Prospects for the development of light industry at the present time. Replacement at the enterprises of the cotton industry of a part of the purchased cotton fiber with flax due to the development of new technologies. Along with the stated economic principles in practice

The light industry is one of the most globalized in the world. At the same time, the production of fabrics and clothing is important source income and employment for many countries, in particular for many developing countries. According to statistics, light industry accounts for 5.7% of the value of the world industrial production and more than 14% of those employed in production.

The share of Europe in world textile production is 29% - exactly the same as the total production of both Americas,

however, less than the share of Asia - 39%. In terms of clothing, Europe and the Americas, with a share of 26% each, lag far behind Asia, where the share is 45%.

At the same time, Europe is the world's largest importer of textiles - 40% of world imports and ready-made clothing - more than 45%. Nearly 90% of light industry products consumed by the US are imported. Nearly half of this $76 billion a year business is owned by Asia. In terms of exports of light industry products, Europe ranks second after China, if exports within Europe are not taken into account. China's leadership is more pronounced in the export of ready-made garments with a share of 23.7% of world exports, while Europe accounts for only 8.8%. In terms of textiles, Europe looks just as strong as China, with a 15.2% share of global exports.

The modern history of light industry quotas goes back to World War II, when the industry's manufacturers throughout the developed world demanded protection from cheap imports. The quotas granted by the large consumer nations, led by America, were a kind of permission for the production of the industry's products, which they would import. Over time, the quota system led to the formation of a global light industry. It should be noted that low cost producers such as India and China did not always have an advantage. New textile companies sprang up throughout Southeast Asia.

The struggle took the form of a military campaign with a well-established supply chain, an army of workers and offensive maneuvers using quotas.

Despite the quota regime, about 70% of light industry imports to the EU (in terms of value) are imported without any quantitative restrictions. Thus, the quota regime in the EU does not apply to imports from the United States, Canada, countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Mediterranean countries and many small developed countries. This year, restrictive quotas for exports to the EU countries and Ukrainian textile products were abolished, which became possible due to the phased implementation of an agreement on mutually beneficial trade in textile products between Ukraine and the EU in the period 2001-2004. The rest of the countries are forced to pay the following tariffs in the EU: 0% for raw materials, 4% for yarn, 8% for fabric and components, and 12% for ready-made clothing. Against this backdrop, the US trade regime for light industry products is more stringent. The US sets quotas on more countries, has preferential trade treatment with a limited number of countries, and applies far higher import tariffs. Considering experience trade policy As regards the protection of the domestic market, it should be expected that without the introduction of new protectionist barriers, Washington will not simply give up quotas.

At the same time, developing countries also impose a number of restrictions, the main purpose of which is to prevent imports from other emerging markets. However, in most of these countries there are, sometimes even quite significant, high-income market segments. These "niches" can be quite attractive for the elite and, accordingly, more expensive products of developed countries, especially in countries with large populations.

In fact, the quota regime served not only as a protective measure, but also provided a "guaranteed" share in the main consumer markets of the world for many developing countries. Full market liberalization would remove the current positive effects of import restrictions, and many suppliers risk losing market share to Asian textile giants.

However, major changes are expected in the Asian region itself. The center of this revolution will be Hong Kong. The city is the world's second largest exporter of light industry products after China. Most light industry exports, valued at $24.2 billion, are re-exports from China destined for the US. Thus, Hong Kong, being the main intermediary city, a bridge between Western buyers and Chinese manufacturers, may soon be out of work. The likelihood of such a development is increasing in light of China's forthcoming entry into the WTO.

When considering the prospects for the European light industry Special attention attracts the EU market. Between 1988 and 2000 The EU trade deficit in the light industry position increased from 6.5 billion to 27 billion euros, which was caused by an increase in trade with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (mainly with Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia) and the countries of the Maghreb region (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco). This was mainly facilitated by the use of such advantages of these countries as low wages with high quality products. So, according to Werner International, the cost work force in Estonian light industry enterprises is an average of 1.64 euros per hour, 1.73 euros per hour in Slovakia, 2.11 euros per hour in the Czech Republic and 2.99 euros per hour in Lithuania. However, over time, as these countries develop, this advantage will decrease, while increased competition in world markets due to the elimination of quantitative restrictions leaves little hope that the products of the "new" European countries will be more competitive compared to the products of Asian countries.

In the economies of many European countries, the importance of light industry is much higher than the average for the EU (for example, light industry in Lithuania employs about 24% of all those employed in production). In 2000, light industry products accounted for 11% of all Estonian exports, with 80% of exports going to the EU market. In 2000, the export of Estonian light industry products exceeded 6 billion Estonian kroons, having increased during the period 1995-2000. more than twice. More modest, but no less significant for the national economy, is the light industry of Ukraine. Thanks to the signing of a bilateral agreement with the EU, over the three months of this year, the volume of Ukrainian textile exports to the EU increased by 26%, and by the end of the year this increase will reach $100 million. Ukraine increased by 39%.

