It is possible to open a veterinary department in a pharmacy. How to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch (sample business plan). Personnel and staffing structure

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How to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch (sample business plan)

If not every second, then every third family has a pet. A larger percentage of city residents prefer to keep cats and dogs at home. Slightly fewer of the population keep rodents, and a very small proportion of all animal lovers keep wild exotic animals in their homes. Betting on a sale medicines, vitamins for dogs, cats and rodents, you can draw up a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy, the costs of which will pay off within six months in a large populated area and in no more than a year in a small town or village.


To open a business selling medicines for animals, you must have the appropriate education and work experience in this specialization for at least 3 years. A specialist dispensing medicines needs a certificate. If there is a certified specialist behind the counter, then the business owner does not have to have a veterinary education; he will be assigned the role of administrator, supplier.

After private entrepreneurs began producing vaccines, drops, tablets, and vitamins for animals, doctors at veterinary clinics question the quality of many medicines. Many suppliers of low-quality goods are well known to specialists, so before purchasing the first batches of drugs, you will need to consult a practicing veterinarian.

Constant business contact with a veterinary clinic is beneficial for both parties. The clinic will receive shipments of medicines at a small markup, and the pharmacy will receive a regular customer ordering vaccines, dressings, ointments and other materials necessary for the work. Considering that prescriptions for animals are written out in the clinic, and the consequences of using low-quality drugs are best known to veterinarians, it is necessary to order medications from well-established manufacturers.

Business Description

To maximize the attraction of customers, in the presence of nearby competing pharmacies, you will have to find an inexpensive place located closer to the center of the village. If this point is already occupied, then you can use the proximity to the veterinary clinic.

Taking into account the specifics of the goods, the equipment for the premises is selected so as to fully comply with the storage conditions for medicines. Some of them will require a refrigerator, for others cabinets that reliably protect from light and direct sunlight.

Pharmacies for animals

In principle, the range of medications for animals is similar to those used to treat humans. But still, not all medications from the human pharmacy are suitable for treating animals, even with a significant reduction in dosage.

The list of basic pharmacy services includes:

  • dispensing medications according to veterinary prescriptions;
  • sale of anthelmintic drugs based on the weight of the animal;
  • sale of aerosols, sprays, drops and other forms of insecticides;
  • dressing material;
  • syringes, pipettes;
  • protective postoperative collars;
  • gloves protecting hands from animal bites during medical procedures.

In a pharmacy for animals you can sell not only basic but also related products. In the list of related products will be:

  • specialized animal feed;
  • muzzles;
  • harnesses;
  • collars;
  • overalls for walking.

Description of services

In the absence of a pharmacist on staff of a pharmacy, its specificity is determined - the sale of drugs manufactured at pharmacological enterprises. In this case, the range of medications should cover all possible animal diseases.

You have to purchase medicines with the expectation of selling them before the expiration date, which will help avoid losses. Here again the need arises for consultation with doctors who keep statistics on the most common reasons appeals.

Having a pharmacist on your staff, you can make ointments, powders and other medications that are not in wide demand, to order. This is caring for animals that have allergic reactions or contraindications to standard formulations of medications supplied by pharmaceutical companies.

  • When concluding an agreement with a veterinary clinic for the supply of vaccines for vaccinations, it is necessary to follow the supply plan and strictly monitor the expiration dates of the drugs.
  • For animals with rare diseases, it is possible to provide the possibility of ordering the necessary medications.
  • The range may include medicinal food for sterilized and pregnant animals, as well as for young offspring.

Attention! Veterinary pharmacy in rural areas differs from the urban one in that its assortment should include products for treating farm animals and feeding offspring.

Pharmacies without a preparation workshop, selling only ready-made medicines. Their advantages are as follows:

  • small area, which affects the rental cost;
  • fewer staffing units;
  • limited attention from supervisory authorities.

Exactly the opposite is the case with a pharmacy, where medications for treating pets will be prepared according to individual recipes.

Market analysis

Planning any business begins with an analysis of the corresponding market segment in your own city or town. The absence of a pet pharmacy in the area is not always a good sign. It is possible that it will be replaced outlets for animals with store status.

Some veterinary clinics, in the absence of specialized pharmacies in their own area, can sell drugs from pharmacies from other regions, subject to the provision of a part of the clinic premises for rent. This is one of the most serious competitors. You need to take a closer look at its assortment.

It is necessary to study all the ways in which medicines reach consumers. A thriving business among existing competitors is a favorable sign, but there are also some difficulties in attracting the attention of potential buyers to your pharmacy.

Marketing plan


Prices for renting premises and providing services of security organizations in all regions of the country are different, so you will have to clarify the amount of costs for monthly payments locally. Wage employees also largely depends on the local coefficient.

The amount of medicines for cats, dogs and other animals that need pharmacy products must initially be calculated from the registration data of veterinary clinics in the locality. During operation, demand will make its own adjustments.

Dear visitors, below is an example of a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy with economic calculations. The sample was prepared by specialists in business planning, the calculations were made in Excel format and can be adapted for any other calculation of the return on investment of a veterinary pharmacy, wherever you prepare the document - a bank, a private investor, within a company.

If you have any questions, you can ask them directly below in the comment field, in the VKontakte group, or by sending us an email.


Goal: opening a veterinary pharmacy in a small town

Objectives: providing veterinary drugs to pets of residents of a small regional town

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the project is the owner of a pharmacy chain, who decided to expand his business in the city by expanding the services provided.

Investment costs

To open a veterinary pharmacy you will need 3,500 thousand rubles. Such a high amount is due to the purchase of premises that will be used for a veterinary pharmacy in the property. The main areas of investment expenses are as follows:

  • Purchase of premises - 1,500 thousand rubles;
  • Repair, installation of communications and redevelopment of the premises - 1,000 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of goods - 800 thousand rubles.

Project financing

The project will be financed partly from the initiator's funds, and partly from a bank loan. The loan is issued for the purchase of premises in the amount of 90% of its cost. The loan rate is 13% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule, the repayment period is 10 years.

As part of the business plan for opening a veterinary pharmacy, calculations were made that showed the following effectiveness of the project:

  • Simple payback period - 3.58 years;
  • - 4.17 years;
  • NPV - 4,559 thousand rubles;

To calculate the payback of the project, a calculation period of 10 years was taken, the inflation rate was 10% and the discount rate was 11%.

Suppliers and contractors

To carry out the repair work, it is planned to attract a team of builders, who have already carried out similar work to open several retail outlets earlier. The brigade has proven itself with positive side, and also carried out the work in good faith, met the deadlines and offered the lowest amount of work cost.

The supplier of the products was a wholesale company - a supplier of veterinary drugs, with which the project initiator had already crossed paths several times to sell products in their existing pharmacies.


The veterinary pharmacy will offer its clients the following range of products for animals:

Today, this is the optimal set of products that should be in a veterinary pharmacy for its normal functioning.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists you will save time and increase quality finished document 4-5 times and increase your chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

To calculate the business plan for a veterinary pharmacy to be opened, we take an investment amount of 3,500 thousand rubles, which will be used to purchase premises, repair them, and purchase equipment and goods. The table below provides a breakdown of investment costs:

Naming of expenditures Qty price sum
Purchasing premises 1 1 500 000,00 1 500 000,00
Repair work
Room renovation 400 000,00
Electrical work and lighting adjustment 200 000,00
Sewage and water supply works 75 000,00
Heating works 75 000,00
Installation of security and fire alarm systems 75 000,00
CCTV installation 75 000,00
External design of the outlet 100 000,00
Purchase of equipment
refrigerators 2 40 000,00 80 000,00
Showcases 8 5 000,00 40 000,00
Cash box 1 20 000,00 20 000,00
Counter 1 10 000,00 10 000,00
Cabinets for storing drugs 6 2 500,00 15 000,00
Air conditioner 1 15 000,00 15 000,00
Office furniture 4 2 500,00 10 000,00
racks 10 1 000,00 10 000,00
Purchasing goods
Purchasing goods 800 000,00
TOTAL 3 500 000,00

Investment payment and work plan

Below is a work plan for opening a veterinary pharmacy:

Below is a payment schedule for investment expenses (thousand rubles):

Name of works 1 month 2 month 3 month 4 month 5 month 6 month
Purchasing premises 500,00 1 000,00
Repair work 200,00 200,00 200,00 200,00 200,00
Purchase of equipment 200,00
Purchasing goods 800,00
TOTAL 500,00 1 200,00 200,00 200,00 400,00 1 000,00

Production plan


The selected premises meet all the conditions for obtaining a license for veterinary activities. The premises have several rooms, including one for storing medications.

