How to breed ostriches business plan. Business plan for opening an ostrich farm. Ostrich Farm: Entrance Fee

Breeding African ostriches is one of the most profitable agricultural businesses. Indeed, despite their exoticism, these birds feel good in our climatic conditions, as they are able to withstand frosts down to -30ºС. It should be added that they very quickly get used to people and do not show aggression.

Advantages of ostrich business

An ostrich business is a profitable one-time investment that can generate constant income for many years. This is explained by the following factors:

  1. The average live weight of a healthy individual is about 160 kg. The lifespan of an ostrich can reach up to 70 years, with females capable of reproducing offspring up to 30 years, and males up to 40 years. In our climate, females lay eggs between March and early October. In the first season, the number of eggs from one bird is 10-30 pieces, in subsequent seasons - 50-80 pieces.
  2. Multi-vector business. One of the directions for the development of ostrich farming may be the breeding of young animals and breeding stock for sale. Another is the production of meat and eggs. The third is receiving additional income from tourism.
  3. Ostrich farming is a waste-free production. The yield of clean meat is about 30% of the total weight of the bird. Ostrich leather is superior in quality to crocodile leather, and its wear resistance is estimated to last for several decades. Eggs are used for food or in incubators. The weight of one egg is 1-2 kg. Various designer lamps and decorations are made from the dense shell. Feathers are also used to make hats, theater and festival costumes.
  4. Ostrich – unpretentious bird, he doesn't need special conditions maintenance and nutrition.

Where to start an ostrich business

  1. Finding a suitable location. To do this, there is no need to build an ostrich farm from scratch. It is enough to find some farm in rural areas, with the remaining cowsheds or pigsties. This is the most expensive part of the business plan, since additional investments will be required for re-equipment.
  2. Purchase of bird families. One parent stock usually includes a male and two to three females. The cost for a family is approximately $4,500. To start a business, it is enough to buy one or two families.
  3. Purchase of equipment. This includes a machine for the production of animal feed and an incubator.
  4. Purchase of compound feed. The ostrich's diet is based on grains and grass. In winter - chopped hay. One adult eats at least 2.5 kg of food mixtures per day.

As you can see, ostrich farming is promising and interesting business. Starting with one family, in the future it is quite possible to grow into a full-fledged farm. You can sell your products in markets, cafe and restaurant owners.

Everyone knows that breeding ostriches is a very profitable business. Tasty meat, lush feathers, strong skin and large eggs are an excellent option for making money, because buyers will not keep you waiting. But what needs to be done to become the owner of a profitable ostrich farm?

Before we understand how to make bird breeding a profitable business, let’s try to figure out why ostriches are attractive in general. These “Africans” are very obedient and calm, which makes their keeping on farms quite comfortable (you will learn more about this in the video).


Early sexual maturity ensures the rapid production of eggs from females, which begin to lay eggs at the age of one and a half years. It is believed that eggs are very healthy, as they contain many useful substances. By the way, very often this product is offered to the holiday table as a special delicacy, so ostriches raised at home are a profitable business.

Sale of chicks and adults

If bird breeding definitely brings visible results, you can sell the chick or adult bird to an exotic lover. In particular, the price for a baby ostrich can reach up to 100-200 dollars, depending on age, and an adult will cost the farmer 1,000 greenbacks. Two-year-old males are the most expensive: their price reaches $1,200 apiece.


The buildings

Experts are convinced that the division into age groups helps improve the productivity of birds and their proper development. So, adult individuals should be placed in separate stalls. For best quality they need at least 10 sq. m of free territory for one individual. You can see what it looks like in the video.

Young animals need additional insulation, so it is important that their “rooms” are light and warm. At least 6 sq. m per person should be allocated for the growing generation, which is kept at home.

Bird walking

Since ostriches are active creatures, they need to be provided with a free range. Bird pen – the best option for purposes such as ostrich breeding. Please note that a pair of birds will need about 0.4 hectares with a plot length of at least 40 m.

