Environmental and social projects. Project work on ecology How to write an environmental project sample

Sample topics for environmental projects. Study of the impact of phytoncides on pests of cultivated plants (agroecology). Study of the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of zooplankton distribution in Lake Maloye (hydroecology). Immunotoxic effect of decomposition products of chemical compounds in surface waters of the Leonidovka region (chemical ecology). Study of the influence of anthropogenic load on the species composition of bioindicators of the floodplain meadow of the Yaya River (plant ecology). Environmental problems and public reaction to them in the context of social and economic crisis(social ecology).

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“Theory of Ecology” - Soft Science Immature science Image: lawn. Department of General Ecology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. Introduction to general ecology. Competition. marsupial lion. Ecology: Introductory lecture. Synedra ulna. Population density. (2) Z is a power (allometric) function of body mass W. ? = ?? = e-?. M. 2005, p. 6).

“Using Indicators” - SOE Indicators. 1. Use of indicators in government reports on the state of the environment of Turkmenistan.

“Projects on ecology” - Prize of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia “Best environmental project of the year”. Exhibition “Reserved Russia”. Formal reception Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia. Projects 2009. Ecology and Peace Foundation. Cooperation. "Russia is reserved." “Best environmental project of the year – 2009.” "Green Arrow". This is the first time such an event has been held in Russia.

"Environmental Conference" - The ratio of organizations - winners. By organization: 2 opening and closing areas, 8 sections, 4 leisure areas, Animation program. By section: Analysis of the distribution of topics. 2nd place. Conference. 43 general education uchr. 8 educational institutions of the Moscow region. 7 UDO 5 educational associations 149 teachers 19 are guests of the event.

“Pollution of the Chelyabinsk atmosphere” - The EURT area in the Chelyabinsk region is about 23 thousand square meters. km. Ai River. The areas of pollution are especially extensive (11-13 thousand sq. km) around Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk. Sak-Elga River. Nuclear pollution. Miass tool factory. Completed by: student of class 11 “A” of municipal educational institution “gymnasium No. 19” Kunkel Julia. Water pollution.

“Textbooks on ecology” - Applied ecology. Yu.V. Trofimenko. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006. - 400 p., p. color ill. Ecology: Transport structure and environment. Ecology of populations and communities. For higher education students educational institutions. Ecology. Can be used by specialists conducting environmental research.

2-11-2017, 15:10

Today in our country great attention is paid to the environment. The development of laws in the field of environmental protection and regular updating of requirements in the field of monitoring the environmental situation obliges each enterprise to follow these rules for the functioning of its activities. To carry out environmental design responsibilities, there may be a dedicated department or specialist on staff.

Goals and features of environmental design

Environmental design is a series of actions, including the development and approval of a package of documents in regulatory authorities in order to comply with the law and obtain a permit for the legal operation of the enterprise. Industrial, construction and other companies that have a negative impact on the environment cannot operate without an agreed environmental project.

An eco-project is a document that includes calculations for a specific facility, carried out on the basis of information collected at the enterprise. This document gives the right to carry out activities within the framework of established laws.

The main goal of environmental design is to minimize Negative influence on the OS, as well as restore the ecosystem through a number of activities.

Types of environmental projects

Based on the type of activity, enterprises must have the following types of environmental projects:

1. The draft waste generation standards (WGSR) establishes the quantity and composition of enterprise waste in order to select the optimal method of its disposal to control the ecosystem. Management of waste harmful to the environment includes work on its generation, disposal, transportation, collection and disposal. This is one of the main environmental projects accompanying production processes every company. The exception is small and medium-sized businesses. They may not develop the project, but are required to submit annual reports to in the prescribed form with data on waste generation.

Types of environmental projects:

  • work without interruption from production,
  • obtaining permission to dispose of waste,
  • reduction in the amount of environmental payment by 5 times.

2. A project of permissible emissions (MPE) is developed at each enterprise whose technical processes lead to air pollution. The pollutant mass standard is established for each source. The source must not exceed the established maximum permissible level and place a critical load on the OS.

  • approved emission permit,
  • reducing the cost of fines for causing damage to the OS,
  • the opportunity to develop strategies to reduce harmful emissions.

3. The draft standards for permissible discharges (VAT) are necessary for organizations using water resources for recycling Wastewater. Standards are established for each hazardous substance found in the discharged mass.

  • the project is the basis for issuing access to water resources,
  • the presence of a project excludes criminal or administrative penalties,
  • monitoring compliance with standards.

These are not all types of projects; other environmental documentation is also being developed: sanitary protection zone (SPZ), forest development project, sanitary protection zone project, environmental audit and others.

Environmental support for projects and enterprises

An enterprise can carry out environmental design independently or contact a company specializing in this type of service. Last option more profitable in that you will save on staff costs and be sure that the work will be completed on time and in compliance with the prescribed requirements in the field of environmental protection. Environmental support includes both drafting a project and its approval by regulatory authorities, obtaining a permit and reporting.

Entrust environmental design to the professionals from the Ecosphere company, which has been providing services in the field of environmental protection for more than 6 years and has implemented hundreds successful projects. Experienced specialists highly qualified provide quality services in compliance with deadlines and legal regulations.

Conscious manufacturers and sellers of various goods are increasingly striving to ensure that their products do absolutely no harm to the planet. Examples of destinations where zero waste is possible.

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Experts believe that by 2050, the amount of plastic in the oceans will exceed the amount of fish. Due to the catastrophes threatening the world, the role of environmental projects and startups is rapidly increasing.

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We provide everything you need for a full start in short time with minimal investment.

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Investments from RUB 515,000.

Earn up to 148,000 rubles monthly. Interactive vending layout railway with the function of issuing gifts. An interesting alternative to standard vending solutions.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

kindergarten combined type № 62

Project dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia

“We cannot live without the environment, friends.”

Developed by:

teachers of MADOU

D/S KV No. 62

Naro-Fominsk 2017

  1. Explanatory note:

1.1. Relevance

1.2. Project idea

1.3. Novelty of the innovative project.

1.4. Project type.

1.5. Project implementation timeframe.

1.6. Addressing the project. Project participants.

  1. Goal setting

2.1. Objective of the project.

2.3. Project objectives.

4. Strategy for implementing the project idea:

4.1. Organizational and preparatory stage.

  1. 2. The main stage (active - project implementation).

4.3. The third stage is the final one.

5.Evaluation of the results of project activities (assumed) 6. Conclusion.

  1. Perspective further development ideas and topics of the project.
  2. Project Implementation Report

11. List of references and Internet sites.

  1. Application.
  1. Explanatory note

Currently, due to the deterioration of the environment, there is a need to increase the environmental awareness of every person, regardless of his age and profession. In this regard, the country is actively creating a continuous system of environmental education for the population. Everyone needs to understand how man is connected with nature and how he depends on it, what patterns exist in nature and why humanity has no right to ignore them.

The ecological state of our planet and the tendency towards its deterioration require that people living today understand the current situation and have a conscious attitude towards it. It is the state of ecology that reflects the level of culture that society is the bearer of. Therefore, without changes in the culture of environmental management, people cannot count on positive changes in the environment. It is culture that is capable of bringing human activity into conformity with the laws of life.

  • Relevance

The situation can only be changed with the help of environmental education starting from preschool age. The acquisition of ecological culture, ecological consciousness, and ecological thinking is the only way out of the current situation for humanity.

The day is not far when the future will be in the hands of our children: their own lives and the future of the Planet depend on what values ​​they will profess from us and on the foundations that we lay in the minds of children.

This is why it is so important today to help children learn new system values ​​in relationships with nature:

The child’s awareness of himself as a part of nature;

Fostering a respectful attitude towards all species outside

depending on our likes and dislikes;

Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around us, the ability to see its beauty and uniqueness;

Understanding that everything in nature is interconnected, the violation of one of the connections leads to other changes, a “chain reaction” occurs, and we cannot destroy what we cannot create;

Mastering the basics of environmental safety (together with parents) and initial information about rational use natural resources on examples of the use of water and energy in everyday life (together with parents); - development of environmentally literate and safe behavior in everyday life.

Preschool childhood is the most favorable period for the formation of an ecological culture, the initial stage of the formation of a person’s personality.

It was at this time that ecological ideas about objects and natural phenomena are formed, which are the basis of systematic knowledge about the natural environment and careful attitude towards it. But these ideas are not formed in a vacuum. We need the living good examples before the eyes of children. Every word of an adult, every gesture, not to mention actions, can serve as an example for a child to follow.

  • Project idea.

2017 was declared the year of environmental protection in Russia, in connection with this, a long-term project dedicated to this date was developed in our kindergarten; for the implementation of project activities, teachers selected methodological material and created a diverse ecological and developmental environment, which is a carrier of ecological culture, providing direct the child’s contact with objects of nature and “live” communication with it.

  • Novelty.

The novelty of the project lies in the fact that it is aimed at working as teachers, children and their parents on environmental education, through the implementation of project activities (thematic mini-projects), built according to the dates of the International Environmental Calendar. This project integrated into the developed annual plan of events dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia (2017). The novelty of the environmental project lies in the use of information computer technology ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process and the personal involvement of children and parents in eventful life. Using new technologies that are exciting for the new generation, this inclusion can be ensured, giving undeniable positive results.

  • Project type

- cognitive - research, practical - indicative, long-term.

1.5. Implementation deadlines project.

By time: long-term

Implementation deadlines: January - December 2017.

1.6. Addressing the project.

The project is aimed at the joint work of teachers of MADO DS KV No. 62 with children and their parents on environmental education, both among children and their parents from January to December 2017.

Project participants: teachers, children, parents of the Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution, Combined Kindergarten No. 62

  1. Goal setting.

2.1. Target:

- formation of ecological culture, ecological consciousness, ecological thinking in preschool age, as the initial stage in the formation of a person’s personality.

2.2.Project objectives.

- educational: to form knowledge about the ecosystem organization of the Earth’s nature within the boundaries of human habitation, mastering the basics of environmental safety and initial information about the rational use of natural resources, children’s cognitive skills in mastering research methods of cognition of nature;

- developing: to develop the child’s awareness of himself as a part of nature, the understanding that everything in nature is interconnected, the violation of one of the connections leads to other changes, a “chain reaction” occurs, that it is impossible to destroy what cannot be created;

- educational: to instill in children a sense of belonging to all living things, a humane attitude towards environment and the desire to show concern for the conservation of nature through practical environmental activities, an emotional - positive attitude towards the world around us, the ability to see its beauty and uniqueness.

  1. Expected results of the project.
  2. Children will develop:

Ecological knowledge, ecological culture;

Awareness of the importance of environmental protection measures;

Skills of correct behavior in the natural environment;

A sense of mercy and humane attitude towards natural objects;

An aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality, a desire to reflect impressions received in the process of communicating with nature in artistic and creative activity.

For parents:

Knowledge of environmental education of children will expand;

Interest in joint activities to protect nature will increase;

Child-pedagogical relations are harmonized;

The level of environmental culture of the individual will increase.

For teachers:

Increased professionalism;

Introduction of new methods and technologies in working with children and parents on environmental education.

4. Strategy for implementing the project idea.

Stage 1. Organizational and preparatory.

Stage 2. Basic. Project implementation.

Stage 3. Generalizing

4.1. Organizationally- preparatory stage.

  1. Formulation of the problem. Defining the topic, goals, objectives, project content, predicting the result.
  2. Survey of children in order to identify environmental knowledge and problems.
  3. Parent survey.
  4. Consulting, discussion with parents of the project, identification of opportunities, funds necessary for the implementation of the project. Selection of material, forms and methods of working with parents.
  5. Drawing up a project implementation plan.
  6. Determining the content of the activities of all project participants.
  7. Search various means achieving goals;
  8. Selection and study methodological material, methodological literature.
  9. Creation of didactic and methodological material
  1. 2. Main stage ( active - project implementation ) .

