Hospitality Universities. Hotel business abroad, hotel management abroad, restaurant business, culinary arts abroad

Hotel management in Switzerland, restaurant business, culinary arts - today all these specialties are recognized as promising, and the sphere itself is a dynamic and developing sector where it is profitable to invest. For this reason, the demand for hospitality services and good specialists is growing. Quality education in the tourism industry plays almost a key role for development successful career. Russian students or foreigners have the opportunity to receive a prestigious diploma in one of the areas only abroad.

The best hospitality schools in Europe and abroad: list, ranking, cost

Motherland vocational education in the field of tourism, hotel business and restaurant business, Switzerland is recognized. It was in this country that the first educational programs for key specialties of the industry were created. Since the industry does not stand still, the list of in-demand specialties is also expanding, creating a need for new curricula Oh.

In itself, the educational structure in the hospitality and tourism industry is complex. It combines theoretical and practical parts in a balanced way, because the main task such education - by the time of receiving a diploma of education to become a ready-made professional. Therefore, all students receive their first work experience in real conditions in less than six months after the start of training.

Internships in operating companies are a mandatory element for every student of all the specializations presented. Separately, we note that practice in Swiss or European universities takes place not just in hotels or restaurants, but in establishments of leading brands in the tourism and hospitality industry: these are Four Seasons, Hilton, Hyatt, The Ritz-Carlton and other prestigious companies. Such cooperation between business and higher education helps future professionals get a good job after graduation - according to statistics, more than 75% of graduates receive a job offer from their place of internship. Therefore, the main number of students of hospitality colleges and universities quickly go to work and begin to build a career.

This article provides a list of outstanding institutes and schools of the hotel and restaurant business, culinary arts around the world: in the USA, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, France, Germany, where you can both get trained and get a profession or a master's degree in the following areas : hotel business, hotel management, restaurant business, culinary arts, etc.

This article will present educational institutions that teach at English language. The company's specialists have selected educational institutions in various price categories and countries so that you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Hospitality training in Turkey:

  • Antalya: from 4700 euro in year

Schools of hotel and restaurant business in Spain:

  • - MSc in Hospitality Management or Tourism Management (in English) from 6000 euro in year
  • - offers programs in Hospitality Management and Tourism, Management of events in the field of tourism from 7900 euros in year
  • - the most prestigious school of hotel management in Spain. At the bachelor's degree, the cost of programs from 17000 euros in year

Training in hotel management in Germany:

  • Bad Honef (Cologne) and Berlin: - Germany's best employment institute offering programs in Tourism, Hospitality, Event Management - price from 7000 Euro

Training in hotel and restaurant business in France:

  • - Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management - price from 8000 euro in a year

Hospitality institutions in Switzerland with the cost:

  • , Lucerne, Switzerland. From CHF 40,000 per year without accommodation.
  • from CHF 55,000 per year with accommodation
  • . Price from 50,000 francs
  • One of the most prestigious institutes of hotel business and restaurant business - Glion Institute of Higher Education - and in - from 55,000 Swiss francs, and also in - from 20,000 pounds
  • Renowned school of hotel management in , - Les Roches - from 30,000 euros

Very useful articles on higher education in hospitality in Switzerland:

Training in the restaurant business in the USA / America

  • In the USA, we can note a group of universities Johnson and Wales JWU (Johnson & Wales University) in cities such as, and. Annual tuition fee from $25,000 USA.

Studying Hospitality Management in New Zealand

  • School of Hospitality Management, New Plymouth, New Zealand, from NZ$25,000.

Most of the presented educational institutions provide short-term courses and preparatory programs for long-term education. Contact us!

The list of the main specialties in the field of tourism, hospitality and restaurant business, which are most in demand among foreigners and Russian students:

