child is already reading, but does not always understand the meaning of what he read? The ideas and exercises that we offer below will be useful to parents and educators. Use the LogicLike approach for homework or open lessons at school.

How to teach a child to understand the meaning of the text?

Technically, most children can read aloud by the time they enter first grade. But not everyone is able to reflect on the content, memorize and correctly retell the essence. LogicLike will tell you how to deal with a child so that he learns to read consciously.

“Read again, but more carefully,” is a standard phrase that adults say when a child cannot understand the meaning of the text. Hearing the remark, he becomes nervous and rereads the text even more confusedly, still not delving into its essence.

Most children (spontaneously) concentrate on correct and fast reading, so they do not catch the meaning of sentences. Hence the difficulty in trying to link what was read together and retell the content. To learn to understand the text, you need to switch from automatic reading to meaningful reading.

Surely you have already started working with text with your child, and most likely you are familiar with the basic types of reading. Viewer gives a general idea of ​​the text, before introductory by reading, the child receives an attitude to understand the text, and studying reading includes a detailed analysis of what has been read. At the second and third stages of acquaintance with the text, it is necessary to use various techniques that will teach not only to read, but to delve into the essence of the text.

The development of methods of working with text largely affects the child's approach to learning. At the age of 5-8, the correct (or incorrect) way of thinking and perceiving new textual information is formed.

Learning to work with text: 2 ways to get started

Classic way working with text includes standard techniques that are traditionally used at school. First, read the text carefully. Answer questions about the content, highlight the main idea and topic of the text, come up with a title, find and explain incomprehensible words - nothing complicated.

Progressive the method penetrates the essence of the problem and teaches the child to think logically, pay attention to the details in the text, see the structure of the text, find essential and non-essential information in it, correlate what they read with their experience, etc. Let's give examples of specific techniques that train all these skills.

understand the meaning of what is read

  • Try to change some detail in the text. Ask the child to think about how this might affect the development of the plot.
  • Working with deformed text. Print the text and cut it into several parts. The task is to connect the pieces according to the meaning.
  • Offer to shorten the text so that its meaning is preserved. Unnecessary words and sentences can be crossed out with a pencil right in the text.
  • Together, make a chain of keywords that tie the text together. At later stages of working with the text, they can be used for retelling.
  • Make up new sentences or a whole story with your child. keywords from text.
  • Print the text that will be missing syllables or whole words. Offer to read it, restoring the meaning of the text.
  • Underline the shortest sentences in the text. Set the task of developing them, supplementing them with secondary members of the proposal.

Practice on texts that will interest a preschooler or schoolchild. So he will be more willing to complete tasks for them.

How to teach a child to analyze text?

Do you want to educate an attentive reader who will be able to see not only the superficial, but also the deep meaning embedded by the author in a story, article or book?

Help your child learn the techniques of text analysis. By doing so, you will help him learn:
- quickly understand the topic of the material, catch the main idea and highlight the main thing in the text;
- split the text into semantic parts and better remember what was read;
- discuss the content of the text and compare what you read with your experience.

Techniques for working with text that will teach the child analyze text

You can start with simple tasks.

  • Determine the topic, the main idea of ​​the text.
  • Make a plan for the text, based on the plan, make a small storyboard together or draw a comic strip.
  • Make a chain of theses, the most important facts, events.
  • Ask tricky questions about the content of the text that cannot be answered unambiguously. Discuss with him over the events described in the text, the character and actions of the characters.
  • Invite the child to put himself in the place of one of the characters. Let him dream up how he would behave and what actions he would do in the place of the hero.

It is interesting and effective to develop analytical skills that are necessary for deep text analysis with the help of classic text logic tasks.

Solving text problems: develops, likes children and adults

This is an easy and fun way to practice reading analysis skills.

When children learn to solve word problems, they go through the same stages as in text analysis. They get acquainted with the condition, study the content and reason, look for the correct answer to the question, analyze it and work out the solution algorithm.

Try to solve several problems right now!

Task 1. Names and patronymics

My brother's name is Igor Petrovich.
And my dad's father is Ivan Nikolaevich.

What is my father's first and middle name?

Find out the answer