Etiquette standards of behavior at official meetings and receptions. Etiquette and rules of official receptions Table conversations and manners

Kinds official receptions

The main types of official receptions are breakfast (Lunch), lunch (Dinner), buffet lunch (Buffet Dinner), dinner (Supper), a la buffet, cocktail and small receptions - coffee or tea table. Various combinations of the main types form such as dinner after the theater, picnic, fondue, barbecue, beer table, differing from each other in methods of organization.

Official receptions are divided into daytime and evening. In accordance with the form of service, receptions can be with or without seating at a table.

Most of the rules of etiquette and behavior at official receptions came from diplomatic practice.

The most honorable types of receptions are breakfast, lunch and dinner. Each of these techniques usually consists of two parts. First, the invitees are met and greeted, the guests get to know each other, communicate with each other, and have private and general conversations. Guests are informed of their assigned seats at the banquet table and are offered an aperitif. The word "apéritif" translated from French means "appetite-inducing." Then there is a banquet, usually held at a table with full service.

Breakfast is a type of reception with seating at a table. It is held between 12.00 and 15.00. The breakfast reception lasts about 1–1.5 hours, with about 45–60 minutes spent at the table, and then 15–30 minutes over coffee or tea, which is served on the same table or in the living room.

Tables for breakfast should be placed in the shape of the letter “P” or “T”. Seats of honor at the ceremonial table should be located opposite the front door. If this is not possible, places of honor can be placed opposite windows facing the street.

Tables should be covered with a white tablecloth and decorated with flowers. Table setting is the same as at any formal reception (it will be described in more detail below).

Breakfast usually includes one or two cold appetizers, one fish or meat dish, and dessert. During the reception, guests are offered an aperitif. Finally, tea or coffee is served. They offer cognac and liqueur. The uniform should be casual - a suit or dress. Sometimes the dress code is specifically indicated on the invitation.

Lunch is called second breakfast. It is held between 12.00 and 13.00. Lunch is a reception with seating at a table. Invitations to lunch are made by telephone; on special occasions, invitations are sent to guests.

Lunch is usually held in a restaurant, club or bistro. Colleagues or partners are usually invited to attend. The nature of the lunch depends on the status of the invited persons and the purpose of this reception.

Business partners without spouses are invited to a business lunch held in a restaurant. Invitations must be sent to it; sometimes an invitation by telephone or by prior agreement at a previous meeting is allowed.

The dress code is casual, what people wear to work. This is usually a suit and tie for a man and a business suit or dress for a woman.

Expenses in the restaurant are paid by the inviter. If a woman invites you to a business lunch, she takes on all the functions of the inviter - she chooses and orders a restaurant, pays the bill, tastes the wine.

In addition to business lunches, there are also social lunches. They are usually hosted by women. Women are also invited, except when the reception is held on weekends. In this case, men are also invited to lunch.

The hostess can host a small reception at her home. If many guests are invited, lunch is held at a club, hotel or restaurant. The location is selected according to the number of invited guests. You can place them at one common table or at small individual tables.

When preparing for lunch, the time available to the hostess and the presence of servants in the house are also taken into account.

If men are included in the lunch list, the food served should be consistent with the light lunch menu.

If the luncheon is a sorority-only affair, it doesn't really matter how filling the food served is. In this case, the most important thing is that they are perfectly cooked and tastefully decorated, as at any formal dinner.


Invitations usually use the word "lunch" rather than "lunch". The term "second breakfast" is very rarely used colloquially. As a rule, they resort to it when making invitations from a third party. In most cases, lunch invitations are made by telephone. The exception is for particularly elaborate receptions, in which case it is recommended to send out invitations printed in embossed font. However, most often a formal lunch invitation is made in the form of a personal note or on a standard invitation card. It is sent no earlier than 1 week before the appointment.

The invitation text could be something like this:

“Dear Olga and Anton, could you come to my place for lunch on Sunday, January 5, at 12.00, to meet my daughter Lisa’s fiancé, Alexey.

I really hope that you can join us.

Sincerely yours, Tatyana (Chernova).”

When using invitations printed in embossed font, at the top center of the card you can include:

“Meeting with theater actress Lyubavina Eleonora.”

Drinks before lunch

Cocktails are sometimes served before lunch, but this is not mandatory. Pre-lunch drinks are slightly different from those served before dinner. A glass of wine or a Bloody Mary cocktail is typical for this reception. As with all things, you should also offer guests sparkling water, regular soda, and diet soda.

Lunch table

The dining table is used for lunch. You can put several card tables together. If the reception is being held outdoors, you can set the table in the garden.

The table should be covered with a colored damask tablecloth. On special occasions, a napkin is laid out in front of each guest, which can be linen, embroidered, lace or plastic. Table setting is the same as during lunch. The table should be decorated with flowers in vases, candles or fruits.

You should not cover the table with a smooth white tablecloth, which is used for a formal dinner.

Invitation to the table

At a large reception, when all the guests have gathered and tasted a cocktail, if one was offered, the butler or maid informs the chef. Then he returns to the living room, approaches the hostess and quietly tells her: “Lunch is served.” At a regular reception, the hostess herself must make sure that everything is ready, after which she invites the guests to the table.

If a guest of honor is invited to a reception, the hostess should accompany her to the dining room. The rest of the guests follow. It is customary for the young to let the older ones pass first, and for the men to enter the dining room with the ladies with whom they are having a conversation. If a man is currently alone, he must give way to women.

Once the invitation to lunch has been given, a man should not shake hands with a lady unless she is an elderly guest of honor. The owner can lead her to the table.

Lunch service

If the lunch is of a formal nature, the hostess needs the help of a domestic servant or waiters specially hired for this occasion. Service should be the same as during lunch.

The plates are filled in the kitchen. Of the foods, only dishes with fruits, sweets and nuts are put on the table. Plates are placed in front of each guest. Before dessert, the salad plates are cleared away. Dessert saucers and finger rinsing cups are then served.

At a small reception designed for 8–12 people, one waitress can serve the guests, provided that the first course is already on the table. Nearby you can place card tables that are used as serving tables. This way, the waitress can change all the plates and serve the next dish, bringing 2 plates at a time.

Dishes are served from the left side. You can place the salad in advance in small cups or on plates, which are then served to guests, like other dishes, on the left side. If there is no hot food at the reception, you can serve the salad immediately. You can also put bread, butter, ice water or other drinks on the table in advance.

When dessert is completed, the waitress should place a tray of coffee in the next room. While the hostess is pouring the drink, the waitress should begin preparing the tables for bridge or another game if the guests are going to play.

When serving guests independently without the help of a servant, it will be convenient to arrange a buffet-style lunch. In this case, trays and dishes should be placed on a large dining table. If only ladies are invited to such a reception, the treat should be light, simple and healthy.

After the announcement that lunch is ready, guests can go to the table, fill their plates and then sit where they are most comfortable, placing the plates on the small tables closest to them.

According to Japanese etiquette, before starting to eat, the guest must bow slightly to the host and say: “With your permission, I will begin the meal!”

If an appetizer is planned before the main course, it should be placed on the tables by the time the guests arrive. Invitees should start lunch with an appetizer, and then go to the dining room for the main course.

If the house is not served by servants, guests must carry dirty plates to the serving table themselves, after which they can move on to the next dish. While the guests are taking care of themselves, the hostess can take the empty plates and dishes to the kitchen.

At the end of lunch (after salad and dessert), you can ask guests to move to another room or sit in a more comfortable place to drink coffee. At this time, the hostess will be able to remove glasses, cutlery and tablecloths from the table. Then you can start playing cards.

Lunch menu

At lunch, no more than 2-3 dishes are served. Guests, for example, are offered a choice of fruit or soup in cups, eggs or shellfish, game, meat or fish. In addition, salad and dessert are served at the end.

Soup at lunch should not be poured into bowls; it is usually served in broth cups with two handles. For soup, use a dessert or tablespoon. If the soup is cold, you can simply drink it from a cup. Usually, only broths or soups without dressing are offered as a first course. In winter, it is customary to serve broth, turtle soup or consommé, and in summer, chilled consommé or Madrid soup. In very hot weather you can make vichyssoise.

Fish and egg dishes are often served at lunches. If jellied eggs or snails were served as a second course, after them you can offer your guests meat with vegetables, salad and dessert. It is advisable that at least one dish at lunch be hot. An exceptional case may be a reception on a very hot summer day. Although there are people who don't really like cold food, most people may prefer it only. Therefore, you may well offer guests only hot soup, and all other dishes can be cold.

A special feature of lunches is hot baked goods - buns, bagels, puff pastries, cornbread, biscuits, etc. They should be served to guests as needed.

The butter should be on the table in plates or special dishes throughout the entire meal until dessert is served. It is added as needed. It is recommended to spread the butter in the form of balls or curls, rather than ordinary squares.

Plates or saucers for bread and butter, as well as salt and pepper shakers, should be removed from the table before dessert.

The most common lunchtime desserts are melon, grapefruit, or mixed fruit in a cup, with or without liqueur. You can serve the mixture, filled with liqueur, in a wide glass bowl with high edges, which, in turn, is inserted into an even wider glass with a stem. The gap between the walls of two vessels can be filled with crushed ice.

You can also serve the dessert in wide champagne glasses, but they should be placed in the refrigerator first.

Wine is usually served with food at lunch. It is better that it be of the same variety. This is usually a light wine, such as Rhine or claret. In summer, you can treat your guests to chilled light wine and soda.

