Scenario for an evening of relaxation - autumn courage. Autumn party: scatter the clouds of gray everyday life. Scenario with competitions for the Autumn Ball for youth

Scenario for the festive disco “AUTUMN BALL”

Presenter 1: Good evening, dear friends!

Presenter 2: Hello!
Students answer discordantly.
Presenter 1: Oh, no, no, no, that won't do! It seems that you are not happy about our meeting. You need to say hello cheerfully, loudly, clearly. Shall we try again? Hello guys!
They answer.
Presenter 2: Hmmm, unconvincing, unconvincing. Are you in a bad mood or something? Is this a greeting? Now the guys from the House of Culture _____________ will show you what the mood should be like at our autumn ball. Please, meet me!

Presenter 1: I see that my mood has become much better.

Track No. 1 (background)

Presenter 2: And in our hall today there is a carnival of youth and beauty - the “Autumn Ball” competition.

Presenter 1: Today beauty rules the roost here.

She, having entered in all her greatness

This stage will illuminate the whole hall

Wonderful girlish smiles.

Presenter 2: Our program opens with the creative number of the House of Culture __________________

Before we start our autumn Ball, let's get to know each other.

We invite you to present...

Let's support with friendly applause!

  1. DK Mayak
  2. DK Orlyonok
  3. House of Culture M. Koretskaya
  4. DK A. Gaidar
  5. House of Culture V. Tereshkova
  6. DK A. Matrosova
  7. House of Culture Yu. Gagarin
  8. DK Kazachok

Presenter 1: Dear friends, may each of you have good luck and inspiration today. Be more active, more friendly.

Dance block.

Presenter 2: So, let's start our first autumn competition

"Sports Competition"

If you play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle, then a couple of fitness exercises is not a problem for you. Music plays, and you show a set of fitness exercises. Is the task clear?

(Track “Sports Competition”)

Dance block.

Presenter 1: "General cleaning of the house"

“General cleaning of the house” is the name of the next creative task. I need 8 volunteers for this competition. And to make it more fun for you to do, we will help you with music. A familiar melody sounds, you need to dance what is written on the card, and the audience must guess.

1 - wash or vacuum the floor (Jackson)

2 - wipe off the dust (Letka-enka)

3 - wash the dishes (Lambada)

4 - preparing lunch. (Macarena)

5 – ironing clothes (Tango)

6 – wash by hand (Twist)

7- water the flowers (Lezginka)

8 - take out the trash can (Rap)

Creative room of the House of Culture _____________________________________________

Dance block.


Presenter 2 : The next competition of our program “WE REMEMBER THE OLD TIME, WE HONOR THE OLD TIME” I will read proverbs, and each contestant must choose the correct continuation of the proverb and show the number on her fingers.

1. You won’t be able to pull a fish out of:

1. pocket

2. from under the ice

3. pond

2. If you have patience, there will be:

1. a lot of money

2. skill

3. good weather

3. To live idle is heaven:

1. smoke

2. prop up

3. not to be seen

4. A bird is recognized by its flight, and a person:

1. tough

2. by hairstyle

3. on business

5. A craftsman and a craftsman both for himself and for others:

1. will throw something

2. will bring joy

3. creates trouble

6. The sun paints the earth, and man:

1. beautiful hairstyle

2. labor

3. new dress.

7. A kind word to the cat too:

1. nice

2. useful

3. not necessary

8. Wolf Legs:



3. wear

Creative room of the House of Culture _____________________________________________

Dance block.

Presenter 1: The theme of our evening today is the autumn ball! What is a ball? That's right, these are dances in pairs: the gentlemen invite the ladies and spin in a waltz, and we choose which couple is the best. Maestro, waltz!

Creative room of the House of Culture _____________________________________________

Dance block.

Summing up, rewarding.