The room contains:

  • Sales area - 20 sq.m.
  • Warehouse for storing veterinary drugs - 5 sq.m.
  • Room for the store director - 5 sq.m.;
  • Room for staff - 5 sq.m.

Working hours

In order to reach the greatest possible audience, the veterinary pharmacy's opening hours will be from 8-00 to 20-00, without lunch or weekends.

Manufacturing process

Below we describe the entire process of receiving goods from the supplier to the final consumer:

  1. Based on the balance in the warehouse, the store director makes a request to the supplier for the drugs;
  2. The supplier brings the drugs and transfers them to the warehouse, the store director accepts the goods by quantity and nomenclature, enters the information into the accounting system;
  3. When choosing a buyer, the seller pushes the goods through cash machine, receives money from the client and transfers the goods to him.
  4. At the end of the day, the proceeds are collected by employees of the servicing bank.

Average markup

Due to the large number of items in the veterinary pharmacy, we did not calculate the average cost for each product group, and calculated the average markup for all types of goods, which amounted to 40%. Thus, with a product cost of 100 rubles, we will sell it at an average price of 140 rubles.

Marketing plan

Competition and location

Due to the small population of the town (150 thousand people), the city has several veterinary pharmacies, which are located in the central areas of the city. It is not entirely convenient for animal owners when they have to travel from remote areas to the center to purchase pet supplies.

The veterinary pharmacy being opened is located in a residential area of ​​the city, where there are no other competitors. This allows you to get as clients residents of the area who cannot afford to go shopping to the city center.

Range of services and prices

As discussed in production plan The range of goods sold in a veterinary pharmacy will consist of the following product groups:

The average markup on products will be 40%. At the same time, prices in the pharmacy will be slightly lower than prices in similar pharmacies located in the center. Such pricing is possible due to the lower cost of premises in residential areas, which will save on costs. Also, such pricing will allow us to attract some customers from the central pharmacies of the city to ours.

Volume of sales

It is planned that over time the pharmacy will reach the planned sales volume of 12 million rubles. in year. Without taking into account seasonality, the average monthly revenue will be 1 million rubles, per day - 30 thousand rubles.

With a markup of 40%, the cost of goods sold will be 8.57 million rubles.

However, it will take time for the veterinary pharmacy to reach this sales volume. The schedule for reaching the optimal sales volume is presented in the table below:

In addition, sales will fluctuate throughout the year taking into account seasonality indices, which are presented in the table below:

Advertising strategy

In order to increase sales and achieve optimal sales in the near future, the pharmacy will involve advertising campaign, which will include the following steps:

  • Decorating a retail outlet with a sign and a noticeable banner - costs are taken into account in the investment budget;
  • Decorating a retail outlet with balloons in the first month of opening - 5,000 rubles.
  • Advertising in elevators of nearby buildings within 2 months after opening - 15,000 rubles/month;
  • Production and placement of an advertising sign - 5,000 rubles;
  • Creating groups on social networks - 3,000 rubles;
  • Creation of a business card website - 3,000 rubles.

Organizational plan

Form of doing business

To open a veterinary pharmacy, existing entity, which operates regular pharmacies owned by the project initiator.

A legal entity is registered as a limited liability company and operates on a simplified taxation system based on income minus expenses.

Personnel and staffing structure

The following staff will be recruited to work in the new pharmacy, which will have salaries and bonuses as indicated in the table below:

Job title Qty salary Prize
Director 1 20 000,00 20% of profits
Sellers 2 15 000,00 3% of revenue
cleaning woman 1 10 000,00
handyman 1 12 000,00
TOTAL 5 57 000,00

Financial plan


To calculate the return on investment of a business plan, we built a model based on the following input parameters:

  • Macroeconomic factors:
    • Inflation - 10%;
    • Discount rate - 11%;
  • Tax environment:
    • Income tax - 15%;
    • Personal income tax - 13%;
    • Contributions to social funds - 34.2%;
    • VAT - 0%.

Project financing

To implement the project, the initiator plans to obtain a mortgage loan to purchase premises for a veterinary pharmacy. The loan is issued for 10 years at 13% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule. The loan will be provided in the amount of 90% of the cost of the premises.

Project payback indicators

Based on the above data on income, expenses (investment and current), a veterinary pharmacy business plan was calculated, which showed the following project performance indicators:

  • Simple payback period - 3.58 years;
  • Discounted payback period - 4.17 years;
  • NPV - 4,559 thousand rubles;

The payback of the project is quite large, but it is due to the acquisition of premises, which, in principle, could be rented. However, to reduce risks, the owner of the premises decided to purchase it.

Break even

As part of calculating the business plan, we calculated the break-even point for our veterinary pharmacy; it amounted to 500 thousand rubles. per month. Thus, with sales above this amount, our company will operate in profit.

However, when calculating the break-even point, we did not take into account the repayment of principal and interest on the loan. If we take these amounts into account, the minimum sales volume will increase to 900 thousand rubles. per month.

Project sustainability analysis

In order to understand the influence of various factors on the payback period and profitability of the project, we studied the influence of prices, expenses and the investment amount on the NPV of the project. The table with the results is presented below:

Influencing factor -20% -10% 0 +10% +20%
Prices (surcharge) - 3 467 - 1 534 543 2 489 4 365
Fixed expenses 1 678 1 045 543 -12 - 547
Amount of investment 1 013 789 543 343 129

As we can see, prices and the amount of markup have the greatest impact on the profitability of the project. Thus, if prices decrease by 10%, the project becomes unprofitable within 10 years.

Risk analysis

For the purpose of risk analysis, social, economic, political and technological were considered. Below are the most critical ones for our activities:


The arrival of major players in the veterinary business on the city market. This is a fairly significant factor that can greatly affect the profitability of our veterinary pharmacy, however, firstly, today, none of the players express a desire to enter the market, and secondly, we have a fairly tangible advantage over such players - premises the pharmacy is owned and we can reduce prices quite low. Thirdly, these players usually enter the market in the central areas of the city, so our niche will be free for a long time.


Increasing taxes and non-tax payments by the state can also reduce business profitability, but as we saw earlier from sustainability calculations, its impact is not so strong.


The decline in the standard of living of the population will not allow them to purchase veterinary medications for their pets, which will have a very negative impact on both demand and product prices. But the current economic situation shows that the standard of living of the population is quite high, and constant advertising of animal feed and medications both on television and on the Internet constantly increases the demand for these products.


We do not see any risks for these species.


This example of a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy with calculations showed good payback indicators for the project, which indicates that this project will be of interest to both investors and the bank issuing the loan. And the existing risks indicate that this project is low-risk.

Useful information on how to open a veterinary pharmacy. This business is ideal for those who have a pharmaceutical education or a veterinary degree.

♦ Capital investments – 500,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 10–12 months

Most people have or have had pets.

Where can you buy medicated food, anti-flea collars, drugs that destroy worms, and various medications without worrying about their quality?

At a veterinary pharmacy.

Since the number of people who want to keep a pet is constantly increasing, owning a veterinary pharmacy can become a profitable business.

If you are looking for a profitable startup to launch, then find out all about how to open a veterinary pharmacy. This business is simply ideal for those who have a secondary or higher pharmaceutical education, or a veterinary diploma.

Veterinary pharmacy as a business

Residents of our country saw the first veterinary pharmacy back in the 18th century.

Our ancestors, however, were more worried not about cats or dogs living in their homes, but about horses, which occupied an important place in human life: they served as a means of transportation, entertainment, and worked hard together with their peasant owners.

But the main clients of the country's first veterinary pharmacy were the owners of stud farms.

