Plasticine paintings on the theme of autumn gatherings. Plasticine application on the theme “Golden Autumn”: a fascinating lesson for kids. Modeling in the senior group on the theme of autumn

Elena Martynyuk


"Modeling from plasticine autumn tree"(5-6 years)

Lesson objectives:

1. Teach children how to make balls, rollers, and cakes;

2. To develop the ability to compose a composition based on observations;

3. Develop attention and observation;

4. Cultivate interest in surrounding objects, in changes in the surrounding nature with the change of season.

5. Develop fine motor skills and coordination.

Equipment and material.

1. Plasticine.

2. Plastic knives (stacks)

3. Cardboard.

5. Oilcloth.

Preparing for the lesson. The teacher in advance for each workplace puts oilcloth, plasticine, stacks, a sheet of cardboard.

Lesson plan:

1. Observations on the first autumn changes.

2. Repetition of the rules for working with plasticine.

3. Study of the technological map.

4. Independent work.

1. Observations on the first autumn changes

[Teacher - Guys, let's go to the window and look at the trees. Look how beautiful the trees are. Why do you think trees are so beautiful?

Children - Their leaves are multi-colored: red, yellow, orange and very few green.

Educator - Why do you guys think?

Children - Fall has come.

Educator- What seasons do you know?

Children - Autumn winter spring Summer?

Educator - How does a tree change depending on the time of year?

Children - In winter there is no foliage, in spring green leaves appear on the tree, in summer the tree is green, in autumn the leaves change color and the tree begins to prepare for winter - shedding its leaves.

2. Repetition of the rules for working with plasticine.

1. Carry out modeling on a backing board, do not put plasticine on the table or desk.

2. Before work, warm up the plasticine well in your hands.

3. Do not throw leftover plasticine on the floor.

4. Store plasticine in a box separately from notebooks and books.

5. After work, dry your hands with a cloth and wash with warm water and soap.

3. Study of the technological map.

3. Physical education. just a minute.

Exercises for arm muscles.

1) "My family"

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

That's my whole family!

(Alternate bending of fingers, starting with the thumb.)

2) "Cabbage"

We chop and chop the cabbage,

We salt and salt the cabbage,

We are three or three cabbage,

We squeeze and squeeze cabbage.

(Move your palms up and down, alternately stroking your fingertips, rub your fist against your fist. Clench and unclench your fists.)

3)"Friendly family"

We intertwined our fingers

And they stretched out their arms.

Well, now we are from the Earth

We push the clouds away."

(The exercise is performed while standing. Children interlace their fingers, stretch their arms with their palms forward, and then raise them up and stretch as high as possible.)

Exercise for the spine

Children stand near the tables. First, they tilt to the right side and wink with their right eye, then they tilt to the left and wink with their left eye.

[i]Eye exercises

1. Sitting at the table, relax and slowly move your eyes from left to right. Then from right to left. Repeat 3 times in each direction.

2. Slowly move your gaze up and down, then vice versa. Promotes the expansion of visual and motor activity.

4. Independent work.

5. Exhibition and analysis of student work.

And this is what we got.








teacher primary classes

Nefedova Lyudmila Petrovna

New Oskol. 2017


Look at your native spaces! How much strength and beauty they have. Sometimes a familiar landscape suddenly opens up before you from a completely unexpected side, the way you didn’t know it at all and have never seen it. I walked past the birch tree many times and did not notice how beautiful it was in the rays of the setting sun. A fragile blade of grass that stubbornly breaks through the gray asphalt, the abyss of the night starry sky, the nightingale’s night singing or the bend of a swan’s neck - all this carries an inexhaustible charge of beauty.

At every season of the year, nature is beautiful in its own way, be it summer, autumn, winter, or spring. But this applies not only to the time of year, but also to the time of day. Nature is especially beautiful at dawn and dusk. It is at these moments that you feel some kind of magic, as if nature is revealing its whole soul to you. You need to be able to capture the mood of nature. The beauty of nature is simply mesmerizing; it seems that there is nothing more beautiful in the world.

The beauty of my native land inspired me too. I also wanted to capture it in my own way. I sculpt a picture of nature with plasticine. This is one of the youngest types of painting, which artists began to use quite recently.