  • Hotel business. Hospitality management is one of the most in-demand jobs in the industry. A good hotel management specialist controls many issues, it is his work that helps to create an impeccable service in the hotel. During the training process, students will learn all about the necessary standards in the hospitality industry, which will help them easily get a prestigious job or start their own business.
  • Restaurant management. European countries are generally recognized leaders in this area, therefore, to obtain the appropriate education, we recommend choosing a university from these countries. Such a specialty opens up many prospects in a professional direction: after training, you can go to work as a restaurant critic or an art director, choose the path of a sommelier or create a concept for a fashionable coffee house - the choice is not limited to the listed options.
  • Tourism management. Tourism itself is a very popular and sought-after area around the world, and therefore this specialty is incredibly promising. In addition, such work is more connected with traveling and traveling than others, which for some may be the ultimate dream. During the training, students will learn how to correctly assess the environment, wherever they are, book cheap air tickets, book hotels and much more. These skills will be useful not only in the professional aspect, but also in the private life of each student.
  • Spa management. One of the most demanded specializations abroad. After all, not a single elite hotel can do without the provision of massage services and other spa treatments. Proper organization of such a paradise in a hotel will require the guidance of a competent specialist who will be able to recruit the right staff, conduct market analysis, manage all the facilities of the center and much more.
  • Event management. This is a relatively young specialty, which, however, has already won a place of honor in the labor market. A professional event manager is able to organize any event, be it a conference, seminar, forum, exhibition, presentation, and so on. An event manager manages all the processes that occur during the preparation, holding of the event itself, and even after its completion.
  • Sports management. The functionality of this specialist is similar to the tasks of the previous specialty with only one difference - the scale of events in sports is much larger. Purposeful people work in this area, leaders by nature, who know what they want and how to get it. Having received a diploma in this specialty, the student will become the owner of a unique set of knowledge - from marketing to the ability to work with sponsors and global brands.
  • Management in the entertainment industry. The sphere of entertainment and show business remains one of the most developed and invariably attracts billions of dollars into circulation. The education of a manager in the entertainment industry will also open up a wide range of professional implementation options for its owner: from creating your own TV projects to implementing an author's entertainment project.

hotel manager- the top step in the career ladder of the hotel staff. He manages all departments of the hotel: services for booking places, receiving and accommodating guests, organizing a telephone and information service, service departments, a restaurant, beauty salons. The manager must provide the guests with comfortable conditions for staying under the roof of the hotel and the desire to return again, the owner of the hotel - a high income, and the employees - the pleasure of working under his supervision. Coordinating all this at the proper level is not so easy. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology, foreign languages ​​and labor and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Hotel manager, hotel director, hotel top manager, hotelier are synonymous with one profession. Good top manager hotel business - piece goods , which determines the quality of management in the hotel at all levels, and, consequently, the image and reputation of the hotel. The hotel manager has some discretion in making decisions, but within the standards set by the hotel owner. He concludes a special agreement with the owner of the hotel, which indicates the degree of his responsibility, official duties, salaries and bonuses. Large chains of well-known and prestigious hotels prefer to see in this high position those who thoroughly know the specifics of the services of this hotel. That is, a hotel administrator or even a receptionist has a real opportunity to become a hotel manager. Hundreds of such examples are known in the history of the hotel business.

The hotel manager determines the hotel's advertising policy, planning economic activity hotels, personnel policy, introduces personal innovations and independently establishes an effective combination of economic and administrative methods of leadership. In large hotel chains, the hotel director works within the strict framework of accepted standards, as, for example, in the National Hotel Corporation, free communication of staff with customers is considered acceptable, in the Mariott hotel chain, a restrained and strict style of work.

The duties of a hotel manager include:

  • organizing and ensuring the effective operation of the hotel;
  • providing customers with information about possible services;
  • control over the quality of customer service in accordance with the class of the hotel, the correct use, accounting and distribution of rooms, as well as compliance with the passport regime;
  • directing the work of the hotel staff and services to ensure the safety and maintenance of premises and property in good condition, uninterrupted operation of equipment, external improvement, compliance with sanitary and fire regulations;
  • cost-effective management of the hotel industry, timely and high-quality provision of a range of services to hotel customers;
  • introduction of progressive forms of service organization;
  • preventive inspection of residential rooms, utility rooms of the hotel, organization of major and current repairs;
  • expansion of the material and technical base of the hotel, increasing its comfort;
  • maintaining and timely reporting on the economic and financial activities of the hotel;
  • investment planning, turnover and cost control;
  • providing the hotel with qualified personnel.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • constant demand in the labor market
  • high prestige and respectability of the profession
  • high level of wages


  • high level of responsibility
  • work in conditions of "no room for error"
  • irregular working hours
  • great psychological stress
  • the need to communicate with a large number of people
  • the inevitability of various kinds of conflicts and discontent of the guests, the need to be at their epicenter