Centuries have passed and the situation has changed.

Now there are about a thousand veterinary pharmacies operating in Russia, whose main clients are owners of cats, dogs, ornamental birds and rodents.

To open a veterinary pharmacy, you do not have to be a resident of a large city (although the first pharmacy appeared in Moscow).

You can easily open your own establishment in a small town or even in a village, you’ll just have to reconsider the requirements for the assortment.

Instead of expensive cat food, offer feed additives for piglets and poultry, instead of anti-flea collars - medicines for cattle, etc.

Why should you open a veterinary pharmacy?

Businessmen looking for a profitable startup need serious arguments why this particular business should be opened and not some other.

Owning a veterinary pharmacy has many benefits:

  1. According to 2014 statistics, over 20% of Russians have some kind of animal at home, which gradually becomes a member of the family, and therefore receives appropriate care.
    That is, the number of clients of veterinary pharmacies is about 30 million people.
    And this is data only about people who keep “decorative” animals at home.
    Domestic animals of rural residents do not appear in the statistics.
  2. This business can be opened by residents of any region: from a large metropolis to a small village.
  3. Even in times of crisis, people continue to take care of their pets, and if you reconsider your product range (offer cheaper analogues of food and medicines), you will not suffer losses.
  4. Even if you do not have a veterinary or pharmaceutical education and three years of experience in this field, you can conclude employment contract with a person who has it all, and perform only the functions of a manager.
  5. At the initial stage, this business does not require huge capital investments.
  6. A veterinary pharmacy is a fairly profitable business that can bring tens of thousands of rubles per month to its owner.

Disadvantages of Owning a Veterinary Pharmacy

Fun fact:
At the beginning of October each year, when the laureates are announced Nobel Prize, in parallel, a parody Ig Nobel Prize is being awarded for achievements that cannot be reproduced or there is no point in doing so. In 2009, among the laureates were veterinarians who proved that a cow with any name gives more milk than a nameless one.

This type of business does not have many disadvantages, but you should know about the main ones in order to make an informed decision about launching a startup:

  1. High level of competition, especially in large cities.
  2. The need to sell products with a limited shelf life: medicines, special feeds.
  3. Requirements for specialized education.
  4. The success of a business largely depends on the location of the veterinary pharmacy, and the more advantageous the location, the higher the rental price.

2 types of veterinary pharmacy

You should know that there are two types of veterinary pharmacies:

  1. Those that can only sell finished goods.
  2. Those that can produce medicines and animal feed, and then sell them.

If you do not have a large start-up capital, are new to entrepreneurship and do not have research talents, then you should limit yourself to the first option.

To open such a pharmacy you need a small premises, you will go through a simplified registration procedure, and inspection authorities will not bother you so often.

Calendar plan for opening a veterinary pharmacy

Launching this startup will not take too much time if you can quickly register your company and obtain a license for retail sales medications.

It won’t take you more than 2-3 months to find a room, renovate it, purchase equipment and hire staff.

Thus, you need a maximum of six months to open a business.

Registration procedure and license acquisition
Premises and renovation work in him
Purchase of equipment
Purchase of the first batch of goods

Advertising company for veterinary pharmacy

If you locate your veterinary pharmacy in an area with high traffic and install a reasonable pricing policy, then you can do without an advertising campaign altogether.

Your establishment will already generate good income.

You can insure your business at first:

  • by ordering a bright sign and advertising window stickers;
  • handing out advertising flyers in a crowded place;
  • by purchasing advertising space in a popular local newspaper;
  • by ordering commercials on local radio and television;
  • placing your advertising banner on a veterinary forum;
  • creating a group on social networks.

Stages of opening a veterinary pharmacy

To work legally and not have problems with inspection authorities, you should start by registering your business and obtaining a license.

At the same time, look for premises for your veterinary pharmacy so that when submitting documents for a license, you can indicate the address of your establishment.

And then you can start purchasing equipment, searching for suppliers, hiring staff, etc.

Registration and license

You can register like an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes according to a simplified scheme.

This is the easiest part of the registration procedure, because ahead of you is the receipt of a license allowing retail trade in veterinary drugs.

You should start by obtaining a certificate from the Union of Pet Business Enterprises.

To obtain such a certificate, you need to write an application, pass a test and pay the specified amount.

If you do not have special education, then even if you want to, you will not be able to obtain such a certificate.

You will have to hire a manager and salespeople who have the appropriate qualifications.

In addition to the license, you will have to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological certificate from Rospotrebnadzor and enter into a number of agreements:

  • on disinfection and disinfestation;
  • on the destruction of medical waste;
  • about indoor ventilation.

In general, the registration procedure for a veterinary pharmacy is not very simple, so it is better to entrust it to a qualified lawyer.

Premises for a veterinary pharmacy

If you are planning to open a veterinary pharmacy that will only sell products, an office of 30 square meters is enough. m.

In addition to the sales area, your veterinary pharmacy should have: a service room for staff and a bathroom.

If the space allows, you can also equip a warehouse, a manager’s office and a closet for storing work equipment.

If you want to open a veterinary pharmacy that will not only sell ready-made medications, but also produce them yourself, then you will need a larger premises: at least 46 square meters. meters.

Most pharmacies operate on the first principle, so they are content with modest premises of 30–35 sq. m.

The design of the room should be as simple as possible (light walls and ceilings), but you will have to spend money on purchasing equipment for storing and placing goods.

Equipment for veterinary pharmacy

To present your product to customers and facilitate the work of staff, you need to purchase the following equipment:

Expense itemQtyCost (in rub.)Amount (in rub.)
Total: 200,000 rub.
Glazed showcases
2 15 000 30 000
3 5 000 15 000
Furniture for the seller’s workplace (stand, chair) 20 000
Cash machine
1 10 000 10 000
Refrigerator for medicines
1 25 000 25 000
1 20 000 20 000
Telephone set
1 1 000 1 000
Air conditioner
1 15 000 15 000
Office furniture
30 000
Other 34 000

Veterinary pharmacy products

To increase your profit, you should sell not only medicines, but also:
  • stern;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • anti-flea collars;
  • toys for animals;
  • clothing and accessories;
  • dishes;
  • houses, cages, carriers, etc.

Work with suppliers who sell certified products, especially when it comes to medicines.

You can find good suppliers, for example, via the Internet.

Veterinary pharmacy staff

It is more profitable for business if the veterinary pharmacy is open seven days a week, because pets can get sick any day.

Their owners will need medications and they will come to you.

Therefore, you will need 2 sellers who will work, for example, 2/2 days from 8.00–20.00

How much does it cost to open a veterinary pharmacy?

At the initial stage of opening a veterinary pharmacy, you need to spend at least 500,000 rubles on:

You can reduce the amount of capital investment by finding premises that are not too expensive to rent or by purchasing used veterinary pharmacy equipment.

Get ready for monthly expenses of about 150,000 rubles:

For inspiration to implement this type of business

How can you design and equip a veterinary pharmacy:

How much can a veterinary pharmacy owner earn?

The profitability of your veterinary pharmacy depends on how much product you sell daily and what markup you put on it. In order for a business to be profitable, the markup on goods must be at least 50–100%.

Let's say you bought a batch of goods worth 100,000 rubles.

The markup on each unit was 100%. You managed to sell this product in one month.

Thus, you earned 200,000 rubles. 130,000 rubles from this amount will be spent on rent, payment of salaries to staff, taxes and the next purchase, and 70,000 will be your net profit.

If we start from the amount of net profit that you will receive every month, we see that a capital investment of 500,000 rubles can be returned in 8 months.

Naturally, you will not be able to receive such a profit during the first months of operation of your veterinary pharmacy.

In the best case, you will break even; in the worst case, you will work at a loss.

Therefore, we determine the average payback period for a veterinary pharmacy – 10–12 months.

Agree, these are quite good indicators, which are enough for you to decide open a veterinary pharmacy, if you have special education and have required amount for initial investment.

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What is the article about?

