Bright prospects for the environmental profession: scary pictures of the future will lead to an increase in demand for environmentalists. Specialty "Ecology and environmental management": who to work with? What does an environmental engineer do?

Many people associate the profession of ecologist with conservation environment. Actually this is not true. People in this profession study the processes occurring in nature and the complex relationships that exist in it. This science has many branches and is closely related to other disciplines, such as biology and chemistry. And the process of nature conservation is only a small part of modern ecology. This profession, like any other, has not only its advantages, but also certain disadvantages that must be taken into account before starting to learn to work in this direction.

Profession of the future

Today, professions related to ecology are not in great demand. But at the same time, there is an opinion that the demand for workers in this field will increase rapidly in the coming years.

An environmental technician is a specialist on whom quite a lot depends at an enterprise, since he:

  • is engaged in the implementation of low- and waste-free production;
  • exercises control over the quality of raw materials;
  • takes an active part in the operation of environmental protection complexes;
  • ensures technological safety of production;
  • monitors production processes;
  • confirms the environmental safety of all projects.

Today, applicants who would really like to work in this field are mainly put off by the relatively low salary, although the disadvantages of the profession do not end there. But first things first.

The profession of ecologist will become quite relevant in a few years. That's why. Even today, no construction begins to develop without a positive conclusion from an environmental assessment. Plus, the activities of any company must be monitored by an environmental technician.


The description of this profession looks quite lively and is attractive to those who love nature and everything connected with it. All that remains is to graduate from higher education. So, when applying for this specialty, you will have to take the following subjects:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • chemistry;
  • geography;
  • physics;
  • biology.

But this list is not completely accurate. The items required for admission will depend on the profile. Today, finding a university that trains environmental specialists is quite simple. And before starting to study, a student can choose the most attractive discipline for himself, which will be the basic one. This aspect adds to the advantages of this profession. When considering the possibilities, many future ecologists choose natural science or technical education.

But you will have to study for quite a long time. First, the student must graduate from a higher educational institution and receive a diploma of relevant professional education, after which he will need to enroll in graduate school or doctoral studies. This is the only way to fully master your chosen profession. And in order for the salary to become higher, it is advisable to additionally undergo training within one or more international programs.


Now it’s worth finding out the pros and cons of the job. Does it exist career? So, an environmental technician or environmental engineer, after completing his many years of training, can be hired:

  • to one of the government services;
  • environmental organization;
  • to factory;
  • to a construction company;
  • to a research laboratory;
  • into the eco-structure at a particular site;
  • to the factory;
  • to control and supervisory authorities.

As a rule, an environmental specialist begins his career path as a technical assistant. After some time, when the young specialist supplements his knowledge with a certain practice, she is followed by the position of coordinator. At this point, the ecologist can choose a specific direction for himself. Next, the coordinator becomes a supervisor over several other coordinators.

If a specialist in this field is busy working in one of the commercial organizations, then in this case his salary will be slightly higher than at budgetary enterprises. However, here the salary largely depends on his experience and qualifications.

Already today, the most significant demand for ecologists is observed at industrial enterprises, and somewhat less in design organizations. Moreover, each employer will require from a specialist in this field knowledge of thematic audit, certification and management, as well as the ability to navigate legislative framework. Plus, an ecologist must understand environmental regulations and standards, have deep knowledge in the field of biology, physics and chemistry, and know how the examination is carried out.

Equally important in this work is the ability to write reports and have an understanding of experience in the field of nature conservation. If the activity involves business travel, the employer will probably require knowledge of foreign languages.

What personal qualities are needed?

Having analyzed the pros and cons of working conditions, it would be useful to talk about what qualities it is desirable for a potential ecologist to have. Since in the course of his work this specialist will be faced with the need to challenge the opinions and actions of higher-ranking officials, he must have not only civic courage, but also flexibility, diplomacy and, of course, stress resistance.

The position of an ecologist requires very painstaking work, which will be facilitated by internal discipline, scrupulousness and accuracy. A specialist in this field must have analytical warehouse intelligence and ability to scientific activity. A true professional ecologist is always passionate about wildlife and knows how to work both independently and in a team.

Advantages of the profession

Some advantages of this type of activity were noted slightly above. Let's talk about the advantages in more detail and find out whether their list can outweigh the disadvantages of the profession.

An environmentalist doesn't just receive a salary. As a result of his work, which is aimed exclusively at improving the state of the environment, the specialist acquires enormous moral satisfaction.