Place of work

Hotels, motels, guest villas and lodges

Important qualities

The hotel manager must be an excellent marketer and innovator, diplomat and psychologist, financier and personnel officer. A person who has not only a specialized diploma, but also a certain life experience, as well as:

  • outstanding organizational skills
  • confidence
  • persuasion
  • persistence
  • qualities of a born leader
  • attention to detail
  • meticulousness, the ability to bring every task to the end
  • talent for dealing with people
  • ability to effectively delegate authority
  • the ability to create a team of the best specialists in their field
  • ability to analyze a large amount of information, make decisions and take responsibility
  • good memory
  • high concentration of attention
  • patience
  • sociability
  • Ability to navigate quickly in complex environments
  • Ability to communicate effectively at any organizational level
  • ability to listen and hear
  • ability to manage conflicts crisis situations in a team, neutralize and resolve conflicts that have arisen
  • the ability to think in terms of the whole hotel.

Hotel manager training

The Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - recruits students to receive a specialty through a remote program of professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and fast way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for paperwork and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

The Interregional Academy of the Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) invites specialists employed in the hospitality industry to attend courses. Professional courses Academies allow you to undergo retraining and advanced training in a comfortable remote format and study a specialty at a convenient time.

On this course, you can get the profession of a hotel director remotely in 1-3 months. Diploma of professional retraining of the standard established by the state. Fully distance learning. largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.

Higher education

For the profession of a hotel manager, a higher education is required. If higher education is non-core, it is necessary to complete special courses for directors who manage the hotel business. Large hotel chains require compulsory specialized higher education in the field of hotel business.

Education hotel business provides more than 30 educational institutions in Moscow, among which the most serious training can be obtained at the following universities:

  • Moscow Academy of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business under the Government of Moscow
  • REA them. Plekhanov
  • Russian New University.

These educational institutions have their own training bars, hotel rooms and canteens. Education, in addition to theoretical disciplines, includes business games and psychological trainings, on which real situations of customer dissatisfaction are played out: “the client is furious”, “the client accuses of theft”, “the client is dissatisfied with the service staff”. Clients are sent abroad for internships - to France, Turkey, Cyprus and Malta, where graduates master Western technologies of running a hotel business, foreign language up to the mark. After that, students quite professionally as economists, lawyers and managers can independently develop a business plan for opening a private hotel.

Courses for directors managing the hotel business can be taken at the MBA-CITY Business Academy. The best world-class educational institution for becoming a hotel manager is the Hotel Institute Montreux in Switzerland - Hotel Institute Montreux, HIM.


Salary as of 04/22/2019

Russia 20000—100000 ₽

Moscow 30000—150000 ₽

The remuneration of the hotel manager depends on the country, the status and star rating of the hotel, belonging to the hotel chain, the number of rooms, and the experience of the director himself. So, for example, the difference in salary between the directors of 3* and 5* hotels can be large, or it can be almost the same if a 3* hotel complex has more rooms than a 5* small hotel due to additional bonuses from the number of potential customers.

In Russia, hotels that are part of the international chains of hotels Radisson, Kempinski, Marriott, Marco Polo, Le Meridien, Sheraton, etc., accept qualified personnel with knowledge of languages, special education and Western style of work as directors.

Career steps and prospects

The hotel manager is the highest rank in a hotel business career. The next step career development may be a hotel chain manager or a co-owner, and then the owner of a hotel chain or a separate hotel.

Hotel guest whims:

A guest of the Greek hotel Honeymoon Petra Villas requested a room in which the rays at sunset would fall into the room at an angle of 45⁰ relative to the right side of the window.

Another unusual behavior was shown by a hotel guest who, in the heat of the day, asked for rain.

One of the guests of the Irish hotel asked the administration to provide him with a very unusual service: to organize a golf game on the local glacier. However, after the man played enough (i.e. passed 3 holes), unusual requests continued: he demanded to be taken back to the hotel in a private helicopter.

The hotel guest forgot his medicine in the room. Only on the plane, remembering him, the man called the administrator and asked to deliver this medicine to him home. Which is what was done.

The man booked all the rooms at the Hacienda Benazuza hotel in Spain. The guest explained this by saying that he wants to organize a party for 10 people. It should be noted that the number of rooms in the hotel is 44, and the cost per night in one room is at least $300.