Paradoxically, the crisis in August 1998 in Russia contributed to the development of the national light industry. Then import prices rose sharply, as a result of which during 1999-2000. there was an increase in domestic demand for Russian products. January-July 2001 Russian enterprises light industry produced 1394 million m 2 of fabric. The increase was 7.7% compared to the same period last year. However, the process of import substitution is gradually fading away, and as early as next year this factor no longer affects production volumes in the light industry, and the government's planned introduction of VAT on cotton, now imported duty-free, leads to a sharp rise in the cost of Russian products.

In the event of market liberalization, the EU loses an important tool for developing trade relations with its neighbors. Therefore, at the moment this should serve as an incentive for European investors to cooperate with the countries of Central Europe. The priority of the quality of this cooperation should be emphasized, i.e. not to take on the role of subcontractors to leading European clothing manufacturing groups, but to directly enter the EU market, as well as the promising market of Eastern Europe.

At present, even though the Government of the Russian Federation spends a large number of funds and forces for the stabilization of light industry, but nevertheless, there are still a large number of problems in the development of light industry that need to be addressed in order to achieve the desired result.

The main problems of the industry:

· low level wages. Light industry is unattractive for young people and specialists. In January 2006, the average Russian wage level in the textile and clothing industries was 4,054 rubles (46% of the average wage level in the processing industries).

Use of morally and physically obsolete technological equipment. At the beginning of 2008, the share of equipment operated for more than 10 years was 77.4%. The annual renewal of the equipment fleet in the industry did not exceed 3-4%, while in economically developed countries the same indicator was 14-16%.

· high share of shadow and illegally imported goods in the consumer market. More than 62% of light industry products presented on the Russian market are shadow goods or goods illegally imported into Russia.

· Most of the enterprises are concentrated in the provinces and many of them are city-forming. In case of bankruptcy of such enterprises, a significant part of the population of such cities will be left without work.

lack of enterprises own funds for the development of production.

The main supplier of natural raw materials for light industry - Agriculture. Flax growing, a traditional industry in Russia, is in a very difficult position. From year to year, fiber flax crops are reduced, and its productivity is falling. Russia in the 80s did not provide raw materials for the linen industry, which it imported mainly from Ukraine. Flax growing is distributed unevenly: over 60% of the harvested raw materials fall on the Central Region, 25% - on the North-Western and Vologda Regions of the Northern Region, and only 15% - on all the rest (Volga-Vyatka, Ural, West Siberian and East Siberian). Currently, the issue of reviving domestic flax growing instead of purchased cotton is being resolved.

Natural wool is mainly produced by sheep, a very small share (less than 1.5%) - by goats, etc. By the beginning of 2004, compared to 2001, the number of sheep decreased by 25%, wool production by 23%, the quality of the supplied wool deteriorated sharply, the bulk of which does not meet international standards. Currently, the needs of the wool industry in natural raw materials are not satisfied. The main regions - suppliers of raw materials: North Caucasian, Volga and East Siberian.

The light industry could almost completely provide itself with natural leather raw materials, but a significant part of it is exported from Russia. Instead, it is necessary to purchase semi-finished products for the production of shoes and other products, which increases the price of finished products, affects the price and increase in the cost of producing raw hides due to the rise in the cost of livestock (expenses for feed, equipment, fertilizers).

Cotton is not grown in Russia, so the developed cotton industry is completely based on imported raw materials. Raw cotton comes mainly from the Central Asian states (mostly from Uzbekistan, as well as from Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan), a small part - from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Syria, Sudan, etc. last years supplies of raw materials from the former Soviet republics are often disrupted, which, in an effort to earn hard currency, offer cotton at dumping prices abroad. All this seriously destabilizes the work of the cotton industry in Russia.

In addition to natural raw materials, synthetic and chemical fibers and artificial leather supplied by the chemical industry are widely used in light industry. The feedstock for their production is oil refining waste, natural gas, coal tar. The main regions - suppliers of chemical fibers - the Center and the Volga region, as well as the West Siberian, North Caucasian, Central Black Earth economic regions. Some types of artificial leather and synthetic fibers are not produced in Russia. For example, the production of high-quality artificial leather for the production of bags and gloves and mittens, traditionally supplied from Uzbekistan, Moldova and Ukraine, has not yet been mastered. At present, many suppliers are lost to us.

The leading sector of the light industry in terms of production volume and number of employees is the textile industry. It includes the primary processing of raw materials and the production of all types of fabrics, knitwear, textile haberdashery, nonwovens and other products based on fibrous raw materials.

The textile industry was located extremely unevenly. The share of the Central and Northwestern regions accounted for more than 80% of the output of all textile products. Moreover, in the Central region, the production of fabrics was not only concentrated in large cities, but also scattered throughout the so-called factory and handicraft villages. Over the past decades, textile enterprises have been established in new areas, mainly in Siberia. In the early 90s, the eastern zone of Russia accounted for 6% of the production of all types of fabrics in the country.

The leading branch of the textile industry is cotton, which provides more than 70% of all fabrics in Russia, among which fabrics of household importance (chintz, sateen, linen) predominate. In 2005, Russia ranked fourth in the world in the production of cotton fabrics.

