Report: Types of official receptions and rules of conduct for them. Types of official receptions and rules of conduct for them Official receptions rules of conduct

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Subject "Professional ethics"

"Etiquette norms of behavior on official meetings oh and tricks"


1. Receptions and ceremonies

1.1 Afternoon reception "A glass of champagne"

1.2 Daily reception "Breakfast"

1.3 Evening reception "Cocktail"

1.4 Evening reception "Buffet"

1.5 Evening reception "Lunch"

1.6 Evening reception "Dinner"

1.7 Reception "Lunch buffet"

2. Basic principles of diplomatic protocol

3. Rules of conduct at official meetings

4.Rules of conduct at business receptions

4.1 Business lunch rules

4.2 Tips on what not to do at receptions

4.3 "A la buffet" reception

4.4 Rules of etiquette for receptions without seating

4.5 Rules of etiquette at the "Lunch-buffet" reception (Buffet)

4.6 Requirement for appearance at business meetings




Formal receptions are very important both for the development of business relations and for establishing friendly ties between managers and subordinates.

The main purpose of such receptions is to establish contacts, as well as to exchange views and information in an informal setting. At the same time, food and drinks are usually secondary. From proper organization reception depends a lot. Good diplomacy will help you get a lot out of these meetings.

Official receptions have their own traditions. Over time, certain types of both business and secular receptions were established, special rules of etiquette were developed. A well-spent evening can be the key to future success in business.

Today like never before business relationship develop and strengthen in the process of communication. Communication occurs not only during negotiations, conversations, but also at receptions, at meals.

The manager, by the nature of his work, sometimes has to organize or participate in business receptions and meetings, so you should know the basic rules for their preparation and conduct, as well as behavior during the reception and meeting. Historically, receptions and meetings have played an important role in the development of business contacts. It must be emphasized that the main content of the receptions is not eating food and tasting drinks. At the reception, you have to meet and talk with many people representing different circles of society. And this is a continuation of the work.

The purpose of this work is to consider diplomatic ethics, rules of conduct at receptions and meetings, as well as the style of clothing allowed at these events.

1. Receptions and ceremonies

Official events include various receptions and ceremonies organized on the occasion of national holidays, historical anniversaries, the arrival of foreign delegations, heads of state and government.

The rules and norms of the protocol that have developed by our time govern almost all external forms diplomatic practice. Depending on the relationship with one side or another, when applying the rules of protocol, they are given more or less solemnity, the number and level of participation of officials expands or decreases.

One of the important forms of international contacts between states are meetings and conversations of leaders public services with diplomatic missions. The parties agree on the day, hour, place of the meeting or conversation in advance, and also agree on the topics of negotiations and their participants. Any party can initiate a conversation.

Receptions, as well as official breakfasts, lunches and dinners are held by heads of state, government, ministers, as well as embassies, consulates, trade missions of the country abroad.

Receptions are held by military attachés, commanders of ships on a friendship visit in foreign bases, as well as representatives of the local military command and civil authorities in order to show honors to the military guests who have arrived.

Diplomatic receptions are also held independently of any events, in the order of daily diplomatic work. In the practice of diplomatic missions, these techniques are the most common. Not numerous in terms of the number of invited persons, such receptions are a convenient opportunity for making contacts, strengthening and expanding ties, obtaining the necessary information, influencing local circles in the right direction, and explaining the foreign policy of one's country.

The types of diplomatic receptions are quite diverse, their preparation and conduct are based on the generally accepted rules and norms of the protocol, based on the principles of international courtesy.

Depending on the time and method of holding, receptions are divided into day and evening, and receptions with seating and without seating at the table.

The type of reception is chosen depending on the reason for which it is arranged. The most solemn (and most honorable) are considered to be evening receptions. When choosing the appropriate type of reception, one should take into account the protocol rules, national customs and traditions of the country concerned.

The choice of the type of this or that reception is also associated with the need to comply with a number of protocol formalities related to its preparation and conduct (invitation and response to it, dress code, order of arrival and departure, meeting and seeing off guests, menu preparation, table setting, toasts).

It is customary to include “a glass of champagne” (or “a glass of wine”) and “breakfast” as daytime receptions. By evening - “tea”, “cocktail”, “buffet”, “lunch” (or “lunch-buffet” and “dinner”). Breakfast, lunch and dinner are held with strict seating, when each guest, taking into account protocol seniority, is assigned a special place at the table. When organizing a lunch buffet or tea, the seating arrangement is quite free.

1.1 Dayreception "Glass of champagne"

A glass of champagne usually starts at 12 noon and lasts about an hour. During the reception, guests can be offered other drinks in addition to champagne (wine, juices, mineral water). Reception takes place standing. The form of clothing is a casual suit (dress). From the point of view of the organization, this is the simplest form of admission that does not require complex and lengthy preparation.

1.2 Daytimereception "Breakfast"

"Breakfast" is arranged between 12 and 15 hours. Breakfast usually starts at 12.30-13.00. The duration is usually an hour and a half, of which about an hour - at the table and about 15-30 minutes - for coffee (tea). The breakfast menu is made according to national traditions. The menu may include one or two cold appetizers, one fish or meat dish and dessert. Serving a first course or a hot appetizer at breakfast is not excluded.

During the gathering of guests, they are offered an aperitif. During breakfast, dry grape wines can be served, and in conclusion - champagne, coffee, tea. Mineral water, juices are served during the entire breakfast. The care initiative is for the main guest. Guests usually arrive for breakfast in casual attire, unless otherwise specified on the invitation.

1.3 Evening reception "Cocktail"

The "cocktail" starts between 17:00 and 18:00 and lasts about two hours. Reception takes place standing. On the invitation, the time of the beginning and end of the reception is indicated (17.00-19.00, 18.00-20.00). It is considered normal to stay at the reception for about one hour. Coming to the reception at the beginning and leaving it at the end is considered to be an expression of special respect for the hosts.