Working with plasticine in preschool and primary school age contributes to the development of the child’s imagination, develops the speech apparatus, and prepares the hands for writing.

Object The work is plasticine, as a material for artistic modeling.

Item- artistic technique of drawing using plasticine.

Target- show the stages of the artistic technique of drawing using plasticine.

Main part.

Drawing with a material such as plasticine is an art that is at the junction of two visual genres - “flat” painting and sculpture, that is, a three-dimensional image of the surrounding world.

What is plasticine? What does this magical mass melting in your hands consist of? If you turn to Ozhegov’s dictionary, you can read the following: “Plasticine is plastic material for modeling, consisting of clay and wax with the addition of fats, petroleum jelly and other substances that prevent drying.” Our modern plasticines can vary widely in quality. There are ones that are more dense in their hardness. On the contrary, there are some that are soft, tender, and easily melting. Just like softness, the color spectrum of plasticines offered in store sets is also varied.

Stages of work.

Step one: Let's prepare everything we need - backing board or oilcloth, plasticine different colors, cardboard for base future painting, simple pencil, eraser.

Step two: The format of paintings can be different: vertical, horizontal, square, round, oval. Start your planned composition with a sketch on cardboard. Then it will be easier to attach the balls evenly to the base.

Step three: It’s better to start sculpting from the center. Let's select a part of the drawing with which to start sculpting. We select plasticine of the desired color, pinch off a piece, roll it into a small ball and fix it on the cardboard.

The balls must be made approximately the same size, then the work looks better; when laying it out, you need to lightly (not turn it into a cake) press on the balls. And so on until the entire selected part is filled with balls.

When sculpting paintings, you need to remember some features of working with plasticine:

When working with plasticine, “pure” colors are not always suitable. Sometimes, for the intended color scheme, mixing different colors and types of plasticine is used. The proportions are adjusted until the desired result is obtained.

We must remember the primary colors: yellow, red and blue. When they are mixed, new, derivative tones are obtained. By mixing yellow with blue you get green, yellow with red - orange, red with blue - purple.

Mixing white plasticine weakens the influence of bright colors, making them duller and pastel.

You should not mix more than two colors at the same time.

When mixing matte and fluorescent varieties, plasticine of a new quality is obtained.

To make the surface glossy, fingers are moistened with water.

I wish everyone to always find a place for a creative holiday in their lives, good luck and new beautiful ideas!

Students' works.


Mastering image techniques brings true joy to children. They happily cover one sheet of paper after another with spots, strokes, and strokes. They take great pleasure in the process of doing it. Children are ready to repeat this or that action many times. And the better the movement turns out, the more pleasure they repeat it, as if demonstrating their success, and rejoice, attracting the attention of an adult to their achievements.

It is best to start mastering the technology of working with plasticine with small paintings that depict simple objects.

Having mastered in simple ways drawing with plasticine, the child is able to create more complex paintings on glass. This type of drawing can be done with older schoolchildren.

“Autumn” is a fertile topic for children's creativity. This theme is used not only in drawings and applications, but also in plasticine modeling. Autumn nature gives interesting scenes and bright landscapes, opens up scope for imagination and fantasy. What will your child want to sculpt? A cute hedgehog stocking up? Or maybe an autumn park, forest or mushroom meadow? In any case, the work should be interesting and expressive. Subjects and ideas for volumetric and planar modeling “Autumn” for different groups kindergarten with detailed explanations- in our article.

Autumn tree made of plasticine and dried oak leaves

Plasticine panel “Autumn”

Plasticine applique “Hedgehog in the autumn forest”

Composition from plasticine “Autumn meadow”

Autumn landscape, plasticineography

Modeling junior group on the theme of autumn, details with photos

According to the methodology, teaching modeling in the younger group of kindergarten (2-3 years old) is subject-oriented. At first, kids are just learning to feel the material, to give a piece of plasticine simple shapes: a disk, a cylinder, a ball, a cube, etc. Children try to sculpt individual objects and figures (also simple at first) when the basics of modeling have been mastered. However, with your help, your child will be happy to cope with simple modeling on autumn themes.