Presenter 2: So, our tests are over. You showed yourself in all your glory. And to sum up the results, I ask you to count your club tokens. We invite you here to congratulate the winners...Creative performance from (for) the winners... (fanfare)

Creative room of the House of Culture _____________________________________________

Creative room of the House of Culture _____________________________________________

Presenter 1: We once again congratulate the winners and announce that this is our competitive program has come to an end.
Presenter 2: See you again! And then the disco!

Dance block.

Autumn ball is one of the most favorite events for schoolchildren of all ages. The atmosphere of the seasonal celebration is strikingly different from modern discos and parties in its childlike ease and creative appeal. The tradition of seeing off Lady Autumn with the splendor of outfits, an abundance of colors and a host of competitions is very deeply rooted and, it would seem, will never leave the school walls. Every year, a couple of charismatic high school students open the lavish autumn celebration, the rest of the school enjoys showing off their talents and participating in competitions, and teachers and parents enjoy the spectacle on a beautifully decorated stage. What amuses the public most are the unusual competitions for the Autumn Ball for high school students (grades 9-11), grades 5-7 and primary school. In an improvised gaming environment, the most best qualities schoolchildren, their creative talents, spontaneity, the ability to laugh at oneself. Pick up best scripts with competitions for young people at our autumn ball!

Scenario with competitions for the Autumn Ball for youth

The scenario with competitions for the Autumn Ball for youth is a blank slate for the organizer. You can fill it with any games you like, themed entertainment, improvised or pre-prepared autumn competitions. Most often, participants are asked to dance in an unusual way, play a funny role, stage an excerpt from a popular work, sing a famous song in one sound, guess humorous autumn riddles, compose a lyrical or comedic verse, etc. Often young people participate in outdoor games with prepared autumn props. And such a picture looks very funny: both for spectators and for players.

Theater competition for the Autumn Ball for youth

The presenter recruits a team of 10 volunteers. Each participant is given a card with a task that must be completed without preparation. All players must walk from one end of the stage to the opposite in such a way that the audience guesses the gait:

  • the person who won the competition;
  • women with heavy bags;
  • a teenager who found himself in the forest at night;
  • stork in the swamp;
  • a person with the soles of his shoes peeling off;
  • gorillas in a zoo cage;
  • grandmothers with an attack of radiculitis;
  • security guard at a weapons warehouse;
  • a frog sneaking in the reeds from a stork in a swamp;
  • usherettes on the trolleybus

Competition for the Autumn Ball for youth "You are my maple... fallen"

In the competition for youth “You are my maple...” participants compete in twos. Near each player, the leader scatters several dozen fallen or artificial leaves and places a basket with clothespins. .after the start is announced, background music is turned on and participants quickly attach leaves to their clothes using clothespins. The winner will be the one who becomes the most “lush” maple tree in a short period of time.

Funny competitions for the Autumn Ball for high school students (scenario for grades 9-11)

Funny competitions at the Autumn Ball for high school students (grades 9-11) are most often held in the form of an impromptu acting sketch. Participants are asked to perform actions read out by the presenter. In most cases, the picture itself is quite funny, or its ending is unexpectedly fun and humorous. For example, the presenter asks to portray tired wanderers wandering through the desert. Then the exhausted travelers find an oasis with water and greedily fall to the stream. At this moment, the presenter joyfully announces to the audience that the platoon of search and service dogs has been built.

Competition for the Autumn Ball for high school students "Living Picture"

The host of the ball assembles several teams of 5-7 participants. Each team draws a card with the name of a painting by a famous artist and tries to depict it, having previously prepared for 5-7 minutes (one musical break). Spectators try to guess the picture being depicted. All teams whose composition is guessed the fastest win.

  • "Hunters at Rest"
  • "Three heroes"
  • "Barge Haulers on the Volga"
  • "A deuce again"
  • "Girl with Peaches"
  • "Morning in a pine forest"
  • "The Ninth Wave"

"Obstacle Course" - Competition for the Autumn Ball for high school students

  • walk along the tape lying on the floor of the stage;
  • walk around a large globe;
  • step over a basket of vegetables;
  • crawl under a tightrope;

The player is then blindfolded and asked to repeat the same thing. But first, all obstacles are secretly removed. The audience encourages the participant by telling him an imaginary direction, height, etc.