1.4 Evening reception "Buffet"

Reception type "Buffet" is held at the same time as the "Cocktail". The formal difference of this type of reception is that at the “Cocktail” reception, drinks and snacks are usually carried, and at buffet receptions, the assortment of snacks is much wider. Snacks, including hot meals, may be served at the buffet reception.

The dress code for cocktails and buffets is a casual suit. Sometimes, depending on the specific case, a different type of clothing may be indicated in the invitation.

1.5 Evening reception "Lunch"

"Lunch" usually starts from 20 to 21 hours. The lunch menu includes one or two cold appetizers, soup, hot fish or meat dishes, dessert. During lunch, guests are served an aperitif. The duration of lunch is from 2.5 to 3 hours. At the same time, guests spend a little more than an hour at the table, and the rest of the time in the living rooms. In an invitation to dinner, protocol practice recommends indicating the dress code. For men, this is usually an evening suit, and on special occasions - a tuxedo or even a tailcoat. For women - Evening Dress.

1. 6 Evening reception "Dinner"

"Dinner" differs from lunch only by the start time - no later than 21 hours. In Russian protocol practice, such a type of diplomatic reception as "Dinner" is currently used quite rarely. Not as strict as before, the protocol time for the start of the official dinner is maintained. It can be held starting at 19:00.

1.7 Reception "Lunch buffet"

IN last years when organizing protocol events, such a type of reception as a “buffet lunch” is often used, in which guests themselves choose dishes from a common table, and then freely sit down according to their choice. This kind of reception is organized after a concert, a musical evening or some kind of solemn act. A good knowledge of the protocol is necessary not only for diplomats, but also for every civil servant involved in international economic cooperation, moreover, for every businessman who wants to successfully cooperate with his foreign partners. Competent mastery of the rules and norms of modern diplomatic and business protocol creates a favorable climate for communication, increases the prestige not only of the diplomatic or economic department, but also of the state as a whole.

2 . Basic principles of diplomatic protocol

ethics business diplomatic behavior

The diplomatic protocol was officially approved in the 19th century at the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815). This is a set of generally accepted rules, traditions and conventions that must be observed by heads of state and government, foreign affairs departments, diplomatic missions, and officials in international communication.

The diplomatic protocol has a rich history, its own peculiarities and traditions. But its foundation is stably and invariably an expression of deep respect for the distinguished foreign guest, for the country and people that he represents. The rules and norms of the diplomatic protocol that have developed to date regulate almost all forms of foreign policy and international economic cooperation.

One of the organic components of the diplomatic protocol is diplomatic etiquette. If the diplomatic protocol is "an expression of good manners in relations between states", then diplomatic etiquette is a manifestation of good manners in relations between officials, political and public figures representing their state. Diplomats communicate with their counterparts in government, public and business circles in compliance with long-established rules, deviation from which can cause undesirable complications in relationships.

The rules of diplomatic etiquette contain certain forms of address, correspondence, as well as a strict procedure for making visits, holding meetings and conversations, diplomatic receptions, etc. They impose rather strict requirements on the appearance of a diplomat, civil servant, businessman, their clothes, manners, behavior and so on.

The norms of diplomatic etiquette and protocol are based on the principle that each diplomat is backed by the state he represents. All states are sovereign and enjoy equal rights and privileges in the practice of international communication.

The principle of reciprocity is of great importance in diplomatic practice. Strict norms of diplomatic etiquette prescribe observance of the rules of obligatory response (to a letter, note, sent business card, to a courtesy visit or congratulations), the need for the presence in official correspondence (notes, letters) of an introductory (at the beginning of a letter or note) and final (at the end) compliment. Missed, seemingly formal compliments can be regarded as disrespect or hostility and lead to international conflict.

Of great importance in diplomatic practice is the observance of the principle of seniority, which depends not on the significance of the country represented, but on the rank of the representative and his date of accreditation.

The norms of diplomatic etiquette are based on strict and unconditional observance of the customs and rules of the host country, its legislation and established procedures. In fact, diplomatic etiquette only supplements the rules of general civil etiquette, which fully apply to all diplomats.

3 . Rules of conduct at official meetings

Department meetings, meetings of managers and senior management, negotiations and similar events are held in a formal setting and in accordance with certain rules that must be strictly observed.

Minutes of the meeting, items on the agenda and reports of participants are documented and submitted to general access then, with due respect to the chairman, a vote is taken.

3.1 Radvice on etiquette

1. Statistical data and other information relevant to the case, which is planned to be distributed to participants, must be

send out at least three days before the meeting.

2. It is necessary to arrive at such meetings on time and in formal attire.

3. At official meetings, mobile phones must be turned off.

4. At such meetings, a certain system of seating of participants is usually adopted.

6. Breaks can be taken only with the permission of the chairman.

7. It is necessary to speak briefly and to the point, while addressing the chairman.

8. Formal meetings require participants to maintain the confidentiality of information: it cannot be disclosed to outsiders who were not present at the meeting. This is seen as a serious disregard for trust.

4 . Rules of conduct at business receptions

At business receptions, your behavior at the table says a lot. It shows how meticulous you are about the details that should be an integral part of the life of any employee who wants to achieve and maintain a competitive level.

The conventions that you must follow during the reception depend on what kind of reception it is and what your role in it is.

4.1 PrulesAbusiness lunch

When meeting someone in a restaurant, wait in the lobby unless you have been asked not to.

If you are the first to sit at the table, wait for others and do not order a drink.

Before placing an order, carefully ask the person who invited you how much he expects to spend. Ask him: "What do you recommend?"

Order only the main food (salad, main course and drink). If the person who invited you offers dessert, order it.

