Like a goat built a hut. Scenario of a Russian folk tale for children of the younger group. How a goat built a hut Who is the author of how a goat built a hut

Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "How a Goat Built a Hut"

Author: Nadezhda Vasilievna Moskvina, senior teacher.
Place of work: MBDOU "Putin kindergarten".
The script for the Russian folk tale "How a Goat Built a Hut" is intended for younger children preschool age. Dramatization can be used as group entertainment and as a theatrical performance at a fairy tale festival.
Target: Expand children's understanding of living nature.
1.Teach children dialogical speech.
2. Develop interest in theatrical production. Support children's desire to speak in front of other children and kindergarten staff.
3. Foster a caring attitude towards nature and all living things.
Leader (teacher), Goat (teacher), children - Goats, Apple Tree, Christmas Tree, Birch.
Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", looking at illustrations for the fairy tale, making costumes.
Progress of the performance:
On the stage there is a model of the hut of the old woman-talker, a barn (in the barn there is a goat with kids).
Leading: Once upon a time there lived an old talkative woman, and she had a goat with kids. In the morning people will get up, get to work, and the old woman talks, talks, talks - both with her neighbors, and with passers-by, and with herself!
And the goat and kids are locked in the barn. This is what the goat says to the kids...
Goat: Little goats, kids, we can’t live with an old woman who talks! Let's go into the forest, build ourselves a hut and live in it.
Leading: When the old talkative woman released the goat and her kids from the barn, they ran. Only the old woman saw them!
(The goat and the kids run away and walk through the forest; they meet an apple tree).
The goat came up to the forest apple tree and said...
Goat: Apple tree, apple tree! Can I build a hut under your branches? My goats and I have nowhere to live.
Yablonka: No. Don't build a hut under me. The apples will fall off me and your little goats will be hurt. Go somewhere else.
Leading: The goat went further and met a Christmas tree on the way.
(A goat with kids approaches the Christmas tree.)
Goat: Christmas tree, Christmas tree! Can I build a hut under you? My goats and I have nowhere to live.
Christmas tree: Don't build a hut under me. The cones will fall off me and your little goats will be hurt. Find a better place.
Leading: The goat and her kids went further and met a birch tree on the way.
(A goat with kids approaches a birch tree).
Goat: Birch, birch! Can I build a hut under you? My goats and I have nowhere to live.
Birch: I will protect your little goats from the heat, hide them from the rain, and protect them from the wind. Build a hut under me.
Leading: The goat was happy. She built a hut under a birch tree and began to live in it with her kids.
(Children-goats build a hut from modules).


One day a large cloud covered the sky. The sun didn't show for three days. The chickens are bored without sunlight.

Where did that sun go? - They say. - We need to return him to heaven as soon as possible.

Where will you find it? - the hen clucked. - Do you know where it lives?

“We don’t know, but we’ll ask whoever we meet,” the chickens answered.

The hen collected them for the journey. She gave me a small bag and a purse. In the bag there is a grain, in the purse there is a poppy seed.

The chickens have left. They walked and walked and saw: in the garden behind a head of cabbage, a snail was sitting. She is big, horned, and has a hut on her back. The chickens stopped and asked:

Snail, snail, do you know where the sun lives?

The snail thought and said:

Don't know. There's a magpie sitting on the fence - maybe she knows.

But the magpie didn’t even wait for the chickens to come to her. She flew up to them, chattered, and crackled:

Chickens, where are you going, where? Where are you chickens going, where?

Chicks swell:

Yes, the sun has disappeared. He was not in heaven for three days. Let's go look for him.

And I will go with you! And I will go with you! And I will go with you!

Do you know where the sun lives?

“I don’t know, but the hare maybe knows: he lives next door, across the border,” the magpie chirped.

The hare saw that guests were coming to him, straightened his hat, wiped his mustache and opened the gate wider.

Hare, hare,” the chickens squealed, the magpie chattered, “do you know where the sun lives?” We're looking for him.

I don’t know, but my neighbor, the duck, probably knows: she lives near the stream, in the reeds.

The hare led everyone to the stream. And near the stream there is a duck house, and the shuttle is close by.

Hey neighbor, are you home or not? - the hare shouted.

Home, home! - the duck quacked. “I still can’t dry out; there hasn’t been any sun for three days.”

And we are just going to look for the sun! - the chickens, the magpie and the hare shouted back to her. - Do you know where it lives?

I don’t know, but behind the stream, under a hollow beech tree, a hedgehog lives - he knows.

They crossed the stream in a canoe and went to look for the hedgehog. And the hedgehog sat under a beech tree and dozed.

Hedgehog, hedgehog,” the chickens, magpie, hare and duck shouted in unison, “don’t you know where the sun lives?” He wasn’t in heaven for three days, was he sick?

The hedgehog thought and said:

How could you not know! I know where the sun lives. Behind the beech tree is a large mountain. There is a big cloud on the mountain. The silver moon is above the cloud!

The hedgehog took a stick, pulled his hat down and walked in front of everyone to show the way.

So they came to the top of a high mountain. And there the cloud clung to the top and lay there.

A chicken, a magpie, a hare, a duck and a hedgehog climbed onto the cloud. We sat down more firmly, and the cloud flew straight to visit the month.

And the moon saw them and quickly lit up its silver horn.

Month, month,” the chickens, magpie, hare, duck and hedgehog shouted to him, “show us where the sun lives!” He was not in heaven for three days, we missed him.

The month brought them straight to the gates of the sun’s house, but the house was dark, there was no light: it was evident that the sun had fallen asleep and did not want to wake up.

Then the magpie chattered, the chickens squeaked, the duck quacked, the hare flapped his ears, and the hedgehog rattled with his stick:

Bucket sun, look out and shine!

Who is screaming under the window? - asked the sun. -Who is stopping me from sleeping?

This is us - chickens and magpies, and a hare, and a duck, and a hedgehog. We came to wake you up - morning has come.

Oh, oh!.. - the sun moaned, - how can I look at the sky? For three days the cloud hid me, for three days it overshadowed me, and now I can’t even shine...

The hare heard about this - he grabbed a bucket and started carrying water. A duck heard about this - let's wash the sun with water. And forty - wipe with a towel. Let's clean the hedgehog with prickly bristles. And the chickens began to brush away specks from the sun.

The sun came out into the sky, clean, clear and golden. And everywhere it became light and warm.

The chicken also came out to bask in the sun. She came out, clucked, and called the chickens to her. And the chickens are right there. They run around the yard, look for grains and bask in the sun.


One girl left home for the forest. She got lost in the forest and began to look for the way home, but didn’t find it, but came to a house in the forest.

