Features of personnel management in a travel agency. Specifics of personnel management in tourism Reorganization of personnel management at a tourism enterprise

In general, the personnel management system involves two main aspects: searching for strong employees outside the company and developing personnel within the company. For each company, the choice of external or internal market will depend on the opportunities and limitations of the organization’s external and internal environment, the situation in the tourism market, the labor market, and also depending on the company’s goals that determine the goals of recruiting new personnel.

Let's look at personnel selection technology using the example of a sales manager vacancy. In general, this technology consists of the following stages (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Recruitment technology

1. Formulation of requirements for the employee. Based on the goals of the organization, corporate culture and market situation, requirements for candidates are formed according to the following parameters:

§ knowledge;

§ skills and abilities;

§ business and personal qualities.

The ideal profile of requirements for a sales manager can be presented in conditional form.

2. Selecting methods for collecting information. At this stage, sources for collecting information about applicants are selected that will be used to evaluate them according to the criteria of interest. It is desirable that information on each of the criteria can be confirmed by two or three sources.

The means of selecting and assessing applicants for vacant positions are most often divided into personal and technical (Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Personnel selection and assessment tools

In the group of personal personnel assessment tools, the greatest difficulty is conducting interviews. In the group of technical means of personnel assessment, the best effect is provided by the so-called assessment centers, that is, personnel assessment takes place in specially organized institutions. Assessment centers perform two main tasks: they identify the managerial abilities of the subjects and establish for each of them an individual training program designed to improve the level of organizational culture and develop the identified abilities.

Due to the fact that the choice of an assessment method is largely an economic task, a group of fairly effective and economical basic methods are distinguished, which are used in most cases and provide a solution to the problems of correct selection of candidates, and additional methods that are used in individual cases and if available conditions for this. The main methods include: resume, application letter, preliminary telephone interview, questionnaire analysis, main interview, reference check. Additional methods include ability testing (IQ), psychological testing, testing of knowledge and skills, performing trial tasks, etc. However, each company decides for itself which methods to use when selecting a specific candidate. Zhukova M.A. Management in the tourism business. M.: Kino-Rus, 2005 P. 103

3. Selecting a source for attracting candidates. Posting information about vacancies. Most often, the following methods are used for searching (Fig. 7).

Figure 7. Recruitment methods

Job vacancy announcements in print media, contacts with recruitment agencies, information from friends, and the Internet are used much more often than others. The choice of search method depends on many factors:

§ the nature of the vacancy itself and the requirements for the candidate;

§ behavioral characteristics of potential candidates;

§ financial capabilities and working time costs;

§ technical capabilities and the degree of confidentiality with which the search is carried out.

4. Collection and analysis of information about applicants. Based on the applications received, it is necessary to evaluate the applicants, that is, determine which candidate is best suited for the given position. Organizational leadership always needs to remember that it is responsible for selecting the right people who can implement the company's strategy, as well as for ensuring that employees feel good at work and that it matches their abilities and capabilities.

After enrollment in a position, the employee’s involvement begins, that is, sending him to a vacant position in accordance with the needs of the organization and his own interests. There, the immediate supervisor carries out his induction into the position, which is a set of procedures aimed at speeding up the newcomer’s mastery of work, shortening the adaptation period in the team, and helping to establish contacts with others. To do this, newcomers are introduced to production cycles and different departments, told about the history of the company's creation, provided with video materials about the company and reference books on internal regulations. Zdorov A.B. Economics of tourism: Textbook. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2004 P. 217

At the Cosmos Hotel, for example, new employees attend introductory lectures and training sessions. Experienced mentors are assigned to them, who help them in the first stages of their career and introduce them to the peculiarities of the hotel’s work.

At the Aerostar Hotel, new employees undergo a “Guest Service Course”. At the Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya Hotel, newly hired employees undergo training under two programs: “Welcome, new colleague!” and "Yes, I can! - Keeping promises." The first program is designed for eight hours of training and includes a study of the organizational structure of Slavyanskaya Hotel and Business Center LLC, the code of corporate culture, internal labor regulations, etc. The “Yes, lean! - Keeping Promises” program was developed by the corporation and is mandatory for all employees chain hotels. She explains the basic principles of the corporate philosophy "Yes, I can!" and standards of professional conduct. The lesson lasts five hours - watching and discussing a video, practical exercises, and role-playing games. The second part of the program is called “Yes, I can! In your department” and is conducted by the heads of various hotel services. Specific situations and their resolution are considered in accordance with the principles and standards of “Yes, I can!” Senior managers are also trained in the Yes, I Can! Idea Driver program, the goal of which is to learn how to help subordinates work.

Professional training of a new employee according to the Radisson SAS rules lasts at least two weeks. Upon completion of training, he passes an exam and only after that begins to work independently.

The Human Resources Department of the Novotel Sheremetyevo Hotel conducts a training session called “Introduction” for new employees. It allows you to provide a newcomer with information about the hotel, the history of the Ascor company, and the rules of working in the hotel.

This gives a person the feeling that they were waiting for him, that they were preparing for his arrival, and allows him to avoid many mistakes at first and thereby reduce the likelihood of disappointment and early departure.

Then the process of adaptation of the new employee begins, that is, his adaptation to the content and working conditions, the social environment. There are three types of adaptation: professional, psychophysiological and socio-psychological.

Professional adaptation consists of actively mastering the profession, its intricacies, specifics, necessary skills, techniques determined by the technology and technology of activity, and methods of decision-making, to begin with in standard situations. Professional adaptation begins with the fact that, after determining the experience, knowledge and character of a newcomer, the most acceptable form of training is determined for him, for example, he is sent to courses or assigned a mentor. Since the courses are most often divorced from life, and the stock of theoretical knowledge was acquired at an educational institution, the second option turns out to be more preferable. It helps you get into work immediately in the process of doing it, assisting more experienced colleagues, and understanding their and your own actions.

Psychophysiological adaptation to working conditions, work and rest schedules, etc. does not present any particular difficulties and largely depends on a person’s health, his natural reactions, and the characteristics of these conditions themselves.

Social and psychological adaptation to the team, on the contrary, can be associated with considerable difficulties and is especially difficult for managers. First of all, there may be a discrepancy between them and their new subordinates in terms of level. If the manager turns out to be head and shoulders above the team, the latter will not accept his demands and the leader, in essence, will find himself in the position of a general without an army. Otherwise, the team will be in the position of “a herd without a shepherd.”

Another problem is finding a common language, because at first both sides can’t help but be wary of each other. Beginners have clearly visible positive qualities and carefully hide negative ones, so a lot of time must pass before it is possible to form the necessary idea about them.

An important element of the tactical personnel management system, directly related to its professional adaptation, is personnel training. The shortage of qualified personnel still remains an acute problem for tourism enterprises, especially due to the fact that in order to obtain a license, the staff of a travel agency must consist of 30% of employees with higher, secondary specialized or additional education in the field of tourism. However, the heads of tourism companies state that the program of specialized universities in most cases is far from the real needs of the market; young specialists often find themselves unprepared to perform official duties. Based on this, many tourism enterprises are forced to train personnel on their own, especially since the costs associated with this are, first of all, investments in the development of the company, the key to its stability, and the pedagogical aspect becomes an important element of corporate culture.

The cost of training sessions in St. Petersburg at the end of 2006 was: inviting a specialist - from 300-600 dollars, trainings and seminars with the involvement of Russian consulting companies - from 1000 dollars per training day, trainings and seminars with the involvement of foreign specialists - from 2000 up to $3,000 per training day, participation of a company specialist in an open lesson - from $250 (sales training) to $900-2,500 (master class or on-site program).

One of the most common forms of on-site employee training is seminars, where managers receive all the information they need for their work. They are often conducted by mid-level specialists who share their experience and give their recommendations to “newbies”.

Thematic seminars are often used by operators to inform managers of agency companies. As a rule, they are informative and consist of a series of 1-2-hour lectures on certain topics, to which specialists in specific areas are invited. Seminar classes usually take place before each season.

Currently, special training programs that are actively offered by consulting centers have become widespread. Business training is a short training course (1-4 days). The duration of one school day is, as a rule, 8-10 hours. The optimal number of group members is 10-12 people. This allows, on the one hand, everyone to demonstrate the completion of the task to the teacher, and on the other, to exchange experiences and learn from each other.

During the trainings the following tasks are solved:

§ at the corporate level, classes allow you to form a mobile and friendly team capable of achieving high results, choose effective decision-making tactics when interacting, identify and flexibly change the general structure of the group, social roles, acquire effective communication and feedback skills;

§ at the personal level, conditions are created for unlocking the employee’s potential and, as a result, increasing the overall creative potential of the team, developing the ability to take responsibility for group results and accept the company’s goals as their own, listen and hear the ideas of others, accept and promote on an equal basis with their own ;

§ on an emotional level, trainings relieve accumulated tension, give a charge of positive emotions, a feeling of inner freedom and lightness, and create a favorable psychological climate in the team.

The specificity of personnel training in the hotel business is that employees of all levels, without exception, are engaged in advanced training throughout the entire period of work in hotels. The Corinthia company pays special attention to training its employees. There are two priority areas in the personnel development department: professional training and training aimed at the personal growth of the employee. Thus, at the Corinthia Nevsky Palace Hotel, special programs have been created for ordinary employees in the following areas: culinary skills, bartender and waiter skills, principles of work of reception and service department employees, work standards of housekeeping department employees. Hotel middle managers regularly undergo training on the basics of employee management, conflict management, time management, etc.

At the Aerostar Hotel, middle and junior managers are invited to complete the Management Mastery program, following which the employee can receive a supervisor certificate.