Talk to your child, ask what he imagines when he thinks about autumn. While walking in the park or in the forest, pay your child’s attention to how beautifully the shades of foliage change in autumn, how bright the rowan berries become, how many mushrooms appear at this time of year. Offer to make something “autumn” together. For example, autumn leaves, an autumn tree, a hedgehog, a mushroom.

autumn leaves

What to prepare for sculpting:

  • a set of plasticine (red, terracotta, yellow, green);
  • a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • flexible board for modeling;
  • plastic spatula;
  • plastic or wooden stack.

Stacks and spatulas for modeling

Modeling sequence autumn leaves:

Walking through the autumn park, together with your child we will collect several beautiful, bright leaves of different shades. They will serve as a model for plasticine crafts. It is better to choose simple oval-shaped leaves with a smooth or finely toothed edge. Let's lay them out on the table and ask the kid what colors of plasticine will be needed to make autumn leaves.

Let's make blanks of leaves. Let's ask the child to roll small plasticine balls: dark red, orange, yellow, green. To make the leaves beautiful, for some balls you can mix pieces of plasticine of different colors. For example, red with yellow or terracotta, green with yellow.

We invite the child to carefully flatten the blank balls with his fingers, trying to give them the shape of leaves. Let's correct the result a little: flatten the resulting flat cakes in both directions, slightly sharpen the upper edge.

The next stage of work - drawing veins and teeth on autumn leaves - can be quite difficult for a 2-3 year old child. So let him just watch how we do it. Together with your child, let's look at the veins on the leaves. Using a stack, we will first draw the central vein, and then the side ones.

Using a spatula, cut out the cloves along the edges. We will definitely invite the child to try to design 2-3 leaves on their own.

Lay out the finished plasticine leaves, alternating colors on a sheet of cardboard. It is better to place them with the upper, pointed side towards the outer edge. Lightly pressing with your finger, fasten the leaves together and fix them on the cardboard. Decorate the “picture” with acorns or a sprig of rowan.

hedgehog made of plasticine and seeds (applique)

What to prepare for sculpting:

  • a handful of large seeds (sunflower, watermelon);
  • plasticine (brown, light gray, black);
  • plastic spatula, stack;
  • a convenient board for modeling;
  • a sheet of white (or other light) cardboard;
  • a sheet of light yellow or green cardboard;
  • dried or plasticine autumn leaves to decorate the composition.

Sequence of work:

Draw the outline of a hedgehog on white cardboard. Can be printed ready-made template. Cut out the figure along the outer edge of the outline, paste it onto colored cardboard, and dry it. It is important to leave distinct dark outlines to make it easier for the baby to work on the appliqué.

Let's knead and warm up pieces of gray plasticine in our palms. Let's put them on the image of a hedgehog. We invite the baby to flatten them and fill in the contours of the face and tummy. We will also prepare brown plasticine. Let's fill in the contours of the back. To simplify the work, plasticine can be smeared only on the back of the hedgehog, and the muzzle can be left as cardboard and the eyes and nose can be drawn in with paints or felt-tip pens.

Let's make needles from sunflower or watermelon seeds. We immerse the pointed part in brown plasticine on the back of the hedgehog and press it slightly. So we will sequentially fill the entire space with seeds.

Let's ask the child to roll three small balls from black plasticine. Two smaller ones are for the hedgehog’s eyes, one slightly larger one is for the nose. Let's attach them to the muzzle. Let's draw the mouth using a stack. Let's complement the composition with plasticine leaves, apples, mushrooms, etc.

autumn mushroom and caterpillar - video tutorial

Modeling 2nd junior group on the theme of autumn, photo

Considering that younger preschoolers It is quite difficult to independently decide on the topic of work; they are not offered tasks to sculpt something according to their own plans. Help with plasticine modeling ideas on autumn theme teachers and parents can. It is better to teach modeling to children under 4 years old in an interesting playful way.

autumn rowan branch

What to prepare for sculpting:

  • a set of plasticine (red-orange, brown, green, yellow);
  • sheet of colored cardboard;
  • modeling board;
  • plastic spatula, stacks;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

Sequence of work:

Draw a rowan branch on a sheet of cardboard. You can print, cut and paste the finished template.