The average annual capacity for the production of cotton fabrics in 2005 was determined at 5 billion square meters. m, and the level of its use was only 28%. Such a catastrophic situation is associated with an acute shortage of raw materials, rising prices for it, inability to compete with cheaper products from other countries, inability to implement market features Russian market.

The second place in terms of output is occupied by the silk industry - more than 11% of the production of fabrics in the country. Due to the widespread use of artificial and synthetic fibers as raw materials, dependence on the supply of natural raw materials from Central Asia, Moldova and Ukraine, where the silkworm is bred, has been reduced to a minimum.

The linen industry is the oldest and primordially Russian branch of textile production. In the structure of fabric production, it occupies the third place - 7.5% of fabrics in Russia), producing approximately equal proportions of household, technical and container fabrics. Distinctive feature industry is the relative security of its own raw material base. The cultivation of fiber flax and the harvesting of flax fiber are concentrated in the Central, Northwestern, Northern and Volga-Vyatka regions, where, due to the high material intensity of production, the production of fabrics is represented.

The woolen industry produces a variety of products: worsted and cloth fabrics, carpets, scarves, yarn for knitwear. This is one of the oldest industries that emerged under Peter I. The wool industry accounts for 4.1% of the production of fabrics in the country. In terms of the total production of woolen fabrics, Russia ranks seventh in the world.

There are many problems in the development of light industry in Russia, but the most extensive are shadow production and depreciation of equipment and enterprises. In order to deal with these problems, the Government of the Russian Federation is actively investing and financing the industry.

Severe case of light industry

What measures are needed to revive the Russian light industry? Most often, the concept of light industry in most people is associated with something frivolous. What is a shirt compared to nuclear icebreaker? One medium haul airliner, say a Boeing 767-300ER, costs approximately $115.5 million. To earn the same amount, it is necessary to produce and sell 5.77 million pieces of the average polo shirt. However, if you look closely at the details, the picture begins to play quite different colors.

In the world's largest economy China(GDP at PPP 21.2 trillion dollars for 2016) for the share of light industry accounted for 21%. This is only 2% less than the Celestial Empire receives from agriculture, and half of the total share of the country's manufacturing industry. More share only Portugal– 22%. Other countries have less: Italy – 12%, Germany – 6%, USA- 4%. But given the size of their economies, this is still significant money and a significant contribution to overall employment. able-bodied population. The latter is especially important, given the current crisis trends both in the world economy and in the Russian economy. Thus, the issue of the development of light industry in the Russian Federation is of particular importance, including because this industry differs significantly higher rates of return from investments compared to heavy industry, automotive or computer technology.

Chinese garment factory in Ganzhou

World practice shows that a new radio-electronic plant pays off in an average of 5-6 years, while a garment factory reaches self-sufficiency after 2.5–3 years. And in terms of investment capacity, it much lower, than a new rolling mill.

In addition, light industry products are bed linen, clothes, shoes, that is, goods literally everyday demand, not much, in fact, different from food. Why, then, the share of Russian light industry from 11.9% in 1990 collapsed to 1% and only recently barely reached 1.5% of GDP?

International division of "light" labor

Before undertaking an analysis of the prospects for the development of the domestic economy, it is necessary to consider the external conditions that affect the availability of opportunities and the dynamics of processes in general.

In the most general terms, the world light industry is represented by the following key areas: textile, footwear and clothing, of which the textile industry occupies the main place (over 65%). An important distinguishing feature of the industry is the progressive unevenness in the distribution of income from the sale of finished products.

If a century ago raw material producers received up to 50% of revenue, and manufacturers of semi-finished products and accessories took up to 25% more, today more than 60% of the profit is generated by the production of finished products and sales channels, and the share of raw materials is less than 10%.

The latter is especially important, since it directly points to the extremely high degree of competition that prevents a simple and quick revival of the production of the necessary types of raw materials in Russia. If the dressing of the skin is tied to animal husbandry, which, in addition to skins, also provides meat and milk, then the cultivation of cotton and silk is closely connected with climatic conditions, which in China, Taiwan, South Korea, India, Turkey and even Central Asia are significantly better than Russian ones.

Therefore, one should not be surprised that 30% of the world's cotton fabrics are produced by China, 14% by Malaysia, 10% by India, and 7% by Turkey. Of the 30-35 billion m² of world production of cotton fabrics per year, Russia's share is only 1.4 billion. Not the last role was played by the Soviet orientation of the textile industry to linen, wool and silk, whose share in modern world consumption has decreased to 10% and continues to decline. . For example, the total consumption of wool fabrics in 2015 was only 3 billion m².

On the other hand, there is a booming demand for blended fabrics, where the share natural fiber does not exceed 50%, the rest is artificial materials, such as viscose. At the moment, their consumption has reached 35–40 billion m² and continues to grow at a rate of 7% annually.

Cotton and synthetics are the most widely used fabrics in the world.

It is important to note that weaving is closely related to the production of raw materials, but it is even more critical depends on the location of the garment factories. The reason lies in the logistics costs.

It costs 5.5-6 times cheaper to transport raw cotton for the same distance than fabric made from it, and almost 11 times cheaper than clothes made from this fabric. Therefore, today garment production is localized primarily in regions with cheap labor.