In the second half of the reception, coffee and iced tea are required. Tea should be poured into glasses, which are decorated with small mint leaves. Iced coffee is served in a coffee pot on a tray, where a sugar bowl with sugar and a jug of cream are also placed. Guests can pour coffee into glasses half filled with ice using long-handled spoons. If it is a buffet lunch, a full teapot and coffee pot are placed on a table next to the large (main) table. Sometimes, instead of tea or coffee, you can serve a cool, refreshing punch with floating pieces of oranges and lemons. Place glasses decorated with mint around the bowl of punch. In winter, you can serve hot tea or coffee with your meal. In the summer, you need to put a jug of water with ice on the appetizer table before the meal begins. If lunch is at the table, you can place a glass of water in front of each utensil.

Brunch is a meal served between breakfast and lunch. Hence the name: the first letters come from the word “breakfast”, the rest from the word “lunch”. This appointment is usually carried out on weekends. Brunch is quite popular in the USA, South Africa and some other countries.

You can invite friends and families, including children, to it. Such a reception is a good opportunity to get to know colleagues better in a free, friendly atmosphere. Brunch is also sometimes held at the dacha, as it is usually held on weekends.

In China, it is customary for a person to bring a gift to the owner when visiting. This is especially necessary if there are elderly people or children in the family.

Brunch is the same as breakfast or lunch and includes the same set of dishes. This reception serves eggs, bacon, sausage, stew, fish, pancakes, grilled tomatoes, rolls, butter and cheese. Drinks include coffee, tea, juices and soft drinks in large quantities. Wine is sometimes served at brunch.

The menu in this case should be simplified as much as possible, the same applies to organizational issues during its implementation. Thanks to this, the hostess will be able to be with the guests a significant part of the time.

There are no strict requirements for clothing, but it must be taken into account that cosmetics, jewelry and perfume are inappropriate during the morning reception hours.

This reception is the most honorable of all table seating receptions. Lunch is usually served between 19.00 and 21.00. It lasts about 2.5–3 hours, while guests spend approximately 50–60 minutes at the table, the rest of the time they remain in the living room. Dinner ends when the chief guest leaves. Lunch is usually held in a restaurant high class or a beautifully decorated cafe. It refers to high-ranking receptions, with named seating at the table and service by waiters. The dress code for dinner is evening dress only. Men should wear dark suits with a white shirt and a bright tie, and women should wear evening dress.

Tables should be placed in the shape of the letter “P” or “T”. The most honorable places should be located towards the entrance doors or towards the windows facing the street (if the first is not possible).

Tables should be covered with white tablecloths and decorated with flowers, as well as cold appetizers with decorative vegetables. Bread plates should have white, starched napkins. Table setting is done in the same way as at any formal reception.

First, cold appetizers are served, of which only one fish and one meat dish is allowed, as well as vegetable salads. After cold appetizers, broth with croutons or soup is served, then some meat dish. Instead of broth, there can be a hot dish made from fish and vegetables. It is served before a hot meat dish.

The meal ends with dessert, before which all dishes, cutlery and glasses that were intended for previous courses are removed from the table. Dessert is usually served with jellies, creams, various sweet dishes and berries with cream. If sweets are served in common dishes, the table must be set with appropriate cutlery. If sweets are served in portions, they are placed in front of the guest on the right side.

The same alcoholic drinks are allowed at lunch as during breakfast. Before the meal, guests are offered an aperitif. Over an aperitif, you can wait for guests who are staying late, and also give those present the opportunity to get to know each other. During the aperitif, guests engage in casual conversation before the formal invitation to the table. At the same time, guests should under no circumstances become intoxicated.

As an aperitif, soft drinks or dry wine with a strength of no more than 16% are served. Sometimes strong drinks are served, in which case they must be diluted in a ratio of 1: 3 (whiskey and soda, gin and tonic, martini with juice and ice).

At the table, alcoholic drinks are served depending on the dishes ordered. They offer vodka or chilled liqueurs for cold appetizers, dry white wine for fish dishes, and dry red wine for meat dishes. Chilled champagne is usually served with dessert. On New Year, and also at a wedding or anniversary, champagne is served at the beginning of the meal.

At the end of the reception, tea or coffee and ice cream are served. You can offer them cognac, liqueur or rum. These drinks should be at room temperature. Vodka, liqueurs, champagne and white wine are served only chilled. Vodka should not be enjoyed with something sweet, and champagne should not be enjoyed with something salty. Cognac is not enjoyed with herring, or black or red caviar. The stronger the drink, the smaller the glass intended for it. The exception is liqueurs, which are served in special small liqueur glasses. Wine should be served in large glasses, champagne - in tall narrow or wide flat glasses with high stems.

Dinner refers to receptions with seating at the table. It is served in the same way as lunch, differing only in the start time and the fact that soup is not served at the meal. Dinner usually starts at 21.00 or later.

The dress code is usually indicated in the invitation: dark suit, tuxedo or tailcoat for men and Evening Dress for women. When the dress code is agreed upon in advance, the necessary requirements and conditions are written in the lower left corner of the invitation. For example, it may be written “white tie”, which translates as “white tie” and means a tailcoat, or “b1ask tie” - “black tie”, that is, a tuxedo; “evening dress” – “evening clothes”, which also means a tailcoat. When a dress code is specified on the invitation, compliance with this requirement is mandatory. It is understood that the ladies should be in evening dress, although the invitation does not say this. More details about evening women's and men's toilets will be discussed below.

In England, invitations are sometimes written “undress,” which literally translates to “without clothes.” However, this note means that guests should wear casual or informal attire.

Sometimes after dinner there may be some kind of event, for example, a literary or musical evening, a film screening, a game of cards, etc. So that guests can refresh themselves at this time, it is customary to serve fruits, nuts, sweets, cakes and soft drinks. The treats are placed on special serving tables. You can take all sweet dishes served after dinner without asking permission from the hostess. Sometimes guests are served additional tea or coffee.


This reception takes place between 17.00 and 20.00. Its duration is about 2 hours. The peculiarity of the cocktail is that it takes place while standing.

The invitation must indicate the start and end time of the reception, for example 18.00–20.00. This means that invited guests can come and go at any hour during the specified period of time.

Typically, guests stay at a cocktail party for no more than 1.5 hours. The cocktail is the most common form of administration in many countries, as it is very convenient for busy people. It can be arranged as a response to an invitation.

Unlike dinner parties, where prerequisite is the presence of domestic servants, the maintenance or hiring of whom not everyone can afford; cocktails require much less cost and preparation.

In addition, this technique allows you to receive quite a lot of people in a short period of time. However, it should be remembered that an invitation to a cocktail party is not considered as honorable as an invitation to dinner, and with a large number of invitees, the host and hostess are not able to pay as much attention to each guest as at the dinner table.

Meanwhile, an invitation to a cocktail party is a great way to welcome new acquaintances. This is especially convenient when the number of invitees should include those people in whose house a meeting with new friends took place in order to introduce them to those people with whom the owners maintain friendly relations.

You can invite any number of guests to a cocktail party. The reception itself can be either very modest or very sophisticated. Cocktail dress code is a casual suit or dress unless otherwise specified on the invitation.


If you plan to invite many guests, they should send invitations on standard cards or on beautiful postcard. If only a few people are invited to the reception, it is most convenient to invite them by telephone.

If the reception does not include a buffet table, the invitation usually states: “Cocktails from 17.00 to 19.00.” Otherwise it is written: “Cocktail at 17.00.” If the invitation cards bear the inscription R.S.V.P., after which, as a rule, a telephone number is indicated, this means that you can respond to the invitation by telephone. Even if the mark R.S.V.P. is absent, prudent guests should inform the host and/or hostess whether they will be able to attend the reception or not.

Casual clothing is worn for cocktails. For ladies, this is a suit, suit dress or cocktail dress. A traditional cocktail dress is a short black dress or a semi-long (mid-calf) closed dress without a deep neckline. The color range can be from light to black, depending on the time of year. If dressier clothes and shoes are worn than for daytime functions, this should also be reflected in hair, makeup and nail polish color. A little perfume is allowed. Men must wear a suit to a cocktail party - plain or striped. The tie, pin and cufflinks can be more dressy and expensive than for daytime events.

Conducting a reception

If you are invited to a reception a large number of people, the owner and hostess stand at the entrance the entire time, greeting and seeing off guests. In addition, it is the responsibility of the hostess to introduce newly arrived people to those guests with whom they are not familiar. If the hostess is not there, the newly arrived guest must find her, say hello, and only after that begin communicating with other guests.

If the reception is arranged for a limited circle, the hostess and host are more free. They can not only meet and see off guests, but also spend some time talking with them.

At the reception, cocktails are served poured into glasses and served by waiters. Sometimes a bar buffet with alcoholic drinks is available. The cocktail table differs from other buffet tables (a la buffet, lunch buffet) in that there are no plates or forks on it, but only wooden or plastic disposable skewers stuck into a variety of appetizers served on large trays. Mini forks are also allowed, with which you can take canapés or fruit from a cocktail. At the end of the reception, guests are sometimes offered coffee.

Snacks offered to guests at a cocktail party can be very different, the only condition for them is the ability to eat without the help of cutlery. Sometimes small plates are placed on the appetizer table so that guests can put treats on them. However, this is not very convenient for a person holding a glass of cocktail in the other hand.