The napkin should be placed on your lap after everyone is seated at the table. It can be folded in half. At the end of the meal, the napkin should be placed on the table to the right of the cutlery.

Before enjoying your meal, you should wait until everyone at the table has been served.

Offer common dishes to others first, and only then put food to yourself. Before serving yourself, offer the food closest to you to the neighbor on the left.

Eat at the same pace as the person you are dining with.

Solid food should be on your left, liquid food on your right.

Devices are used in accordance with their location, starting with the extreme ones and ending with those that are next to the plate. If you stop using the appliance from time to time, then put it only on the edge of the plate, but not on the tablecloth.

If there are olives with a stone in the salad, what should I do? For such cases, remember the rule: what gets into the mouth with the help of cutlery, with their help, is removed from the mouth. The bone taken out with a fork or spoon is placed on the edge of the plate.

To let the waiter know that you are taking a break, simply place the knife with the handle to the right, point toward you, the fork with the handle to the left and the prongs up.

If you need to leave the table for a short time, then do it during the change of dishes. When in this situation, place your napkin on the table to the left of your cutlery. This is another sign for the waiter that you haven't finished eating yet.

At the end of the meal, both devices are placed on a plate in parallel.

4.2 Councils what not to do at receptions

There are also some pitfalls in organizing a business lunch, for example:

To show that you do not know how to properly behave at the table: this will undermine your prestige.

Telling your interlocutor too much about the details of your personal life: this will destroy your professional image.

Drink too much alcohol: people may think that you are not doing well in this area.

4.3 Preception like "A labuffet"

In business life in recent years, a reception like “A la buffet table” has become very common. » . This type of reception has its own characteristics that make it attractive for both the hosts and the guests.

It is possible to invite significantly more guests to a buffet table than to a seated lunch held in the same room. Most business people value democracy, mobility of communication, less official atmosphere that characterize the rules and regulations of this form of reception. Guests who are not bound by seating at the table, its hierarchy, as at official celebrations, are free in their choice of location, interlocutors of interest to themselves. The buffet reception creates excellent conditions for its participants to establish new acquaintances, to consolidate and deepen business and personal relationships.

For a buffet table, as for most receptions without seating at the table, it is not necessary to come to the very beginning. It is considered normal to stay at the reception for up to 1.5 hours. The first guests gather within 15-30 minutes. Coming to the reception at the beginning and leaving it at the end is considered to be an expression of special respect for the hosts. Late arrivals and early departures good reasons) are considered as a guest's desire to emphasize a strained relationship with the hosts.

A gross violation of etiquette is the arrival at the reception of employees of representative offices, firms, etc. later than his leader. The departure of guests occurs in the reverse order: the management leaves first, followed by the rest of the employees of these organizations in order of seniority.

Arriving at a reception like "a la buffet", you must first find the owner and hostess, say hello to them. It is allowed to leave without saying goodbye at any time, within the framework of the order specified in the invitation.

“A la buffet” in French means “on the fork”, that is, there should be an appetizer on the table that can only be taken with a fork, and there is no food that needs to be cut with a knife.

4.4 Rules of etiquetteand receptions without seating

At receptions without seating, as well as at dinner, one should be able to behave with dignity, combining the obligatory observance of etiquette with pleasant ease.

Do not impose, taking advantage of the situation, your company to unfamiliar people, famous figures, seniors, foreign guests.

At such receptions, it is not customary to negotiate on the terms of the contract, money, etc., on which it was not possible to find common positions during official meetings. So, for example, in England you can’t discuss business after work, including at receptions.

You should not discuss acute political, religious, national issues, as well as your personal problems.

A common mistake is the desire of the representatives of the inviting party to group and discuss their affairs, instead of being hospitable hosts, paying attention to the invited, helping them get comfortable.

The host of the reception must have time to exchange a word with each of those present, so that everyone feels like a significant person.

A conversation with a specific interlocutor should not last more than 10 minutes, since the interlocutor you are interested in may have his own plans for contacts that evening.

Guests serve themselves - they come to the tables, take left hand a plate, put a fork on it, pick up snacks and move away so that others can come up for the same purpose. In order to keep the right hand free, it is wise not to overfill your plate with snacks, but leave room for a glass on it.

If you want to try another snack, you just need to go back to the table, take a clean plate and fork.

Used plates and glasses are either taken away by waiters or guests leave them on specially prepared trays and tables.

4.5 Rules of etiquette at the reception "lunch buffet» (Buffet)

Participants in a buffet lunch serve themselves: they take a napkin with their left hand, on which they put a plate with a knife and fork previously placed on it, and then put food on the plate. With the right hand they take a glass of wine, juice or some other drink. Waiter service can be arranged.

Having filled the plate, the guests move away from the table and sit down at small tables. You can also sit on sofas, in armchairs, trying to sit down with those people with whom you need to talk. Wines, cocktails and other spirits are displayed on the buffet counters and tables, they are poured by the waiters.

4.6 Business appearance requirementstricks

Etiquette and business protocol require that business people, when going to an appointment, strictly follow their rules.

For all appointments starting before 20.00 for men

You can wear a suit of any soft color. For receptions starting after 20.00, it is recommended to wear a suit in black or dark color. Sometimes the invitation specifies the dress code.

The jacket must be fastened with all buttons, except for the bottom, which is never fastened. You can unbutton your jacket during breakfast, dinner, lunch, that is, while sitting at a table or in an armchair.

For all kinds of receptions, it is recommended to wear a white shirt with a starched or soft collar and a tie of any color, but not bright or black. The last black is worn only as a sign of mourning or, if necessary, with uniforms.

For formal suits, it is recommended to wear low shoes or boots in dark brown or black. Sandals or sandals, boots with thick soles, sports shoes should not be worn at receptions. Patent leather boots are worn only with a tuxedo.

The color of men's socks should be darker than the color of the suit. Socks should be without pattern.

To the woman invited to the afternoon reception and cocktail,

it is recommended to wear clothes of strict, modest lines and moderate tones - a regular length dress, dress-suit or suit, unless otherwise indicated in the invitation. For receptions starting after 20.00, it is recommended to wear an evening dress (more elegant and open).

Shoes for women should be weekend - made of leather, suede on any comfortable heel. Evening shoes can be made of colored leather, thick silks, brocade, etc. The handbag should be small.

If the dress code is indicated in the invitation ("White tie" - white tie, which means tailcoat, "Black tie" - black tie, that is, tuxedo; "Evening dress" - evening wear, which also means tailcoat ), this requirement is mandatory. Ladies in such cases should be in evening dresses. Ladies' toilets should be elegant but modest. The ability to combine elegance with simplicity is most appreciated. It is not recommended to come to receptions with a lot of jewelry.


In conclusion, I note that the main features of diplomatic etiquette are the rules of courtesy not only in international communication, but also at home. But sometimes it happens that even a well-educated person gets into a difficult situation. Most often this happens when knowledge of the rules of international etiquette is necessary.

Communication of representatives different countries, different political views, religious beliefs and rituals, national traditions and psychologies, ways of life and culture require not only knowledge foreign languages, but also the ability to behave naturally, tactfully and with dignity, which is extremely necessary when meeting with people from other countries. This skill does not come by itself, it should be learned throughout life.

The courtesy rules of every nation are a very complex combination of national traditions, customs and international etiquette. And wherever you are, in whatever country you are, the hosts have the right to expect attention from the guest, interest in their country, respect for customs.

Intelligence should be not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to understand the other. It manifests itself in a thousand and thousand little things: in the ability to argue respectfully, to behave modestly at the table, in the ability to quietly help another, to protect nature, not to litter around oneself - not to litter with cigarette butts or swearing, bad ideas.


1. Morozov A.V. Management psychology. Textbook for students. - M.: Academic Project, 2003 - 288 p.

2. Semyonov A.K., Maslova E.A. Psychology and ethics of management and business. -M.: Marketing, 2000 - 200s.

3. Volkov G.M. Business Ethics: Tutorial. - M.: URAO, 2007 - 144 p.

4. Botavina R.N. Ethics of business relations: Proc. allowance. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002. - 208 p.

5. Semnok A.K., Maslova E.L. Ethics of management: Proc. allowance. - M.: Dashkov i K?, 2007. - 272 p.

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Any reception must be carefully prepared. IN organization of reception includes: choosing the type of reception, compiling a list of invited persons, sending out invitations, drawing up a plan for seating guests at the table, compiling a menu, setting the table and serving guests, preparing toasts and speeches, thinking through the order of the reception.

When determining admission dates it should be assumed that receptions are not held on holidays and non-working days, as well as on days of national mourning (earlier appointments are cancelled).

Reception invitations sent on a special form. The name, surname of the invitee, his position are printed or entered by hand. It is advisable to send invitations one to two weeks before the reception.

Guests are seated at the table at official breakfasts, lunches and dinners in accordance with generally accepted rules, which are based on strict observance of the official or social position of the guests.

Section IV. Applied Ethics: Problems and Solutions

Chapter 17

Violation of this rule may be interpreted as knowingly causing damage to the guest or his country, which may lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly where the guests will be seated. For this purpose, it is prepared in advance rough plan their seating, according to which each seat at the table is indicated by a special card.

When seating the invitees, the following rules are observed: the first place is considered to be to the right of the mistress of the house, the second - to the right of the owner; in the absence of the hostess, the first place is considered to be to the right of the owner of the house, the second - to the left of him: a guest of especially high rank can be seated opposite the owner, in this case the second will be the place to his right; if the mistress of the house is absent, one of the invited women (with her consent) or a man of the highest rank can be put in her place. It is desirable that a woman should not sit next to a woman, a husband with his wife, a woman should not sit at the end of the table. The knowledge of the languages ​​of the guests sitting nearby is taken into account.

When compiling the menu it is recommended to take into account the tastes of guests, their national and religious traditions. So, it would be an oversight to include, for example, meat in the menu on fasting days or pork if Muslims are at the reception. On the other hand, a vegetarian guest will be pleased if he is served a vegetarian dish.

One of the manifestations of hospitality is attention to the customs, tastes, table traditions of guests. Therefore, when choosing a menu, it is necessary to remember the peculiarities of the guests' national cuisine. To offer a guest a “native”, familiar dish for him is a touching sign of respect from the hosts.

Rules of conduct at all receptions - from official to home - begin with regulation appearance of guests at the reception. The general rule is the requirement to arrive at exactly the appointed time.

At the official reception, guests gather for 30-35 minutes and after a short pause (it is used for mutual greetings and acquaintances) are invited to the table. Being late is considered a violation of etiquette and can be taken with resentment.

Accepted at official receptions two types of service: when all

snacks and meals are on the table and when guests are served by the

cyants. Abroad, the latter type of service is more common, when waiters approach guests, pour water, drinks, then serve snacks and dishes on large trays in the order indicated on the menu.

Service begins with a lady seated to the right of the host. Dishes are brought to the guest from the left side, and he puts them on his plate with the help of dispensing devices. You cannot use your own forks and spoons for these purposes. Only one serving should be taken as servings can be prepared according to the number of guests. The dishes that the waiter lays out are brought from the right side.

It is not customary to start eating until the mistress of the house starts. The men must wait until the ladies start eating. At the table, you should maintain a conversation with both neighbors (even if one of them is unpleasant for you). It is desirable to talk about something calm, without touching on sensitive topics: a witty light conversation on topics that promote appetite is preferable.

If you need to say something to a person sitting behind your neighbor, then they say behind his back. The conversation "through a neighbor" should not be long, it can consist of a remark, a joke, a small phrase.

Do not touch the interlocutor in order to attract his attention. Do not talk about the reasons that prompt you not to eat any dish.

The best time to say table speech or toast - a break or pause between courses when those present at the table are not eating.

The speech should not be long or too pretentious. The person who wants to take the floor stands up to get the attention of the guests and begins to speak. The table speech ends with a toast. It is impolite to continue eating or talking to your neighbors while someone is speaking.

It is recommended to finish eating together with everyone so as not to delay others. As soon as the guests have finished eating, the hostess gets up, and everyone else rises after her. The men help the ladies out of the table by pushing their chairs back.

Before leaving guests say goodbye to the hostess and the owner, thank you for the hospitality and an interesting evening, but not for the treat.

47S . Section IV. Applied Ethics: Problems and Solutions

Chapter 17

It is not recommended to unnecessarily stay at the reception longer than the time specified in the invitation, as this can be burdensome for the hosts. An unfavorable impression is formed when guests leave the reception all at once, it is best to disperse gradually.

These are, in general terms, the etiquette rules of conduct at official events: diplomatic receptions, presentations, dinner parties.

One of the problems of etiquette for both formal and informal events is the choice and presentation gifts And souvenirs. When choosing a gift, you should always clearly understand who it is intended for. Gifts to officials, business partners, relatives, friends or acquaintances have their own specifics. For the first ones, a small original painting can be a great gift, as our artists are always in fashion. Any guest from the West will be happy with the Palekh or Fedoskino casket, Zhostovo tray, Dumkovskaya clay toy, Belarusian straw or ceramics.

Only friends and close relatives can give personal items. A good gift can be perfumes, cosmetics, leather goods, beautiful dishes. It is appropriate to give friends a box of expensive sweets (it is not customary to give loose sweets), cognac, champagne.

At the same time, do not forget that you gave earlier. Only alcoholic beverages can be re-served. But remember that it is not customary to give alcoholic drinks without a branded box. Never give a watch to anyone - and in the West, And in the East it is a bad omen. But well-published books and albums are considered a wonderful gift.

Flowers are always a universal gift for women. Unlike other gifts, flowers are given after removing the packaging (the exception is decorative cellophane packaging). Flowers can be given for any occasion, but it should be done at the right time. For example, it is inconvenient to come with a bouquet to a crowded dinner or dinner party. A woman can give flowers to a woman or an elderly man, but to a young man only if he is seriously ill.

In business circles, gifts are made to create an atmosphere of goodwill and to build trust, they can energize business and establish a favorable

business climate. At the same time, in different countries there are national peculiarities of presenting gifts.

In Japan, for example, since feudal times there has been an officially approved procedure for the official exchange of gifts when making transactions. This ceremony, called “oseibo”, is usually performed in the first half of December. Today, the Japanese spend huge sums annually on the oseibo, bringing traditional gifts such as seaweed, butter, or coffee to their superiors and others with whom they wish to maintain good relations.

Americans, with the exception of Christmas time, have no fixed dates for giving gifts that symbolize the strengthening of business relations, as well as no specific items intended for this purpose: to strengthen business relations and testify to one’s affection for a subordinate, client or buyer, you can use any occasion.

unofficial events - home holidays, receptions, visiting cafes and restaurants - also have their own rules for preparing, conducting and behavior. In some ways, these rules are the same, in some ways they are different. It is these differences that we have to consider.

In the restaurant and away

Restaurant visit - it is a cross between a formal or informal event. On the one hand - the solemnity and "publicity" of the situation, on the other - a narrower, more familiar, and often intimate circle of friends. This is the reason for the specific features of behavior in a restaurant.

A restaurant, like a theater, starts with a hanger. Here, in front of the entrance to the hall, visitors undress, examine themselves in the mirror, straighten their hair and clothes. Significant defects in appearance are eliminated in the toilet.

A man enters the restaurant hall first, and his companion follows him. If a woman entered the hall first, the man is a little ahead of her on the way to the table, finds seats and helps the lady to take the most convenient of them. The most convenient places are usually considered: near the wall - facing the hall, and in the middle of the hall - facing the entrance. The man sits down after the lady has sat down. If the table is large, then it should be planted to your right, if the table is small, then opposite.

Similar information.

At business receptions, your behavior at the table says a lot. It shows how meticulous you are about the details that should be an integral part of the life of any employee who wants to achieve and maintain a competitive level.

The conventions that you must follow during the reception depend on what kind of reception it is and what your role in it is.

Business lunch rules

When meeting someone in a restaurant, wait in the lobby unless you have been asked not to.

If you are the first to sit at the table, wait for others and do not order a drink.

Before placing an order, carefully ask the person who invited you how much he expects to spend. Ask him: "What do you recommend?"

Order only the main food (salad, main course and drink). If the person who invited you offers dessert, order it.

The napkin should be placed on your lap after everyone is seated at the table. It can be folded in half. At the end of the meal, the napkin should be placed on the table to the right of the cutlery.

Before enjoying your meal, you should wait until everyone at the table has been served.

Offer common dishes to others first, and only then put food to yourself. Before serving yourself, offer the food closest to you to the neighbor on the left.

Eat at the same pace as the person you are dining with.

Solid food should be on your left, liquid food on your right.

Devices are used in accordance with their location, starting with the extreme ones and ending with those that are next to the plate. If you stop using the appliance from time to time, then put it only on the edge of the plate, but not on the tablecloth.

If there are olives with a stone in the salad, what should I do? For such cases, remember the rule: what gets into the mouth with the help of cutlery, with their help, is removed from the mouth. The bone taken out with a fork or spoon is placed on the edge of the plate.

To let the waiter know that you are taking a break, simply place the knife with the handle to the right, point toward you, the fork with the handle to the left and the prongs up.