At the Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya hotel, a special training course has been developed for middle managers on the topics “I am a leader and mentor. My strengths and weaknesses,” “My appearance, manners, behavior style is a role model,” “Responsibility. Control. Consequences of behavior.” ", "Encouraging employees. Expressing approval", "Issuing disciplinary sanctions." Each training is designed for 60-90 minutes; the method of conducting classes includes interactive discussions, discussion of specific situations, and role-playing games. Saak A.E., Pshenichnykh Yu.A. Management in social and cultural services and tourism. SPb: PETER, 2007 P. 246

A special place in the policy of any hotel is occupied by advanced training and training of senior managers. For management managers at the Corinthia Nevsky Palace Hotel, a special two-year Excelerator training program has been created, which provides an opportunity to directly become familiar with the work of all departments and prepares employees for the potential position of general manager.

Hotels usually conduct corporate trainings that are mandatory for all employees. They are mainly aimed at studying service standards, communication skills with clients, protocol and etiquette features, and much more.

The National Hotel has developed its own system of “educating” employees. For example, according to this system, an employee must say his name at least twice when communicating with a guest. The fact is that when developing standards, the psychology of human relationships was taken into account as much as possible. Work with focus groups showed that by saying the name at least twice, the employee will be able to establish the most trusting relationship with the guest. Saak A.E., Pshenichnykh Yu.A. Management in social and cultural services and tourism. SPb: PETER, 2007 P. 247

In general, it should be recognized that the vast majority of service sector enterprises do not have a holistic concept for working with personnel and a system of practical measures for its implementation. The HR department often has a low administrative and organizational status and does not fulfill a number of HR policy objectives. Very often, the following personnel problems remain beyond the attention of managers:

§ motivational and socio-psychological diagnostics of employees;

§ analysis and regulation of group and personal relationships;

§ management of industrial, social conflicts and stress of employees;

§ assessment and selection of candidates for vacant positions;

§ HR marketing, business career planning and control.

Meanwhile, in the practice of a service enterprise, all of these personnel problems are very important. Personnel, closely interacting with consumers and serving them, personally demonstrate the level of efficiency of the company.

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Travel company personnel management

Personnel Management

Travel company personnel management

The success of a tourism company is ensured by the employees employed by it. That is why the modern concept of enterprise management involves separating from a large number of functional areas of management activities those that are associated with managing the personnel component of production - the personnel of the enterprise.

It is quite natural that at every large tourism enterprise there is a need to determine the number of personnel, in an effective system of selection, hiring and placement of personnel, in ensuring their employment, taking into account the interests of the company and the employee himself, in a system of remuneration for work based on his motivation, in taking into account individual problems of workers, improving their living conditions and rest, etc.

Today, special importance is attached to raising the level of work with personnel, placing this work on a solid scientific foundation, and using the domestic and foreign experience accumulated over many years.

I believe that the main potential of a tourism enterprise lies in its personnel. No matter how great ideas, the latest technologies, or the most favorable external conditions exist, it is impossible to achieve high activity without well-trained personnel. It is people who do the work, come up with ideas and allow the company to exist.

Without people there can be no organization; without qualified personnel, no organization can achieve its goals. Personnel management is concerned with people and their relationships within an enterprise (organization).

Today, the main factors of competitiveness are the availability of labor, the degree of its motivation, organizational structures and forms of work that determine the efficiency of personnel use.

The successes of leading Western companies in ensuring high quality tourism products, their rapid renewal, reducing production costs and integrating the efforts of personnel are associated with the fact that they have created highly effective personnel management systems. Analysis of the characteristics of the labor market is of great importance for effective personnel policy. Intra-production features of the organization, such as the set development goals of the company, trends in its management style, the specific nature of the tasks it solves, the specifics of work teams, etc. should also be taken into account to ensure the effectiveness of personnel policy.

These general trends should be taken into account in the domestic practice of personnel management of a tourism organization.



1. 1 Goals and objectives of personnel management

The formation of a personnel management system involves, first of all, building a “tree of goals”, both the goals of employees and the goals of the administration, ensuring their least inconsistency, identifying the role and place of personnel management in ensuring the main goals of a travel company.

The goals of personnel management of an enterprise (organization) are:

* -increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions;

* -increasing the efficiency of production and labor, in particular, achieving maximum profit;

* - ensuring high social efficiency of the team’s functioning.

Successful achievement of set goals requires solving such problems as:

* - ensuring the enterprise's need for labor in the required volumes and required qualifications;

* - achieving a reasonable relationship between the organizational and technical structure of production potential and the structure of labor potential;

* - full and effective use of the potential of the employee and the production team as a whole;

* - providing conditions for highly productive work, a high level of organization, motivation, self-discipline, developing the employee’s habit of interaction and cooperation;

* - securing an employee at the enterprise, forming a stable team as a condition for recoupment of funds spent on labor (attraction, personnel development);

* - ensuring the realization of the desires, needs and interests of employees regarding the content of work, job promotion, etc.;

* - coordination of production and social objectives (balancing the interests of the enterprise and the interests of workers, economic and social efficiency);

* -increasing the efficiency of personnel management, achieving management goals while reducing labor costs.

The effectiveness of personnel management and the most complete implementation of set goals largely depend on the choice of options for constructing the enterprise personnel management system itself, knowledge of the mechanism of its functioning, the choice of optimal technologies and methods of working with people.

1. 2. Human resource management functions

There are certain differences between goals and functions. A goal is the state one strives for, and a function is the actual action.

The goals of a tourism organization are characterized by three characteristics: they reflect the desired states in the future; they designate these states specifically and differ from individual goals in that they have a property that is mandatory for all employees of the enterprise; they are officially approved, and the management of the enterprise approves. Goals perform three functions: management, coordination and control.

Goals are the stimulus for behavior, so they drive behavior. They allow and stimulate mutual coordination of behavior and in this sense perform a coordinating function. Personnel management is carried out in the process of performing certain targeted actions and involves: determining the goals and main directions of work with personnel; determination of means, forms and methods of achieving the set goals; organization of work to implement decisions made; coordination and control of the implementation of planned activities; continuous improvement of the personnel management system (Fig. 1).

Once the overall strategy of the organization is understood, it becomes possible to establish individual HR functions that will best align with that strategy.

The need to harmonize human resource management strategy and business strategy covers the basic functions of management and includes:

* - selection, hiring and formation of the organization’s personnel for the best achievement of production goals;

* -staff assessment;

* - the best use of employees’ potential and its remuneration;

* - ensuring guarantees of social responsibility of organizations to each employee.

In practical terms, the following main functions of personnel management can be distinguished:

* - forecasting the situation on the labor market and in one’s own team to take proactive measures;

* -analysis of existing personnel potential and planning of its development taking into account the future;

* - motivation of personnel, assessment and training of personnel, assistance in the adaptation of employees to innovations, creation of socially comfortable conditions in the team, solving specific issues of psychological compatibility of employees, etc.

1. At the same time, the traditional tasks of administrative work with personnel are preserved.

2. The functions of personnel management are very closely related to each other and together form a certain system of work with personnel, where changes occurring in the composition of each of the functions necessitate adjustments to all other associated functional tasks and responsibilities. For example, the widespread use of the contract form of hiring personnel in world practice has led to a noticeable change in functional responsibilities.

3. Under such conditions of employment, the importance of functional responsibilities naturally increases, and the range of responsibilities within the functions of hiring, employment, and material remuneration expands.

4. In human resource management theory, there are usually eight main functions: needs planning, selection and recruitment, development and orientation, promotion, evaluation and reward.

1. 3. Stages of the personnel management system

The personnel management system includes a number of stages: formation, use, stabilization and management itself (Fig. 2).

The formation (formation) of an organization’s personnel is a special stage, during which the foundation of its innovative potential and prospects for further growth are laid. The deviation of the number of personnel from the scientifically based need for it, both to a lesser and more extent, affects the level of labor potential. This means that both shortages and surpluses of personnel equally negatively affect labor potential. A shortage of personnel leads to underutilization of production potential and excessive workload for workers.

Thus, the goal of forming personnel for a tourist organization is to minimize the reserve of unrealized opportunities, which is caused by the discrepancy between the work abilities and personal qualities potentially formed in the learning process with the possibilities of using them when performing specific types of work, potential and actual employment in quantitative and qualitative terms.

The personnel formation stage is designed to solve the following tasks:

* - ensuring the optimal degree of workload of workers in order to fully use their labor potential and increase the efficiency of their work;

* -optimization of the structure of workers with different functional contents of labor.

The basis for solving these problems can be based on the basic principles of using personnel in an organization:

Correspondence of the number of employees to the volume of work performed;

Coordination of the employee with the degree of complexity of his work functions;

The structure of the enterprise personnel is determined by objective factors of production;

Maximum efficiency of working time use;

Creating conditions for continuous training and expanding the production profile of employees.

Considering the personnel management process as an integral system, we can identify the main elements that implement the following functions:

-> organizational:

Awareness of the population about recruitment and recruitment deadlines;

The amount of funds allocated for personnel training and housing construction, etc.;

-> reproductive:

Ensuring the creation of educational and material base and personnel development.

Personnel Management

Each of these subsystems can be represented either by a group of people or by one person, depending on the scale of the tourism organization itself and the degree of development of personnel policy. The main purpose of this specialization is to clearly formulate the tasks and functions of management in general and individual administrators in particular; in a clear understanding of the mechanism of influence on labor resources.

1. 3. 1. Principles and structure of personnel management

Personnel management is based on the following basic principles:

1) 1) the need for a close connection between personnel planning and the development strategy of the organization (company);

2) 2) quantitative assessment of the costs of working with personnel and their impact on the economic indicators of production;

5. Personnel management as a management function is designed to unite, coordinate, interconnect and integrate all other functions into a single whole.