Fun competitions for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7

One of the most popular competitions for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7 is a competition in crafts and wall newspapers. Children are not yet capable of such tasks, and high school students are no longer interested. But all of these fun activities are appropriate before and after the fall concert. What to do with middle school students during the event?

Competition for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7 "Autumn Colors"

The presenter distributes 3 cards with certain colors to the players. Each participant looks and hides the card. Then the players, in turn, describe their colors to the audience (without naming them) and tell what they look like. Pictorial comparisons are allowed, but precise indications are prohibited.


My first color is like a ripe citrus New Year's fruit.

That is, orange.

The second color is like a small squeaky animal living in a hole.

That is, gray

Competition for the Autumn Ball for high school "Rainy Day"

The presenter selects three captains and gives each a large umbrella. Captains need to gather the maximum number of people under their umbrella so that the heads of the participants are within the perimeter of the umbrella. Any poses, combinations and intertwining are allowed to ensure that the participants are positioned as closely as possible under the umbrella.

Interesting competitions for the Autumn Ball for elementary schools

More suitable for elementary school students interesting competitions for the Autumn Ball without difficult creative tasks and complex logical problems. The best option- active outdoor games with bright and fabulous autumn attributes - mushrooms, leaves, vegetables, umbrellas, etc. It is important that interesting competitions for the Autumn Ball for primary schools are provided with prizes for the winners. If for high school students participation is more important than victory, then for kids, at least small consolation prizes are essential!

Competition for the Autumn Ball for junior grades "Mighty Wind"

The presenter selects several schoolchildren who want to take part in the competition. In front of each of them he places a crumpled sheet of newspaper, depicting a dry fallen leaf of a tree. On command, players begin to blow on their little ball, driving it towards the finish line. The participant whose piece of paper covers the distance first will win. The reward is the title and medal "Mighty Wind"!

Competition for the Autumn Ball for primary school "On an autumn walk"

The presenter selects two players from junior school students. Each of them will have to prepare for an autumn walk. Students need to collect from their classmates and put on the maximum number of items of clothing: pants, sweaters, belts, socks, scarves, hats, etc. The participant who dresses “warmer” than the other will win.

Having a developed imagination and creative thinking, any organizer will create competitions for the Autumn Ball independently. But if your imagination fails you or you are short on time, you can use our prepared funny scenarios for competitions for young people - high school students, 5-7 grades, and elementary schools.

Rural youth also celebrate various holidays with pleasure. Due to their place of residence, they have to work a lot around the house and in the fields. Therefore, they perceive any reason for a celebration with joy. In autumn there are practically no official occasions. So why not organize a real autumn ball for the village residents, not only the young half of the population, but also the elderly. In this article we will tell you how all this can be organized and what will need to be prepared.

If you are organizing an event such as an autumn ball, you must notify all residents of the village about it so that they know where to come, at what time, why, and what to wear.

When creating a poster for the autumn ball, we recommend that you follow these tips :

  • Select autumn background. It could be foliage, a beautiful forest, autumn flowers, etc. The style of your poster should match the theme of the event to which you are inviting people.
  • In a beautiful font, write at the top who is inviting you to the party. This is usually an organization. In a village, for example, a village club can act as an organizer.
  • Next, indicate the date of the holiday and the time at which it will begin. Also, do not forget about the age limit. For example, you can immediately point out that children under 6 years old will have nothing to do at such a holiday, or that an elderly person will not be comfortable because the scenario is designed for young people.
  • After this, on the main plan, write the name of the autumn ball. You can simply write “Autumn Ball” or be creative and come up with some beautiful name for it.
  • Be sure to indicate on the poster the cost of a ticket to attend the autumn ball. If there is no entrance fee, this should also be indicated.