It is not uncommon for concierges to make purchases for hotel guests. And, as it turns out, there are times when they have to choose and buy a house. So, one of the hotel guests trusted the choice of the concierge that he did not even look at the building before making a purchase.

In one of the London hotels, a man asked to be served in the hotel restaurant by girls with pronounced facial hair. The hotel staff, in order to fulfill a stupid request, pasted mustaches and beards on the waitresses, the maid and the administrator.

One popular singer, staying in a Portuguese hotel, asked that the sheets on her bed have three small holes. For what? The hotel administration still does not know the answer.

One of the guests of an elite hotel constantly ordered a "color menu" for himself. One day he asked the cook to prepare blue dishes for him, then pink, purple, black.

A person who regulates a coffee shop, restaurant, fast food chain, or other food and catering establishment. His work is connected with all aspects of customer service: he must create the atmosphere of the institution, regulate the work of all employees, and monitor the quality of services. The restaurateur is the soul of any establishment, in fact, he is responsible for the impression left on the visitor of the restaurant, if he succeeds, then it brings a good profit.

Personal qualities

A restaurateur can manage both a restaurant and a bar, a pastry shop, a snack bar, and a fast food chain. Moreover, in all cases, he must be impeccably versed in accounting, legal affairs, the quality of food and drinks, service, the design of the establishment - to organize the entire enterprise.

The profession of a restaurateur involves an irregular working day, which will require endurance, and ingenuity will come in handy in difficult and controversial situations that sometimes arise when working with visitors and staff. Purposefulness, ability to languages ​​and organizational activity will help in a career. However, the most important thing is the desire to gain knowledge about all levels of restaurant work.

Where to study for this profession

The profession involves work in the field of nutrition and management, so you can finish both the university and the secondary educational institution with the prospect of admission immediately to the third year of the institute. You can graduate from a university, college, continue your studies as a restaurateur at the university after secondary education, or complete restaurateur courses. Each of these paths has its own specifics. Restaurateur courses can be completed by a person not even with specialized education, most importantly, the desire to develop in the restaurant industry.

Each university has bachelor's programs (4 years of full-time study and 5 years of part-time study), as well as a master's program - 2 years.

Training for a restaurateur at a university:


Faculty: Economics and management of a hotel enterprise

Passing score: 269

  • Russian New University

Faculty: Hotel activity

Entrance exams (USE): social science, Russian language, foreign language

Passing score: 204

  • Russian State Social University

Faculty: Hotel business

Entrance exams (USE): social science, Russian language, foreign language

Passing score: 156

Saint Petersburg

Faculties: "Economics and management of service enterprises", "Trade and restaurant business"

Entrance exams (USE): social science, Russian language, foreign language

Passing score: 256

  • National Association of Hotels and Restaurants "Hospitality Academy"

Faculties: Hospitality, Service

Entrance exams (USE): social science, Russian language, foreign language

Passing score: 210

Pros and cons of the profession

Pros of the profession include: interesting job, space to implement your own ideas, high salary.

Cons: work as a way of life - almost no days off and regular holidays, stressful atmosphere.

Career. Places of employment

A restaurateur may be required in institutions of various types: a restaurant, a pizzeria chain, a coffee shop, a wine restaurant, even a bar and a children's cafe.

Among them may be:

Restaurant "Metropol"

Pizzerias "Papa John's"

Starbucks coffee shop chain

Bar-club "Chinese Pilot Zhao Da"

Related professions

The restaurateur is an extensive profession, but it differs in many ways from those adjacent to it. For example, from the profession of a cook, by the fact that he regulates the quality of dishes and their taste, composes and participates in the creation of the menu with him, and the cook directly embodies this idea. The difference from the administrator is that the restaurateur is more deeply aware of his establishment, has an idea about all aspects of the life of the enterprise, and the administrator only shares part of his management responsibilities.

Since the profession requires a good knowledge of the restaurant business, you should think about practice and work from the first courses of study. There are educational programs that will help bring such a plan to life (correspondence and part-time forms). In practice, restaurateurs become either entrepreneurs or people who have gone through the entire career ladder from a cook to a restaurateur and know their business perfectly.