6. This is achieved by implementing the principles of working with personnel and their interaction.

Providing job security for staff makes any firm more profitable and competitive, especially if the strategy of stabilizing the workforce is used as a means to increase flexibility in personnel management, create conditions for close interaction of workers and retain the most qualified workforce.

The basic diagram of personnel management is shown in Table 1.

8. Table 1.






Principles of selection and placement of personnel


Involving employees in management

at the grassroots level

Motivation of employees and creative initiative

Terms of employment and dismissal

Ways to increase labor productivity

Work crews

and their functions

Organizational culture of the company

Training and professional development

Incentive remuneration systems


a team

The influence of personnel management on the activities of the company and its organization

The personnel management structure includes the following areas of activity:

Resource Planning

Developing a plan to meet human resource needs and the costs required to do so;

Recruitment - creating a reserve of potential candidates for all positions;

Selection - assessment of candidates for jobs and selection of the best from the reserve created during recruitment;

Determining wages and compensation - developing wage and benefit structures to attract, recruit and retain personnel;

Career guidance and adaptation - the introduction of hired workers into the organization and its divisions, the development among employees of an understanding of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment;

Training - development of personnel training programs in order to effectively perform work and promote it;

Assessment of work activity - development of methods for assessing work activity and bringing it to the employee;

Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal - development of methods for moving employees to positions with greater or less responsibility, developing their professional experience by moving to other positions or areas of work, as well as procedures for terminating an employment contract;

Training of management personnel, management of career advancement - development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and increasing the labor efficiency of management personnel;

Labor relations - negotiations on concluding collective agreements;

Employment - development of equal employment opportunity programs.

1. 4. Control technology

In order to manage effectively, it is necessary to know the functioning mechanism of the process under study, the entire system of factors causing its change, as well as the means of influencing these factors. Consequently, we can talk about a certain mechanism for the functioning of the personnel management system and the use of various tools to influence the employee, i.e., about a certain technology for working with personnel.

In its most general form, technology is the techniques, skills, or services used to produce specific changes in some material. Sociologist Charles Perrow describes technology as a means of transforming raw materials—whether people, information, or physical materials—into desired products and services. Lewis Davies gives a broader concept of technology: “Technology is the combination of skilled skills, equipment, infrastructure, tools and, accordingly, technical knowledge necessary to bring about desired changes in material, information or people.”

Managerial influences on the object of management - the personnel of the enterprise - can be directed directly at the employee or at their totality as a production cell, as well as at factors of the internal and external environment in which the labor process takes place. In the latter case, we can talk about an indirect impact on the control object.

There are several types of technologies:

* - multi-link, which means a series of interrelated tasks performed sequentially;

* -intermediary - provision of services by one group of people to another in solving specific problems;

* - individual - with specification of techniques, skills and services in relation to an individual employee.

An example of the implementation of multi-link technologies in personnel management is the adoption of management decisions at each stage of an employee’s working life in an organization (hiring, training, adaptation, direct work activity, etc.) with their inherent specifics, corresponding tasks and methods of management influence.

Intermediary technologies are used in the course of interaction between the personnel service and the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise on the implementation of personnel policies, personnel selection, their evaluation, etc.

Individual technologies are largely focused on managing people’s behavior during work and are based on the use of methods of labor motivation, social psychology and, above all, methods of regulating interpersonal relationships, etc.

In personnel management, it is necessary to know what goals can be achieved using certain means of influence, how and through what this influence is carried out.

The arsenal of tools used here (methods, techniques for working with personnel, expressed in various organizational forms) is quite diverse:

* - personnel planning;

* -change management;

* - optimization of the number and structure of personnel, regulation of labor movements;

* -development of rules for the reception, placement and dismissal of employees;

* - structuring of work, their new layout, formation of new content of work, job responsibilities;

* -management of personnel costs as a means of influencing the development of the employee’s labor potential;

* -organization of work as a means of creating an environment conducive to the maximum output of the performer in the process of work;

* -workload management, optimization of working time structure;

* assessment and control of activities;

* -remuneration policy for work, its high results;

* -providing social services as a means of motivation and stabilization of the team;

* - tariff agreements between the administration and the staff;

* - socio-psychological methods (methods of eliminating conflict situations, ensuring interaction, etc.);

* - formation of corporate culture, etc.

Some of these means are of an organizational nature (personnel planning, labor organization), others are associated with influencing the employee in order to change his motivation, behavior, mobilize his internal capabilities (system of remuneration, evaluation, ensuring interaction, etc.).

1. 5. Personnel marketing

Personnel marketing is a type of management activity aimed at identifying and covering personnel needs.

The task of personnel marketing (or “personnel marketing”) is to control the situation on the labor market to effectively cover the need for personnel and thereby achieve the goals of the tourist organization.

Marketing activities in the field of personnel are a set of interconnected stages in the formation and implementation of a personnel marketing plan. The general methodology of personnel marketing is based on the basic principles of the theory of “production” marketing.

10. The basis of the concept of personnel management of an organization at present is the increasing role of the employee’s personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the organization.

External factors are understood as conditions that the organization as a management entity, as a rule, cannot change, but must take into account to correctly determine the qualitative and quantitative need for personnel and the optimal sources of covering this need.

13. Figure 3. Main stages of marketing activities in the region

14. Personnel.

The initial information for determining the directions of marketing activities, forming a personnel marketing plan and measures for its implementation is provided by an analysis of external and internal factors. Such analysis is the starting point of marketing activities.

The factors listed above are external to the organization, that is, largely independent of its actions. They need to be considered as the external environment of the organization in the field of personnel marketing. Taking this environment into account allows you to avoid major mistakes when developing areas of marketing activity.

Internal factors are understood as those that are largely amenable to control by the organization.

Full and accurate accounting of all the above factors determines the level and features of the implementation of the main areas of marketing activities in the field of personnel. Personnel marketing is a set of measures for the selection of a specific “product” - personnel capable of achieving the goals and objectives of a tourist organization.

The main directions of personnel marketing can be determined by analogy with general (“production”) marketing. These areas of personnel marketing are:

* -development of requirements for personnel; determining staffing needs;

* -calculation of planned costs for the acquisition and further use of personnel;

* - choice of ways to cover staffing needs.

The development of personnel requirements is carried out on the basis of the staffing table, current and future analysis of the requirements for positions and workplaces. The development of personnel requirements involves the formation of qualitative characteristics of personnel: abilities, motivations and properties.


2. 1. Personnel management

The art of management presupposes a good knowledge of individual and group psychology. When low-quality products are produced, it is not the abstract “workers” who are to blame, but a few specific people who are not sufficiently motivated or trained. We must not forget that each employee is an individual with his own unique experiences and needs, the neglect of which may jeopardize the achievement of the organization's goals. People are central to any management model, including the situational approach.

In real life, the behavior of each manager exhibits common features inherent in different management styles.

His success is decisively determined by the extent to which he takes into account the traditions of the team, the ability and readiness of subordinates to perform tasks, as well as his own potential, determined by the level of education, work experience, psychological characteristics, etc. The manager’s tasks include developing a concept workforce management.

The main task in this area is its ability to create conditions for each employee to realize their potential, arousing enthusiasm in people, and the desire to perform the tasks assigned to them in the best possible way. It is now generally accepted that success in business is almost entirely determined by a manager’s ability to work with colleagues, his personal qualities, and the ability to effectively manage people.

Particularly important here are: the manager’s ability to organize the work of the team in an optimal way, the ability to communicate with each employee on the basis of modern requirements and find in each specific case the necessary tool to influence a person in order to solve the problems at hand.

The organization of the team’s work is based on the manager’s ability to clearly distribute responsibilities between the employees of the travel company, identify and set specific tasks, reflect them with quantitative and qualitative parameters, determine the time needed for the practical implementation of the task, provide an information base and the necessary technical means, specify the sequence of tasks, based on their urgency and importance.

Modern management creates the prerequisites for solving all the most important problems. Among its capabilities: improving the professional training of employees, establishing interaction between divisions of the company, strengthening the role of teams at all levels of the company in solving everyday problems, expanding the strategic components in the work of company managers.

The most important principle of personnel management is to ensure that each employee is responsible for the results of their work; Every employee must know to whom he is subordinate and from whom he can receive orders.

The manager of a travel company is called upon to accurately determine for each subordinate the final goals of his work. At the same time, it is important to describe in detail the mechanism and stages of their achievement. In this case, there is less need to give instructions related to private tasks, and the employee shows more independence. The manager is obliged to ensure the development and application of clear instructions, directions, the use of which allows one to act without additional explanations and very proactively.

Socio-economic and socio-psychological methods of personnel management should now clearly prevail over administrative ones. Management is directed to the implementation of cooperation between staff and administration in order to achieve the goals set for the company. The principle of collegiality in management is increasingly being applied, when managers work closely with each other and are bound by bonds of cooperation, interdependence and mutual assistance.

The main thing in management is to encourage workers to develop their abilities for more intensive and productive work. A manager should not order his subordinates, but orient them to the problems facing the company, ranking them by importance, direct efforts, help reveal people’s abilities, concentrate them on the most important thing, and form a group of like-minded people around themselves.

The latter is currently acquiring special significance. In a company, an important area of ​​a manager’s activity that determines the possibility of achieving strategic success is the creation and functioning of elastic, self-adjusting structures, which are usually called a team. This is not just a group of professionals.

A team is a carefully formed, well-managed, self-organizing team that quickly and effectively responds to any changes in the market situation, solving all problems as a single whole.