The demand for environmentalists is growing inexorably, and soon professionals in this industry will be able to direct all their energy to doing a good deed, and from this nature will receive only undeniable advantages.

During your studies, many universities provide the opportunity to undergo an internship in production, which simplifies career growth and makes it somewhat more rapid.

A qualified specialist with sufficient work experience can count on a position with a very good wages and at the same time choose between the construction, energy and petrochemical industries.

We also write down as a plus the fact that an ecologist is an international profession, which is already quite in demand abroad. And this is broadening one’s horizons, getting to know a foreign culture and mentality, different people and distant countries.

Disadvantages of the profession

It's time to highlight the downsides. The salary offered to specialists in this industry by most enterprises and organizations leaves much to be desired. In addition, with rather meager earnings, an ecologist is often forced to work in difficult conditions and endanger your own health. This is often associated with laboratory research, during which various substances and reagents are used. Fortunately, this is where the disadvantages of the profession end.

In fact, not everyone is able to decide to become a professional ecologist. It is enough to pay attention to the pros and cons. Some people on these lists highlight convincing arguments for refusing this type of activity, but there are also those who, despite everything, strive to make their contribution to environmental protection.

An ecologist (or environmental engineer) is engaged in identifying, studying and minimizing natural and human factors that negatively affect the environment. He examines any negative phenomena in nature, establishes their cause and methods of preventing them. Also, no construction begins without an environmental assessment and its positive result.

Considering the state of the atmosphere and nature in the modern world, the importance of the ecologist profession is growing every year, as are the demands placed on the knowledge and experience of these specialists.

Places of work

The position of ecologist is in demand in environmental and construction organizations, in the field of healthcare, municipal structures and large manufacturing enterprises.

Responsibilities of an ecologist

The main ones will help you better understand who an ecologist is. job responsibilities this specialist:

  • Development of an enterprise’s environmental policy and monitoring its compliance.
  • Drawing up environmental documentation necessary to support the activities of the enterprise.
  • Interaction with environmental structures, including during inspections.
  • Interaction with organizations that issue initial permits and coordinate project documentation.
  • Organization of work at the enterprise in emergency situations or in the event of an industrial accident.
  • Consulting company employees on environmental issues.

Requirements for an ecologist

Main requirements for an ecologist:

  • Higher education.
  • Knowledge of environmental legislation.
  • Experience in conducting environmental assessments.
  • Knowledge of environmental monitoring methods.
  • Experience working with organizations that issue initial permits and coordinate project documentation.
  • Knowledge of PC and computer environmental programs.

Also, given the possibility of business trips and exchange of experience with colleagues from other countries, an environmental engineer may need knowledge of written and spoken language to work in English.

Ecologist resume sample

How to become an ecologist

A person with higher education in areas such as agronomy, agrochemistry, biology, geology, ecology and environmental management can become an ecologist. In addition, you need to obtain a postgraduate professional education, which includes postgraduate studies, doctoral studies and internships.

Risks of the profession

An ecologist periodically has to work with harmful substances, negatively affecting his well-being and the body as a whole. In addition, it is possible to work in extreme conditions, undermining the performance and health of a specialist.

Ecologist salary

The salary of an ecologist varies from 25 to 80 thousand rubles per month. If there are foreign business trips, the salary of this specialist may be higher than the specified amount. Project bonuses are also possible. The average salary of an ecologist is 50 thousand rubles per month.

A profession is worth choosing if it is in demand on the labor market, demand for it exceeds supply, and it is not in danger of disappearing in the near future. The specialty “ecologist” fits these criteria perfectly. A new type of employment for Russia today has strong demand among employers. This is due to the urgent need to improve the state of the environment, tightening environmental requirements for manufacturing enterprises and the increased need for environmentally friendly consumer products.

The work has an additional “plus”: taking care of the environment is tantamount to saving humanity and all living things from extinction. This is not even a profession - a mission!

How ecologists appeared

To understand this, it is worth tracing the evolution of environmental development. The term “ecology” was first proposed by the German naturalist and philosopher Ernst Haeckel. He combined two Greek words “ekos” - habitat, and “logos” - science. This is how the doctrine of the environment and its relationship with living organisms appeared.

In antiquity, life was perceived as something natural that did not require explanation. Needed where was born. Then patterns were discovered in natural connections. It has been established that climate, atmospheric pressure, temperature, the nature of the terrain, and geographical location influence the development of flora and fauna.