If you need to leave the table for a short time, then do it during the change of dishes. When in this situation, place your napkin on the table to the left of your cutlery. This is another sign for the waiter that you haven't finished eating yet.

At the end of the meal, both devices are placed on a plate in parallel.

Staying always elegant is a real art. The ability to eat beautifully is useful to any modern person who likes to leave a favorable impression. Knowing the rules of behavior and table etiquette will help you gain confidence and look decent.

The situations may vary. Settings that apply in one company or culture are definitely not appropriate for other circumstances. In parallel, there are rules of conduct at a friendly table and clear instructions for business meetings over lunch. It is not enough to simply use a fork and knife, you need to control yourself in any situation. Etiquette at the aristocratic festive table is absolutely inapplicable on a hike or a roadside diner. It is important to see the situation, to feel the situation, to understand others.

Table etiquette changes in different cultures, circumstances, companies. Somewhere, the ability to flawlessly dispose of several dozen knives, spoons, forks or other utensils will not come in handy at all. What does not exist in table etiquette is blind obedience to each item - you need self-control and a clear understanding of your actions. A sense of proportion will tell you how to behave. The rules must be observed wisely: for etiquette, one does not need to have manners at the common table, which are characteristic of a prim lady of the royal court.

How to behave at the table in a formal setting

Table etiquette at official receptions is individual for different countries. Enjoy food with confidence general rules and it is not always necessary to be able to use a fork and a knife. It is very important to show respect for the people around you. The basic rules of correct behavior at the table are necessary initially for the manifestation of one's attitude towards others.

For eating at the table for official meetings, the rules of etiquette provide for some formalities:

  • Posture. A flat back allows you to look confident, palms are at a convenient distance for using a fork and knife. You can't lean on the table. It is possible for women to lean on one elbow for a short time. A man should not touch the edges of the table during the whole meal.
  • Do not lean too far towards the plate and spread your elbows.
  • No need to reach for your favorite dish across the entire table. You can politely ask for food to be handed over.
  • Dishes at the table are passed from left to right.
  • Eat at a leisurely pace, in small portions.
  • It is not customary to blow on hot dishes. You can wait a bit for the food to cool down on its own.
  • Eating should be done quietly so as not to spoil others.
  • Before taking a sip of water or a drink, it is worth swallowing all the food and blotting your lips with a napkin so as not to stain the rim of the glass.
  • Sitting down at the table with a cigarette means demonstrating your disrespect for others.
  • It's not nice to tilt the soup bowl, you can just leave some liquid at the bottom. After eating, put the spoon on the plate.
  • If you need to move away from the table, you should inform those present about it.
  • Etiquette for modern rules of conduct suggests the need to show respect at the table to the hosts of the evening. Their home-cooked specialties are a must-try. You should start eating only after the owners.
  • Don't pick at your plate, put aside the best bits, or show that you don't like the food.
  • It is ugly to share a glass with a neighbor, to take food from his plate even with a close acquaintance.

Cutlery and napkins

Table etiquette provides for some. There are two ways to handle a knife and fork: classical And American. According to the first, the knife and fork should be held in the hands until the dish is eaten. In the American way, it is allowed to put an unnecessary knife on a plate.

Used utensils should not be placed on the table so as not to stain the tablecloth. They should be left on the plate. The crossed fork and knife signal to the waiter that the guest has not finished with the dish yet. To change the plate, you need to put the devices in parallel.

The fork and knife should be used silently, avoiding grinding. It is ugly when pieces of food or splashes fly around. Chicken Kiev or other "dangerous" dishes should be carefully pierced with a fork so that the juice flows out. It is unacceptable to eat with a knife. It is intended only for cutting the dish.

Cutlery is common and individual. Shared utensils are designed to put dishes on a plate, and are located to the right of the dish in which the food was served. The spoon is designed to scoop up food, and the fork to support the selected piece of food. After use, they are left in a common plate for the next guest.

Table etiquette provides some rules for using napkins:

  • The linen napkin should be on your knees. It should be deployed silently.
  • You should not put a napkin on the table, tie it around your neck and generally place it somewhere above your knees.
  • After eating or before each sip from the glass, wipe oily lips.
  • Ladies with painted lips should use disposable paper napkins.
  • If you need to go out, leave the napkin on the chair. After the end of the evening, it should be put on the edge of the table next to your plate.
  • It is unacceptable to wipe the served cutlery with a napkin. This is a hint of the uncleanliness of the owners.

Table conversations and manners

The rules of conduct at the table involve communication between the participants in the meal. Do not hide from guests, it looks impolite. Good manners according to the rules of etiquette is, first of all, an attempt by your presence to create a calm environment for eating. It is worth being attentive to the neighbors. You need to make sure that the people sitting next to you do not need to convey anything and do not forget to keep the conversation going.

The culture of behavior at the table implies a certain etiquette of communication during meals. Difficult conversations, quarrels, showdown should be postponed for another occasion. When eating at a common table, you must follow the correct rules of conduct. The conversation should be relaxed, easy, showing respect for the participants.

  • It is unacceptable to read a book, get a phone or tablet at the table. Painting is also not recommended.
  • If children participate in the meal, it is necessary to explain to them how to behave at the table, and what etiquette is. The younger members of the meal should only speak if asked. It is impossible to interfere in the conversation of adults, be capricious, play with food. It is unacceptable for children to be present when discussing topics that are not intended for them. It is worth remembering the little participants in the feast when talking about personal relationships, emotional conversations.
  • A good tone at a dinner party or dinner implies certain rules of etiquette when talking. It is necessary to look directly into the eyes when talking. Looking away is impolite.
  • The protruding little finger is no longer very consistent with modern etiquette and is a sign of affectation. This is a relic of those times when it was considered aesthetic to take food with the index, middle and thumb, setting aside the rest.
  • Separately, it can be said about the attitude towards the waiters. A truly cultured person can be seen in communication with service personnel. Petty nit-picking, raising your voice, and even more so scandals with waiters, speak of a guest's poor upbringing. If a dirty appliance or an insufficiently hot dish is served, you can report this in a calm tone without dropping your dignity.
  • After the meal is over, praise the chef. If you don't like the food, you can always find something positive.