Carrying out a set of activities on the topic of the project and includes:

  1. Working with children.
  2. Working with parents.
  1. Work with children:
  • directly - educational activities;
  • educational activities carried out during regime moments;
  • joint activities of the teacher and children, taking into account integration;
  • independent activity of children.

Cognitive - speech activity to implement the project’s objectives.

  • Thematic GCDs with an environmental focus.
  • Cognitive - research activities.
  • Reading fiction on project topics.
  • Reviewing illustrations of environmental content, presentations, and videos;
  • Observation of objects of living and inanimate nature
  • Heuristic, cognitive, situational conversations.
  • Create your own problem situations using ecological models.
  • Writing environmental fairy tales. and, quiz, “What, where, when”

Social and communicative activities to implement project objectives:

Play activityenvironmental content:

Role-playing games;

Didactic games;

Educational games; Environmental Mind games- theatrical games. .intellectual games: KVN, quiz, “What, where, when” Ecological intellectual games: KVN, quiz, “What, Labor activity Vecological center and in nature:

- tending plants and plantings in a group;

Creating a vegetable garden and flower garden, planting, caring for plants;

Maintaining cleanliness and order on the site and territory of the kindergarten (labor and environmental landing)

Artistic and aesthetic activities to implement the objectives of the project.

Productive activities:

  • drawing;
  • modeling;
  • applique;
  • applied activities;
  • constructively - modeling activity.

Musical and leisure activities, environmental holidays.

Physical education and health activities to implement the project’s objectives:

Sports and outdoor games;

- sports activities, environmental holidays

Organizing and conducting with children with the involvement of adults:

environmental actions on the topic:

- “Hospitable Feeder” (making feeders, feeding birds)

- “Vegetable garden all year round”

- “Flower garden on the windowsill”

- “Save the snowdrop”

- “Whose house is better” (making birdhouses)

- “The earth is our home - let it be clean” (monthly improvement of the territory of the kindergarten).

- “Let's give the book a second life - save the tree”

- “Plant a tree and save it”

- “Let's save the Christmas tree.”

Exhibitions creative works on the topic of:

- “Let's save the snowdrop”

- “Nature and creativity”

- “Come into the green house, you will see miracles in it!” (Photo - works)

- “Blossoming May” (Photo - works)

- “Colors of Autumn” (Photo - works)

  1. Working with parents:

Conducting consultations on the topic: “Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families on environmental education of preschool children in the process of familiarizing themselves with the nature of their native land,”

seminar for parents on the topic: “Ecological culture and maintaining child health in modern conditions”;


Design of an information corner. Advice for parents on the topic: “Teach your children to love and take care of nature!”;

Designing moving folders, conducting environmental discussions;

- informing parents through the creation of environmental leaflets and newspapers;

Participation in the exhibition of crafts “Nature and Creativity”, in photo exhibitions on the theme: “Come into a green house, you will see miracles in it!” “Blossoming May” “Colors of Autumn”;

- attraction to participation in environmental actions;

Carrying out holidays and entertainment;

- involving parents in the active implementation of project activities in groups.

Long-term implementation planproject activities (thematic mini-projects), arranged according to datesInternational environmental calendar and dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia.





Project - "Red Book" - older age.


Project - “What do we know about dolphins?” - middle, older age


Project - “About cats, kittens and cats - inhabitants of windows” - ml. age

Project - “Family of cats” - art. age

Project - “Take care of the forest” - older age.

Project - “Trees and shrubs in spring” - middle age

Project - “Water is life!” (v.)

Project - “Blue Drop” (Jr.)

Group No. 1


Project - “Feathered Friends” - older age.