The appetizer includes canapés with various savory butters, creams, pates, fish, meat, sweet mini-cakes, cookies, deviled eggs, salted and sweet almonds, nuts, fruit. As an appetizer, you can offer your guests olives, artichoke hearts, chilled, wrapped in slices of ham or lightly fried, small fried sausages (separately or wrapped in thin slices of bread), frog legs with garlic sauce, etc. You can put on the table is a dish with vegetables, and next to it is a tray with small Frankfurt sausages or pieces of tenderloin, which are pricked on special forks and immediately fried over the flame of the burner. There must be paper or cloth napkins on the table, as snacks can be quite greasy. In addition, you can use napkins instead of plates for hot snacks to avoid burning your hands.

Napkins are also served to guests along with cocktails so that they can wrap their glasses with them, or napkins for this purpose should be at the bar. At a large reception, during which guests spend most of the time standing, it is not very pleasant to hold a cold and wet glass in your hand all the time, and moreover, drops will not flow from a glass wrapped in a napkin.

You should also prudently take care of the safety of polished or varnished surfaces of tables, for which purpose special paper coasters for glasses should be placed in abundance on each table.

During a large reception, it is necessary to always have clean glasses, goblets and shot glasses on hand, as guests often have the habit of putting their glass somewhere and immediately forgetting where they left it. Each time guests go to the bar for a new portion, they can take a new glass or glass.

If many guests are invited, you can have the cheapest glasses in stock, including plastic ones, the most important thing is that their supply does not run out during the evening.

When choosing drinks, two issues should be taken into account - a sufficient amount of them and the correct proportions when making cocktails. If we assume that each guest will drink an average of 3 servings, then when preparing drinks you can expect that one bottle will be enough for 7 people.

Although guests are invited to enjoy a cocktail, some may choose not to drink alcohol. For such a case, it is necessary to have a supply of non-alcoholic drinks, such as tomato or fruit juices, carbonated drinks, mineral water, ginger beer, etc.

Bartenders and waiters

If more than 18–20 people are invited to a cocktail party, and the owners do not have domestic servants, they need to take care of inviting a bartender to the evening. One bartender can easily serve 20–30 people. When there are more than 30 guests at a reception, it is best to hire another waitress or waiter. They can also help prepare snacks, although hosts can prepare the treats themselves in advance.

The bartender must be able to mix any cocktails, and also be able to serve guests so that everyone is happy. He usually stands at a large table on which are placed bottles of a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, crushed ice and a variety of glasses and cocktail glasses. For large receptions, it is advisable to have 2 of these tables to prevent crowding at the bar.

During the reception, guests go to the table on which the bar is organized and ask for drinks to be prepared for them according to their taste. Men are supposed to ask their female companions what they would like to drink, then go to the bar and order drinks for themselves and their female companion. At this time, she stands a little to the side and waits for the gentleman to bring her a cocktail.

If the men are busy talking, and the companion of one of them wants to get another cocktail, she should go to the bar and ask for a drink herself - this will be more correct than tearing her companion away from the conversation.

A woman participating in a lively conversation may leave her interlocutors for a while to get another cocktail, after which it is permissible to return to the conversation.

Another way of serving guests is also possible: the bartender can serve and offer already mixed drinks, while addressing first the newly arriving guests, and then all those gathered. But this method of maintenance is not very convenient, since it requires huge amount glasses and glasses, because for each subsequent cocktail you will need a clean glass.

In this case, it is recommended to first go around the guests and offer them drinks, and then carefully monitor which of them has a free glass. Noticing this, the bartender can approach the invitee and ask: “Would you like another drink?” The guest himself will name the drink he would like to drink and hand the bartender an empty glass so that he can pour him a portion of this drink.

With one bar and two bartenders, one of them can act as a waiter, asking newly arrived guests what they would like to drink. Having found out this, he goes to the bar, tells the second bartender the ordered drink and takes it to the guest. However, such service will be quite slow, especially if a large number of guests arrive at the same time.

The owner should give the bartender instructions in advance on how to mix drinks in cocktails, preferably asking him to use a measuring glass. Measuring portions by eye can lead to the fact that the supply of alcohol runs out much earlier than expected. Then the host will find himself in a very difficult position, as would be the case if it turns out that some of the guests have become too cheerful.

Cocktail without a servant

If there is no servant at the reception, the host should act as a bartender, and the hostess should act as a waitress. She passes among the guests 1-2 times with a tray, offering various snacks. Her friends or relatives can help her with this. After the hostess has visited all the guests, all the prepared snacks are placed in a prominent place, and the guests begin to serve themselves. The housewife must keep an eye on the dishes with food and, as soon as they are completely empty, take them to the kitchen. You can even do this with single leftovers, since a tray with one sandwich or leftover salad with traces of dried mayonnaise looks very unappetizing.

At the reception, it may happen that one of the guests drinks too much. If such a guest arrives alone for the evening, the hostess may ask her husband or one of the men present to take care of him. If the intoxicated guest is a woman, the hostess must help her herself or ask someone else for help to get her to bed or into a taxi. If an intemperate guest begins to make a row, you should refuse him further drinking, noting that he has already had enough to drink and offering him a cup of coffee.

The owner at this time acts as a bartender. He should ask newly arrived guests what they would like to drink. If the range of drinks is small, you can ask something like this: “What should I pour you - a martini or liqueur?” This way you can avoid an unpleasant situation when a guest asks for a drink that is not available. You can also suggest that guests pour their own drinks if desired. In this case, the owner will have the opportunity to devote time to the guests, and not act as a bartender all evening.

If there are few people invited to the reception, the hostess can accept outerwear from each guest and hang it on a special hanger for guests. When there are a lot of guests, there may not be enough hanging space. In this case, you can fold your outerwear in the bedroom. This will be more practical than dumping all your clothes in one pile on chairs or stair railings in the hallway. In the bedroom, guests will also have the opportunity to clean themselves up before appearing in the living room.

If conditions permit, you can fold clothes in two different bedrooms.

While the guests are getting ready, the host and hostess should be close to the front door in order to have time to greet the arriving guests. But they should also not deprive those guests who are already in the living room. It's not nice to greet guests with glasses in their hands.

Abuse of hospitality by hosts

You can come to this appointment at any time, as well as leave. This is very convenient for busy people who are always late. However, the owners must always be ready at the time that they themselves have appointed.

Guests may be late, some even much later. There are also guests who come to a reception only to pay their respects to the hosts and express their friendship, especially if the invitees are non-drinkers or light drinkers.

However, regardless of the time of their arrival, guests should not stay at the evening later than the end time indicated in the invitation. Some guests tend to linger at the reception for half an hour or more. This is a violation of the norm and is considered bad manners. Therefore, the hostess may well take some measures to see out the overstaying guests.

For example, you can collect and put away all the bottles in the bar. With empty glasses and glasses, guests quickly say goodbye and leave. If this technique does not work, the host and hostess can prudently arrange with one of their friends to meet immediately after the cocktail. In this case, they may say something like: “We were very glad to see you, but, unfortunately, now it’s time for us to go - the Ivanovs are waiting for us.”

Cocktail before the dance evening

The cocktail is especially popular before dinner, before an evening of dancing or other entertainment events. Invitations to such a reception are sent on standard cards or postcards. They might say something like, “Pre-dance cocktail at the Black and White Club at 6:00 p.m.” In addition, the invitation must indicate the address and date of the reception.

Cards must be marked R.S.V.P. This means that the invitees must answer whether they can be at the reception or not, since the hostess needs to know exactly how many people will come and who will stay after the cocktail for other entertainment.

You can also invite someone for a cocktail before the dance evening by phone. With this method of invitation, the hostess will immediately know who will come to the reception and who will not. She will also be able to reserve seats in advance for those who want to stay after the reception.

In fact, if a person does not intend to stay for a subsequent event, it is better for him to refuse the invitation altogether.

Unless the hostess herself asks the guest to come at least just for a cocktail, it is better not to offer such a solution yourself. The only exception can be the case when the host and the invited guest are close friends. Then you can respond with the following: “I would be very pleased to have a cocktail with you, but then I will have to leave immediately for a business dinner.”

With the advent of individual cutlery in Europe, each guest began to be served a plate, spoon and knife at feasts. However, the guest could bring a spoon with him. However, all dishes, except soup, were still eaten with hands, which they then wiped on their rich clothes or tablecloth. Drinking vessels were passed from one guest to another.

Those who accepted an invitation to such a reception will have to pay for all subsequent entertainment after the cocktail party themselves. For example, buy entry tickets, pay for lunch, drinks, etc. In rare cases, the hostess of the evening may specifically stipulate or note on the invitation what awaits the person as a guest. This would mean that everything would be paid for. If the invitee is not a member of the club to which he was invited, he should ask in advance whether he can subsequently forward the invoice to his club or will have to pay for everything in cash. If none of the above is allowed, you should ask the party host if you can put his name on your bills, noting your initials, so that you can pay him later.

Cocktail a la buffet

This reception is something between a cocktail and a buffet dinner. At such a reception there is usually a rich menu, which is offered to guests instead of dinner, so it is necessary to give the guests the opportunity to sit longer. In this regard, an invitation to a cocktail a la buffet usually indicates only the start time of the event and does not indicate its end time.

As a rule, a cocktail a la buffet starts a little later than a regular cocktail. As a rule, this is 18.30–19.00. The invitation must indicate that a cocktail buffet is planned, at which hearty dishes will be served that can replace dinner, so that guests can plan their time accordingly.