Sample business plan

  1. Usually, young animals are purchased, however, at sexually mature age for the purpose of further breeding birds at home. It is believed that for quick start At least 25 families of ostriches are needed. One family consists of one male and two females.
  2. You will definitely need an incubator where the eggs will be stored. Its capacity should be approximately 75 eggs.
  3. Young animals will need a box, so you will also have to buy one.
  4. Land and landscaping will be a separate item. You will definitely need to build pens and stalls, as well as spend money on heating and water supply.
  5. Of course, the business plan for an ostrich farm will also include feeding. It will take about 400 kg of feed per year to fatten one individual.
  6. You will also need to obtain documents that will allow you to engage in this activity.
  7. The employees who will work on your farm are another important component that you cannot do without. At a minimum, you will need at least one zoologist and veterinarian - specialists ready to ensure the health of your birds.

Experts believe that in the first year you will have to spend a lot of money, however, after a while, breeding ostriches will certainly pay for itself, and your “wards” will definitely bring you profit.

As a result, your costs will be approximately $17,000. But in the first year you can earn an income of around 10 thousand dollars. For the second - 20 thousand dollars.

Video “Where to start breeding ostriches”

In this video you will learn how to start breeding ostriches.

Breeding ostriches as a business has many advantages, so many are interested in: how to open an ostrich farm? About all the nuances in this material.

Advantages of opening an ostrich farm

Breeding ostriches as a business has many advantages:

  1. Very high profitability (if a business plan for breeding ostriches is properly implemented, you can get a lot of income).
  2. High demand (poultry meat is a dietary product and has a high protein content, which makes it very popular; droppings, feathers and eggs can be sold separately).
  3. Resistance of animals to climate change (ostriches are very unpretentious and are not afraid of temperature changes, they do not require any special nutrition or care, breeding can be done even in cold regions of the country).
  4. The ostrich breeding business is accessible even to novice entrepreneurs.

Unfortunately, there are obvious shortcomings in this case:

  • a small amount of specialized literature necessary for training;
  • high cost of chickens for breeding;
  • high cost of eggs for incubators;
  • high risk of epidemic among birds;
  • at least 3-4 months until the first profit;
  • the need for a large plot of land for a farm;
  • the need to hire additional staff, including a veterinarian;
  • the need to pass a certification commission in the veterinary service.

In order to assess whether it is profitable or not to start a business, you should take into account all the mentioned nuances.

Useful products

An ostrich breeding farm can produce several types of products at once:

  1. Feathers – each bird produces up to 0.5 kg of feathers, which are used in optics and applied arts. The cost of a kilogram can reach 10 thousand rubles.
  2. Eggs are in special demand this product justified not only by its high nutritional value, but also by its large size. On average, one egg weighs about a kilogram, and scrambled eggs from it can feed up to 8 people. They are also used for making souvenirs. The retail price of an egg can reach 1 thousand rubles.
  3. Meat - as already mentioned, this product is in demand as a dietary product. The price per kilogram of meat is 750 rubles.
  4. Fat - each bird carcass contains up to 8 kg of fat used by cosmetologists.
  5. Leather – used to make shoes. Price – from 7 thousand rubles per 1.5 square meters.

You can also earn a small income by conducting excursions to your farm. You practically won’t have to look for clients.


The greatest benefit can be obtained by selling young ostriches, but in this case there is one global drawback associated with the difficulty of obtaining the necessary permits. In the future, many different checks will follow.

You can do the full breeding cycle - the amount of paperwork is much less. There is another disadvantage - it may take a year to make a profit, since you will have to wait until the ostriches grow to a sufficient mass.

The requirements for animal feed are much weaker than in the case of breeding. You won’t have to deal with daily cleaning of feathers and pay less attention appearance animals. The profit in this case is somewhat lower, but more stable, and it is easier to find buyers.

More detailed business plan ostrich farm is available for free at .


The cost of one month-old ostrich is 10 thousand rubles. To start a business raising ostriches, you will need about 2 males and 15 females, so it will cost about 170 thousand rubles to buy the bird.

The costs of maintaining them are low: you will have to spend about 4 thousand rubles on one bird (in total, just under 70 thousand rubles).

During the year, the female brings up to 60 eggs, which is about 900 eggs from the entire farm. They can be sold for about a million rubles. The sale of eggs alone fully pays for the initial investment in purchase and maintenance. You can earn a good profit starting from the second year of operation.