Let's make the preparations. For small parts, we first cut the red, green and yellow plasticine into approximately equal small pieces. From the red-orange ones, roll into small berry balls (according to the number of rowan berries in the picture). From green and yellow (colors can be mixed) - larger balls. Let's flatten them and form leaves. Brown - thin laces. They will become the basis for the branch.

We invite the child to attach twigs, leaves and berries to the drawing. Using a stack, we designate the relief of the bark, apply cross-shaped indentations on the rowan berries, and veins on the leaves. Let's correct the uneven contours.

mushrooms in the meadow

What to prepare for the craft:

  • plasticine (dark brown, green, beige/white);
  • modeling board;
  • toothpick or thin glass;
  • plastic spatula.

Modeling sequence:

Let's prepare the details. You only need two of them, and they are very simple. Cut pieces of suitable size from plasticine bars. We invite the child to roll large balls from dark brown and green plasticine, as well as smaller balls and long cylinders from beige.

The number of preparations depends on how many mushrooms you and your child decide to “plant” in the autumn meadow. What to do if there is no beige plasticine in the set? Knead, warming in your palms, and then mix white with brown.

Place the brown ball on a modeling board. Lightly press on top, after which, softening and pressing the edges around the circumference, we will give it the shape of a mushroom cap. We will do the same with the rest of the blanks.

Turn the hat over with the flat side up. Place a beige ball on the board and flatten it into a thin cake. Using a spatula, carefully secure the cake to the flat side of the mushroom cap. Using a toothpick or a stack to imitate a porous surface, we will make frequent holes.

Let's extend the beige cylinder into a three-dimensional teardrop-shaped leg. Let's make a small cake from brown plasticine. Attach the stem of the mushroom to the base, then stretch it slightly and smear it upward. Using a toothpick or a stack, apply thin vertical stripes.

We will make the remaining mushrooms in the same sequence. Let's complete the autumn composition. Place the green ball on a sheet of cardboard, flatten it into a flat cake, press the edges well and smear it slightly. Let's place the finished plasticine mushrooms in the clearing and secure them.

Let's decorate the clearing with plasticine grass, dried autumn leaves or other natural materials: pine needles, acorns, cones.

plasticine applique “Autumn birch tree” - video tutorial

Modeling in the middle group on the theme of autumn

panel “Autumn Trees” made of plasticine spirals

What to prepare for sculpting:

  • a sheet of white cardboard;
  • watercolors or pastels;
  • a simple pencil;
  • a set of plasticine (brown, orange-red, terracotta, green, yellow);
  • modeling board;
  • stacks and spatulas.

Sequence of work:

Let's prepare the background of the picture - paint the entire space of the cardboard sheet with blue watercolor (dissolved in water) or pastel crayons. At the top we will depict clouds. To do this, lightly blur and blend the blue tone in several places with a cotton pad moistened with water.

Let's ask the child to draw trees with a lush crown with a pencil. At this stage, the baby can and should be helped. To simplify the work, download, cut out and paste tree templates without leaves onto cardboard.

Let's prepare plasticine parts for applique. Cut plasticine (brown for the trunk, red, terracotta, green, yellow for leaves; green for decorating the root part of the tree) into strips, then roll each into a thin rope on a modeling board.

We divide the plasticine flagella into parts and roll them into a medium-density spiral. The colors of plasticine in one spiral can be combined. The work is quite painstaking, you may have to help the child.

We sequentially attach the flagella of the corresponding colors to the trunk and crown of the tree. Lightly press with a spatula for better fixation to the sheet. Using a stack we will draw the relief of the bark. To simplify the work, the tree trunk can be painted with oil pastels or watercolors, and only the crown can be covered with plasticine spirals.

bouquet of autumn leaves

  • several leaves with raised veins - maple, oak, chestnut, etc.;
  • flexible board for working with plasticine;
  • a set of hardening plasticine (burgundy, lemon, green, terracotta);
  • plastic rolling pin, spatulas and modeling stacks;
  • a large plastic glass or shaped bottle;
  • scissors, glue, sheet of colored cardboard.