The door was open; She looked at the door, saw that there was no one in the house, and entered. Three bears lived in this house. One bear had a father, his name was Mikhail Ivanovich. He was big and shaggy. The other was a bear. She was smaller, and her name was Nastasya Petrovna. The third was a little bear cub, and his name was Mishutka. The bears were not at home, they went for a walk in the forest.

There were two rooms in the house: one was a dining room, the other was a bedroom. The girl entered the dining room and saw three cups of stew on the table. The first cup, very large,

was Mikhaily Ivanycheva. The second cup, smaller, was Nastasya Petrovnina’s; the third, blue cup, was Mishutkina. Next to each cup lay a spoon: large, medium and small.

The girl took the largest spoon and sipped from the largest cup; then she took the middle spoon and sipped from the middle cup; then she took a small spoon and sipped from the little blue cup, and Mishutka’s stew seemed to her the best of all.

The girl wanted to sit down and saw three chairs at the table: one large - Mikhaily Ivanychev, another smaller - Nastasya Petrovnin, the third, small, with a blue cushion, - Mishutkin. She climbed onto a large chair and fell; then she sat on the middle chair, it was not easy to sit on it, then she sat on the small chair and laughed - it was so good. She took the blue cup and began to eat. She ate all the stew and began to rock on her chair.

The chair broke and she fell to the floor. She stood up, picked up her chair and went into another room. There were three beds there: one large – Mikhaily Ivanychev’s, the other medium – Nastasya Petrovnina’s. The third little one is Mishutkina. The girl lay down in the big one - it was too spacious; I lay down in the middle - it was too high; She lay down in the small bed - the bed was just right for her, and she fell asleep.

And the bears came home hungry and wanted to have dinner. The big bear took his cup, looked and roared in a terrible voice:

Who drank in my cup?

Nastasya Petrovna looked at her cup and growled not so loudly:

Who drank in my cup?

And Mishutka saw his empty cup and squeaked in a thin voice:

Who sipped in my cup and drank it all down?

Mikhailo Ivanovich looked at his chair and growled in a terrible voice:

Nastasya Petrovna looked at her chair and growled not so loudly:

Who was sitting on my chair and moved it from its place?

Mishutka looked at his broken chair and squeaked:

Who sat on my chair and broke it?

The bears came into another room.

Who lay on my bed and rumpled it? - Mikhailo Ivanovich roared in a terrible voice.

Who lay on my bed and rumpled it? – Nastasya Petrovna growled not so loudly.

And Mishenka put up a little bench, climbed into his crib and squeaked in a thin voice:

Who went to my bed?..

And suddenly he saw the girl and screamed as if he was being cut:

Here she is! Hold it, hold it! Here she is! Ay-yay! Hold it!

He wanted to bite her. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bears and rushed to the window. The window was open, she jumped out the window and ran away. And the bears did not catch up with her.


Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They had a granddaughter, Tanya. One day they were sitting outside their house, and a shepherd was driving a herd of cows past. All sorts of cows: red, and motley, and black, and white. And with one cow running next to him was a small black bull. Where it will jump, where it will jump. A very good bull.

Tanya says:

If only we could have a calf like this.

Grandfather thought and thought and came up with an idea: I’ll get a calf for Tanya. He didn’t say where he would get it.

Now the night has come. Grandma went to bed. Tanya went to bed, the cat went to bed, the dog went to bed, the chickens went to bed, but grandpa didn’t go to bed. I got ready slowly and went into the forest.

He came to the forest, picked resin from the trees, filled a bucket full and returned home.

Grandma is sleeping, Tanya is sleeping, the cat is sleeping, the dog is sleeping, the chickens are also asleep, one grandfather is not sleeping - the calf is doing. He took some straw and made a bull out of the straw. I took four sticks and made legs. Then he attached a head, horns, and then smeared everything with resin, and grandfather came out with a resin bull, a black barrel. Grandfather looked at the bull - a good bull. There's just something missing from him. What is it that he lacks? Grandfather began to look at it - there were horns, there were legs, but there was no tail! Grandfather took the rope and attached the tail. And just had time to adjust the tail - lo and behold! - the tar bull himself ran into the barn.

Tanya and her grandmother got up in the morning, went out into the yard, and a tar bull, a black barrel, was walking around the yard. Tanya was delighted, picked some grass, and began to feed the tar bull. And then she led the bull to graze. She drove it to a steep bank, onto a green meadow, tied it with a string, and went home. And the bull is eating grass and waving its tail.

Here comes Mishka the Bear from the forest. He stood and stood and looked here and there and saw a bull. The bull stands with its back to the forest, does not move, only its skin glistens in the sun.

“Look, you’re so fat,” thinks Mishka the Bear, “I’ll eat the bull.”

So the bear approached the bull sideways, sideways, grabbed the bull... and stuck to it. And the bull waved his tail and went home. “Top-top!..” The bear got scared and asked:

Tar bull, straw barrel, let me go into the forest!

And the bull walks, dragging the bear behind him.

And on the porch, grandfather, grandmother, and Tanya are sitting, greeting the bull. They looked and he brought a bear.

That's a bull! - says grandfather. - Look what a huge bear he brought. Now I’m going to sew myself a bear coat.

The bear got scared and asked:

Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter Tanya, don’t destroy me, let me go, I’ll bring you honey from the forest for this.

Grandfather pulled the bear's paws out of the bull's back. The bear rushed into the forest. They only saw him.

The next day Tanya again drove the bull to graze. The bull eats grass and wags its tail. Here comes out of the forest a wolf - a gray tail. I looked around and saw a bull. A wolf crept up, clicked his teeth, and grabbed the bull in the side, grabbed it and got stuck in the resin. A wolf here, a wolf here, a wolf this way and that. The gray one can't escape. So he began to ask for a bull:

Bullock, bullock, tar barrel! Let me go into the forest!

But the bull doesn’t seem to hear, he turns and goes home. “Top-top!” - and came.

The old man saw the wolf and said:

Hey! That's who the bull brought today! I will have a wolf fur coat!

The wolf got scared:

Oh, old man, let me go into the forest, I’ll bring you a bag of nuts for this.

The wolf's grandfather was released - he was the only one they saw.

And tomorrow the bull went to graze. He walks around the meadow, eats grass, and drives away flies with his tail. Suddenly a runaway bunny jumped out of the forest. He looks at the bull and wonders: what kind of bull is walking here? I ran up to it, touched it with my paw, and it stuck.

Ah ah ah! - the runaway bunny cried.

And the bull “top-top!” - brought him home.

Well done bull! - says grandfather. “Now I’ll sew bunny mittens for Tanya.”

And the bunny asks:

Let me go. I’ll bring you cabbages and a red ribbon for Tanya.

