How to make money by reselling cars to China. How does customs clearance of a car take place in Japan, South Korea and China? How to clear a car through customs in China

In China you can buy an electric car with a design similar to famous brands BMW, Mercedes, Range Rover at a price of 250,000 rubles. How much will such a car cost with delivery to Russia? Let's look at an example a little later.

You can buy in China not only a car, but also other types of transport: moped, scooter, etc.

Buy electric cars from China

If you buy an electric car on the secondary market, it will of course cost much less than a new one. For example, a Nissan Leaf on the Avto.Drom website costs from 300,000 rubles, a 2011 model. You can buy a car in Russia, charge it and go. Why take the risk of buying a car from China? It makes sense if you want to buy a new car for the same money and with an exclusive design. If you want a car with a design similar to the expensive brands Bugatti, Ferrari, Porsche, Maybach, Lamborghini, Aston Martin. Or you just want to stand out from the crowd of other cars.

There is one downside to buying an electric car from China. The car will be disassembled for parts in China, and transported through customs as spare parts. You will assemble the car yourself when you receive it in Russia. You will not have documents for such a car. You will not be able to register your car in Gai. Or you can if you have friends. A resident of a town, village, village, or dacha can buy an electric car from China. To travel safely from point A to point B, where there is no traffic police. And at the same time, do not spend money on gasoline, charge your car from an outlet.

Electric cars from China are an opportunity to buy an inexpensive car for yourself. Or a business option for selling such cars.

How to buy a car in China

You can choose cars in Chinese online stores:

After you have chosen a car, you can request a calculation of its cost with delivery to your city in . And ask any questions about the configuration and characteristics of the product.

Then, if the price of the product suits you, on our website and it.

Let's use an example to calculate how much it will cost to buy an electric car in China.

We chose a car on the Alibaba website, you can view it using the link electric sedan. The car manufacturer has various configurations available. A 60V car costs 24,600 yuan. A 72V car costs 25,600 yuan. The total weight of the car is 750 kg. Delivery within China from the manufacturer to our warehouse is free.

Cost calculation for 60V in rubles: 250,920 goods + commission 15,055 + delivery from China to Moscow (170 rubles * 750 kg) 127,500 + insurance 11,354 + dismantling service for spare parts 10,000. Total total costs for the purchase and delivery of a car from China to Moscow 414 829 rubles.

In Moscow, the goods can be transferred to TC Baikal Service or PEC. You or we can choose the optimal delivery cost transport company. So that you can deliver goods across Russia to your city as cheaply as possible.

Beijing, August 19, People's Daily online -- According to a survey conducted by China Central Television, a car of the same brand in China and the USA is sold at different prices: in China its cost is 1 million 339 thousand yuan, and maybe even more, when in the USA the same car is sold only for 350 thousand yuan. Marketers talk about high customs duties, but is this really true? An imported car, the factory price of which is 520 thousand yuan, with the addition of various fees, costs no more than 1 million 300 thousand yuan. And in Chinese stores for the sale of cars, the minimum price of a similar car is not lower than 1 million 890 thousand yuan!

Meanwhile, according to available information, on behalf of the State Committee for Reform and Development of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese Association of Automobile Dealers is conducting an investigation into violations of the Anti-Monopoly Law in the automobile industry in relation to both imported and Chinese cars produced by joint ventures. In addition to studying the cost of products, investigations are also carried out in the area of ​​after-sales service.

One car - different prices

Currently, the China Automobile Dealers Association is collecting data on the cost of cars of different brands and is preparing to submit a corresponding report to the State Reform and Development Committee of the People's Republic of China. The permanent deputy head and secretary of the association, Shen Jinjun, said that now in the Chinese market, prices not only differ for imported cars, but also cars produced with joint capital, the cost of similar automobile products abroad is lower than in China. The Association is currently investigating the matter by collecting relevant data on various brands of cars, studying the cost of individual brands in China and abroad, profit margins, production costs and customs duty levels in different countries.

Are customs duties and circulation channels really the reason for sky-high prices?
According to insiders, car prices in China are the highest in the world. Why are imported cars so expensive? According to most people, the biggest impact is customs duty. Well-known automotive industry analyst Zhang Zhiyong said that imported cars are indeed subject to a high customs duty of 147%. However, the total fees for most imported cars usually do not exceed the cost of the car itself. He noted that the profit on cars, which sell for much more in China than abroad, approaches or even exceeds the cost of the car. In addition, despite high prices, imported cars are still in high demand, allowing sellers to strive to make high profits.