How to make a bouquet:

Roll plasticine of different colors (hardening is better) into balls of medium diameter. The bouquet will look more interesting if you mix plasticine of two or three shades. To create beautiful transitions of tones, add additional colors at the end of rolling the balls. The color of the plasticine mass should be heterogeneous.

Place the blanks on a flexible modeling board and flatten them into cakes with a diameter of 7-12 cm (according to the size of the collected leaves). Place the prepared autumn leaves on top with the embossed side down. Let's press them to the plasticine. This is conveniently done with a plastic roller.

Let's outline the contours of each leaf with a thin stack. Cut out plasticine leaves with imprinted veins using a spatula. Remove excess plasticine from the board. Let's fix the edges. We will continue the work in a day, when the plasticine has hardened. By the way, after hardening, crafts made from such plasticine can be additionally painted with pastel or gouache.

Use a spatula to carefully remove the leaves from the board. You can complete a composition in different ways. For example, put a bouquet in a cute vase. In this case, do not forget to attach the leaves to wooden skewers or dry twigs before the plasticine hardens.

Another interesting design option: attach an autumn bouquet to a sheet of cardboard with a glue gun, and draw a vase, make it from paper or from half a shaped plastic bottle.

You can decorate a voluminous plastic vase with jute or hemp rope or in any other way you like.

Application “Autumn Tree” - video tutorial

Modeling in the senior group on the theme of autumn

basket with autumn harvest

What to prepare:

  • a set of plasticine (green, purple, brown, terracotta, red);
  • modeling board;
  • set of plastic spatulas and stacks.

Modeling sequence:

Let's make plasticine blanks for sculpting autumn vegetables. Cylinders of purple, green and terracotta colors - for carrots and eggplant. Red and terracotta balls required sizes- for pumpkin and tomato. Green flagella are for onion feathers. Thin cakes of light green color (you can get it by mixing green and white) - for cabbage.

Let's give the preparations the shape of vegetables. Attach the stalks, fashioned from small balls of green and gray-brown plasticine. We will make pimples on the cucumbers in a stack, horizontal strokes on the carrots, and raised stripes on the pumpkin.

Let's make a basket. Let's make a flat cake from brown plasticine - the base - and roll 12 thin strips. Let's twist them two at a time into flagella. Let's connect in a circle and sequentially attach to the base.

Let’s complete the composition: beautifully arrange the vegetables in the basket and correct any unevenness. We attach the base of the basket to a shaped stand made of cardboard or thin plastic.

autumn tree in the wind (plasticine)

What to prepare for creativity:

  • a set of plasticine (brown, orange, blue, yellow, red);
  • a sheet of light blue cardboard (you can use regular white);
  • pencil, felt-tip pens for drawing details;
  • modeling board;
  • set of stacks, spatulas.

The sequence of “drawing” a tree in the wind with plasticine:

As a basis for a plasticine picture, we will print and transfer to cardboard a template of an autumn tree with flying leaves bending under the gusts of wind.

Place the plasticine of the desired shades in a bowl. Let's put it in warm water for a couple of minutes - the plasticine will become pliable and easy to work with. Let's prepare plasticine blanks. Several brown strands of different widths - for the trunk and branches. Small orange, yellow, red balls - for foliage. To make the color of the foliage in the picture beautiful and similar to the real thing, it is better to mix plasticine of different colors (but not until it is homogeneous).

Let's prepare the background - thinly spread heated pale blue plasticine onto the cardboard. The strokes can be made heterogeneous, so the picture will look “more alive”. In some places we will leave gaps to simulate clouds.

Sequentially paint with plasticine the trunk and branches still remaining on the tree and the leaves flying in the wind. We will not give a clear shape with leaves. On the contrary, let's slightly smear their edges.

Using a stack we will draw the relief of the bark and the veins of some leaves. We will make a picture frame from plasticine flagella.

plasticine painting “Golden Autumn” - video tutorial

Preparatory group modeling on the theme of autumn

oak branch with acorns (plasticine)

What you need for sculpting:

  • plasticine (gray-blue, beige, light brown, light green, white);
  • flexible board for modeling;
  • thick cardboard;
  • template “Oak branch with acorns”;
  • pencils, felt-tip pens for drawing panel details;
  • a set of stacks and spatulas for plasticine.