Thus, in particular, the average hourly wage of an employee in Indonesia is $0.24; V Pakistan– 0.4; V India and China– 0.6; V USA– 13 (with the prospect of reaching 15 by 2020); in France- 14–15; V Germany- 21-22 US dollars.

As a result, the entire segment of mass production is occupied by the same China, Indonesia, India, Pakistan and Turkey, and in France, Germany and the USA only small-scale volumes of very expensive, therefore strictly niche brands remain.

There are few exceptions to this rule, perhaps, except perhaps the Spanish Zara, which produces 50% of clothes in Galicia.

Weaving factory in Malaysia. Employees not only work there, but also sleep. This was the case in Japan in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

In terms of consumption, the world looks exactly the opposite. Approximately 32% of light industry products are consumed by Europe, about 28% - USA, up to 30% - China. The rest of the world accounts for the remaining 10%.

Need to find a unique way

An analysis of external conditions shows that light industry is important for Russia and quite can serve as an important locomotive the country's economy. After all, in the USSR it provided an order of magnitude greater contribution to GDP. But in the current external and internal conditions, go the traditional way through the revival own production, or betting on low labor costs, we can't.

Summary indicators of the light industry of the Russian Federation for 2013-2016

The average monthly salary of a light industry worker in our country, according to the Ministry of Light Industry, is 18,596 rubles, or $1.96 per hour that triple above the level of China and in Five times higher than Pakistan, not to mention Bangladesh or African countries.

Moreover, if for Africa 40 cents per hour is quite substantial money, then less than two dollars per hour in Russia is considered clearly insufficient. Does this mean the deliberate impossibility of successful competition with the current leaders? Certainly not. If we count not through wages per hour, but move, as some Chinese manufacturers have begun to do, to the amount of costs per unit of output. And take into account the specifics of demand.

Climatic conditions do not allow Russia to grow competitive cotton. However, we have sources of raw materials (oil and gas) for the production of artificial nonwovens, for which demand is growing. Especially in the technical fabrics segments, finishing materials(for example, in the automotive and furniture industries), leisure goods (especially raincoat fabrics, as well as fabrics for tourist ammunition) and for sewing outerwear (for example, demi-season and winter jackets). If in 1950 the demand for artificial materials was only 5–7% of total consumption, today more than 70% are mixed fabrics. The global market for technical textiles alone is valued at $130 billion, while in Russia it barely exceeds 77 billion rubles. This is at least strange, given, for example, the import substitution program in the automotive industry, where the share of textile components reaches 20 kg per car. Unfortunately, 92–98% imports are still used there. In particular, the same China over the past three years has increased the output of polyamide by 170%, polyester fibers - by 200% and currently controls 46% of the market nonwoven materials. In 2015, they were imported to Russia in the amount of $3 billion.

Generally speaking, in terms of light industry products, the domestic market demonstrates a frankly ambiguous situation. On the one hand, the industry seems to be growing. There is no data for 2017 yet, but for the previous year, 2016, the growth was 20% in terms of shares and 18% in terms of budget revenues. At the same time, the share of exports is growing slightly, almost all products are consumed in the domestic market, where from 60 to 80% of the supply is imported, half of which is counterfeit.

At the same time, we still do not have the opportunity to successfully compete with Malaysian or Indian garment enterprises in Europe, but only the blocking of counterfeit deliveries (most often from Poland and Eastern Europe) allows a minimum triple capacity of the domestic market for domestically produced goods. Especially in segments such as bed linen, where the brand factor does not play a key role, while quality is decisive. Potentially, this can ensure revenue growth by 100-120 billion rubles in only one niche and up to a trillion rubles in the industry as a whole.

The results of import substitution speak about the fact that this is exactly the right thing to do. After the start of the sanctions war and the introduction of restrictions on the import of products from the European Union, which also included sources of counterfeit goods, the share of domestic knitwear in the Russian market rose from 4% in 2014 to 12% in 2016, and profit before tax for medium and large enterprises increased from 9 to 19%.

The contribution of the textile and clothing industry to the economy of the Russian Federation

There is an obvious conclusion.

In order to achieve economic indicators that allow it to successfully compete in the world market with the current leading global manufacturers, the Russian light industry needs to increase the scale of production by at least half an order of magnitude.

This is the only way to optimize costs and develop logistics to the required level. For this it is necessary regain control of the domestic market, at the same time restoring the level of production competence. Because the share of imports in the garments sold in the country is kept at the level of 82-84%, footwear - 85-88%.

And first of all, the question concerns the general consumer market, and not the rapidly growing segment of workwear. Yes, potentially the workwear segment in the country is “empty” by more than 3/4, but its conquest will only benefit in terms of increasing the production of domestic fabrics, while the enterprises of the Federal Penitentiary Service are primarily engaged in tailoring, which excludes the possibility of their effective use for tailoring other types of clothing that require a fundamentally different approach to design, quality and assortment.