A special investigation team has already been created

Regarding the anti-monopoly investigation of the State Committee for Reform and Development of the People's Republic of China in the automobile industry, confirmation was received from the deputy secretary of the China Automobile Dealers Association Luo Lei. He noted that last year the Association was instructed to create a special group to conduct an antimonopoly investigation in the automotive sector and from time to time provide the results of the study of the case to the State Committee for Reform and Development of the People's Republic of China. Currently, anti-monopoly investigation is already on the daily agenda of the China Automobile Dealers Association.

However, when placing orders for goods from China, it is important to prepare for customs operations. This is a difficult procedure that takes a lot of effort. Customs takes Chinese electronics seriously.

Prohibited electronics

There are many types of electronics, but they are not divided into strict categories. But among the devices there are some that are prohibited for transportation into the territory of the Russian Federation. Some organizations have already had problems when trying to import such funds. Ordinary consumers also encountered problems who did not take into account the requirements of the law. We are talking about devices designed to secretly obtain information, as well as various means tracking.

This is electronics with special sensors built into it. The import of radio-electronic equipment that is part of other devices is prohibited. You cannot import such equipment even for personal use. It is important to remember the list of prohibited goods so as not to deliver them to customs.

Customs clearance from China

The procedure goes through several stages:

  • Registration and receipt of declaration. The declaration must indicate all goods. It is important to correctly indicate the name of the product and the HS code. The documents must also contain information about the owner of the cargo. If the information is provided incorrectly, penalties will apply.
  • At customs they check codes and calculate duties and fees.
  • The carrier provides documents indicating the cost of the goods. Department employees have the right to request a price from the supplier. Taxes are calculated based on the stated value.
  • The carrier pays duties and taxes.
  • Upon entry, the cargo itself is carefully checked. Customs officers have the right to verify that the cargo corresponds to what is specified in the documentation.

The cost of customs clearance is determined by several parameters. It is affected by VAT, the amount of fees and duties, and the presence of excise taxes (if any). These commissions further affect the final cost of the product. It costs, on average, more than if the recipient did not import the goods into the country.

Prices for customs clearance of goods in Vladivostok

The cost of customs clearance of goods in Vladivostok is from $500 per container. The indicated costs are basic and may vary depending on the type of cargo and complexity of transportation.

List of documents

For customs clearance you need to prepare a package of documents. If we are talking about, then the recipient must provide:

  • Price from the product supplier.
  • Export declaration.
  • Documents for entity. If the work is performed by a representative, then he must have a power of attorney from the owner of the cargo to perform such work.
  • Agreement with .
  • Payment orders, various receipts for payment of fees and duties.
  • Certificates of conformity for goods, licenses. Products must be safe for the user. In the Russian Federation they take the safety of electrical appliances seriously, so the product must pass testing. Only with a certificate of conformity will the cargo be allowed through.
  • Documents that can confirm the value of goods.
  • Transaction passport.
  • Papers that can confirm the choice of a specific HS code.

Documents are prepared immediately before the customs clearance procedure. There are a lot of papers, each of them must be filled out strictly in accordance with state requirements. This may pose a certain problem for a company if it has not previously supplied from China.

Problems with customs clearance

You may encounter various problems. For example, out of ignorance, an entrepreneur could import products prohibited for delivery to Russia. In this case, he should prepare for penalties. It is better to first make sure that the cargo is permitted in Russia.

Most problems are related to incorrect filling out of documents, lack of papers, checks, licenses. Perhaps the product has not been certified, does not correspond to what is specified in the certificate, or the validity period of certain documents has expired. You need to be extremely careful when collecting documentation.

When issuing the declaration, the cargo owner may have incorrectly indicated the HS code. This is also a common problem. Not everyone can immediately understand the classification of products.

It is convenient and safe to carry out such procedures using. This saves money, time and nerves. Customs clearance is a lengthy procedure that takes from several hours to several days. Sometimes goods are stuck at the border because there are not enough customs officers to inspect them. No one will compensate for the company's downtime.

Transportation of goods from China to Russia

Before customs point Delivery of goods from China is carried out by sea, air, and land transport. For sea, air and rail cargo transportation, additional transport will be required to deliver the goods directly to the owner's warehouse.

Sea freight

This is the most popular and cheapest delivery method. Transportation time to the port varies from several days to a month. Most often, cargo is delivered to Vladivostok, but other options are also possible. After customs clearance, the goods must be reloaded onto a car or train. If the distance is long, it is best to use a container and container transportation services.

Air delivery

Optimal for small and valuable cargo: documents, trial goods, jewelry etc. The delivery itself takes several hours; from the moment of departure to arrival at the warehouse or the customer’s office, it can take more than a day, if you take into account the customs clearance period.