Group No. 8

Project - “We are all responsible for our planet” - middle age

Project - “Let there always be sunshine” - younger age.

Project - “Natural Phenomena”


Project - “Take care of your planet with the warm name Earth” - older age.

Project - “Ecology of the Soul” - younger age.

Project - “Who are whales?”


Project - “Fishes live not only in an aquarium” - younger age.


Project - “What horses surprise us with”


Project - “Trees are our green friends” middle age.

Project - “Pine cone”

Project - “Underwater world of the seas” - older age.


Project - “Neighbors on the Planet”

Project - “They Ask for Protection” - middle age

Gr.No.7 Gr.No.2


Project - “Miracle in Feathers”

Project “Second Life of a Bottle”


Project " Amazing world stones" - middle, older age

Project - “Journey of the Snowman” - middle age

4.3. The third stage is the final one.

Project presentation.

Final activities on mini-projects in groups.

Initiation of preschool children into young conservationists with the presentation of an honorary badge.

Creation of an exhibition of methodological and creative material.

Design of information and reference materials (booklets, folders, screens) on environmental education of preschool children.

5.Evaluation of the results of project activities (expected).


- mastered a new value system for relationships with nature;

An awareness of the importance of environmental protection measures has been formed;

The responsible attitude towards socially significant tasks has increased;

Children showed development of initiative, activity, independence in environmental activities.


Parents are ready and able to actively interact with preschool teachers on issues of environmental education of children;
- take an active, lively part in the life of the group;
- show personal interest in the implementation of project activities, express recommendations and ideas for ensuring the effectiveness of environmental education of children;
- show a keen interest in the results of the child’s achievements in mastering environmental knowledge and environmental culture;
- understand the peculiarities of the organization psychologically - educational process and its impact on the development of the child’s competencies and personal qualities


Personal and professional growth; self-realization.

We gained additional experience in joint activities with parents and children.

6. Conclusion.

During the implementation of the project, a variety of knowledge on ecology was obtained, the importance of environmental and environmental education of children increased, and the level of personal consciousness increased in both children and adults. The project contributed to the formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around us, the ability to see its beauty and uniqueness, and the development of aesthetic feelings in preschoolers, their parents, and teachers. Children have initial knowledge and understanding that everything in nature is interconnected, the violation of one of the connections leads to other changes, a “chain reaction” occurs, they (together with their parents) have formed the concept of environmental safety and initial information about the rational use of natural resources resources. The children acquired the skills of environmentally conscious and safe behavior in everyday life. Parents and teachers were convinced of how relevant the topic of environmental education for children is, as part of the moral - patriotic education the younger generation in relation to the Motherland and its natural resources.

The project interested children and adults, united teachers, parents and children in the education of future citizens of the country as a whole.

  1. Prospects for further development of the idea and theme of the project.
  2. Project Implementation Report(written, oral, open event, video, presentation, etc.

11. Bibliography:

  1. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology!: workbook for children 5 - 6 years old Senior group; at 2 o'clock - O.A. Voronkevich - St. Petersburg: Childhood - press, 2002
  2. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”, ed. NOT. Veraksy, M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Komarova, preparatory group- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012
  3. Scenarios for classes in environmental education for children aged 4 - 7 years. L.G. Obukhova, A.V. Kocherina, A.V. Obukhova - Moscow 2008
  4. Materials from Internet sites.

Environmental education and upbringing is an extremely pressing problem of our time. After all, a careless and even cruel attitude towards nature always begins with a lack of environmental education and upbringing. The educational, research and creative projects presented in this section are designed to fill these gaps, teach children to love and understand nature, and form the foundations of an ecological culture in children.

The topics of the projects are varied: from studying bright representatives of flora and fauna to independently growing plants and systematically monitoring their growth. We cultivate in children good feelings, curiosity, and aesthetic perception associated with the beauty of nature; the ability to realize one’s impressions in work.

Environmental projects are an integrated approach to educating ecologically cultured people.

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All sections | Environmental projects

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