Presentation on the topic of pharaohs and pyramids. Presentation on the topic "Egyptian pyramids". hidden and mysterious

The Egyptian pyramids are the greatest architectural monuments of Ancient Egypt, including one of the “seven wonders of the world” - the Pyramid of Cheops and an honorary candidate for the “new seven wonders of the world” - the Pyramids of Giza. The word "pyramid" is Greek and means polyhedron. A total of 118 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt (as of November 2008). Pyramids of Egypt

The broken pyramid is an Egyptian pyramid in Dahshur, the construction of which is attributed to Pharaoh Snorf (XXVI century BC). To explain the non-standard shape of the pyramid, the German Egyptologist Ludwig Borchardt (1863-1938) proposed his “accretion theory”. According to it, the king died unexpectedly and the angle of inclination of the pyramid's faces was sharply changed from 54°31" to 43°21" in order to quickly complete the work.

The Pink Pyramid - at the time of its construction in the 26th century. BC e. which was the tallest building on Earth. It is second only in size to the two Egyptian pyramids at Giza. The name is due to the fact that the limestone blocks that make up the pyramid take on a pink color in the rays of the setting sun. Entrance through a sloping passage on the north side descends into three adjacent chambers accessible to the public. This pyramid is attributed to Snefru because his name is inscribed in red paint on several blocks of the casing.

The Step Pyramid at Saqqara is the oldest surviving large stone building in the world. Built by the architect Imhotep in Saqqara for the burial of the Egyptian pharaoh Djoser ca. 2650 BC e. The core of the tomb is made of limestone blocks. The size of the pyramid is 125 meters × 115 meters and its height is 61 meters.

The Great Pyramids are the pyramids of the pharaohs Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin located in Giza. Unlike the pyramid of Djoser, these pyramids do not have a stepped, but a strictly geometric, pyramidal shape. The walls of the pyramids rise at an angle from 51° (Pyramid of Menkaure) to 53° (Pyramid of Khafre) to the horizon. The edges are precisely oriented to the cardinal points. The Pyramid of Cheops was built on a massive natural rock elevation, which was located in the very middle of the base of the pyramid. Its height is about 9 m.

The largest pyramid is the Cheops pyramid. Initially, its height was 146.6 m, but due to the fact that the cladding of the pyramid is now missing, its height has now decreased to 138.8 m. The length of the side of the pyramid is 230 m. The construction of the pyramid dates back to the 26th century BC. e. Presumably, construction lasted more than 20 years. The pyramid is made of 2.5 million stone blocks; no cement or other binders were used. On average, the blocks weighed 2.5 tons. The pyramid is an almost monolithic structure - with the exception of several chambers and corridors leading to them.

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The first wonder of the world.

In Giza, near the modern

Cairo, on a rocky desert plateau stand

Three perfectly regular tetrahedral pyramids

- tombs of the pharaohs Cheops, Khafre, Mikerin

The pyramids are guarded by the Great Sphinx, carved from a single rock

  • He has the head of a man, his face is decorated

traditional headdress

royal scarf and ceremonial


  • The Sphinx has the body of a lion.
  • Monumental and grandiose

The Sphinx calmly looks somewhere at

east, to the distant sunny valley


The very first pyramid was built by the pharaoh of the III dynasty - Djoser in Saqqara.

  • The pyramid was erected by the architect

Imhotep, inventor

cut stone masonry

  • "Step Pyramid" -

has 7 floors

  • Made from blocks of white

limestone on rock terrace

The design of Djoser's pyramid reflects the basic principles of creating such structures:

  • Gigantic scale .
  • Generalized geometry

ical form.

  • Use of stone

as a construction


The Pyramid of Cheops is the largest building in the world.

  • Made from golden blocks


  • Pyramid height 146.6m
  • The length of the base side is 233 m.

No less famous were the temples - the dwellings of the Gods.

  • Two rows of sphinxes, like guards along

road leading to the temple.

  • On both sides of the gate rise

massive towers

  • In front of the gate, carved from granite

huge figures of the pharaoh,

sitting on the throne.