The old man pulled out the hare's foot. The bunny galloped away.

In the evening, grandfather and grandmother, and granddaughter Tanya sat on the porch - they looked: a bear was running into their yard, carrying a whole beehive of honey - here you go!

Before they had time to take the honey, they run Gray wolf, carries a bag of nuts - please!

Before they had time to take the nuts, the bunny runs - a head of cabbage and a red ribbon for Tanya - take it quickly! No one was deceived.


There lived a king. He had three sons. It's time to marry them. The king said:

Shoot your arrows, my sons, wherever they fly, and take your wives from there.

And so they did.

The eldest son shot an arrow, and it fell in the courtyard of one king. The eldest son married the daughter of this king. “The middle son shot an arrow and it fell in the courtyard of the king’s advisor. The middle son married the adviser's daughter.

The youngest son shot an arrow, and it fell into the swamp. The youngest son went, with difficulty found his arrow, pulled it out of the swamp, and a frog jumped out after the arrow.

The prince got angry, threw the frog away, and it went to him. He chases her, scolds her, but she still doesn’t lag behind. No matter how angry the prince was, the frog jumped into the palace with him.

The king did not want to deviate from his word, so he married his son to that frog. The older daughters-in-law laugh, laugh, mock their brother-in-law, rejoice at his shame. The prince is silent, he endures it, and what should he do?

The brothers separated, leaving the youngest son alone with his frog. He took one woman into his service: what kind of mistress is a frog? But as soon as the husband and that woman leave the house, the frog will shed his frog skin and turn into a beautiful woman; She is such a beauty, such that the rays of her beauty illuminate the whole house. She will run around the house, sweep, put everything away, clean it, set it to cook dinner, then climb back into her frog skin and nap by the fire.

So a year passed. The prince called the worker and said:

Let's calculate how much I owe you for the year, I want to pay you for your efforts. And the worker answers:

You don’t owe me anything, I didn’t do anything, I was doing nothing for a whole year.

Who did all the work, who looked after my house?

How do I know?

The young man decided to lie in wait and find out who was working in his house, and hid.

The frog thought that he had left, took off her frog skin, threw it away, and became such a beauty that the rays of her beauty illuminated the whole house. She fussed around, tidied everything up, kneaded the dough, put out the bread and began to light the fire. Then the husband came out of his corner, grabbed the frog skin and threw it into the fire.

Don’t burn,” she shouted, “you’ll regret it!”

But it was too late. The husband and wife lived together, okay and happily. Rumors spread about that beauty throughout the land. The older daughters-in-law also found out, they are angry and angry, ready to burst with anger.

Soon the king invited his sons and daughters-in-law to visit him. The daughter-in-law frog sent a man to her elder daughters-in-law:

There wasn't enough paper for the dress, can you send some? They answered:

We sew dresses from paper ourselves, we don’t have enough.

They believed the frog-daughter-in-law and sewed paper dresses for themselves to go to visit the king. The daughter-in-law frog again sent a man to her elder daughters-in-law:

Would you lend me a horse, a donkey, or even a dog to go visit the king?

We ourselves need a horse, a donkey, and a dog.

They dressed up in paper dresses and sat down: the eldest daughter-in-law on a mare, the second on a donkey. They loaded the dog with luggage and went to the father-in-law. And the frog-daughter-in-law said to her husband:

Go to my homeland, say: “I ask you to send a red horse, a blue horse and a white horse!”

My husband did everything. The beauty herself sat on the red horse, put her husband on the blue one, loaded her luggage on the white one - and we went to her father-in-law.

When halfway was left, the daughter-in-law frog caused torrential rain. The older daughters-in-law in their paper dresses were soaked through, they barely made it there alive, and as they began to enter the king’s room and sit down at the table, all their dresses became limp and torn off. Wet, ashamed and angry, the elder daughters-in-law went back, and the frog daughter-in-law and her husband remained to visit the king.

The father-in-law really liked his daughter-in-law, and he says to his son:

Give me your wife.

The son refused. Father said:

If you plow and sow all that field in one day, that’s good, but if not, I’ll take your wife away.

My son is sad. That field cannot be plowed even in a hundred days by six pairs of oxen; how can he alone plow and sow in one day? He comes to his wife.

Are you sad? - asks the wife. My husband told me.

I said, don’t burn your skin, you’ll regret it! There is nothing to do - go to my homeland and say: “I ask you to send a magic plow.” Take grain with you too. The plow will plow itself and sow itself.

The prince did everything, but the king now demanded that all the grain that had been sown be dug up and brought back. “If not, I’ll take my wife away,” said the king. The prince came again sad to his wife. She asks:

Why are you sad, my dear?

So and so, says the husband. The wife said:

Go to my homeland, say: “I ask you to send a black magic skein.” Throw it into a sown field, it will turn into ants - and those ants will collect the grain.

And so it happened. The ants collected all the grain, brought it to the king, the king counted it and said:

One grain is missing.

“And here they are carrying him,” said the prince. We looked - and sure enough, an ant was running and shouting:

I carry it, I carry it! The king said:

Before dawn, surround the entire castle with a stone fence, or if not, I’ll take my wife away!

The prince went sadly again to his wife. Told her everything. She said:

Go to my homeland, tell them to send me a magic mirror. If they do, point it at the castle and a fence will appear around the castle.

And so they did. The next morning everything was ready. The prince walks back and forth along the fence, rejoicing.

The king said:

If you manage to bring back from your mother’s little finger the ring that she took to the next world, good, but if not, I’ll take your wife away!

The prince went home sad. The wife asks:

What's wrong with you, my life?

My father ordered me to bring my mother’s ring from the other world, but if not, he will take you away.

“Go to my homeland,” said the wife, “say: “I ask you to send a large scarf.” Throw a scarf over a tree and you will find yourself in the next world.

This is what the prince did. They gave him a handkerchief, he threw it over a tall tree and fell into the next world. He sees: the woman melted the tone so that sparks were falling, and hung into it. The prince was surprised and asked:

Why have you become over this tone?

Come on in, I'll tell you when you come back. A lot of people go there, but no one comes from there. The young man went further. He sees: the woman turned the tone red hot, leaned over him,

tears off her breasts and sculpts her to the hot walls of the tone.

What are you doing, mother?

Come on in, I'll tell you when you come back. A lot of people go there, but no one comes from there. The prince went further and saw: the husband and wife had spread out a cow skin and were lying down on

they won't settle down.

What's wrong with you, why can't you lie down on such a huge skin? - asked the prince.

Come on in, we'll tell you when you come back. A lot of people go there, but no one comes from there. The young man went further and saw: a husband and wife were lying down on an ax handle, lying down - it was a delight to watch.