2. 2. The role of personnel planning in the enterprise

2. 2. 1. Organizational structure of the management service

enterprise personnel

The key problem for the vast majority of Russian enterprises is the problem of personnel. Now is the time when it is necessary to pay closer attention to systematic training and, especially, retraining of qualified specialists. This will make it possible to respond more quickly and effectively to changes in the country and in the money market, to strengthen the elements of stability, solidity, representativeness, sober calculation, and rejection of excessively risky speculative play in market activities. New conditions necessitate new approaches and new people. So far, there are very few Russian commercial firms that place training and continuous professional development of personnel as a priority. In most cases, in this matter, companies continue to live one day at a time, focusing all their attention on solving current problems, not realizing that plugging holes will not ensure the future, and its prospects remain in the fog. Without a doubt, the issue of personnel is of a strategic nature for both large and successful companies and small ones.

In the context of reforming organizational management structures in accordance with the requirements of a market economy at domestic enterprises, the role of personnel services will increase, which is dictated by a number of objective circumstances:

- * Firstly, the conditions in which the economy is developing have radically changed. These changes are associated with the manifestation of a persistent shortage of labor resources over time. Therefore, the optimal distribution of jobs and the best use of personnel become internal reserves.

- * Secondly, the reduction in the number of workers must be compensated by greater labor intensity, and therefore by greater qualifications of the employee. In this regard, the responsibility of personnel services increases in choosing areas for employee qualification growth, in organizing effective forms of training and stimulating their growth.

- * Thirdly, the restructuring of the personnel policy in the organization leads to an expansion of the functional responsibilities of personnel service employees, increasing their independence in solving personnel problems.

The noted circumstances lead to the fact that in a number of organizations human resource management services are already emerging. These new services are created, as a rule, on the basis of traditional ones: the personnel department, the labor organization and wages department, the labor protection and safety department, etc. The tasks of the new services are to implement personnel policies and coordinate labor resource management activities in the organization. In this regard, they begin to expand the range of their functions and move from purely personnel issues to the development of incentives for labor activity, management of professional advancement, conflict prevention, study of the labor market, etc.

Day by day, more and more organizations are realizing that human resource management must be integrated into the overall management and strategic planning system. This is not about changing the orientation of personnel services. On the contrary, the view is argued that the personnel function should determine the strategic direction of its own work, which makes it a necessary link in the overall management structure. Taking these areas into account in practical work allows us to determine the possible organizational structure of the personnel management service of a large organization.

Directly subordinate to the vice president for personnel are the heads (directors) of key services and departments, the names of which more or less correspond to the main elements of a modern personnel management system - selection, training and development, evaluation, compensation, etc. Directors and department heads supervise the work of specialists in compensation, professional training and development, etc.

2. 2. 2. Functions of the personnel service

In the practice of tourism organizations, a wide variety of approaches to the structuring of services are used, not to mention the different completeness of the set of functions performed.

The main trend is that, depending on the size of organizations, the composition of divisions will change: in small organizations one division can perform the functions of several, and in large organizations, the functions of each subsystem are usually performed by a separate division.

The functional organization of the personnel service is presented in the Appendix.

2. 2. 4. The main directions of restructuring the work of personnel services in modern conditions


3. 1. Determining staffing needs

Determining the need for personnel is one of the most important areas of personnel marketing, which makes it possible to establish the qualitative and quantitative composition of personnel for a given period of time. Understanding the dynamics of factors influencing an organization's personnel needs is the basis for human resource planning in tourism.

As can be seen from the above, it is necessary to distinguish between qualitative and quantitative needs for personnel. Both of these types of needs in the practice of population planning are calculated in unity and interconnection.

Qualitative need, i.e. need by categories, professions, specialties, level of qualification requirements for personnel, is calculated based on:

Requirements for positions and jobs set out in job descriptions or job descriptions;

The staffing table of the organization and its divisions, where the composition of positions is recorded;

Documentation regulating various organizational and managerial processes, highlighting the requirements for the professional and qualification composition of performers.

The calculation of quality needs by profession, specialty, etc. is accompanied by a simultaneous calculation of the number of personnel for each criterion of quality need. The total need for personnel is found by summing the quantitative needs according to individual qualitative criteria.

The qualitative need for specialists and managers can be determined through the consistent development of the following organizational documents:

Goal systems as the basis of the organizational structure of management;

General organizational structure, as well as organizational structures of divisions;

Staffing table;

Job descriptions (job descriptions) of specialists and managers. This type of document can be used as the basis for calculating the labor intensity of performing job functions.

The job description is created jointly by the line manager, who formulates the requirements for the employee, and the HR manager, who documents these requirements.

A typical job description (job description) should have the following sections:

Characteristics of the organizational status of the position (workplace) - place in the hierarchical system of the organization or division, wage group, etc.;

Description of work requirements for the performer - knowledge, experience, abilities, character traits required by the specifics of the workplace, organizational skills, leadership qualities, etc.;

Rights, responsibilities, workplace relationships - instructions given and received, input and output information (and forms of its presentation), the nature of participation in the decision-making process, structural relationships with other workplaces and departments.

Qualification cards and competency cards (ideal employee profile) can be used as a supplement to the job description.

1. A qualification card is a detailed description of the qualification characteristics that an “ideal” employee should have. Since during the selection process it is easier to determine qualification characteristics than the ability to perform job duties, a qualification card greatly facilitates the process of selecting applicants for a position.

2. The disadvantage of a qualification card is the focus on the applicant’s past merits (education, experience, etc.) to the detriment of assessing his current potential for professional development.

A competency map is a description of the personal characteristics of an “ideal” employee, which is very important in tourism and hospitality. For example, guest orientation, ability to work in a group, assertiveness, originality of thinking, etc.

3. 1. 1. The problem of staff turnover in tourism

The main difficulty in determining the need for personnel in tourism and hospitality is the high turnover of personnel. The cost of employee turnover in the late 1980s averaged $2,100 per hour (paid hourly).

This means that for a hotel with 100% turnover and 200 employees, this figure already amounts to $400,000. Today, the cost of employee turnover has become even higher.

Therefore, when determining staffing needs, the staff turnover rate (F) is taken into account:

N is the average annual number of layoffs multiplied by 100;

M is the average annual number of personnel.

Obviously, it makes more sense to deal with staff turnover than to leave things as they are. For example, managers at the La Quinta Motor Inns were able to reduce turnover from 36% to 21% in one year using four innovative HR planning principles.

1. Personnel selection - orientation in hiring married couples.

2. Career Guidance - Each couple must complete an intensive 13-week course plus on-the-job training.

3. Stability - couples cannot request to be moved to another position until two years of service have been completed.

4. Development and career - at La Quinta, great attention is paid to the constant improvement of staff qualifications.

Studying the problem of staff turnover, we can come to the following conclusions:

1. Higher staff turnover is observed among restaurant managers than among catering managers in accommodation facilities.

2. Assistant managers are more likely to change jobs than general managers.

3. General managers suffer more from depersonalization than their assistants.

4. The turnover trend is higher among single people than among married people.

5. Men are less susceptible to this phenomenon than women.

6. Good treatment by general managers reduces turnover among their assistants.

Of course, retaining good managers can be done through a variety of factors other than salary and material benefits. The main ones:

* Opportunities for promotion,

* Interesting job.

* Increased manager responsibility.

* Good working conditions.

* Feeling of being part of the whole.

* High appreciation of the necessity of the work performed by the manager.

* Work safety.

* Good training programs.

* Personalized loyalty of the company to the manager.

* Good team of employees.

* Benefits from fringe benefits (pensions, paid holidays, tours, etc.).

* Geographical location.

* Convenient place to work.

* Help in solving personal problems.

3. 1. 2. Methods for determining personnel needs

Modern tourism organizations use the following methods for determining staffing needs.

The extrapolation method is the simplest and most frequently used

lyable. Its essence is the transfer of today's situation to the future. For example, the Globus travel agency in 1999 had five agents and a sales volume of 100,000 US dollars. In 2000, the firm's strategic goal was to achieve sales volume of $140,000, therefore, two more agents would be required.

The attractiveness of the method lies in its simplicity. The main disadvantage is the inability to take into account changes in the development of the organization and the external environment. Therefore, this method is suitable for short-term planning in organizations with a stable organizational structure operating in a stable external environment, which is very rare in domestic tourism. Therefore, many firms use the adjusted extrapolation method.

The method takes into account changes in the ratio of factors that determine the number of employees - increasing labor productivity, reducing staff turnover, increasing the occupancy of accommodation facilities, etc.

The expert assessment method is based on the opinion of department heads regarding personnel needs. The HR manager collects, analyzes and summarizes their evaluations. For this purpose, the following can be used: group discussion, written reports, the Delphi method (multiple expert assessment).

The essence of the latter method is that the results of the initial expert assessment of personnel needs are brought to the attention of all members of the expert group and subjected to critical analysis. The generalized result of the second expert assessment constitutes a forecast of personnel requirements.

The advantage of the expert assessment method is the participation of line managers in personnel management planning. The disadvantage is the laboriousness of the process of collecting and processing expert opinions, as well as the subjectivity of the latter.

Computer models as a method for determining personnel requirements are sets of mathematical formulas that allow the simultaneous use of extrapolation methods, expert assessments, as well as information about the dynamics of all of the above factors affecting labor demand.

Models make it possible to achieve the most accurate forecasts. The disadvantage of this method is the high price of the models and the need for special skills to work with them.

3. 2. Search and selection of personnel

Senior management has overall control over HR policies and ultimate responsibility for their success. The methods and effectiveness of personnel search and selection are influenced by the policy of the management of the tourism organization regarding personnel, training and development of employees and an understanding of the importance of maintaining a good moral climate in the organization. The main task of selection is to find an employee who can solve the tasks assigned to him and contribute to achieving the strategic goal of the organization.