  • They stand at the entrance obelisks - stone

"Needles of the Pharaohs"

Behind the gate is a wide yard,

surrounded by columns.

  • Behind the main hall in the depths

the temple is located

hidden and mysterious

room .

  • Only priests and pharaohs have the right

get to where the statue is

God is the owner of the temple.

Painting and sculpture.

  • The most significant place in the art of Ancient Egypt

was interested in the idea of ​​an afterlife.

  • Man, according to the Egyptians, was endowed with several


  • One of the souls - Ka - after death, lives in the statue,

made of stone in compliance with precise

portrait resemblance.

  • The statue was placed in the tomb.
  • The images on the walls of the tomb provided Ka

opportunity to enjoy all the benefits that

surrounded a person during life.

When creating stone statues, the sculptor followed special rules:

  • Legs are closed.
  • Legs are closed.
  • One hand is pressed to the chest, the other

to the knees.

  • The gaze is directed forward.
  • Men were depicted with skin

dark in color, the woman is light.

It was necessary to achieve

Strict portrait likeness .

Artists also had their own rules.

  • Upper body -

shoulders, arms -

look like this

as if we were watching

at him from the front.

  • Legs - like us

look - from the side

Head too


sideways to us

BUT the eye is drawn like this

as if we were looking

person right in


The figure of the gods is always


Pharaoh - higher

their nobles

Hieroglyphs - “sacred writings of Ancient Egypt.

  • The walls of Egyptian temples are covered,

tombs and sarcophagi covered

mysterious signs - hieroglyphs.

  • Here you can also see a cobra snake,

and the ibis bird, and the pyramid.

  • There are more than 700 in Egyptian writing

hieroglyphs .

One hieroglyph could denote a separate

a word and a certain sound.

(GM+M=G+M+X) – GEMEX –


(VN+N=VN) – VEN - BE

(H+S+M) – CHESEM - dog

It was difficult to learn such a letter.

Learned literacy for many years ,

to the Egyptians as true sages.

In 1822, a French scientist Jean Francois Champollion deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Pyramids - stone tombs of the pharaohs.

The first pyramid was built in honor of Pharaoh Josser. This is a step pyramid, sixty meters high, made of white limestone blocks. It was created by the architect Imhotep, who invented a method of masonry from cut stone. The Pyramid of Djoser is commonly called the "mother of the Egyptian pyramids".

The greatest of the pyramids is the Pyramid of Cheops. It was built in the 27th century BC. The height of this pyramid is 147 meters. This corresponds to a modern building with a height of about 50 floors. The pyramid is made of blocks of golden limestone weighing 2.5 tons.

The peace of the great pyramids is guarded by the sphinx. Reclining lion with a human head, nicknamed "Father of Fear",he terrified the nomads. The huge figure of the Great Sphinx is carved from solid rock. The dimensions of the sculpture are amazing: its height is 20 and its length is 57 meters.

Each stone block of the pyramid weighs about three tons. In this case, the blocks are held under their own weight - there is no connecting material. The blocks are so carefully fitted to each other that it is impossible to move even a knife blade between them.

The pyramid was built over decades by many thousands of people. The builders of the pyramids were mainly Egyptian peasants. They worked in the months free from field work




At first, embalmers removed everything internal organs(1), with the exception of the heart, and placed them in special vessels.

Then the dead body was stuffed with salt, sand and spices (2), oils, wine and resin were rubbed into it. And they wrapped them in long linen bandages (3).

Now the mummy was ready for burial.

The mummy was then placed in a sarcophagus - a coffin made in the shape of a human body - and buried in the tomb

Pyramids – stone

tombs of the pharaohs.

Sarcophagus- coffin made

in the form of a human body

Mummy– embalmed

dead body


"Find errors in the text"

The ancient Egyptians deified the pharaoh. They believed that he was not just a man, but an earthly god, and they called him the son of the Moon. Even during the life of the pharaohs, huge tombs were built for them - sarcophagi . Their peace is guarded by the sphinx. The Sphinx is a gigantic figure with the body of a bull and the head of a cat.

Read excerpts from the protocol of interrogation of robbers who entered the burial place of one of the pharaohs and answer the questions .

Two hats for one head.