At the same time, the formation of the main poultry population occurs. The total mass is divided into two parts, the first is sent for slaughter, for meat, and the second is the number of young animals. On average the ratio is 3 to 1.

If you do not sell all the eggs, but leave some for incubation, costs are significantly reduced. Let's consider an example when half is left for incubation. In just a year, the livestock on the farm will reach 450 units. Some are sent for breeding and sale, and some are prepared for meat. It makes sense to slaughter a bird when its weight reaches at least 100 kg, which takes about a year.

From 100 kg of weight, about 50 kg of meat is obtained; it can be sold at a price of 500 rubles per kilogram. Thus, up to 25 thousand rubles in profit are obtained from one bird. Thus, ostrich breeding as a business is very highly profitable, as evidenced by numerous reviews.


Ostriches are one of the most unpretentious birds in terms of diet. However, this does not mean that you can feed them everything that comes to hand. To achieve maximum effectiveness, you should carefully monitor your diet - it should not only be nutritious, but also balanced. Among the main products should be highlighted: fruits and vegetables, hay, potatoes, mineral supplements, crepes and cereals, herbs.

It is important not to forget that the birds will need water: drinking bowls must be placed throughout the territory, and the water in them must be changed periodically.


It will be impossible to manage a large farm alone. You will have to hire workers who will feed the birds, clean the enclosures and slaughter.

In addition, an accountant will be useful for reporting financial side enterprises. In the future, it makes sense to hire your own veterinarian.

On early stages work, if you have the proper skills, one or more roles can be taken on by the farm owner himself.

Documentation and getting started

Where to start working in this area? One of the stages of how to open an ostrich farm is registering a business. Once this is over, you should find land plot sufficient area on which to locate the enterprise. According to experts, about 5 hectares will have to be allocated for a population of 50 ostriches.

Breeding ostriches is also highly profitable because these birds are not afraid of Russian winters, so there is no need to build any special structures, which again affects the amount of investment. It will be enough to find an old farm stable or barn. It is only important to provide heating in the room, since the temperature should be from 15 degrees Celsius. A farm cannot function without water supply and sewerage systems.

Currently, in order to breed ostriches, three main methods of breeding ostriches are actively used. The key difference between them is the rate of growth of individuals:

  • The intensive method involves the use of incubators to raise birds from eggs. This requires a relatively small area. Mandatory care procedures include: cleaning feathers, cleaning the area, disinfecting drinkers and feeders, vaccination and periodic checks by a veterinarian.
  • The extensive method involves placing birds in conditions that are as close to natural as possible. At the same time, the contact of ostriches and service personnel reduced to an absolute minimum. A significantly larger area will be required for use.
  • Hybrid or semi-intensive takes advantage of both methods mentioned above.

For breeding ostriches as a business at home, it is most often used last option. To work, the farmer will need a poultry house. It can be built from any material, but the ceiling height must be at least 3.5 meters.

In this case, the area of ​​the poultry house should be such that for each adult there are at least 10 square meters; for chicks, 1 square meter will be enough. Separate places must be allocated for families.

In the poultry house itself it is recommended to use daylight. A separate room must be provided for quarantine for adults. Key Feature quarantine must be air exchange. It must be organized in such a way that one bird does not make all the others sick.

It remains to note the feeders and drinkers, which can also be made from ordinary old tires. It is forbidden to use metal options - birds can easily be injured by them.

The poultry house must have a grazing pen adjacent to it. The height of the fence is from 2.5 m, since a bird can jump over a fence of lower height. It is advisable to round all corners, as birds are easily injured. The total area of ​​the pen for walking should be very large - at least 1200 square meters per bird. It is best to use fodder grass as cover, which is trimmed periodically.

Meat and eggs from ostrich farms are most in demand in restaurant business. Some can be sold in a cafe or in large networks shops. However, at the initial stage of work it is unlikely that it will be possible to conclude a profitable contract with large buyers.

Instead, some of the products can be sold to friends, and through them to other people. Some work products are also in demand among farmers. Of course, in this case the profit will be much lower, but over time the volumes will increase.