Tourism and Hospitality Course Program

Hotel business organization

  1. Introduction to the hospitality industry.
    • 1.1. Fundamentals of marketing in the hospitality industry. Definition of the hospitality industry. The main purpose of marketing in the hospitality industry. The concept of "service" and its main specific feature.
    • 1.2. Rules for granting hotel services V Russian Federation. The concept of "hotel". Hotel classification. Number fund. European standard.
    • 1.3. Management structure of a modern hotel. Services, departments, division of the hotel. The relationship between them.
    • 1.4. The emergence and development of the hotel industry. Hotel and tourism business, its place and role in the economy. Its influence on the development of industries. The most unusual hotels in the world.
  2. Booking and accommodation service.
    • 2.1. The role and place of the reservation and accommodation service in the overall management structure of a modern hotel. Service organization. Job Descriptions personnel of this service.
    • 2.2. Technical means ensuring the work of the service (fax, telex, computer, copier, etc.) Office equipment.
    • 2.3. Four cycles in serving guests.
    • 2.4. Reservation (booking). Reservation types. Ways and technology of reservation. Confirmed Reservation. Reservation fee.
    • 2.5. Reception and accommodation of guests (check-in).
    • 2.6. Registration and its procedure. Registration of documents. Features of registration and registration of foreign citizens, citizens of Russia and citizens of the CIS.
    • 2.7. Room rates. Published and corporate prices. Discount systems. Methods of payment (cash, bank transfer, payment by vouchers). Payment documents. Work with credit cards.
    • 2.8. Key economy. The procedure for issuing keys. Ensuring the safety of guests' property. Organization of storage of valuables.
    • 2.9. Guest service during the stay (mini-bars, laundry). Provision of additional and personal services for catering, transport and excursion services.
    • 2.10. Familiarization with the work of the business center, service bureau, health center, hairdresser, room - service, restaurants, bars in the hotel.
    • 2.11. Settlement of guests (preparation and execution of the settlement operation).
    • 2.12. Payment for accommodation, additional services, telephone conversations.
    • 2.13. Charging fees for damage and loss of hotel property by customers. Methods to eliminate the shortfall in income by the hotel. Documentation (invoices, registration books, forms, etc.).
    • 2.14. The work of telephone operators. Communication norms.
    • 2.15. Ensuring the safety of guests. Doorman service and security service. Night audit at the hotel. Non-standard situations, control over them. Behavioral models of people in stressful situations. Organization of medical care for guests.
  3. Administrative - economic (floor) service of a modern hotel.
    • 3.1. Service composition. Service personnel job descriptions. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the maintenance of rooms and public premises.
    • 3.2. Latest trends in the technology of floor-by-floor guest service.
    • 3.3. Different kinds cleaning: current, intermediate, evening, general. Cleaning sequence. Cleaning technology.
    • 3.4. Key economy. Abandoned and lost things. Storage. Return procedure.
    • 3.5. Hospitality items of one-time consumption in branded design, promotional materials, their placement, quality control of cleaning and technical condition numbers.
    • 3.6. Work with linen (storage of clean linen, collection and accounting of used linen, sending it to the laundry, work with personal linen of residents).
    • 3.7. Serving high-ranking guests (VIP-guests).
    • 3.8. Maid's working trolley, equipment, equipment, cleaning mechanisms, inventory, detergents, their characteristics. Consumption rates of household materials, requirements for their rational use.
    • 3.9. Complaints from guests (questionnaire survey cards on the quality of service).
    • 3.10. Occupational safety, safety, fire safety rules in the fire service.
  4. Internal regulations for hotel workers.
    • 4.1. Requirements for hotel workers. Recruitment for the hotel business. Legal basis. Rights and obligations of hotel employees.
    • 4.2. Recommendations regarding the writing of resumes, questionnaires. Practical advice, analysis of the questions most frequently asked at interviews in the personnel department of hotels.
  5. Test (interview).