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists started talking about the interdependence of organisms. The numbers of bird and animal populations are influenced not only by natural factors, but also connections within living communities. So the number of birds depends on the number of insects they feed on.

era technical progress made nature dependent on human activity. The concept of “everything is connected to everything” appeared. Many subsections of ecology have emerged - hydro-, ethno-, landscape, social, information, human ecology and others. Science began to study the relationships between organisms and their habitats.

One of the laws of this field of knowledge is: “Nature knows best.” And there is evidence of this.

Relationships between living organisms that conflict with natural laws lead to disruption of biological balance. They reduce or completely destroy populations of flora and fauna. There are also threats to humanity. In a word, an environmental catastrophe arises.

When the imbalance on Earth has reached its limit, the time has come not only to study ecology, but also to solve the problems associated with it. This is how specialists in this field appeared - ecologists.

What kind of profession is this - ecologist

This specialist analyzes the state of the ecosystem, finds out the reasons for the imbalance and proposes measures to change the situation in a positive direction.

Today, ecologists are part of many industrial enterprises. Their task is to control production technology in order to avoid harmful emissions into the atmosphere, water bodies, forests and other natural environment objects.

If the ecological balance is already unbalanced as a result of housing or road construction, violation of norms for the exploitation of natural territories, improper extraction of minerals and other resources, specialists establish the cause of the incident and take action.

If violations are detected, environmentalists have the right to contact law enforcement agencies and seek punishment for physical or legal entities that caused harm to the environment.

In all Federal Districts of Russia there are branches of the environmental police and environmental prosecutor's office that resolve such issues. By the way, environmentalists also work there.

Since the specialty is at the intersection of many sciences, the holder of the profession must have a large amount of knowledge in the field of biology, physics, chemistry, geography, geology, soil science, etc. And of course, without a love for living nature, an ecologist can hardly be considered a professional.

What does an environmental engineer do?

His responsibilities include:

  • conducting environmental monitoring and examinations;
  • organization of laboratory research on the content of pollutants in the atmosphere, soil and water;
  • justification of safety for the biosphere of industrial projects, facilities and production;
  • preparation and approval of environmental documents in permitting authorities;
  • control over production technologies and their compliance with environmental protection standards;
  • drawing up analytical forecasts;
  • control of waste disposal;
  • organization of rescue measures in case of man-made disasters.

Specialties in the field of ecology

This type of activity is developing extremely dynamically, opening up great prospects for its owners. Modern technologies and new directions in science became the impetus for the emergence of new specialties. Let's list some of them.

Bioecologist. Explores the components of the ecosystem, studies the possibilities of using them for various purposes, deals with issues of nature conservation, and conducts biomonitoring of the state of the environment.

Geoecologist. Studies the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere of the Earth. Conducts survey, design, production and research activities in natural areas. Carries out geoecological monitoring and pollution control.

Environmental development engineer. Designs structures to maintain biological balance, performs design work for the improvement of settlements, is engaged in the ecological restoration of natural landscapes, conducts examinations and audits.

Gas and dust analysis laboratory assistant. Analyzes the composition of air. Conducts measurements of the concentration level of foreign particles in production premises. Participates in testing and adjustment of dust collectors, fans and smoke exhausters, gives recommendations for improving their characteristics.

Medical ecologist. Tests the systems of the human body to control the quality of the environment in which it is located. Develops medical and environmental regulatory documentation. Engaged in the rehabilitation of people who suffered as a result of environmental disasters.

Landscape ecologist. Monitors and analyzes the condition of green zones in urban areas. Offers solutions for maintaining ecological balance, landscaping and expanding the habitat of fauna.

Port ecologist. Monitors the environmental safety of port facilities, water areas and the atmosphere within their borders. Monitors the state of plant and animal populations in areas adjacent to the ports.

Environmental Engineer. Monitors its condition, works to minimize and eliminate harmful results economic activity. Controls the collection, disposal and disposal of industrial waste.

Environmental Design Specialist. Engaged in the creation of environmentally compatible objects for the development of the surrounding space.

Environmental technician. Works to implement clean, low-waste or zero-waste technologies.

Ecoanalyst. Analyzes environmental risks, proposes safety measures natural resources.

Experts predict that by 2020 new specialties related to ecology will appear in Russia. Such as an urban ecologist, a specialist in overcoming systemic environmental disasters, an integrated safety auditor, an environmental analyst in the extractive industries and construction, an eco-recycler in metallurgy, an eco-leader, an eco-preacher, an agroecologist and others.