  • 1 Stages of opening a veterinary pharmacy
    • 1.1 Paperwork
    • 1.2 Nuances of choosing a room
    • 1.3 Cost calculation
    • 1.4 Income and payback
  • 2 How to open a veterinary pharmacy
    • 2.1 Important details
    • 2.2 Selecting premises and location
    • 2.3 Types of veterinary pharmacies
    • 2.4 Costs
    • 2.5 Required documents
  • 3 How to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch and how much it costs: Business plan with calculations
    • 3.1 Features of the pharmacy business
    • 3.2 Experts recommend that beginners open a veterinary pharmacy for the following reasons:
    • 3.3 Advantages and disadvantages
    • 3.4 Pros:
    • 3.5 Cons:
    • 3.6 Business plan
    • 3.7 Business registration
    • 3.8 Establishment format
    • 3.9 Selecting a location
    • 3.10 Premises
    • 3.11 Equipment
    • 3.12 Financial investments
    • 3.13 Profit
    • 3.14 Useful tips
    • 3.15 Conclusions
  • 4 Business plan for a veterinary pharmacy
    • 4.1 Advantages of opening a veterinary pharmacy
    • 4.2 Registration
    • 4.3 Where to open a veterinary pharmacy
    • 4.4 Premises
    • 4.5 Equipment
    • 4.6 Personnel
    • 4.7 Costs and payback
  • 5 How to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch to run a business
    • 5.1 Registration of a veterinary pharmacy
    • 5.2 Renting premises
    • 5.3 Pharmacy equipment
    • 5.4 Personnel
    • 5.5 Competition
    • 5.6 Business plan for a veterinary pharmacy. Price policy

Stages of opening a veterinary pharmacy

  • Paperwork
  • Nuances of choosing a room
  • Counting expenses
  • Income and payback

The veterinary business is rather poorly developed in the Russian Federation, especially for specialized pharmacies for animals.

According to official data, there are 3 times fewer such institutions than pet stores. Statistics also show that in Russia, a third of the population keeps pets. Therefore, a veterinary pharmacy will be a profitable investment of capital.

But in order to implement such a business, you need to know some nuances: where to start organizing your business, how to do everything in accordance with legal requirements and how to invest money wisely.

In this article we will tell readers of the site of business ideas for women how to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch and how much it costs in 2020.


What documents are needed to open a veterinary pharmacy? This point should be given special attention, since this business is regulated Federal law“On the circulation of medicines”, as well as the regulation “On licensing of pharmaceutical activities”.

According to legal requirements, opening a veterinary pharmacy requires the following documents:

  • Permission to place. The pharmacy must be located in an appropriate regulatory requirements premises removed from the housing stock (this issue will be discussed in detail below).
  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor, where sanitary and epidemiological conditions for doing business will be considered suitable.
  • A concluded agreement for maintenance - disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Agreement on sanitary treatment of the pharmacy premises. This means: deratization (treatment against rodents), disinfection (counteracting the spread of pathogenic microorganisms), disinsection (treatment that prevents the appearance of insects).
  • Agreement for the disposal of medications.
  • Certificates of compliance with legal requirements of products sold.

These are requirements and rules that must be followed. Otherwise, the veterinary business will operate “under a black flag” - illegally, and the first inspection will lead to its closure.

You also need to open an individual entrepreneur and choose a taxation system. This, unlike collecting documents, is a fairly simple procedure that will take no more than 10 working days.

The biggest problem may be the OKVED code. According to the new classifier, a veterinary pharmacy is registered under code 52.31 - “Retail trade in pharmaceutical goods.”

But you can make starting a business much easier by taking advantage of professional legal support for this process. The cost of this service ranges from $2,000 to $3,000. Moreover, the rules are the same when organizing a business in rural areas and in urban areas.

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Nuances of choosing a room

According to legal requirements, a veterinary pharmacy - the premises where it is located must be divided into the following zones:

  • shopping room;
  • warehouse space;
  • utility and household premises: bathroom, staff room, manager’s office.

This division implies the acquisition of premises with an area of ​​at least 30 m2.

If you plan to open a pharmacy that will manufacture drugs to order, the minimum area will increase to 46 m2, and a production area will be added to the list of premises.

But most often this business is focused on the sale of finished pharmaceutical products. It is simpler and cheaper in terms of paperwork and investment in the veterinary business.

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Counting expenses

Veterinary pharmacy – how much does it cost? It is necessary to immediately decide minimum amount investments in order to open a business from scratch. Opening and preparation for it will include the following costs:

  • Legal support – $2000–3000;
  • Purchase or rental of premises from several thousand rubles to several tens of thousands of dollars;
  • Repair, re-equipment of the premises - $2000–3000;
  • Purchase of a set of equipment up to $8,200;
  • Purchase of a batch of medicines to open a veterinary pharmacy – $10,000.

Thus, to get started, you will need from 24,000 to 70,000 dollars, which in 2020 is from 1.5 to 4.5 million rubles. But don't forget about running costs:

  • payment of utility bills;
  • payment for contracts for disposal, disinfection, disinfestation, deratization;
  • wage;
  • taxes.

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On average, a pharmacy will require about $2,000 monthly. At the same time, the majority of the amount here will be taken up by the wage fund.

The veterinary business does not allow saving on personnel.

A qualified seller who is well versed in drugs will attract buyers better than advertising.

Income and payback

The level of profitability of a business will depend on many factors. This is the location, the range, the work of the staff. At the same time, the pharmacy should bring in on average from 200 to 500 dollars every day.

This figure includes the need to pay operating expenses. In this case, the payback period will be 1 year. But a two-year return on investment is also considered normal.

To obtain more accurate indicators, it is necessary to draw up a business plan!

So we figured out how to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch. As you can see, the design of this business has many nuances that need to be taken care of before starting to implement the idea.

  • Veterinary clinic business plan
  • How to open a hotel for animals
  • How to choose a good business name

How to open a veterinary pharmacy

Owning your own business is, of course, not bad, but only if it brings good profits. In addition, the payback open business should be no more than 3 years.

Animals are exactly what you can always make money on.

Therefore, here we will look at an article on how to open a veterinary pharmacy that will help you create your own business plan.

It is interesting to know that the very first veterinary pharmacy was opened at the beginning of the 18th century, in Moscow. It was equipped at the owner's discretion and served stud farms.

Nowadays, in the capital there are over nine hundred veterinary pharmacies offering potential clients medicines, food and vitamin supplements for animals. Therefore, when you decide to open a pharmacy for animals, weigh all the nuances and draw up a business plan.

Important nuances

The main thing for an entrepreneur is to resolve legal issues. Required condition Opening a veterinary pharmacy for an individual entrepreneur requires higher or secondary veterinary education.

At the same time, the entrepreneur does not have the right to delegate the sale and storage of veterinary drugs to his employee. If you don’t have a diploma, you’ll have to open an LLC.

You can also contact the “Union of Pet Business Enterprises”, which will send you a number of questions on your specialty by mail or fax.

By answering them correctly, you can receive a specialist certificate, giving you the right to legally do what you love. Having fulfilled at least one of these conditions, you can count on the smooth opening of an institution as an individual entrepreneur.

Choosing a room and location

You need to choose the room carefully. Decide where services will be provided. If this is a veterinary center, it will be enough to simply separate its territory, but for a veterinary pharmacy you need the most isolated room with a separate entrance.

When buying or renting premises for a veterinary pharmacy, pay attention to ensure that competitors do not interfere. We are talking not only about similar institutions, but also about pet stores. The latter sell cross-products, which can bring you a considerable percentage of profit.

It would be a good idea to open a veterinary pharmacy in a densely populated residential area. This is where your target audience lives. Don't worry - the first clients will come very soon, because every third person has a fish, hamster, cat, dog or chinchilla in their house.

Animals may need medications, toys, accessories, food and vitamins at any time.

If we are talking about opening a veterinary center, look at the recently opened shopping, entertainment centers and supermarkets where people gather a large number of of people.

Types of veterinary pharmacies

Veterinary pharmacies can be classified into two types. The first group includes institutions that are already implementing finished products. According to the requirements of regulatory authorities, their area must be at least 30 square meters.

meters. Such a veterinary pharmacy should have several rooms.

In particular - a sales area, a room for storing medicines, a staff room, an office for management, a toilet and a storage room for cleaning equipment.

Pharmacies for animals selling their own medicinal prescriptions must be at least 45 square meters. meters.

In addition to the above-mentioned premises, higher-level services require the availability of conditions for obtaining clean distilled water, as well as a place where you can easily wash your hands and sterilize utensils.

But for a veterinary pharmacy, the requirements are small. For its location, from 6 to 15 square meters is sufficient. meters.


Find suppliers to purchase equipment. You can buy everything you need for the sales area from companies serving ordinary pharmacies.

Focus on purchasing at least one glass display case (approximate price 10,000 rubles), several racks (from 6,000 rubles per unit) and arrangement of the seller’s workplace (it will cost from 6,000 to 10,000 thousand).

You also need to buy professional equipment - a veterinary refrigerator for storing drugs. Estimated cost from 15,000 (small-sized) to 35,000 thousand rubles.

We sum up all the expenses for equipment and furniture and get an average amount of 150,000 rubles. Reserve an amount of funds for a special uniform for your staff.

Funds for cosmetic repairs of the premises. No dark tones. Shades of green, yellow, blue, white will attract the client to purchase.

Include utility costs in your business plan.

Allocate money for bright and memorable outdoor advertising. You need to arrange it in such a way that the buyer understands that in your veterinary pharmacy he will find everything for his pet, according to low prices..

Required documents

Let's consider full list certificates, documents and permits:

How to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch and how much it costs: Business plan with calculations

According to statistics, every fifth family has a pet. All pets need careful care and quality medical care, so a veterinary pharmacy can be quite a profitable investment Money.

Before doing this, you need to understand the legal requirements and draw up a competent business plan. In this article we will tell you how to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch and how much money you need to invest in this enterprise.

Features of the pharmacy business

Beginners often wonder whether it is possible to open a pharmacy without a medical education. A pharmacist or veterinarian can dispense medications for animals.

A person who will sell food and medicine for cats and dogs must work for 3 years in his specialty. You will also need a specialist certificate. It can be obtained after special testing.

If you answer the questions asked in the test correctly, you will be given a corresponding document.

In principle, you can open a pharmacy without pharmaceutical education, but in this case you will have to hire qualified specialists with the necessary work experience.

Before opening a pharmacy from scratch, you need to carefully work out the assortment and find reliable suppliers so that the shelves in your establishment are not empty. Some products can be ordered online.

All medicines and food must be fresh, with a reasonable shelf life. Don't buy only the cheapest products.

As a rule, pet owners do not spare money for their pets, so they prefer to buy them the highest quality food and vitamins.

Register on a thematic forum and chat with users there. This will help you understand which companies produce truly high-quality products.

Experts recommend that beginners open a veterinary pharmacy for the following reasons:

  • Stable demand for the product. Pet owners regularly take their pets for vaccinations, preventive examinations and various medical procedures. As a rule, such trips are not complete without the purchase of medicines, and accordingly, the demand for them is consistently high. Some skeptics believe that it is much more convenient for people to purchase medications directly from a veterinary clinic, so they will not use the services of a pet pharmacy. In fact, many citizens prefer to buy medicines from pharmacies rather than from clinics because they believe they are overpriced locally;
  • Low market saturation. Unlike veterinary clinics and pet stores, there are not so many pharmacies for animals, which means that this market segment is not yet saturated. The relatively low level of competition allows newcomers to easily develop their business without reducing product prices. To attract customers, it is enough to focus on innovative products and use weak spots their competitors;
  • In addition to medications, a veterinary pharmacy can also sell other products for animals: food, shampoos, nutrients, toys and various accessories. That is, on the basis of an animal pharmacy you can create a kind of pet store.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before opening a veterinary pharmacy, you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of this business.


  • By expanding the range of goods and the list of services, the profitability of the enterprise can be significantly increased. If you sell not only medical drugs, but also animal care products, the business will pay off in the shortest possible time;
  • Every pet periodically needs medications, so such retail outlets do not suffer from a lack of customers;
  • Moderate level of competition. There are much fewer veterinary pharmacies than animal clinics, so it is easier to attract the attention of potential clients to them;
  • Such a business can be opened both in a large metropolis and in a small town;
  • People take care of their pets even during a crisis, so your business will not suffer losses;
  • The veterinary pharmacy brings in tens of thousands of rubles in profit every month.


  • The only significant drawback of such a business is the large amount of investment. In addition to renting or purchasing a premises, you will have to spend a lot of money on its renovation, as well as the purchase of goods and necessary equipment;
  • Limited shelf life of products;
  • Availability of specialized education.

Business plan

If you do not have your own start-up capital, you will have to attract investors to this business. To do this, you need a clear business plan for a veterinary pharmacy.

The following items should be included in this document:

  • Project Summary;
  • Description of the industry;
  • Description of goods;
  • Sales and Marketing;
  • Production plan;
  • Organizational plan;
  • Financial plan;
  • Project effectiveness assessment;
  • Risks and guarantees.

If you are unsure that you can cope with such a responsible task on your own, seek help from specialists. According to experts, a veterinary pharmacy is a fairly promising project that will bring good profits. How this will look in practice largely depends on the owner of the enterprise and the development strategy he has developed. After you finish developing a business plan, you can move on to paperwork.

Business registration

If you decide to open a pharmacy, the documents must be prepared in accordance with all legal requirements. IN Lately they have become significantly hardened, so we need to take this matter seriously and responsibly.

First of all, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. We have already talked about whether it is possible to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education, so we will not discuss this issue again. The most difficult stage is obtaining a license.

In addition, you need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and enter into agreements for the disposal of medical waste and disinfection of the premises.

As you can see, the procedure for registering such an enterprise is quite complicated, so it is better to entrust it to professionals.

Institution format

Your own veterinary pharmacy as a business is a fairly profitable line of business. It can be developed in different formats:

  • Full pharmacy. Such an establishment can be opened on the basis of a veterinary clinic or in a separate building. The pharmacy’s assortment should include medications, preventatives, vitamins, etc.;
  • Vet store. This establishment looks like a pharmacy, but it has a much larger selection. In addition to medicines, you can buy toys for animals, clothes, cages, etc.;
  • Vet clinic. This is an institution that treats sick animals. A smaller copy of the clinic is a veterinary office. Many beginners start with this format;
  • According to experts, it is most profitable to open a pharmacy as a franchise. This is an agreement to use a business model under the name famous brand. A newcomer enters into an agreement to purchase a franchise and receives comprehensive assistance and support from professionals. If you do not have start-up capital, try opening a pharmacy as a franchise without investment. This is the dream of every aspiring entrepreneur. But, unfortunately, there are no free franchises, so you will have to look for initial capital or take out a loan secured by property. Believe me, it’s worth it, because working with a proven brand will allow you to develop a profitable, promising business.

Selecting a location

Now let's talk about where to open a pharmacy. The premises for a veterinary pharmacy must have a separate entrance. The success of this business largely depends on the location of the enterprise. It is advisable that there are no competitors near your pharmacy.

The best option is a residential area. Most likely, many residents apartment buildings who have a cat or dog will become yours regular customers.

In residential areas, most of the revenue comes from the sale of food and accessories for animals, but only on the condition that there are no pet stores nearby.

A veterinary pharmacy can also be located in a shopping center.

Many citizens prefer to shop in one place, so along with groceries they buy everything their pet needs.


For a veterinary pharmacy that sells medications, a premises of 30 square meters is sufficient. meters.

In addition to the sales area, you need to equip a small warehouse, a manager’s office, as well as a service room and a bathroom.

The design of the room can be the simplest, without any special frills.

Before opening a pharmacy, you need to prepare the premises and invite the SES.

If no violations are found, you will be given permission to sell medicinal products for animals in the building of your choice. After this, you can submit a request to Rosselkhoznadzor.

In a few days they will come to you with a check. After successfully completing this stage, you must be issued a license allowing you to carry out such activities. It is valid for 5 years.

When this period ends, you need to undergo verification again. After this, you will receive a perpetual license, that is, the first document is a verification document.


Medicines, feed and vitamins must be stored at a certain temperature. In order to create such conditions, you need to purchase special equipment. So, what does it take to open a pharmacy? First of all, you will need a good split system.

Nowadays, there will be no problems with its acquisition. You can choose the right model according to your preferences and financial capabilities. High-quality equipment will cost you 40–60 thousand rubles.

In addition, you need to purchase glass display cases for medicines, where you will present the product to customers. They cost about 20 thousand rubles per piece. You will also need several racks to store goods worth 15–20 thousand rubles.

Don't forget about the seller's workplace. You will have to spend another 15 thousand rubles on its equipment.

Another major expense item is the purchase of a pharmacy refrigerator with drawers. It costs 40–50 thousand rubles. You will have to pay another 70–80 thousand rubles to equip the staff room and bathroom.

Financial investments

How much does it cost to open a pharmacy? Preparation for opening includes the following expenses:

  • Preparation of documents and legal support;
  • Renting or purchasing premises;
  • Repair;
  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Purchase of medicines.

For all this you will need from 1 to 1.5 million rubles. When calculating how much money it costs to open a pharmacy from scratch, we must not forget about current expenses:

  • Payment of utility bills;
  • Payment for services for disposal of expired medications, disinfection of premises, etc.;
  • Salaries of employees;
  • Taxes.

On average, monthly operating expenses are approximately 100–120 thousand rubles. Most of this amount is payroll.

In the veterinary business, you cannot skimp on personnel.

Qualified salespeople who are well versed in medications are the best advertisement for your pharmacy.


Beginning entrepreneurs are often interested in whether it is profitable to open a pharmacy for animals? The level of profitability of such an enterprise depends on various factors - location, prices and personnel qualifications. On average, such an establishment brings in 15–30 thousand rubles in revenue daily.

Typically, the return on the initial investment occurs within 1 year. It is normal for such a business if starting investments will return in 2 years.

If you really want to open profitable business, you need to mark up the product by at least 50–100%.

For example, you purchased a batch of medicines worth 100 thousand rubles and put a 100% markup on them. If you sell all the goods in a month, you can get 200 thousand rubles for it. Rent, salaries and the purchase of a new batch of goods will cost 130 thousand rubles, the remaining 70 thousand.

rubles – your net profit.

on topic on topic

  • Before purchasing medicines, you need to study the market and determine customer needs. Nowadays, you can use the Internet for this. Animal owners communicate on various thematic forums. Here they recommend the highest quality vitamins, medications and pet foods. Positive reviews about your pharmacy on such forums are the best advertising for business;
  • Another important ingredient for success is a professional behind the counter. Some people do not have the opportunity to seek help from a veterinary clinic, so they go to the pharmacy to buy a miracle drug for their pet. A qualified specialist who can tell you how to solve a particular problem ensures 50% of business profitability;
  • The third important aspect is advertising. It is desirable that it be positive. Order large bright banner, hang a poster at the entrance to the pharmacy, organize a distribution business cards and leaflets;
  • Constantly update your knowledge. To do this, you need to attend various exhibitions and seminars dedicated to this topic. If you are opening a family business, at first you can do without hired personnel. But you should remember that you will not have time to stand behind the counter, since you need to negotiate with suppliers and inspection authorities. Don't forget about maintaining accounting. The most reliable option is to enter into a cooperation agreement with an outsourcing company.


Now you know what you need to open a veterinary pharmacy. There are many nuances in organizing this business that need to be taken into account when implementing the idea. The most important criterion for the success of such a business is the love for animals and the high professionalism of the staff.

Veterinary pharmacy business plan

Statistics show that at least 20% of the Russian population has some kind of pet. Considering that as of January 1, 2014, more than 143 million people live in the country.

people, the role of the target audience in the veterinary business is played by more than 28.5 million.

people, and this value is actually constant, since even during a crisis, people still continue to take care of their animals.

Most often, dogs and cats live in families, and somewhat less often - hamsters, fish and turtles. During its life, the pet becomes practically a member of the family, surrounded by proper care and concern.

Naturally, keeping animals at home involves additional expenses, the bulk of which are food and proper care. Expenditures on veterinary drugs do not stand out too much in the total volume.

Therefore, the opinion that keeping and treating animals costs owners too much money can be called a little exaggerated.

It is worth noting that the first veterinary pharmacy was opened in Moscow back in the 18th century and it served mainly stud farms. Currently, there are more than nine hundred different veterinary pharmacies in Russia that sell various vitamins, feed and medicines.

The veterinary business can bring stable income for a long time, since pets, like humans, need to be properly maintained in health. It is also important to ensure the safety of contact with family members and other people.

Market veterinary services presented today:

  1. veterinary pharmacies;
  2. pet stores;
  3. clinics and offices for animals.


* Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the site.

* All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.

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Advantages of opening a veterinary pharmacy

It is worth noting that a novice entrepreneur should pay attention to the veterinary pharmacy business plan for the following reasons:

  • In Russia today, veterinary pharmacies operate approximately two times less than veterinary offices and clinics. This is evidence that this type activities in the country are still only at the beginning of development. The fact is that previously pharmaceutical divisions existed within pet stores, but the range of medicines for animals today is incomparably more diverse than literally two or three decades ago, so it is advisable to open separate company. Also, relatively low competition allows you to sell medicines and vitamins without reducing prices.
  • Vet pharmacies are quite closely associated with animal clinics and offices. Animal owners regularly have their pets undergo various examinations, during which the need for various medications often arises, that is, there is a need for veterinary pharmacy services. With demand in a pet store, the situation is more complicated, since the animal is purchased once, in the future various accessories can be purchased there, that is, the store owner needs to place a forced emphasis on related services. Thus, the advantage of veterinary pharmacies is a fairly stable demand.
  • In a veterinary pharmacy, you can open a department selling additional goods and supplies to animal owners, thus combining a pet store and a pharmacy.


The activities of veterinary pharmacies in Russia are regulated by the Federal Law “On the Circulation of Medicines”, as well as the “Regulations on Licensing of Pharmaceutical Activities”.

To get help in obtaining a license and other documents, it is advisable to contact the specialists of a law firm. They will help you collect and obtain the full package of documentation necessary to legally conduct business, including:

  1. license to carry out activities;
  2. sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor;
  3. agreements on carrying out preventive measures for disinfection, disinfestation, and also deratization of premises;
  4. certificates of conformity of sold medicines and drugs;
  5. medical waste disposal agreement;
  6. agreement on disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  7. permission to place.

You can collect all the documents yourself, but you must keep in mind that this will take a long time.

It must be borne in mind that a new veterinary pharmacy is always under the close attention of government authorities, so the documentation must be perfect. Without the proper experience, it is quite difficult to achieve this on your own, and any carelessness can lead to an increase in the payback period.

The price of support services in obtaining a license and collecting documentation can range from 2-3 thousand dollars.

It is worth noting that you can open a veterinary pharmacy in the status individual entrepreneur, however, for personal management you must have not only the appropriate education, a specialist certificate, but also at least three years of work experience.

Where to open a veterinary pharmacy

The most important point when opening a veterinary pharmacy is the right choice of location. It is best to open a veterinary pharmacy in densely populated areas or easily accessible places.

However, you need to understand that a veterinary pharmacy targets a much smaller audience than, for example, a grocery store or convenience store. building materials, that is, the opening of two veterinary pharmacies in one area at a close distance will lead to a significant outflow of customers from one pharmacy and a weak increase in customers from the other.

It is advisable to open a pharmacy near veterinary offices or clinics, in which case they will actually be suppliers of new clients.

Of course, most of these places are already occupied, so in order to have time to take a profitable place, it is necessary to monitor the emergence of new veterinary clinics.


All veterinary pharmacies can be divided into 2 types:

  1. pharmacies that have the right to manufacture products;
  2. pharmacies that have permission only to sell finished goods.

The total area of ​​pharmacies that only sell products must be at least 30 square meters. m. and should include the following premises:

  • shopping room;
  • stock;
  • staff room;
  • manager's office;
  • general utility premises.

Veterinary pharmacies that have permission to produce goods, in addition to the above premises, must have an equipped room for its production. The minimum area of ​​such pharmacies should be 46 square meters. m.


To fully equip the veterinary pharmacy premises you will need:

  • 2 glazed display cases – $300 per 1 piece;
  • 3-4 racks – $150-200 per 1 piece;
  • Consultant's workplace – $150-300;
  • 2 air conditioners – $750-1000 per 1 piece;
  • Toilet, sink – $500;
  • Refrigerator for medicines – $500-1000;
  • Furniture for the staff room - $1500-2000.

When arranging warehouse premises, it is necessary to pay special attention to the air conditioning system, since strong temperature fluctuations are unacceptable when storing some medications.


When a person’s pet starts to get sick, most often he initially comes to the veterinary pharmacy, and not to the clinic. The fact is that visiting a clinic without the animal itself, as a rule, is of no benefit.

You can go to a pharmacy, for example, after work, get a consultation and buy some medicine. That is why it is necessary to have an experienced employee work as a sales consultant.

Naturally, a veterinary pharmacy whose employees correctly determine the diagnosis based on symptoms will quickly gain popularity.

Costs and payback

The volume of capital investments for opening a veterinary pharmacy will be approximately 19.85-25.2 thousand dollars:

  1. Registration – 2.0-3.0 thousand dollars;
  2. Major repairs – 2.5-3.0 thousand dollars;
  3. Purchase of necessary equipment – ​​5.35-7.20 thousand dollars;
  4. Purchase of a batch of medicines – 10.0-12.0 thousand dollars.

Monthly expenses:

  1. Salary – 2 thousand dollars;
  2. Services of accounting and cleaning organizations – 0.5 thousand dollars;
  3. Advertising – 0.5 thousand dollars.

Total: 3 thousand dollars

In general, the return period for the initial investment in a veterinary pharmacy is approximately 2-2.5 years.

To speed up the payback, you can organize a department selling various accessories for pets. Of course, a lot is determined by such components as demand and location.

How to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch to run a business

Most entrepreneurs are interested in the question: how to open a veterinary pharmacy, and how profitable is this type of business? According to statistics, in our country the demand for such medicines is increasing, so it is worth investing your own capital in this type of business.

Registration of a veterinary pharmacy

To register and obtain a business license, as well as to correctly complete the entire list necessary documents It is recommended to seek help from a specialized legal agency.

A package of documents required to legally conduct a veterinary business:

  • License to conduct work activities.
  • Agreements for carrying out disinfection preventive measures.
  • SES decision.
  • Deratization, disinfestation of premises.
  • Contractual agreement for the disposal of medical waste.
  • Certificates of quality of drugs that will be sold in the pharmacy.
  • Contract for the implementation of disinfection measures for ventilation systems, installation permit.

Of course, you can collect all these documents yourself, but this will require a lot of time.

When opening your own veterinary pharmacy, you need to understand that such establishments are under special attention government inspection services, so documentation must always be in perfect condition.

Not having practical experience, it is almost impossible to achieve the desired result on your own. The slightest mistake in documents can increase the payback period of a young veterinary business.

A veterinary pharmacy can be registered by legal form IP. But it should be noted that in order to operate it personally, you need to receive special education, a professional certificate, and also have experience practical activities more than 3 years.

Renting premises

The veterinary pharmacy should be located in the most crowded place: the city center, densely populated residential urban areas.

Very often, businessmen, after purchasing a premises, decide to remodel it. This is a necessary step to open your own veterinary pharmacy.

It must be remembered that the area of ​​the room must be more than 75 square meters.

This footage allows you to divide the pharmacy into the necessary separate zones: administrative premises - at least 13 square meters, a warehouse for receiving and storing medications and a sales area - at least 60 square meters, a bathroom - 2 square meters. m.

Basic requirements for a pharmacy premises:

  • Electricity, water and electricity supply must be centralized
  • A ventilation system must be installed
  • Availability of sewerage
  • The ceiling, walls and floor must be covered with materials that make it possible to carry out sanitary and hygienic treatment
  • It is recommended to use insulated linoleum as a floor covering

Pharmacy equipment

  • The list of mandatory expenses for equipping a veterinary pharmacy includes fire-fighting equipment, security alarms - 120-160 thousand rubles.
  • Any pharmacy requires certain furniture elements: cabinets, bedside tables, which are made specifically for such establishments from special materials that are resistant to disinfectants.

    Furniture in the room should be placed strictly along the walls so as not to create “ dead zones", V trading floor There should be maximum free space. This expense item involves about 500 thousand rubles. for a standard pharmacy, about 200 thousand rubles.

    for a small pharmacy.

  • You must purchase at least one pharmaceutical refrigerator, the cost of which is approximately 35 thousand rubles.


The minimum number of veterinary pharmacy employees is 3 people:

  • The chief executive is a pharmacist who acts as a cashier.
  • A pharmacist is a manager who has a higher pharmaceutical education.
  • The cleaning lady is also a nurse.

Entrepreneurs who open their own veterinary pharmacy in the city find it much easier to recruit staff; there is a fairly extensive labor market here. In villages, it is quite difficult to find an employee for the position of pharmacist; sometimes you have to hire specialists from other localities.


An entrepreneur who decides to organize his own veterinary business needs to prepare for serious competition in the drug market. To win a place in this area of ​​\u200b\u200btrade, you will need to make enormous efforts.

To attract your own clients, you need to use numerous “tricks”. For example, the use of a discount card, which ties the buyer to a specific point in order to save money.

It is common practice in pharmacies today to sell related products that require separate consultations.

Practice shows that thanks to consulting services, sales volumes increase by approximately 15 percent.

Moreover, every fifth buyer prefers not the requested product, but its analogue.

Vet pharmacy business plan. Price policy

To open a veterinary pharmacy, you will need considerable investment. It is necessary to invest about 800 thousand rubles in the smallest veterinary point, and about 3.5 million rubles may be needed to open a larger point.

When planning to start this business, you must immediately take into account the fact that the state, through administrative methods, has already reduced its profitability:

  • no taxation of value added turnover;
  • product markup retail– up to 40 percent.

It will take approximately 6 months for the pharmacy to break even. And you can count on its payback only in two years. But it should also be noted that average income pharmacies in a large metropolis is approximately 1.1 million rubles.

If the income is much less, then the entrepreneur needs to change something in the pharmacy’s workflow, the range of medications, etc.

And if the business, on the contrary, brings even greater stable profits, then in a few months you can additionally open a pharmacy kiosk with the funds earned.

The main costs are renting premises. In large cities - from 10 thousand rubles. per square meter, and in the city center - from 30 thousand rubles. per square. The monthly salary of staff is 200–300 thousand rubles.

It makes sense to organize a veterinary pharmacy. We will describe in more detail how to open such an establishment and help you draw up a competent business plan so that even a novice entrepreneur can easily understand this process.

Love for pets creates demand for different kinds products and services. Thus, almost every city has its own clinics for the treatment of animals, pet stores, pharmacies that sell special medications for them, etc. The prospects of this area are obvious, because almost every home has some kind of pet that has literally become a member of the family.

Business relevance

If the first veterinary pharmacies were created for horses and their owners, today there has been a clear shift in priorities. Since city apartments are increasingly housing cats, dogs, fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, hamsters and other fauna, the range of products must meet the needs of the population.

And although there are already thousands of similar establishments in large cities, it still makes sense in most localities to start opening your own pharmacy for pets. But keep in mind that your competition will come not only from the same items, but also from pet stores, which often expand their product range by selling products related to the pharmacy.

To decide to create a serious business, you should initially evaluate all the pros and cons. For example, the main advantages of selling pharmaceutical drugs for pets are:

  • According to statistics, a fifth of the population of our country keeps at least one representative of the animal world in their home, which determines the potential audience of veterinary pharmacies at 30 million people. And this does not take into account livestock breeding and farming in rural areas, where with the right approach and selection of assortment, you can also significantly increase your profit.
  • This direction is relevant for any city and it is especially profitable to start selling medicines where there are no such establishments yet.
  • This business does not depend on the economic, political or other crisis in the country, since pets become family members and taking care of their health is a priority for owners, despite the difficulties and financial situation.
  • Although there are high requirements for the owner to open a veterinary pharmacy, this issue can be resolved with the help of qualified personnel.
  • You can start a business even with limited starting capital and small investments and gradually expand, increasing profits from the outlet.
  • This is a profitable occupation. The profitability of the project is estimated quite high and within a year it will be possible to return all the initial investments.

Of course, there are certain disadvantages here. But if you take them into account in advance, you can prevent unpleasant consequences. For example:

  1. The presence of high competition exists only in metropolitan areas and some large cities. In other settlements there are no veterinary pharmacies at all, or there are only 1-2 of them. And if, for example, you organize the operation of the establishment around the clock or offer a wider range of products, then the majority of the population will turn to you.
  2. You will have to sell goods with limited and short term actions. Food and medicine cannot wait too long for sales, so purchase such items in small quantities and focus on the most popular and popular ones. You should approach the issue of choosing a product range wisely.
  3. Similarly, when opening a veterinary clinic from scratch, when creating a pharmacy for animals, the owner is required to specialized education(veterinarian or pharmacist) with experience of three years or more. But this point can also be circumvented by hiring a suitable person as a manager.
  4. In this case, the successful location of the establishment and a targeted advertising campaign are of great importance. Therefore, you should not save on such articles.

What do you need to register?

If you are not afraid of difficulties and are only concerned about the question of where to start, then you will have to start preparing the documents. To do this, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In the first case, you must have specialized education and work experience. If there is none or you are focused on opening an establishment with the help of partners, then the second option (legal entity) is more preferable.
  • One of the most important documents is obtaining a license from the Union of Pet Business Enterprises. They will definitely require proof of qualifications, and will also have to undergo special testing. If you do not meet the stated requirements, then it is better to hire a manager who meets all standards.
  • You also need permits to conduct activities from the SES, GPI and Rospotrebnadzor. Each of them has their own lists of rules, which are better to check in advance.
  • Your work as the owner of a veterinary pharmacy will be mainly regulated by the following provisions - SanPiN, SanPiN, SanPiN 2.2.1/2.1.1 L278-03 and SanPiN 2.2.4/
  • Draw up agreements with the relevant institutions that deal with deratization, disinfection and disinfestation of premises.
  • The same document is needed for the removal of solid waste and disposal of expired drugs.
  • To carry out washing and processing, an agreement is concluded with a laundry or dry cleaner.
  • When purchasing goods, be sure to require quality certificates.
  • Each employee must have a medical book on hand.
  • If you plan to have your own transport for transporting medicines and other goods, then you will need sanitary documents for the car.

When starting a business, they also create all the necessary paperwork for maintaining internal accounting, reporting, management and control.

Types of veterinary pharmacy

Depending on the target audience, the financial capabilities of the owner and the needs of the population, this establishment can operate in different formats:

  1. A small pharmacy, occupying about 15 square meters. m. and provided only the main items of medicinal drugs that can be sold without a prescription.
  2. A pharmacy that sells finished products. According to the regulations, it must occupy at least 30 square meters. m. area and be divided into several working areas - a sales counter, a hall for visitors, a warehouse, a staff room, a bathroom, an administrator's office.
  3. A veterinary pharmacy with permission to manufacture and subsequently sell medicines and feed. To do this, you will have to find a room with a total area of ​​about 45 square meters. m. In addition to the above sections, a separate place should be arranged for obtaining distilled water, cleaning and sterilizing dishes, and the laboratory itself for preparing recipes.

In each case, you need your own approach to organizing a business and various financial investments. Therefore, initially analyze the market and think about what exactly is required in your city and which option will be more optimal.

Preparing the premises

One of the important points for achieving success in this matter is a well-chosen location of the veterinary pharmacy. There are several options for this:

  • The city center, where a lot of people walk, but the rent in this case will be very high, which will not allow the project to quickly break even.
  • A densely populated residential area - most of the potential clients live here, because almost every apartment has some kind of pet, but it is important that there are no competitors in the area.
  • Close to veterinary clinics, which will ensure constant flow clients.
  • Nearby or directly on site shopping centers, grocery stores and other places where your friends visit every day potential clients.

Another question that has already been partially mentioned is proper preparation premises. Its dimensions must comply with the standards, and repairs and installed communications must meet the basic requirements of regulatory authorities (sanitary station, fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor).

It is very important to maintain a certain temperature and humidity in the room so that the drugs put up for sale do not spoil. For this purpose, air conditioning, ventilation and heating systems must be installed.

No special repairs will be required. No fancy decorations. It is enough that the inside is well lit, clean and the range of goods is easily visible. The interior is made modest, in light shades. Preferred colors are green, blue and white.


For convenient location of goods and their sale, you need to purchase retail equipment and furniture:

  1. Shelving.
  2. Showcases.
  3. Cash machine.
  4. Stand or table for the seller.
  5. Cabinet for storing medications.
  6. Refrigerator for medications that need to be kept at low temperatures.
  7. Chair, lockers and other furnishings for staff.

To ensure administrative activities, you will also need a laptop or computer, telephone connection, Internet, office equipment, etc. The exact list will depend on your capabilities. In order to save money, sometimes they first opt ​​for used ones. trade equipment and furniture.

Product range

Depending on the area where you are opening a veterinary pharmacy and the main demand, you need to properly purchase products. So, if potential clients are residents of megacities who keep cats, dogs, birds and other pets, then these are “hot” medications, various vitamins, flea collars, accessories and additional related products.

When opening a pharmacy, for example, in a rural area, it is better to focus on medicines that are important in farming for cattle, poultry, etc.

Pay attention to the fact that in big cities it is much easier to find suppliers of various specialized goods at affordable prices. For those who organize a business in remote locations, the problem will be more acute, since they need to personally establish contacts with manufacturing plants or overpay for intermediary.

It is very important not to skimp on quality. Be sure to check the availability of certificates and other documents confirming the originality of each drug. After all, if you sell a bad medicine, you can very quickly lose your reputation and all your customers.


Qualified pharmacists should be hired to work with pet owners. They must not only understand all the drugs, but also have the ability to help the animal, taking into account the symptoms that appear. After all, many people do not want to go straight to the veterinarian, but try to cure their pet using simple means. The basis for success is a good specialist behind the counter.

You will also need to perform other functions - management, purchasing goods, accounting reports, Advertising activity, cleaning, etc. Some of this work can be done independently or you can hire individual specialists. To save money, some positions are outsourced, that is, they pay for the work of an incoming professional.

It is important to successfully create a business schedule. This is usually all day and part of the evening, for example from 8.00 to 20.00, so that pet owners can visit the pharmacy at any time convenient for them. To do this, they hire salespeople for two shifts and set a 2/2 or 3/3 schedule. If you work around the clock, then you can attract more clients, but you will have to pay for the work of additional staff.

If there are several similar establishments throughout the city, special advertising will not be required. After all, if a problem arises with a pet, a person will run to the nearest pharmacy. Therefore, the more important point here is the lack of competition, affordable prices, the required range of drugs and a good location.

To attract attention, you can use more active methods:

  • Order a bright, noticeable sign.
  • Post posters on the windows or place a sign on the sidewalk, which will indicate basic information about the availability of medicines and affordable prices.
  • Print and distribute leaflets, flyers, business cards and other printed products in public places.
  • Pay for advertising platforms in the city - television, radio, public transport, notice boards, billboards, etc.
  • Create a site or group in social network, disseminating information about current discounts, promotions, etc.

You can download it here for free as a sample.

Financial calculations

Before you start organizing a business, you need to make a clear plan according to which you will act. In addition, it will help you decide on the required amount to start. Of course, most of the figures depend on the rent of the premises you find, and such prices vary greatly in each region. The range of purchased goods, the choice of specific equipment and other issues will also play a significant role.

On average, costs may look like this:

But that is not all. It is advisable to have a certain amount in reserve to support the business in the first months, because the payback of the project will not come immediately.

Depending on the established markup, the speed of expansion of the customer base, the presence of competitors and other indicators, profits will differ significantly. According to average estimates of experts, it is believed that in 1-1.5 years all investments can be fully returned and a net profit can be received.

Video: veterinary pharmacy.