Internal impediments to growth

However, light industry is not a superstructure of workshops and seamstresses, it is also the foundation of the means of production. More than a tenfold reduction in the industry over the past quarter of a century has led not only to a decrease in the production of the products themselves, it is much more important that at the same time the production of means of production, that is, the range of equipment necessary for the industry, completely ceased to exist.

As of 2016, the share of machine tools with a service life of up to 10 years was 37%; from 11 to 20 years old - 24%; more than 20 years - 39%. Considering that the average life of equipment in the world today fluctuates around 15–18 years, we have to admit that the lion’s share of the industry’s production fleet is hopelessly outdated and the necessary technical (and economic) indicators are not able to provide. But there is nothing to replace it, except for import. There was a vicious circle.

Industrial enterprises do not undertake the development and organization of the production of machine tools for light industry due to the lack of mass demand due to the small size of the industry. But the industry cannot grow in size, because the resources of the existing technical park have been exhausted, and there is nothing to update it with. Russian industry does not offer competitive equipment, and imports are expensive. In addition, the matter is complicated by various collisions of a foreign policy nature. Dead end.

It is assumed that the “Strategy for the Development of Light Industry until 2025” adopted by the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Russia should help the industry, and much of it will really benefit. However, we have to admit that it almost does not touch on the key issue - stimulating the development and production of domestic equipment. And without it, it is rather problematic to win back even the domestic market. As well as without the development of its own production of related accessories (from threads to rivets, zippers and buttons).

There is also a problem with finances. Current banking system is able to finance either projects guaranteed by the state, or projects that promise a quick turnaround and high profits. Light industry is perceived by bankers as only a kind of clothing store. This is facilitated by the seasonal specifics of the industry, concentrating business processes around seasonal collections. Designers quickly, within 8-10 weeks, came up with a line of models for the next season. In 2–3 weeks, technologists decomposed it into specific patterns and a detailed technical process, and in three months the plant sewed a batch, which, two weeks later, entered the retail network. 3/4 of the cost per batch of goods is recouped in the first 5-6 weeks of sales. Because banks believe that it makes no sense to issue loans to enterprises for more than 2–2.5 years. Moreover, at commercial rates, one of the highest compared to other industries. And the requirements for collateral are at least 20% higher than for other types of activities. Thus, the industry is severely limited in financial resources for its own modernization.

At the light industry forum, held under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, leading representatives of the industry proposed to the government a conceptual development program, including proposals for solving financial difficulties, including the mechanism of targeted programs. There is hope that if not all, then a significant part of its points will be implemented in practice.

In the meantime, it should be noted that the crisis is not only problems and difficulties. No wonder in Chinese this concept is indicated by a combination of two hieroglyphs meaning danger and chance (opportunity). Sanctions, the depreciation of the ruble, a decrease in the purchasing power of the population caused by a slowdown in the country's economic growth - all this, of course, creates problems. However, at the same time it opens up new possibilities. So, for example, in the country in particular, and in the market as a whole, the trend of reducing the attractiveness of brands is gaining momentum. It is not so important for the consumer what is written on the logo, the main thing is how comfortable, beautiful, functional and affordable the product is. Surveys show that interest in branded clothing and footwear in Europe has declined by 26% over the past two years. In Russia, this figure was even higher - 34.7%. Thus, the niche for domestic manufacturers is expanding. In particular this applies men's suits and men's and women's outerwear, especially jackets.

In general, domestic enterprises sew beautifully and with sufficient quality have already learned. It remains to increase the volume of production to such a level when sewing inside Russia will become as profitable as ordering in Turkey or Southeast Asian countries. Already in this case, saving on logistics will give a significant advantage. It remains to increase the scale to the level that allows to successfully compete on the price of final products not only in the domestic, but also in export markets, at least in Europe.

In 1999 and 2000, light industry enterprises used the opportunities that had arisen to expand import substitution, increasing the growth rate of production volumes up to 20% annually.

However, since 2001, in the light industry, there has been a slowdown in the growth rate of production, and then its reduction, and the financial and economic performance of the industry has deteriorated.

In order to understand what this is connected with, it is necessary to consider the problems of the development of light industry.

The main reason for the crisis in the light industry is the technological backwardness of most enterprises, which leads to a decrease in the competitiveness of products. To get out of this situation, it is necessary to activate innovation activities, main task which is the implementation and use of the results scientific research and developments in enterprises. An analysis of the situation in the field of innovation activity showed that the demand for basic scientific and technological achievements and technologies is rather low, which increases the technological backwardness of the industry. The innovative activity of enterprises is mainly constrained by a lack of financial resources; among other reasons, too high costs for innovation and long payback periods are singled out.

To intensify innovation activities, the following measures are required:

  • 1. Improvement of the regulatory and legal system by the state, in order to increase the innovative activity of the enterprise;
  • 2. Economic support for enterprises involved in innovation;
  • 3. Support for innovation activities at the regional level;
  • 4. Development of international cooperation in the field of innovation.

To improve innovation activity, it is necessary to have research institutes.

There are also staffing issues. First, there is a shortage of qualified top and middle managers. Secondly, the lack of knowledge and initiative among many executives necessary for the successful transition of production from command-and-control methods of functioning to market and successful development enterprises in modern conditions. This problem can be solved by training new and retraining old personnel.

For a separate branch of light industry, there is a problem of the raw material market. First of all, this is a problem of the textile industry, the main raw material for which is cotton. In Soviet times, the main suppliers of cotton were Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, but along with the collapse of the USSR, economic ties were also broken. Due to the desire of the former Soviet republics to earn more money, raw materials were supplied at dumping prices outside the former Union, which reduced the supply of cotton to Russia. This problem can be solved by reducing the share of cotton products and changing the structure of production.

Despite the existence of serious problems in the development of light industry, there are also promising areas of development.

It should be noted that today in Russia there is a sufficient raw material base for light industry, which can be used more efficiently. Even now, Russia can almost completely satisfy the needs of enterprises in flax fiber, leather and fur raw materials, artificial fibers, threads, and wool. It is required to solve the issues of production of a sufficient amount of synthetic fibers and threads.

One of promising directions development will be a change in the structure of production of the textile industry, a decrease in the share of cotton and an increase in the share of linen products. This requires a broad development of flax processing processes not only at the enterprises of the linen industry, but also at the enterprises of the cotton industry. In the future, the following tasks should be solved:

I. Creation of a reliable base of domestic natural raw materials by increasing the gross harvest of flax, as well as the release of flax from the production of technical products;

II. Replacement at the enterprises of the cotton industry of a part of the purchased cotton fiber with flax due to the development of new technologies;

III. Development of export potential through the supply of linen, as well as high-quality linen fabrics and finished products.

Likewise, for perspective development The industry needs to improve the quality of its products and make them competitive with imported goods. This requires the modernization of production and the development of the scientific and technical industry. In the near future, it is expedient to develop already existing techniques and technologies in the direction of existing technological equipment, which makes it possible to more fully use domestic natural and chemical raw materials in order to expand the range, improve quality, and competitiveness of products.

For the prospective development of light industry, it is necessary to increase the investment attractiveness of production. This requires an appropriate regulatory framework, it should be profitable for an entrepreneur to invest financial resources in light industry enterprises. On the one hand, in the light industry, the turnover of funds occurs 2-4 times, which in itself is already profitable. But besides this, it is necessary to change the financial and legal policy of the state in relation to light industry. On the part of the state, the priority measures aimed at creating conditions for the development of the industry will be:

  • 1. lower import customs duties for high-performance technological equipment for light industry, not manufactured in Russian Federation;
  • 2. optimization of customs duties on raw materials and materials used by light industry enterprises;
  • 3. inclusion in the current and developing federal target programs major works aimed at introducing new technologies in the light industry.
  • 4. suppression of illegal import of light industry goods into the territory of the Russian Federation and improvement of the mechanism for receiving and using humanitarian aid;
  • 5. suppression of illegal production of light industry products
  • 6. intensifying work on the implementation of measures that contribute to improving the supply of raw materials for light industry "".

Also state activity is aimed at supporting the export of products, as evidenced by the Concept for the development of state financial support for the export of industrial products, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2003 No. 1493-r.


Light industry of the Irkutsk region

The light industry of the region includes the organizations of JSC Sewing Firm ViD, LLC PKF Revtrud, LLC Bratskaya Garment Factory, LLC Telminskaya Garment Factory, LLC Blik, LLC Special Shoes.

Dynamics of production in the light industry of the region

Name of indicator

Years 2001 2002 2003 2004

Volume index, % 108 85 90 85

Volume of industrial output, million rubles 289 390 304 328

Share in industry, % 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2

Investments, million rubles - 5.5 8.4 27.8

Number of enterprises, units 241 181 169 153

Number of employees, pers. 6,577 6,249 5,496 4,700

Average monthly salary, rub. 1,183 1,452 1,575 1,910

The volume of shipped products in 2005 amounted to 424.8 million rubles, the weighted average index of industrial production in 2005 amounted to 104%.

Main problems:

  • 1. Annually increasing imports of light industry goods from the countries of Southeast Asia, Germany and the CIS countries. At the same time, the rate of growth in the import of goods outstrips the rate of growth in production in the region.
  • 2. Inefficient use production capacity at some organizations (load percentage - no more than 50%).
  • 3. Depreciation of technological equipment (its active part).
  • 4. Low level of management.
  • 5. Low pay.
  • 6. Lack of opportunity for light industry organizations to receive long-term loans for 10-15 years for replenishment working capital, technical re-equipment of production and production of competitive products.
  • 7. Lack of textile mills in the region, location of the main producers of raw materials and materials in the European part of the Russian Federation.

Implementation of highly effective business plans aimed at the production of competitive products, technical re-equipment of production, employment of the population of the region

  • 1. OK, established by law, providing regional state support for investment projects implemented by light industry organizations, placing regional state orders.
  • 2. Creation of favorable conditions for promoting the products of domestic producers in the domestic and foreign markets.
  • 3. Ensuring the implementation of mutually beneficial trade between light industry organizations of the region and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the creation of joint organizations.
  • 4. Assistance in organizing the export of finished products, including to Mongolia, to expand sales markets.
  • 5. Facilitate the creation of an effective mechanism for the suppression of illegal imports, as well as control over compliance with the quality and certification of products imported into the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • 6. Assistance in the organization of specialized exhibition and fair events with the participation of domestic manufacturers.
  • 7. Assistance in the organization of education, training, retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists of enterprises in the industry.