Sequence of work:

Let's draw the contours of an oak branch on a sheet of thick cardboard (white or light blue). To simplify the work, we use a ready-made template of an oak branch with acorns.

Let's soften the pieces of gray-blue plasticine, spread them in a thin layer on the cardboard - we will create the background of the picture. To make the material more pliable, warm it up a little in lukewarm water. We will “paint” the upper third of the sheet with a more saturated tone, and the lower third with a lighter tone. We roll 3-4 small cylinders from white plasticine, flatten and stretch them on cardboard, cut them into a stack, giving them the shape of clouds.

Sequentially fill the contours of the branches, leaves, and acorns with brown and gray-green plasticine. It’s convenient to “draw” with pre-prepared small balls of plasticine of different colors. The layer of material should be sufficient for a volumetric effect, but not too dense. To obtain the required shades, plasticine can be mixed while kneading.

Let's correct the contours of the drawing with a spatula and a stack. Let's draw or make leaf veins from thin plasticine flagella. Let's do some shading on the caps of the acorns and the bark of the oak branch.

plasticine painting “Autumn mood”

What set to prepare for creativity:

  • a set of plasticine (gray, dark orange, blue, yellow, red, etc.);
  • modeling board;
  • cardboard sheet for the base;
  • drawing template;
  • pencil;
  • set of stacks, spatulas.

How to “draw” with plasticine:

Let's draw the outlines of the picture onto the cardboard. We use a ready-made template. If a suitable drawing is not available online, you can create a similar one from individual parts: a girl under an umbrella, a dog, etc.

Let's decorate the background of the picture - smear slightly warmed gray plasticine on the cardboard, in some areas we will use dark orange plasticine to mark sections of the brick wall. Using a stack (deep pressing) we draw clear outlines of the bricks. For plasticineography, it is better to choose hardening or wax plasticine.

At the bottom of the sheet we attach small cakes of dark gray plasticine, flatten them, smear them a little along the edges, and draw the contours of the paving stones. Using pale blue plasticine (if this is not in the set, mix blue and white) we will depict puddles. To simulate water with a thin stack, draw concentric circles on them.

Let's sequentially fill all the elements of the drawing with plasticine of the required shades - the girl's face, hair, arms, legs, cloak, boots. Let’s “color” the dog and the umbrella with plasticine. Let’s “depict” raindrops. For work, it is convenient to use pre-prepared small balls of plasticine of suitable colors. Before filling in the contours of the picture, it is better to warm them slightly in warm water.

We outline the contours of the finished drawing with a stack. We will remove excess plasticine and correct the details. Leave the picture for a day until the plasticine hardens.

painting “Autumn” using plasticine technique – video tutorial

We wish you inspiration and interesting “autumn” ideas for exciting joint creativity with your child!

Adults and children associate autumn with colorful colors and rich gifts of nature. You can express your love for autumn in the form interesting crafts made with your own hands. It is easy to make from ordinary plasticine. Adults should help the child to fantasize and realize his thoughts financially. Cognitive activities needs to be practiced from childhood. The teacher has a great responsibility. He should give the young artist the right idea and show him the basic techniques for working with the material. Children welcome plasticine, love to crush it in their hands, mix bright colors and create incredible sculptures, so any modeling lesson can easily be turned into interesting entertainment.

This master class presents the process of sculpting autumn-themed crafts from plasticine. Similar the job will do for younger children school age and older.

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts from plasticine “Autumn”

Select the brightest blocks from the plasticine set to show that autumn gives humanity delicious fruits and rich colors. Red, yellow, orange, green, brown and beige shades are suitable. In addition, for work you will need a board, a napkin and a stack.

Make a dense cone-shaped base from a small piece of cardboard. Cut from any packaging material semicircle, bend it and fix the resulting figure with a stapler or glue.

Choose plasticine that matches the color to create bright autumn leaves. First, knead the prepared pieces in your hands, then divide them into portions and create oblong flat parts shaped like leaves. Gradually reduce the size of leaves of the same color.