The main prerequisites that determine the effectiveness of recruitment and selection of personnel are:

Setting clear goals for the organization;

Development of an effective organizational management structure to ensure the achievement of these goals;

Availability of personnel planning, which is the link between the goals of the organization and the organizational management structure. Personnel planning is the foundation of personnel policy, providing a systematic approach to the selection and selection of personnel.

Usually, when selecting candidates, they use not one method, but a whole complex of different methods aimed at comprehensively assessing candidates.

A comprehensive selection system may include the methods shown in Table 2.

Table 2.




Standard form “Information about the candidate”


Medical examination



Professional experience

Health status

Personal characteristics

Motivation, attitude to work

Communication skills

Of course, it is unlikely that you will find the ideal candidate. Therefore, job requirements should be realistic and allow for a certain degree of flexibility.

3. 2. 1. Sources of recruitment

Traditionally, sources of personnel recruitment are divided into external (candidates from the external environment of the organization) and internal (candidates from “their own home”). Both sources have both advantages and disadvantages.

Table 3.





Larger selection of candidates

Bringing new ideas, techniques, and work experience.

Long period of adaptation for a newcomer in a company or industry, the need for initial training

Deterioration of the moral climate on the part of job applicants from the organization


The company knows the strengths and weaknesses of employees

Reducing the costs of the selection procedure

Opportunity to promote your own employees.

Nepotism leading to stagnation in the emergence of new ideas

Limited choice

“Nude” of other positions

The actual sources of searching for candidates in tourism and hospitality can be used:

1. Promotion of the service within the tourist organization.

2. Transfers from department to department.

3. Appointment of top managers from a special reserve of managers.

5. Self-discovered candidates looking for work in the industry.

6. Advertisements in the media. information (media).

7. Graduates and senior students of colleges and universities in tourism.

8. State employment service

9. Private recruitment agencies.

Many experts advise using several sources at the same time: 1) always look for applicants within the company; 2) use at least two external sources.

3. 2. 2. Personnel selection procedure

Personnel selection can be presented as follows:

Definition of selection rules

Primary selection

Interview with HR manager

Information about the candidate

Interview with the head of the department


Conclusion of an employment agreement

Determining the selection rules allows you to clarify the basic procedures for evaluating candidates, as well as highlight the key positions for comparing applicants.

The primary selection begins with an analysis of the list and documents of candidates. Its purpose is to weed out those who do not possess the minimum set of characteristics necessary to occupy a vacant position. Each organization has the right to establish its own requirements for applicants’ documents.

The most common methods of primary selection are: analysis of personal data, testing, handwriting examination.

Analysis of personal data is the simplest, cheapest and most effective method of primary selection. The disadvantage of the method is its focus on the past merits of the candidate, which does not allow highlighting the present and future potential of the employee. Most often, the following are used to document personal data:

1) personal sheet for personnel records;

2) a certificate-resume listing the professional and moral characteristics of the candidate. If a personal sheet for personnel records is more focused on identifying socially significant facts from the life of a candidate, then a certificate-resume is focused on professional facts, as well as on previous work experience.

Testing is used both to determine the level of professional knowledge and to identify the moral qualities of applicants. The advantage of this primary selection method is that the current, current competence of the candidate is assessed, taking into account the characteristics of the organization and the future position. The disadvantage is high costs, the need for third-party assistance in compiling and processing tests, the conventionality and limitations of tests that do not give a complete picture of the candidate. Recently, testing has become increasingly popular among HR managers of large companies. For example, in the multinational company Mars, which focuses on recruiting the highest quality personnel, all candidates for management positions undergo three tests: a personality type test, an analytical ability test, and a logical thinking test [21].

Handwriting examination has become particularly widespread in France. This method is a type of testing, but requires less expense. It is based on the theory that a person's handwriting is a reflection of their personality. This assessment of candidates is very controversial and therefore the method is used as an additional and not decisive one.

After the initial selection, a list of candidates who best meet the organization’s requirements is compiled. All others will be notified of the decision to cease consideration of their candidacy for the position sought.

At the next stage, the human resources department conducts an individual interview with the selected candidates. This is a very important stage and therefore many travel agencies pay great attention to it. For example, when selecting for Swissair, candidates may undergo a 5-6 hour interview. From dishwashers to auditors, all candidates applying for jobs at Guest Quarters hotels must go through four rounds of oral interviews.

It is important to understand that an interview is a two-way process. The HR manager must provide the candidate with the most objective and complete information about the organization in order to avoid hiring those whose expectations differ from the potential capabilities of the company. In addition, each organization or team has its own culture, values, rituals, and employee behavior style. These ideological characteristics and positions may not coincide between the candidate and the management and staff of the travel agency.

The most common type of interview is the one-on-one interview. However, other types are also used today, when one HR manager meets with several candidates to observe their behavior in such a stressful situation. Or several representatives of the organization - for one candidate, which adds objectivity to the assessment and the quality of the interview.

The interview is completed only after the interviewer has received all the necessary information. To do this, it is enough to give standard nonverbal signals for ending the conversation, for example, offering to ask the last question.

Then thank the candidate and explain the procedure for further selection, as well as maintaining communication. The assessment of the candidate must be made immediately after the interview, otherwise the acuity of perception and the atmosphere of the interview will be lost. The results of the interview are documented using special candidate assessment forms.

The next stage of selection is obtaining certificates about the candidate. Written recommendations from people who know the candidate from working together and studying are widespread. work together, study, play sports, etc. As a rule, such recommendations contain exclusively positive reviews.

Therefore, a fair amount of subjectivity in such assessments is obvious. Making inquiries in the organizations indicated by the applicant will protect the company from dishonest candidates who have “inflated” their former position or indicated a non-existent organization.

An interview with the head of the department is conducted to clarify the professional qualities of the candidate and assess how compatible the candidate is with the team of the company or department. In addition, the line manager provides the candidate with detailed information about his department, the vacant position and job responsibilities.

After this interview, a decision is made as to which candidate is the best fit for the organization. But for the candidate himself, the selection does not end there.

The probationary period is the final exam for the candidate and the HR manager. It shows not only the professional suitability of the candidate, but also the validity of the conclusions made by the HR manager, the validity of the efforts and resources spent on selection.

According to Art. 21, 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, by agreement of the parties when concluding an employment agreement (contract), a probationary period of up to three months can be established, and in some cases, by agreement with the trade union, up to six.

The procedure for assessing the results of the probationary period must be clearly defined and communicated to the candidate. If the latter failed to cope with his duties, then he is dismissed under Art. 23 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The conclusion of an employment agreement - agreement (contract) crowns the personnel selection process. It must be remembered that “an employee is someone who has entered into an employment contract with you, and not someone who simply provides services to you.”

Employment agreement (contract) in accordance with Art. 18 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must be concluded in writing. Concluding an agreement orally is a gross violation of labor laws. When concluding an employment contract, it is necessary to comply with the form and content established by law in Art. 17, 18 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A contract is an agreement between an employee and an employer. It should cover issues related to your specialty, qualifications, position and internal regulations. The employer, based on the contract, must pay wages and provide working conditions in accordance with the law and in accordance with the agreement of the parties (Article 15 of the Labor Code).

Unreasonable refusal to work is strictly prohibited (after all stages of verification). According to Art. 16 of the Labor Code, the employer must explain in writing the reason for this decision. The main assistant to the employee in this situation is the trade union (if you are a member of it).

“Term of the employment contract” - Art. 17 Labor Code:

1) 1) for the duration of certain work

2) 2) For a certain period (from 1 year to 5 years)

3) 3) For an indefinite period.

An employment contract is concluded in writing. But if a trial occurs, it can be proven that you are an employee of this enterprise even without a contract. In the absence of an order, a written order is issued against receipt. Admission to work begins from the moment of actual admission to work

Effective personnel management has become one of the practical tasks, factors, and economic success. It is designed to provide a favorable environment in which labor potential is realized, personal abilities are developed, people receive satisfaction from the work performed and public recognition of their achievements.

* Timely staffing of all tourism organizations becomes impossible without clear planning, development and implementation of personnel policies.

* Personnel planning is aimed both at meeting the demands of production and at ensuring the interests of employees and society as a whole. Today, to a greater extent than before, we have to look for opportunities to harmonize market conditions and the interests of a company employee.

16. Planning in personnel work is an integral part of enterprise management as a whole, it involves monitoring changes in the professional and qualification structure of personnel and is designed to identify trends in the development of the workforce, and timely determine qualitative and quantitative requirements for it. All this significantly increases the efficiency of using human resources.

* Reliability and validity of selection methods are the basis for the compliance of an applicant for a position with the requirements placed on him. Underestimating the choice of forms and methods of personnel selection is the most common mistake made by the management of travel companies.

* The increasing role of personnel services and a radical restructuring of their activities are caused by fundamental changes in the economic and social conditions in which enterprises currently operate.

* Human resource management services must be staffed with specialists who can successfully solve a wide range of issues in the enterprise and, together with other services, actively influence the efficiency of the enterprise.

* Foreign experience shows that the head of the personnel management service of an enterprise is vested with broad powers, is a member of the board of a joint-stock company, a company, and actively influences the policy of the enterprise.

A manager needs to know how to solve problems and how to skillfully and appropriately use appropriate technologies and personnel management methods. And if skill implies practical mastery of the relevant skills, then appropriateness is understood as the adequacy of the method used to the situation in the organization.

Personnel management should be carried out through agreement of goals between employees and the manager. Unambiguous and clear goals, which, if possible, should be discussed and agreed upon with employees when drawing up plans for their activities, taking into account the abilities of employees when approving work goals, explanations of the connection between the goals of the employee, the goals of the departments and the goals of the enterprise as a whole.