A cocktail menu a la buffet can include dishes from the simplest to the most sophisticated, but there must be something substantial in addition to appetizers. The table should include at least dishes with cold meats - ham, chicken, roast beef, as well as bread and butter and side dishes, such as chopped carrots, cauliflower, olives, celery. You can also serve sandwiches. Such a modest treat is eaten right at the set table without plates. Meat can be placed on pieces of bread, vegetables can be dipped in sauce.

You can also serve a large piece of brisket or some smoked meat, as well as a whole turkey. The owner can cut off the meat from them when the meat chopped and served on the dishes is finished, and one of the guests has not yet had enough.

The table must be covered with a tablecloth. In addition, each guest should have a napkin. If there is still space left on the table after serving, it would be a good idea to place a vase of flowers or a basket of fruit in the center of the table. If there is not a lot of space, it is best to place the main dish or a beautifully decorated cake in the center of the table.

To make the reception more sophisticated, you can add one or two hot dishes. They are typically served in pans that are placed on electrically heated trays or over a low burner to keep the dish warm. For such dishes you will need plates and cutlery. You can put them on a separate table if the main one is too crowded.

At a cocktail party a la buffet, you can serve fritonga. It is made from fried pieces of meat, banana and potato slices, and corn flakes. This dish will add some originality to the menu offered to guests.

Unlike a buffet dinner, only one main course is served at a cocktail buffet. In both cases, cakes, pastries, etc. are served with coffee.

To avoid the hassle of washing dishes, you can serve dishes such as meatballs or Frankfurt sausages, thin slices of fried potatoes, hot sandwiches, pies with melted cheese, etc. They can be eaten without plates, using instead of utensils small forks or just toothpicks. You can also serve chicken wings fried in dough. Drinks served at the reception are the same as at the cocktail party. A cocktail buffet is not suitable for meetings with close friends or relatives.

Glass of wine with cheese

This technique was especially popular in the West in the 1970s. among young people. Nowadays, an invitation to a glass of wine with cheese is also not uncommon; moreover, this reception is becoming fashionable again. This form of administration is quite simple and accessible. The receptionist can be creative in selecting wines and cheeses. It is very convenient for guests to start communicating with each other by discussing the merits of the wines and cheeses they are trying, and then move the conversation to other topics.

Dress code is determined by the time and location of the reception, as well as any specific instructions or recommendations given in the hosts' invitation. A glass of wine with cheese is served buffet style. Along with cheese, you can offer guests other snacks, but cheese should predominate on the menu. It is placed in large pieces, because thin slices of cheese dry out quickly. The cheese comes with special knives that guests can use to cut pieces of cheese. It would be good if each type of cheese had its own knife.

The offered cheese should be at room temperature. Various types of bread are served at the table, as well as butter. It would be a good idea to supplement the menu with fresh and dried fruits, nuts, olives, pickled vegetables and dishes with radishes. In addition to cheeses, you can offer guests various pates, stuffed eggs, etc.

This form of reception provides ample opportunities for the host to show his imagination in arranging dishes and decorating tables. For example, buffet tables can be decorated in a rustic style using wooden boards and checkered tablecloths, or vice versa, in a very sophisticated and sophisticated style, using crystal glassware and starched white tablecloths. You can also decorate the tables with fruits (especially grapes), vegetables and herbs. At the same time, all products should be well washed and dried to look fresh throughout the entire reception.

To decorate tables, it is better to use greens that do not fade very quickly, such as lettuce or parsley.

Cheeses served during the reception

Cheeses are either enzyme-based or enzyme-free. Enzyme-free products include ricotta and cream cheese; they are prepared in a certain way (for example, with seasonings), but most often they are not included in the menu.

Enzymatic cheeses are divided into:

Soft – camembert, brie, mozzarella, etc.;

Semi-soft - edam, gouda, roquefort and most processed cheeses;

Hard - emmental, various options cheddar, many English cheeses, including Derby.

It is advisable to have as many varieties of cheese on the table as possible. It would be good if all three varieties of fermented cheeses were presented on it. Moreover, they must be of excellent quality.

The amount of cheese served at a reception is calculated approximately as follows: 200 g of cheese per person - if there are no other dishes.

Reception after the theater

If you plan to visit a theater or concert with friends or work colleagues, you can arrange a small reception after the performance, where it would be convenient to discuss what you saw and just chat.

At such a reception, coffee is usually served, which can be accompanied by cognac or whiskey. Various desserts can be served along with coffee.

It is very popular to make Irish coffee. To prepare it, put 1 teaspoon of sugar in a coffee cup and add a little whiskey. Cups with this mixture are placed in the microwave for 30 seconds, after which freshly brewed strong black coffee is poured into them. Whipped cream is added to the drink and grated chocolate is sprinkled on top.

At a reception after visiting a theater or concert, you can serve not only coffee, but also a full dinner. In this case, the living room should be decorated in an elegant style with appropriate table settings. You can light candles, and if you have a fireplace, light a fire in it. Soft music will be a nice addition. The color of the candles is selected in accordance with the table setting.

The invitation should inform guests of the form of reception after the theater - whether it will be a cup of coffee or dinner. Please note that it will be late, so dinner or coffee should not last long. The menu is compiled in accordance with this. It is advisable to prepare dishes in advance to spend as little time as possible organizing dinner.

The dishes offered at the reception after the theater should not be very heavy. For example, you can serve smoked fish or pates first, then a main course, such as veal stew with a side dish, and dessert.

Reception of zhurfix

"Jourfix" is translated from French as "fixed day." The peculiarity of zhurfixes is that they are held every week on the same day and hour throughout the entire autumn-winter season.

Invitations to such receptions are sent out only 1 or 2 times at the beginning of the season (from September 1 to 15) or in the middle (from January 1 to 15). They are valid throughout the season. In exceptional cases, a special notice of interruption is sent out.

The invitation states that the recipient can come to visit without warning or preliminary calls on any Thursday of the month or the last Friday of the season. The time, refreshments and dress code are the same as at the tea reception. There should be a white tablecloth on the table, tea, sandwiches, sweets, cookies, cream cakes, etc. should be served.

Zhurfix is ​​considered a women's reception, it is organized and, as a rule, only women are invited to it. The topics of conversation are appropriate. Women can chat with each other and gossip. Sometimes zhurfix is ​​organized in the form of a musical or literary evening.

Currently, jourfix is ​​popular among the wives of high-ranking officials and diplomats. Sometimes the hostess of the reception invites men too.

Reception a la buffet

This reception is held at the same time as the cocktail party, that is, from 17.00 to 19.00 or from 18.00 to 20.00. However, unlike a cocktail party, a buffet reception serves many more appetizers for the same number of drinks. Often these two techniques are combined, offering a large selection of drinks and a variety of snacks.

A buffet table is distinguished by the obligatory presence of appetizers, which can only be eaten with a fork without using a knife.

The buffet table is slightly higher than a regular one and is specially designed for eating while standing. The table should be covered with a long tablecloth that does not reach the floor by 5–10 cm.

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A reception is a widely accepted form of organizing work meetings that allows you to discuss topics in a relaxed atmosphere that, for a variety of reasons, are undesirable to discuss at the official level.

So, the techniques serve to establish, maintain and develop contacts between business partners and friends, officials and foreign colleagues, representatives of various institutions, firms and scientific and technical circles, cultural figures.

Receptions are held to commemorate any events, in particular holidays, anniversaries; in order to honor outstanding individuals, delegations, organizations; in honor of signing any documents, etc.

For a person doing business, the ability to combine solving work problems with a meal is one of the most effective ways achieve success.

In business life, breakfast, lunch, and dinner play a significant role. Each option has its own rules. Of course, there are rules that apply in all cases, universal ones, so to speak, for example, general norms of behavior at the table, but there are also some subtleties that a business person must be well versed in.

Business lunch- a great opportunity to get to know your clients, colleagues, managers or subordinates better. By the way, it is a business lunch that is considered the most decent for a business meeting between a man and a woman.

Since business success these days depends almost entirely on the ability to develop business relationships, an informal atmosphere and extra time spent at lunch with a partner should be much more effective in promoting your career than short meetings in a hurry, in the office, on the street, in in public places or faceless telephone conversations.

However, there are also pitfalls in organizing a business lunch. You should be wary of: showing that you do not know how to behave properly at the table - this will undermine your prestige; chatting too much to your interlocutor about the details of your personal life - this will destroy your professional image;
drink too much alcohol - they may think that you have problems with this; In addition, someone who drinks immoderately causes problems for those around them: he is annoying, poorly controlled, and does not control his words and actions.

There is one important detail about business lunches that should not be forgotten: you should not throw the phrase “Let's have lunch together sometime” to your business colleagues right and left unless you really have a strong intention to do so. In the business world, lunch is considered a serious event, and such an assumption is possible only when you really want it, and you must immediately set a specific time and day.

A reception to which those present are invited solely by virtue of their position is called official.

Official receptions are divided into daytime and evening, with and without seating. TO daytime include receptions such as “Glass of champagne”, “Glass of wine”, “Breakfast”.

“A glass of champagne” usually starts at 12 o’clock and lasts about an hour. The reason for organizing such a reception could be the anniversary of a national holiday, the opening of an exhibition, etc. Waiters serve drinks and snacks. From an organizational point of view, this is the simplest form of reception, which does not require extensive and lengthy preparation.

A similar technique is the “Glass of Wine” type. The name in this case emphasizes the special nature of the technique.