This is the kind of poster you can make for a school or technical college. In this case, it is clear who can attend this event; there is no need to allocate a separate space on the poster to indicate the target audience.

Autumn ball posters, photos

The rural club is a place for young people where they can realize themselves creatively. Therefore, for the autumn ball it will be quite acceptable if those who wish to bring autumn-themed posters to decorate the hall. They can be attached to walls, to stages, to windows—anywhere.

Here are several options for how these posters could look:

Newspaper for the autumn ball, photo

Of course, all the information about the preparation, progress and results of the autumn ball will not fit on the poster. Therefore, it makes sense to create a newspaper. There are several options on how to do this:

  1. You can print out the compiled information with photographs on A4 sheets after the autumn ball. Such a newspaper cannot be published in a large copy, so it will have to be left in village club, where everyone can get acquainted with it.
  2. You can make an electronic newspaper and send everyone an option by email on the Internet. However, it is unlikely that all village residents are so advanced; they simply may not have time to spend time on the World Wide Web.
  3. The easiest option is to make an information newspaper on whatman paper. It can be created by everyone involved in organizing the autumn ball. It's accessible and interesting at the same time.

We present to you several photos of newspapers on Whatman paper:

Decoration of the hall for the autumn hall, photo

Decorations in the festive hall create a special atmosphere. Even those who are skeptical about celebrating the autumn ball, once in a hall decorated in autumn style will not be able to remain indifferent and will be immersed in the atmosphere of the celebration of autumn.

We offer you the following options for decorating the hall for the autumn ball:

  1. Drape everything with fabrics of autumn shades, and attach paper decorations prepared from paper to them using bobby pins. These can be leaves, fruits, various animals that are often found in the forest in autumn:

  1. You can attach decorations prepared on chiffon to the draped fabric using bobby pins. To do this, you need to draw trees and other images associated with autumn on chiffon, and then attach them:

  1. If you are a fan of large, portable decorations, then consider creating large autumn topiaries. To do this, you just need to stock up on a large amount of herbarium, rowan berries, pieces of wood and pots:

In this video you will see how to make autumn topiary:

  1. Just blow up as many colorful balloons as you can in green, red, orange, yellow and brown. Form them into flowers and attach them to the walls of the hall in a chaotic manner:

  1. On bright fabrics draped in waves, attach large leaves made of plastic or foam, which should first be painted:

DIY outfit for the autumn ball, photo with explanation

You should definitely come to the autumn ball fancy dress. So the mood will be appropriate, and the holiday will be bright. Just imagine how much beautiful photos can be done if all invitees come in dresses.

We have selected for you several options for costumes for the autumn ball. Here children are shown as models in the photo, but you can follow the example to make the same outfit for an adult:

  1. Costume "Apple Tree"

Grab a green sweatshirt or hoodie. It is advisable that this item of clothing be plain. Then inflate several small red balloons and roll them into circles. Make leaves out of paper, then attach balls to them. With this blank it will be easier to sew the balls onto a sweater or sweatshirt. To make the suit harmonious, wear brown jeans or trousers on your legs.

  1. Suit "Rain"

Prepare a turtleneck and leggings in black or dark blue. Be sure to wear rubber boots on your feet. The beauty of this costume is in the headdress. To make a cloud, you don’t need to do anything complicated:

  • Glue as many cotton balls as possible to a regular wide-brimmed hat (you will need a lot of them);
  • Glue drops cut from cardboard of the same color to blue or blue ropes of different lengths;
  • attach the resulting blank to the hat, and you will get a charming cloud:

  1. Costume "Acorn"

Wear a brown T-shirt. From the same tulle, make a skirt with an elastic band, onto which you sew leaves or other natural elements that are associated with the autumn season. After that, start creating a hat, which should look like an acorn. Cut out as many identical scale blanks as possible from thick paper. Glue them together and paint them with brown paint.