Subject description: “Human Resource Management”

HR manager is a young profession. As a type of managerial activity, it originated at the end of the last century. The emergence of personnel specialists trained in industrial sociology and psychology meant a genuine revolution in traditional forms of personnel work. If before this, personnel work was a function of line managers of various levels and ranks, as well as employees (and managers) of personnel services involved in accounting, control and management (administrative) activities, then the emergence of a management (staff) function related to ensuring the proper level of personnel potential organization, has significantly expanded the range of tasks and increased the importance of this area of ​​management. It is with the emergence of personnel management as a specialized staff activity in the system of modern management that the formation of personnel management is associated, which gradually integrates and transforms the existing forms of personnel work. An important stage in this process was the assimilation of the ideas of the systems approach, the development of various models of the organization as a system - not only functioning, but also developing - on the basis of which a new approach to personnel management was formed - human resource management.

In the development of personnel management as a professional activity throughout the twentieth century, periods associated with the promotion of fundamentally new ideas, doctrines and approaches to personnel work are quite clearly distinguished. In the period between the First and Second World Wars, appealing mainly to the experience of developed Western countries, they usually talk about two main approaches to working with personnel: the doctrine of scientific management, or scientific organization of labor; doctrine of human relations.

If the first doctrine focused on the use of methods for optimizing organizational, technical and social components of production systems, then the second doctrine sought to reveal the importance of moral-psychological and social-organizational factors in the effective functioning of organizational personnel.

It is much more difficult to give a one-dimensional classification for the approaches used in working with personnel in the second half of the twentieth century. The emergence of many schools (including national ones) in the field of personnel management and the mutual exchange of experience make an unambiguous classification of these approaches very doubtful. Rather, we can talk about the paradigmatic orientation of the ongoing “tectonic” shifts in the dominant conceptual schemes of management thinking. The penetration of ideas of humanistic psychology, examples of entrepreneurial heroism, maximum involvement of personnel in the affairs of the company, democratization of the style of organizational behavior and delegation of responsibility, quality of products, services and the working environment of personnel, investment in human capital, multifunctional work and management teams - this is an incomplete list of the key characteristics mentioned changes. Their nature lies in the transformation of forms of organization of joint activities in the twentieth century.

In the evolution of the theory and practice of foreign personnel management, one can distinguish phases associated with the adaptation of both new management technologies and specific approaches to personnel work. A true revolution in personnel work was caused by the application of the ideas of a systems approach to management after the Second World War. The emergence of system management led to the emergence of a fundamentally new technology of personnel management - human resource management. This technology was incorporated into the strategic management system, and the personnel management function became the responsibility of senior corporate officials. The nature of personnel policy has also changed: it has become more active and targeted.

There are three main models of personnel management.

1) HR manager as a trustee of his employees, caring for healthy working conditions and a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere in the enterprise. This paternalistic model goes back to the social reformist ideas of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. and found its organic embodiment in numerous variations of the doctrine of human relations. The job status of the HR manager in this model is quite low: he is a clerk trained in industrial sociology (or psychology) and helps line managers implement effective corporate policies regarding employees; 2) HR manager as a specialist in employment agreements (contracts), including collective agreements. In large organizations that use mass low-skilled labor, it has a dual role: exercising administrative control over employees’ compliance with the terms of the employment contract, recording job transfers; regulation of labor relations in the process of negotiations with trade unions. Performing these functions requires, as a rule, legal training, which provides the HR manager with a fairly high status in the organization; 3) HR manager as the architect of the organization's human resources potential, playing a leading role in the development and implementation of the corporation's long-term strategy. Its mission is to ensure organizational and professional coherence of the components of the corporation's human resources potential. He is a member of its senior management and has training in the new field of management knowledge such as human resource management.

The transformation of personnel management into human resource management is a transformation of personnel management, which is expressed in the following main trends: in recent years in developed countries there has been a relative and absolute increase in the number of personnel service employees; the status of this profession has increased: heads of personnel services in most corporations began to serve on the board of directors and even on the board of directors; attention to the level of professional training of HR managers has sharply increased; in an environment of growing competition (including for highly qualified personnel), the isolation of personnel policy from the overall business strategy had a detrimental effect on the success of the corporation as a whole.

We are talking about the consolidation around the management “vertical” of all functions of personnel management, expressed in the emergence of a strategic level in human resource management. Instead of the rather fragmented structure of personnel management that existed in the era of dominance of the first and second models of personnel management, a management system is emerging that is primarily focused on the development of human capital. The mission of this system is, among other priority strategic goals of the corporation, to implement the key goals of its personnel policy.

British specialist in the field of personnel management D. Guest believes that the personnel policy of a corporation should ensure: organizational integration - the organization’s top management and line managers accept a developed and well-coordinated human resource management strategy as “their own” and implement it in their operational activities, closely interacting with headquarters structures; a high level of responsibility of all employees of the corporation, which implies both identification with the basic values ​​of the organization and persistent, proactive implementation of the goals they face in everyday practical work; functional - variability of functional tasks, suggesting the abandonment of the traditional, rigid distinction between different types of work, as well as the widespread use of various forms of labor contracts - full-time, part-time and time-based employment, subcontracting, etc. - and structural - adaptation to continuous organizational changes, social and cultural innovations - flexibility of organizational and personnel potential; high quality of work and its results, working conditions - work environment, meaningful work, job satisfaction, as well as the workforce itself.

These targets can be considered as a specification of the imperatives of joint creative activity in the practice of modern personnel management. Indeed, in almost each of the attitudes impulses of not only social, but also cultural, individual and moral creativity are found. If the imperatives of co-creative activity are embodied in the life of modern (more precisely, post-modern) organizations, then organizational systems acquire completely unique features. In the management ideology of the 90s. These organizational systems, open to constant innovation, now have largely metaphorical names - “global organizations”, “organizations without borders”, “learning organizations”, “open book” organizations.


  1. V.V. Avdeev. Personnel Management. Team formation technology. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002. – 544 p.
    With 9 before 21 hours in Moscow.


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In conditions of fierce competition between enterprises in the tourism industry, there are features of personnel management of tourism enterprises. Personnel management of a tourism enterprise is the relationship of three main management elements presented in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Elements of personnel management of a tourism enterprise

One of the necessary components of a successful tourism enterprise is the management of new types of business. The ability to negotiate new alliances and manage complex tourism networks is considered increasingly important. Competence in managing a travel agency is critical to success in a multinational business that includes both transportation and the hospitality industry. This provides significant competitive advantages for the practical activities of a tourism enterprise.

The hierarchy and structure of tasks for targeted personnel development in tourism industry organizations is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Structure of goals and objectives for the development of the organization’s personnel.

Development area



Strategic Goals

Improving adaptive abilities and developing innovative qualities of employees

Deepening and expanding self-security and personal stability. Personal potential development

Development of human resources, formation of a team as an object of group management

Operational and tactical objectives

Improving professional knowledge and abilities. Work with personnel, their training

Orientation of employees towards a professional career within the organization. Development of personal creative potential

Personnel development in accordance with organizational changes

The formation of targeted personnel development in the tourism industry should be based on three factors.

1. Knowledge is the basis for the development of personnel abilities; it contributes to the formation of human efforts. In the context of personnel development, two types of knowledge are distinguished:

a) specific knowledge that is needed daily to solve very specific current tasks that cannot be determined by job responsibilities. This is specialized professional knowledge that staff acquires along with work experience;

b) general professional knowledge that is acquired in the process of obtaining education and further training.

2. Opportunities mean the conditions for using the acquired knowledge; they determine the individual efficiency of knowledge and its implementation. Personnel development is primarily associated with matching employee knowledge with their capabilities. Within the limits of their capabilities and on the basis of their own activities, employees expand their experience.

3. Personnel behavior, as a development factor, began to play an increasingly prominent role in group management and a solidary leadership style. Without taking into account the characteristics of behavior, relationships, interpersonal and informal communications, and only on the basis of increasing knowledge and capabilities, it is impossible to ensure personnel development.

In general, the system of targeted development of an organization’s personnel in the tourism industry consists of a set of elements that help improve the organization’s personnel potential in accordance with its goals.

The elements of the targeted personnel development system include the following:

An element of the organizational structure is the staffing table;

Elements of human resources development: professional career; rotation; filling positions;

Elements of personal potential development: retraining; advanced training (explicit or hidden) through self-training;

Information elements: education market analysis; analysis of supply and demand for education within the organization; personalized data system on personnel development; results of certification and evaluation of personnel performance.

Improving the qualifications of personnel in organizations of the tourism industry involves the use, first of all, of active methods of training travel agency personnel, the maximum introduction of computer and information technologies in the training process. Currently, the following methods of personnel training are actively used in the domestic tourism industry (Fig. 4.).

Rice. 4. Methods for improving the qualifications of personnel in the tourism industry

The first method, Shadowing, is translated from English as “to be a shadow.” Its essence is that another employee who wants to occupy the same position is assigned to a working employee. That is, the “shadow” has the opportunity to plunge into the work process, study in detail all the functions and actions performed during the day by a previously working specialist.

Thus, the employee becomes a witness to “several days in the life” of another manager, receives information about the features of the chosen career, the pros and cons of the job. After completing this method, an interview is held with the manager and a conversation is held about the conclusions that were drawn by him in the process. This method of training is perfect for the case when a manager wants to retrain an employee for another specialty.

This method is often used to attract promising university students who, under such conditions, will have the opportunity to really see and evaluate what they are going to do in the future. This helps to identify knowledge gaps and fill them in a timely manner.

The next method, Secondment, means “secondment” in English. This form is a type of staff rotation, in which an employee is temporarily transferred to another department of a tourism enterprise, and then he returns to his previous duties. Temporary displacement can be either short-term (about 80 hours of working time) or long-term (about a year). It is used both within the organization and in the departments of the travel agency. When using it, a specialist has the opportunity to understand how another department of the company works and use these skills to improve the efficiency of their own department.