“How did you lie down on one ax?” asked the prince.

Come on in, we'll tell you when you come back. A lot of people go there, but no one comes from there. The young man went further and saw: a plowman was lying, nine pairs of bulls and oxen were walking around

they toss and turn him, lick him, slobber all over him.

“Man, get up,” said the prince, “why are you letting these animals torment you?”

“Come along, when you come back, I’ll tell you,” said the plowman, “a lot of people go there, but no one comes from there.”

My son, what misfortune befell you that made you come here?

My father made me go to you. If I don’t bring him the ring from your little finger, he’ll take my wife away from me.

“Here, bring it,” said the mother, “and so tell him: “I didn’t take anything from you from all your wealth, except for this one ring, and if you’re crying about it, then take it, and the fire along with it.” him. Burn in it."

The son took the ring and returned. He passed by a plowman who was being licked by bulls and said:

I was the senior plowman, but wrong: when it was necessary to plow my field, I harnessed the oxen before dawn, in the dark, and unharnessed them only at night, but as for others, I harnessed them at noon and released them by lunchtime. That's why I suffer so much.

He passed by a husband and wife who were lying on an ax handle, and they said to him:

We lived like that there, and we live like that here.

He passed by those that did not fit on the cow skin, and they said:

We couldn’t get along there, and we’re suffering just as much here. A woman passed by who was tearing breasts and baking them in tone, and she said:

When I baked bread, I didn’t give anyone a piece, and that’s why I suffer. He passed by another woman who was standing over the red-hot tone, and she said:

I didn’t love my husband, I caressed others - and this is what I endure for it. The prince threw the handkerchief over again, and that light closed.

He came to the king and said:

This is what your mother told you to say: “I took nothing but this ring from all your wealth, so take it and the fire with it, burn in it.”

As soon as he spoke, a flame appeared and the evil king burned.


One day in the spring, the sun rose early, washed itself with warm rain and went for a walk in the sky.

He looks: the land is good! Both forests and meadows are all dressed in green, every blade of grass shimmers with beads. And yet something is missing.

What else could you come up with? - Sunny asked herself. - How to please people?

It waved its golden sleeve - specks of solar dust splashed onto the ground, and cheerful yellow dandelion lights lit up in the meadows and on the paths.

They look like me! - Sunny was happy.

And the angry Winter was hiding nearby - in a deep forest, in a deep ravine. She heard Sunny laughing and quietly looked out from her hiding place. He looks, and there are many, many little suns shining in the grass. Oh, and Winter is angry here! She waved her silver sleeve and dusted the cheerful lights with snow. And she went far to the north. Since then, the dandelion brothers have been flaunting themselves, first in a yellow outfit, and then in a white fluffy fur coat.

Naughty kids

Here is the peak of summer - July. The spring bustle is over, the autumn bustle has not yet begun.

On a hot afternoon, there is such silence in the forest that it seems that no one lives in it. And even if he lives, he knows no worries. But it only seems so: the forest is full of animals and birds, and they even have more worries.

The Bear was sitting in a clearing, crumbling a stump. The Hare galloped up and said:

Troubles, Bear, in the forest. Little ones don't listen to old people.

How so?! - the Bear barked.

Yes, that’s right,” answers the Hare. - Everyone strives in their own way. They scatter in all directions.

Well, Hare, let's go see what's what.

The Bear and the Hare went through the forests, fields and swamps. As soon as they entered the dense forest, they heard:

I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I left my mother, I left my father!

What kind of bun showed up? - the Bear barked.

And I’m not a bun at all! I'm an adult Little Squirrel!

Why then is your tail short? Answer, how old are you?

Don't be angry, Uncle Bear. I'm not even one year old yet. And it won’t be enough for six months. But you bears live for sixty years, and we squirrels live for ten years at most. And it turns out that I, six months old, in your bearish sense, are exactly three years old! Remember, Bear, yourself at three years old. I suppose you also got a streak from the she-bear?

What's true is true! - growled the Bear. “I still remember for a year, I looked after my younger brother, acted as a nanny, and then I ran away.”

Of course, I'm smarter than everyone else. I'm digging a house between the roots!

What kind of pig is this in the forest? - the Bear roared.

I, dear Bear, am not a piglet, but an almost adult, independent Chipmunk.

Answer me, Chipmunk, why did you run away from your mother?

That’s why he ran away, it was time! Autumn is just around the corner, it's time to think about the hole, about winter supplies! You, Bear, have no worries in winter: you sleep and suck your paw!

Your truth. “I have few worries in winter,” muttered the Bear. - Let's go further, Hare.

The Bear and the Hare came to the swamp and heard:

Although small, but brave, he swam across the channel. He settled with his aunt in the swamp.

Do you hear how he boasts? - whispered the Hare. - He ran away from home and even sings songs!

The Bear roared:

Why did you run away from home, why don’t you live with your mother?

Don't growl, Bear, first find out what's what! I’m my mother’s first-born: I can’t live with her.

How can this not be done? – the Bear does not calm down. – Firstborns are always mothers’ favorites.

“My mother is a Water Rat,” answers Little Rat. “I brought rat pups three times over the summer. If everyone lives together, there won’t be enough space or food. Whether you want it or not, settle down. That's it, Bear!

The Bear scratched his cheek and looked at the Hare angrily:

You tore me away, Hare, to no avail from a serious matter! I was alarmed in vain. Everything in the forest goes as it should be: the old grow old, the young grow.

And he went through the raspberries.


Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They had a granddaughter Mashenka.

Once the girlfriends got together in the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. They came to invite Mashenka with them.

Grandfather, grandmother, says Mashenka, let me go into the forest with my friends!

Grandfather and grandmother answer:

Go, just make sure you don’t lag behind your friends, otherwise you’ll get lost.

The girls came to the forest and began picking mushrooms and berries. Here Mashenka - tree by tree, bush by bush - and went far, far away from her friends.

She began to call around, began to call them, but her friends did not hear, did not respond.

Mashenka walked and walked through the forest - she got completely lost. She came to the very wilderness, to the very thicket. He sees a hut standing there. Mashenka knocked on the door - no answer. She pushed the door - the door opened.

Mashenka entered the hut, sat down on a bench by the window and thought:

“Who lives here? Why is no one visible?..”

And in that hut lived a huge bear. Only he was not at home: he was walking through the forest.

The bear returned in the evening, saw Mashenka, and was delighted.

Yeah,” he says, “now I won’t let you go!” You will live with me. You will light the stove, you will cook porridge, you will feed me porridge.

Masha pushed, grieved, but nothing could be done. She began to live with the bear in the hut.

The bear will go into the forest for the whole day, and Mashenka is told not to leave the hut without him.