  1. Suit "Oak"

Sew oak leaves onto a long brown tunic or a warm sweater of the same color (they can be collected in the forest and dried, or drawn and cut out of paper). Make a headdress like this: form a nest from thin rods, glue eggs made from cotton wool to its bottom, and then screw the whole thing onto a hoop using wire. This will keep the nest on your head securely.

  1. Costume "Scarecrow"

The simplest version of the costume. Wear a plaid shirt and a denim overall. It is advisable to make multi-colored patches on the overalls in a chaotic manner. Do the same with a straw hat (preferably the hat has holes). You can do your makeup as you wish. In this outfit you will not only look bright, you will also be very comfortable.

DIY crown of leaves for an autumn ball, photo with explanation

Option #1:

  1. Take several leaves of the same size. Their legs need to be cut so that they are all the same length:

  1. Then fold one side of each sheet as shown in the photo:

  1. Using the foot of another sheet, pierce the resulting blank like a needle:

  1. You will get something like this:

  1. The attached sheet also needs to be tucked in the same way:

  1. Repeat this step until you have used all the leaves:

  1. All that remains is to wrap the resulting garland in a ring and fasten it so that this ring begins to resemble a crown:

Option No. 2

  1. Collect oak leaves, dry them and treat them with wax to make them shiny.
  2. Take the hoop and glue the prepared leaves onto it in a circle using a heat gun.
  3. Apply glitter to the leaves if desired. You can also paint the edges with a darker varnish so that the leaves contrast in color with each other.

A cheerful modern scenario for young people - an autumn ball in a club

Fun competitions for the autumn ball at the club

  1. Team competition "The Sixth Sense". You need to form several teams, each of which can have 4 people. They must stand next to each other. Each participant receives a sheet of paper and a pencil. His task is to draw what the presenter shows to him personally. And the task of the participant in front is to understand what is being drawn on his back. The team whose members complete the task most accurately will be the winner.
  2. Competition "Best Bartender". The presenter invites three young people, blindfolds them and places 3 glasses with different drinks in front of them (these do not have to be alcoholic drinks, you can use compote, juice or fruit drink). First, applicants for the title of bartender must determine the name of the drink by smell. The one who does the worst is eliminated. After this, the presenter mixes several drinks in one and gives it to the participant to try. The person who matches the most drinks wins.
  3. Competition "Melodies of Autumn". 3 people who are well versed in music are invited to participate. They must sing as many songs as possible on the theme of “autumn” in turn. The one who does it better will win.
  4. Competition "Autumn Waltz". Boys and girls are invited to participate. They form pairs. Each couple must waltz with a saber. As soon as the music stops, the guy in the pair should quickly sit on his knee and raise his hand with the saber up, the girl should sit on her knee with her legs crossed. The pair that completes the task the slowest is eliminated from the competition. The competition continues until one pair remains.
  5. Competition "Autumn Wreath". 3 girls are called to participate. Each person is given leaflets and stationery. They need to make wreaths within the allotted time. Whoever copes with this task best wins.

Youth games for the autumn ball in the club

  1. Can be carried out game "Best Couple". It continues throughout the holiday. The presenter invites everyone present to pair up with someone, come up with a name, greeting and musical number. Everything happens impromptu. The winner is determined by the audience by applause.
  2. Game "Poets". Several people are invited to the stage. They are given cards with 2 words written on them. They need to be quickly rhymed to make a quatrain on an autumn theme. The audience determines which of the participants will do it best.
  3. Game "Mighty Wind". 2 captains are invited. They form 2 teams. The essence of the competition is as follows. The captain must blow across the floor until the finish line colored paper, crumpled into a ball. Once he arrives at his location, he will have to direct each member of his team to repeat his feat, but with their eyes closed, under the instructions of the Mighty Wind.
  4. Game "Autumn Leaves". 2 teams are formed. In front of each team, a stack of leaves is laid out - herbarium or cut out of paper. The task of each speed team is to sign each sheet - its name. Whoever can do it the fastest and has the most correct answers wins.
  5. Game "Puddle"". All participants form pairs. They must overcome a large puddle in front of them (the puddle can be fabric, paper, or just an area outlined with chalk). We need to come up with a creative way. Whoever comes up with the most original idea of ​​how to overcome the puddle together wins.