This method of advanced training is still little used in practice in Russian tourism enterprises, since our country has not yet developed a mechanism for replacing employees sent on business trips.

The third method is Buddying. With this method, an employee is assigned to the manager, whom he must take care of. The English word buddy means “buddy,” that is, employees are in an equal position, and the manager acts not as a mentor who gives specific tasks and instructions, but as a guardian who helps and supports the subordinate. He, in turn, can evaluate the manager’s work and give objective feedback on the points that the manager misses, and advise more effective actions. Of course, before starting this method, it is necessary to train the employee to competently draw conclusions and present them correctly.

This is a very relevant method these days, since in such a fast pace of life, in a constant rush, it is sometimes difficult to track how professionally certain situations can be resolved. It can be useful to look at the reaction from the outside. Travel agencies that use this training method note that after it, mutual understanding in the team improves and tension between the manager and subordinates decreases.

Below, Table 2 discusses in detail the advantages of using all of the above methods of personnel training.

Table 2. Benefits of using staff development methods

Name of personnel training methods


Shadowing method

1. The employee has the opportunity to understand the real situation at different levels of the travel agency.

2. The process of employee adaptation is rapidly accelerating to a new type of activity.

3. Improving the image of the travel agency by demonstrating aspects of active staff development

Secondment method

1. Strengthening the team spirit of the travel agency.

2. Personal development of each employee.

3. Improved knowledge of interpersonal communication

Buddying Method

1. The employee receives objective information about his work.

2. Personal and professional growth of the employee occurs.

3. Conditions are created for interactive communication

An important task for hotels is to create a reputation for high quality service, which is ensured by the collective efforts of employees of all services of the travel agency, constant and effective control by the administration, work to improve the forms and methods of service, and the study and implementation of new staff training techniques.

In today's competitive environment, tourism industry enterprises can no longer rely on traditional ineffective methods of management and management training.

It is very important to develop a policy for staff development, since the lack of specialized programs leads to a sharp decrease in the level of motivation of employees in a travel agency.

In order to meet the needs of the modern client in the provision of hotel services, great importance is attached to increasing the level of work with personnel, placing it on a solid scientific foundation.

The success of a travel agency in the tourism services market largely depends on the personnel who work in it. Along with the professional knowledge necessary for quality service to guests, the form of presentation of this knowledge plays an important role, that is, the form of presenting information about the services sold. Advanced training allows not only to preserve and disseminate traditional values ​​and priorities of organizational culture among employees, but also to promote new approaches. In Russian companies, the percentage of use of modern methods does not reach the minimum value. So it’s worth taking a closer look at new methods of staff training; their use can increase employee motivation and interest in work.

Thus, the process of forming a targeted approach to personnel development in organizations in the tourism industry is the most important factor in their successful activities and achievement of their goals and objectives. This is especially true in modern conditions, when the development of innovative approaches to doing business significantly accelerates the process of obsolescence of professional knowledge and skills. The introduction into the activities of a travel agency of the proposed methods and methods of managing managers based on staff development will improve the personnel management system, which will directly affect the results of the competitiveness of the travel company organization, will help improve the quality of services provided at the hotel and attract more clients.

The concept of “living resource management” as a management term has been used in the West and in the USA relatively recently, since the early 80s. XX century The need for its appearance is due to the fact that the human factor has now begun to play almost the leading role in enterprise management, being at the same time an extremely important resource of the enterprise itself.

It is known that in any business human labor is an important condition for creating profit. But in the service sector, this factor acquires such importance that the very existence of the enterprise becomes directly dependent on the quantity and, especially, the quality of the labor itself. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the complex issue of the role of the human factor has recently received much attention.

The characteristics of service and tourism enterprises, focus on the requests and needs of the client, the nature of the production and service process determine special requirements for service personnel, including the level of education, culture, professionalism, psychological characteristics and social skills. With this approach, the basis of the strategy is not only the continuous growth and deepening of production specialization, control over all types of activities, strict implementation by management personnel of instructions from above, but also the development of a system of values ​​and norms, the creation of a corporate culture and corporate identity, the formation of the company’s reputation, etc. .

An organization's personnel are one of the factors that provide a company's competitive advantage, which gives it the best opportunity to develop, attract consumers and maintain their commitment to its brand.

The main objects of management in the tourism sector are the team, personnel, the totality of socio-economic, legal, moral and other relations that arise between people in the process of production and circulation of the tourism product. The management process in this area, by its nature, affects an extremely wide range of relations between people in the sphere of production and circulation (employees of the hotel and restaurant industry, transport, cultural, entertainment and other sectors of the tourism complex, as well as foreign partners). This causes significant changes in the principles, methods and socio-psychological issues of human resource management and increases their role in the organization.

Personnel management includes the development of personnel policies, selection, selection, placement of personnel; accounting and development of motivation, stimulation for proactive, responsible and effective work; training, retraining, advanced training, which is aimed at improving the personnel work system in order to improve the quality of service, optimize the functioning of the enterprise and increase its efficiency as a whole, in addition, these factors ensure the career growth of employees.

An organization as a social system, a stable form of association of people with common interests and goals, is characterized by diverse activities, the objects of which are the organization’s personnel with their traditions, preferences, intellectual potential and professional qualities, ways to satisfy the material and spiritual needs of employees, interpersonal and intergroup relations and etc.

Thus, the social environment of an organization consists of those conditions in which employees work and in which the distribution and consumption of goods take place, real connections between individuals are formed, and their moral values ​​are expressed. This environment is formed by the organization’s personnel themselves, with their differences in demographic and professional qualifications - gender, age, education, etc., as well as various interpersonal and intergroup connections; social infrastructure (including social facilities); as well as conditions that in one way or another determine moral satisfaction from work, an atmosphere of solidarity, cooperation and mutual assistance, the degree of team cohesion, and the prestige of teamwork.

Let's consider the concept of “labor resources”. It is used to characterize the working population throughout the country, region, sector of the economy, or within any professional group.

According to the definition, labor resources represent the working-age part of the country's population that is capable of producing material goods or services. Labor resources include people both employed in the economy and those not employed but capable of working.

Along with this term, such concepts as “labor force”, “human resources”, “human factor”, “personnel”, “workers”, “personnel”, “labor potential”, “human capital” are also used in economic science and practice. ", having different content and semantic meaning. They complement each other, revealing any one of the sides of the bearer of these concepts of man.

When characterizing a separate organization, the concept of “personnel” is most often used, i.e. a set of people with different social, psychological, professional, motivational and other individual qualities.

Staff(from Latin personalis - personal) is the personnel of organizations, including all employees, as well as working owners and co-owners.

The main characteristics of the personnel are:

  • 1) the existence of an employment relationship with the employer, which is formalized by an employment agreement or contract. Working owners and co-owners of an organization are included in the staff if, in addition to the share of income due to them, they receive appropriate payment for participating with their personal labor in the activities of the organization;
  • 2) possession of certain qualitative characteristics (profession, specialty, qualifications, competence, etc.), the presence of which determines the employee’s activities in a specific position or workplace and his inclusion in one of the categories of personnel: managers, specialists, other employees (technical performers), workers;
  • 3) target orientation of personnel activities.

The main characteristics of the organization's personnel are

number and structure.

The number of personnel in an organization depends on the nature, scale, complexity, labor intensity of production and management processes, the degree of their automation, computerization, etc. These factors determine the standard (planned) number of personnel. More objectively, the personnel is characterized by the actual number, i.e. the number of employees who officially work in the organization at the moment.

The personnel structure of an organization is a collection of separate groups of employees united according to some characteristic.

Based on participation in the production or management process, i.e., based on the nature of labor functions and position held, personnel are divided into the following categories:

  • - managers performing general management functions. They are conventionally divided into three levels: top (managers of the organization as a whole - director, general director, manager and their deputies), middle (heads of the main structural divisions - departments, departments, workshops), lower (working with performers - heads of bureaus, sectors, master);
  • - specialists - persons performing economic, engineering, technical, legal and other functions. These include economists, lawyers, process engineers, mechanical engineers, accountants, dispatchers, auditors, personnel training engineers, personnel inspectors, etc.;
  • - other employees (technical performers) who carry out the preparation and execution of documents, accounting, control, economic services - purchasing agent, cashier, secretary-stenographer, timekeeper, etc.
  • - workers who directly create wealth or provide production services.

The professional structure of an organization’s personnel is the ratio of representatives of various professions or specialties (economists, accountants, engineers, lawyers, etc.), i.e., workers who have a complex of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of training and work experience in a specific areas.

The qualification structure of personnel is the ratio of workers of different skill levels (degree of professional training) required to perform certain job functions.

The structure of personnel by level of education characterizes the ratio of persons with higher, incomplete higher, secondary specialized, secondary general, incomplete secondary, primary, general and special education.

You can also take into account the gender and age structure of the organization’s personnel; the ratio of personnel groups by gender (men, women) and age; personnel structure by length of service.

In the 1970s in the science and practice of US management, instead of the concept of “personnel”, the concept of “human resources” began to be used, which is more capacious than “labor resources” and “personnel”, since it contains a set of sociocultural and personal-psychological characteristics of people.

The specificity of human resources, in contrast to all other types of resources (material, financial, information, etc.), is as follows:

  • - people are endowed with intelligence, therefore, they differ not in a mechanical, but in an emotionally meaningful reaction to external influences (including management);
  • - people are capable of constant improvement and development, which serves as an important and long-term source of social development and increasing the efficiency of the organization;
  • - people consciously choose a certain type of activity (productive or non-productive, mental or physical), setting certain goals for themselves.