Carrying out activities to increase the output of competitive products, preserve jobs, increase wages, increase tax deductions is provided by organizations annually in the developed business plans (investment projects). At present, long-term investment projects on the technical re-equipment of production at JSC Sewing Firm ViD, LLC Spetsobuv, LLC Blik. Mutual obligations between the administration of the region and organizations of light industry are fixed in the annual Agreements, the implementation of which ensures the solution of the tasks set for the current year.

Light industry- includes a range of individual industries, which are mainly engaged in the production of consumer goods from various raw materials.

The light industry includes many industries and their sub-sectors, however, there are three main ones:

  • shoe,
  • textile
  • sewing.

Thanks to scientific and technological revolution, the textile industry has undergone significant changes in the course of its historical development. Until the turning point, all textiles were cotton products and fabrics, and a small part was occupied by materials like linen, wool, artificial fibers.

At the present time textile industry significantly expanded the range of products, this was due to the increase in the use of a variety of synthetic materials and fibers in the production of textiles.

Regarding the global scale, the textile industry is developing at an incredible pace. The main region, which today occupies about 70% of the volume of textiles produced, is Asia. If we consider this industry from the side of the category of products and goods, then we can say with accuracy that the countries of Asia bring about 50% of all cotton and woolen fabrics to the share of the world market.

There are several largest manufacturers of cotton products - China (about 30%), India (more than 10%), Japan, USA, Indonesia, Taiwan. A similar situation is observed in the distribution of volumes of woolen fabrics. China contributes about 15% to this segment, followed by Italy 14%, the USA, Japan, India, Turkey, and some Western European countries also enter and complete this list. Oddly enough, but having a huge share in the production of natural raw materials for the textile industry, the domestic manufacturer is experiencing a large production decline, so at the moment it is impossible to compete with imported goods without state special programs for development and support.

Together with the textile industry, we should also talk about the clothing industry. This branch of the light industry of the world specializes in the production of underwear, clothing and many different products.

Economy of Russia, figures and facts. Part 11 Light industry.

The distribution of production volumes in this industry does not differ from those in the textile industry. The world's leading exporters of these products are China, Colombia, South Korea, India, Taiwan. As for other developed countries, they specialize in the production of small volumes of fashionable, individual and elite products.

shoe industry, in comparison with the previous and other industries, has undergone a displacement and its production is mainly concentrated in developing countries. This is largely due to the cheaper labor force of these countries. And here China occupies a leading position on a global scale. According to modern estimates, China produces up to 40% of the products of the world consumer market.

The main problems and directions of development of light industry

One of the most important branches of the complex, which specializes in the creation of consumer goods, is light industry. This industry belongs to the manufacturing industries, since it produces various goods, which include fabrics, shoes and clothing. It also manufactures fabrics and items designed to create tires, cores in steel ropes, filter equipment and other items. Light industry in Russia is a field of activity that specializes in the production of ready-to-use goods, as well as items that are involved in other areas of production.

The large centers of light industry in Russia are numerous, and at the same time they constantly carry out research activities and also provide services to various sub-sectors.

Features of light industry

This area of ​​activity has a significant impact on the country's economy, since it is distinguished by the presence big capital, characterized by fast turnover. Also, many other areas of activity are involved in the technological cycle of this industry, such as agriculture and the chemical industry, as well as many other industries.

Companies that operate in the field of light industry produce a huge range of goods that have industrial, special and technical purposes.

Light industry of the Russian Federation

The main consumers of these products are individuals who use them for their own needs. Accordingly, on light industry end-users have a direct influence, since supply is formed on the market depending on demand. However, the light industry in Russia is not very developed, since there is no significant and necessary state support, as a result of which there are many serious problems that require urgent solution and regulation by the Government.

Development of light industry

Since the goods produced by this field of activity are important and significant for the entire population of the country, the industry is constantly developing and modernizing, since it is necessary to constantly improve the quality of manufactured goods. The fact is that in other countries the light industry is more developed, as a result of which foreign competitors are able to offer the Russian population better and more reliable goods. This leads to the fact that domestic production and goods lose their attractiveness. Therefore, many large companies working in the light industry are trying to make certain changes in their activities, for which they acquire modern equipment and introduce innovative technologies.

Problems of development of light industry of the Russian Federation

There are several main problems that hinder the optimal and effective development this industry. It is believed that the most important disadvantage is the illegal import of goods, as well as unrecorded production, which is unofficial and clandestine. As a result, the Russian market has great amount goods of low quality and small, but attractive to potential buyers, price. This leads to the fact that goods released by official Russian companies having high quality, as well as those made from the right components, are not in demand.