Short scenes of an autumn ball in a club

Scene No. 1: “Weather forecast” (suitable for high school students)

Scene No. 2: “Concert by request”

Scene No. 3: “Where does a good mood come from”

Scene No. 4: “Autumn Syndrome”

Scene No. 5: “Three Princesses”

Songs remade autumn ball in the club

Option #1:

Option No. 2:

Option #3:

Option number 4 (suitable for those finishing school):

Option No. 5 (another version of ditties):

Autumn preparations competition for the elderly, photo

Forcing older people to show their talents in some competitions is, to say the least, not very decent. You can offer them a chance to compete in something they can definitely be a pro at. This could be a winter preparations competition. Housewives bring their own jars of vegetable preparations. Spectators look at external beauty, evaluate taste, and then determine the winner:

Competition ideas for seniors

  1. You can conduct several intellectual quizzes for the elderly. For example, who can guess the melody faster?
  2. Another version of the competition is a karaoke song. People in adulthood will never refuse to sing a song from their youth, especially if the singing is accompanied by live musical accompaniment.
  3. Older people will not devote much time to making a costume, but they will be happy to prepare some accessories. For example, you can sew a herbarium or a dummy of leaves onto a bright autumn-colored suit. In addition, you can make a wreath or neck decoration from leaves and other autumn fruits.

    At the autumn ball, everyone can relax as they are used to. The main thing is to find an event for the soul. where you don’t have to hide behind the mask of a business person, where you can just relax and give free rein to your feelings and emotions. We hope that the material in our article will help you organize an autumn ball for village residents.

    Video: “Autumn ball in a rural club”

MKOU "Tokarevskaya secondary school"

MKOU "Tokarevskaya secondary school"

Autumn Ball



evenings of relaxation for high school students

Prepared by: Khromina L.Yu.,

classroom teacher 11th grade

year 2014

Target: organization of educational leisure for pupils


    updating knowledge about autumn

    Broaden your horizons, enrich your vocabulary

    Develop speech

    create an emotional and joyful holiday atmosphere

    develop communication skills

    development of creative abilities

Decor: the hall is decorated in autumn style, on the walls and special stands there are student drawings on autumn theme and reproductions of famous artists about autumn. There are also garlands of autumn leaves, alternating with bunches of rowan. There are tables on which are works of poets of the 19th-20th centuries. All the participants of the evening, the guests, sit at tables on which there are gifts of Autumn in vases: vegetables, fruits. On the stage there is a poster “Sad time - the charm of the eyes!”, posters are hung around Balloons: yellow, orange, red and green. At the door there is an invitation poster “Welcome to the autumn ball.

Preliminary preparation:

    send out an invitation to students' parents email(invitation text in attachments);

    preparing the necessary equipment for competitions and the script: telephone, drawn maple leaves (tokens to encourage competition participants), 4 sheets of whatman paper (A2 format), 4 brushes, paints or watercolors 4 sets; 4 balloons, 2 markers, 2 scarves, 2 ties, 2 tape; 3 apples with tied threads; a set of products for sandwiches: loaf, sausage, tomatoes, sour cream (all products cut into portions); 10 scarves, 2 strips of wallpaper with holes for heads and 2 cubes.

    make a video with a performance by 1st grade students (reading poems about autumn);

    prepare a presentation with pictures of autumn: from early to late autumn.

Equipment: projector, laptop with Internet access, speakers, microphones, amplifier, exposure screen, light and music.

(Girls in ball gowns spin, performing a dance with yellow gauze scarves)

Presenter 1: We managed to eat the apples,Presenter 2: So let's sum it up

And everyone sang songs together. And let's say the epilogue together.

We did everything energetically. It’s time for us all to stretch our bodies,

And everything turned out great. That is, of course, DANCE!