Another concept used in economics, sociology, and management is the more comprehensive concept of “labor potential” of a society or an individual, the basis of which is the term “potential” (source of opportunities, funds).

A person’s labor potential is a set of physical and spiritual qualities that determine the possibility and boundaries of his participation in labor activity, the ability to achieve certain results under given conditions, and also to improve in the labor process.

The main components of a person’s labor potential are:

  • - psychophysiological component - state of health, performance, abilities and inclinations of a person, type of nervous system, etc.;
  • - socio-demographic component - age, gender, marital status, etc.;
  • - qualification component - level of education, volume of special knowledge, work skills, intelligence, creativity, professionalism;
  • - personal component - attitude to work, activity, discipline, value orientations, motivation, morality, etc.

Due to the fact that the product offered by the service and tourism industry is an intangible product, its labor resources - the people who work in it - are of great importance for this field of activity. It must be remembered that at every stage of the process of formation and implementation of a tourism product, employees of all levels must interact. And the staff providing the service becomes part of the tourism product. Management in service enterprises is complicated by the fact that the vast majority of employees who have the greatest contact with customers come with little, if any, professional training. The quality of the service provided is also influenced by other groups of factors, in particular, the individual characteristics of service consumers who require a personal approach; the need to increase the speed of service; combining staff functions, etc.

All these features determine the problems of personnel management in tourism organizations:

  • - high staff turnover caused by relatively low wages and monotony. The average duration of work in a travel agency for full-time employees is less than 3-4 years. This situation is also due to the relative ease of entry into the business, so that employees often quit to start working in a new place or open their own business;
  • - the seasonality of demand for a tourism product means that most workers work temporarily, and this leads to less responsibility and limits the possibility of implementing training programs;
  • - low qualifications, low prestige of many jobs, which creates difficulties for recruiting suitable personnel;
  • - low opportunities for career growth and promotion, which does not attract highly qualified employees interested in this activity. This is partly due to the difficulties of developing small businesses in the tourism sector;
  • - special requirements for staff related to customer service - constant hospitality, friendliness. “The client is always right” - this motto must be valid and be a priority in any conditions; the employee has no right to deceive the expectations of clients;
  • - the management team of tourism enterprises does not have sufficient experience in applying modern concepts of human resource management;
  • - a small number of training programs for personnel to improve their qualifications. In our country, the system of training professional personnel for the tourism sector is just becoming established;
  • - staff salaries depend on demand and, accordingly, the level of income of the organization;
  • - difficulties in determining the quality of services provided, which is due to the peculiarities of the production process.

All these and other problems are called upon to be solved by personnel management services at the enterprise, which will ensure timely and high-quality staffing with specialists capable of successfully solving a wide range of issues of the enterprise’s activities and, together with other services, actively influencing the performance of the enterprise.

Personnel management is a process of systemic, systematically organized (using interrelated organizational, economic and social management mechanisms) influence on the organization’s personnel in order to ensure the effective functioning of the company and meet the needs of personnel in their professional and personal development.

In the service sector, it is very important to select the right employees, since their professional and human qualities largely determine how well customer requirements are met. Most companies in the service and tourism industry do not pay enough attention to personnel management, considering it an auxiliary component. However, this is not true, since people in this line of work are an increasingly large part of the final product.

For example, a hotel guest pays not only for accommodation, service, safety and cleanliness, but also for the attention of hotel employees.

The distinctive features of service sector enterprises and the features of tourism services form, according to the ILO, the distinctive features of the employment structure:

  • - high percentage of part-time workers;
  • - high percentage of temporary workers (seasonal fluctuations in employment and workload);
  • - the majority of female personnel are employed “part-time” (a significant proportion of female labor);
  • - a small number of women in responsible positions;
  • - significant share of manual and unskilled labor (low level of automation and mechanization);
  • - low salary.

A high proportion of part-time workers is a factor characteristic of tourism organizations, which has positive and negative sides. The positive aspect is due to the fact that the population (especially women and students) has the opportunity to find part-time and seasonal work. The negative aspect is manifested in instability of employment and great difficulties in monitoring working conditions, which is also aggravated by seasonality and a significant periodic decrease and increase in the activity of the entire tourism industry. It is these reasons that weaken the prestige of this important service sector when looking for stable rather than casual work.

There are also other differences in personnel management inherent in the service and tourism sectors. These differences relate to payment of overtime work, wage supplements, bonuses, days off, etc. It is still a common opinion that an employee whose work consists only of being at the workplace (which is necessary, for example, in restaurants and hotel industry) must have longer working hours.

Working conditions characterized by instability of jobs, periodic introduction of overtime, cancellation of days off (during the season or especially busy days in hotels and restaurants) negatively affect business activity. This partly explains the high rate of employee turnover in the hotel and restaurant service sectors.

The considered features of human resources in the service industry together determine contradictory problems: on the one hand, the significant role of personnel in achieving the results of the service organization’s activities, on the other, the specific structure of employment causes difficulties in personnel management and requires the personnel management service to provide organizations with more qualified employees, with high level of education and culture.

Formation of the workforce is the main function of personnel management. Management through various means of influencing people is the main resource used to increase the performance of the organization as a whole. The main elements of this process are: personnel development, ensuring the growth of qualifications and social mobility of employees, motivating employees, encouraging them, developing communication and feedback, and conflict management.

All these elements form personnel policy, which is a leading factor in the effectiveness of modern organizations. This is confirmed by the experience of Japanese companies, where the role of the workforce and humanitarian technologies are given great importance.

The human resource management service must be organized, staffed, and professionally trained so that it can manage processes that will allow service industry enterprises to find themselves in a changing business environment. At the same time, this management service should be restructured so that this structure exists in an increasingly complex legal environment.

Persons working in the service and tourism business can significantly increase the efficiency of services if they take into account the characteristic features of their profession. First of all, this is an activity associated with constant contact with customers, which creates the attractiveness of the proposed product and the method of selling it for the consumer and ensures repeat business. All this is achieved by a whole set of factors: first of all, the interior of the room, the design of the sign, the general atmosphere, the behavior of those employees who are the first to meet clients, their appearance, the general level of communication culture, etc. The psychology of communication, ethics, psychology of sales.

A travel agency's personnel are the most important component of its product offering and marketing tools, so constant attention is required to promote good customer service (internal marketing). Workers in the service sector must have certain psychological characteristics, which include:

  • - a high level of creativity, since the service activity itself involves a constant search for new approaches and the design of new services;
  • - ability to perform a huge number of different tasks simultaneously;
  • - high level of communication skills, i.e. the ability to establish quick dialogue contact with a potential consumer;
  • - the ability to expressly diagnose the psychological characteristics of clients based on natural observation and communication skills;
  • - ability to behave in conflict;
  • - high quality of service at any time of the day, regardless of circumstances and subjective reasons.

The quality of service in tourism organizations depends on the skills of the staff:

  • - recognize and evaluate each client's service requirements;
  • - evaluate each client’s perception of the services provided to him;
  • - promptly adjust the service process as necessary, achieving satisfaction of each client with the services provided.

As you can see, for qualified work in the tourism industry, in addition to professional training and knowledge in the field of tourism business, appropriate psychological preparation and interpersonal communication skills are also required. The personal qualities of the employee, his intuition, experience, ability and ability to assess the situation from different angles, including from the perspective of his clients, and the ability to creatively and innovatively approach solving emerging problems are becoming increasingly important.

As studies show, the greatest importance when assessing the work of a manager in the service sector is given to such personal and business qualities as communication skills, focus on achieving results, taking into account customer requirements, responsibility, stress resistance, accuracy, attentiveness and loyalty to the company. These requirements are due to the fact that in service activities, an error made by staff can affect the client’s further choice and his satisfaction with the quality of service.

Thus, the success of a tourism company increasingly depends on the quality of the human resources it has. In market conditions, a company that does not have strong personnel may not be able to withstand competition. In addition, the work of human resource management has become more complex, as the need to conduct business in an intensely competitive environment forces companies to increase the requirements for employees, and it becomes increasingly difficult to find employees who meet these requirements. It is even more difficult to retain employees and ensure that they develop professionally. It is also important that the independence of companies in working with personnel has increased, there has been less administrative pressure from above, there are no ministries and uniform regulations that unified work with personnel at completely different enterprises. How work with personnel will be carried out largely depends on the company itself, on the initiative and competence of its management.

Currently, a new concept has emerged - the commercialization of work with personnel. Previously, apart from the costs of maintaining HR department employees, no other funds were required to work with personnel at enterprises. Even advanced training for employees was not paid for by the enterprises themselves, but from the centralized budget. HR departments did not influence the cost of remuneration of the company's employees. In modern companies, HR departments have their own budget, which on average amounts to approximately 10% of the company’s personnel payroll. The task of the personnel service is to optimally manage this budget and spend money efficiently. If employees rarely leave the company, it means they are paid too much, overpayments occur, and profits decrease. If employees leave frequently and there is significant turnover, work results deteriorate, and the company incurs additional costs for replacing personnel, etc. The personnel department must be well versed in the labor market and know what the current market price of a particular specialist is and how stimulate staff interest in improving work efficiency. However, undoubtedly, the main tasks of personnel management services are the search and attraction of quality human resources and the creation of conditions for the full potential of the organization's employees.

Personnel management is a more complex process than simply solving personnel problems. It is focused on identifying future needs and developing the employee’s potential, as well as on each employee’s awareness of their own tasks, creating a favorable climate in the team that helps motivate staff to achieve their goals.

The goal of personnel management in the tourism industry is to motivate employees to provide customers with high-quality and satisfying services, which is impossible without appropriate coordination of personnel actions and the formation of a corporate culture that increases consumer loyalty to the tourism organization.