Etiquette at the table is also important in consumption. The glass should be held by the leg with your fingers so as not to stain the shiny walls with greasy fingers. So you can enjoy the taste of the drink without changing its temperature. Wine glass must be filled to half. These are not only the rules of table etiquette - empty space allows you to fully enjoy the aroma of grapes. At receptions, drinks are served on trays by waiters. The glass is held in the hands until it is empty. To get rid of empty dishes, you can use a special table.

A cup of coffee should be held by the handle with two fingers. This will help you avoid getting burned by the hot drink. At the tea table, it is also worth remembering what cultural behavior and table etiquette are. You can’t blow on a hot drink, you need to drink silently. It is worth stirring the tea without touching the edge of the cup with a spoon, so as not to make unnecessary sounds. If the drink spilled on the saucer, you must ask the waiter to replace the dishes.

The peculiarity of table etiquette when drinking alcohol is in its obligatory attention to the interlocutors. Topping up a drink in a glass only for yourself is a bad form. You must first ask the neighbors if they need more or another alcohol.

Additional rules of etiquette

  • Smoking at the table is allowed only in the absence of children and objections from the rest of the participants in the meal. Do not smoke before meals or while neighbors are eating. This makes it difficult to enjoy the flavor of the dish. You need to wait until the end of lunch or dinner.
  • Refusal of a dish (diet, allergies or the presence of certain beliefs) is possible with a polite explanation of the reason.
  • Food between the teeth can cause some discomfort. It should be removed away from prying eyes. You should apologize and go to the toilet.
  • Lipstick on glasses, cutlery is a bad taste. Before eating, wipe your lips with a paper towel.
  • Handbags, briefcases, umbrellas on the table can not be folded. If possible, they should be hung on the back of a chair or placed next to you on the floor.

Ethics - (the doctrine of morality, morality) - a system of norms for the moral behavior of people, their social duty, their obligation in relation to each other.

Etiquette (from French) - means demeanor.

Etiquette is a set of rules of conduct relating to the external appearance of attitudes towards people.

Modern business etiquette is the ability to adapt to a particular life situation without losing their social status.

Business etiquette regulates the behavior of people in the service, in public places and on the street, at various kinds of official events - receptions, negotiations.


Our time is marked by the expansion of political, economic and cultural ties with foreign countries, the creation of joint ventures with foreign firms, which contributes to the growth of communication between people from different countries at all levels. Receptions are one of the forms of business communication between people.

A reception is a meeting of invited persons (usually with officials) at someone's in honor of someone or something. Distinguish receptions business and solemn.

Business receptions are associated with the invitation of representatives of a particular company. They are organized in order for the parties to receive advice on a particular issue, as well as on the occasion of the creation of a joint venture by them, for example, or in honor of the opening of a joint exhibition, etc. Such receptions are usually arranged by phone or in writing, specifying the exact time and number of guests.

Guests are invited either to a room specially designed for this purpose (negotiation or reception room), or to the reception organizer's office. In this case, a table for the reception participants is attached to the desk. On one side of the table, the invitees are seated, with the leader in the center, and on the other, the reception organizer (opposite the leader of the invitees) and other employees participating in the negotiations sit down.

During the reception, the leader should not sit at his desk, so as not to oppose himself to the rest of those present.

The representative of the host party meets those invited at the entrance to the institution, indicates where the wardrobe is, helps the ladies take off their coats and escorts them, and he himself goes in front, to the reception room or to the host's office.

The reception organizer meets the arrivals at the entrance, without leaving the premises, and greets each of them. In this case, the head of the arrivals represents each of the arrivals.

The reception organizer, after all those present have taken their places at the table, introduces his employees to the guests (and there are usually as many of them as those invited), each of whom at the same time greets the guests with a tilt of his head.

Then negotiations begin.

At business receptions, in addition to the items necessary for negotiations (writing paper or notepads, pencils or pens) and laid out on the table so that it is convenient for each participant to take them, refreshments are provided, as at ceremonial receptions.

As a treat, mineral and fruit water are placed on the table before the guests arrive. Additionally, cigarettes and matches are laid out. Accordingly, there should be bottle openers and ashtrays on the table. Sometimes the traditional treat is supplemented with coffee or tea, and in some cases with cognac. They are served at the signal of the organizer of the reception.

As a rule, business receptions last no more than an hour.

Solemn receptions, depending on what event was the reason for their organization, and the composition of the participants in whose honor celebrations are organized, are official and unofficial.

Receptions are official when those present are invited to them due to official necessity.

Official receptions are arranged in honor of the arrival of the head of a foreign state or government, diplomatic and other official representatives. The reasons for them can also be national and state holidays, anniversaries, as well as congresses, symposiums, conferences, opening and closing international exhibitions, signing contracts, trade agreements.

Informal receptions are organized for friendly meetings, family celebrations, weddings and other traditional holidays.

Receptions in honor of or with the participation of official foreign representatives are usually called diplomatic. They allow you to show courtesy, attention, respect and hospitality towards individuals - the head or members of a foreign government, diplomatic representatives, scientists, cultural figures, etc., as well as various official organizations.

In the diplomatic practice of communication, there are various techniques. Here are some of them:

Reception "A glass of champagne" - on the occasion of a national holiday, the departure of an ambassador, in honor of a delegation, etc. At this reception, guests are served champagne, toasted nuts, chocolate, and sometimes small cakes.