In chorus: DISCO!

  1. Good evening.
  1. Come in quickly, welcome guests.

Throw away all your worries at the entrance!

Let happy faces flash everywhere,

Let everyone have fun with us today.

  1. Come in, hurry up

Our dear friends!

Relax, have fun.

You can't get bored here.

  1. Yes, we won’t be bored today, and we are starting our competition program.
  1. It is still quite cool outside and in the hall and we will now check how warm our guests are.
  1. Anyone can participate in this competition. We ask those interested to come on stage.

(1 part “Alcohol meter”)

2. You need to stand with your back to the “Spiritometer”, bend over, extend your hand with a felt-tip pen between your legs and try to put a mark on the scale as high as possible.

  1. Whichever of you turns out to be the “most sober” will receive a prize.


  1. Yes, the first competition showed us that today everyone in the hall is not only cheerful, but also sober.
  1. Sasha, how do you feel about the distribution of household responsibilities?
  1. I think everything needs to be done together. But now we will see which family member is better off doing such a juicy business that will be in the next competition.

1. So, our next competition. We ask for 2 people on stage.

(2k. “Family panties”)

  1. When the music starts playing, you need to put these elastic bands into your panties, and then put them on yourself.

2. The winner is the one who is the first to “make” panties and put them on.


  1. Yes, anyone can put an elastic band into their underpants, but for the next competition we need real “sea wolves”.
  1. Our competition is called “Sea Wolf” and we invite 2 men to the stage, and maybe girls will also want to participate.

(3k. “Sea Wolf”)

  1. You have 2 ropes. Your goal is to tie them together as tightly as possible. (after checking). And the prize will be given to the one who unties the knot faster than others.

(awarding) disco

  1. We are continuing the next competition “Blow”.
  1. Sorry, I didn’t understand where to blow? It's time for me to leave.
  1. No, this competition is called “Blow”.
  1. All clear. We ask for 2 people willing to come on stage.

(4k. “Blow”)

2.You need to blow the egg off the chair through the opponent’s side at the command of the leader (blow)

1. And now we complicate the competition: we blindfold you and give you 1 minute. (replace with flour)


  1. Sasha, look how much it is today beautiful girls. By the way, do you like it better when girls wear skirts or trousers?
  1. (thinks) Actually, I like all girls, and if they’re wearing a skirt...that’s great. Therefore, I ask three girls in skirts to come on stage. The competition is called “Come on Girls”

(5k. “Come on girls”)

  1. Girls, now you will be blindfolded and you must walk over the carpet without stepping on it. So, at my command, you take turns walking over the carpet. And you don’t remove the blindfolds without my command. Is everything clear?


  1. And for the next competition we need 2 couples: strong young people...
  2. And girls, it’s better to wear trousers.

(6k. “The most dexterous”)

  1. Young men, you need to move your lady from one chair to another and all the time in different ways.
  1. The pair that never repeats the same action wins.

(awarding) disco

  1. Oh, what music. It seems so simple: take a guitar, connect a microphone and sing.
  1. It only seems to you. And now the following contestants will prove this to you.

(7k. “Music in the kitchen”)

  1. With the help of this simple kitchen utensil you should play some tune.
  1. Whoever does it better will win. (one by one)


  1. The next competition is for the most accurate girls and the bravest men. Two pairs.

(8k. “The most accurate”)

  1. Young people lie down under a chair so that it is above you at chest level, but their head comes out from under the chair. You will put disposable cups in your mouth.
  1. The girls stand on a chair facing the guys' heads. Each girl receives 3 eggs. On command, the girls must break the egg and get into the glass.
  2. The pair in which the girl is the most accurate wins.


1 Well, that's probably all. Our holiday has come to an end. And even if the wind is raging outside the window or the rain is noisy, we hope that everyone in the hall has only a good mood.

2 Despite the sadness of parting, we hope for new meetings and amazing holidays.

Together : Until we meet again, dear friends.