Road and rail transportation

On railway transport Delivery of goods from China will take up to 30-35 days, taking into account the collection of cargo and customs procedures. This is an inexpensive method of transportation, available throughout almost the entire territory of Russia, with the exception of the Far North and other similar regions.

Automobile will go the way two to three times faster, but this method is more expensive and riskier.

How is cargo delivered from China?

As a rule, we are talking about multimodal transportation: in any case, you will have to use several types of transport, including trucks.

For transportation:

  • develop a route, choosing the most economical and optimal mode of transport;
  • select consolidation warehouses and customs points;
  • prepare documents;
  • load the goods onto a vehicle and deliver them to a port, airport, railway station or consolidation warehouse;
  • They transport cargo on the main transport, then transfer it to another and deliver it to the buyer’s warehouse.

Delivery and customs clearance of goods from China takes from 1-2 days to 60 days, depending on the chosen transport, the load at the customs point and other factors.

China is one of the world leaders in car production, and even the country's domestic market is estimated at millions of units. What they don’t produce here: exact replicas of world brands (BMW, Toyota), their own export brands (Geely, Lifan, Chery), giants focused only on the domestic market (Changan, Dongfeng and others). Those who believe that it is pointless to drive cars from China are definitely wrong. Another question is that this process is very labor-intensive, and at each stage a person faces his own difficulties.

Is it profitable to buy cars in China?

The cost of new and used cars in the Middle Kingdom is significantly lower than in Russia, the difference reaches several thousand dollars. For example, a new Tiggo 5 in good configuration costs 89,900 yuan (about $13,000), in Moscow - about $14,000 in the minimum configuration, Chery Arrizo 5 in China costs 58,900 yuan (about $8,900), in Russia - about 11 thousand dollars. Of course, car houses there regularly hold promotions and offer discounts, so the difference on the cheapest cars can be 2-3 thousand dollars.
If you pay attention to less popular brands, then the prices may seem tempting. Here you can easily buy a car that looks beautiful and is comfortable to drive for 5-6 thousand dollars. Another question is how it will show itself “ a dark horse» in operation.

What do professionals say about car delivery from China?

The laboriousness and complexity of the procedure makes experts doubt the feasibility of the project. In an unfamiliar country, it is difficult to check the physical condition of a used car; the Chinese may well “unscrew the speedometer counter”, underestimating the car’s mileage. Therefore, the only option for independent purchase is to work with a trusted compatriot.
Another way to buy a car is to ask for help from specialized companies who provide mediation services professionally. Dealers either select cars to order or give one of the special offers that they receive through market monitoring.

Why is the cost of cars rising in Russia?

Since ancient times, the Russian Federation (and now also on the territory of the EEC) has had protective duties designed to “protect” the domestic market from the foreign automobile industry. This payment is popularly called “customs clearance”, and its values ​​are the same regardless of the origin of the car. By purchasing a vehicle in Germany, the USA or China.
The cost of customs clearance depends on the following parameters:

  • The price of the car (reflected in the sales contract);
  • Engine capacity (in cubic centimeters);
  • Engine power;
  • Vehicle weight;
  • Age (less than 3 years, 3-5, 5-7, over 7 years);
  • Motor type;
  • Buyer (individual or legal entity).

There are several ways to deliver a car from China:

  1. At your own pace. The price consists of the cost of gasoline and overhead costs (hotel, driver’s meals), and is only suitable for residents of cities that are relatively close to China.
  2. By car transporter. A relatively expensive, but more reliable method ensures both efficiency and safety of the car, since the vehicle will be in motion almost all the time.
  3. By train. One of the best methods for the price, it is justified only if the car’s safety is ensured along the way. There are frequent cases of dismantling of cars (dismantling of wheels, radio, body parts).
  4. By water vessel. This method is one of the most economical, but you will have to wait much longer for the purchase. Ideal for residents of port cities (St. Petersburg, Vladivostok).

Order customs clearance car (using the example of St. Petersburg):

  • Selecting the import method (on your own - as a driver or passenger, unaccompanied cargo, forwarding method);
  • A visit to the place where the car was registered (there are several of them in St. Petersburg - for example, at the address: Kultury Ave., building 40A);
  • Application Money for a deposit (informing about your intention to bring a car from China, you need to indicate information about it that affects the amount of customs duties);
  • Obtaining a customs receipt;
  • Crossing the border (if the buyer drives the car himself, he needs a civil and foreign passport, a car purchase and sale agreement, a registration certificate, and when using the services of an intermediary, a warranty certificate);
  • Completion of the procedure (the car must be delivered to the place of registration).

