Why does a service company need a price list of services? Pricelist - this is what should be indicated in the price list

Each product or service has its own cost, but it is often not so easy to convey these figures correctly to the buyer. In order for your customers to be able to visually evaluate your product, its characteristics and cost, there is a price list. In this article, we will consider in detail what a price list is and an example of compiling its ideal version, which will not only increase your sales, but also distinguish you from your competitors.

Why do you need a price list?

The price list in trade is very important document- this is a kind in which you offer your product for consideration. In fact, this is the face of your company, a factor no less important than a corporate website or the appearance of a hostess. The quality of paper, printing, design style, filing in electronic document- all this works either for you or against you.

Price lists can be provided to a potential buyer, both in paper form and in electronic form. They can contain brief information on numerous items, or they can be devoted to only one commodity unit, they can sell both material things and services. Any product should have its own price list - it's convenient, correct and effective!

It is proved that when the buyer sees the price, sees the image and characteristics of the product, its various options, then the information is perceived much more effectively than just hearing the same thing from the seller. The price list can be actively used both in retail and wholesale trade.

Price list structure

The meaning that any price list should contain is a report of the main, most important information about your product to the buyer in a form convenient for him in a short time. Correct Structure price list will help in this, and of course we will learn how to compose it correctly. Information should be concise, semantic, interesting, easily perceived. Before compiling a price list, decide on the task that it should solve:

  • Inform the client about the assortment and prices. Informational.
  • Talk about the unique characteristics of a particular position of your product and cost. Presentation.
  • Submit a special offer or promotion for a specific product. Promotional.
  • Mixed type, which combines information about the assortment and special prices for these items.

By choosing one of the four formats, the structure of the compilation of the price list itself will become clear. Let's look at four examples in which you will see how and how price lists can differ from each other and why this is important.

How to make an information price list?

Information price lists are often used in areas where the number of goods is very large (more than 100 units). Areas where this type is most often used:

  • construction and food supermarkets;
  • auto parts stores;
  • sale of electronics and components;
  • wholesale warehouses of various goods, including pharmacies.

Since the lists of goods in these areas exceed several thousand unique items of goods, the structure of the price list should contain only the most necessary information for the customer: name, a brief description of, price. It should look like this:

There may be several dozen pages for each rubric, but spreadsheets and special warehouse programs will help you generate pivot tables in such price lists. The client can be reported as the entire global warehouse in in electronic format or print several sheets with products of a specific category.

It is important that the names and numbers are readable, otherwise there will be little sense in such a CP. A hat is also an important element of the price list - it is not only an image, but also the first contact with a potential buyer. There, indicate your contacts, phone number, website, email, skype, etc. There should be pagination at the bottom of the price list, because out of 287 pages of a general price list, it is sometimes difficult to remember or explain what is needed and where this position was.

How to make a presentation price list?

The presentation price list should tell about one product or products belonging to one group. For example:

  • description of the collection (clothes, shoes, jewelry);
  • complete set of goods (car, computer, equipment);
  • presentation of the novelty.

The emphasis in such a price list should be on a specific product or on the main part of the product of a particular group. The structure should contain a description of the unique advantages or characteristics of the product, a photo of the product, and cost.

You can place several products in a similar format on one sheet, limiting the number of photos or descriptions. Such a price list will help in a comfortable environment for the buyer (not in a store), slowly get acquainted with your product and make an informed decision. In some cases, a table structure may be used. It is needed when it comes to several configurations of one product:

How to create a promotional price list?

An offer with a special price for your product should be presented to customers in a special way. If you want to surprise with the price or draw attention with the price of a particular product, you need to learn how to correctly reflect this in the price list. Use the benefit rule, the client should easily understand what the promotion or special offer is. The design of the special price should be simple and readable. For example:

Pay attention to the special attributes of the promotional price list. This:

  • dedicated font;
  • contrast arrow with a call;
  • two prices to understand the benefits.

Instead of prices, you can specify percentages, days, or any unit of measure for the value of your product. Do not overdo it with asterisks, labels, exclamation points, in general, with attributes that attract attention, since their overabundance not only does not attract attention, but also alerts customers. To show the benefit and correctly attract the attention of customers is the task of the promotional price list.