“And if you leave,” he says, “I’ll catch you anyway and then I’ll eat you!”

Mashenka began to think about how she could escape from the bear. There are forests all around, he doesn’t know which way to go, there’s no one to ask...

She thought and thought and came up with an idea.

One day a bear comes from the forest, and Mashenka says to him:

Bear, bear, let me go to the village for a day: I’ll take gifts to grandma and grandpa.

No, says the bear, you will get lost in the forest. Give me some gifts, I'll carry them myself.

And that’s exactly what Mashenka needs!

She baked pies, took out a big, big box and said to the bear:

Here, look: I’ll put the pies in this box, and you take them to grandpa and grandma. Yes, remember: don’t open the box on the way, don’t eat the pies. I’ll climb up the oak tree and keep an eye on you!

Okay,” the bear answers, “give me the box!”

Mashenka says:

Go out onto the porch and see if it's raining!

As soon as the bear came out onto the porch, Mashenka immediately climbed into the box and covered herself with pies on top.

The bear returned and saw that the box was ready. He put him on his back and went to the village. A bear walks between fir trees, a bear wanders between birch trees, goes down into ravines, and up hills. He walked and walked, got tired and said:

I’ll sit on a stump and eat a pie!

And Masha from the box:

Don't sit on the tree stump, don't eat the pie! Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa!

Look, she’s so big-eyed,” says the bear, “she sees everything!”

I’ll sit on a stump and eat a pie!

And Mashenka from the box again:

See see! Don't sit on the tree stump, don't eat the pie! Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa!

The bear was surprised:

That's how cunning! He sits high and looks far away!

He got up and walked quickly.

I came to the village, found the house where my grandparents lived, and let’s knock on the gate with all our might:

Unlock, open! I brought you some gifts about Mashenka.

And the dogs sensed the bear and rushed at him. They run and bark from all the yards. The bear got scared, put the box at the gate and ran into the forest without looking back.

Grandfather and grandmother came out to the gate. They see the box is standing. They lifted the lid and couldn’t believe their eyes: Mashenka was sitting in the box, alive and healthy.

Grandfather and grandmother were delighted. They began to hug Mashenka, kiss her, and call her smart.


Once upon a time there was a man; he had a cat, but it was so mischievous that it was a disaster! The guy is tired of him. So the man thought and thought, took the cat, put it in a bag, tied it up and carried it into the forest. He brought it and threw it in the forest: let it disappear!

The cat walked and walked and came across a hut in which the forester lived; he climbed into the attic and lies down for himself, and if he wants to eat, he will go through the forest to catch birds and mice, eat his fill and go back to the attic, and he won’t have enough grief!

One day a cat went for a walk, and a fox met him, saw the cat and was surprised:

I’ve been living in the forest for so many years, but I’ve never seen such an animal.

She bowed to the cat and asked:

Tell me, good fellow, who are you, how did you come here and what should I call you by name?

And the cat threw up his fur and said:

I was sent to you by the governor from the Siberian forests, and my name is Kotofey Ivanovich.

Ah, Kotofey Ivanovich, I didn’t know about you, I didn’t know: well, let’s go and visit me.

The cat went to the fox; She brought him into her hole and began to treat him, and she asked:

What, Kotofey Ivanovich, are you married or single?

Single, says the cat.

And I, fox maiden, marry me.

The cat agreed, and they began to feast and have fun.

The next day the fox went to get supplies so that she and her young husband could have something to live with; and the cat stayed at home. A fox runs, and a wolf meets her, and asks:

Where have you been, godmother?

Haven't you heard that governor Kotofey Ivanovich was sent to us from the Siberian forests? I am now the governor's wife.

No, I haven't heard. How would you look at it?

Uh! Kotofey Ivanovich is so angry with me: if anyone doesn’t like him, he’ll eat him now! Prepare the ram and bring it to him for worship. Put the ram down, and hide yourself so that he doesn’t see you, otherwise, brother, things will get tough!

The wolf ran after the ram.
A fox is coming, and a bear is meeting her.

Hello, Lizaveta Ivanovna, where have you been?

I used to be a vixen maiden, and now I’m a married wife.

Who did you marry, Lizaveta Ivanovna?

And who was sent to us from the Siberian forests by the commander, I call him Kotofey Ivanovich, and I married him.

Can't you look at him?

Uh! Kotofey Ivanovich is so angry with me: if anyone doesn’t like him, he’ll eat him now! Prepare the bull and bring it to him to bow to. The wolf wants to bring a ram. You put the bull down and hide yourself so that Kotofey Ivanovich doesn’t see you, otherwise things will be difficult.

The bear followed the bull.

The wolf brought the ram, and the bear looked at him dragging the bull. They began to think about where to hide. Bear says:

I'll climb a pine tree.

What should I do? I will never climb a tree! Mikhailo Ivanovich, please hide, help the grief.

The bear put him in the bushes and covered him with dry leaves, and he climbed up the pine tree to the very top of his head and waited.

Here comes a cat with a fox. The bear saw them and said to the wolf:

Well, brother Levon Ivanovich, the fox is coming with her husband; how small he is!

The cat came and immediately rushed at the bull, his fur became ruffled, and he began to tear the meat with his teeth and paws, and he purred as if he was angry:

Not enough, not enough!

And the bear says:

Not big, but gluttonous! The four of us can’t eat, and it’s not enough for him alone; Perhaps it will reach us too!

The wolf wanted to look at Kotofey Ivanovich, but he couldn’t see him through the leaves! He began to move the leaves apart, and the cat heard the leaves moving, thought it was a mouse, but he rushed and grabbed the wolf’s face with his claws.

The wolf jumped up and ran, and was gone. And the cat got scared and rushed straight to the tree where the bear was sitting.

“Well,” the bear thinks, “he saw me!”

There was no time to get down, so he fell from the tree to the ground, knocking off all his livers; jumped up - and run! And the fox shouts after him:

He'll ask you! Wait!

From then on, all the animals began to be afraid of the cat; and the cat and the fox stocked up on meat for the whole winter and began to live and live for themselves, and now they live and chew bread.


A long time ago there lived a dog in the forest. Alone, alone. She was bored. The dog wanted to find a friend. A friend who would not be afraid of anyone. The dog met a hare in the forest and said:

Come on, bunny, be friends with you, live together!

“Come on,” the bunny agreed.

In the evening they found a place to stay for the night and went to bed. At night a mouse ran past them, the dog heard a rustling sound and how it jumped up and barked loudly! The hare woke up in fright, his ears shaking from fear.

Why are you barking? - says to the dog. “When the wolf hears it, he’ll come here and eat us!”