Breakfast is one of the most common types of official receptions. It takes place between 12 and 15 hours, usually at 12.30 or 13.00. The menu is compiled taking into account national traditions. Breakfast usually lasts an hour and a half, of which about an hour - at the table and about 30 minutes - with coffee, tea (coffee, tea can be served at the same table or in the living room).

Guests typically arrive for breakfast in casual clothing unless the dress code is specifically specified in the invitation.
In international protocol practice, it is generally accepted that daytime receptions are less formal than evening ones.

Evening There are several types of official receptions.
The “cocktail” starts between 17:00 and 18:00 and lasts about two hours. During the reception, waiters serve drinks and cold snacks (in the form of canapés - small sandwiches). Hot food can be served. Sometimes there is a buffet where waiters offer drinks to those who wish.

The reception “a la buffet” is held at the same hours as the “cocktail”. However, at a buffet reception, tables may be set with snacks, including hot dishes. Guests themselves approach the tables, pick up snacks and leave, giving the opportunity for others present to approach.

One of the tables is intended for guests of honor - it should be located so that other guests do not have their backs to it.

Receptions such as “cocktail” and “a la buffet” are held standing. In both cases, in order to emphasize the special solemnity, champagne, ice cream, and coffee can be served at the end. If the reception is held on the occasion of a national holiday or in honor of a distinguished guest, a small concert or film screening may be held at the end of the reception. The solemnity of the reception can be emphasized by indicating a special dress code in the invitation.

Lunch is considered the most honorable type of official reception. It usually starts at 20:00 or 20:30, but no later than 21:00. According to Russian protocol practice, lunch can begin at an earlier time. Lunch usually lasts 2-3 hours or even longer. After the table, where the guests stay for about an hour, everyone goes to the living rooms for a conversation; coffee, tea are served here, in some cases they can be served at the dinner table. In the case of a reception with table seating, guests gather at the appointed time in one of the rooms of the house to which they are invited. They are served with soft drinks, beer, whiskey, juices, and sometimes other drinks. Guests can choose to have a drink from the bar. Often, lunch requires a special uniform (tuxedo or tailcoat for men, evening dress for women).

Dinner starts at 21:00 or later and differs from lunch only in the start time. In some countries, on especially special occasions, two receptions are held in a row: immediately after dinner, a “cocktail” or “a la buffet” reception is held for distinguished guests.

“Lunch buffet” involves free seating at small tables of four to six people. Just like at a buffet reception, tables are set with snacks and there are buffets with drinks. Guests pick up snacks and sit at their discretion at one of the small tables. Wines can either be carried around to guests or placed on the tables. Tea or coffee is offered either at the same tables or in another room. This kind of reception is often organized after a concert, watching a movie, or during a break in a dance evening. In tropical countries they are often held outdoors - on the veranda or in the garden. A buffet lunch is less formal than lunch.

Evening receptions also include “tea,” held between 4 and 6 p.m., usually for women. The boss's wife invites to tea the spouses of the heads of companies with whom business contacts have been established. For "tea" one or more tables are set, taking into account the number of guests. Sweets, cookies, fruits and drinks are served. Canapés are not excluded.

Unlike an official reception, in which all food and drinks without exception are served by waiters, a banquet reception is a form of service when cold appetizers and drinks are placed on the table in advance, and waiters serve only hot dishes. (It is this form of guest service that the customer has to deal with when he celebrates an event in a restaurant.)

Each appointment is preceded by careful preparation. It is necessary to determine the type of official reception, taking into account the purpose for which it is being organized, the location, draw up a list of guests, fill out and send out invitations in advance, draw up a menu and seating plan at the table, if we are talking about breakfast, lunch, dinner.

If the reception is organized in a restaurant, then you should pay Special attention preparing the room, setting the table, instructing the waiters who will serve the reception.

If we are talking about a reception with a large number of participants, a restaurant with a good and high service culture is selected.

Compiling a list of invitees is one of the most important elements of preparatory work. The total number of people invited to the reception is determined. Even with the most careful study of the list, it is impossible to avoid the fact that someone will not be able to attend the reception. This so-called dropout rate is taken into account when estimating admission costs.

Modern international protocol practice testifies to the desire of countries to make official receptions modest, avoid excessive pomp, limit or exclude the serving of alcoholic beverages, and refuse overly expensive and exotic dishes. Nevertheless, at an official reception it is necessary to take into account the tastes of the guests, their national and religious traditions. You should think in advance about those who eat only vegetarian food or do not eat pork. Game is not served at the reception during the hunting ban period.

Etiquette for official receptions involves the use of utensils good quality: crystal, porcelain, silver. Fresh flowers on tables and in living rooms give the rooms a festive and cozy feel.

The practice of sending out written invitations to receptions has been established. It is best that they are made in a typographical manner, with the name of the invitee, his position or rank, type of reception, day, hour and location entered by hand. When holding a breakfast or lunch with seating for guests, you should make sure in advance whether the guest can accept the invitation, and only then send it in writing.

Invitations are usually sent one to two weeks before the reception. This allows us to hope that guests will be able to plan their time so as to be able to arrive at the reception.

Having received an invitation, you should read it carefully. This will save you from mistakes and awkward situations in which a person may find himself who does not understand the invitation he received. No matter what language the invitation is written in, you should be clear about the following: who is hosting the reception; for what reason; Where; When; what should be the uniform of clothing; do you need a response to the invitation (often on invitation cards in the lower right corner there are the letters RSVP: repondnz, s"il vous plaot - please respond).

The information clarified as a result of such analysis will help you make the right decision.

It is advisable to give a written response to an invitation with a “request to respond”, regardless of whether it is positive or negative. The response is drawn up on behalf of the person receiving the invitation in a third person, without a signature. It won't be a big mistake if the answer is given over the phone (but in person). In some cases, the protocol provides for a procedure according to which it is obligatory to send a written response (positive or negative) to an invitation to a reception arranged by the head of the official delegation, an official.

“The President of the German-Russian Cultural Foundation, Mr. O. Vogel, has the honor to confirm receipt of a kind invitation from Mr. Mayor of Moscow Yu. M. Luzhkov to dinner on Tuesday, October 2, at six o’clock in the evening, which he accepts with pleasure.”

“Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Finland, due to leaving on vacation in the coming days, unfortunately, cannot accept the kind invitation of the mayor of Moscow and his wife for breakfast on Friday, September 6 of this year. in honor of the Moscow city holiday"

In cases where the reception is given in honor of a person whose presence has been agreed upon in advance, the letters RSVP on the invitation form are crossed out and the letters “r.t.”, or “in memory”, or in English “to remind” are written above them. -French "roig titogge").

For receptions without table seating, it is not necessary to arrive early. You can leave at any time. However, an essential circumstance should be taken into account. If several guests are invited from one institution or department, it is advisable that those of lower rank come first. Conversely, when leaving a reception, it is customary for representatives of one department not to leave until the senior person leaves. You should not stay at the reception later than the time specified in the invitation. This will violate the etiquette of official receptions.

Organizing an official dinner begins with inviting the person who will be the main guest at the dinner, and if he accepts the invitation, agreeing with him on the date of the dinner. This is usually done during the next business visit to this person or during a special visit to him on this occasion.

The invitation must be made a month, if not earlier, before the scheduled date, since the schedule of business people today is very busy.

Once the chief guest has accepted the invitation, it is necessary to urgently draw up a list of guests for this dinner and, for the above reasons, urgently send out invitations to them. As already mentioned, the main guest, despite the fact that he accepted the invitation, also needs to send an invitation - an invitation card, in which the words “please respond” should be crossed out and instead written “for memory.”

On the invitation card to an official reception only the position of the invitee is indicated. Neither his last name nor his wife's last name is written. The text of the invitation usually uses the form: “I have the honor...”.

An invitation to a formal breakfast or lunch is addressed to the person, not the position that person holds.

It would not be a mistake if you call the invited guests and find out if they would not mind accepting the invitation, and if they agree, send them an invitation card in which the words request to respond should be crossed out and written for memory.


  1. You need to determine the maximum number of guests you can invite. This will depend on the size of the executive spaces, particularly the dining room and dining table. It is recommended to provide each guest at the table with approximately 70-75 cm of table length. Crowding at the table, both for guests and for service personnel, very inconvenient. In addition, when serving food, it creates a danger for any guest to be doused with sauce or gravy. In practice, such cases, although rare, do occur.
  2. It is recommended, before sending out invitations, to estimate the future seating plan at the table and, if difficulties are discovered in the seating arrangement, for example, if you intend to invite people of the same seniority, make the necessary changes to the draft guest list.
  3. It is very important to provide a relaxed atmosphere at the dinner, conducive to frank conversations and statements. This can be achieved by selecting guests who are close to the main guest both in terms of business (official) interests, and by coincidence of views, or by personal sympathy and friendship. If people who are not close to the main guest and especially opposition-minded are invited to dinner, the dinner will be constrained and tense and will be reduced to a formal event.
  4. It is advisable to invite junior employees of the company to dinners and generally to receptions in order to introduce them to active work and, therefore, increase their business skills.
  5. It is recommended that your company's guest list be slightly larger than the outside guest list, with at least four more junior employees. This will make it possible to seat your own people at the ends of the tables, since the outer seats are considered less honorable.
  6. By the time the list of guests is approved, printed invitation forms must be ready.

When filling out invitations, it is very important not to distort the name, position or rank of the guest. Distortion can lead to the return of the invitation and, consequently, to complications in the relationship.