Draw the veins on the leaves using a stack.

Using the cone as a base, begin attaching a row of leaves along the bottom edge, moving around the circumference. The first parts should be the largest.

Work your way to the top of the cone, attaching new layers of leaves, alternating them by color.

Come up with beads for a future craft. These should be some gifts of autumn, for example, mushrooms, fruits or vegetables. To sculpt mushrooms you will need brown and beige plasticine.

Attach the mushrooms in a circle to the top of the cone.

Roll a beige ball and reproduce the shape of a man on it. Add eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth to the face.

Decorate your head with a lush crown of bright leaves.

Add a rim of red rowan berries. Attach the head to the sharp part of the cone.

At the last stage, attach the arms and insert ears of wheat and a basket of juicy fruits into them.

Plasticine is an indispensable material for the development of fine motor skills of children's hands. That is why it is so often used by educators, teachers, and parents in the classroom. fine arts. And in this lesson we offer you several ideas and master classes, thanks to which your child will make plasticine appliqué (with the watchful participation of an adult, of course) without difficulty and with pleasure.

Application from plasticine on the theme “Golden Autumn” for the little ones

For kids who have just started attending preschool, kindergarten Teachers very often suggest making such a tree.

So, in our work we will need:

  • a sheet of paper or cardboard;
  • multi-colored plasticine;
  • pencil.

1. First of all, we make a preparation. We draw a tree or several with a pencil - we chose a birch tree. How younger child, the more restless it is - for two-year-old tomboys, one tree will be enough. For older children, you can draw several trees or even a whole forest. If you have very little drawing skill, you can download the template and print it on a printer.

2. Knead the plasticine thoroughly.

3. At the same time, we tell the child about autumn, about the tree or trees where you last saw them.

4. We tell the baby that the wind blew all the leaves off the tree, but we can correct the situation and hang new ones.

5. Tear off a small piece of plasticine and roll it between your palms. It is absolutely not necessary to achieve a perfectly round shape - the leaves can be completely different. We shape the workpiece with our fingers.

6. Glue the leaf to the paper. Plasticine may not immediately stick to the paper, we help the child.

7. Using plasticine of different colors, we decorate the tree with leaves, because autumn decorates them with different colors. Don't forget to praise for your efforts.

8. As soon as the process gets boring, we stop.

As a result, we ended up with a birch tree like this.

Application on the theme “Golden Autumn” made of plasticine and natural materials

For first-graders, an interesting option would be to create an application from plasticine using various natural materials, because 1st grade is a time of active learning for a child school life, learning everything new.

Materials we will use:

  • a sheet of white cardboard;
  • plasticine: white, yellow, blue;
  • beans, peas, various seeds: watermelon, sunflower, pumpkin, cone scales; sawdust of different colors, twigs.

1. Draw a horizon line on a sheet of paper.

2. We fill the space of the sheet by making a background: mixing white plasticine with blue, we create the sky, white clouds and yellow earth. Apply a thin layer so as not to weigh down the cardboard.

3. Lay out the sun peas.

4. We will have a wedge of cranes made from seeds.

5. On the main part of the sheet we glue branches that will represent trees.

6. And the leaves will be from watermelon seeds.

7. Next up is a hedgehog made from pumpkin seeds and sunflowers.

8. We make mushrooms from beans, pumpkin and spruce scales.

9. We use sawdust to create grass.

And here is the finished work.


For children attending the 2nd grade of school, we can offer to make a wonderful picture from plasticine, which can become a gift for loved ones.


  • sheet of cardboard;
  • plasticine;
  • board;
  • stack.

A presentation about autumn, its beauty, music and poems on an autumn theme will help open the lesson.

1. From red, yellow, orange plasticine, roll out sticks of the same thickness (about 3 mm), but of different lengths.

2. We twist them into spirals.

3. They will become the crown of a tree: arrange them in this form.

4. We form the tree trunk from brown sticks.

5. Trim the bottom using a stack.

6. Add waviness to the red, yellow and orange stick blanks. We lay them tightly, pressing them against each other. These are leaves that have fallen from a tree.

7. Finally, we frame our picture in a frame made of lilac and pink sticks.

Photo ideas

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