It's hardly wise to wear two hats. However, one Egyptian wanted to do just that. Who was he? Did you manage to fulfill your strange desire? What caused it?

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One of the Seven Wonders of the World - EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS

Pyramids - “dwellings of eternity” of the pharaohs:

  • The Pyramid of Cheops
  • Pyramid of Khafre
  • Pyramid of Mikerin
  • Rock tombs and temples of the Middle and New Kingdoms
  • Abu Simbel - the pearl of Egyptian architecture
  • Architectural structures of the Late Kingdom
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    Great Pyramids. Giza

    Egypt 2575 - 2465 BC e.

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    The Pyramid of Cheops reaches a height of 146 meters. Its thickness was cut through only by corridors leading to the burial chamber. The construction of the Cheops pyramid was supervised by the architect Hemiun.

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    The pyramid itself required 20 years of work. It's square. Each side is 146.26 m and its height is the same size. The stones are polished and carefully fitted, each of them is no less than 9.24 m.

    The construction of the Cheops pyramid was supervised by the architect Hemiun.

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    Pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser

    Egypt 2630 - 2611 BC e.

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    At the time of its construction, this structure was the largest in the world.

    This tomb became a model of a funeral structure, in which, according to the canons, three main tasks were solved: preserving the ashes of the deceased incorrupt, preserving the tomb and feeding it so that it could exist.

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    The second pyramid of the complex belongs to the successor of Cheops - Pharaoh Khafre. The Pyramid of Khafre was almost as tall as the Pyramid of Cheops. Its height was 143 meters, and its side length was 215 meters. Because of this ratio of height and length of the base, she seemed slimmer. The base was lined with Aswan granite.

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    Great Sphinx. Giza.

    Egypt 2750 BC

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    The Great Sphinx was erected simultaneously with the pyramid, for the pharaoh of the IV dynasty - Khafre (Khafre). The Sphinx is made in the form of a lying lion. His face reproduces the features of the pharaoh himself. In reality, the sphinx is an image of the sun god. To the side where the Sun appears and the Sphinx looks.

    • On the head of the sphinx there is a striped royal scarf, above the forehead there is a uraeus - the sacred cobra. According to the beliefs of the Egyptians, the cobra protected kings and queens with its breath.
    • The sphinx's face was previously painted brick, and the stripes of the scarf were blue and red.
    • It rises between two temples dedicated to the cult of this deity.
    • When creating the sculpture, Egyptian craftsmen used the original form of limestone rock.
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    Statue of Pharaoh Khafre, fragment

    Egypt 2500 BC e.

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    In Ancient Egypt, two types of images of royal persons were developed. Sitting and standing. The portrait of Pharaoh Khafre belongs to the second type. This type is characterized by the articulation of all parts of the figure at right angles. The hands are usually folded on the hips or resting on the chest. The legs are parallel to the bare feet. The symmetry in this case is perfect.

    The monarchs are depicted bare-chested, wearing a pleated skirt and with their heads covered with the double crown of Lower and Upper Egypt.

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    The pharaoh is depicted with his head protected by the spread wings of the god Horus, from whom he was believed to have descended. The torso forms a single block with the throne, and the arms are pressed to the torso.

    Pharaoh statue carved from super-hard diorite

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    Khafre's son and heir, Mikerin, owns the third pyramid. The tomb itself and the structures around it were not completed during the life of the pharaoh. Subsequently, his son hastily finished them. This was the last of the great pyramids.

    The Pyramid of Cheops, also known as the Great Pyramid, was built by Pharaoh Khufu, son of Snefru. Herodotus in his works called him Cheops, and this pharaoh reigned for about 23 years. Even in ancient times, the pyramid amazed with its enormous size and was rightfully among the Seven Wonders of the World. For its construction, limestone blocks with an average weight of 2.5 tons each were used, which amounted to 210 rows. The average block height was about 50 cm, but there were blocks up to 150 cm high. Oddly enough, they were used to lay out the upper part of the pyramid.

    Narrow (20 × 20 cm) channels, not entirely accurately called “ventilation tunnels,” led from the northern and southern walls of the burial chamber to the surface of the pyramid. There were long discussions about their purpose, and recent research by specialists from the German Archaeological Institute showed that the canals have purely ritual functions: they help the pharaoh’s soul get to heaven by the shortest route. A similar ritual role was played by three chambers located vertically, one above the other (underground, queen’s chamber and pharaoh’s chamber); Previously it was believed that they arose due to changes in architectural project– however, this hypothesis was never confirmed.

    At the north side of the pyramid there are two boat-shaped recesses where the pharaoh's boats stood, and three additional pyramids. The southern one was the burial place of Queen Henutsen, daughter of Sneferu and blood sister of Khufu, Meritetis was buried in the middle one, and the third was built in honor of the mother of the pharaoh, Queen Hetepheres, whose shaft tomb was discovered a few tens of meters from here by members of the expedition of Harvard University and the Boston Museum led by George A Reisner in 1925. Mortuary objects were found in the tomb, now exhibited in the Cairo Museum.

    The pyramid of Khafre, the fourth pharaoh of the 4th dynasty, known in Greek sources as Khafre, is the second largest pyramid, slightly smaller in size than the pyramid of Khufu. However, built on a higher ground and with more steeply sloping sides, it appears to be the tallest of the Giza pyramids. Of the modern scientists, it was discovered in 1818 by Giovanni Batista Belzoni, but it had already been plundered in ancient times and in the 13th century. Of all the pyramids, only this one has preserved the white limestone lining, and even then at the very top.

    On the north side there are two entrances: the first is located at a height of 10 m, the other entrance is located at ground level, through which current visitors enter the pyramid. The burial chamber contains a large granite sarcophagus and its lid. Apart from the inscription made by Belzoni and dated March 2, 1818, the date of its discovery, there are no other decorations on the objects in the burial chamber.

    The word “sphinx” comes from the Egyptian expression “shesep ankh”, which means “living idol”, and is the name given to a sculpture of a deity with the body of a lion, the head of a person or an animal. The Sphinx, a statue 57 m long and 20 m high, represents the image of a pharaoh who combines the power of man, god and lion. The Sphinx is close to the processional path and the lower temple of Khafre, the greatest statue builder of the Pyramid Age, who erected the Sphinx as part of his funerary complex. The statue was carved directly from the limestone that forms the Giza Plateau, part of the Moqatam Formation, which formed from marine sediments when northeast Africa was underwater during the Eocene period.

    The Great Sphinx is a symbol of Egypt, ancient and modern. Moreover, it represents an image of history that has aroused the imagination of poets and scientists, adventurers and tourists for many centuries. However, in last years The Sphinx began to threaten humanity with the possibility of its destruction. Twice in the last decade rocks fell off him: in 1981, the casing on his left hind leg flew off, and in 1988, he lost a large chunk of his right forearm. While experts are looking for a way out, the surface of the sphinx peels off and crumbles.

    According to legend, the step pyramid was built for Horus Netherikhet, better known as Djoser, the first ruler of the Third Dynasty. The construction of the structure was led by the architect Imhotep. The pyramid dominates the entire surrounding area and is located in the central area of ​​Saqqara. The layout of Djoser's pyramid, originally about 60 m high (now 58.7 m), was oriented in an east-west direction. The layout of Djoser's pyramid, originally about 60 m high (now 58.7 m), was oriented in an east-west direction. At the entrance to the pyramid on the north side, the first temple known in history was built, where the cult of the deceased pharaoh was confessed, and around the pyramid there were rooms associated with the rituals of the Heb-Sed celebration. Gallery

    Despite numerous precautions, Djoser's tomb was desecrated in ancient times, apparently during the first period of the interregnum. The Sais tombs of Saqqara, with their extremely deep wells, were most likely influenced by the pyramid monuments of Djoser. Gallery

    The pyramid of Unas, the last pharaoh of the Fifth Dynasty, is almost completely destroyed, all its facing has disappeared, except for a few limestone slabs on the southern edge, which were returned to their places during the restoration and on which there remains a large hieroglyphic inscription stating that Hemwaset, the high priest god Ptah in Memphis, restored the pyramid at the direction of his father Ramesses II and returned its name to Unas.

    Pepi I, the second ruler of the VI dynasty, succeeded his father Teti. He built a beautiful pyramid about 52 m high, which was called “mennefer”, which translated meant “stable and perfect”. Distorted over time, this word turned into “Memphis,” and this is what the capital of the Ancient Kingdom is now called.

    In ancient times it was known as "Inebhej", or "White Wall". Most likely, it referred to the large dam built at this point in the river, or to the white color of the Tura limestone from which the city walls were built. Almost destroyed during numerous raids, this pyramid is of great interest thanks to the inscriptions on the walls of the burial chambers

    The pyramid of Pepi II, son of Merenre, was built due north of his father's pyramid and is the best preserved of the structures in this zone. To the east of the pyramid of Pepi II, explored by Gustav Géquier, there is a satellite pyramid and a remarkable mortuary temple, which is connected by a processional path to the temple in the valley.

    The Northern Pyramid of Snefru, also known as the “red” pyramid, owes this to the color of the limestone from which it is built. Its ribs are inclined at an angle of 43°22", which fully corresponds to the shape of the upper part of the "curved" pyramid." The "red" pyramid, originally lined with slabs of white Tura limestone, due to which in ancient times it was called the "shining pyramid", remains the second largest after pyramids of Khufu (Cheops).

    The Southern Pyramid turned out to be older than the Northern Pyramid and the first, not a stepped one, but a real one. The project was truly great, and if it had been completed as planned, the largest pyramid would have been built in Egypt. However, during construction, when the pyramid had risen to two-thirds of the planned height, the architects suddenly decided to change the angle of inclination of the edges by almost 10°, that is, from 54°27"44"" to 43°22". Naturally, the total height of the pyramid decreased by 23.5 meters. Nevertheless, the “curved” pyramid remains to this day the fourth largest, behind the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and the “red” pyramid.

    The upper part of the pyramid has, as it were, its inverted double, and together they formed a kind of octagonal crystal. In crystallography, crystals of this type are called twins, or bipyramids. The angle between the faces in the “crystal” of the Sneferu compound pyramid is 43º19´ + 43º19´ = 86º38´. The angle of inclination of the faces in the bipyramid is equal to the angle of the water molecule.

    The upper and lower vertices of the crystal correspond to the location of the hydrogen atoms H in the water molecule, and the middle side of the base corresponds to the oxygen atom O. The Sneferu pyramid has two chambers, and they are located very strangely. The first of them is located at the level of the base of the pyramid, at the top of the lower part of the crystal at a depth of approximately 25 m. This arrangement of the chambers clearly indicates their connection with the energy of the crystal itself and with the entire pyramid as a whole. The shape of the pyramids is related to the geometry of the Egyptian triangular standards, and therefore to the “golden ratio”. The properties of pyramids are based on their crystal structure and crystal-like shape, as well as the energy that is present in the crystals.

    For many millennia, ancient archives have been hiding from everyone the names of the architects of the outstanding pyramid complexes located throughout the Earth. Some designed and built step pyramids, others - regular ones, with smooth edges, others - spiral cone-shaped ones, but all of them had one characteristic detail: next to the pyramid, as a rule, there was a round or square pool filled with water. The heat capacity of stone and air varies greatly. The air warms up quickly under the rays of the sun and cools quickly after it sets. But the stone heats up slowly and cools just as slowly. So the outer stones heat up under the sun, but the mass of stones inside the heap has a lower temperature. When streams of hot air, which always carry water vapor, penetrate the stone pile and come into contact with the surface of cold stones, the vapor condenses. This is how water droplets are formed. They flow down, forming streams.

    Now it’s not difficult to guess that it was not for nothing that the pyramids had pools of water. One of the many functions was the same as that of stone piles: they also had the ability to condense water from the air. And many pyramids were probably specifically designed for this purpose only. Water is life! Those who always feel its lack know its real value. This also applied to the Egyptians living on the eastern border of the Sahara. The pyramids provided water, the pools were filled with life-giving liquid, the groundwater near the pyramids stood close to the surface. They seemed to be attracted to the pyramids. And it is not surprising: after all, the shape of a pyramid is a giant water molecule, attracting other water molecules not only from the air, but also from underground.