The growing need for environmental specialties affects the growth of income in this field of activity. The salary, for example, of a bioecologist ranges from 35 to 85 thousand rubles. An environmental protection specialist earns the same amount. Engineers for the integrated use of water resources and environmental management can count on 30-500 thousand.

Where do ecologists work?

The scope of work of the holders of this profession is very wide:

  1. Nature protection and environmental management bodies.
  2. Industrial and agricultural enterprises.
  3. Research institutes, environmental and medical laboratories.
  4. Sanitary-hygienic and epidemiological centers.
  5. Reserves, natural parks, nature museums.
  6. Emergency services.
  7. Meteorological centers.
  8. Analytical agencies.
  9. General education and special educational institutions.

Advantages of working as an ecologist

According to the World Wildlife Fund, 5 environmental problems are particularly acute in Russia. The first and most serious- the problem of global climate change.

On second place scientists put forward the imperfection and inadequacy of environmental legislation. Of course, various reforms are constantly being carried out aimed at improving the environmental situation, but a single effective strategy There is no fight against environmental pollution in Russia. Third position, according to experts from the World Wildlife Fund, the Sochi Olympics 2014 is ranked. Scientists complain that valuable natural areas are protected only with documents, but in fact, the construction of facilities for the Olympic Games takes place with gross violations and non-compliance with environmental standards. Fourth on the list There is insufficient development of alternative energy; experts believe that now is the time for modernization and enhanced development of energy-saving technologies. A fifth problem lies in the human factor: people do not want to realize their responsibility in relation to the environment; Environmental awareness is completely undeveloped in the country.

It is a well-known fact that Russia occupies a far from honorable third place in the world in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, ahead only of the USA and China. Greenhouse gases are the main cause of anthropogenic climate change. Due to climate change, agricultural land is suffering; crop yields are declining throughout the country, which is alarming in the context of world hunger. In addition, it is assumed that warming will lead to the emergence of new diseases and dangerous microorganisms, especially in the southern regions of Russia. And this is just a drop in the ocean of problems associated with global warming.

Scientists from the University of Seville claim that a sharp warming of the climate will soon lead to the fact that in the next 100 years the water level in the World Ocean will rise significantly due to global warming, which means that part of the Earth will simply be flooded. According to environmentalists, Denmark, the Netherlands, Scotland and Iceland may go under water by the end of this century; The threat of flood will also affect the countries of the Southern Hemisphere located in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

One natural disaster, according to environmentalists, will lead to another, no less dangerous: due to the cooling of the Gulf Stream, an ice age may begin in the territories of Great Britain, Ireland and parts of Canada. A computer model created by scientists showed that currently processes in the World Ocean are similar to those that took place on Earth during the last ice age 20 thousand years ago, however, according to researchers, at that time there was no Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean .

Every year, under the auspices of the UN, conferences and forums are held on the climate changes taking place on our planet and the actions that the international community is ready to take to minimize the harmful effects on the climate. Scientists are concerned about the sharp warming of the air on the planet and intend to devote all their efforts to preventing a further rise in temperature. To achieve this, joint efforts are needed from most countries that emit significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The conference in Cancun, which opened in November 2010, brought together 15 thousand participants from 193 countries. This is not the first meeting of the parties to the UN Convention; however, the last conference of heads of state in Copenhagen ended in failure, then, due to numerous contradictions, the participants were unable to adopt a single legally binding agreement. Therefore, the main mission of the meeting in Cancun is to restore confidence in climate negotiations, that is, in the UN platform as the only mechanism for solving the problem of global warming, including between developing and developed countries. Meanwhile, while ecologists and country leaders are discussing climate change in the world, the weather does not allow us to forget about it for a minute: heavy snowfalls hit Europe; due to deteriorating visibility, the airports of London, Frankfurt am Main, Lyon, Edinburgh, and Geneva are closed; function intermittently railways Germany and trains operate under the English Channel. In Germany, the snow cover reaches 60 centimeters in some places, causing traffic jams and accidents on the roads. Electricity problems began in France. People have already died due to extreme cold.

Recently, UN experts published another forecast of climate conditions on the planet. In their opinion, by 2030, climate change will indirectly lead to the death of 1 million people annually, as well as damage to the global economy in the amount of $157 billion. “We are now entering a very vulnerable stage in the existence of the planet and the presence of humanity on it. We will no longer be able to keep warming below 1 degree Celsius over the next 20 years. Last year we targeted 0.7 degrees. So, in reality, warming is likely to be at least 1.5-1.7 degrees Celsius,” says Salimul Huq, one of the report’s authors and a climate scientist from Spain. According to the data presented, the 54 poorest countries in the world, including India with its more than a billion population, will be most affected.

Today, the main document limiting greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere is the Kyoto Protocol. It was signed by 181 countries of the world, including Russia. However, this agreement ends in 2012, and the participants cannot agree on the terms of the new agreement. Japan is strongly opposed to extending the Kyoto Protocol in its current form, and the US and EU also do not want this. However, states need to as soon as possible come to some place compromise solution. Work on the draft agreement is already underway, experts intend to work on weekends. They expect to prepare the document before the arrival of heads of state and ministers in Cancun and immediately submit it for discussion. The contents of the project are not disclosed so that various comments in the media do not “cloudy” the perception of distinguished guests.

Russia also does not remain aloof from global environmental problems. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology recently published a draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on the creation of a government commission on climate change issues. According to the project, the main tasks of the commission are: organizing the development of federal, regional and sectoral programs and action plans regarding climate change problems; consideration of proposals and projects aimed at implementing measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in certain sectors of the economy; coordination of the activities of state authorities to implement the climate doctrine of the Russian Federation.

Recently, delivering a message to the Federal Assembly, Dmitry Medvedev proposed to improve the environmental management system by assessing the condition of contaminated areas, creating environmental quality standards, and also instructed governors to prepare annual environmental reports. Medvedev, in particular, said that he considers the idea of ​​a so-called environmental amnesty for business reasonable “provided that the enterprise accepts strict obligations for the environmental improvement of production and the territory where it operates.”

The President also emphasized the important role of civil society in environmental protection, as well as environmental education and training. In his opinion, Russia and the world are in dire need of environmental scientists, and the demand for them will only increase over time. On Russian market Labor will also see an increase in demand for practical specialists in the field of ecology and certified ecologists. Today, without an environmental assessment, it is impossible to build a residential building, lay a new road, or open a factory. No enterprise can function without the supervision of environmentalists.

Despite all this, in modern Russia There is a catastrophic shortage of competent specialists in the field of ecology. Unfortunately, in recent decades, due to political, economic, financial and other factors, the profession of ecologist, which is important and vital for all humanity, has remained on the sidelines. School graduates, often paying tribute to fashion, unknowingly entered universities into popular and widely advertised specialties. There is no need to reason and analyze what came out as a result, this is a fact known to everyone: in our country there are a great many unclaimed specialists, but at the same time there is a catastrophic shortage of such necessary ecologists.

Meanwhile, the profession of ecologist opens up brilliant prospects for graduates:

Firstly, the demand for professional ecologists in the domestic labor market will only increase in the future. Already now, the Russian government is actively developing and supporting the need for an environmental direction in Russia, evidence of which is the latest speeches by Dmitry Medvedev on environmental problems.

Secondly, higher education in the environmental specialty involves industrial practice, thanks to which young specialists who have just received their diploma already have work experience, practical knowledge, professional recommendations, and often business connections that allow you to easily get a good job.

Third, such traditionally monetary and stable industries as petrochemistry, geology, construction and energy are open to an environmental specialist. Everyone knows that salaries very worthy in these areas.

Fourth, the profession of ecologist is a job that is traditionally respected and prestigious in society.

Fifthly, profession of ecologist - international specialty; provided they speak English, good specialists can go to work abroad, where environmentalists are in demand even more than in Russia.

At sixth, the work of an ecologist most often involves business trips, constant new interesting projects, which means you definitely won’t be bored at work.

And finally, seventh, the environmental profession will undoubtedly bring its owner moral satisfaction from real work for the benefit of humanity and the planet.

If you have chosen for yourself prestigious profession ecologist, you need to take into account that in order to become an ecologist, specialized courses are not enough; the profession of ecologist must be obtained at a higher education educational institution. The choice of institute must also be taken seriously; it must be a specialized university specializing in environmental science. Among other educational institutions, one can highlight the International Independent Ecological and Political Science University. Education at MNEPU differs from other universities with an environmental focus in the balance of humanitarian and environmental disciplines. Russian and international practice of recent decades shows a close relationship between environmental problems and politics and economics, which is taken into account when implementing the educational process at the MNEPU Academy. Students are given the opportunity to study in several international programs, which allows them to become familiar with the practices of foreign companies that follow modern environmental standards.

Salary and career . In government agencies, a graduate’s salary starts from 20,000 rubles, but here rapid career growth, acquisition of serious experience and business connections are possible. IN commercial organizations a beginner receives from 25,000 rubles, while the income of specialists with one to three years of experience is much more - from 50,000 rubles. In public non-profit activities main value- experience, career growth from volunteer to manager is possible here.

Industrial enterprises most urgently need professional ecologists. But if working in a plant or factory is not for you, then you can go the other way and get a job in one of the many design organizations. Work in a design organization involves the development environmental projects(draft standards for waste generation, maximum permissible emissions, etc.), preparation of documentation for customer enterprises, and so on. Most often, clients of design bureaus are construction organizations, requiring expertise and design during the construction and demolition of buildings, as well as the re-equipment of hazardous production.

A professional ecologist with extensive experience can become an auditor checking enterprises for compliance with environmental standards, or work in a design or consulting organization. Many companies order environmental assessment because they are doing international trade, and if the product goes abroad, it needs an appropriate certificate. This job is one of the highest paid (from 50,000 rubles), but requires highly qualified, knowledge of English and willingness to travel on business trips throughout the country.

So, an ecologist will be happy to be hired in: scientific institute; industrial enterprise and plant; construction company; facilities mass media(as an expert); state environmental organization; design Institute; municipal service; reserve; non-profit and international foundations, educational institution.

Regarding the prospects and prestige of the ecologist profession, then we can say with confidence that these indicators will only increase. Already, many large Russian enterprises acquired their own departments and departments for environmental and industrial safety.

The UN conference in Cancun, numerous speeches by environmental scientists around the world, and the recent increased attention of the Russian Government to environmental problems once again confirm that the prestige and popularity of the environmental profession both in Russia and throughout the world will only grow in the near future. Returning to the above-mentioned environmental problems in the Russian and global space, I would like to add the following: it is traditionally believed that an ecologist is the profession of the future, but this is not so, an ecologist is a profession without which there is no future. It is ecologists who now and in the future will have to solve the problem of climate change on the planet and the issue of environmental pollution; Based on this, we confidently assert: those who today choose the profession of an ecologist will definitely not be left without interesting, intense work, a brilliant career, professional demand and a decent salary tomorrow.

Due to the low level of public awareness, not many people know why the world needs ecologists and what exactly they do. And this despite the fact that, according to experts, in the near future this profession will become one of the most in demand. We invite you to fill the gap in knowledge and become more familiar with the peculiarities of the work of specialists responsible for nature conservation.

Development of heavy industry, testing nuclear missiles, urbanization and human indifference to all living things around... As a result, climate changes occurring in the world due to the release of gases into the atmosphere and water pollution with toxic waste threaten the future of all humanity.

To avoid the disappearance of humanity from the face of the Earth, the world community is increasingly beginning to pay attention to the problems of environmental pollution, and state governments are trying to develop methods to prevent natural disasters and slow down global warming. In this regard, the relevance of the ecologist profession is increasing. After all, if anyone can find ways to solve the problem of environmental pollution, it will be these specialists.

Due to the low level of public awareness, not many people know why the world needs ecologists and what exactly they do. And this despite the fact that, according to experts, in the near future this profession will become one of the most in demand. We invite you to fill the gap in knowledge and become more familiar with the peculiarities of the work of specialists responsible for nature conservation.

Who is an ecologist?

A specialist whose activities are aimed at analyzing the state of flora and fauna, as well as finding ways to reduce the negative impact of human activities on the environment.

The name of the profession comes from the ancient Greek οἶκος (dwelling, house) and λόγος (concept, teaching, science), which can be literally translated as “the science of the house.” That is, ecologists study our common home (the planet) in order to understand all the complex relationships in nature.

The profession of ecologist is quite young (although the first mentions ecology, how science can be attributed to ancient Greek treatises). Its origin dates back to the second half of the 20th century. During this period, society began to realize the importance of protecting the environment, which is daily exposed to pollution from industrial production and release of gases into the atmosphere.

Today, specialists in this field provide expert assessments on sites allocated for the construction of factories, residential buildings and roads, and only after receiving a positive expert opinion construction company can begin work. In addition, most production facilities employ a qualified ecologist who closely monitors compliance with environmental norms and standards.