“This is an unimportant friend,” the dog thought, “he’s afraid of the wolf. And the wolf is probably not afraid of anyone.” In the morning the dog said goodbye to the hare and went to look for the wolf. She met him in a remote ravine and said:

Come on, wolf, be friends with you, live together!

Well, the wolf answers. - It will be more fun together.

At night they went to bed. A frog was jumping past, the dog heard it jump up and bark loudly. The wolf woke up in fright and let’s scold the dog:

Oh, you, so-so-so-so!.. The bear will hear your barking, come here and tear us apart.

“And the wolf is afraid,” thought the dog. “I’d better make friends with a bear.” She went to the bear:

Bear-hero, let's be friends and live together!

Okay, says the bear. -Come to my den.

And at night the dog heard him crawling past the den, jumped up and barked. The bear got scared and scolded the dog:

Stop doing that! A man will come and skin us.

“Gee! - the dog thinks. “And this one turned out to be cowardly.”

She ran away from the bear and went to the man:

Man, let's be friends and live together!

The man agreed, fed the dog, and built a warm kennel for it near his hut. At night the dog barks and guards the house. And the person doesn’t scold her for this - he says thank you. Since then, dog and man have lived together.


Once upon a time there lived an old woman who spoke, and she had a goat with kids. In the morning people will get up and get to work, but the old woman will still lie on the stove. Only by lunchtime will he get up, eat, drink and let’s talk. She talks, talks, talks - both with neighbors, and with passers-by, and with herself!

And the goat and kids are locked in a barn - they can’t pluck grass, they can’t drink water, they can’t run around...

One day the goat said to her kids:

Little goats, children, we shouldn’t live with an old woman who talks! Let's go into the forest, build ourselves a hut and live in it.

When the old talkative woman released the goat and her kids from the barn, they ran. Only the old woman saw them!

They ran into the forest and began to look for a place to build a hut.

The goat came up to the forest apple tree and said:

Apple tree, apple tree! Can I build a hut under your branches?

“Don’t build a hut under me,” the apple tree answers. “The apples will fall off me and your little goats will be hurt.” Go somewhere else.

The goat went to the Christmas tree:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree! Can I build a hut under you?

“Don’t build a hut under me,” the tree answers. “The cones will fall off me and your little goats will be hurt.” Find a better place!

Oak, oak! Can I build a hut under you?

“Don’t build a hut under me,” the oak tree answers. “In the fall, the acorns will fall off me and your kids will be hurt.” You will grieve yourself.

The goat went to the aspen tree.

Aspen, aspen! Can I build a hut under you?

The aspen tree shook with all its branches, all its leaves:

My leaves make noise day and night - they won’t let your children sleep. Find a better place!

...The goat went to the birch tree:

Birch, birch! Can I build a hut under you?

The birch tree shook its branches and said:

I will protect your little goats from the heat, hide them from the rain, and protect them from the wind. Build a hut under me.

The goat was happy. She built a hut under a birch tree and began to live in it with her kids.


You probably won't believe this tale. However, not everything in the fairy tale is fiction, there is truth in it, otherwise why would people tell it.

One day, on a clear sunny day, a hedgehog stood near his house, sang a song and suddenly decided: “I’ll go to the field and look at the rutabaga. While the hedgehog’s wife washes and dresses the children, I will have time to visit the field and return home.”

  • Telling the Russian folk tale “How a goat built a hut.”
  • Consolidating knowledge about domestic animals.
  • Drawing using an unconventional method

Program content: encourage emotional perception of the content of the tale.

Develop the ability to convey characteristics domestic animals (goats), using a structural and logical diagram.

Clarify and consolidate knowledge about domestic animals, their characteristic features and body structure. Develop auditory attention and memory.

To form phonemic hearing in children. Strengthen the skills and ability to draw using an unconventional method. Cultivate perseverance and the ability to listen to answers to the end.

Material: Planar figures of trees: apple trees, spruce trees, birch trees; goats with kids, mnemonic table, outline images of dogs and cats, blue and brown markers.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator:Children, I want to invite you to the Skazkino village.

Take our magical train and it will take you to a fairy tale.

All the children sat comfortably in the carriages ,

Our train is leaving.

Trailer~ trailers

They're rattling along the rails,

They are taking us to the village of Skazkino.

A group of guys.

Children: (moving like a train) chug-chug-chug

Here we are! Come on, come on,

We are very glad to see you

WITH interesting a new fairy tale

I'll introduce you now

Sit down more and more comfortably ,

Show me your eyes

Listen to the story, children.

I'll tell you a Russian folk tale. It's called "How a Goat Built a Hut."

Educator:(tells a fairy tale)

Children, what people composed this fairy tale?

So this is a Russian folk tale.

What is the name of the fairy tale?

Why do you think the goat and her kids ran away from the old woman?

Do you remember what trees the goat and her kids encountered along the way?

Which tree agreed to shelter a goat and her kids? (interview 2-3 children)

Educator:Well done, listened to the story carefully. Now, everyone stand in a circle and let’s warm up a little ( musical physical education)

Educator: sit down

Children, what do you think, is a goat domestic or a wild animal?

Prove that she is a pet.

The correct answer is given in the table that needs to be solved.

TO.- goat (first letter of the word) House.- Domestic AND.- animals (first letter of the word)

And now, using this table, you need to make up a story about a goat, ( story for 2-3 children).

Well done, children! Based on our table, you have compiled full story about a goat.

Can you name any other domestic animals that start with the sound “k”? (cat, rabbit, cow, horse)

Now listen to the poem and try to remember which pets I will list?

People domesticated animals

And they became home.

A man builds a house for them,

Cooks food every day

Cleans, washes, if necessary, treats

Kitty, rabbit and calf

Chicken, goose and rooster:

Their life is certainly not bad

And for this people get

Milk to drink with tea

And also love and kindness.

What pets do you know?

How do you think pets thank their


Cow gives milk

The dog guards the house

Sheep and goat provide wool

The horse carries a load

Cat catches mice

The rabbit gives fluff

Let us also express our love and kindness to pets and put fur coats on cats and dogs. Go to the tables, make yourself comfortable. Here are drawings and markers. What color coats will cats have? What about dogs?

We will draw fur coats with a loop (remember the technique of drawing with a loop)

Take markers and show in the air how to draw loops

Get started.

Children draw, the teacher helps if necessary .

Take your drawings, bring them to me, stand in a circle.

Well done, everyone did it, these are the fur coats we dressed for the cats and

dogs. I think they really liked it and thank you.

What did you remember from the lesson?

I really liked the way you studied, you were attentive and active. I was especially pleased with Yaroslava, Snezhena, Emil, and Nastya.

Now get into the magic carriages and let’s go back to the group:

Carriages, trailers

They're rattling along the rails,

They take you back to the group

A group of guys.