Of course, you should not send an invitation “with your spouse” to a widowed or single person. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to have a file cabinet and dossier and make changes to them in a timely manner.

Creating a menu is not as simple as it might seem. It is necessary to take into account the composition of the guests in order to prepare dishes that correspond to their religious customs, national traditions or habits.

The breakfast menu includes one or two cold appetizers, one hot fish and one hot meat dish, and dessert. Serving the first hot dish (soup) is also possible. Finally, coffee or tea is offered. Before breakfast, soft drinks, beer, vodka, and whiskey are served. Vodka can be served not before breakfast, but during it, with cold appetizers. Dry white wine (chilled) is served with a fish dish, dry red wine (at room temperature) with meat, champagne with dessert, cognac or liqueur with tea or coffee. Breakfast is served throughout mineral water.

The lunch menu, based on local protocol practice or home tradition, includes one or two cold appetizers, soup, a hot fish and hot meat dish, and dessert. Before lunch, before inviting guests to the common table, light snacks may be offered: nuts, crispy potatoes, dough strips, etc. After lunch - coffee or tea.

When guests gather, they are served an aperitif: vodka, whiskey, gin, Campari and other alcoholic drinks. At lunch itself, vodka is served with an appetizer, with soup (very rarely) sherry or Madeira, with hot dishes and dessert - the same as for breakfast.

There is a practice, for example in France, when during the entire lunch, only champagne is offered with all dishes (grapefruit is included as an appetizer).

Seating at the table is a very important element in organizing an official dinner1, although it is difficult to say that in protocol practice it is “not very important.” There are no small things in it.

The seating arrangement is based on one of the most important norms of protocol - seniority. And not by age, although this is sometimes taken into account to some extent, but mainly by service and social status person.

The following rules are observed seating arrangements.

The places closest to the host and hostess are considered the most honorable (the place of honor at the table is in the middle opposite the front door, and if the door is on the side, on the side of the table that faces the windows facing the street). The further the place is from these persons, the less honorable it is.

The place on the right hand (on the right side) is more honorable than the place on left hand(on the left side).

Women are seated first on the right and left hand of the owner, and men are seated first from the hostess. Then the seats alternate: a man is seated next to the woman, and vice versa.

A woman is not given a place next to a woman, and a husband is not given a place next to his wife.
A woman is not offered a seat at the end of the table unless a man is sitting at the end.

A married woman has the seniority of her husband.

If the mistress of the house is absent, her place can be taken by the wife of one of the diplomatic employees of the mission.

A seat opposite the host may be offered to the most honored guest.

Foreign guests of equal rank with guests - employees of a diplomatic mission - are given preference in seating.

When seating, it is necessary to take into account knowledge foreign languages guests sitting nearby.

Diplomatic etiquette at official receptions involves the following practice of designating seats at the table. Small rectangular place cards and cover cards are made from thick paper, on which the names of the reception participants are written.

In the room where guests gather, or immediately before entering it, guests are presented with a seating plan. In accordance with it, each place at the table is indicated by a couvert card. Guests are introduced to the seating plan. If difficulties arise, you must contact the waiter or head waiter, who is obliged to indicate to the guest the place intended for him and lead him to him.

In order to facilitate the work of drawing up a seating plan, it is recommended common list guests are divided into two parts - into foreign (not your) guests and into a list of guests from your side. Both lists are compiled according to the seniority of the guests.

In the dining room, the guest finds his place at the table and checks it using a card lying on the tallest glass or near the cutlery, where his name is printed, stands behind the back of his chair and waits for the invitation of the hosts to sit down at the table. It is not customary to sit down before the host and hostess have sat down.

During lunch, it is recommended that the head waiter (maitre d') signals the waiters to change dishes only after all the guests have eaten the served dish. This is especially important when serving dessert. The host and hostess should not leave the table until they are sure that all the guests have eaten the ice cream.

Speeches and toasts are made depending on the event on which the dinner is being given, on local protocol practices, and also by prior agreement with the chief guest.

Both speeches and toasts are made after dessert before champagne, when it has been poured for all guests.

At mass receptions, toasts are rarely made. In some countries (for example, Great Britain, the Netherlands), according to established tradition, towards the end of the reception there is a toast in honor of the monarch and the playing of the national anthem. A guest leaving the reception before this ceremony may offend the hosts. As for receptions with seating at the table, the attitude towards toasts can be different. Sometimes (this happens more often in Moscow) at mid-level receptions, many toasts are made throughout the entire feast by both hosts and guests. But more often, and this is apparently more rational, there is one exchange of toasts - with champagne. The host makes a toast first, addressing the main guest, and then he makes a return toast. These toasts emphasize the main meaning of the reception and focus the attention of the guests on it. With this order, the entire course of the reception is calmer and more natural. Simply put, the abundance of toasts sometimes interferes with communication, and sometimes the toast catches the invitees at the moment when they are eating the next dish.

After lunch, guests are invited to other executive areas where they are served coffee and tea. Alcoholic drinks include liqueurs and cognac, juices and mineral water are also served. There is no strict seating arrangement for coffee and tea. Guests are seated at small tables, choosing neighbors they are interested in for a conversation.

The guests disperse after the main guest has left. On the eve of dinner or on the day of it, the owner usually gathers all his guests to ensure that they provide personal attention to the invited guests and determine the direction of the conversations.

In order for the reception to be successful, it is necessary not to miss a single, even the smallest, detail during its preparation and execution. Thus, it is necessary to think in advance where guests will park their cars, and perhaps someone should be assigned to take care of this at the entrance of the house where the reception is taking place.

Guests are greeted at the entrance to the premises by the host and hostess, or by the host alone if wives are not invited. Handshakes are exchanged, congratulations are said, if the reception is dedicated to a special date, you can exchange a few words, but under no circumstances should you start a long conversation with the hosts upon entering the room. This may cause inconvenience to other guests as they will have to stand around until the conversation is completed.

If a reception is given with seating at a table, then the number of guests, as a rule, will be less than at a mass reception such as a buffet. In this case, the hosts should distribute their time before inviting them to the table in such a way as to pay attention to, if possible, all those invited, and at least talk briefly with everyone.

At a large reception such as a buffet, these possibilities are limited. Here you should pay maximum attention to the main guest and his “team”. A very common mistake at such receptions is the desire of representatives of the inviting party to group together and discuss their affairs instead of paying attention to the invitees, helping them get comfortable, offering drinks and snacks.

Guests should not try to discuss any serious issues with the hosts: after all, they have a lot to worry about, and they should be equally accessible to everyone.

Before being invited to the table and after leaving the table, over tea or coffee, men and women form their groups. Important political issues can be discussed here, but mostly issues of a more general nature.

The reception can also be arranged to establish business contacts.

Social receptions are held in honor of a celebrity, family celebration, anniversary, symposium, conference, etc.

People occupying a certain position in society are invited to official receptions. As a rule, heads or members of government, diplomatic representatives of foreign states, scientists, cultural figures, etc. are invited to business receptions.

Official receptions are divided into daytime and evening. In accordance with the form of service, receptions can be with or without seating at a table.

The most honorable types of receptions are breakfast, lunch and dinner. Each of these techniques usually consists of two parts. First, the invitees are met and greeted, the guests get to know each other, communicate with each other, and have private and general conversations. Guests are informed of their assigned seats at the banquet table and are offered an aperitif. The word "apéritif" translated from French means "appetite-inducing". Then there is a banquet, usually held at a table with full service.

Most of the rules of etiquette and behavior at official receptions came from diplomatic practice.

Breakfast is one of the types of reception with seating at a table. It is held between 12 and 15 hours. The “breakfast” reception lasts about 1 - 1.5 hours, with about 45-60 minutes spent at the table, and then 15-30 minutes over coffee or tea, which is served at the same table or in the living room.

Tables for breakfast reception should be placed in the shape of the letter “P” or “T”. Seats of honor at the ceremonial table should be located opposite the front door. If this is not possible, places of honor can be placed opposite windows facing the street.

Tables should be covered with a white tablecloth and decorated with flowers. Table setting is the same as at any formal reception (this will be described in more detail below).

Breakfast usually includes one or two cold appetizers, one fish or meat dish, and dessert.

During the reception, guests are offered a??ritiv. Finally, tea or coffee is served. They are offered with cognac and liqueur. The uniform must be casual - a suit or dress. Sometimes the dress code is socially indicated in the invitation.

Lunch called second breakfast. It is held between 12 and 13 hours. Lunch is a reception with seating at a table. Invitations to lunch are made by telephone; on special occasions, invitations are sent to guests.

Lunch is usually held in a restaurant, club or bistro. Colleagues or partners are usually invited to attend. The nature of the lunch depends on the status of the invited persons and the purpose of this reception.

Business partners without spouses are invited to a business lunch held in a restaurant. Invitations must be sent to it; sometimes an invitation by telephone or by prior agreement at a previous meeting is allowed.

The dress code is casual, what people wear to work. This is usually a suit and tie for a man and a business suit or dress for a woman.

Expenses in the restaurant are paid by the inviter. If a woman invites you to a business lunch, she takes on all the functions of the inviter - selects and orders a restaurant, pays bills, tastes wine.

In China, it is customary to invite guests by visiting their home. People often come to visit without warning, and they are allowed to come with one of their friends, who does not necessarily know the owner.

In addition to business lunches, there are also social lunches. They are usually hosted by women. Women are also invited, except when the reception is held on weekends. In this case, men are also invited to lunch.

The hostess can host a small reception at her home. If many guests are invited, lunch is held at a club, hotel or restaurant. The location is selected according to the number of invited guests. They can be placed at one common table or at small individual tables.

When preparing for lunch, the time available to the hostess and the presence of servants in the house are also taken into account.

If men are included in the lunch list, the food served should be consistent with the light lunch menu.

If the luncheon is a sorority-only affair, it doesn't really matter how filling the food served is. In this case, the most important thing is that they are perfectly cooked and tastefully decorated, as at any formal dinner.

Lunch is a meal that is held between breakfast and lunch. Hence the name: the first letters come from the word “breakfast”, the rest from the word “lunch”. This appointment is usually carried out on weekends.

You can invite friends and families, including children. Such a reception is a good opportunity to get to know colleagues better in a free, friendly atmosphere. Lunch is also sometimes held at the dacha, as it is usually held on weekends.

In China, it is customary for a person to bring a gift to the owner when visiting. This is especially necessary if there are elderly people or children in the family.

Brunch corresponds to breakfast or lunch and includes the same set of dishes. This reception serves eggs, bacon, sausage, stew, fish, pancakes, grilled tomatoes, rolls, butter and cheese. Drinks include coffee, tea, juices and soft drinks in large quantities. Wine is sometimes served at brunch.

Reception brunch is quite popular in the USA, South Africa and some others? other countries.

The menu for this reception should be simplified as much as possible, the same applies to organizational issues during its implementation. Thanks to this, the hostess will be able to be with the guests a significant part of the time.

There are no strict requirements for clothing, but it must be taken into account that cosmetics, jewelry and perfume are inappropriate during the morning reception hours.

Dinner: this reception is the most honorable of all table seating receptions. Lunch is usually served between 19 and 21 hours. It lasts about 2.5-3 hours, while guests spend approximately 50-60 minutes at the table, the rest of the time they remain in the living room. Dinner ends when the chief guest leaves.

Lunch is usually held in a high-class restaurant or a beautifully decorated cafe. This reception refers to high-ranking receptions, with named seating at the table and service by waiters.

The dress code for dinner is evening dress only. Men should wear dark suits with a white shirt and a bright tie, and women should wear evening dress.

Dinner refers to receptions with seating at a table. It proceeds in the same way as lunch, differing only in the start time and the fact that soup is not served at the meal. Dinner usually starts at 21:00 or later.

The dress code is usually specified on the invitation: dark suit, tuxedo or tailcoat for men and evening dress for women. When the dress code is agreed upon in advance, the necessary requirements and conditions are written in the lower left corner of the invitation.

When a dress code is specified on the invitation, compliance with this requirement is mandatory. It is understood that the ladies should be in evening dress, although the invitation does not say this.

Conversation at the table

An indisputable rule of etiquette is that people sitting at the table must carry on a conversation. Sitting next to someone and not talking is extremely impolite. There are firm rules of etiquette, according to which it is necessary to talk with both neighbors (even if one of them is unpleasant to you), and you can talk not only with your immediate neighbors, but also with your closest neighbors. However, talking across the table is impolite.
Strangers sitting next to each other usually introduce themselves. For example, taking a card with your last name lying on the table, show it to the person sitting next to you and say: “This is my name.” Then they look at the neighbor’s card. But you can also introduce yourself in the usual way. At the table they have a light, relaxed conversation that does not interfere with the food. For a more lively conversation, use breaks between dishes. Complex problems are not discussed or debated.


Exists general rule, according to which smoking is prohibited in a room where there are non-smokers. In the presence of women, a man asks her permission before lighting a cigarette. A pipe smoker always asks the hostess or owner for special permission, even if others are already smoking cigarettes.
Cigarettes, cigars and cigarettes are offered only from a pack or box. They take them carefully, trying not to touch others. The tip of the cigar is not bitten off, but cut off with special scissors or a knife.
If the one who offers to smoke takes a cigarette himself, he is supposed to turn on the fire.
If the proposer manages to light a match earlier, there is a custom - take it from the proposer’s hands, bring it to his cigarette, and only after that light your own cigarette. It is not customary to let someone light a cigarette from a burning cigarette.

The smoke is released in a direction where it does not disturb those present. If tobacco crumbs get into the mouth, they do not spit them out, but push them out with the tongue onto the lip and remove them with a handkerchief. It is not customary to talk with a cigarette in your mouth. When greeting, the cigarette or pipe is removed from the mouth. The ashes are shaken into the ashtray. Tableware is not used for this. If you need to put the cigarette down for a minute, place it on the edge of the ashtray, and not on the edge of the plate or table. After finishing smoking, put the cigarette out in an ashtray so that it does not smoke. A well-mannered person will never put out a cigarette on any household item: a bench, chair leg, wall, etc.
If you don't have an ashtray, don't be embarrassed to ask for one. >However, be aware that the absence of ashtrays on the table may indicate that the host (hostess) prefers that guests wait until cigarettes are served. During breakfast, lunch or dinner, people usually light up no earlier than when coffee or tea is served. In any case, you can smoke at the table only with the permission of the hostess or owner and those present. You should always remember that some states may have smoking rules that differ from the general rules. For example, in Great Britain, especially at official receptions, smoking is allowed only after a toast to the Queen's health.

Leaving the appointment

When getting up from the table, they do not leave the chair aside, but silently move it towards the table. If women are present at the reception, then men help their neighbors stand up. To do this, the man gets up a little earlier than the woman sitting next to him and, as soon as she rises from the chair, moves it away. When the woman gets up, the man silently puts the chair in place and accompanies her as she leaves the table.
When getting ready to leave the reception, the conversation is not suddenly interrupted, it is brought to its logical conclusion and the interlocutor is told “Goodbye.”
If you leave a group of people, make a slight bow and say “Goodbye” to the one who is currently looking at you.
It is impolite to draw attention to your grooming. With early (unnoticed) departure, they usually choose the moment to say goodbye to the hostess (owner).

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"Tomsk State University" in Yurga


“Types of receptions and rules of behavior at them”

Option 98

Completed by a 3rd year student:


1. Official primos

2. History of official receptions

3. Types of techniques

4. Invitations

5. Open house

6. Reception after the theater

7. Rules of behavior at receptions

1.Official receptions

Official receptions are very important both for the development of business relationships and for establishing friendly ties between managers and subordinates.

The main purpose of such techniques is to establish contacts, as well as exchange opinions and information in an informal setting. In this case, food and drinks are usually secondary. From proper organization A lot depends on the reception.

Good diplomacy will help you gain a lot from these meetings.

Official receptions have their own traditions. Over time, certain types of both business and social receptions were established, and special rules of etiquette were developed that participants in such events must adhere to.

The book describes in detail the etiquette corresponding to each type of official reception, the rules for organizing it, starting with sending out invitations and ending with a return visit.

For those who decide to go out into the world and arrange a meeting at the highest level, it will be very useful to familiarize themselves with the rules of conduct at official receptions. It is very important to follow the established rules of etiquette. Even a minor mistake can disrupt the harmony in relationships, which will lead to business losses. Conversely, a well-spent evening can be the key to future success in business.

2. History of official receptions

The history of official receptions dates back more than one century. In the past, such receptions were held by rulers of states for foreign ambassadors or their subjects. Then the feudal lords began to accommodate them.

As time passed, the traditions of official receptions changed in some ways, but in others, on the contrary, remained unchanged.

Over time, modern traditions have formed that are followed in most countries of the world.

Russia is no exception in this regard. However, not everyone is familiar with these international rules for holding, for example, lunch or brunch, while the need for a reception is becoming greater over the years, because more and more often, as part of their job, they have to communicate with foreign partners, for whom a reception as a way of conducting negotiations is one of the most natural things.

In this regard, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​​​how to organize such an event.

Every person can receive an invitation to an official reception, and he needs to know how to behave in such an event. What clothes will be most suitable for a particular occasion, how late it is acceptable to be, what should and should not be expected from the reception. How to refuse an invitation if for some reason you don’t want to accept it.

Official receptions can be both business and social. Business receptions are usually held on the occasion of the opening of a company's representative office, the presentation of goods, the anniversary of an event, a symposium, a conference, as well as in honor of a delegation from another country visiting the country.

3. Types of techniques

The reception can also be arranged to establish business contacts.

Social receptions are held in honor of a celebrity, family celebration, anniversary, symposium, conference, etc.

People occupying a certain position in society are invited to official receptions. As a rule, heads or members of government, diplomatic representatives of foreign states, scientists, cultural figures, etc. are invited to business receptions.

The main types of official receptions are: breakfast (Lunch), lunch (Dinner), buffet lunch (Buffet Dinner), dinner (Supper), a la buffet, cocktails; small receptions - coffee or tea table. Various combinations of the main types form such as dinner after the theater, picnic, fondue, barbecue, beer table, differing from each other in methods of organization.

Lunch at Ancient Rome, including the ceremonial one, took place no earlier than 2 o’clock in the afternoon and lasted throughout the entire second half of the day. During the feast, they not only ate, but often discussed philosophical issues, held literary debates or read poetry.

Official receptions are divided into daytime and evening. In accordance with the form of service, receptions can be seated at a table or without it.

The most honorable types of receptions are breakfast, lunch and dinner. Each of these receptions, as a rule, consists of two parts. First, the invitees are met and greeted, the guests get to know each other, communicate with each other, and have private and general conversations. Guests are informed of their assigned seats at the banquet table and are offered an aperitif. The word "apéritif" translated from French means "appetite-inducing." Then there is a banquet, usually held at a table with full service.