To implement the task, an extensive package of documents is required:

  • Customs receipt;
  • Declaration in form TD-6;
  • Vehicle registration certificate, translated into Russian, notarized;
  • Purchase and sale agreement (bill of sale or invoice);
  • Notification of the vehicle being in a temporary storage warehouse;
  • Transit declaration.

All documents received in China must be translated into Russian in advance.

During customs clearance, in addition to the import duty, you will have to pay a recycling fee. Also, the car must comply with an environmental class of at least Euro 5. But many cars from China do not meet this requirement. Such vehicles will not be allowed to operate in the Russian Federation; they simply will not be issued a title.
By the way, most Chinese cars sold in Russia are assembled in our country. Assembly plants receive components and assemblies from the Middle Kingdom in order to minimize the cost of import duties. After all, you need to pay much less at customs for components than for a finished car.

How to clear a car through customs if it is not moving under its own power?

The procedure for customs clearance of a car from China will not differ from the generally accepted one: the car will be delivered to a temporary storage warehouse, after which the buyer needs to go to the place where the goods are registered, submit the above documents, and complete the procedure.

Planning a car delivery route from China

A tourist traveling to China to buy a car requires a category F visa. Most often, cars are purchased in Beijing and other large cities. You can drive a vehicle only if your driver's license is confirmed in the PRC. This procedure is not difficult, but it takes time, so such a permit is only issued to people who regularly visit China.
Having bought a car in China, it is easier and cheaper to send it to Russia by rail or sea. A car transporter will cost a little more, since the route is much further. It is worth noting that accompanying organizations represented in both China and the Russian Federation can simplify the purchase and delivery process.

Let's sum it up

So, buying a car in China is a troublesome matter, and the benefits for the buyer are not so obvious. You will have to pay for an expensive flight (moving to China), experience difficulties translating documents for the car into Russian, hire a carrier, or cross the border yourself. Considering that the price range for cars in Russia and China is not so high, it is easier to find a suitable make and model for yourself directly in the Russian Federation. Automakers from China are currently engaged in dumping, trying to capture the market, which has had a beneficial effect on prices.

At the moment, in China, despite some economic decline, there is a sharp increase in the welfare of citizens who can afford to buy expensive goods. The largest domestic demand in China is for. And this is at astronomical prices for cars, which are among the most expensive in the world.

Recently, a group of individuals was uncovered in the United States that resells premium cars to China. In the United States, this is the most common illegal scheme for making money on cars, which involves exporting cars from America to China, which has a huge demand for premium cars.

It's all about the huge difference in the cost of cars in the USA and in China. So, for example, a premium class in the United States costs about $60,000. When, as the price for the same new car in China is 1,000,000 yuan, which in terms of the current exchange rate is approximately 199 thousand. US dollars. Or, for example, a popular crossover all over the world in the USAcosts $49,600. In China, a similar SUV costs 923,000 yuan, which is $167,600 in dollar terms.

The huge cost of cars in China is due to the large customs duty for new vehicles - 25% of the cost and various taxes levied on the dealer for sales in the country of vehicles manufactured outside of China. Despite the huge duty when importing cars into China, the benefits of resale are obvious. Thus, the Chinese authorities protected their domestic auto market from foreign automobile companies, allowing local automakers to easily compete with global auto brands.

The huge difference in car prices between the US and China is causing Americans to break local laws. So in the United States, car dealers are prohibited from selling new cars, which will be immediately exported. If a new car is discovered outside the United States that was previously exported from the country, the dealer who sold this car to a non-resident of the country will be fined.

A criminal group exposed in the United States resold new cars for several years. In total, from 2009 to 2012, 93 cars were illegally exported and sold. When the group was detained at the port, 14 vehicles were seized and ready to be sent to China. According to preliminary data, the scammers were able to earn about $2 million. In 16 states, the dummies purchased vehicles totaling approximately $6 million.

Most of the dummies had no idea why they were purchasing new cars in their own names.

The first car that was exported from the United States and resold to China was a Mercedes-Benz GL350, purchased in the USA for $70,000.

America is not the only country where it is thriving similar business for resale of cars to China. Using various schemes for export from their country, enterprising citizens make money on the difference in the price of new cars.

IN last years There is an increase in exports in Russia Vehicle beyond the borders Russian Federation. Unfortunately, there is no detailed information on exports in our country, with which one could find out the share of cars sent to China. But most likely this share is not small, since, despite the fact that in Russia cars are much more expensive than in the USA, the difference in prices between our country and China is still large.

Comparison of car prices in Russia, the USA and China.

Brand, model Russia USA China
91,630$ 46,800$ 157,800$
97,300$ 47,100$ 161,400$