Tourism business organization

  1. Legal aspects of tourism business
  2. Participants in the tourism process
    • 2.1. Contractual relations with foreign partners (travel agency, hotel, restaurant, tour agency, etc.). procedural questions. Reception of objects.
    • 2.2. Tour operator company. agency network.
    • 2.3. Travel agency as a travel agency - an intermediary. An agreement between them (travel agency agreement). Rights, duties and responsibilities.
    • 2.4. The client is the central figure in the tourism process, the consumer of the tourism product.
  3. Types of travel in international, inbound and domestic tourism
    • 3.1. Tourism is a branch of the national economy.
    • 3.2. Cognitive types of tourism. Education.
    • 3.3. Travel as an active holiday and recreation.
  4. Development and selection of tourist programs
    • 4.1. Tours abroad, Excursion routes, Leisure tours, Combined trips, Bus tours, Cruises (sea, river), Winter tours, Tours for schoolchildren, Business tours: Shopping tours, Educational tours, Individual trips (special programs), Inbound tourism, Peculiarities of receiving and serving foreign tourists in the Russian Federation (Main routes, Business tourism ), Domestic tourism.
  5. Tourist Service Agreement
    • 5.1. A package of documents. Tourist ticket.
    • 5.2. The content of the contract with the client. Voucher.
    • 5.3. Mandatory and additional services.
    • 5.4. Penalties.
  6. Relationship with the client
    • 6.1. Professionalism, moral and psychological aspects of communication.
    • 6.2. Awareness, the right to choose.
    • 6.3. Consideration of claims, comments and complaints. Protection of the rights of the tourist and the interests of the company.
    • 6.4. Medical insurance. Other types of insurance.
  7. Service quality and service safety
    • 7.1. Safety of life, health, environment; safety of property.
    • 7.2. Security of the process of performing tourist services (planned and additional).
    • 7.3. Service quality system. Sociological research.
    • 7.4. Forms and methods of control.
    • 7.5. Control bodies.
  8. Compliance with the laws of the host country, rules and customs
    • 8.1. Legal and moral and ethical aspects. General provisions. Specificity of a particular country. Tourist responsibility.
  9. Hotel service
    • 9.1. Classification of enterprises providing accommodation services.
    • 9.2. Technological scheme for servicing tourists in a hotel.
    • 9.3. Rules for the provision of hotel services (ordered and additional).
    • 9.4. mode and security.
    • 9.5. Responsibility of the parties under the contract (complaints, claims).
  10. Catering
    • 10.1. Technology and catering for tourists. Types of food.
    • 10.2. Requirements for food quality and safety.
    • 10.3. Responsibility of the parties under the contract (complaints, claims).
  11. Transport service for tourists
    • 11.1. Classification of transport trips and Vehicle(air, railway, buses).
    • 11.2. Ticket booking procedure. Charter flights.
    • 11.3. Transfers. Meetings - seeing off tourists.
    • 11.4. Travel safety.
  12. Excursion service
    • 12.1. Types of excursions.
    • 12.2. Technology of preparation and organization of excursions (scheduled and optional).
    • 12.3. Safety rules for excursions.
    • 12.4. The quality of excursions (accounting for clientele, content, intelligibility, etc.).
    • 12.5. The role of the tour guide, group leader. Consideration of claims.
  13. Passport and visa issues
    • 13.1. General foreign passport (OPP).
    • 13.2. The order of registration, important "details".
    • 13.3. Responsibility for the power of attorney of the firm's and the client's ORP.
    • 13.4. The procedure for issuing and obtaining exit visas. Schengen visa. Visa-free or simplified entry into the country.
    • 13.5. customs control upon entry and exit.
    • 13.6. Customs formalities (peculiarities of countries).
    • 13.7. Favorable regimes.
    • 13.8. Carriage of luggage, delivery of goods by "cargo".
    • 13.9. customs restrictions. Sanitary and epidemiological control.
  14. Competitiveness travel company
    • 14.1. Preparation of a tourist product for sale.
    • 14.2. Pricing, calculation of tourist services. Profitability and profit.
    • 14.3. Tourist advertising. Types of advertising, rules for conducting advertising campaign. Advertising requirements.
    • 14.4. Questions of taxation.
  15. The procedure for the formation of a travel company
    • 15.1. Development constituent documents. Company registration. Company charter.
    • 15.2. Licensing of types of activity.
    • 15.3. Tourist product certification.
    • 15.4. Liquidation of travel companies.
  16. Staffing of tourist and excursion services
    • 16.1. Civil law relations. Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation.
    • 16.2. Rights and obligations of employees. Inner order rules. State structure. Job instructions. Qualification requirements. Working conditions and wages. Operating mode.
    • 16.3. Organization of the technological process of the travel agency. Office work.
    • 16.4. Reporting to higher authorities (tax office, other government services).
  17. Features of tourism business management.
  18. Prospects for the development of tourism
    • 18.1. International and domestic tourism in the conditions of market relations. Trends.
  19. Review computer programs used in the practice of travel companies.
    • 19.1. Acquaintance with the program "Mastertravel agent".
    • 19.2. Practical lesson. Booking tours: the procedure for on-line booking on the example of a separate site.
    • 19.3. Practical lesson: tour designer.
    • 19.4. Tourist search engines.
  20. Test (interview).
Ac.h. base price Discount Final cost Pay
88 ac.hours
76 ac. hour.- Auditory lessons
12 ac. hour.- self-study
32230 rub. 19340 rub.