At the "Glass of Wine" reception, guests are served wine, various canapes, tartlets, fruits.

The "Barbecue" reception is held outdoors during the summer, usually on Sundays. Grilled meats, wines and soft drinks are served.

Most often, diplomatic receptions are organized as invitations to breakfast, lunch, tea or dinner (banquets).

The most common time for a diplomatic breakfast is from 12 to 13 hours. It usually lasts 1-1.5 hours, 45-60 minutes of which guests spend at the table.

Lunch starts between 19:00 and 21:00 and lasts 2-2.5 hours, while guests spend all the time at the table.

Guests are invited for tea by 3-4 pm. It usually lasts 1.5-2 hours, of which guests spend about an hour at the table.

Dinner is served after 21:00.

Each of these techniques usually consists of two parts.

The first is a meeting, greeting and gathering of guests, private and general conversations, a preliminary acquaintance of the invited with their places at the banquet table, an aperitif.

The second is a banquet, most often at a full-service table or a buffet banquet.

For receptions, banquets, it is necessary to have two adjacent halls: one for receiving and gathering guests, the other for a banquet.

In the hall for receiving and gathering guests, called the entrance hall, they put several chairs, a round table covered with a tablecloth, on which they put cigarettes (in packs or cigarette cases), matches, cigars in boxes, scissors for cutting the ends of cigars, ashtrays, put candelabra with lighted candles . The room is usually decorated with fresh flowers in baskets or tall vases.

To familiarize guests with their places at the banquet table in the entrance hall, a reduced layout of the main table is placed in a conspicuous place, on which cards are placed indicating the surnames, names and patronymics of each guest in the order that strictly corresponds to their places at the banquet table. An arrow made of plastic or other material is placed in the center of the table, showing the direction in which the table is located, and the sequence of placement of seats at the table in the banquet hall, starting from the front door.

If the banquet is held simultaneously in several halls, each of which has several tables, a different system of preliminary acquaintance of guests with their places is recommended. In the entrance hall on a stand located in a conspicuous place, a list of participants in the reception is posted indicating the last name, first name and patronymic of each participant, the number of the hall or its name, table numbers and place. Here, on the table, each of the guests will find a schematic plan for the location of banquet halls, tables in each of them and their seat number.

Before inviting guests to the banquet hall in the entrance hall, they are offered an aperitif.

Aperitif - a drink (drinks) that is recommended to guests to quench their thirst and stimulate appetite. As aperitifs, soft drinks, juices and wine and vodka products are offered. Non-alcoholic drinks are served with mineral table waters - Narzan, Moscow, Dzherma, etc., as well as sparkling water and other carbonated drinks, and unsweetened ones, since sugar reduces appetite, and ordinary chilled water with ice.

The best juices for an aperitif are: lemon, grapefruit, pomegranate, tomato, grape (from unsweetened grape varieties), etc.

From wine and vodka drinks, such as vermouth (by the way, it is considered the best drink for an aperitif), champagne (dry or semi-dry), natural wines (white or red), as well as cognac and vodka are used as an aperitif.

There are three types of aperitifs: ordinary, combined and mixed. Ordinary is an aperitif consisting of one drink when served, for example, only vermouth or, say, champagne (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1.

A combined aperitif is several drinks poured into glasses, glasses, piles, for example, mineral water in glasses, juice in glasses, wine, or cognac, or vodka, in appropriate glasses (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1.

Mixed aperitifs are specially prepared mixtures of various drinks, such as unsweetened cocktails.

Aperitifs are served to guests on small trays covered with napkins.

Sliced ​​lemons, olives, almonds and other nuts are often served as appetizers as appetizers.

I must say that receptions often end with the serving of cocktails or other aperitifs, and then coffee is offered to guests. However, as a rule, ceremonial receptions end with a banquet, for which all guests are invited to the banquet hall by the reception organizer or, at his signal, the head waiter, if the banquet is held in a restaurant.

The time spent in the reception hall (anteroom) is used by many to meet business people and establish business relationships with them.

What should everyone invited to a gala reception know and be able to do?

First. Not only do not be late for an appointment, but, on the contrary, be 5-10 minutes, and for a big reception - 10-15 minutes before the appointed hour.

Second. At the entrance to the reception hall (anteroom), greet the host with a tilt of the head, and when extending their hands and shaking hands.

Third. You should not linger for a long time near the host and occupy him with questions and any kind of conversation, as this will distract him from other guests.

Fourth. Moving away from the host, greet all previously arrived guests with a tilt of the head.

Fifth. Seeing a friend in the hall, go up to him and shake his hand. If you have already greeted the rest of the guests, you can strike up a light conversation with this person.

Sixth. At a convenient moment, go to the layout of the banquet table or to the list of participants with the table layout and seat numbering and remember the table number and your seat number, specifying from the layout on which side of the table your seat is and how far it is from the end of the table. It is also necessary to remember who will be Fig. 15. Serving a combined aperitif sit at the table to your right, his name and patronymic.

Seventh. If an unfamiliar woman is sitting to your right, you need to ask one or another acquaintance who knows this lady to introduce you to her.

If your neighbor is a man, then it is allowed to get to know him without intermediaries.

Eighth. The aperitif at such receptions is served by the waiters. As soon as the waiter approaches you, you, having learned from the lady that she wants to drink, serve her the appropriate aperitif, and then choose a drink for yourself. Empty dishes should be placed on a special tray for used dishes, which is located on a separate table or on a table with cigarettes. In this case, you can offer the lady, your companion, canapes or nuts, which, as a rule, are served with an aperitif.

Ninth. After being invited to the table, you offer the lady your right hand and go with her to the banquet hall for the banquet host and the main guest.

Approaching the table, pay attention to small cards, also known as cover cards, with surnames and initials, and sometimes positions, which will help you orient yourself.