Topic: “How a goat built a hut.” Russian folktale

  • didactic:
  • development of speech skills
  • reading skill development
  • developing:
  • educational:
  • Equipment:

  • textbook Z.I. Romanovskaya “Literary reading 1st grade”
  • use of PC and interactive whiteboard
  • green mugs for each student
  • During the classes

  • Organizational moment
  • Updating of reference knowledge
  • Introduction to the topic
  • Slide 1:

    Slide 2:

    Slide 3:

    Reading with stops

    - How did the goat live? (Badly)



  • Reading part 2 (in chain)
  • Reading part 3 (in chain)
  • And what did the apple tree answer?

    Physical education

    That's an apple!

    It's full of sweet juice!

    The wind began to shake the twig,

    And it's hard to get an apple.

    I'll jump up and extend my hand

    And I’ll quickly pick an apple.

  • Reading part 5
  • Reading part 6
  • How could she tell then?

  • Reading part 7
  • Reading part 9
  • Reading part 10
  • How could she refuse?

    What will the goat do?

  • Reading part 11
  • Reading part 12
  • Why did the rosehip fail?

    Physical education

    The wind blows in our faces

    The tree swayed.

    The wind is getting quieter, quieter,

    The tree is getting higher and higher.

    Let's check.

  • Checking your understanding
  • Slide 4

  • Analysis
  • -

  • Homework
  • During the classes

  • Organizational moment
  • The bell rings and class begins.

    Guys, today we have guests at our lesson. (introducing)

    Eastern wisdom says: “A guest in the house brings joy to the house.” I hope that our lesson will be joyful and interesting.

  • Updating of reference knowledge
  • Introduction to the topic
  • Today we will get acquainted with a new literary work.

    Guys, what literary works do you know? (poems, fairy tales, stories)

    Which of these works do you like best? (fairy tales)

  • Do you want to know why I love fairy tales?
  • The best answer is conveyed by the proverb::

    Slide 1:“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows.”

    Lying is bad. So, it turns out that I love bad things?

    What does “lie” mean in a proverb? (A lie means fiction, and that’s not a bad thing)

    I know that you love fairy tales, so we will read an interesting fairy tale and very instructive.

    And I will ask you to think and try to say what is the hint in this fairy tale?

  • Leading the main characters of the tale through problematic situation and classification of types of fairy tales by authorship
  • Slide 2: old woman, goat with kids, apple tree, oak, aspen, rosehip, birch.

    These are the main characters of the fairy tale. Name them.

    You see, there are characters here: people, animals, and plants. Who do you think wrote this fairy tale? (Russian people)

    Who else can write fairy tales? (writer)

    Well done, you guessed it, it really is a folk tale.

    Slide 3:“How a goat built a hut” (Russian folk tale)

    Open the book to page 86.

  • Perception, comprehension, and primary memorization
  • Where do you think the goat lives? (in the barn)

    What do you know about her? (pet, gives milk, eats grass and bushes, she has kids)

    How do you think a goat lives? (Fine)

    Want to know if you're right or wrong?

    Reading with stops

  • Reading part 1 (by a well-read student)
  • - How did the goat live? (Badly)

    - What advice would you give to a goat? (...)

    - Do you want to know how the goat did?

  • Reading part 2 (in chain)
  • What do you think is the best place to build a hut - on a flat meadow, or where there are trees? Why?

    Do you want to know which place the goat wanted to choose?

  • Reading part 3 (in chain)
  • The goat wanted to build a hut under a tree. (Shadow, greenery, beautiful, you can hide from the rain)

    Do you think the apple tree has resolved?

  • Reading part 4 (independently)
  • Why do you think the apple tree didn’t allow it?

    How would you respond if your friend asked to sit next to you and the chair was broken?

    And what did the apple tree answer?

    In fact, maybe the apple tree didn’t want to help the goat?

    Or maybe she wanted to, but was afraid for the kids?

    How could she tell then?

    Is it very dangerous if an apple falls? (there may be a bump, but there is always food)

    In fact, did the apple tree want to help the goat? (We don't know the right answer)

    So in life it can be difficult to understand whether a person really wants to help or not?

    What do you think the goat will do? (asks someone else)

    Physical education

    That's an apple!

    It's full of sweet juice!

    Reach out your hand and pick an apple.

    The wind began to shake the twig,

    And it's hard to get an apple.

    I'll jump up and extend my hand

    And I’ll quickly pick an apple.

  • Reading part 5
  • What do you think the tree answered?

  • Reading part 6
  • Maybe she didn't want to help the goat?

    How could she tell then?

    What do you think the goat will do? (turn to someone else)

  • Reading part 7
  • How do you think the oak tree will respond?

  • Reading part 8 (buzz reading)
  • Why didn't the oak tree allow the hut to be built?

    Are small acorns dangerous for baby goats?

    Did the oak tree really want to help the goat?

    How then should he say?

    What do you think the goat will do? (will search again)

  • Reading part 9
  • What do you think the aspen tree will answer?

  • Reading part 10
  • Does the rustling of leaves interfere with your sleep?

    Then why did the aspen tree fail?

    How could she refuse?

    What will the goat do?

  • Reading part 11
  • What do you think the rosehip will answer?

  • Reading part 12
  • Why did the rosehip fail?

    Was he really worried about the kids?

    What could he offer the goat? (build a hut a little to the side)

    Physical education

    The wind blows in our faces

    The tree swayed.

    The wind is getting quieter, quieter,

    The tree is getting higher and higher.

    Guys, can plants be condemned for refusing?

    Do they have the right to refuse if they don’t want to help?

    Imagine the situation: you are rushing home, your mother is waiting there, worried. And a friend asked to let the boats float in the puddle. What will you do?

    Guys, if you were rejected once, twice, three times, four times, what feelings would you experience?

    What would you do, refuse to look for an assistant or continue searching?

    What do you think, what did the goat do?

    Let's check.

  • Reading part 13 (pause after reading)
  • Checking your understanding
  • Can we say that the goat is lucky? (she searched and worked, so she found it.)

    Slide 4: “You can’t catch a fish out of a pond without effort.”

    Guys, at the beginning of the lesson we said that we need to learn a hint and a moral from this fairy tale. What does she teach?

    Do you sometimes fail, for example, when you had to look for help more than once, and finally found someone who helped you? Tell me.

  • Analysis
  • - Guys, I propose to continue the phrase to the person to whom I throw the ball. (a game)

    If I don’t succeed in something in life, then I will...(ask someone to help)

    I have the right to refuse help if I...(can’t, don’t want)

    When refusing help, I will try... (not to offend, explain)

    Guys, what characters’ actions do you like, and whose friend would you like to be?