The unprecedented demand for services in the hospitality sector has led to the fact that a qualified and truly skilled tourism specialist is worth its weight in gold in Russia and abroad. In order to receive a higher education international standards, you should carefully study the proposals of European and American universities.

A future tourism manager needs to be trained in an international environment. National composition participants in the study programs of foreign universities just meets this requirement.

Russian universities are not able to compete with Western universities, which have been preparing professional managers in the field of tourism for several decades. Higher education abroad is the quintessence of theory and practice, because every program is based on real experience And latest developments tourism professionals. In addition, traditionally successful and innovative client models are used to build the skills needed in this area.

Undergraduate students of the Hotel Institute Montreux at a lecture (Switzerland)

Tourism Education Abroad: Key Points

Tourism education is complex. In most cases, students work according to the case study method, that is, they are immersed in specific situations that are typical for working in their chosen specialty. Students learn to analyze and easily adapt to changing situations in order to find the most rational and effective ways problem solving. Analysis of "cases" allows you to train your skills and abilities, studying in an unusual, productive and interesting format of classes.

Especially prestigious tourist can be obtained in Switzerland. This country has developed ideal conditions to create and promote a business in the hospitality industry, which means that unique programs are also ready here for an in-depth study of the features and prospects of this industry. Switzerland offers the largest selection of specialties, and their list is constantly expanding in accordance with the requirements of the times.

Practical classes at the Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (Switzerland)

  • preparatory courses for applicants
  • undergraduate
  • magistracy
  • refresher courses

Each of these areas is designed to train modern and success-oriented specialists who are able to bring creative and popular ideas to the tourism business.

Studying in Switzerland is a program that develops time management skills, corporate responsibility, discipline. All this is the key to success in the future.

Work experience as a tourism specialist

Top universities in Switzerland are equipped with special classrooms, for example, by analogy with reception desks. They also work closely with both small and very influential hotels, restaurants, entertainment centers. More than 50% of the study time is devoted to practicing skills in practice, because education in the field of tourism provides for numerous internships both in the country of study and abroad.

MBA course at the Glion Institute of Higher Education - a bright period of life (Switzerland)

Among the universities in Switzerland offering to study tourism and hotel service, Glion Institute of Higher Education, Cesar Ritz Hotel School, Hotel Institute Montreux, Les Roches International School of Hotel Management are especially popular. These are recognized giants of the industry, producing truly qualified personnel who are ready to work anywhere in the world. Education at the Swiss Hotel Management School, School of Hotel Management IHTTI, Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality is also in high demand among foreigners. The competition for their branches is very high.

Prices for education in the field of tourism

Education in Switzerland depends on programs, number of internships and other factors. The cost varies from 35,000 to 70,000CHF (Swiss francs) per year.

A wide range of prices is due to the high status of some universities, studies in which are much more expensive, but will be a huge plus for employment.

If your dream is to study in England or the USA, study tourism and graduate in these countries, then the choice of universities is almost as impressive as in Switzerland. In the US, the influence of Colorado State University, Oregon State University and the University of South Florida is worth noting.

In England, you can achieve mastery in any specialty related to the hospitality industry by graduating from the University of Exeter, Regent's University London, the University of Surrey or London South Bank University.

More and more managers decide to get a second higher education in the field of tourism, as this provides a brilliant opportunity to improve their chances of success in this promising industry.

Hospitality, culinary arts, hotel and restaurant management, as well as sports, entertainment and event management can also be studied as part of additional education, for example, in courses for management. StudyLab recommends tourism education to sociable, positive and purposeful people who dream of finding their calling in working with people.