Most of the rules of etiquette and behavior at official receptions came from diplomatic practice.

Breakfast is a type of reception with seating at a table. It is held between 12 and 15 hours. The breakfast reception lasts about 1-1.5 hours, with about 45-60 minutes spent at the table, and then 15-30 minutes over coffee or tea, which is served at the same table or in the living room.

Tables for breakfast reception should be placed in the shape of the letter “P” or “T”. Places of honor at the ceremonial table should be located opposite the front door. If this is not possible, places of honor can be placed opposite windows facing the street.

Tables should be covered with a white tablecloth and decorated with flowers. Table setting is the same as at any formal reception (this will be described in more detail below).

Breakfast is usually served with one or two cold appetizers, a single fish or meat dish, and dessert.

During the reception, guests are offered an aperitif. Finally, tea or coffee is served. They are offered with cognac and liqueur. The uniform must be casual - a suit or dress. Sometimes the dress code is specifically indicated in the invitation.

Lunch is called second breakfast. It is held between 12 and 1 p.m. Lunch is a reception with seating at a table. Invitations to lunch are made by telephone; on special occasions, invitations are sent to guests.

Lunch is usually held in a restaurant, club or bistro. Colleagues or partners are usually invited to attend. The nature of the lunch depends on the status of the invited persons and the purpose of this reception.

Business partners without spouses are invited to a business lunch held in a restaurant. Invitations must be sent to it; sometimes an invitation by telephone or by prior agreement at a previous meeting is allowed.

The dress code is casual, what people wear to work. This is usually a suit and tie for a man and a business suit or dress for a woman.

Expenses in the restaurant are paid by the inviter. If a woman invites you to a business lunch, she takes on all the functions of the inviter - she chooses and orders a restaurant, pays the bills, tastes the wine.

In China, it is customary to invite guests by visiting their home. People often enter a guest house without warning, but they are allowed to come with one of their friends, who is not necessarily acquainted with the owner.

In addition to business lunches, there are also social lunches. They are usually hosted by women. Women are also invited, except in cases where the appointment is on weekends. In this case, men are also invited to lunch.

The hostess can host a small reception at her home. If many guests are invited, the lunch is held in a club, hotel or restaurant. The place is chosen in accordance with the number of invited guests. They can be placed at one common table or at small individual tables.

When preparing for lunch, the time available to the hostess and the presence of servants in the house are also taken into account.

If men are included in the lunch list, the food served should correspond to the light lunch menu.

If the lunch is held exclusively for sorority, it does not really matter how filling the food served is. In this case, the most important thing is that they are perfectly cooked and tastefully decorated, as at any formal dinner.

Brunch is a meal that is held between breakfast and lunch. Hence the name: the first letters of it are taken from the word “breakfast”, the rest - from the word “lunch”. This appointment is usually carried out on weekends.

You can invite friends and families, including children. This reception is a good opportunity to get to know colleagues better in a free, friendly atmosphere. Brunch is also sometimes held at the dacha, as it is usually held on weekends.

In China, it is customary for a person to bring a gift to the host when visiting. This is especially necessary if there are elderly people or children in the family.

Brunch corresponds to breakfast or lunch and includes the same set of dishes. This reception serves eggs, bacon, sausage, stew, fish, pancakes, grilled tomatoes, rolls, butter and cheese. Drinks include coffee, tea, juices and soft drinks in large quantities. Wine is sometimes served at brunch.

Brunch is quite popular in the USA, South Africa and some other countries.

The menu for this reception should be simplified as much as possible, the same applies to organizational issues during its implementation. Thanks to this, the hostess will be able to be with the guests a significant part of the time.

There are no strict requirements for clothing, but it must be taken into account that cosmetics, jewelry and perfume are inappropriate during the morning hours of reception.

This reception is the most honorable of all table seating receptions. Lunch is usually served between 19 and 21 hours. It lasts about 2.5-3 hours, while guests spend approximately 50-60 minutes at the table, the rest of the time they remain in the living room. Dinner ends when the main guest leaves.

Lunch is usually held in a high-class restaurant or a beautifully decorated cafe. This reception refers to high-ranking receptions, with named seating at the table and service by waiters.

The dress code for dinner is evening dress only. Men should wear dark suits with a white shirt and a bright tie, and women should wear evening dresses.

Dinner refers to receptions with seating at the table. It is the same as lunch, differing only in the start time and the fact that soup is not served during the meal. Dinner usually starts at 21:00 or later.

The dress code is usually indicated on the invitation: a dark suit, tuxedo or tailcoat for men and an evening dress for women. When the dress code is agreed upon in advance, the necessary requirements and conditions are written in the lower left corner of the invitation. For example, it may be written “white tie”, which translates as “white tie” and means “tailcoat”, or “black tie” - “black tie”, that is, “tuxedo”; “evening dress” - “evening clothes”, which also means “tailcoat”.

When a dress code is specified on the invitation, compliance with this requirement is mandatory. It is understood that the ladies should be in evening dress, although the invitation does not say this.

In England, invitations are sometimes written “undress,” which literally translates to “without clothes.” However, this note means that guests should wear casual or informal attire.

4. Invitations

If you plan to invite many guests, they should send invitations on standard cards or on a beautiful postcard. If only a few people are invited to the reception, it is most convenient to invite them by telephone.

If the reception does not include a buffet table, the invitation usually states: “Cocktail from 17.00 to 19.00.” Otherwise, it is written: “Cocktail at 17.00.” If the invitation cards bear the inscription “R.S.V.P.”, after which, as a rule, a telephone number is indicated, this means that the invitation can be answered by telephone. Even if the mark “R.S.V.P.” is absent, prudent guests should inform the host and/or hostess whether they will be able to attend the reception or not.

5. Open house

Such techniques are very popular in the West. They are mainly held on the occasion of New Year, Christmas, housewarming, as well as before or after a wedding. Many guests are invited to such receptions. Especially often, open receptions are held at home in small towns, where many people know each other.

The invitation to the reception is published in the local newspaper, so everyone can attend without a special invitation.

The appointment lasts 4-5 hours. During this time, guests come for 20-30 minutes to pay their respects to the hosts.

6. Reception after the theater

If you plan to visit a theater or concert with friends or work colleagues, you can arrange a small reception after the performance, where it would be convenient to discuss what you saw and just chat.

At such a reception, coffee is usually served, which can be accompanied by cognac or whiskey. Various desserts can be served along with coffee.

It is very popular to make Irish coffee. To prepare it, add 1 teaspoon of sugar to a coffee cup and add a little whiskey. Cups of this mixture are placed in the microwave for 30 seconds, after which freshly brewed strong black coffee is poured into them. Whipped cream is added to the drink and grated chocolate is sprinkled on top.

At a reception after visiting a theater or concert, you can serve not only coffee, but also a full dinner. In this case, the living room should be decorated in an elegant style with appropriate table setting. You can light candles, and if you have a fireplace, light a fire in it. Soft music will be a nice addition. The color of the candles is selected in accordance with the table setting.

To emphasize the formality of the post-theater reception, it is recommended to use white candles.

In the invitation, guests should be notified of the form of reception after the theater - whether it will be a cup of coffee or dinner. It is necessary to take into account that the time will be later, so dinner or coffee should not last long. The menu is compiled accordingly. It is advisable to prepare dishes in advance to spend as little time as possible organizing dinner.

The dishes offered at the reception after the theater should not be very heavy. For example, you can serve smoked fish or pates first, then a main course, such as veal stew with a side dish, and dessert.

7. Rules of behavior at receptions

If a large number of people are invited to a reception, the host and hostess stand at the entrance the entire time, greeting and seeing off the guests. In addition, it is the responsibility of the hostess to introduce newly arrived people to guests with whom they are not familiar. If the hostess is not there, the newly arrived guest must definitely find her, say hello, and only after that begin communicating with other guests.

If the reception is arranged for a limited circle, the hostess and host are more free. They can not only meet and see off guests, but also spend some time talking with them.

At the reception, cocktails are served poured into glasses and served by waiters. Sometimes a bar buffet with alcoholic drinks is available.

The cocktail table differs from other buffet tables (a la fourchette, lunch buffet) in that there are no plates or forks on it, but only wooden or plastic disposable skewers stuck into a variety of appetizers served on large trays. Mini forks are also allowed, with which you can take canapés or fruit from a cocktail.

At the end of the reception, guests are sometimes offered coffee.

When coming to a reception hosted by the company or director of the company in which you work, first of all, you need to find the owner and hostess and say hello to them. And only then make contact with the reception participants.

According to business etiquette You should arrive at your appointment before your supervisor.

The first to leave the reception are the heads of representative offices, companies, etc., and then the rest of the employees leave in order of seniority.

The dress code for such receptions must be indicated in the invitation; if this is not the case, then you have the right to dress according to your taste. It is customary for women to wear a dress of regular length, a dress-suit or a suit.

Jewelry is worn only at evening receptions.

The host of the reception (table) should be an example of politeness, hospitality, courtesy. If the reception is numerous and even involves several smells, the host must choose a time to show attention to all those invited. Guest etiquette begins with accepting the invitation. If the invitation contains a request to respond, it is necessary to inform in advance in writing or by telephone whether the invitation is accepted or not. A positive answer imposes an obligation to definitely participate in the event; only obviously extreme, unforeseen circumstances can exempt you from this obligation, but with the obligatory notification of the host of the reception.