    Place the green mugs in the pockets under the pictures. (On the desk)

    Purpose of the task: to see the social value of the actions of the heroes of the fairy tale

  • Homework
  • Draw pictures for the fairy tale to create a picture plan. You can gather in groups where everyone draws their own picture. And then in class we’ll try to retell it based on your drawing.


    Russian folk tale “How a goat built a hut”


  • didactic:
  • development of speech skills
  • reading skill development
  • developing:
  • develop text analysis skills
  • develop the ability to explain the actions of heroes
  • develop the ability to compare objects, actions
  • develop communication skills
  • educational:
  • foster an understanding that in any situation there is a way out
  • develop the understanding that if you look for help, you will always find it
  • create an understanding that a person has the right to refuse
  • teach to see motives, reasons and their probable nature behind actions

    Lesson in mastering new knowledge (according to P. I. Tretyakov)

    Lesson steps



    Stage goals

    Teacher activities

    Student activities

    Reproductive activity

    Constructive activity

    Creative activity

    1.Organizing moment


    Says hello, gets you ready to work emotionally, offers to check your readiness for the lesson

    Checking readiness for the lesson

    Prepare students for work

    2. Updating the supporting material


    Problem conversation

    Invites you to remember what types of works you have read and who the author of these works is. Offers to guess what will be read and what genre the work belongs to

    They remember and name well-known genres: fairy tale, short story, poem, name types of fairy tales (author’s, folk)

    To emotionally tune in to reading a fairy tale and identifying its main idea, to create a need for reading a fairy tale.

    Review the main genres of literary works and types of fairy tales by authorship

    3. Perception, comprehension, primary memorization

    Individual, frontal

    "Reading with Stops" (Bloom's Questions)

    The basis is a problematic method

    Organizes the reading of the fairy tale text in parts, asks questions about the text.

    Read the text of the fairy tale in parts (13 students), the rest listen

    They put forward hypotheses, test their assumptions, analyze the actions of fairy tale characters, and compare them with situations from their own lives.

    4.Checking mastery, consolidation.


    Heuristic conversation

    Asks questions of a cause-and-effect nature aimed at understanding the main idea of ​​the fairy tale

    They express their opinion about the actions of the heroes of the fairy tale, project the situation of the fairy tale onto real ones life situations,

    To develop communication skills, teach to analyze the actions of fairy tale characters, understand the reasons for the characters’ actions, and analyze these actions

    5. Analysis, reflection


    Heuristic conversation

    Design their own behavior in similar situations, evaluate the actions of the heroes of the fairy tale

    Learn to plan and analyze your own actions, find a way out of various difficult situations, see different ways to solve problems, develop coherent speech skills.


    Individual upon request

    If desired, draw pictures for the text in groups or individually to create a picture plan.

    Danikova Natalya Viktorovna

    Integrated lesson based on the Russian fairy tale of the same name “How a goat built a hut” (Younger group)

    Prepared by the teacher

    MBDOU No. 2 Art. Leningradskaya

    Piunova A.V.

    Target: Introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to listen and understand a fairy tale, accompanied by a display on a flannelgraph, familiarize themselves with nature.

    Tasks: Continue to form in children ideas about birch, fir, aspen (highlight the trunk, branches, leaves, needles) and the concepts of “one”, “many”; strengthen the ability to create from building material completed construction and play with it; activate the dictionary, enter into it the words “goat”, “kids”, “tree”, “trunk”, “branches”, “leaves”, “needles”, “small”, “big”, “thick”, “thin” , “one”, “many”.

    Material: Toys: goat, kids, cat, small animal figures for playing with buildings; a set of necessary building materials (for each child); pictures depicting a Christmas tree, birch, aspen.

    Progress of the lesson:

    The teacher brings a toy - a cat - into the group.

    Educator: Guys, look who came to us? Who is this? That's right, cat. What is it like? (big, fluffy, gray, etc.)

    Like our cat

    The fur coat is very good

    Like a cat's mustache

    Amazingly beautiful

    White teeth

    Bold eyes.

    The cat will come out of the gate -

    The whole people will be alarmed.

    They will invite the cat to visit,

    They will give the cat a treat.

    Educator: Shall we invite the cat to visit? Of course, we’ll call: “Kitty, come to us!” What are we going to treat the cat with? Yes, with milk (children imitate feeding a cat milk from their palm - a plate). The cat says thank you for the treat and wants to tell you a fairy tale. Sit back and listen.

    Once upon a time there was a goat. Here it is: white, long horns, sharp hooves. And she had who?(Shows the kids toys).That's right, kids. How many kids were there? That's right, a lot. What about goats? Of course, alone. The goat decided to build a house for her kids and went into the forest to look for a place. She walked and walked and saw a Christmas tree. (Show picture). What is this? (Herringbone). What's on the branches of the Christmas tree? Yes, the needles are prickly. The goat says to the Christmas tree: “Can I build a house near you for my kids? And the Christmas tree answers: “What are you talking about! There are prickly needles growing on my branches. They can prick your little goats. There’s no need to build a house near me.”

    The goat moved on. Looks, there is an aspen tree standing.(Show picture).Does the aspen tree have needles? (No). So the goat says: “Aspen, can I build a house near you for my kids?” Osinka replies: “What are you talking about! My leaves make noise day and night and will disturb your little goats’ sleep.”

    The goat moved on. He sees a white birch tree standing.(Show picture) What kind of trunk does a birch tree have?(White). The branches are long, but are there needles?(No). The goat asks: “Birch, can I build a house near you for my kids?” Berezka replies: “Of course, you can. Build a house near me. And I’ll shelter your kids from the sun, hide them from the rain, and save them from the cold.”

    The goat began to build a house for her kids. First, I took thick bars and made walls.(The teacher shows how a wall is made from thick bars).Then I took thin blocks and made a ceiling, a window and a door. I placed a roof and a pipe on top of the ceiling. What a house it turned out to be!

    The forest animals looked at this house and also wanted to build similar houses for themselves. Only they don't know how. Let's help. Let's build houses for all the animals. First, what do we do? That's right, walls. Then the ceiling, window, door, roof, chimney.

    Children build houses. Then they play up the building, populating it with small animal figures.

    The lesson can be completed by reading to the children an excerpt from their poem by G. Sapgir “Forests are miracles”:

    ...Every animal has its own house there,

    With a warm stove and a tall chimney.

    They receive guests there,

    Life is more fun with friends in the world.

    The animals won't let you get bored,

    You can play tag with them

    And if you want, then play hide and seek -

    This is such an amazing region!

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group based on the Russian folk tale "How a goat built a hut"

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    Lesson “How a goat built a hut”

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