Their responsibilities include:

  • analysis of the level of pollution of the entrusted area;
  • making forecasts about the future environmental situation in the region;
  • control over toxic waste disposal;
  • monitoring the activities of hazardous industrial production;
  • study of nuclear and missile testing zones.

Mostly novice specialists nature conservation can count on the position of technical assistant, and later, after acquiring practical skills, they become coordinators. In this role, they choose a specific direction of activity for themselves, that is, more narrow specialization. Among them are:

  • specialists in the field of general ecology who study biological systems;
  • specialists in applied ecology, whose activity is to identify human influence on the environmental situation and search for methods to reduce harm;
  • geoecologists study the organisms inhabiting the planet and its geosphere;
  • Environmental engineers develop and coordinate documentation on the environmental safety of a number of industrial enterprises and projects, and study the level of contamination of soil, air and water.

Experience and qualifications are the determining factors in the employment of an ecologist. Every employer who hires a specialist wants to see in him a person who:

  • has relevant knowledge of regulations, standards and legislation in the field of ecology;
  • has the skills to conduct an examination;
  • understands environmental monitoring methods;
  • It has necessary knowledge in chemistry, biology and physics;
  • familiarized with domestic and international experience in the field environmental protection.

What personal qualities should an ecologist have?

Among the main qualities of an ecologist, love for nature is highlighted, since, as practice shows, it is this that allows them to achieve success in the profession. However, no less significant character traits are their:

  • diplomacy,
  • stress resistance,
  • courage and flexibility in communication (due to the need to interact with government agencies and officials).

Environmental protection requires a high level of responsibility. Working with flora and fauna, the ecologist must be aware that the life of living organisms depends on his actions, so he must be very careful and responsible in order to eliminate the possibility of mistakes.

The profession is quite complex types activity and without internal self-organization and hard work, a specialist will not be able to fulfill his duties fully.

In addition to key qualities, he will definitely need:

  • independence;
  • Analytical mind;
  • decency;
  • team spirit;
  • developed sense of justice;
  • scrupulousness.

Advantages of being an ecologist

Many ecologists view their activities not as a way to earn money, but as a way of self-realization and moral satisfaction. Constant relationship with nature allows them to feel their importance and pleasure from constant communication with the object of their affection.

In addition, very often they go on business trips to different regions of the country and abroad, which gives them the opportunity to expand their horizons, and for some travel lovers this is one of the most important advantages.

From a practical point of view, there are great career prospects for professional ecologists in the future. First of all, this is due to the fact that the need for good specialists will increase from year to year (which is why the profession of ecologist can be classified as professions of the future).

The versatility of the profession provides ecologists with a wide choice of areas of activity: teaching, research, control and expert and design and production. Based on their preferences, each specialist has the right to independently decide what kind of activity he wants to engage in: practical or theoretical.

For those who have the necessary experience and qualifications and whose material well-being is not the least important, there is an opportunity to work in the energy, construction and petrochemical industries. Companies operating in this sector need professional environmentalists and pay their employees decent fees (up to 100 thousand rubles per month).

Disadvantages of the ecologist profession

Since ecologists are concerned with issues anti-pollution, quite often they themselves are exposed to danger. These specialists are the first to encounter toxic emissions in production, and protective measures are not always effective enough to prevent health damage that can be irreparable. In addition, like the teams of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they go to the sites of incidents associated with natural disasters, where they have to work in extreme conditions.

Another negative factor of the profession is the low demand for young specialists in Russia. According to statistics, only 30% of graduates of environmental faculties work in their specialty. And the income of 70% of environmentalists does not even reach the average level. Depending on the region, most specialists receive from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. This circumstance, along with the need for lengthy training, reduces the attractiveness of the profession among applicants.

Where can I get a profession as an ecologist?

Studying at a higher educational institution is the only way to become a sought-after professional with the necessary set of knowledge and skills in the field of ecology. During their studies, students choose their most preferred basic discipline and gain the necessary knowledge in many natural sciences.

Currently in Russia there is a large number of Universities that train future ecologists include:

  • Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev;
  • State University on land management;
  • Higher College of Environmental Management;
  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, etc.

In addition, it will be a great advantage for a specialist to undergo international and other internship programs that will increase his demand in the labor market and expand his knowledge base. For example, an ecologist can improve his qualifications through courses at the Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex, which works in the field of additional education and offers professional courses advanced training and retraining in the format distance learning.

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