Mixed Price List Structure

Sometimes it is necessary to select several positions out of 100, which are covered by a special offer. This can be done by selecting a cell or an asterisk next to the price. There is simply nowhere to place promotional badges in such price lists, so in general list these positions can be identified. For example like this:

The example shows 3 different ways to highlight a promotional product, decide which one suits you. If you have a whole group of promotional products, it makes sense to put them on a separate price list.

Communicating with representatives of the service business various directions, we are often faced with the need to maintain a price list of services or works. For some, this is a document of hundreds of positions, for others, a catalog in which several key lines are recorded. The cost in the price list of most companies, of course, is in rubles. Some conduct billing in standard hours or points. As part of the preparation of this article, we analyzed about 30 organizations - representatives of medium and small service businesses:

  • maintenance of gas distribution systems;
  • IT outsourcing;
  • maintenance of video equipment;
  • repair of office equipment;
  • service of objects of trade;
  • Housing department, HOA, management companies, etc.

And now we can say for sure why a service company needs a price list, whether it is possible to do without it and what it should be like. Let's figure it out!

Price list of services. What are the features?

In everyday life, we often encounter the cost of certain services: beauty salons, taxis, repair work etc. Service companies working with legal entities on treaties and contracts, price lists are just as necessary. First, they make it possible to formalize interaction on a large number of issues. Secondly, the presence of a price list increases the transparency of contractual and financial relations customer with a service company. In fact, the presence of such a cost guide for an organization is a set of rules that allow you to regulate specific conditions for the provision of services or the performance of work in the framework of interaction with customers. Note that the lack of value or its uncertainty may be due to the following factors:

  • VIP service / one-time job. Practiced within the framework of relationships with specific customers. Often on request.
  • Execution "on order". By the way, this is the wording that can be used in the price list.
  • Uniqueness of the offer for the market.

Hierarchical price list

In most companies, the catalog of billed works or services is hierarchical.
Here is an example of a multi-level price list for the repair of scanners from the site of one of our clients:

Standard hours and specifics in the development of a price list

In cases where some services can be provided at different prices depending on different parameters, some service companies form a price list for man/hours. That is, the conditional “Building and installing batteries” “costs” - 4 people / hour, and “Consultation on the system. Basic” — 0.5 person/hour.
Amount of payment for various types and price list positions may depend on the model of the asset being serviced, the capacity of the equipment, the remoteness of the facility, etc. In such cases, it is often more convenient to charge per hour of working time. Standard hours for payment for the services provided are used in order to simplify the relationship between the client and the performing company. This practice is quite common in other countries.

Depending on the specifics of the activity, the position in the price list and its cost can be for 1 meter, for 1 circuit, for every 100 watts (as when servicing climate equipment), etc.

Our practice and research shows that price lists often contain coefficients relative to the base cost. They are also listed in the price list. The coefficient can be increasing, for example, due to the involvement of a specialist more highly qualified, performance of work at night or outside the work schedule, remoteness of the object, etc. and lower, for example, in cases of batch execution or for specialized organizations.

The cost may include the cost of auxiliary materials, delivery, etc. However, often the price of spare parts and used parts is not indicated in the price list, as it may depend on the supplier and other external factors. In such cases, this must be specified additionally.

Many companies try to minimize their risks and costs by introducing separate lines for penalties in the catalog of positions.

Tariff and package plans. Subscriber service.

Exists a large number of companies operating without a price list. Service support and services are provided within the framework of subscription service. In fact, such a service includes a certain set and number of services, that is, a package. It is for the package that the price is set. Often, packages differ in the scope of included features and quality parameters: response time to an appeal, execution time, the possibility of an emergency departure, service delivery schedule, etc. Sometimes packages or tariff plans are associated with a certain amount of allocated time or the number of jobs served (in the case of IT outsourcing or support centers for software solutions).
Service support and provision of services within the framework of subscription fee or according to tariffs, companies are more profitable, as they allow:

  • plan the workload of employees;
  • scale business;
  • increase profitability.

An example of a screenshot of the support section of another client of ours:

It is important that if there are package offers and tariff plans, a service company can also offer one-time work, for which there must be a price list.

Price list of services and legislation. Cost regulation and price caps.

For different types services and industries, there is a statutory obligation. So,
in the HOA or management company there must be a price list for the types of services provided. Tariffs for council houses are approved by the mayor's ordinance. However, private companies have the right to determine the cost of services on their own.

According to paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 N 1025 “On approval of the Rules for consumer services to the population in Russian Federation”, the contractor is obliged to provide reliable information about the services. At the same time, he is obliged to indicate the list of services provided, prices, including those for the materials used, etc. That is, sometimes the availability of a price list for a company is regulated by law.

For some services and their cost, restrictions may be introduced or canceled that establish limit level prices:

Why does a service company need a price list of services?

Ufff... Let's summarize! :)

The presence of a formed price list is an indicator of the maturity and serious attitude of the company towards the customer. Agree, the provision of services in the “on the market” format, when the cost is determined depending on the weather, mood, impudence of the buyer or the company itself, should finally become a thing of the past. The presence of a price list is, first of all, transparency in relations between the customer and the contractor. And taking into account the fact that the formation of the cost of services in each particular company is not the easiest process (you need to take into account the costs, prices of competitors, lay down the rate of return, etc.) - this is a kind of guarantee of the quality of the entire service business. And finally, the price list can be yours competitive advantage, both in terms of the price component, and in the uniqueness of some positions, including additional features that increase the convenience of interaction and customer loyalty.
And, on the contrary, the absence of such a catalog of the cost of typical work indicates, among other things, the lack of efficiency of internal processes and the unpreparedness of the company itself.

Are you a service company that works with legal entities? Then be sure to draw up your price list of services or describe in detail the possibilities of the subscription fee and the proposed tariffs. Let the relationship with your company be transparent for customers, and your business profitable! :)

By the way, our Okdesk helpdesk automation system has a special module for maintaining a price list and using it to form the specification of a completed request.

Every day more and more people are interested in the changes taking place in the market of goods and services. Changes in the pricing of purchased products cannot be predicted. After all, the cost depends on many factors: the cost of materials for production, the cost of the manufacturing process itself, packaging, delivery. To be sure of the appropriateness of the purchase, the customer must navigate in pricing policy market for goods and services offered. In an attempt to make it easier for customers to choose, manufacturers offer prices of their firm or company.

What is price

Naturally, the question arises of what constitutes a price. Price - is a list provided by the company, with the indicated prices for each item.

Most often, price lists or price lists are used by enterprises involved in the sale of products. Creating such lists, the company's management takes into account all the material costs of production, advertising.

What is the price for modern business? Having a price list, a company representative can offer possible cooperation to a potential partner, appealing to the prices and range of goods available, which greatly facilitates

Where did the concept of price come from?

Such a short but capacious word came into Russian from English. In the native language, this word means "price". In the 70s of the twentieth century, in the interstate standard, the price is listed as a clear list, a list of clearly regulated prices for items and short characteristics of goods.

What is price and how did this word take root in the USSR? The meaning of the word "price" is an abbreviation of the English "price list" - a list of prices. Slavs love to reduce and reduce everything, the price was no exception.

Such a list or price list was used to sell agricultural products (milk, fish, meat, vegetables), as well as to present goods in a favorable light (typical for hardware and clothing stores). In the USSR, there were specially endorsed lists of vital goods, the prices of which never changed. An example is the Doktorskaya boiled sausage, beloved by everyone, the production of which cost three times more than the price per kilogram of finished products.

Lists in the modern world

Lists are an essential part of everyday life. Faced with them, not every person can immediately understand that he has a “price list” in front of him. Price is a catalog of products of your favorite cosmetic company, a list and cost of services of your favorite hairdresser, a menu in a restaurant or cafe. All these seemingly at first glance lists are exactly what we are talking about.

But it is worth remembering that in order to invest money correctly and profitably, you should carefully study the proposed product.

What should be included in the price list

As mentioned earlier, the price is a clear list of product names, a small description and characteristics.

For example, you are viewing the price construction company, choosing desired material. There will be six names of different manufacturers on the page with glass wool. Next to each, the characteristics of the product should be indicated: density, layer thickness, mat length. Price per meter or per roll. Firm and country of origin, delivery time when ordering. operation.

If any of the points of interest to you is not considered, you must contact the manufacturer or seller for clarification. When buying, you need to follow what exactly is noted on the invoice. If something has not been agreed, then there is a high probability of purchasing a low-quality product or a fake.

Pricing occurs individually for each company. It is worth remembering that the cost of a quality "brand" product cannot be low.

So what is price? This is an opportunity to create long-term partnerships easily and on favorable terms. And also with minimal costs to find the necessary goods.

Price list- an indispensable tool for a consultant, because it contains distributor prices for products (those for which the consultant buys goods), for samples, catalogs and printed literature, and Bonus Points are calculated. The price list is published every 3 weeks, the price list number corresponds to the catalog number. The price list number can be seen in the header. Each consultant receives a free price list upon ordering.

The columns in the Oriflame price list mean:
CODE- each Oriflame product has its own code. It can be found in the catalog or on the product packaging.
DISCOUNT - Current discount for this product in the current catalog. The discount is calculated from the total price of the product.
NAME- the product's name
BB- Points-bonuses are the points that Oriflame gives you for your purchase this product. Based on the Bonus Points you have collected, you can take part in the company's promotions and receive valuable gifts and bonuses. Read more about the company's shares
OP- sales volume, i.e. product price without VAT. By sales volume, group turnover is considered and a volume discount is paid.
DC- distributor price, i.e. the price at which a consultant buys a product from a company.
HRC- consumer price - this is the price that is indicated in the catalog.
NP- immediate profit, the difference between PC and DC, i.e. how much money the consultant will earn from the sale of this product.

The Oriflame price list has several sections:
. Catalog novelties - codes and names of goods that first appeared on sale are indicated;
. All products presented in the catalog;
. Catalog special offers - catalog promotions. For example, buy 1 product for 99 rubles, and 2 products for 149 rubles, etc.;
. Minicatalog - sometimes an insert is attached to the catalog - a minicatalog in which you can order products with big discounts;
. Products not listed in the catalog - Oriflame products not listed in the catalog can also be ordered at the Distributor price;
. Testers - codes and prices of probes for products. IMPORTANT! The last 2 digits of the lipstick probe code corresponds to the 2 digits pasted on the base of the probe;
. Exclusively for BC - a price list for a special offer that is valid only for Business Class members (Business Class members - a consultant who placed an order for 150 BB in the previous catalog period).
. Wellness - price list for Wellness products;
. Oriflame corporate materials;
. Catalogs - prices for catalogs and discounts when ordering 5 catalogs or more.

A well-designed and beautifully designed price list is no less powerful marketing tool than. The benefits of using price lists are underestimated by many entrepreneurs, resulting in loss of customers.

What is a price list?

Dictionaries of business terms define a price list as a list of prices for goods or services offered by an organization. This term is borrowed from in English and comes from the words "price" (price) and "list" (list). The price list has replaced the previously common word “price list” from everyday life, although the meaning of both words is identical.

Price lists are used by both large suppliers and small entrepreneurs focused, for example, on. Price simplifies the management of the company's assortment, increases the transparency of the company's relationship with customers and increases its profitability.

Price list - how to write?

The correct spelling of the word "price list" is through a hyphen. This option is used, for example, in the academic spelling dictionary compiled by the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language, as well as in the Great Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (2014 edition). As a synonym with a simpler spelling, you can find the word "price list". In addition, often the "price list" is reduced to "price", and the interlocutors understand that we are talking about a list of prices.

Price list structure

To make a price list, you need to understand in what order the information should be presented in it. The price is, in fact, the offer of the company, its purpose is to push the client to purchase. Therefore, the following price list structure is recommended:

  1. goods or services that are subject to discounts and promotions - promotional products, as they attract with the opportunity to benefit from the purchase;
  2. the main offer - we are talking about products that are mainly of interest to customers, about what there is the greatest demand for;
  3. additional assortment - this category includes elements that support the sales of the main assortment;
  4. related products or services - complement the main offer, forming a single complete set with it;
  5. spare parts, components, etc.

Such a procedure for presenting the assortment is considered the most convenient and helps to increase sales after the client has familiarized himself with the price list. Speaking about what can be included in the price list, in addition to the list of goods and prices, it should be noted:

  • Company name;
  • logo;
  • reference data about the company;
  • additional information about goods and services.

How to make a price list?

Creating a price list can be divided into several stages:

  1. Document formatting in Microsoft Excel. Excel makes it easy to make adjustments to the document, and the tabular format is optimal for the price list.
  2. Creation of names of goods and services. Each company assigns its own product names. The clearer the names are and the better they allow you to group the goods, the more convenient it will be for the client to navigate the price list.
  3. Maximum disclosure of product information. It is recommended to provide the client with as much as possible useful information about goods and services, sorting it into separate columns. For example, if we are talking about goods, it is desirable to indicate not only the price, but also the color, length, width, weight, etc. - everything that matters when choosing.
  4. Adding pictures. Small images can be inserted into the cells of the column following or before the product names - this will make it easier to find the right products when reading the price list.
  5. Separation of the price list into working and client. The working document specifies, among other things, the contact details of suppliers and the cost of purchased products. This price list will facilitate the work of employees so that they can find the phone number of the supplier for a particular product. From the price list for customers, information about suppliers and the cost of production is removed. At the same time, it is not necessary to maintain two documents separately - you can only fill out a working price list, and before sending the file to customers, simply delete the necessary columns and cells and save the document under a different name.
  6. Markup definition. If the company is engaged commodity business and cooperates with both retail and wholesale clients, several prices should be indicated in the price list at once - for retail, for wholesale and large wholesale. When determining the margin, you need to rely on the prices of competitors in the niche and your desired earnings.
  7. Rejection of "round" prices. This is not a mandatory requirement, but advice that you should heed. According to psychologists' research, people trust round price values ​​(14000, 800, 1300) less, believing that these figures were taken at random. Customers react best to the numbers 5, 7 and 9, so it is recommended to specify a price, for example, not 5000, but 4970.
  8. Removal of identical products. You need to make sure that there are no identical items in the price list - this can mislead the client.
  9. Sorting. In the presence of a large assortment you can split it into multiple sheets. At the same time, it is desirable to highlight the sheets themselves in Excel with some catchy colors so that the client notices them when working with the price list. You can do this by right-clicking on the sheet tab and selecting the Tab Color command.
  10. Point of contact with the client. It is important to remember that the price list is a marketing tool and helps. In order for the price list to fully fulfill this function, it needs to be beautifully laid out, checked for errors, and the company's contact details must be indicated. Also on the first sheet you can make a description of the company and a list of advantages over competitors.

An important role is played by the design of the price list. It should follow the following rules:

  • elements related to each other should be located side by side;
  • all parts of the text should be visually related to each other, this can be achieved using alignment;
  • if some elements are repeated, their design must match;
  • the information in the price list should be organized so that it can be read quickly and find the right position, for this different colors, outlines, lines, fonts, etc.

How to create a price list online?

On the Internet, you can find many suggestions for creating price lists. Specialists in the field of design and sales offer their services in this area. If your budget allows you to use these services, then it makes sense to turn to professionals.

If you don't want to spend money, you can create a price list online for free and with pictures using Google Sheets. It is a spreadsheet editor similar in function to Excel. At the same time, Google Sheets makes it possible to make changes online and provide access to view or edit documents to an unlimited number of people. Access rights are determined by the creator of the document.

Beautiful price list - sample

It is best to understand how a price list can and should look like with a visual example:

This is an example of a working price list - it shows the purchase price of goods, the products are sorted in alphabetical order, and additional design elements that would help navigate the assortment are not used. But since this is a working price, in this form it is good for company employees.