    The fact that the Great Pyramids conceal astronomical knowledge was hinted at back in the 6th century BC. no less great Pythagoras. Leo was considered sacred because it represented the Sun incarnate. But the big Sphinx, with its figure and paws, also looks like a lion. If the lion in the era of Leo on the day of the vernal equinox was associated with the Sun in the constellation Leo, then the same honor can be awarded to the Sphinx. But if the Sphinx is the image of the Sun in the constellation Leo, then the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin may well be “planets of the solar system”.

    The dimensions of the pyramids of Cheops and Khafre are approximately the same. Two planets also differ slightly from each other: Earth and Venus. The length of the Earth's diameter at the equator is only 360 km greater than the diameter of Venus. It turns out that the pyramid of Cheops corresponds to the planet Earth, and the pyramid of Chefre corresponds to Venus. The dimensions of the Mikerin pyramid are almost two times smaller than the dimensions of the pyramids of Cheops and Khafre. The diameters of the Earth and Mars, Venus and Mars are in approximately the same ratio. This means that Mars corresponds to the Mikerin pyramid. An additional confirmation of this can be the fact that since ancient times Mars has been called the “red planet” for its characteristic red shine. This feature of Mars is reflected in the cladding of the Mykerinus pyramid: previously it was covered with red granite slabs. The pyramid of Cheops is located closest to the Sphinx. And in the solar system, Mercury is closest to the Sun. But it is too small to compete with the Cheops pyramid. The next planet in terms of distance is Venus. So we got a completely unexpected option: Venus corresponds to the Cheops pyramid. Then the pyramid of Khafre corresponds to the Earth, and the pyramid of Mikerin corresponds to Mars. All three planets belong to the same terrestrial group.

    Why did Venus (the pyramid of Cheops) turn out to be larger than the Earth (the pyramid of Chefre)? After all, modern data on the sizes of the planets indicate the opposite... Maybe before Venus was really larger than the Earth? The question of a decrease or even increase in the volume of planets over time is not fantastic. There are planets that are young and hot. Gradually cooling, they constantly decrease in volume. The earth behaves more or less stable. No wonder life has existed on it for a long time. But the same cannot be said about Venus. Maybe some 5 - 10 thousand years ago its volume actually exceeded the volume of the Earth. Each of the three Great Pyramids has companions - small pyramids. The Cheops pyramid has preserved the remains of three satellites, and the foundation of the fourth has also been discovered. The pyramid of Khafre has one, the pyramid of Mikerin has three. If the Great Pyramids could symbolize the planets Venus, Earth and Mars, then their pyramidal companions are the satellites of these planets.

    3200 – 2920 BC. Dynasties I–II Early dynastic or archaic period. Capitals: This, near Abydos, then Memphis. Under energetic rulers, Egyptian state instruments are rapidly developing. Introduction of hieroglyphic writing. Rival religious schools of Galiopolis, Hermopolis and Memphis. Ra-Atum, Thoth and Ptah. Start of construction using stone and wood. Brick mastabas, royal tombs at Abydos.

    2140 – 2100 BC. VII – X Dynasties First Intermediate Period Capitals: Heracleopolis and Thebes. The era of the Bedouin invasion. The emergence of the cult of Osiris. Supreme power passes into the hands of Theban military leaders - 1750. BC. XI – XII dynasties Middle Kingdom Capital: Thebes. Wise and talented rulers: Mentuhotep I and III, Amenemhet I, Sesostris I and III, Amenemhet III. Invasion of Nubia and Asia. Arts and crafts flourish.

    1750 – 1550 BC. Dynasties XIII - XVII Second Intermediate Period Capitals: Thebes and Avaris. Fall of the Middle Kingdom: Egypt is conquered by the Hyksos leaders. The appearance of horses and chariots - 1076. BC. XVIII – XX Dynasties New Kingdom Capital: Thebes. Great kings and queens. Temples: Luxor, Karnak, Medinet Habu, Abu Simbel. Valley of the Kings. Tutankhamun's tomb.