As a result, domestic producers have to compete with counterfeit products, for which they reduce the quality of their products in order to slightly reduce prices. This leads to the fact that not only the quality of products that enter the market decreases, but also the profits of companies also decrease, and this reduces tax deductions to the country's budget. Therefore, the presence on the market of unrecorded foreign low-quality products has Negative influence for the development of the country as a whole. The only solution this problem will be an import restriction as well governmental support Russian manufacturers operating in the light industry.

Also an important problem for this industry is that many companies use equipment and technologies that are backward and outdated, which leads to the fact that the products created are uncompetitive. Enterprises do not automated systems, so production is entirely based on manual labor, resulting in a significant increase in the cost of manufactured products. We should also highlight the unusually weak management in almost every enterprise, the lack of marketing departments and inefficient personnel policy. As a result, the management of the enterprise is carried out by incompetent people, which negatively affects the development of the industry as a whole.

Another important problem for this area of ​​activity is that investments will be discouraged, since most large investors do not see the prospects and attractiveness of investing in light industry. Decreases even budget financing, which leads to the fact that the effectiveness of research and development is significantly reduced. As a result, the goods that are produced by enterprises are completely unsuitable in terms of their parameters and properties for the conditions and requirements of both the Russian market and the world market.

Accordingly, the light industry in Russia can develop and function normally only if the state pays more attention to this area, namely, certain changes are made to the legislation, there is serious state support for large enterprises, and all companies constantly re-equip equipment. Also, the state should take certain measures to protect official producers from shadow production. Only then can we expect that domestic goods will be competitive, of high quality and affordable.

Trends in the development of light industry in Russia, video

Features and prospects of light industry in Russia

Each branch of industry has its own significance and characteristics, therefore, in any case, the state should pay attention to the problems and prospects for the development of any field of activity. The light industry of Russia refers to such industries in which the production of goods intended for public consumption takes place. Additionally, products that are created by this industry are sent for use in other areas of activity, which include the automotive industry and the food industry.

Light industry of Russia - state and development prospects

The light industry of Russia today is quite well developed, since the results of its activities are effectively used for export to other countries, and at the same time, the products are considered competitive compared to those goods that are available on the foreign market. Additionally, it should be noted that this industry provides a huge number of jobs, and the majority of people employed in this area are women.

The development of light industry is ongoing, and at the same time it is considered an important area of ​​activity in the state. This is due to the fact that the light industry has a direct impact on the economic situation in Russia, and it is also here that a very fast turnover of capital is observed, as a result of which stagnation and other problems that are inherent in many other sectors of activity are not observed. Additionally, it should be noted that the technological cycles of this area affect such an important industry as agriculture and chemical industry. Due to this, it is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to the development of light industry. As a result, it is possible to observe improvement of the situation in this field of activity every year.

Branches and enterprises of light industry in Russia

The light industry itself is subdivided into many different branches, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics. First of all, it is necessary to single out the textile and leather industries, footwear and clothing, as well as fur. The textile industry is considered to be of the highest priority, significant and profitable, since the products from its work are in demand not only in the domestic market, but in foreign countries. Modern goods that are created at light industry enterprises successfully compete with other goods manufactured in various countries of the world.

This is because modern companies, which are numerous and also specialize in the creation of textiles or garments, try to introduce as many modern and innovative equipment into production as possible.

The result is high-quality products that do not contain harmful components, and also have an interesting and sophisticated design. However, such innovations require quite significant costs on the part of manufacturers, resulting in an increase in the cost of the product itself. This leads to higher prices for goods, and demand is constantly changing, so it is extremely important to establish optimal and permanent relations with other countries that will purchase light industrial goods for their own use.

Industry Development Issues

Certain problems in the development of light industry can be observed in Lately, when many European countries imposed numerous sanctions on Russia, as a result of which one can observe a rather significant decrease in the export of goods in this industry.

As a result, many products remain unclaimed, and it is almost impossible to sell them completely on the domestic market. This leads to the fact that enterprises engaged in this field of activity are trying with all their might to reduce the cost of manufactured goods. In most cases, this leads to a decrease in product quality, which is not a good indicator for the state of the Russian economy as a whole. That is why the Ministry of Light Industry in Russia is doing its best to improve the situation, for which companies are offered very favorable conditions for the purchase of innovative and modern equipment, which they can purchase at low interest rates on credit.

Additionally, all kinds of subsidies and benefits are provided for light industry enterprises that have come to a crisis state due to the fact that they cannot sell most of their products. It is with the help of innovative and unique equipment that it is possible to achieve that in order to obtain high-quality and reliable products, it will not be necessary to spend too much money, and the whole process will be fully automated, so there is no need for manual labor of workers. On the one hand, this is a very good solution, since labor costs will be minimal, but on the other hand, the number of jobs in the light industry is decreasing, and this leads to the fact that a large number of people cannot find a job, which leads to growth unemployment.

Thus, the light industry in Russia is an area that is considered promising and interesting for investors, although it is currently going through quite difficult times. However, the crisis situation is observed in almost every area of ​​industry due to a significant decrease in exports. However, the state is taking certain measures aimed at improving the situation, so we can expect the improvement of the state of this sphere of activity in the near future.

Trends in the development of the oil industry in Russia, video