As for the birds and leather themselves, in the first case other breeders will become new clients, and in the second - manufacturers of expensive clothing and shoes.

Over time, when the brand gains popularity, the need for large-scale advertising campaigns will decrease, the main emphasis should be placed on them when opening a farm from scratch. Advertising costs should be taken into account when planning a business.

Business plan

It remains to note such an important stage as drawing up a business plan, which will show exactly how profitable an ostrich farm is as a business. It includes all expenses for starting a business, as well as planned income. Briefly, it can be presented in the form of a table (the amounts are approximate):

Video: breeding ostriches.

Ostrich farming is a promising and profitable view business. While in Europe and the Americas it has been well developed, in our country the needs for meat, fat, eggs and ostrich skin are met by only 1–2%. So novice businessmen have a good chance of organizing profitable enterprise with an unsaturated market.

Advantages of ostrich breeding as a business

If you decide to breed ostriches, you can recoup your initial investment fairly quickly. Such an enterprise has other advantages:

  • The profitability of an ostrich farm with proper organization and detailed calculation of expenses can be up to 150% of the initial investment;
  • estimated payback - just over a year;
  • the ostrich is an unpretentious bird, highly adaptive to our climatic conditions;
  • these birds rarely get sick;
  • the female ostrich does not lose the ability to lay eggs almost 40 years;
  • the entire bird can be sold - skin, claws, fat, feathers and even eyelashes are in demand;
  • the cost of feed and complementary foods is relatively low;
  • to get started, you can construct some of the equipment yourself;
  • the demand for ostrich products is high and stable, especially in big cities;
  • An entrepreneur who has organized an ostrich farm will definitely have regular customers, which simplifies planning and allows you to get maximum benefits;
  • there is an opportunity to organize additional income not only from the sale of meat and eggs, but also from the sale of chickens, souvenirs, medicines and cosmetics, leather, claws, feathers, and agrotourism.

That is, an ostrich farm is highly profitable type a business that will pay off in just over a year.

Disadvantages of ostrich farming

An ostrich farm is an enterprise that requires constant monitoring and attention from a businessman. In addition, this type of activity has other features and even disadvantages:

  • there is a lack of specialized literature;
  • It is difficult to learn ostrich farming - there are still very few practitioners;
  • chickens are relatively expensive - about 8–10 thousand;
  • hatching eggs are also quite expensive - about 3 thousand;
  • Young animals often have to be delivered from other regions, which increases the cost of delivery;
  • there is a risk of bird death or an epidemic;
  • the first profit will appear no earlier than after 3–4 months;
  • the cost of land for installing pens and warm rooms can be quite expensive: ostriches need a lot of space to fully develop;
  • theoretical preparation is required;
  • the farm organizer will have to hire people to care for the birds and equipment;
  • to treat ostriches you need a veterinarian, whose call can be quite expensive, especially if he does not live in close proximity to the farm;
  • must be passed certification commission at the local control veterinary service.

An adult bird can reach a weight of more than 150 kilograms and a height of about 2.5–2.7 meters. The chicks gain full weight and adult plumage by 10 months. It is better to slaughter poultry at the age of 10–14 months - during this period, ostrich meat will be as healthy as possible, rich in protein, fats, but without harmful cholesterol.

Important: the ostrich farm must have permanent employees- the birds get used to them.

Ostriches can be damaged by high humidity, their legs are especially affected, but in principle these birds love to wash themselves. In our conditions, it will be enough to install simple canopies in enclosures and ensure proper drainage of water.

This bird tolerates cold well, so down to –5°C they can be kept in the air and only then transferred to a heated room. The optimal temperature for adult ostriches is +22°C, humidity is about 50%.

Breeding ostriches at home as a business: video with step-by-step instructions

Ostriches are an almost trouble-free and non-risky form of income. An entrepreneur who has the funds for initial investment and necessary knowledge can get a very good income - about 120–150% of the entry. This is an interesting and profitable type of business that is worth getting involved in if you are willing to give it 24/7 attention for at least the first year.

Breeding ostriches at home as a business is a promising activity with high profitability. This video contains the basic rules of ostrich farming for beginning businessmen: